Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 42: Can't see the back


Ringo kept saying that Xu Beijin is special in his world.

For Xu Beijin, Ringo's existence is of course special. Not only because Ringo wanted to fight him, his extraordinary passion and perseverance, but more importantly, he was not interested in his nightmares.

It is precisely because he is not interested that Xu Beijin really feels relieved.

He is actually very troubled by the interest of the task forces in his nightmare. He didn't want others to enter his nightmare, but he also knew that this behavior was unreasonable.

After sternly rejected the vast majority of taskers a long time ago, and exposed that he was a monster that couldn't sleep, Xu Bei had a birthday for a while.

However, with the advent of the live broadcast system, Ringo’s attention to him, and a meeting between Mujiashi and him... all kinds of events made Xu Bei keenly aware of, as if there was some uneasy undercurrent, right here. Flowing in the ruined narrow building.

Likewise, his peaceful life seems to be gone forever.

Xu Beijin felt uneasy, and of course he was a little bit ready to move. Any human who lives in a narrow building, whether it is a tasker or a actor, who doesn't want to leave the narrow building

The live broadcast system—Xu Beijin once again lamented, it is really an excellent tool. Not only did it show him the way, it also gave him hope, and the latter was a taste he hadn't tasted in years.

… Although, he still had to deal with this headache visitor.

After the nightmare was over, Ringo ran up excitedly, and didn't even go to the location where Ding Yi told him the drink was stored. The distance between his home and Xu Beijin's house is at most one hundred meters in a straight line.

Ringo took the drinks she had collected, and spent at most half a minute along the way thinking about how to communicate with Xu Beijin. He didn't realize that he was now full of expectations, joy, and anxiety, which to some extent was exactly the same as the mood in another scene.

Anyway, as soon as Xu Bei opened the door, Ringo raised the drink in his hand, but what he said was not a confession, but an incomprehensible style—

"Fight me."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He sighed heavily.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Xu Beijin surrendered a position and let Ringo in.

It was too early, and no one should have noticed Ringo's arrival. Moreover, Ringo walked along the most direct path instead of the more crowded original road, which relieved Xu Bei.

The only thing you might notice...

Xu Beijin glanced unconsciously at the door and window on the opposite side. Although the door is a portal, in fact, people inside the house can still see the scene in the narrow building outside through the window.

But Xu Beijin didn't know if there were any new residents in the house opposite. These are all very random things. Only the main brain NE can clearly know the residents in each room and the future residents.

Xu Beijin closed the door. He just glanced at it casually, not knowing that there really were a pair of eyes—a woman's eyes, looking at the outside world in such a panic and horror.

She didn't deliberately monitor the movements of her neighbors, but the script required her to do so, especially with Ringo, the tasker. However, the tasker did not notice the clues deliberately left by the residents of the narrow building. Instead, she saw the interaction between Ringo and Xu Beijin.

This made a thoughtful flash in the woman's eyes.

But then she sighed sadly.

Her nightmare is not like that of the little boy. It is possible to achieve a true ending with violence. Even if he wanted to use Ringo's strength value, it seemed useless.

The woman thought boredly, but just watched a gossip.

This neighbor of her was really taken seriously by the taskers by accident. When she was still on the ground floor of the narrow building, during the most lively period of time, there were hundreds of taskers who surrounded her neighbor day and night.

There were even taskers who came to ask her about her neighbor.

However, she went to a higher floor later, and she didn't know how to develop it later.

And now that she came back, she saw the neighbor who had a tasker coming to her again.

But... What does it matter to her

She just went from a higher floor to the bottom of the narrow building. Back, in this nightmare that had tortured her for a long time.

She turned her head, her back pressed tightly against the wall. Her gaze fell on the house where she lived, and then she slowly revealed a real fear.

Xu Beijin didn't expect Ringo to come so quickly, he was somewhat caught off guard.

And... it was another real ending; Ringo who didn't go to a higher floor again.

Xu Beijin was only surprised for a moment. He thought, yes, Ringo said he was not interested in nightmares, so why did he go to a higher floor

Maybe it was Ringo who chose not to go to a higher floor

Xu Bei thought so, but he was too embarrassed to ask bluntly. Maybe he and Ringo will become more familiar in the future, and he will ask, but it is still difficult to speak.

He greeted Ringo in the door, a little embarrassed, put the drink brought by the guest. Being separated from the world of the past longer and longer, he almost forgot the means of hospitality.

However, Xu Bei managed to dig out some fragments from his memory, which made him prepare some good drinks for Ringo, took out the cup he had collected, poured one cup into the cup, and put it on the small table.

Give Ringo a cup and give yourself a cup.

When he sat down, Xu Bei thought about it, it is rare to see such a scene in the narrow building.

In fact, if Ringo hadn't been full of fights, this guy would be nice to get along with. He was very frank, saying what he thought of. He brought over a dozen bottles of drinks, soft drinks, cans, glass bottles, and everything.

"This was collected before." Ringo said, "There may be something you don't like, but if you have collected it anyway, just take it. I knew what you like to drink in the nightmare, so I will pick one and give it to you in the future. "

Xu Beijin held the cup, hesitated for a moment, and some did not know what to reply.

He should have exposed, does he remember what happened in the nightmare

He waited for a moment, and didn't wait for the mastermind's prohibition, so he said kindly: "Thank you." He paused again, "However, it doesn't need to... or give me everything."

Ringo asked strangely, "But you like it."

"I like it. But..." Xu Bei pondered for a moment, "It's not something I like, you must give it to me."

Ringo looked a little at a loss. He frowned and said, "But..."

Xu Bei said gently: "This way you will be used by others, such as helping others in nightmares. I don't want others to take advantage of you because of our friendship."

Ringo looked at him for a moment, and probably finally understood what he meant: "I don't care. Other people are in my eyes..." He thought for a while, "It's like weeds on the roadside. I don't care whether it is life or death. Only you are special. I am willing to do something for you."

Xu Bei was silent for a moment, and he suddenly felt that others said Ringo was a mad dog and a fool, and it might not be unreasonable. His worldview seems very problematic.

Xu Bei sighed, and he said: "You said before that you are not interested in nightmares. I am a little curious, what does the narrow building mean to you?"

Ringo looked at him, seeming to hesitate and hesitate. After being silent for a moment, the harmless-looking young man slowly said, "I don't know."


"I don't know." Ringo said honestly, "I just... just live here."

Xu Bei looked at him all the time.

Ringo showed a somewhat distressed expression: "They all have a past. I have heard those taskers say that they used to be on Earth, and that they want to go back to that moment. But... I didn't. I didn't have the past."

Xu Bei was taken aback, and he quickly asked, "What do you mean? Are you saying that you have no memory of the earth?"

Ringo nodded. He said: "When I opened my eyes, I was in the narrow building."

Xu Bei looked at him blankly.

The encounter of Ringo gave Xu Bei some bad guesses.

His buggy strength value, his simple and persistent brain circuit, and his blank past... all these made Xu Beijin have all kinds of conjectures.

Perhaps the taskers secretly speculated about Ringo's IQ problem because he actually didn't remember anything? Sometimes he is dull, sometimes alert, sometimes ignorant of interpersonal communication, all because he is actually like a blank sheet of paper

But... why

Why is there such a tasker as Ringo

What is his past like? Why does he have such a superb force value

Xu Beijin was holding the cup and lost his mind for a long time.

When he recovered, he saw Ringo had stood up and walked aside. Probably I was bored, so Ringo went to read the books in the bookstore.

"Sorry, I'm distracted."

Xu Beijin put down the cup and quickly walked to Ringo to apologize to him.

Ringo said indifferently, "It's okay."

He was still looking down at those books. In fact, even Xu Beijin has only read some of these endless books. Ringo seemed to be interested in one of them, so he pointed to the book and asked, "Can I borrow the book?"

Xu Beijin glanced at the book and nodded, "Of course."

The books in his bookstore... In fact, most of them are miscellaneous books. Novels, or essays, or diaries of unknown people. When Xu Beijin felt bored, he just took out a copy and read it.

The one selected by Ringo seemed to be a horror novel. There is a pen and paper with blood written on the cover. This bookshelf is full of books that Xu Beijin has ever read. They are not important, so Lino can read it whenever he wants.

Ringo pulled out the novel and thanked him politely.

Xu Bei hesitated for a while, and then asked him: "Your memory problem... Have you ever told someone else?"

"No." Ringo was still looking at the cover of the horror novel over and over, and after hearing Xu Beijin's question, he answered casually, "You are special, so I told you. I know, in the narrow building, It is necessary to be vigilant."

A complex emotion arose in Xu Beijin's heart.

First, he was surprised that Ringo still had this kind of thought; second, Ringo actually told him this privacy matter, which made him flattered; third, it sounded even stranger.

Ringo lost his memory, but he was not like a baby, a blank sheet of paper. He knows what the narrow building is, the task force, the nightmare, the prop card, the unspoken rules that belong to the narrow building, and the ways to behave in the world.

For example, he even knows that if you give Xu Bei a drink, he might be able to make Xu Bei feel soft and fight with him.

This is the characteristic of socialization.

In other words, even though Ringo had lost the memory of the past, he might even have heard about what the earth was from the other taskers, but he still possessed the character and experience that was nurtured by human society.

This made Xu Bei deeply disturbed.

What caused Ringo's amnesia

What was his past like for this young man standing beside him

Obviously this was Ringo's problem, but at this moment, Xu Beijin was far more anxious than Ringo. He glanced at Ringo secretly, thinking to himself, the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch.

… He didn't mean to say that he was a eunuch. This is a metaphor.

Ringo borrowed a book, and seemed satisfied. He saw the cups on the small table. Under the dim light of the bookstore, the pottery cups looked delicate and unique.

Ringo said thoughtfully, "Do you like to collect cups?"

Xu Beijin was a little dazed, and he hesitated to answer: "Alright... OK?" He smiled bitterly, "Life in a narrow building is really boring."

Sometimes, he took out different cups from the cabinet, poured different drinks, turned on a small night light, and sat on a slightly old sofa to read... At that time, the dust in the air fluctuated in the light.

He was half asleep and half awake, feeling in a trance as if he had returned to the earth.

However, in the next second he will wake up and realize that he may never return to Earth.

This always makes him feel a deep pain.

Therefore, even though he collects drinks, cups, and other household items, and decorates his bookstore when he comes up, he often feels a long-lasting feeling because of this behavior itself. Dense suffering.

Xu Bei sighed, and he decided to make it clear to Ringo: "Lingo, I hope you don’t just agree to other people’s requests just because you want to fight with me, because you want to collect drinks and cups, or other things. , Okay? This is not fair to you."

This will not only make Xu Beijin feel embarrassed and embarrassed, but it will also put Ringo into too much trouble.

Ringo felt a little strange, because in his opinion, equivalent exchange was a very normal thing. But now that Xu Beijin had said so, Ringo didn't want to defy his ideas, so he said kindly, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

He thought in his heart, if he understands, then he doesn't need to be asked by others, he can just take the initiative.

Well, there is nothing wrong with logic at all.

Xu Beijin still didn't know his opinion, so Lino had misunderstood what he was like. He just breathed a sigh of relief because of Ringo's quick promise.

He took the initiative to ask: "Do you want to eat? I have collected some small snacks."

Ringo gave him a weird look, as if saying: What weird things do you collect all day long

The residents in the narrow buildings, and those taskers, who would really take the life in the narrow buildings as life

But it seems that Xu Beijin is such a person.

Ringo thought for a while, then nodded decisively and agreed. He suddenly felt that since learning that Xu Bei likes to drink drinks, he was slowly getting closer to Xu Beijin's life, and then found that Xu Beijin did not seem to be what he originally imagined.

He meant... He felt that Xu Beijin was very special and might be able to beat him, so he referred Xu Beijin's life to his own life. However, Xu Beijin seemed completely different from him.

Ringo looked at the pile of snacks Xu Beijin brought out with some curiosity.

There are many cabinets in Xu Beijin's bookstore. Although the cabinets without doors are full of books, they seem to be very serious, but the cabinets with doors are all messy things Xu Beijin has collected.

If Ringo went to the second floor and went to Xu Beijin's more private room, he would be amazed that Xu Beijin had collected so many things in the narrow building for so many years.

Whether it is drinks, snacks, cups, tableware, etc., everything is available. Although many things were just placed there, they were also dazzling.

It was not until he saw the surprise in Ringo's eyes that Xu Beijin finally realized that his image might have collapsed.

In the narrow building, no one has ever been so close to his daily life. Those who want to enter his nightmare missions are naturally not counted. I'm afraid that only a simple person like Ringo can make Xu Bei reluctantly let go of his guard.

He smiled somewhat embarrassedly, then pushed his favorite snack to Ringo, and opened two more cans of favorite drinks. He said, "Try it."

So, on this day, Ringo fell in love with Xu Beijin's things for pastime almost instantly.

Books, drinks, snacks.

Before he left, he asked: "I don't know what the world outside of the narrow building is like. However, I have never experienced the things you gave me in the narrow building. Is this something from the outside world?"

Xu Bei was stunned.

He might be a little uneasy when he saw the doubt in Ringo's eyes—or Xu Bei tried his best to make up for it.

He was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes."

Ringo nodded thoughtfully, then said goodbye to Xu Bei and left.

He came over this time and failed to fight Xu Beijin. However, there seems to be another windfall.

Xu Bei watched him leave. This day was the first time that he was not alone in a narrow building. Although in the nightmare, there are audiences in the live broadcast room to accompany, but the online companionship is different from the real companionship.

He couldn't help but think of another tasker who said he was going to visit him. Jiashi Mu... However, since the last nightmare came to a true ending, Jiashi Mu should have gone to a higher floor, right

Thinking about this, Xu Beijin inevitably smiled, not because of happiness, but because of some more complicated thoughts and a wry smile.

He thought that even if Mu Jiashi came to visit him, it would probably be because he was interested in his nightmares.

This kind of thought made Xu Bei feel somewhat disappointed.

At this time, he once again lamented Ringo's simplicity and purity. He likes to get along with and talk to people like Ringo, so simple that he can see clearly at a glance.

Xu Beijin always feels very tired and puts his brain to sleep most of the time, so he likes to deal with people like Ringo.

… He didn't mean to despise Ringo. Ringo's keen intuition was also something he couldn't achieve.

Xu Beijin stood silently at the door for a while, his mind full of thoughts.

After a while, he returned to the bookstore, cleaned up the mess, and put back the things that should be put back. After a long time, the bookstore was restored to its original state, and Xu Bei sat there quietly.

Suddenly, he regretted a little.

Maybe he should keep the items in a slightly messy appearance for a while. In this way, it is possible to keep the residual temperature of such friends after their visits for a longer period of time.

But the hindsight at this time is meaningless.

He sighed and sat alone until late at night.

Immediately, another trance invaded his brain. He couldn't help but was slightly startled, thinking to himself, he was about to go to work again in just one day's time? It didn’t seem to be so fast in the past...

However, the mastermind's arrangement was something he couldn't resist. Therefore, he calmly closed his eyes and plunged his consciousness into deeper darkness.

When Xu Beijin opened his eyes again, it was also night in the nightmare.

He looked around and found that he was still the owner of a bookstore. However, he also still didn't have the slightest information about this nightmare. It seems that he is still an idle group performer in this nightmare.

Outside the bookstore, is a bustling commercial area, feasting and feasting. But these have nothing to do with his dilapidated antique bookstore.

Xu Beijin coughed because of the dust in the bookstore. He was surprised and helplessly thinking that this antique bookstore was even messier than his bookstore in the narrow building.

The books that are randomly placed on the shelves are like genuine antiques—not that they are really worth a lot of money, but the dust covered on them, as if they had just been dug out from the graves of some ancient people.

The only light source in the bookstore was a light bulb above his head. The dim light was not bright, and it was not as bright as the outside light.

Xu Bei opened the window, finally let the dust disperse a little, and then opened the live broadcast room.

The audience did not come in the first time, and Xu Beijin was also used to it. He looked at the options on the right, and wanted to see which scene to switch to to see the situation.

… Then Xu Beijin was shocked.

On the list on the right side of the live room, under the option of "switch screen source", there is a list that can't fit on the entire screen.

Xu Bei took a closer look and found that these scenes in the list were also divided into a list of children and mothers, such as the first to eleventh floors of Loko Apartment. If you click on one of the floors, you will find that each floor is different. The room numbers range from 101 to 1111, a total of 121 rooms.

This does not count the corridors, stairwells, first-floor halls, elevators, security rooms, power distribution rooms, underground parking lots, road greening and other apartment supporting facilities on each floor, not to mention the outside of the apartment, which is the Xu Beijin Located in this large commercial area.

This nightmare scene looks very huge.

Xu Bei’s first nightmare broadcast live, the main scene is only a doll shop and a bookstore; the second nightmare is slightly bigger, but not much bigger than the first nightmare.

But this nightmare, there are more than 100 rooms in the apartment alone, and there are dozens of shops in the commercial district.

There are probably a huge number of actors just needed.

However, Xu Bei took a close look at the number of taskers and found that there were actually only seven.

…And Ringo again.

Xu Beijin was shocked.

Why did Ringo run into a nightmare again? Isn’t it said that he might not have a nightmare once in ten and a half months? Could it be that he came to collect some drinks again

Xu Beijin looked faintly at the bustling business district outside the bookstore, as if invisibly confirmed his guess.

…He has a headache.

However, the names of the other six questers were not familiar, at least they were not in contact with the first two nightmares.

Also, the two previous nightmares have both come to a true ending. The quest person, except for the weird guy Ringo, should have gone to a higher floor.

Xu Beijin randomly clicked on one of the rooms where the tasker was there, intending to see what the nightmare was this time.

He glanced at the room number. 807.

In the picture, the interior of a brightly-lit and high-end apartment is presented in front of him. A female tasker was standing in the middle of the living room, as if she had just woke up, staring at her surroundings blankly.

Having lived in a dark and dilapidated narrow building for a long time, the sudden appearance of such high-end apartments on the earth in the past made this mission stunned. She couldn't believe that such a scene would happen again in the nightmare...

She means, nightmare!

Such a room with warm yellow lights looks warm and well-decorated, and it is also equipped with various smart furniture. What nightmare will a high-value apartment look at

A nightmare for loans

The female tasker frowned, thinking that something was a little weird.

She subconsciously touched her waist, and in the inner pocket of her clothes, she placed the two prop cards she brought when she entered the nightmare this time. Those are the two most powerful prop cards she has collected over the years.

For this nightmare, she took it without hesitation.

But... the weird scene in the nightmare makes these two prop cards somewhat useless.

At this moment, a sudden horror climbed onto her back, shocking her instantly, and immediately turned and looked behind her.

There is nothing behind her. But the feeling was still like bone gangrene, as if it had penetrated into her bones, bringing waves of chills.

She trembled and turned around, but found nothing. The warm yellow lights of the high-end apartments, coupled with a few ambient lights, make the room bright as if it were daytime.

Everything was as usual, only she felt the fear.

She can't see her back.

However, it seemed that someone's eyes were looking at her back.