Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 36: Cowhide plaster (1)


In fact, the response of the taskers was faster than the reasoning boss expected.

At the beginning of the fifth round of nightmare, the dark bedroom group of four, before they knew what was going on, quickly prepared to count.

No matter how anxious they are, the reporting time is fixed, and the shortest time is seven minutes.

At this time, the third child is actually more worried about whether the eight numbers they verified before are correct

Fortunately, as the digit of the number was reported, no man's irritable voice sounded, and no subsequent murderer frenzy harvested their lives, which made the four of them breathe a sigh of relief.

It is really a difficult experience to die in such a dark space. Although it was not the first time they died in a nightmare, each death was impressive.

It looks like everything is going well-if the nightmare doesn't restart within five minutes.

The restart of the nightmare, for these people who are completely in the dark, they can't even feel it at all. From a visual point of view, they were completely unaware of the changes in the nightmare scene; from a perceptual point of view, it was just a slight trance.

Because the four of them were very nervous, they even felt that it was just a wandering.

Although the third child is also aware of the weirdness, he is more anxious about other things...

Then, the bedroom door was opened from the outside.

The dazzling light shone into the room, and the four taskers in the room looked at the others in amazement.

Mu Jiashi said anxiously: "Something happened!"

At the beginning of the fourth round of nightmares, when Mu Jiashi discovered that the man in black had disappeared, he immediately asked the selfish ghost who had come to this nightmare what was going on.

However, selfish ghosts also ask three questions.

Mu Jiashi calmed himself down, and after thinking for a moment, he immediately thought of the collapse of the nightmare.

Yes... This is the fucking nightmare of the fifth round! He didn't expect it!

Mu Jiashi cursed himself secretly in his heart.

And the selfish ghost obviously thought about it, and he said in fear: "Last time, we did not come to the fifth round of the nightmare..."

In other words, he didn't know how things would change when this nightmare came to the fifth round.

On the promenade, the atmosphere fell into a strange embarrassment.

Mu Jiashi had to take responsibility. Ringo doesn't care, the selfish ghosts and the dead ghosts have no masters.

Mu Jiashi took a deep breath and said, "Let's leave. You and me go to the service area." He pulled the selfish ghost, and said to the dead ghost, "You stay here with the boss and pay attention to the movement in the bedroom."

The selfish ghost couldn't help asking: "Shall we not open the room?"

"No." Mu Jiashi said calmly, "The focus now is to understand what has changed in the nightmare, and the most important thing is in the service area. In the bedroom, their counting must continue and the little boy must be brought out, so , Don't bother them."

The selfish ghost has no objection, but the dead ghost can't help but ask: "What if the man in black kills in the bedroom now?"

Mu Jiashi glanced at him, his voice calm: "Then, everything in the service area will be normal."

Looking at him blankly for the dead ghost.

He once again thought, yeah, Mu Jiashi is a person whose team interests are paramount. The life and death of the four people in the dark bedroom? That's not the point.

The point is that they are trapped now.

If the people in black do not know where they are going, then they will not even be able to reach the ordinary ending, and it is very likely that they will be trapped in this nightmare forever.

Therefore, their first priority is to confirm what has changed in the nightmare, and most importantly, where the man in black has gone.

Therefore, Mu Jiashi had to go to the service area. In the last round of nightmares, they were killed by men in black in the service area, so they had to consider whether the men in black were still in the service area.

In any case, starting from the promenade and driving all the way to the service area, it is always the whole nightmare scene-except for the dark bedroom.

They should have been the first to confirm the dark bedroom, but, as Mu Jiashi said, they didn't know what changed in this nightmare.

What if time is too late? If there is enough time for seven minutes, let the foursome in the bedroom bring the little boy out

After the start of the fourth round of nightmare, the tasker in the bedroom must be racing against time and immediately start reporting the count.

On the promenade, they delayed for a while, and now they go to open the bedroom door, in case they interrupt their counting, causing the counting failure... Well, even the nightmare master did not appear, this time Isn’t your nightmare really ruined

Open the door, the probability of nightmare failure is greater.

