Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 64: deceased


Mu Jiashi looked at the scene that shattered his worldview and muttered: "How is it possible... How is it possible..."

As we all know, death in a nightmare will cause the nightmare to restart.

But now, some people in the nightmare are indeed dead or killed by others, but the nightmare has not restarted.

why is that

Compared with the inexplicable taskers present, Xu Bei thought a little deeper.

He thought of what the bald head said to him before.

In this nightmare, memory loss will cause the nightmare to restart... or at least a cycle.

With a headache, he rummaged through the depths of his mind about sufficient and necessary conditions, and found that it was useless at all.

Because, for a long time, everyone has believed that this is sufficient and necessary, that is, there must be a restart if there is death, and there must be death if there is a restart. They are double arrows.

But now this iron law is broken!

Xu Bei thought for a moment, feeling that unless the nightmare restarts once and let him see what the conditions for restarting in this nightmare are, otherwise, it's useless to think out of thin air here.

This is the procrastination method he habitually uses when facing some difficult problems all the year round.

So he kindly put aside the mess of thoughts in his mind, set his eyes on the screen of the live broadcast room, and watched the reactions of the six taskers.

The most eye-catching among them is the collector. He directly showed an excited smile, touched his chin, smiled and said: "This nightmare... is so funny!"

It's not.

Mu Jiashi glanced at him weakly. The man who had been discouraged after returning to the bottom of the narrow building also showed a similar look at this time.

Among the nightmares that Mu Jiashi had encountered, this was the first nightmare that broke the law that death must bring about a restart.

Mu Jiashi sighed deeply. He knew it would not be a coincidence, there must be some special reason.

As he thought, he looked away from the corpse.

They had come to the bottom of the building, and saw the corpse, and confirmed the death of the other person-anyway, jumping from the upstairs, their heads are already blooming, can't it be said to be a living thing anyway

Huayi hesitated for a while, seeing no one talking, and then said: "Perhaps... well, maybe this person died before jumping off the building? Maybe it was just a corpse?"

There are corpses in some nightmares, which are more like a setting than a real dead person.

But the bald head retorted his brother: "Look at the blood that this guy shed, look at his brains. You say it again that he died before he jumped down?"

This corpse is very... fresh.

Almost as soon as this word appeared in Mu Jiashi's mind, he couldn't help but retaliate in his heart.

I have to say, because the nightmare will restart within three seconds after death in the past nightmare, so these taskers on the scene have not stared at a corpse for a long time.

Especially the dead body so tragic.

Mu Jiashi took the initiative to move his gaze away, and then caught a glimpse of Fei He Wujian's face, and couldn't help but startled.

To be honest, at this time in the ruins of the wind cry, the face of every tasker was not very good. They are just like those collapsed buildings, showing the same gray and ruined appearance.

Whether it was because of death or because death did not bring about the restart of the nightmare, they all felt that something was wrong. This nightmare does not seem to match their previous experience.

But the appearance of Fei and Wu Jian is different from the others.

Rather than saying that they are scared, disturbed, and nervous, it is better to say that they are in an incredible... shock and excitement

But is it such an exaggeration

Indeed, death did not bring about the restart of the nightmare. But isn't this nightmare that has many moths? Maybe they were just facing a certain characteristic of the nightmare itself, maybe that guy died before he really jumped down

And... Excited? What kind of emotion is this

Mu Jiashi sneered inwardly.

Then he turned his head firmly and pretended not to see the special performance of these two men. Although he remembered it, he couldn't rush over now and ask what happened to these two men.

For a moment, Mu Jiashi even thought that this nightmare taskers were quite interesting.

Discarded card collectors, two nervously talking men and women, a pair of brothers who had been in this nightmare but had concealed a lot of information... and him.

In the next second, Mu Jiashi sighed inexplicably.

Compared with Xu Beijin's eternal sleepiness, Mu Jiashi's emotions are more like a roller coaster.

It's unsure when he suddenly stood up and operated fiercely, and then led the other taskers into flight. He suddenly lost all interest and suddenly called himself a trash... Just like he had done in the nightmare before. .

As he said to Xu Beijin, he has to adjust his state at the bottom of the narrow building. He was constantly being brought into deeper hell by the nightmare he had experienced and destroyed him, but he still wanted to crawl out.

He was distracted, and the rest of the taskers were silent.

The collector snorted: "You guys... why have you overlooked a more important question!"


