Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 45: Past


When the tasker squatted on the toilet, Xu Bei thoughtfully shifted the perspective of the live broadcast room.

The audience didn't care about the movement of the tasker. On the contrary, they were discussing the magical flushing of the toilet just now and whether there was a ghost in the nightmare.

Because the reasoning chief was not there, their discussion seemed to be a hammer and a hammer, and there was no logic, and they would talk wherever they thought. In the end, the four audience members were discouraged.

Xu Bei talked with them as much as he wanted, and did not participate. He switched to different perspectives, wanting to observe the movements of other taskers.

The audience is again instructing this newcomer anchor on how to use this live broadcast system: "North, you can actually have multiple viewing angles on the same screen."

Xu Beijin glanced at the barrage, showing a confused expression: "What... Where is it?"

"Select several picture sources at the same time? I remember, you can show them on the same screen."

"Yes! Beibei, try it!"

Xu Bei tried his best, and in the end, he opened the perspective of six taskers at the same time. The missing name is naturally the thin guy who is still squatting in the toilet.

Thinking about it, Xu Beijin also sympathized with this tasker's experience.

This is the same as having a sudden diarrhea while playing a game, which is unavoidable but makes people feel turbulent. What's more, it's still in a game like "Escape from the Sky".

But... Xu Beijin thought again, this matter itself is quite strange.

There is no such physical need to eat and drink Lazar in the narrow building. Although you can eat and drink, Lazar... No one has tried it anyway.

It's like Xu Beijin hasn't slept for so many years, but besides his mental state is not very good, he always feels sleepy and easily distracted, in fact, there is no big problem.

This is true in narrow buildings, not to mention in nightmares.

In addition to the quirk of squatting in the toilet, Xu Beijin can only think that this may be a special setting in the nightmare, and even... it implies something in itself.

Regardless of this tasker with strange symptoms, the rest of the taskers actually remained stationary, each fighting against the invisible sights in the apartment.

Just because the line of sight is invisible, in the eyes of the audience, they are fighting against the air.

Time passed bit by bit.

When Ringo almost explored the entire apartment, Sister Jiang, who was always trying to open the door, also made gratifying progress.

With a click, the door that could not be opened can suddenly be opened.

At this time, one hour has passed since they entered this nightmare. The clock hung on the wall of the living room clearly shows the length of this period of time.

The long and futile wait caused Sister Jiang to open the door without thinking and walk out of the apartment after confirming the time.

Behind her, an invisible, cold gaze swept across her back. It seems that as long as the owner goes out, there will be such a few attentions projected on the owner's back.

Sister Jiang couldn't help feeling stiff, and straightened her back and walked out.

The door slowly closed behind her, and the smart fingerprint lock made a crisp sound, indicating that the door was locked.

Sister Jiang hesitated for a moment, and did not rush to explore the apartment building, but turned back first and checked the fingerprint lock on the door. She used her fingerprint to identify it, and the identification was successful, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But when she subconsciously pressed the doorknob to open it, she failed. Just like this door locked her inside the door, now, this door also shuts her out.

Sister Jiang frowned and hesitated for a while. Finally, she took the matter to heart, then turned around and looked at the internal structure of the apartment building.

This is obviously a high-end apartment building. Just from the marble floor and the dazzling crystal lights in the elevator, you can see its high cost. The internal structure of the apartment building is a long strip as a whole. There are three elevators on each side of the corridor, and there are 11 households on the first floor.

The apartment that Sister Jiang just walked out of was Room 807. Next to her is Room 808.

She didn't know if anyone was in room 808, she didn't even know how many people were in this nightmare.

At this moment, she suddenly felt heart palpitations, and instantly frowned in pain.

She muttered: "Shuangshuang..."

That kind of pain is so fierce, but also strange. Soon she no longer felt strange, but it was inevitable that she frowned a little nervously, worried about what happened to her twin sister.

They often have such miraculous encounters that are almost telepathic. Sometimes Sister Jiang even felt that it was just an illusion, and there was no problem with her heart.

However, in the nightmare of the narrow building, this peculiar physique did save them many times. Sister Jiang suspected that this might be because they are now in a game, and the game amplifies the characteristics of their twins.

And Shuangmei Jiang never cared about this. Even if Sister Jiang mentioned it, she just smiled and said, "Oh my sister, this is a good thing, golden finger!"

Sister Jiang's twin sisters have always looked like this inconspicuous. She survived under the shelter of her powerful sister. In the nightmare, Shuang Sister Jiang is often the brain of their small team, and Shuang Sister Jiang is the executor who does not listen.

Earlier, when Ding Yi was still there, Ding Yi, who had a slight sense of presence and was less conspicuous, was responsible for collecting information and sorting it out to Sister Jiang; Sister Jiang was responsible for analysis and decision-making; Sister Jiang was responsible for follow-up specific actions.

I don't know if it is because of a natural physical problem that the strength on the personal panel of Sister Jiang is far inferior to that of her healthy and lively sister. Although, if you only talk about fighting alone, then Jiang Shuangmei, who is unwilling to use her brain, will inevitably fail to beat Jiang Shuangsi.

Jiang Shuangmei is not courageous, IQ is not high, and her conviction is not strong enough... However, she is the sister of Sister Jiang, the only companion and family of Sister Jiang in this gloomy and lonely narrow building.

… She didn't know if something happened to Shuangmei Jiang.

For the better, the nightmare is still going on, which means that at least no one has died; however, if Shuangmei Jiang suffers the same cold eyes and inexplicable apartment furniture as she just now... Then Sister Jiang will worry about her sister even more.

She knew that Jiang Shuangmei was afraid of these weird things.

And this nightmare... At least until now, Sister Jiang hasn't noticed what is going on in this nightmare.

She regretted it again. It shouldn't be so impulsive.

Even if it's because of Ding Yi's... they shouldn't be so impulsive. At least one should choose a better-knowing nightmare, instead of just seeing the two acquaintances walk into the portal and follow them.

Yes, she believes that the two taskers are strong enough... In other words, she believes in the people under Ding Yi's hands.

But... They should be more cautious.

Sister Jiang took a deep breath, temporarily putting aside all the suspicions about this nightmare, and all the thoughts about the past and Ding Yi. She wants to find her sister first.

She walked to the elevator.

At this time, the lights in the corridor, like an electric jump, flickered twice, shocking Sister Jiang. She continued to move forward, but still couldn't help but slow down.

She squeezed her fingers tightly and looked around warily.

Everything is quiet. This apartment building is like sleeping in the night. Only the slight running sounds of central air conditioners and elevators are left in my ears.


It seemed that a pair of invisible eyes had opened, and the tangible sight suddenly fell on Sister Jiang's back.

Behind her...!

She turned and looked behind her almost without hesitation, but there was still nothing behind her. And that gaze seemed to turn its direction as she turned, still looking at her back faintly. What direction she turned, he looked at her from the opposite direction.

Sister Jiang's forehead oozes cold sweat, she kept turning around, and finally gave up this futile action.

She gradually quickened her pace, ran to the elevator, and pressed the down button quickly and without hesitation. Her back was still being watched by that line of sight, causing her skin to get goose bumps. She murmured: "Hurry up... Hurry up, come soon..."

Soon after, the elevator arrived with a ding sound. Sister Jiang walked into the elevator, hesitated for a moment, and pressed down the fourth floor. Then he squatted in the corner of the elevator, shaking gently.

At this moment, she and her twin sister looked surprisingly similar.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was confused by her series of actions. They don't know that in this weird apartment, there will be invisible sights anytime and anywhere, watching these taskers from a distance. They cannot understand the feeling of being watched.

"? What's the matter, is there a scourge in the corridor?"

"I don't understand... I feel that every tasker is panicking, but from the live broadcast room I can't tell what they are afraid of."

"A man raised the toilet brush in broad daylight, but a woman escaped into the elevator without knowing it."

"Horizontal batch: The apartment is poisonous."

"Bei Bei Bei Bei, do you have any opinion?"

Xu Bei stared at the shivering woman in the elevator in the live broadcast room. It wasn't until the elevator reached the fourth floor, and the calm mechanical male voice reminded her that "the fourth floor is up" did she walk out of the elevator tremblingly, still looking restless.

He pondered for a moment and said: "View..." He paused habitually, "My view is actually very simple. Since the taskers appeared in their respective small apartments at the beginning, there must be a problem with these apartments, and these None of the taskers found the problem."

"Beibei is right!"

"But Beibei, do you see where the problem is?"

Xu Beijin hesitated: "Yes... Let's put it this way." But he didn't say it, but changed the subject, "She joined a tasker."

On the screen of the live broadcast room, Sister Jiang met a tasker on the fourth floor.

It's the tasker with a strong body and tight muscles. He just came out of room 408 when he met Sister Jiang who was leaving the elevator.

The muscular man left the apartment a little later than Sister Jiang, because he wandered around the apartment cautiously after discovering that the door of the apartment could be opened.

The sight of the unknown source is still stuck on him, like a perverted and paranoid lunatic. The muscular man doesn't want to face this kind of person, but he can calm down anyway.

What nightmare has he never seen

Thinking about it, the muscular man even deliberately showed a contemptuous expression.

After inspecting the entire apartment and still finding no clues, the muscular man decided to leave the apartment. However, as soon as he stepped out of the door, before he could even close the door, he heard a woman's exclamation.

"Is it a tasker?!"

A gleam of light flashed in the muscular man's eyes, and he quickly turned around, revealing a simple and honest smile: "I am what I am. I finally met a companion!"

His very cooperative attitude also relieved Sister Jiang. She smiled also friendly, and then exchanged information she knew with the tasker.

Xu Beijin temporarily zoomed in from this perspective, occupying two-thirds of the area of the live broadcast room, while the remaining perspectives were shrunk around.

He listened attentively to their conversation and looked at the two taskers. When he saw the exaggerated and flattering smile of the muscular man, he suddenly frowned.

Wait, this expression... seems a bit familiar.

He hadn't thought that this muscular man looked familiar before, and this face did not appear in his memory. But this expression... This flattering, secular smiling face that doesn't meet the characteristics of the narrow building suddenly awakened Xu Beijin's memory.

He stayed there, and after a while, the memory of this smiling face was completely awakened.

That was the time when the missionaries were most interested in his nightmares.

In fact, Xu Beijin didn't understand why he suddenly attracted the interest of so many taskers. Well, it is true that no one has entered his nightmare, but there are so many residents on the ground floor of the narrow building, so many nightmares have not been entered, why pay attention to his nightmare

Isn't he just an ordinary bookstore owner

Later, Xu Beijin occasionally learned from the mouths of those taskers that it was actually because a tasker wanted to try to enter his nightmare, but didn't know that he would not sleep at night, so he squatted outside his door all night. .

After a night of in vain, the tasker felt resentful and felt that his time was wasted, so he exaggeratedly promoted Xu Beijin's nightmare, gloating in the hope that more taskers would fall into this pit like him.

However, the rumors spread more and more, hitting the crazy and radical atmosphere of the narrow building at that time, and everything was different.

In the end, the rumors have become that the bookstore owner’s nightmare hides unknown secrets related to the narrow building. There are even taskers who say that if they decide to clear the nightmare, they can leave the narrow building directly.

Of course Xu Beijin knew what his nightmare was like, but he couldn't stop the imagination of the taskers.

Therefore, the hopeful taskers began to get close to Xu Bei one after another, and crouched at his door, waiting day after day for a chance to enter the nightmare.

During the most lively period of time, there were almost hundreds of people crowded on the small road outside Xu Beijin's house and the initial avenue further outside.

But Xu Beijin never fell asleep.

However, this confirmed the rumors that some secret speculations were hidden in his nightmare. After all, if it was just an ordinary nightmare, then this narrow-building resident would definitely let the taskists enter the nightmare casually instead of resisting now.

In any case, as time passed, many taskers lost patience and gradually left. But there are still a large number of taskers guarding outside Xu Beijin's house.

One of them took some not-so-righteous measures.

He claimed that the bookstore owner was not actually a resident of the narrow building at all. He was a tasker—or rather, an outsider among the residents of the narrow building.

The taskers know their own affairs from their families, and of course they know that Xu Beijin is not the tasker. But this guy pours dirty water on Xu Beijin, saying that Xu Beijin is a so-called "outsider", just pretending to be a resident of a narrow building.

He believes that Xu Beijin is just a man of fame, and wants to use this method to make himself famous in the narrow buildings.

Everyone knows that the residents of narrow buildings will have some defects, which may be physical or mental. In short, the residents of Zhailou looked crazy at first glance.

The owner of the bookstore is not like that. He looks very normal and even enjoys life.

How could this be a resident of a narrow building? This must be the so-called "outsider"!

This is a kind of aggressive method, he wants to force Xu Beijin to admit that he is of course a resident of the narrow building. And the way to recognize it? Naturally, it is a nightmare of opening oneself.

According to the settings in the game, it must be a shame for the residents of narrow buildings to be identified as outsiders, because they reject these outsiders, hate and resist them.

With the identity of outsiders in the narrow building, these taskers do everything and do whatever they want in the narrow building. They also chase and block the residents of the narrow building, just to understand the clues of their nightmares, and even enter their nightmares for evil.

For the "NPCs" of the residents of narrow buildings, of course it is very hateful.

If Xu Beijin is really recognized as an "outsider", then whether it is on the side of the narrow-building residents or the task force, he will not be pleased, and he will be completely rejected and isolated by both sides. Object.

Even if the residents of the narrow building are actually the actors, they may not be disgusted with Xu Beijin, who is also the actor, but under the control of the mastermind, they have to act as if they reject outsiders, let alone this. Kind of outsiders pretending to be residents of narrow buildings.

So, for the first time since Xu Beijin entered the narrow building, he was angry.

He left the bookstore he had steadfastly guarded, and opened the portal that missionaries had dreamed of entering. He saw that tasker, with a complacent smile on his face with a complacency, and even wanted to push Xu Beijin away to enter his bookstore.

This tasker probably thought that Xu Beijin, as a game NPC without self-consciousness, would naturally only raise his hand to surrender in this situation and let them enter the nightmare, so he opened the door.

Of course... Of course, if Xu Beijin is really a game NPC.

Therefore, Xu Beijin directly threw the tasker out of his house.

All the other taskers were stunned.

They have never seen such a scene. Even though the residents of the narrow buildings are indeed very repulsive of outsiders, they have never done anything with outsiders. It seems that in this game, NPCs can't do anything to the player. Get rid of the nightmare.

And now, in the narrow building, for the first time, there are residents of the narrow building, and they are working on the tasker.

At that time, Xu Bei leaned on the door frame and sighed slightly exhausted. His eyes were heavy, watching all the taskers present, and his voice was calm and cold: "I hope you don't offend my life excessively."

All taskers remained silent. From the standing man, they felt an unprecedented, strange guard and anxiety.

They looked at the man's dark eyes, handsome features, and cold lip line, and felt the deep aura emanating from this man, like a frozen sea.

They shivered involuntarily and realized for the first time that they seemed to offend him.

Xu Beijin said, "I'm just as everyone agrees. Besides..." He frowned slightly, as if he was considering what kind of wording to use. In the end, he chose a very straightforward way. He said, "I won't allow it. Anyone enters my nightmare."

In the game setting of "Escape from the Sky", the residents of the narrow building know that outsiders will enter their nightmare adventure. Sometimes, the residents of Zhailou will thank these outsiders because the outsiders have played a true ending and solved their knots.

Therefore, Xu Beijin said so, not worried about being banned by the mastermind.

However, his tough words without any leeway still caused an uproar among the taskers present. Of course they didn't make a sound, because they were all shocked by Xu Beijin's action against the tasker just now-that was a very strong tasker!

But he was actually thrown out by Xu Beijin like this, lying on the ground like a dead body, wailing in pain.

The taskers were shocked, but they also did not give up.

But this is already okay. Xu Beijin never had any expectations for the lower limit of his compatriots.

Of course, he also counts.

Today, even though Xu Beijin's dark circles are getting deeper and deeper, he has also fulfilled his promise-not let anyone enter his nightmare.

The patience of the taskers cannot be compared with his persistence, so long ago, they gave up their curiosity about Xu Beijin's nightmare.

But... Xu Beijin was still impressed by the tasker who showed a flattering and triumphant smile outside his house and was about to enter his house.

He looked deeply at the screen of the live broadcast room, the tasker who also showed an over-flattering smile.

In his memory, the tasker was not what the muscular man looked like, but in the narrow building, the tasker could not be identified entirely by appearance. Many taskers will use various methods to change their appearance when entering a nightmare.

They don't want to be recognized.

Thinking about it, Xu Beijin sighed. He recovered and took a sip of milk tea in silence. He thought, okay, no one knows if this quest person is the quest person who offended him in the first place, so Xu Beijin didn't intend to anger him either.

… At least I have to wait for the identity to be confirmed.

He yawned and looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room. He happened to see a line: "Bei Bei! Look to the right! It seems that something happened to a player!"

Xu Bei was stunned, looked to the right, and zoomed in on one of the images. He was taken aback and felt terrified.

He saw a female tasker—this should be the twin sisters of Sister Jiang. After all, the other female tasker in this nightmare looked relatively young.

This female tasker is facing down, struggling in the bathtub water.

The audience in the live broadcast room also exclaimed.

"Damn, what's wrong?"

"I also want to ask, I've been focusing on listening to the conversation between the two players just now, and I didn't even notice what's going on here."

"This... is she going to be drowned?"

"It's scary... Fortunately this is just a game."


In terms of the similitude of "Escape from the Sky", for these taskers, this is almost a real death.

Xu Bei frowned, feeling heavy discomfort and sighing, as if the breath of death was also contaminated with him. He knew that when this tasker died, the nightmare would restart and she would also resurrect. But... Death is death after all.

He quietly reduced the picture. Correspondingly, the twin sister of the dying tasker was still talking to a tasker Yan Yan.

Not long ago, time came for an hour when they entered the nightmare. Jiang Shuangmei didn't realize that the door of the apartment could be opened, and she was still shrinking in the corner of the bedroom, shivering.


A slight noise suddenly awakened her.

She subconsciously raised her head blankly, and found the source of the sound in the quiet apartment-the sweeping robot.

The white circular sweeping robot seems to have reached the time for regular cleaning, so it automatically starts, rotates its body, and slowly sweeps along the originally set route.

It swept to Jiang Shuangmei's side, but did not bypass her intelligently, but kept hitting her leg.

One click, two clicks, three clicks and four clicks...

Jiang Shuangmei was uneasy. She was nervous because of the invisible sight. Now the sweeping robot's crazy appearance made her back chill.

She got up in a hurry and walked outside the bedroom. Then, she heard a strange sound again.

It came from the bathroom, as if the bathtub was filling water... the sound of water.

Jiang Shuangmei froze almost instantly.

Sound of water? Why is there a sound of water

At this time, she didn't feel the sight like a needle, but she was particularly upset because of the sound of the sweeping robot and the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

She took a deep breath. Even if her sister is not around, she knows that there is probably something wrong with this apartment. Nightmare... This may be the clue to the nightmare.

So she slowly approached the direction of the bathroom. Behind her, the sweeping robot also slowly approached her.

When she walked to the door, she couldn't help but hesitate, but then made up her mind and stretched out her hand. The ice on the doorknob made her hands tremble, and the scene inside the door stunned her even more.

The faucet above the bathtub was dripping with water. It was clear that a bathtub was filled with clean water, but it was still flowing out, causing the excess water to overflow directly. A thin layer has accumulated on the ground, and a pool of water reflects the white lights of the bathroom.

Jiang Shuangmei took another step forward, shook her head cautiously, observing the situation in the bathroom.

At this moment, the sweeping robot had already arrived behind Jiang Shuangmei, and hit her with the same technique.


Jiang Shuangmei exclaimed, and she waved her hands in a panic, trying to find her balance, but she was hit by the sweeping robot again. She slipped her feet and fell head-on into the bathtub full of water.

The faucet continues to release water. The sweeping robot hit her foot. Feng Nuan turned on automatically, blowing the shower curtain and fluttering, entangled her hands.

She has been struggling, and finally, she stopped struggling.

She was killed by the bathtub.