Without opening the door, there is still some room for recovery from the nightmare.

Although the other end of the scale is the possibility of the death of four taskers, in front of the nightmare clearance, the chips on the opposite side appear to be extremely small and insignificant. Therefore, Mu Jiashi certainly chose not to open it.

The life and death of the four taskers... In Mu Jiashi's cold concept, it doesn't matter.

You can live if you die, can't you

In other words, if the nightmare restarts before he confirms the change of the nightmare, then when the next round of nightmare begins, he will inevitably open the bedroom door without hesitation.

Because the nightmare change has already taken place for one round, he can directly ask his teammates instead of choosing to find clues on his own.

But now, their nightmare, there is still room for recovery—at least they still don’t know what happened—then Mu Jiashi will pursue this possibility unreservedly, and try his best Get more information.

The primary purpose of all his actions now is to ensure that they can leave this nightmare.

Looking at Mu Jiashi for the dead ghost, he shuddered suddenly.

He thought, of course, it was reliable in a sense. After all, all taskers in the nightmare are naturally a group.


Mu Jiashi seemed to regard the lives of the four taskers in the dark bedroom as a pathfinder stone.

Yes, tool man. No, tool life.

At this moment, it was precisely these three words that appeared in the ghost's mind.

In Mu Jiashi's mind, I am afraid that his own value is exactly the same.

If Ding Yi is here at this time, then she might have to sigh, this is the style of the former gold nugget who had a 100% true ending in the nightmare on the bottom of the narrow building.

He has always been like this, because he is used to it. In the nightmare, customs clearance is the top priority. The lives, objects, and limbs of all teammates can be used as a suitable tool.

All the purpose is just to ensure that the boss's requirements are met.

In order to guarantee-the true ending.

In fact, Mu Jiashi hasn't shown this side for a long time.

When he left the gold nuggets organization and became a lone traveler; when he fell from the higher levels of the narrow building and returned to the original place of origin; when he ridiculed himself as a trash and a loser, thinking that he was not worthy of trust...

When he was disappointed, he didn't even want to take the initiative to make suggestions in this nightmare.

However, the sudden collapse of the nightmare seemed to have activated a certain aspect of the frustrated man's character. That kind of cold, strong, firm and determined aura made the selfish ghosts silently shut their mouths and followed Mu Jiashi's footsteps.

Three minutes later, their car stopped at the door of the service area. They had heard horrified screams in the service area, so it was clear at a glance what happened in the nightmare.

The two got out of the car and came to the door, watching the bloody scene at the central flower bed in the service area.

Mu Jiashi said to himself: "Sure enough... Does it make no difference to kill?"

The selfish ghost couldn't help saying: "These NPCs... die if they die, is it okay?"

Mu Jiashi glanced at him and shook his head: "No. To be precise, if death occurs in a nightmare, the nightmare will restart, which means-death in any sense."

The selfish ghost kept sweating and asked quickly: "So, including these NPCs?"

Mu Jiashi nodded.

The selfish ghost wanted to cry without tears: "Damn... what can I do."

Mu Jiashi ignored him, silently calculating the question of time in his heart.

Of course, he was also aware of the question of time raised by the reasoning boss in the live broadcast room at the first time.

How long will the massacre of the men in black here last? When will the first resident of the narrow building be killed

If the time is too short to complete the report in the bedroom, what should I do if I bring the little boy over

Report a count of seven minutes, three minutes on the road, and to be on the safe side, set aside another minute for unexpected situations. So, it will take at least eleven minutes.


Mu Jiashi glanced at the current situation of the central flower bed and the situation of the residents in the narrow buildings. To be honest, it is not optimistic.

It took them three minutes to rush over, and a minute or two was delayed before, which means that at least four minutes have passed. But these four minutes, the eleven minutes he needs, there is still too much time!

