Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 52: Cost-effective


The third nightmare begins.

Xu Beijin sat behind the counter of the bookstore with deep thoughts on his face.

… Is this nightmare the nightmare of his former neighbor

This leads to a question: Is a new actor appearing to play the master of this nightmare, or... the female actor who once lived next to him, has returned to the bottom of the narrow building

For the taskers, they did not know that the residents of the narrow buildings were also played by human players. Therefore, the two possible end results are the same, that is, the female narrow-building resident who moved has moved back.

From a certain perspective, the actor plays the role of the NPC in the game, and the taskers only know those NPCs. The residents of the narrow buildings have always been such narrow-building residents. Their appearance and temperament have never changed, only the subcutaneous actors have changed.

Therefore, the taskers who don't know the truth will of course think that the same people are coming and going.

But for Xu Beijin, a actor who knows the inside story, there are two possibilities: Has the subcutaneous actor changed or remained the same

There may be nothing to say about the first one. There are new actors to play the resident of the narrow building, which is very common in the narrow building. Of course, except for the residents of the narrow building and his nightmare will not change, everything else may change.

For example, the location of the house, the difficulty of nightmares, the floors of narrow buildings, and so on.

It is said that a task person encountered an extremely accidental situation. He had a true ending in a nightmare on the ground floor of the narrow building. After going to a higher floor, he met the resident of the narrow building (perhaps a different actor) and his nightmare, and then relying on himself The information obtained before came to a true ending.

How do you say this... This may be the emperor of heaven.

And the second possibility is that the original actor has returned to the bottom of the narrow building... This is what makes Xu Beijin a little confused.

Why did the actor regress the floor and replay the narrow-building resident he once played

This is something Xu Beijin has never heard of.

Taskers have a bad ending on a higher floor, and it is possible to retreat the floor. But this has nothing to do with the actors.

In addition, if the actor has ever been to a higher floor, it means that she has already had a successful experience. Then this time the nightmare starts, is she deliberately doing it

Many questions are crowded in Xu Beijin's brain.

He couldn't help sighing tiredly, feeling that since he picked up the live broadcast system, his life had become complicated.

… However, he picked this thing up, and it didn't belong to him in the first place.

That... the game anchor? Since the first nightmare, Xu Beijin has never encountered it again. However, Xu Beijin has always been worried about this.

When the anchor quit the game, what bug might have occurred, that's why the live broadcast system—or the data port of the live broadcast? —Stayed in the game "Escape from the Sky", and was later picked up by Xu Beijin.

And this also brings a new question. Since he can enter this game, will other anchors enter this game

The earth... The audience in the live studio also knows the earth. They are also human. So the game anchor who once appeared in the narrow building is also an earthling

However, since they are all human beings on the earth, why did they not know the existence of these people in the narrow building during the live broadcast? Why are they still trapped in the game and cannot escape

According to the news revealed by the audience in the live broadcast room, there are still many games like "Escape from the Sky", which are inaccessible to ordinary players... Why

Since ordinary players can't enter, why can the anchor be allowed to live broadcast

Why do ordinary people have heard of, or even watched live games, but they don’t know that players are trapped in the games, instead of entering these games voluntarily

Outside... What's wrong

Xu Bei was very worried, and sighed tired and annoyed.

He has always been reluctant to think about these issues, because Xu Beijin has always been curious and anxious about the current situation of the world outside the narrow building since he entered the narrow building.

These emotions were accumulated in my heart, and Xu Beijin became numb for many years.

He was just like the residents who were really lost in the narrow buildings, utterly unremarkable and mediocre. He does not want to think about the future, do not want to remember the past, do not want to grasp the present.

As Dai Wu said, he almost regarded this game as "First Life". He allowed himself to do this because he was powerless. He can't do anything.

The live broadcast system brought him a beam of light.

But is this beam of light good or bad

The main brain... NE, have you found out that he is live streaming

Xu Beijin closed his dry eyes and rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little sleepy. Not only physical, but also psychological.

After a moment of silence, he opened his eyes and looked at the live broadcast room.

Because of his bad mood, he didn't even bother to wander around. Although, there is still an hour before the taskers can leave the apartment.

This is a long hour.

Jiang Shuang-mei and Jiang Shuang-mei are worrying about the unfinished actions just now.

They have realized that not all of the sophisticated apartment facilities in Loko's apartment building are malicious to humans.

Some are indeed like this, such as wanting to kill Jiang Shuangmei’s bathtub, sweeping robots, air conditioners, and door locks; but some are not like that. For example, the curtains in Jiang Shuangmei’s apartment are just indifferent.

For another example, in Room 408 where the muscular man is located, that lamp is even more human friendly.

Therefore, the two sisters naturally thought of trying to communicate with these refined furniture. And the only thing they can talk to is the elevator in the apartment building.

More importantly, from the current point of view, the elevator does not seem to be very malicious to humans, and more of a prank tease. It's just that one resident died of a heart attack because of the elevator prank, which made them unconsciously cautious.

Who knows whether it was just a prank or a deliberate murder

There are six elevators in total, and it is difficult for them to immediately tell which one is good and which one is bad.

However, this is a goal of action after all. However, when they were preparing to act, the nightmare suddenly restarted.

what's going on

Sister Jiang couldn't help but feel a little worried. She was a little afraid of this sudden situation, just as the sudden death of Jiang Shuangmei caused the nightmare to restart in the first round of nightmares. Any death that is not known to occur in a nightmare will make the tasker panic.


Sister Jiang touched the inner pocket on her right side and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. No matter what, the two item cards have been recovered, which is a great thing.

Compared to her joy, muscular man is not so cool.

At the first time the nightmare restarted, he touched his pocket and found that the two stolen prop cards were missing, only the ones he had originally carried, so he screamed angrily.

He thought, damn it, he was found.

Even if the one in the toilet tank is easier to find, he has hidden one in a lampshade. How can it be found casually

He couldn't help but looked at the lamp suspiciously.

The round lampshade emits light calmly.

He couldn't see anything, so he gave up in frustration and kicked the sofa violently. Turning his head, he comforted himself secretly, after all, he has a piece of news that no one knows, right

With this news alone, his nightmare was worth it.

… It’s just that it was originally two prop cards plus a message, and there are still a few prop cards that didn’t have time to get started, but now there is only one message… The muscular man always feels at a loss.

He stood there, persuading himself to take a step back in his heart, to be patient, everything is safe, and it is a good thing to be able to leave this nightmare smoothly.

However, he kept looking up at the lamp, and then looking in the direction of the bathroom, how unhappy he was thinking.

For a while, Shinobu thinks more and more angry, and takes a step back and thinks more and more loses.

In the end, his eyes were flushed with anger, and he walked around the apartment. He muttered: "Damn it, my item card..."

It was obviously Sister Jiang’s prop card, but if it was stolen by him, he felt it belonged to him.

He even panted with anger and clenched his fists. After a moment, he walked to the door of the room and waited for the first hour to pass-he overturned his original idea. He decided not to stay in this apartment anymore.

He decided to get his "his" item card back!

Also shaking, there was also Shen Yunju. However, the muscular man was shaking with anger, while Shen Yunju was out of fear.

He sat there, expressionless, his hands and feet trembling. His gaze was dizzy, very similar to the fear after Jiang Shuangmei's death. Because they all died under the hands of things they had never thought of.

Jiang Shuangmei died in the bathtub; Shen Yunju died on the elevator.


After separating from the thin man and the little girl, he took the escalator to the basement level. After turning around the negative level, he didn't notice anything else, but was greedy by the aroma of various delicacies.

It's a pity that he didn't bring any money. These delicacies are nothing more than a look.

So he walked up to the escalator absent-mindedly, planning to go to the second floor to take a look.

The escalators in this commercial area are stepped, not the kind of flat escalators like those in a hypermarket. So Shen Yunju was more careful, paying special attention to his footsteps, so as not to step on the air.

However, at the moment when he saw one of the steps and raised his foot to step on, he suddenly felt a bitter gaze and stared at him directly. The coldness and gloom in his gaze made him shudder.

Then, he watched, the step he was about to step on suddenly moved quickly. He could have stepped on safely, he had clearly chosen it, but the step seemed to be unwilling to be stepped on by him, so he moved forward a bit abruptly.

He didn't have time to retract his legs, so he stomped on his feet, dropped his head, and rolled down the escalator.

At this time, he was already battered, and in front of the escalator was an automatic glass door, which was supposed to open automatically when someone was detected, but it did not open at this time. He hit his head, the glass door shattered, and the broken glass plunged into his hands, feet, body, and head.

Then he died.

The suffocation and breathlessness of vomiting when rolling, the sharp pain of the spine as if it was broken, the dizziness when one head hits a glass door, the tingling when broken glass penetrates the body, the numbness when blood is flowing all over the ground...

Almost at the moment the nightmare restarted, Shen Yunju retched unconsciously for a moment.

Death... Some taskers may have become accustomed to death; some taskers will never get used to it.

He sat on the sofa with a pale face for a while, then finally calmed down. At this time, the nightmare had restarted for almost half an hour, and he finally started to think about business.

There is also a problem with the escalator. This means that the business district is not a safe place either.

Apartment buildings, business districts, sophisticated electrical appliances, excessive malice... Shen Yunju was lost in thought. However, he couldn't continue thinking soon, because another cold line of sight was cast on him.

Although he started to tremble again almost immediately, he still tried to calm himself down and looked up to see what was going on in the apartment... No, no... Everything was normal.

In the end, his gaze fell on the cat's eye.

In the first round of nightmares, he once thought that there was a person lying behind the cat's eye, and the cat's eye was like that person's eyes, looking at him with twisted and malicious eyes.

And now he knows.

Cat eyes are those eyes.

He stared at the cat's eye. Until... I don't know why, that line of sight flickered and disappeared again.

Shen Yunju took a sigh of relief, frowning for unknown reasons.

What's up... Why, Maoyan looked at him with that vicious look, and then disappeared again? Why did you give up suddenly

If Shen Yun can share his feelings with Jiang Shuangmei at this time, I am afraid that she will get a very strong sense of identification with Jiang Shuangmei. After all, the current Jiang Shuangmei also encountered the same confusion.

In the first round of nightmares, she was killed by the bathtub; in the second round of nightmares, she was almost killed in the bedroom by the air conditioner and the door lock.

She knew that all the refined furniture in this apartment was malicious to her, so she was cautious at the beginning of the third round of nightmares.

First, he decisively left the bedroom, and then quickly ran to the edge of the door, squatted against the wall, retracted in the corner, buried his head in his knees, and planned to spend the first hour of the nightmare like this.

Half an hour later, when she unconsciously moved her stiff and numb legs, she realized that half an hour had passed and the apartment was still calm as before.

She thought dumbfounded, why is this

Not to mention the furniture is refined, she didn't even feel any malicious gaze!

She involuntarily came up with a thought: these furniture, have you let her go

If it was the first time to encounter such a situation, she would certainly not think too much; but this was the second time. In the last round of nightmares, the air conditioner and door lock let her go for no reason. Although the elevator was mischievous, it was not threatening.

This time, the apartment was calmer and less dangerous.

Although she was a little slower, she immediately thought at this time, could it be because she had already died in a nightmare, so these refined furniture would no longer target her

Jiang Shuangmei immediately rejoiced. She hates these babbling things the most, if she is asked to fight some murderer, then she is willing.

But she couldn't do it at all to deal with the ancient and weird things like fine furniture.

She thought to herself, if this is the case, she might as well let her sister die again...? Although it is a bit painful, the nightmares in the next few rounds are safe.

But... she thought again, this matter is not absolutely certain, she dare not let her sister take the risk.

This is, after all, death. Although it will be resurrected after death, it is also death. But it's not like in ordinary games, the controlled character is dead, and he can't feel his death anyway. This is... the death they experienced firsthand.

Thinking about it, Jiang Shuangmei gave up this idea.

She felt a little more relaxed, and no longer squatted in the corner. But the psychological shadow left by her before was too big, and she did not dare to approach the bathroom and bedroom, just standing by the door in a daze.

Time passed bit by bit.

Xu Beijin still did not leave the bookstore. He was in a daze behind the counter, thinking about the boring things of the narrow building and nightmares for a while, thinking of this strange nightmare and his strange neighbors for a while, thinking of the annoying Ringo for a while, and then suddenly regaining consciousness and watching the live broadcast. The picture in the room...

The audience felt bored.

They all wanted to know the truth of this nightmare, so they didn't want to leave, so they started playing on the barrage.

Now there are seven viewing angles on the barrage, and each tasker is clear, so they guess what refined furniture they have encountered based on the performance of each tasker.

Naturally, Ringo was the most contented person. I don't know if Ringo has encountered a strange sight, or if this group of refined furniture can also bully the soft and fear the hard, anyway, I didn't see any special reaction from Ringo.

The audience said, "It's gone, the little apple is the same little apple today."

Secondly, it is... Wait, the most relaxed, followed by Jiang Shuangmei? !

"This is unscientific!"

"Isn't this girl still crying for the nightmare in the last round?"

"Strange... Why is she so relaxed all of a sudden? Still singing for self-entertainment?"

After discovering Jiang Shuangmei's strange performance, Xu Beijin turned the source of the sound to her.

As a result, all the audience in the live broadcast room heard it. The tasker who feared the apartment building in the last round of nightmares was now singing contentedly.

Xu Bei couldn't help being shocked. He carefully observed Jiang Shuangmei's expression in the live broadcast room, and found that the tasker was really not scared at all.

Why is this happening? Does she know what this nightmare is about, how to escape, or at least how to avoid the chase of refined furniture

Xu Beijin can only think of this reason to explain Jiang Shuangmei's relaxation at this time.

He carefully recalled what happened to Jiang Shuangmei in the last round of nightmares. Fortunately, she had two accidents, and the perspective of the live broadcast room was roughly caught.

But thinking about it, Xu Beijin showed a thoughtful expression.

Two escapes... Once the air conditioner and door lock in the bedroom were inexplicable, and once the elevator door caught her like a prank.

Compared with the first round of nightmares, the intensity of the danger suddenly dropped. It's more like intimidation and fright, rather than real killing intent.

More importantly, in the first round of nightmares, the bathtub and the sweeping robot that directly attacked Jiang Shuangmei did not move at all in the second round of nightmares.

Does this mean that after the tasker is killed and resurrected by the refined furniture, the furniture will consciously give up after realizing the uselessness of killing

Compared with Jiang Shuangmei's guess, Xu Beijin's idea is undoubtedly a step deeper.

In order to confirm his guess, he immediately looked at Shen Yunju's situation.

In the last round, although Xu Beijin did not directly observe Shen Yunju’s death, because this guy’s death happened on the escalator from the negative first floor to the second floor, Xu Beijin heard the chaos directly in the bookstore. Screams.

In addition, the location of each tasker can be seen on the live broadcast system, so Xu Beijin immediately knew the identity of the deceased.

But now, Shen Yunju, like Jiang Shuangmei, looks more relaxed in posture.

Xu Beijin immediately confirmed in his heart the correctness of his guess.

He shared his views with the audience.

In the voice of appreciation from the audience, Xu Bei pondered for a moment, and then said: "However, this may also bring bad news."

The audience raised question marks.

Xu Bei stared at the seven taskers on the screen of the live broadcast room, and said: "To the taskers, it sounds like a very cost-effective operation to exchange a death for safety in the nightmare.

"Furthermore, the later the nightmare, the more disintegration and chaos. The difficulty of chasing furniture in the early stage of the nightmare is completely different from that in the later stage of the nightmare.

"In this way, it would be more cost-effective for the tasker to exchange death for safety in the next few rounds of nightmares. Who knows how long the safety in exchange for early death can last

"In other words, once the task force understands this rule, it is very likely that in the later stage of the nightmare, they will actively choose to die instead of trying to survive.

"However, the nightmare in the narrow building cannot be truly forgiving, allowing the tasker to trade death in exchange for absolute safety. This is very likely a trap.

"The previous tasker said that the tasker who had come to this nightmare will disappear for no reason. There is no tasker that has disappeared, but in the future, the nightmare will collapse, and this may not be the case.

"If the nightmare collapses, the tasker's death means disappearance. If the tasker still wants to use death for safety at that time... wouldn't it be bad?"

The audience nodded suddenly, and once again loudly denounced the black heart of the game planner.

Xu Bei smiled.

Without the reasoning boss to bring the rhythm, this group of viewers in the live broadcast room are really well-behaved and sand sculptures. After all, they are cute and no heads, they believe whatever Xu Bei says.

Xu Beijin originally wanted to praise the audience for their cuteness, but after hesitating for a while, he felt that this was like mocking their IQ, and then thought that he was already a mocking face, in case he was misunderstood by the audience... he silently gave up.

He sighed secretly, and turned his eyes back to the live broadcast room dumbfounded.

At this time, the beginning of the third round of nightmare, just happened to come for an hour.

Sister Jiang opened the door and left the apartment.

After leaving the apartment, she tried again to re-enter the apartment with her fingerprints, but it still failed. She tried the public password she remembered before, but it still failed.

She looked at the door lock thoughtfully, then took a deep breath, trying to ignore the existence of this thing.

Except for preventing yourself from entering the door, this door lock doesn't seem to do anything else, so I think it's harmless for the time being.

She walked to the elevator, hesitated between letting the elevator go up, or running down to find the elevator by herself.

At this moment, the lights in the corridor on the eighth floor began to flicker again.

In the first round of nightmares, this damn light was flashing; in the second round, Sister Jiang concentrated on looking for a muscle man to confront the prop card, but didn’t pay much attention to the light problem; and now, the light started again. It flashed... It flashed annoyingly.

Sister Jiang looked back at the lights in the corridor distractedly.

Suddenly, she was taken aback.

Three short lights, three long lights, three short lights.

Three short, three long, and three short.

… Sister Jiang was dumbfounded.

Isn't this the fucking Morse code used to express help? !