The relationship between the bald head and this always smiling young man is not very good, so at this time, the only way to talk is from Huayi. But despite this, Bald still glared at his brother.

The collector doesn't care, he seems to be attracted by more interesting things, so he doesn't care about the little conflict between himself and the bald head at all.

He said, "The one who pushed this guy downstairs." He said lightly, "I remember, after we got here, no one has come out of the building yet? He should, still in the building."

Several taskers looked at each other and realized that it was indeed the case.

After that person fell from the roof, several taskers kept staring at the entrance and exit of the building. No one left, and of course no one walked in.

So they left Fei standing outside the entrance of the building, while the other five people scattered into the building and rushed straight to different floors, looking for the possible murderer.

Although Fei escaped from physical work, staying with a corpse still made her feel a little uncomfortable. She bit her lip and walked away silently, but her eyes remained fixed on the entrance and exit of the building, not caring about the ruins behind her.

She was thinking too.

After the initial horror, she realized that this nightmare might really be the one they had been looking for... a unique nightmare.

Among the countless conspiracy theories in Zhailou, one is actually recognized by everyone, or at least they are willing to believe that this conspiracy theory is true.

That is, among the countless nightmares in the narrow building, there is an ultimate nightmare. If the nightmare can be cleared and the true ending can be achieved, then the tasker can escape from the narrow building.

This sounds very reasonable indeed. Just like all games have a main mission and there must be a final BOSS, "Escape from the Sky" is of course also a game.

But what is this ultimate nightmare

Countless missionaries are crazy because of the possible existence of this ultimate nightmare, but they have never been able to find this nightmare.

Once, the bottom of the narrow building was crazy because of all kinds of rumors about the nightmare of the bookstore owner, and there might not be no missionaries who thirst for the ultimate nightmare.

Of course they hope to escape from the narrow building, whether it is the tasker or the... Maybe, in the original chaos, there was also the resident of the narrow building played by the actor, who fished in troubled waters, and wanted to see what Xu Beijin’s nightmare was.

A few years have passed, and there may still be people in the dark about Xu Beijin's nightmare, but at least there is no more on the surface. Especially after Ringo clearly expressed his protection for Xu Beijin.

Although some people secretly speculated about their relationship, and had some peachy delusions in an extraordinarily mean area, the uncrowned king at the bottom of the narrow building still had enough deterrent power after all.

So what Xu Beijin had been worried about did not happen.

However, in addition to Ringo's own influence, the emergence of the nightmare they are now in has indeed given Xu Bei a certain amount of pressure.

Because some people suspect that this is the so-called "ultimate nightmare."

You see, the doomsday, the survivors, the ruins, the fog... all the symbols and scenes seem to be similar to the narrow building itself. Coupled with the two characteristics that memory loss and death will not cause restart, it is even more suspicious!

Initially, those who failed to clear the nightmare mission, after going to a higher level, said the news about the nightmare with added vigour.

Afterwards, all developments were out of their control, just like the impact of Xu Beijin's nightmare.

It's like throwing a piece of driftwood to the crazy, desperate, desperate task force.

it works? Useless

neither knows.

But this group of on the brink of desperation can never miss this driftwood, right

Therefore, as far as Fei and Wujian knew, not only they came to the bottom of the narrow building, but also others who also wanted to enter this nightmare, at least... it was an attempt.

They came earlier because the rumor took a little effort to spread to higher floors. It will take a while for them to get down from a higher floor.

All in all, when the taskers on the ground floor of the narrow building desperately tried all kinds of nightmares to go to higher floors because of the rumor that "someone successfully escaped from the narrow building" There was a rumor that "the ultimate nightmare" appeared, and he went to the bottom of the narrow building desperately.

Well, rumors hurt people.

As for whether these two news are rumors, everyone can't say.

It’s like, even if those conspiracy theories-well, inferred-the secret organization behind the Fei and Wujian, they don't necessarily think of it. After many years, certain conspiracy theories have become the minds of the taskers. truth.

For example... The ultimate nightmare.

In fact, Fei and Wujian didn't really come to this nightmare because of the ultimate nightmare.

They couldn't think of it themselves, their original joking statement about the ultimate nightmare was actually recognized by the vast majority of taskers, and they made them crazy enough to give up everything on the higher floors and return to the bottom of the narrow building.

Perhaps a few years ago, because of Xu Beijin’s nightmare, in the turmoil on the ground floor of the narrow building, it was indispensable to mix with higher-level missionaries

Mu Jiashi once told Xu Beijin that the higher floor of the narrow building was a place far more lifeless than the bottom of the narrow building.

