Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 57: Rumor (1)


The thin guy doesn't want to be in the same room with the toilet. So he tried boringly to open the door, but unexpectedly found that the door lock could really be opened, so he left the apartment.

When he arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the Loko apartment building, he met Jiang Shuangmei who was sitting at the elevator door crying bitterly.

He was taken aback at once.

Except that it was strange that Jiang Shuangmei was crying, when she was crying, the elevator door did not close, but just opened, as if she was listening quietly to Jiang Shuangmei's cry.

This is... too weird, isn't it

Thinking of the previous round... No, it should be said that the inexplicable nightmare of the previous two rounds restarted, and the expression of the thin man gradually became thoughtful.

He stood there silently, waiting for a while, watching Shuangmei Jiang still crying, could only sigh without saying anything, and went upstairs by herself.

He called out both the little girl and Shen Yunju. Sure enough, except for Jiang Shuangmei and Thin Man who accidentally hit and found the door problem, the rest of the taskers still stayed peacefully in the apartment.

Such a sinister nightmare setting really made several questers disgusting enough.

They cursed the main brain NE in a low voice.

In the live broadcast room, the audience ridiculed them: "What does this have to do with the mastermind! People are artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence. If you want to scold you, you can scold the game planner!"

"This is bullying and fearing hardship."

"Although, this nightmare is really sinister."

"Why did the voice of the elevator become a woman? I remember it was a man before. Did I remember it wrong?"

Xu Bei pondered for a moment, and finally realized that this matter can't be kept from the audience forever. It's better for him to turn the audience's thoughts a little earlier...

Having said that, he thinks it is still easy to overturn the car.

He sighed secretly, and then said without changing his face: "I suspect that as the nightmare collapses, the death penalty has become heavier."

The audience cast question marks on the public screen one after another.

Xu Bei paused as much as possible, and then explained: "The player died in the nightmare before, but the nightmare restarts, and the player's state will return to the original state. But this is a normal situation.

"In some special nightmares, the collapse of the nightmare means the collapse of the nightmare rules. Similarly, the death of the player is part of the nightmare rules. Therefore, it is possible to punish the player's death.

"Under this premise, the voice of the elevator changes from male to female, and the sister of the twins is crying bitterly. If it is related to the death of the previous sister, this conclusion can be easily reached.

"That is, my sister became this elevator.

"Of course this cannot happen in reality, but in the game, the player's brain waves can be attached to any object, not only their game account, but also inanimate objects like elevators.

"The refined facilities in this nightmare, in some cases, behave very smart and flexible, such as the elevator that communicates with the tasker. They behave more like... people.

"In this case, combined with the death of the card dealer... He may have become a curtain and killed his sister; and the sister has become this elevator and changed the elevator's sound.

"I suspect that the so-called'death in exchange for safety' was a trap based on this death penalty."

Xu Beijin's voice fell, and the live broadcast room was suddenly spattered and exclaimed, even diluting Xu Beijin's guilt of deceiving the audience.

He touched his nose and smiled embarrassedly.

The audience thought he was shy because of such straightforward praise. But who can think of what Xu Beijin has concealed

He still didn't dare to challenge NE's bottom line, he still didn't dare to tell too much the truth, and he still didn't dare to test the reaction outside of the narrow floor at will. Even if these audiences look harmless, he can only remain silent.

While the audience seemed to have accepted this point of view, Xu Beijin changed the subject: "The taskers seem to be arguing."

Yes, the taskers are arguing again.

The previous quarrel was due to a card dealer, a muscle man. After the muscle man was "exiled", the atmosphere between the taskers had already improved a lot, but now the atmosphere between them has become rigid again. Up.

In the final analysis, it was because Jiang Shuangmei did not allow the rest of the mission to cut off the power supply.

The thin man frowned deeply. He said, "It was a nightmare to try to cut off the power. Your sister told us it was okay." At this point, he hesitated for a while, after all, he didn't ask the question.

—Where is your sister

Perhaps, he already understood the answer to this question in his heart. When he passed the eighth floor, he stood outside door 807 and took a look. There was no one in the apartment.

It's not just Jiang Shuangmei who is missing, but also the muscular man. This incident made the thin man feel deeply disturbed.

He desperately wanted to leave this nightmare. Not only because he and the little girl got into this nightmare by mistake, but also because he is completely unable to grasp the direction of this nightmare now.

They seem... For various reasons, they have missed a lot of information, so it is impossible to solve this nightmare.

"No… "

Jiang Shuangmei's eyes were red and swollen, and there were obvious crying and hoarseness in her voice. And with an almost crazy determination, she pleaded with all taskers: "Please let me try! At least... Wait for me for a while..."

The little girl said coldly, "What did you find?" She glanced around, "Where is your sister? Let her tell us."

Obviously, the little girl didn't really want to talk to Jiang Shuangmei, because in the whole nightmare, Jiang Shuangmei was like the shadow of Jiang Shuangmei. Like a shadow, but it's useless.

The little girl has such a cold and direct character, but then she was taken aback.

Because Jiang Shuangmei seemed to be punched by something, and was instantly knocked down by her words. She fell on the ground and once again let out a sob.

The little girl frowned, looked at her a little strangely, and then at Thin Man.

The thin man sighed, "Her sister, maybe..."


The little girl's relentless words made Jiang Shuangmei's body tremble again, but then, she slowly lifted her body, and she said, "No, I know where she is."

This was unexpected.

And Jiang Shuangmei pointed to the elevator when she came.

The taskers were silent for a moment.

The thin man frowned, "How did you know? Wait..." He hesitated suddenly, "Panel card?"

It is really extravagant to use a panel card to verify the identity of an elevator. But if it is really confirmed that the disappeared task force is actually the refined furniture and facilities, then the situation will be different in an instant.

This is a very strategic message!

There is no way to kill people in the narrow building, and you can’t take the initiative to attack other missions, but if...

In an instant, the thin man was thinking about it.

But immediately, he sighed.

If this kind of information was placed in front of him a few years ago, or even a few months ago, he would take it seriously and even report it immediately, letting Ding Yi judge the value of this kind of thing.

At that time, they had to compete with other commodity merchants, and there would always be some black hands under the countertops. Regardless of whether it is used or not, they certainly hope that there will be some countermeasures.

But... the situation is different.

Ding Yi left the bottom of the narrow building, and he, the little girl, and some other people, after finding out certain things, would leave the bottom of the narrow building and try to go to a higher floor.

In a place like the narrow building, even if you build a business... what's the point? That's the same as playing house. That's... Then the damn is playing house!

Indeed, many people will invest a lot of energy and money in the game, but that is because they have real life themselves-they have reality! But the humans in the narrow building have no truth, but they have to look for the truth in the false

That's always something that makes people frustrated and lazy.

Shouzi became Ding Yi's subordinate a year or two ago. At that time, he was tired of wandering around the bottom of a narrow building and a slightly higher floor, so he chose to stop.

However, he did not directly sink into the carnival night like some taskers. On the contrary, he became Ding Yi's subordinate, and he also got a... job

Although these two words sound a little ridiculous, but the thin man can be regarded as doing his best, retaining a little work enthusiasm. Therefore, he does not have a particularly clear understanding of this change in mentality.

But he did listen to his companions—including but not limited to the little girl—said that in recent years, the atmosphere at the bottom of the narrow building has become more and more lifeless, and even they seem to be slowly decayed and desperate.

It's like the people in the carnival night. After the usual night of carnival is over, I will return to my house to sleep well. Later, he lay directly in the venue of the carnival night.

In the end, they didn't know whether it was a carnival place or a burial place.

In any case, the news from a higher floor is like a shot of adrenaline for the taskists on the ground floor of a narrow building. As for whether it is considered to be shining back, or to be alive in a real sense...

