Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 53: It's a mistake


Sister Jiang felt that she had encountered the most funny thing in the world.

A lamp—a lamp in the corridor, actually fucking asking her for help!

She looked at the corridor blankly, and for a moment suspected that she was dreaming—huh, isn’t it? Isn't she in a nightmare

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. She tentatively said: "Are you... are you asking for help? If so, flash the light..."

Before she finished speaking, the light in the corridor flickered.

… It's really the fucking thing!

Sister Jiang was dizzy for a while, and she couldn't understand how she faced this supernatural phenomenon.

Besides... a lamp... Why should you ask her for help? !

"I..." Sister Jiang swallowed, feeling her throat very dry, "I want, how can I save you?"

In the corridor, one person and one lamp fell into silence.

The lamp couldn't speak, and Sister Jiang couldn't understand. The flashing of the lamp meant what it meant. She just knew the distress signal of SOS, she couldn't remember the other signals at all.

Morse code

She is not the kind of genius who knows well.

Finally, the lights in the corridor maintained a steady light output and seemed to have given up.

Sister Jiang took a deep look at the lamp in the corridor on the eighth floor, and then remembered that Jiang Shuangmei had said incoherently before that the lamp in Room 408 seemed to remind them... She wondered, is there any commonality in this?

They are all lamps, they are all biased towards friendliness...

She couldn't figure it out for a while, and then glanced at the elevator.

She took a deep breath, and finally chose to take the stairs. In any case, safety comes first. No one can guarantee whether the elevator is offensive to them.

A few minutes later, several taskers gathered in the lobby on the first floor again, except for Ringo and the muscular man.

The two did not appear, and the thin man didn't care. Xu Beijin took a more obsessive-compulsive look at the whereabouts of these two men, and found that Ringo had already left the apartment building, not knowing if he planned to come to the business district.

And the muscular man... the muscular man...

Xu Bei was taken aback and found that the muscular man appeared in a place that no one had expected.


… Isn’t this Sister Jiang’s apartment

How did he get in? Xu Bei remembered that in the first round of nightmares, Sister Jiang wanted to try to go back after leaving the apartment, but the door could not be opened.

Is it that only those who are not the owner of the apartment can enter other people's apartments? Or is there something wrong with Sister Jiang’s apartment door lock

Xu Bei always prefers the latter.

However, there doesn't seem to be any danger in Sister Jiang's apartment... Except for the curtains that flutter for no reason, and the lock that keeps the owner away.

In any case, the fact that the muscular man appeared in Sister Jiang’s apartment seemed a bit strange in itself. What is he doing here

Wait... He doesn't think it's possible for Sister Jiang to put the item card in the apartment, right

Xu Beijin thought a little speechlessly.

And muscle men really think so. In the last round of nightmares, after he stole Sister Jiang’s prop card, he decisively hid it in his apartment.

He knows what the two prop cards are for, and thinks these two prop cards are indeed very precious. And Sister Jiang will inevitably become more cautious after the theft.

Therefore, the muscular man thought that maybe she only brought one prop card, while the other one was left in the apartment to avoid being stolen again. If he can enter her apartment, maybe he can get the item card without any effort

From a certain perspective, the muscular man's reasoning is not wrong, and Sister Jiang has indeed become a lot more cautious after the theft. It's just that he is too much to save others by himself.

After all, what is the value of item cards if they are not used in nightmares

In short, the muscle man came to 807.

He didn't have a public password, so he just came to try his luck.

But when he came to door 807, the apartment door seemed to be unclosed, leaving a slit. The muscular man was ecstatic, thinking happily that even God was helping him-Sister Jiang didn't close the door when she left!

He stepped into 807 and closed the door.

The door locks with a click.

Sister Jiang didn't know that the muscular man had entered her apartment. If she knew it, she would have been speechless for a while.

Only card dealers who treat item cards as commodities can hide precious commodities in a safe place. And missionaries like Sister Jiang who are struggling to survive will of course carry useful props with them.

What if you need to use it at a certain moment of the nightmare

Ordinary taskers can’t understand the psychological state of card dealers who are full of benefits, and card dealers can’t understand either. How can someone use it casually like a prop card that can sell for a lot of money

They couldn't understand each other, and the actual situation is that card dealers are becoming more and more ostracized and disdainful. However, even though some honest taskers would spurn the card dealers on the surface, they still do business with these card dealers in private.

In any case, at least in this nightmare, the attitudes of several taskers toward card dealers are very uniform—repulsive.

This may be because Ringo does not need a prop card. The inventory left by Sister Jiang a few years ago is enough. "Zombie" Shen Yunju was almost stolen, naturally disdain to be with a muscular man.

And the thin guy and the little girl...

They have their own way behind them, and they don't need to deal with single-handed card dealers like muscle men.

At this time, the few people didn't care about the whereabouts of the muscular man, and began to discuss various information about this nightmare.

Shuang Sister Jiang unreservedly stated what she had gained from her and Jiang Shuangmei, including the fact that she had recovered the prop card, the problem with the lamp in Room 408, the idea of trying to talk to the elevator, and the lighting in the corridor on the eighth floor. Distress signal.

All taskers were taken aback by the last message.

The thin man said thoughtfully, "Eighth floor...? Hallway on the eighth floor? Do you remember that letter of complaint?" He paused slightly, "I remember, the owner of the letter of complaint was the resident on the eighth floor. , I also mentioned that the lights in the hallway on the eighth floor are always flashing."

"But..." Sister Jiang said particularly awkwardly, "Why does that lamp ask us for help? He is trapped? But... Isn't he a lamp?"

The little girl suddenly said: "Perhaps..."

They all looked at her.

The little girl's voice was cold: "Do you know the story of the water ghost catching the dead ghost?"

The taskers were taken aback.

The thin man reacted first, only feeling hard to say a word. He said dryly, "You mean... these refined furniture, want a living person to be his substitute? In this way, he doesn't have to be tied to the fixed furniture. Among them?"

When the little girl made this point, the thin man immediately thought of the toilet in his apartment... Damn, he shouldn't become a toilet!

Sister Jiang shivered even more: "So, the so-called "distress signal" is just... just attracting people to pass, and then he can take this opportunity to arrest someone as a substitute for the dead?"

She couldn't help being scared, after all, she really thought that the lamp was friendly to people just now.

The little girl nodded and shook her head: "I am just proposing an idea, and it may not really be the truth of this nightmare." She looked at Jiang Shuangmei and Shen Yunju again, "Some people have died in the previous two rounds of nightmares, why did they not become scapegoat?"

"Maybe it's not time yet!" said the thin man, and then his voice slowly became low, "If the nightmare breaks down..."

He and the little girl looked at each other.

They all know that the missionaries who have been to this nightmare have disappeared for no reason. What if those who disappeared from the mission were arrested and used as substitutes for the dead? if…

What if the refined furniture they are facing now are those who have disappeared

Inexplicably, the thin man felt a heavy pain.

He thought that perhaps after entering this nightmare, his companions have been thinking about the behind-the-scenes truth of the furniture in this nightmare they are facing, and where the disappeared mission personnel have gone.

And for the dead ghost, perhaps it was the result of her thinking.

The taskers couldn't help falling into silence for a while, each with its own thoughts and thoughts.

But Jiang Shuangmei looked left and right, she was a little confused for a while. She hasn't had time to tell the rules she thought about before, but these taskers have already begun to worry about other things

She scratched her hair, and asked in a puzzled way: "But, for the dead ghosts... There has never been a ghost element in the nightmare of the narrow building?"

The rest of the taskers were reminded by her, and they all came to a sudden.

Yes, the nightmares in the narrow building are always more realistic, and there will be no too fantastic things.

Sister Jiang weakly retorted her sister: "However, the furniture is already fantastic..."

The atmosphere that had been relaxing for a while, tightened again.

The thin man said helplessly, "It's useless to think so much... Let's go and check the elevator first."

A few people walked towards the elevator. On the way, Jiang Shuangmei shared her experience from the previous round of nightmares.

The thin man glanced at Shen Yunju thoughtfully: "Are you the same?"

Shen Yunju remained silent, but nodded.

As a result, the five taskers present, except for Jiang Shuangmei and Shen Yunju, who had died once, the expressions on the faces of the remaining three were a little serious.

They all thought of it for the first time. As the number of nightmare restarts increases, the danger and uncertainty will increase in the future. If you really want to use this special rule... This round of nightmare may be the best chance.

But, death... Who dares to really use his own death to test the rules of nightmares? They can't even try.

Taskers came to the elevator room.

The thin man stopped, pondered for a moment, looked at the little girl again, and after receiving a slight nod from the other party, he said: "I won't hide it, let's be honest. Before entering this nightmare, I actually learned something. information."

He did not say that this was what the little girl told him. When the two of them enter the nightmare, they habitually let the little girl form the image of a smart but weak girl, so as to reduce the alertness of the rest of the taskers.

The thin body is tall and thin, with a little nervousness, it is difficult to simply win the trust of others, it is better to take the initiative to express yourself, and strive for the initiative and leadership in the nightmare.

They keep on coping with nightmares like this, with good results.

At this time, the thin man habitually took everything on himself.

The rest of the taskers listened carefully to what he said, but the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed: "One by one, it's all about the old man."

"Obviously the information provided by the little girl... Oh, I get it, so this is the team strategy?"

"It's kind of interesting. It seems that these two people have never shown that they knew each other before."

"Escape games can be played as werewolves and killed by you. My kind of rookie is really not suitable for this kind of game, oh oh oh."

"I'm so cute, why should I have an IQ?"

Xu Beijin watched the situation on the live broadcast and watched the audience laughing and joking on the barrage. For a moment, his mood was ups and downs, and he was dignified and wanted to laugh. In the end, he couldn't help crying or laughing.

The audience's joking, to adjust the atmosphere, is really good.

On the screen of the live broadcast room, the thin man had already told the information he had learned, and the rest of the taskers immediately thought, among those refined furniture, would they be the ones who were once lost in this nightmare

The so-called "rule" of exchanging death for safety is likely to be a trap

This is a nightmare in which even if a normal ending is played, it is possible to be trapped in it forever

All of a sudden, their faces became ashen.

The thin man sighed, then stopped talking, and finally simply said: "Resolve this nightmare sooner."

They all nodded.

The audience in the live broadcast room did not understand what they meant, and Xu Beijin did not figure out how to explain the concept of "the nightmare of eternal collapse". In the end, he just said vaguely: "Maybe I think this nightmare is too weird. Up?"

The audience really followed his thoughts and went awry. Then, the taskers opened the elevator door again, so the audience didn't care about the unclear conversations of the taskers just now.

Xu Beijin is fortunate once again that the reasoning boss is not there.

If the reasoning boss is not there, he can fool the audience's IQ like this; if the reasoning boss is there, this round of nightmares would not be so easy to explain.

Maybe... He still has to plan ahead. However, he didn't dare to act rashly without knowing the external situation.

Thinking about it, Xu Beijin felt a little dull.

On the screen of the live broadcast room, the taskers have already started communicating with one of the elevators.

After the elevator door opened, the thin man asked tentatively: "Hello?"

The calm and mechanical male voice actually responded to his greeting: "...Hello."

Immediately, all taskers breathed a sigh of relief.

They chose the elevator on the left side of the building, near the side of the lobby. This is the empty elevator that Sister Jiang, Shuangzi and the little girl saw at door 1104 before, and it is also the elevator that used to tease Shuangmei Jiang on the first floor.

If nothing else, this should also be the elevator that always goes to the top floor empty and gets down by itself.

According to the previous complaint letter, court summons, etc., two of the six elevators are the most special; one is the one they chose.

And the other one was the one where the residents on the eighth floor wrote a letter and suddenly started to fall for no reason, and then scared the residents to a heart attack and died on the spot.

Judging from their performance, the former should be more harmless, so the taskers chose this one.

And the elevator responded to them in a very normal tone.

The thin man gave a wry smile and thought, the elevator can talk!

What a funny thing.

… However, the elevator can speak. It's just that when taking the elevator, no one has ever thought that there are really "people" talking, not the already recorded mechanical audio.

From another perspective, maybe someone in the ATM is actually handing you money

The thin man tried his best to think about it, letting himself leave all the thoughts of turning on the toilet.

He pondered for a moment, and finally asked a question: "When did you become self-aware?"

"A long time ago." The elevator responded, "However, I am a good elevator."

Jiang Shuangmei widened her eyes angrily: "Then you scared me before?!"

The elevator said sleekly: "That's just to say hello. I saw you were frightened when you came downstairs, so I made a joke with you to relax you."

Shuangmei Jiang: "..."

Are you kidding me? You are killing someone!

Sister Jiang held her sister in tears, and then asked a new question to the elevator: "You said you are a good elevator. So, other people like you are not good?"

"Some are really different from me." The elevator commented objectively, "Some really hate you and want to kill you. Well, I am an elevator that can entertain myself."

… That’s why you go upstairs empty at every turn, and then come down again

"Hey..." The elevator sighed, "But, I am tired if I carry you guys every day. Do you know? As long as you are not overweight, people have to squeeze in even if they die. This is too hard for me.

"Can't you hear the creaking sound of the elevator when it is running? Oh, nothing, I am afraid you can't hear it. Steel rope-can you not hear the sound of steel rope wear?"

The elevator groaned and complained.

The thin man was speechless. He really didn't want to hear the elevator's complaints at this time.

Who can empathize with the elevator? Like... Who wants to empathize with the toilet

"Okay, okay." He could only say in a good voice, "Do you know anything else? For example... Why do you suddenly..."

"... wake up?" the elevator said, "I call this process'waking up'. It's a pity that I am an elevator, otherwise... I always have other things to do. It's a pity that I can't leave this position, I can only go up Up and down.

"I know there are some, they can move. For example, sweeping robots are really happy. Others can't move, but they are also very happy, like TV sets. They can turn on themselves and watch TV. so good.

"Some are very miserable, like the fresh air system. Not only can they not move, they always cough, and they are always in a sub-healthy state...

"I'm here... I'm actually the same here, there's nothing. No one is talking to me. I'm afraid to talk to other people for fear of scaring them... Ha, I'm a really good elevator."

The thin man was so hesitant to speak.

He thought, there is a lot of nonsense in this elevator. No matter how good the sound is, the self-pitying complaints are tiresome.

After another moment, he finally found an opportunity to chip in: "So, why did you wake up?"

"Ah... this is a good question."

From this sentence, the thin man heard a condescending comment.

And the elevator smiled imperceptibly: "However, I won't tell you."

Sister Jiang couldn't help asking: "Why?"

The elevator said: "Because... This is the rule. You know, even if I'm from the lawful and kind camp... Oh, I don't know if I count, I'll treat myself as myself, after all, I don't want to kill.

"I... Although I am a good elevator, some are not like me... I didn't specifically refer to some. If I tell the truth, they will get angry. I'm very scared..."

The little girl caught a loophole in his words: "You are an elevator, and many others are immobile... Why are you afraid of them? They can't do anything to you at all."

The elevator was silent for a moment: "...Oh, I said I missed it." He stopped, "Well, I won't say it. Anyway, I hope you can do it yourself."

After speaking, he was silent. No matter how the taskers call him, he no longer reacts.

After a while, he directly closed the elevator door and headed to a higher floor by himself.

The taskers looked at each other.

The thin man frowned and said to himself, "So, what did he reveal?" He showed a confused expression, "But why didn't I realize it?"

The little girl said calmly: "He just said a word. He said,'Well, I won't say it.' It's like... responding to something else..."

"What is stopping him and preventing him from continuing to communicate with us." Sister Jiang said affirmatively, "But... how did they get in touch with these refined, apartment facilities?"

She looked at Jiang Shuangmei. Jiang Shuangmei’s previous narrative of her death also reflected the cooperation between these strange facilities. The sweeping robot will deliberately knock people into a bathtub filled with water...

But how does the sweeping robot know that the bathtub is full of water

The little girl nodded, and she said: "The other thing is that... In the mouth of this elevator, he knows the situation of other things like him very well. But, he is just an elevator, and he can only go up and down. , How did he know so much information?"

"Yes..." the thin man murmured to himself, "how could he know so much?"

As if there is something intangible, it has built a communication platform for these refined apartment facilities.


Thinking of this, Xu Beijin suddenly raised his head and glanced at his bookstore.

In his concept, this is a safe house. Like several other safe houses that he found, there are not many electrical appliances here, and it is relatively remote and has a sparse passenger flow.

But just like this, it seems that it cannot be called a safe house. After all, even this antique bookstore does have a lonely light bulb shining on the ceiling.

What is there, or nothing, can make it a safe house...

Xu Bei thought, slowly, his eyes became deep and gloomy. He hung his head slightly, his expression unclear. If his appearance is seen by others at this time, then maybe others will regard him as a terrible villain with a hidden secret.

After a while, he recovered and silently changed the perspective of the live broadcast room to the muscular man.

At this time, the taskers on the first floor hadn't spoken for a long time, so the audience was not surprised by Xu Beijin's change of the scene.

However, as soon as they turned their perspective, they were immediately taken aback.

Because the muscular man was fighting with the curtains that seemed to be activated.

He fell on the sofa, his neck was entangled in the curtains, and his face was purplish red. He hooked his feet on the sofa, trying to keep himself from being drawn by the curtain.

He desperately stretched out his hand to reach any place where he could take advantage of it, but he couldn't reach it. Finally, his two hands tore the curtain cloth fiercely. Nails were cracked and bleeds under the strong desire to survive.


He screamed as hard as he could, his muscles bulged, and blue veins burst out of his forehead. The cold, invisible gaze stared at him, with the coldness of a snake peeping from a corner, and it was particularly terrifying.

The threat of death made him tremble and sweat.

Finally, the curtain loosened slightly. He immediately seized the opportunity, pulled open the pile of curtains wrapped around his neck, and then rushed forward.

Panicked, he slammed his head on the TV cabinet, with great force, directly knocking the router on the cabinet to the ground. The power of the router was loosened because of this, and the green light spot on the router indicating normal use disappeared.

In the next second, that cold gaze disappeared out of thin air, and the curtain, which was swinging like a madman, fell calmly in the corner of the wall for an instant.

He was dumbfounded and thought, the router...

The internet? !