However, those lifeless, desperate taskers, if they really let themselves go crazy, then I am afraid they will also produce some terrible results.

At least Fei was a little worried.

She thought about all kinds of thoughts absently, until time passed slowly, until...

The remaining five taskers returned to the first floor of the building without finding anything.

There are 13 floors in the building, and it took a long time to search. However, the layout of the main rooms in this empty building is semi-open, so there is no exaggerated effort.

Ten minutes later, the five people returned to the first floor, and everyone shook their heads.

They did not find the murderer in the building.

The bald head stared incredibly, his eyes were red, and he said anxiously: "But we did see that person's existence, and indeed, no one has ever left the building!"

"Yes." Even though they didn't get any useful information, the collector's lips still had a full smile. "Perhaps, someone found it, but didn't say it?"

The bald head immediately became angry.

Of course he understands what the collector means-isn't that cynicism because of his previous concealment

The bald-headed double label was righteous, but he still defended himself: "I really didn't find anything!"

Huabi said, "Me too."

The collector chuckled. He said, "That's not what I meant." He lifted his chin, "Look who it is."

Fei, who came to meet these people, and the other taskers turned their heads to look at the first floor of the building at the same time-through the glass door, they saw Xu Beijin with a cold expression sitting behind the bookstore counter.

Xu Beijin: "..."

He has a few—really just a few, crazy.

… He really went to the rooftop from beginning to end, except for a trip to the rooftop at the beginning of the nightmare. After that, he never left the bookstore again!

But it was obvious that the taskers suspected him.

They did see a person on the rooftop pushing another person down, and they did not see anyone walking out of the building, and they did not find any living person in the building except themselves...

Except Xu Beijin.

Before this group of taskers came up to Xu Beijin and asked if he had killed someone, Xu Beijin felt that he had no answer.

…Because the live broadcast system simply did not give the perspective of the other scenes in the building except for the stairs, rooftops and bookstores, so he couldn’t even find the murderer himself…


its not right!

Xu Beijin suddenly reacted.

There is nothing wrong with the live broadcast system. This live broadcast perspective is actually generated based on the game settings. In other words, it is actually a way to use game planning to cheat.

Only scenes with perspective provided by live broadcast are valuable and clueful scenes. There is no point of view in the live broadcast, so what's the use? It's just a useless setting.

But in a realistic game like "Escape from the Sky", the main brain will naturally set the scene to look like it is real, and the tasker can explore freely inside the map.

In short, the taskers actually don't know where the nightmare scene is worth exploring. They can only cast the net, but Xu Beijin knows it through the live broadcast system.

In the building, there are only three scenes where the perspective can be transferred to the live broadcast...

Xu Beijin's expression gradually became thoughtful.

This means—the murderer is really not in this building

He knows his family's affairs. Of course he is not the murderer, which means that the murderer who entered the building is someone else. However, the live broadcast system could not see the sceneries in the building, and what they could see, whether it was the rooftop or the stairs, was empty.

This means that no one else exists in this building?

There are people and no one in the building

For such a completely contradictory conclusion, one of them must be wrong. And Xu Beijin believes in the live broadcast system—at least he believes that this thing is not broken—then there is really no one in the building except Xu Beijin and those taskers.

Where did the murderer go

How could he leave this building without being noticed by everyone

Among other things, the live broadcast system that he can hide from Xu Beijin is completely incredible.

This is God's perspective!

Even Xu Beijin himself is sitting here, through the glass windows, he can grasp the situation inside and outside the building on the first floor in real time!

Xu Beijin couldn't help but frowned.

He thought, this nightmare is really strange.

Someone dies will not cause the nightmare to restart, someone can disappear out of thin air in a building...

And the latter question made him even more ridiculous-a lively, secret room problem in a mystery

He was thinking that the six taskers had already squeezed into the bookstore excitedly because they found him as a suspect.

Because what they were looking for was the murderer on the rooftop, after entering the building, they rushed to the highest floor, and then searched from top to bottom.

Before the collector pointed out the man in the bookstore, except for the bald head and flowered arms who had already known Xu Beijin's existence, the rest of the taskers hadn't really noticed that there was a living person in this dirty bookstore.

Before noticing Xu Beijin, this man's sense of existence was very low; but once they really saw him, the taskers couldn't help thinking, how could they ignore this man

He is clearly so eye-catching.

After seeing the man's face, Mu Jiashi's pupils shrank subconsciously. He wondered in surprise, why is it him? How could it be the owner of this bookstore?

Based on the previous contacts with Xu Beijin, Mu Jiashi labelled Xu Beijin as “harmless”. Mu Jiashi believes that with Xu Beijin's performance all the time, he shouldn't be a murderer and be able to sit there peacefully after killing someone.

However, in the case that no one has entered his nightmare, no one can say that he really understands him.

People can't look like... No, according to Xu Beijin's appearance, it should be said that people can look like.

Mu Jiashi secretly reminded himself that the residents of the narrow buildings in the nightmares, and the residents of the narrow buildings in the narrow buildings, are not alone to some extent, unless they are the owners of the nightmares.

… But the last time he also met Xu Beijin in a nightmare, at that time he said that he would visit Xu Beijin later, and Xu Beijin obviously also remembered this incident.

For a time, Mu Jiashi was deeply confused because of Xu Beijin's complicated and contradictory image.

Xu Beijin noticed the strange and hesitant gaze cast by Mu Jiashi. He can probably guess the other party's thoughts, just as the reasoning boss once guessed that he was the murderer, Mu Jiashi probably also raised his doubts.

Compared to Mu Jiashi, who was just skeptical, the other five taskers seemed to have determined that he was the murderer.

After all, there will be no supernatural events in the nightmare. Xu Beijin is the only person staying in the building. How could he not be the murderer

In the face of these group of taskers’ inquiries and accusations, Xu Bei sighed exhaustedly. He pursed his lips. After waiting for a while, he found that these taskers were still talking. .

So Xu Beijin, with his eyes down, suddenly raised his eyelids and said calmly: "Did you finish?"

The taskers closed their mouths subconsciously.

In fact, it was only the bald head, the flower arm, and the collector who were talking all the time. The other three taskers remained basically silent. After Xu Beijin spoke, the collector looked at him with interest.

Xu Bei glanced at the young man who was always smiling, and then said, "You found the wrong person."

"Don't deny it!" The bald head mustered up the courage to let himself say this question, "Only you stay in this building. Who else can push that person downstairs?!"

His statement is also valid. The bald head and the flower arm came earlier than the other taskers, so they knew that Xu Beijin had indeed stayed in the building.

Bald didn't want other people to know about his contact with Xu Beijin, so he concealed this.

But after that person fell from the roof, they neither saw anyone leaving the building nor entering the building. In this case, Xu Beijin, who appeared in the bookstore on the first floor, seemed the most suspicious.

Xu Beijin actually doesn't know how to argue for himself, but...

He leaned against the back of the chair for a long time and looked up at the group of taskers, seemingly confident. He turned to another question: "Does this verify what I said before?"

The taskers were all startled.

The complexion of the bald head and the flower arm changed suddenly.

Mu Jiashi immediately noticed the changes in the expressions of these two people, and forced him to ask: "What do you know?" He looked at Xu Beijin again, "What did you say before?"

Xu Bei smiled nonchalantly: "It is related to the corpse you found." He said, "I follow the principle of equivalent exchange. They provided me with some information before, so I also provide some information. give them."

Mu Jiashi frowned immediately.

Equivalent exchange... He took a deep look at Xu Bei. Compared to the others present, he clearly knew that Xu Beijin was indeed such a person.


But compared to the man sitting in the bookstore, compared to the man who gave him a clue about the nightmare because of the drink he gave him... This man with pale skin and dark eyes, mysterious and awesome …

Mu Jiashi once again deeply doubted Xu Beijin—what kind of person he is

Before he could understand, the bald head struggled to squeeze two words from his teeth: "Tiantai."

Xu Beijin once told him that there are only two places worth exploring in this building: one is the rooftop and the other is the bookstore.

Now, the former seems to have been verified, and someone died after falling from the rooftop; and the latter, not to mention—after all, the bookstore owner who has an unknown clue is here.

His bald lips trembled, his face turned pale, and he looked at the man in front of him with deep fear. The horror and fear in his eyes made Xu Beijin feel strange.

Xu Bei thought to himself, what is this for? What does it mean? He just wanted to wash away his suspicion, so he deliberately mentioned the previous deal with bald head and flower arm.

Rather than a murderer, he wanted to fix his image on the mysterious person of the unknown prophet.

… But why does the bald head show such an expression

At this time, the bald head yelled in horror: "In order to prove that what you said before is correct, you ran to the rooftop to kill someone?!"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment.