Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 41: Become a star


"What what? What does Beibei understand?"

"I seem to be a fool. From then on the fluidity of time I feel that I am a little confused..."

"Brain cells that aren't wealthy are even worse."

"... I won't squeeze my hair when I wash my hair today? No, no?!"

Xu Bei regained his senses, looking at the bleak barrage in the live broadcast room-the reasoning boss did not appear, it is worth mentioning-had to be a little helpless.

He sighed and said, "I'll help you sort it out again. By the way, I understand what I have learned."

"Okay, Chong Beibei Chong!"

The audience immediately became elated.

I don’t understand, why can’t I just use their little brains

Xu Bei smiled, pondered for a moment, first retelled the background story of this nightmare in order, and reviewed the previous nightmare experiences of the tasker.

Then he began to explain: "This nightmare is actually like an obstacle race, divided into two tracks. The boy's route is one, and the black man's route is another.

"The rule of the race is that you can't grab the lane, you can't start the race, and every runner has his own corresponding obstacles.

"The starting point of the little boy is always that dark bedroom, and even if the nightmare breaks down-the rules of the race have changed, the starting point of the little boy has not changed. This is the nightmare of the little boy, and he initiated it. Race, so he abides by the rules of the race.

"And the starting point of the man in black is the promenade, or killing his wife, is a prerequisite for him to participate in this race. Therefore, his starting point is to start fleeing, slightly ahead of the boy's starting line.

"Their end points are the same, but the early running process does not interfere with each other, because they are on different tracks and only in the latter part of the race can they merge.

"However, the intervention of the tasker, that is, the action of the tasker taking the little boy out of the dark bedroom, is equivalent to pushing the little boy onto the track of the man in black, and stopping the little boy in black. On the human race track, he blocked his step over obstacles.

"Then what about the man in black? The man in black still has to keep running.

"So, the man in black can only go to grab the boy's track. But every track and obstacles on the track correspond to their respective players, and all obstacles are completely crossed from beginning to end to reach the end. It is considered to be the completion of the race. This is the rule of the race.

"Therefore, if the man in black grabs the road, in order to completely overcome all the obstacles, he can only run again from the beginning-that is, to return to the starting point where he killed his wife and then fled, and start again.

"Every time the nightmare restarts, the long-distance running will start again. The breakdown of the nightmare symbolizes the breakdown of the long-distance running rules.

"The little boy robbed the way because of the intervention of the task force, but this time, the man in black ran away. He ran faster than the little boy. So even if the boy robbed the way, the man in black still ran behind the little boy. Ahead, and, some obstacles were overcome earlier.

"The tasker is an uncertain factor in this race. Their behavior may also break the rules of the race. In terms of behavior, the tasker will open the door of the dark bedroom.

"This kind of behavior is equivalent to connecting the two tracks together, but then the track must be separated, that is, the door is closed.

"The first situation is that the tasker is left in the room. That is the situation in the fourth round, which is similar to the normal situation.

"When the little boy left the bedroom, the act of grabbing the road happened, so the black-clothed person would suddenly disappear and start the road chase in the fourth round. His goal is actually to get to the next obstacle first.

"The second situation is that there is no one in the room in the second round of nightmares.

"At this time, the little boy and the man in black were blocked on the same starting line. They first had to grab the right to start. Therefore, at this time, the door could not be opened and the corridor could not go out. The entire track was blocked. Closed.

"But the man in black only needs to kill the little boy's mother, then he can break out and start his own long-distance race, just like what happened in the second round.

"... This is the experience of these taskers all the time, can you understand it?"

Xu Bei gave his analogy slowly and methodically.

In the live broadcast room, the audience suddenly realized.

What is the route of the little boy, the route of the man in black, the flow of time, the route of the nightmare master... It is a series of changes caused by the tasker leading the little boy to grab the road!

"Suddenly I feel that the people in black are conscientious and conscientious in running obstacles."

"And I have to cross every obstacle once. I don't know how many times I crossed it. It's really miserable."

"He is so dedicated. So don't let him go."

"I understand the pattern of this nightmare! So Beibei, what did you understand just now?"

Xu Beijin glanced at the live broadcast room. At this time, the four taskers in the service area were waiting for the four-person group in the bedroom to bring the little boy over.

Therefore, Xu Beijin began to switch the angle of view in the live broadcast room, switching every scene once. The audience went from being at a loss to being even more at a loss, completely ignorant of what Xu Beijin was doing.

The reasoning boss finally appeared, and prompted: "The man in black is gone."

"Yes! The man in black is gone!"

"Because the nightmare has developed to the arrest of the man in black, he is gone?"

"Wait, isn't this nightmare completely collapsed? Didn't the man in black rush away, but flashed directly to the end at the beginning?"

"Yes, this nightmare is gone..."

Xu Beijin said: "In fact, this is a problem I just wanted to understand. The arrest of the man in black should be based on reality. In other words, the little boy's father has already accepted the punishment of the law.

"However, the little boy is still trapped in the nightmare of his mother's death. This experience keeps flashing back, reappearing, and recurring in his sleep...

"The man in black is always a phantom, a symbol, a symbol of his crazy father in the boy's nightmare. Although his father has been tried, the boy cannot forget that nightmare.

"So, about the ending of this nightmare..."

"Oh! I seem to understand."

"Yes, the little boy trapped himself in a nightmare?"

"His father has already been tried outside of the nightmare, and may even have been sentenced to death. Alas, although he doesn't have a backache while standing and talking, the little boy needs to get out of his childhood nightmare."

"... I see. It's so miserable. I keep repeating the scene of counting in the dark bedroom. If the tasker does not come, it is very likely that I will continue to listen to my mother's screams."

"But... Alas. I really hope he can come out and not indulge in sorrow and pain. His mother will also hope that everything is well for the child."

Xu Beijin murmured: "Yes... He has trapped himself in a childhood nightmare forever. Now, he needs to help him out."

When Xu Beijin came to understand, Mu Jiashi, the selfish ghost, and the youngest, Ding Yi and others who arrived in the service area afterwards also understood.

After all, when time advances to the seventh round of nightmares, when the entire nightmare background story has been clearly displayed in front of them, this group of experienced taskers can naturally react instantly.

Even the boss touched his head and muttered: "The murderer has been sentenced. Why is this little kid still in the dream cycle of his mother's death? Looking for abuse?"

Although such words sound unreasonable, the only people in this group of minds are those who have played the real ending, cleared the nightmare, and went to higher floors. They really didn't have much sigh for the little boy's mentality.

Yes, but not many.

They are all trapped in the narrow building, and shuttled back and forth in the nightmares of others day after day. For an NPC, they really can't give more sympathy and compassion.

And even Xu Beijin, who knew that the little boy was a actor, was actually just lamenting the script of the actor.


It is useless to find truth in a place like the narrow building.

Although, Xu Bei couldn't help but wonder-if there really is such a little boy? Just like the last nightmare, what if there was such a Xiaochun

Childhood, children, nightmares, killings.

Xu Bei sincerely hopes that all this is really just a game, a script, and a performance.

He sat quietly behind the counter, gazing deeply at the live broadcast, and he didn't know where he was going. It wasn't until the task person seemed to act that he finally recovered.

He couldn't help frowning and sighed in his heart, feeling that people wouldn't be able to sleep without sleeping. Even if he is in the game, theoretically, he doesn't need sleep anymore, but not falling asleep for a long time still makes his mental state not very good.

But he dared not sleep.

He yawned and smiled wryly. He thought, the only monster in the narrow building that can't sleep, and his purpose is only to prevent others from entering his nightmare.

This sounds even more monster.

He has no idea how many years he has persisted. After entering the narrow building, until now. Human beings also don't know how many years they have been trapped in the narrow building.

Sleepy... To be honest, he's pretty sleepy now.

He may have not enjoyed the warm bed, the lazy bed and the pleasant dreams for a long, long time. Although the last one, no one can enjoy it in a narrow building.

Xu Beijin was at a loss for another moment. When he recovered, the little boy was already crying in the live broadcast.

At the moment of his trance, the impatient boss had already spoken first: "Your dad has been sentenced to death, do you know?"

The rest of the taskers were too late to stop, so they could only watch the little boy's reaction after hearing this sentence.

And the little boy... lived up to expectations and cried.

The youngest sighed wearily. He said: "This round of nightmares... is likely to be our last chance."

This is the seventh round of nightmare.

Who knows how long this nightmare will last

For a moment, the youngest thought, a total of eight numbers were reported before. Maybe, this nightmare will only last for eight rounds. And if it's over... Who knows if it's an eternal collapse, or a simple bad ending

Mujiashi nodded slowly: "Yes. Because the arrest of the man in black is equivalent to completing his route. There is no danger in this round of nightmare, but the next round... No one knows, the nightmare will become What it looks like."

This nightmare has crumbled very badly, but in general, the biggest danger comes from the fifth and sixth rounds. If they can't get all the information and let the black men kill for five minutes, then they are the most. Powerless.

Although the selfish ghost said that nightmares are illogical, Mu Jiashi’s analysis and the youngest third’s many in-brain analyses may be useless, but the analysis of the nightmare pattern itself can help them know what the nightmare might turn into. Look like, so as to maintain clear thinking in the constant cycle of nightmares.

However, no one expected that they would fall into such a predicament that even Ringo was powerless, although the big man was still on the side, and the old god was out of the picture.

But the man in black is gone. They don't even have a chance to reach an ordinary ending.

The little boy obviously resisted the fact that his father had been arrested or even died. He kept crying, crying out of breath, as if he could not accept this fact at all.

… Yes, the father is on trial. But, can this bring back his dead mother? Can you bring it back to his family

Obviously not.

The taskers thought helplessly, can they just let the nightmare continue to collapse

At this time, Ding Yi, who had remained silent and barely even said a few words in the nightmare, suddenly said: "So, we are now. We need to make the little boy understand that he should get out of his nightmare?"

Mu Jiashi and the youngest nodded at the same time.

Ding Yi also nodded.

Under everyone's gaze, she squatted in front of the little boy, gently touched the little boy's head, made him choke, and stopped crying. At this time, Ding Yi's body was full of a kind of calming and trustworthy power.

In the eyes of the little boy at this time, this cyan-haired woman was like his dead mother.

Looking at this scene, Mu Jiashi couldn't help but feel a little doubtful.

Speaking of it, from the beginning, the little boy seemed to trust Ding Yi more. He was only willing to talk to Ding Yi, only hiding behind Ding Yi. Although it is because of Ding Yi’s gender bonus, it seems to be too exaggerated, right

Isn’t there any women in the nightmare taskers, and the little boy, the owner of the nightmare, wouldn’t talk to them


In Mu Jiashi's thinking, Ding Yi already spoke in a gentle tone: "Do you like mom?"

The little boy stared at her blankly, then nodded vigorously, and stammered: "Mom... Mom will make me good food and buy me things I like. Mom loves me the most, so... So Xiaohe also loves his mother."

"Your name is Xiaohe." Ding Yi said, "Is Xiaohe... having a nightmare related to his mother?"

Xiaohe curled his mouth and seemed to be crying again. But he held it back, he nodded slightly, and said softly: "Mom... gone."

For a child his age, he has been able to realize the terrible power of death ignorantly. He witnessed the death of his mother with his own eyes.

Ding Yi said: "Mom does not want Xiaohe to have nightmares. Mom hopes that she will always look the best and most beautiful in Xiaohe's dream."

Xiaohe blinked blankly. He said in a daze, "But... I can't forget." He was silent for a while, and then said, "12748635. I always remember."

Ding Yi couldn't help being silent. For a moment, she didn't even know how to comfort the little boy in front of her.

That string of numbers. The countdown to his mother's life.

Ding Yi sighed in her heart. She hugged Xiaohe, and then said softly: "Mom just became a star. Does Xiaohe like stars?"

Xiaohe's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly: "I like it! Mom said, I just want to see the stars when I go out."

Ding Yi said: "Mom has turned into a star and will always illuminate you. If you want your mother, just look up and look at the sky. You will see the star turned into by your mother."

"Stars..." Xiaohe read, and he said again, "I want to become stars too."

Ding Yi was startled: "What?"

Xiaohe said, "I want to become a star. I want to light up my mother." He said, "The bedroom is so dark."

Ding Yi stared at him.

She thought, in reality, outside of the nightmare, the little boy who didn't know Dai without a mouth, has he turned into a star

She sighed in her heart, but smiled on her face. She said softly: "You will, Xiaohe."

Finally, the little boy no longer looked timid, he also plucked up the courage and smiled at Ding Yi.

The rest of the taskers also finally smiled.

Although they didn't quite understand why Ding Yi could persuade the little boy in a few words, but in short, the result was good, so they didn't think much about it.

Mu Jiashi watched all this and finally understood.

Ding Yi’s cyan hair, her introverted personality is not like a businessman, and her unique affinity...

A trick card.

The transformation card or the fusion card can indeed change the appearance of the tasker, but this change will not last long. However, Ding Yi, a commodity merchant, had already had such unique cyan hair when her fame spread.

The special appearance for such a long time can only be caused by a trick card.

After using the trick card, you can perform a trick to confuse others. The success rate of the trick depends on the judgment of the charm value of oneself and the other party. Generally speaking, if it is more than doubled, it is inevitable to judge success.

However, since the charm value on the personal panel can only be seen by oneself, it is impossible to see the exact number even if the panel card is used, so this kind of judgment process is really very face-sensitive.

Of course, the tasker can also choose to collect charm cards to temporarily or permanently increase their charm value. In this way, the judgment success rate of lies and trick cards can be increased.

But in any case, the item cards of the Charisma series, including lie cards, trick cards, and charm cards, are a type of item card that non-chief questers hate.

And if Jiashi Mu could see the trick card on Ding Yi’s personal panel, he would probably sigh even more, why even an escape game like "Escape from the Sky" has to test a person's European spirit

"Brand name: unconditional trust

"Pattern: (faceless woman with cyan hair)

"Interpretation: You will have cyan hair. Anyone who looks at you will believe what you say. After the crazy woman dyed her hair cyan, she chose to kill her lover when she was defenseless. Up him.

"Number of uses: When you are not actively attacking others, the number of uses of this card will be'effective at any time, with constant effect'. Once you attack others, this card will be invalidated immediately."

Finally, when the little boy burst into laughter and nodded vigorously, as if he had promised to live well in the future, the neutral voice of the main brain NE rang coldly in the ears of the taskers.

"Congratulations on achieving the true ending of the nightmare. Please choose whether to go to a higher floor: yes/no."

With the sound of this sound, the nightmare turned into a disintegrating gray mist, and the figures of the tasker and the actor disappeared into the endless mist one by one.

Some people go to higher floors, while others stick to the bottom of the narrow building.

Before that, Dai Wu stood at the flower bed in the center of the service area and took a close look at the leaving figure of the little boy.

He said: "Congratulations. I achieved my wish."

The little boy smiled triumphantly at him, and then disappeared completely.

Before this nightmare began, the actor of the little boy heard that Ringo was looking for a drink, and then thought that there was a supermarket in his nightmare, so he made an attempt.

Although the taskers hit and hit the true ending by mistake, in fact, by the seventh round of nightmares, even the little boy himself was downcast, because the man in black had disappeared, and the true ending he wanted was also It can't be achieved.

The true ending he wanted was that Ringo beat the man in black violently, and directly broke up the man in black—this man in black was not a "person" in the true sense. Although he is also played by the actor, he is a phantom, a mask.

As long as Ringo, a powerful tycoon with a strong force, can disperse the man in black (that's not death). This is equivalent to helping the owner of the little boy's nightmare to get rid of the demons.

Although the method is relatively crude, but in the eyes of the little boy, this can achieve the true ending. The big deal is that he relies on his acting skills to lead these silly taskers, and hide under the eyelids of the master's brain.

Therefore, before the little boy entered the service area and saw the man in black being stepped on by Ringo, he subconsciously called out—the taskers thought he was fear, but in fact he was a surprise.

It's a pity, it's a pity that Ringo was still too close at the time, otherwise they would have reached a true ending at that time.

Fortunately, the rest of the taskers are also pretty good. No, facing the changes in the fifth and sixth rounds, they mainly rely on holding Ringo's thighs, and there is no normal way to clear the nightmare.

The normal way is that when the door is opened in the dark bedroom, the frozen time in the bedroom starts to move, which is equivalent to the route of the little boy connected to the route of the man in black.

In the previous rounds, the route of the man in black was still the escape route after his mother died. The police had not found the boy hiding in the closet, so the closet door was still locked.

But by the fifth and sixth rounds, outside the bedroom was the time when the police issued the wanted warrant, apparently after the police found the little boy.

Therefore, at this time, the wardrobe door that could not be opened can be opened, and there is no need to report the number at all.

Taskers can take the little boy directly to the service area, and five minutes is more than enough. Then, the tasker can take advantage of the feature that the little boy appears in the service area and the man in black will disappear to solve this deadlock perfectly.

However, this group of taskers knows to hold the thigh.

Although the little boy can only go to higher floors by holding his thighs... but he doesn't care! He just wanted to show a triumphant smile at Dai Wu, in order to tell the other party that he was going to a higher floor!

Dai Wu snorted softly and said to himself: "The higher floors..."

Afterwards, a brisk smile opened at the corner of his mouth.

What about the higher floors

In the narrow building, everyone is a prisoner in prison.

Xu Beijin opened his eyes, and his empty bookstore was still in front of him.

The live broadcast room was quite lively, and the audience was still discussing the nightmare that just ended. They sighed, what a coincidence, and what a wise task force is needed to achieve the true ending.

For many ordinary taskers, whether they can subdue the crazy man in black is already a big question.


The difficulty is how to survive the fifth and sixth rounds, successfully enter the seventh round of nightmare, and learn that the murderer has been arrested and put in jail. Then, the taskers just want to make the gears that were working normally go wrong.

They want to make the gear of the little boy who is immersed in the tragedy of his mother's death and always stuck at this point in time, against the gear at the point in time when the murderer has been sentenced to death or even died.

Tell him that everything has passed. Come out.

This so-called nightmare is really a childhood nightmare that the little boy never walked out of. And the man who caused such a nightmare, the man who killed his mother like a mad beast, was already dead.

Xu Bei was in a daze for a moment, and then bid farewell to the audience in the live broadcast room, ending the long live broadcast.

The sky was getting brighter outside the window. It was another ordinary day.

Xu Bei hesitated between the three choices of going out for a walk, staying in a daze, and taking a book to read.

Suddenly, there were two bangs at the door.

Although it is impossible for the guests outside to enter the house through such a weird door, the people in the house can still hear the knock on the door.

Xu Beijin raised his head subconsciously, and when he realized who was knocking on the door, he was shocked.

… As soon as the nightmare came out, Ringo ran over quickly? !