Who knows.

One has to have some hope at least to be considered alive. If life doesn't even have the slightest hope, how is it different from the walking dead

The thin man has at least a little bit of work enthusiasm, but some people... he knows that some taskers are more like living corpses.

Is it true that someone has successfully left the narrow building and whether his success can be replicated... After all, the answers to these questions will take longer to verify.

Skinny hopes that time can test the truth of this news, instead of dissipating in the gray mist of the narrow building like other half-truths and half-fake news circulating in the narrow building, and no trace of it can be found.

The thin man sighed deeply. He said solemnly, "Did you find it with a panel card?"

"Yes Yes… "

Jiang Shuangmei was in a daze.

She thought of what happened just now. Almost the next second after hearing the female voice, she used the panel card. She couldn't even explain why she was so desperate...

She saw a line of small print, and it almost grabbed her breath.

"Identity: Elevator (Sister Jiang).

"Remarks: Special status cannot be cancelled."

… Unresolvable? ? Why... How could it be possible? !

When the thin man went downstairs and saw Jiang Shuangmei crying there, she had actually used a split card in vain. But she failed.

Cannot be lifted.

Despair overwhelmed her in an instant.

And even though the elevator was silently accompanying her, the sister who had died and might be trapped in the elevator forever, still didn't say a word.

Perhaps this means that Jiang Shuangmei will indeed fulfill her wish.

She will become an adult, an adult who can be alone, and the price is the eternal disappearance of her asylum.

She felt like a small animal released. She has become accustomed to the warm environment, meticulous care, and intimate company. She could hardly imagine... how could it be possible? !

why? It was just a nightmare, just after they decided to return to the nightmare and struggle again... The first nightmare? !

In this first nightmare, her sister left her.

No, no no... It shouldn't be like this...

Jiang Shuangmei trembled, in addition to despair, she felt resentment and dissatisfaction that she didn't know who should be directed at.

She should be aimed at herself, she should hate herself... But she started to hate the world, hate this narrow building, hate these taskers in this nightmare, and even...

Hate her sister.

Death... Ha, death. Death makes it possible to escape all responsibilities lightly. Death can make a person a completely innocent person.

Death is not so much a result as a means.

When Jiang Shuangmei was younger, she regarded death as her only means to resist this damn world. In the end, she became the..."world" left behind by death.

She fell on the ground and cried until it was dark, but after another moment, she suddenly raised her head to look at the thin man and the little girl, revealing a sharp and mean temperament that had never been seen in her.

She said: "But you... you and you, you, you are so useless! Are you not Ding Yi's scheme merchants?! Are you not the guarantee of nightmare clearance?! Ha... After all, it's a bunch of waste! Waste... "

With that, she started crying again.

Shen Yunju stiffened his face and looked at the thin man and the little girl.

… Scheme merchant

This is not a word that often appears in the mouth of taskers.

The so-called plan merchants are those who sell nightmare clearance plans in narrow buildings. Compared with the gold nuggets like Mu Jiashi, the scheme businessmen are more time-saving and labor-saving, but they also bear greater risks.

Because once a tasker who bought the plan missed, the reputation of the plan merchant would be instantly ruined.

The customer who purchases the plan considers the plan provided by the plan merchant to be the correct answer. Compared with the hands-on efforts of the nuggets who control the direction at any time in the nightmare, the scheme merchants, as well as their customers, are very lazy.

And this can indeed provide more benefits. After all, it is too time-consuming for the nuggets to take the boss personally.

The scheme merchant is an alternative strategy that gradually emerged after Mu Jiashi left the bottom of the narrow building. However, although such things are much cheaper than gold nuggets, they are still not so popular.

After all, buying a nightmare clearance plan, who knows whether it is true or not? The only way to verify is to practice it yourself.

If an enemy pretends to be a plan merchant and deliberately sells you a false plan that will sink you into a nightmare, wouldn't it be over in an instant

Only Ding Yi, who has a wealth of wealth and a good reputation, can afford a group of plan merchants.

It is not only because the emergence of the plan requires the accumulation of time and money, but also because the customers will trust the credibility of the commodity merchant.

In any case, the scheme businessman is still a very unpopular profession.

From a certain point of view, this is like a real-world strategy group. But... This is a narrow building, this is a nightmare.

Inexplicably, a cloud of anger accumulated in Shen Yunju's heart. He said in a cold voice, "Anything can be bought and sold... right?"

The thin man didn't speak. The little girl glanced at him coldly, and also did not speak.

In the end, Shen Yunju lowered his head boringly.

…What's the use of arguing about these

The scene fell silent for a while.

In the end, it was Jiang Shuangmei who suddenly spoke: "Does any of you have a panel card?"

The taskers were all taken aback.

But no one would bluntly talk about the item card in the narrow building, especially in the nightmare, at this juncture, directly ask the specific item card.

Shuangmei Jiang raised her head, revealing a stiff and withered face. She said, "I used another card for you... Attack card. How about it?"

Shen Yunju almost immediately said: "I'll change with you!"

Jiang Shuangmei laughed meaninglessly, and she threw the attack card in her pocket to Shen Yunju. After repeated confirmations, Shen Yunju handed his panel card to Jiang Shuangmei, and then couldn't help but look at her with a whole new look.

For a solo "zombie" like Shen Yunju, an attack card is such a rare and rare item card. And Jiang Shuangmei actually took it out to trade so casually... or was it used to trade panel cards? !

Panel cards are too common!

Regardless of what the rest of the task force thinks, Jiang Shuangmei said calmly: "I just want to take a look, what is the culprit who killed my sister. Please..." She still cried a little after all, "please at least Let me confirm this."

The thin man's expression moved slightly, he and the little girl looked at each other, and then said, "Let's follow along and have a look, okay?"

Jiang Shuangmei was noncommittal, like a wandering corpse, and went straight to the elevator—the elevator that meant her sister.

The rest of the taskers take the stairs consciously.

A few minutes later, they all came to room 807.

Xu Beijin, who saw this scene through the live broadcast, suddenly felt some complicated emotions in his heart. He thought that when the nightmare started, he casually focused his perspective on this apartment.

And who would have thought that the nightmare might also end here

Jiang Shuangmei stood beside the sofa where she found the prop card, looking around. She endured pain and disgust, recalling what happened in the last period of the last nightmare.

Finally, her gaze was fixed on the curtains hanging down in the corner of the wall.

No matter how you look at it, among the furniture in the living room, there are things that can kill people in a short period of time and can move by themselves... The only thing is curtains.

What's more, Sister Jiang once told her that in the first round of nightmares, she had seen curtains floating for no reason.

… She hates herself for remembering those things from the past clearly, as if her sister is still alive in her memory. But in fact there is no.

Does the false truth make sense

Jiang Shuangmei shook her hands and used the panel card against the curtain.

She was silent for about ten seconds, until the long silence in the room made the other three taskers feel confused and uneasy, and Jiang Shuangmei suddenly moved.

But the direction of her action is not outside the door.

The taskers watched in confusion as she took out a pair of scissors from the kitchen, and then...

Cut the curtains torn.

Her expression was still very calm, as if her facial muscles were necrotic, as if she did this out of anger rather than revenge. She cut it carefully and exquisitely, as if her purpose was to specially cut the lower part of the curtain into a tassel shape.


The taskers felt a chill and fear one after another.

They dare not even ask, the result of using the panel card. And they seemed to have an answer faintly in their hearts.

In the first round of nightmares, it was Jiang Shuangmei who died; in the second round, it was Shen Yunju. In these two rounds of nightmares, the dead will not disappear.

In the fourth round of nightmare, it was Sister Jiang who died. She disappeared.

What about the third round

Who is the dead in the third round of nightmare? Will he disappear? He... Will he be a curtain

And the curtain killed Sister Jiang...

Who will resent Sister Jiang

Almost for an instant, the thin man thought of Jiang Shuangmei's crazy answer.

After some time, Jiang Shuangmei seemed to calm down. She slammed the scissors on the curtain, then calmly nodded to the three taskers, and then said, "Sorry. Let's go down."

The thin man almost mistakenly identified Jiang Shuangmei as her sister at this time.

They went back to the first floor.

Jiang Shuangmei held back her grief and stroked the button on the elevator. She whispered, "I'm sorry." She paused, "I will live, sister. I will... leave this damn game."

In a trance, she seemed to hear a sigh.

However, there is still silence in the elevator, as if the dust can be heard clearly.

Shuangmei Jiang sniffed and didn't cry anymore. She has recognized reality.

She squeezed the prop cards, including the "Devil's Mask". What everyone didn't know was that when she used the panel card to view the curtain, the panel of the muscular man, she learned something that no one could imagine.

The cost of using the "Devil's Mask" item card is not just extreme arrogance in temperament.

After losing this item card, the "devil" abandoned his former master like a shoe.

Therefore, if someone uses a panel card on this abandoned tasker, his panel information, and even his past, will be unreservedly presented.

Therefore, Jiang Shuangmei learned about the residence of the muscular man, the prop cards he had, the nightmares he had experienced, the network resources he had, the information network he had, and so on. In a way, she can become a "muscle man" now.

Besides, Ringo’s sweetheart is the bookstore owner...

Jiang Shuangmei took a deep breath, and a little thought flashed in her eyes.

After her sister left, she finally had to rely on her own ability to survive. The information seen through the panel card may help her gain a foothold on the ground floor of a narrow building.


Jiang Shuangmei laughed bitterly.

She thought, someone would really harvest... love in a place like the narrow building

She finally sorted her thoughts, wiped her face to make herself look calmer, and then reunited with other taskers.

A few minutes later, they knocked on the locked door of the power distribution room with a hammer from the security room, and then broke the circuit here.

Then, the voice of the mastermind sounded. They reached an ordinary ending.

Xu Beijin opened his eyes in the bookstore.

After a moment of trance, he said goodbye to the audience.

This time the live broadcast lasted a long time, roughly four hours. However, even though the live broadcast has ended, for Xu Beijin, the impact of this nightmare on him continues.

milk tea…

Uh, not this.

What he said is that he can take the initiative to intervene in the nightmare process.

The main brain did not prohibit him from revealing the information obtained through the live broadcast. It seems that NE has acquiesced, that is what he knows and can reveal it to others. It's like the actor can disclose the information he knows to his companions at will.

However, the actor and the tasker are not the same after all.

Xu Bei thought with all his heart, perhaps in the next nightmare, he should carry out some more in-depth experiments and research.

He thought about it with interest, but in a moment, he yawned sleepily.

He stood up and walked to the window.

This is not talking about the window on the side of the door, but the other side. In a narrow building, no matter where the house is, the window opposite the door can always see the scene outside the narrow building.

That is thick fog. The gray fog obscures the sky and the sun, and the narrow building stands in such a fog.

There has never been sunshine, there has never been rain. This desolate and dilapidated scene seems eternal, and it is daunting and disturbing.

The curiosity of the taskers about the gray mist ends at the sacrifice of some good deeds who walked in but never got out of the gray mist. That was a long, long time ago, almost the moment when these humans were just trapped in the narrow building.

At that time, Xu Bei might be just like now, standing by the bed of the bookstore, silently and silently looking at the thick gray mist outside the narrow building.

He let his thoughts diverge, unaware of the passing of time. He remembered things from many years ago, remembered his memories when he first came to the narrow building... That was indeed a very long time ago.

He even let himself think of some memories about the earth. He thought, maybe this is because, in the nightmare just now, he returned to the business district like the earth.

… Then he suddenly thought of Shen Yunju.

At that moment he regretted a bit, because he didn't want to face those things at all.

Shen Yunju said that he had seen that commercial area on the earth.

Shen Yunju also concealed some other things, Xu Bei could see it all, and he could guess some of them.

But... that doesn't seem to make much sense. No matter what Shen Yunju said or what he didn't say, the situation has always been like this. Over the years, has anyone really discovered some problems

Of course there is.

But why hasn't their lives changed

No... Maybe...

Xu Bei looked deeply at the gray fog outside the window.

He thought, in recent days... It seems that some undercurrents are indeed surging... isn't it

But even if he knew it, he seemed to... Xu Bei was almost habitually pessimistic, but he immediately thought, no, it's wrong. He can use the information obtained in the live broadcast room... He can actively intervene in the process of nightmares!

He almost cheered up, but the next second, a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

…Who is looking for him

Xu Bei tilted his head in confusion, he thought, isn't it Ringo

…Death, he actually thinks this possibility is very high.

He walked slowly to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door... Then, his eyes widened in surprise.

Outside the door, Mu Jiashi, who claimed to be a loser and a waste, raised some drinks in his hand, and then showed a friendly smile.

He paid a visit to Xu Bei in accordance with his words.

Xu Beijin felt a little surprised. He greeted Mu Jiashi in the door, but he still couldn't recover.

Jiashi Mu... Didn't you go to a higher floor? Did he choose not to go to a higher floor, or... he failed on a higher floor again

Xu Beijin was too embarrassed to ask about this, but Mu Jiashi took the initiative to say, "I didn't go to a higher floor."

Xu Beijin was even more embarrassed: "Because of...?"

Mu Jiashi was taken aback, and then shook his head: "Sorry, it's not because of an agreement with you, but because of..." He sighed, "I am a loser, do you understand? If I can't adjust myself If you go to a higher floor, it’s useless."

Xu Bei was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

But Mu Jiashi changed the subject: "I wanted to come here after the nightmare is over, but I want to bring you some drinks..." He pushed to Xu Beijin, "These drinks were found after a long time, so Come to visit you so late."

Xu Beijin asked with some confusion: "Have you been looking for a long time?"

Mu Jiashi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's... Ringo..."

Okay, he has swept all the goods on the market, right

Xu Beijin was silent on the surface as if nothing had happened.

What he didn't know was that Ding Yi was actually preparing for the last nightmare, putting all the drinks she could get in a certain room and using it as a deal with Ringo. And that's almost half of the entire inventory on the ground floor of the narrow building.

On the ground floor of the narrow building, most of the beverages originally circulating on the market were indeed taken away by Ringo, but in terms of quantity, compared with the ones collected by Ding Yi, it was only a drop in the bucket.

Even on the side of the Corrupted Quest orgy party, there have been complaints these past few days.

Xu Beijin naturally didn't know the setbacks, but was a little bit dumbfounded at Ringo.

Mu Jiashi observed the expression on Xu Beijin's face. The man in front of him was as deep and calm as ever, even if he mentioned Ringo, Xu Beijin didn't seem to respond.

He didn't know why this was because the relationship between Xu Beijin and Ringo was not so good yet? Or is it... pretending to be peaceful

Mu Jiashi couldn't tell at all.

It's like a few years ago, if Xu Beijin suddenly became angry and threw the excessive tasker out of his bookstore, then the tasker would probably treat the bookstore owner as a good-tempered guy.

But in fact, it is not so wise to annoy the other person.

A few years ago, Mu Jiashi gave Xu Beijin some drinks, which actually made him gain. From this point of view, the bookstore owner in front of him probably followed the principle of equivalent exchange.

If he wants to, then maybe he can use this to make some deals with him, just like a few years ago, maybe he can get some clues to the nightmare.


But Mu Jiashi suddenly became tired and lazy.

He didn't want to repeat the fate of the past few years. He chose to stay on the ground floor of the narrow building simply because he wanted to stop. He felt exhausted—the exhaustion caused by failure. But it's not just a failure, it's a...

Desperately defeated.

So instead, he talked about life and everything in the narrow building with Xu Bei.

Instead, with a slightly joking tone, he mentioned the higher-level life in the narrow building except for nightmares.

He said that on the higher floors, life is slightly more comfortable than on the ground floor of a narrow building, but it is also more lifeless. The more you go up, the more so, because, the more you go up, the more difficult the nightmare, and the more sinister the situation.

The taskers felt more and more that it was impossible for them to leave the narrow building, so they became more and more desperate and collapsed. If you insist, the ground floor of the narrow building is more lively.

At least there are some carnival nights here. Although it is not a good place, it is at least a lively place.

"And the higher floors..." Mu Jiashi said, "All taskers are just discussing nightmares, clearance plans, and matching of props and cards."

Xu Bei listened carefully.

Mu Jiashi smiled bitterly: "There is no such thing as a card dealer." He sighed with mixed emotions, "Everyone is... a tasker, just a tasker. Shuttle in a nightmare... that's all. "

Xu Beijin's expression moved slightly.

It suddenly occurred to him that in the previous nightmare, when he talked to the audience about the existence of card dealers and clothing makers, the audience used to play the same question and answer.

"What are these taskers doing every day?"

"Except for tasks, do everything."

Taskers on the ground floor of the narrow building do not do their jobs, while those on the higher floors have become working machines.

This sharp contrast made Xu Bei couldn't help showing a little smile. It's not entirely funny, but also unspeakably bitter.

However, in Mu Jiashi's eyes, there is only one meaning-mockery.

Mu Jiashi: "..."

He looked at Xu Beijin in surprise, and thought to himself, why did the bookstore owner show such an expression to what he just said

He and Xu Bei looked at each other.

He didn't understand why Xu Beijin showed a mocking expression.

Xu Bei couldn't understand why he suddenly stopped talking.

Mu Jiashi was silent for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Have you ever learned about the higher floors of the narrow building?"

Xu Beijin shook his head.

Mu Jiashi frowned slightly, always feeling unbelievable. The expression of Xu Beijin just now matched his current appearance, only Mu Jiashi felt that he had something to hide.

So Mu Jiashi said again: "Before I returned to the bottom of the narrow building, there was always a rumor on the higher floors."

Xu Bei was stunned, wondering why Mu Jiashi mentioned this place suddenly.

How did he know that Mu Jia had many solid eyes, because of Xu Beijin's micro expression, all kinds of thoughts of nine bends and eighteen bends were instantly born in his heart.

Mu Jiashi said: "That rumor is..." He slowed down subconsciously, and observed Xu Beijin's expression, "Someone successfully left the narrow building."

He said this news, of course, to test Xu Beijin's reaction.

Xu Beijin opened his eyes subconsciously, showing a somewhat surprised expression.


Mu Jiashi felt something was wrong. After all, the rumor that someone had left the narrow building, no matter whether it was true or not, any tasker would inevitably show a shocked, even ecstatic expression when he first heard about it.

Xu Beijin's reaction seemed a bit too calm.

And immediately, Mu Jiashi felt that he was thinking too much.

Really... Obviously the man in front of him is also a bookstore owner. He is just an NPC in the game. Do you still expect him to show a similar expression to the player

However, Mu Jiashi also knew that some residents of Zhailou also hated it. Maybe they also want to leave the narrow building, maybe

Mu Jiashi was amused by the thought in his heart, even though he didn't really laugh.

He meant... Residents of narrow buildings. It's just the NPC in the game, it's just a bunch of data. Do they really know the meaning of freedom, escape, hope, etc.

Even the main brain NE, even the artificial intelligence, may not be able to understand these human concepts well.

And just an NPC with a bunch of data

Mu Jiashi