"There must be some way," Mu Jiashi murmured, "There must be some way to stop the man in black..."

The main brain will not give out unsolvable nightmares, at least in those nightmares that Mu Jiashi encountered, he has never encountered them, although he said...

His thoughts stagnated for a moment, and the next second, he threw away the bad things and continued thinking.

Among their taskers this time is Ringo. This means that they can find a way to beg the boss to take action and directly subdue the man in black.

Jiashi Mu had seen Ringo make a move before, and there must be no problem with slinging the man in black.

But the question is, will Ringo be willing to make a move

Moreover, it is impossible for other taskers to be lucky enough to collide with Ringo every time, which means that there must be a normal method that can be used in nightmares to solve this situation of chaotic killing of men in black.

But what exactly is it

The selfish ghost hesitated beside him and said, "Would you like to... use item cards?"

He actually took a risk when he said this sentence, because any act of voluntarily mentioning the item card in the nightmare might be mistaken as a card dealer.

Therefore, the selfish ghost immediately added: "I don't have any thoughts about your item cards!"

Mu Jiashi recovered, and said lightly: "I don't have an item card."

"What?!" The selfish ghost looked at him in surprise, "You didn't..."

Mu Jiashi nodded, and he repeated: "I don't have an item card, I don't have one."

The shock on the face of the selfish ghost could not be concealed at all.

no? How could it not

Looking at the ability demonstrated by Mu Jiashi, the selfish ghost can confirm that this is definitely a master and great god. Maybe it was a mishap on a higher floor, so I fell to the bottom of the narrow building.

Even so, how could he not have a prop card on him

Even if you were stolen or touched by card dealers in the nightmare, there should still be some props cards in the house. Is it possible that his house can still be looted


An idea faintly emerged in the selfish ghost's mind.

Unless there is someone who Mu Jiashi trusts the most, who has the permission to enter his house, and then steals all the props cards in his house.

After this idea emerged, the selfish ghost couldn't help but look at Mu Jiashi with a more exaggerated look.

Of course he had already understood what he could think of for the dead ghost. Mu Jiashi is a cruel and utilitarian tasker by nature.

No one in the narrow building deserves all the trust. Could it be that Mu Jiashi, who has such a character, is not clear about it

Of course, there are many other reasons; for example, someone forced Mu Jiashi to surrender his own item cards, for example, Mu Jiashi took the initiative to use the item cards to make some transactions.

But that thought still surfaced in the heart of the selfish ghost.

Perhaps at the moment this thought appeared in his brain, his real thought was—this man who was so cruel and unsympathetic in the nightmare, even if he was betrayed, it seemed not surprising, right

The selfish ghost knew that his personality was terrible, but he couldn't do the same as Mu Jiashi, indifferent to the death of other taskers.

In the face of death, selfish ghosts will still feel in turmoil.

But Mu Jiashi seems to be different. He seems to be used to death in a nightmare.

Thinking about it, the selfish ghost couldn't help but sneered. He said to himself: "Then I don't need a prop card..."

Whether or not prop cards are used is often a dilemma in nightmares.

The vast majority of taskers, in the first few rounds of the nightmare, and before they fall into desperation, will not use the prop card, unless he is very rich, or he has absolute certainty that this round of nightmare can be cleared.

Otherwise, wasting an opportunity to try the item card is a very painful thing for the tasker.

And because of the rampant card dealers, they are all used to hiding their prop cards as much as possible in their nightmares.

Therefore, even if the selfish ghost brings a prop card that can change the current situation, he does not intend to use it. It's not necessary—and he doesn't want to.

And Mu Jiashi fell into contemplation once again.

The selfish ghost reminded him of the item card. If they had the right item card, they could indeed prevent the massacre of the man in black without the help of Ringo.

But... But the main brain will not give such a problem-solving idea.

In many cases, the use of item cards is a means of cheating, rather than a normal way to pass the nightmare.

Of course, if this item card is related to this nightmare, it can be called an important or critical item and clue. But if it is an item card that has nothing to do with this nightmare and is obtained from other channels, then it must be called a side-by-side approach.

Therefore, in the nightmare, there must be a normal means of clearance, and there is no need to use item cards that have nothing to do with the nightmare.

Of course, it cannot be said that the use of item cards will make you look ugly.

The bigger problem is that in the current situation, it is impossible for the tasker to take the initiative to reveal what item card he is carrying.

This is the opposite of Mu Jiashi's time when he was organizing the Nuggets. After entering the nightmare, he knew exactly what item cards his teammates had. From this, he could integrate the information and have the right to decide when to use the item cards to avoid waste.

But in an unfamiliar team, this situation is absolutely impossible.

That being the case, people like Mu Jiashi are accustomed not to consider the existence of item cards.

He put aside the idea of props cards and continued to think about normal puzzle solving methods.

Until the time of five minutes came and the nightmare restarted, Mu Jiashi couldn't figure out what way there would be.

The sixth nightmare begins.

This time, the audience in the live broadcast room also began to discuss how this nightmare is going to go on.

It seemed that the nightmare collapsed unexpectedly, making the situation worse in an instant. The great situation that the taskers played in the fourth round of nightmares seemed to have been ruined by the collapse of the nightmare.

The audience sighed one after another: "A black-hearted plan to kill people and dogs!"

"Feel the malice of game planning."

"To be honest, I can't think of how to solve this situation."

"It's very simple, can't Little Apple beat the man in black?"

"But Ringo is a bug-level existence. In this nightmare, it's impossible for other taskers to have the strength of Ringo?"

"In other words, there must be a normal customs clearance method."

"... I can't figure it out. Why not beg Ringo to take action."

"Whether Apple is willing or not is also a question..."

"Aren't we here in Beibei?"

Xu Beijin, who was suddenly cueed to the name, showed a dazed expression.

Like Mu Jiashi, he was thinking about how to solve the current situation of the nightmare, but there was nothing he could do.

No... To be precise, he felt that after entering the nightmare, there seemed to be a faint thread behind the series of things that happened. Just like pearl necklaces, they now have scattered pearls, but they haven't found the thread that connects the pearls into exquisite jewelry.

what is it then…

Xu Bei showed his thoughts all over his face, staring deeply at the footage in the live broadcast room.

After the nightmare restarted, just like the audience in the live broadcast room, when they couldn't figure out how to solve this situation, Mu Jiashi did not hesitate to ask Ringo to take action.

Ringo refused without hesitation.

Mu Jiashi took a deep breath. After his brain turned around quickly, he said quickly: "Big brother, I met you and Xu Beijin in the bookstore before. They are the bookstore owner. I guess you might More interested in his affairs.

"I have dealt with Xu Bei. I can use what I know at the time to make a deal with you. When we rush to the service area later, I will tell you on the road, do you think this works?"

He used a very cautious tone, and he didn't think there was any problem with such a humble posture.

Ringo is actually the uncrowned king of the narrow tower, because all taskers will need to rely on Ringo's strength at a certain moment.

And even though they sometimes scold Ringo behind his back as a mad dog, this mad dog does not kill people. At most, he will run away and subdue everyone in the nightmare...

It sounds a bit embarrassing, but to achieve a special ending, isn't it also a way to leave the nightmare

In Mu Jiashi's opinion, it is not an exaggeration for Ringo to be called their savior at this time.

Of course, the trading conditions he proposed were also because he realized Ringo's interest in the bookstore owner.

When he went to find Ringo before, Ringo was sitting in front of the bookstore; later, Ringo pushed a cart of drinks out of the supermarket. The keyword beverage immediately touched some clues in Mu Jiashi's brain.

He certainly remembered that the reason why Xu Beijin gave him a nightmare clue at the time was precisely because he was depressed and gave the drink he had obtained to Xu Beijin.

Therefore, Ringo's behavior also seems to have a certain directionality.

Ringo was very interested in Xu Bei—this thin impression gave Mu Jiashi at this moment a certain degree of confidence in the transaction.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while, Ringo agreed to make a shot once in a while.

In the live broadcast room, the audience roared with laughter.

"Hahahaha, Beibei really is the huge weakness of Little Apple!"

"This is Ringo's second shot because of Beibei! Uuuuu is really beautiful love (no."

"Interview with Bei: Are you touched by such a bug-level boss who bends so much for you?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

No... I dare not move.

Xu Beijin even felt a little embarrassed.

He thought that in the last nightmare, Sister Mawei used Mu Jiashi's information about Xu Beijin to make a deal with Ringo and let Ringo take the shot.

But this time, Mu Jiashi personally took advantage of what he knew about Xu Beijin, hoping to let Ringo take the shot.

Not to mention, Ding Yi used drinks before, so I asked Ringo to help, although Ding Yi didn't know that this incident was essentially about Xu Beijin.

These three times, Ringo agreed one by one.

This really makes Xu Beijin feel embarrassed.

He always felt that because of him, Ringo had almost become a thug for these taskers in the nightmare...

"I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me."

Although Xu Bei didn't want to kill Ringo, his embarrassment at the moment was exactly the same.

From another perspective, the current Ringo can be said to be exploited because of Xu Beijin. Although helping the taskers can't be said to be a major event, but... Ringo had previously acquiesced that they were friends.

Xu Bei didn't want his friends to be sent by others because of his relationship.

Although Ringo was willing, Xu Beijin was unwilling.

What's more, it's only three times now, and it doesn't seem serious.

However, if more taskers know about it later, they can use Xu Bei to do the related things and make deals with Ringo; if these profit-seeking taskers don’t really know like Mu Jiashi, but just use this gimmick to trick Ringo, In a vain attempt to empty the glove white wolf...

That's a big deal.

Xu Bei made up his mind secretly, and wanted to discuss this matter clearly in the subsequent meeting with Ringo.

But... he turned to think embarrassingly, Ringo agreed to these deals essentially to fight Xu Beijin. He wanted to know more about Xu Beijin, so that he could know how to successfully get Xu Beijin to agree to a fight with him.

So, if Xu Bei hopes that he will not become Ringo’s weakness...

Then, didn't Ringo want to transfer this problem to him, and want Xu Bei to take the initiative to say how to make him fight with Ringo the answer to this question

Isn't that a sheep's mouth

For a time, Xu Bei was in a dilemma.

After a while, he finally made a decision, intending to make it clear to Ringo.

No matter what, you can't go against the principle of being a human being.

Xu Bei took a long breath and stroked his nose with some annoyance.

Although he was determined, Xu Beijin still felt a little bit about how he faced Ringo, how to explain the twists and turns, and described his mentality clearly, and at the same time trying to make Ringo give up his attempt to fight him. Headache.

He sighed and thought to himself, it was obvious that Ringo was also a tasker... Why did he think about fights all day long

Why can't you be struggling to cope with the ever-changing nightmare like the other taskers shown in the live room screen

At this time, after Ringo agreed to take the shot, Mu Jiashi also non-stop, pushed open the door of the dark bedroom, slightly anxious but still said concisely: "Something happened!"

Faced with four pairs of startled eyes, Mu Jiashi quickly explained everything, including the breakdown of the nightmare, the murder of the man in black in the service area, the five-minute deadline, and their current plans.

He asked the four taskers in the room to continue reporting, and after the boy came out of the closet, he took the boy to the service area.

The third child took a deep breath. He didn't expect this round... No, such a terrible change happened in the last nightmare.

They have actually come to the nightmare of the sixth round.

The youngest nodded seriously, and said, "I understand."

In the dark bedroom, the cyan-haired woman raised her eyes and said calmly, "We will do it."

Her eyes collided with Mu Jiashi, and then both of them moved away without exception.

However, Mu Jia knew well that the "billionaire" already knew that in the last round of nightmares, he chose to abandon the four taskers in the dark bedroom and went straight to the service area.

This was indeed something that Mu Jiashi did, and he had no intention of concealing it.

Moreover, as Ding Yi, she can certainly figure this out. The status and position are interchanged, and Mu Jiashi believes that Ding Yi will also make this choice.

Compared with this, Mu Jiashi is more curious at this moment, why Ding Yi has always been so introverted and clumsy.

Shouldn't a commodity businessman with hundreds of millions of fortunes become more arrogant and domineering after he comes to the nightmare? Moreover, with Ding Yi's financial resources, can't she hire a gold nugget organization

Why do you want to try to clear the nightmare by yourself

… Or, among the other taskers present, there are those hired by Ding Yi

The doubt and curiosity in Mu Jiashi's heart flashed away, and then he hurriedly went to the service area with Ringo, the selfish ghost, and the dead ghost.

They divided into two cars, one for him and Ringo, one for the selfish and one for the dead.

On the way, Ringo reminded Mu Jiashi: "What you said before."

At this time, Mu Jiashi was thinking about all kinds of information about this nightmare. He was unavoidable when Lin Ye reminded him, and then he remembered what to say.

"Sorry, sorry." Mu Jiashi quickly apologized, "About that bookstore owner, I have contacted him. He never sleeps and likes to drink drinks..."

Ringo said dissatisfiedly: "I know all this."

The implication is that the information that Mu Jiashi said is of no use to him.

Mu Jiashi didn't think that this basic information would satisfy Ringo, but he had to disclose this information one by one, lest Ringo thought he had something to hide.

However, Ringo simply didn't bother to pay attention to these twists and turns.

So Mu Jiashi said: "Big brother, I just pave the way. I will tell you one thing that no one knows except me."

In the live broadcast room, not only the audience, but even Xu Beijin could not help being curious about what Mu Jiashi was about to say. He remembered his contact with Mu Jiashi clearly.

What does he have that other than Mu Jiashi would not know

Mu Jiashi said: "At the time I wanted to enter Xu Beijin’s nightmare, but found that he never sleeps. I wanted to find another breakthrough, so I wanted to give it a try and asked about the narrow building that was living next to the bookstore at the time. resident.

"It was her, who told me that this bookstore owner would drink a lot of drinks. At the same time, she also told me one other thing."

Speaking of this, Mu Jiashi paused habitually before saying: "She said, this bookstore owner has lived there for a long time, and has never left the ground floor of the narrow building."

Ringo was startled, and asked suspiciously, "What's the use of this?"

Not only did he have this doubt, the audience also found it strange in the live broadcast room.

"Beibei likes to stay at home and stay at home. Is there any special place?"

"The player... No, it should be said that it is not normal for the NPC in the game to stay in one place all the time?"

"Or, what is special about the so-called'narrow building ground floor'?"

At this time, Xu Beijin was actually a little surprised.

He always thought that Mu Jiashi gave him the drink by mistake, but he didn't expect that there would be another contact behind this.


The neighbor mentioned by Mu Jiashi here does not refer to Wu Shen, but a neighbor before him.

The residents of the narrow buildings come and go, and in the eyes of the taskers, it is this group of lunatics who always have no fixed place.

Some taskers have spotted a certain resident, inquired about the news from various sources, and were about to find out in his nightmare, only to find that the resident had disappeared inexplicably.

That is actually because the actor successfully pushed the actor to solve his nightmare secretly, go to a higher floor, and play other roles.

In this case, Xu Beijin’s next-door neighbor, of course, was never the only person Wu Shen, and he was not necessarily the owner of the doll shop. After Wu Shen went to a higher floor, Xu Beijin was quite curious whether he would move a new actor or even a tasker next door.

Although the door-to-door thing between the tasker and the actor is rare in the narrow building, it is not uncommon. It is just a matter of luck.

Mu Jiashi had been in contact with Xu Beijin's neighbors, and Xu Bei was quite surprised.

He carefully recalled that during the time when Mu Jiashi appeared, his neighbor next door... After a while, a face appeared in his mind.

Is a woman. The actor is quite familiar, and because of this, she understands Xu Bei's taste for beverages.

Of course, no matter how familiar it is, that's it. Xu Beijin never even went to her nightmare to play, after a while, the actor went to a higher floor.

Unexpectedly, she told Mu Jiashi some information.

Xu Bei couldn't help being a little surprised.

It's not that I was angry that the actor revealed his information. You should know that the dialogue between the actor and the tasker, especially if it involves nightmares, even if it is the nightmare of another actor, is under the control of the mastermind.

In other words, this is a plot kill, inevitable. It wasn't even that the actor wanted to disclose subjectively, but after Mu Jiashi found her, the mastermind asked her to tell Mu Jiashi's information.

So Xu Beijin didn't care about the conversation he never knew.

He just felt that after such a long time, he was able to unwittingly understand some of the things that happened at the beginning, which really satisfies his curiosity to pry into the truth.

In fact, Xu Bei stayed in the narrow building for so long, which really consumed a lot of emotions. He was in a daze and read a book in the bookstore in the narrow building every day, and the day passed peacefully. Without the need to act, his life is like a stagnant pool, calm.

But the arrival of the live broadcast system changed his life and broke his peaceful state of life, and even let him inadvertently peek into some hidden secrets behind the scenes.

This is really a very exciting thing.

He wasn't very interested in the tasker—it was also the case. The situation faced by the tasker and the actor was very different, and the taskers had never discovered the identity of the residents of the narrow building.

In this case, Xu Bei had no interest in the nightmare, and even the taskers in the entire narrow building.

However, the pictures in the live broadcast room took the initiative to send everything into his eyes and ears. No matter how much people feel like stopping water, they can't help but feel strange because of this information.

Mu Jiashi didn't know that the victim of this incident was actually watching him silently through an invisible live camera.

He explained: “The residents on the ground floor of the narrow building are very mobile. At least as far as I know, this is the only resident who has revealed the message that he has never left the ground floor.”

Mu Jiashi's words are actually quite self-effacing. In fact, he knew all the residents at the bottom of the narrow building from his previous position in the gold nuggets organization.

At least here, it says "at least" that was the case at the time.

He hasn't returned to the bottom for a long time, and he doesn't understand the changes and current situation here, so he is more cautious in his wording, but there is no problem with this sentence.

He asked Xu Beijin’s neighbors about Xu Beijin’s nightmare, and finally obtained two pieces of information. One is that Xu Beijin never sleeps and likes to drink to refresh himself, and the other is that he has never left the ground floor of a narrow building.

Ringo wasn't a real fool either. He asked, "You mean, his nightmare is related to his staying at the bottom of the narrow building?"

Mu Jiashi nodded confidently: "I think so."

Xu Beijin, who heard these words through the live broadcast room, hesitated to speak, and finally remained silent.

In the live broadcast room, the reasoning boss quickly knocked out the barrage: "North! My North! You must not spoiler, I want to reason out by myself what nightmare the game has set for you!"

What nightmare does the game set for him

Xu Bei's eyes were deep, lowered his eyes, and glanced at his hand. He is shaking.

He clenched his fists slowly and hard, his nails sinking into the flesh of his palms, causing a little pain. In this game, even the pain is extremely real. He seemed to want to suppress this tremor with pain.

He thought of it calmly, not for the first time—you wouldn't want to know.

Xu Beijin had thought of this countless times when the taskers came in one after another, and reported a million points of curiosity about his nightmare.

To be honest, that wave of enthusiasm has passed for a long time, and Xu Beijin has not had this idea again for a long time.

But now, he seemed to have returned to that moment again.

He couldn't say it himself. At this moment, he thought of something. Thoughts seemed to fall into an empty, bottomless and icy abyss, entangled and frozen.

However, in the next second, a word came into his ear.

Ringo said: