Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 69: a book


Mu Jiashi stared at the piece of paper in front of him like a ghost.

And it was indeed like a ghost drawing symbol, completely garbled, strange numbers and symbols, and some traces of random circles.

But he knew clearly that just a few seconds ago, it was just plain text.

"how so… "

He muttered to himself, and then looked at the other three taskers.

Neither the bald head nor the flower arm had any reaction. After taking a look at them, Mu Jiashi realized that these two people might have known about this a long time ago, so he didn't say a word before and just watched them look for paper and pen.

They probably knew that this was useless work.

After realizing that the taskers will lose their memories in this nightmare, it is very easy to think of using paper and pen to record the clues they found, especially when they found the existence of pens in the grocery store before.

But as long as you try this method, you will find that pen and paper are simply unusable things in this nightmare, and it is impossible for them to record the clues they have obtained.

This nightmare seems to be doing everything possible to make them forget them after obtaining the corresponding clues and information... Gain and lose, just like some strange evil taste.

But... Mu Jiashi looked at Wujian again, didn't know it was communicating with him, and just said to himself: "Since paper and pen can't be used, why put pen and paper in the nightmare? What is the hint? ?"

After hearing it, I tried to answer: "Maybe... It's just useless props?"

This kind of thing often appears in nightmares, but it's just a setting. Does everything in the nightmare have to imply something

Just like a brick on this ruin, what's the point

Mu Jiashi was silent, but lowered his eyes slightly, staring at the strange string of characters on the white paper. He has forgotten what he wrote, all he can remember is this string of garbled codes.

… No, it must have some meaning.

If what is written is normal characters, then it is a "normal" setting prop; and what is written now is a garbled code that is completely unrecognizable, it means that in this nightmare, the pen and paper itself are abnormal.

But why

There are countless whys wandering in Mu Jiashi's brain—why the person who fell from the building died and the nightmare didn't restart? Why do they keep losing memories in this nightmare? Why is something wrong with pen and paper

Paper, pen...

He suddenly remembered that in his Xu Beijin bookstore, he saw the book that Ringo was holding. Also, on the same day, he was on the corner of the narrow building and was smirked by a resident of the narrow building who was holding a pen in his hand. , Tripped abruptly...

Does that have to do with this nightmare

Although this kind of association is illogical, the multiple images contained in it have extremely subtle similarities.

While Mu Jiashi was thinking, suddenly he heard an unbelievable voice.

"this… "

Mu Jiashi returned to his senses and looked at him.

The man said with a bitter face, "You... do you feel hungry?" He touched his stomach, "I'm so hungry."

Mu Jiashi subconsciously asked him: "We only ate half an hour ago, are you hungry again?"

Wu Jian asked him even more strangely: "What, did we eat something half an hour ago?!"

The two looked at each other, and at the same time looked at the bald head and the flower arm.

The bald head said nothing, and Huabi said, "I have eaten it."

Wu Jian suddenly felt strange. He said, "But I'm really hungry..." He tried to convince others with this reason, "If I had eaten half an hour ago, why would I be hungry?"

Mu Jiashi frowned tightly. He said, "If you forget that you have eaten, then you will also forget that you are full-you will feel hungry again..."

He thought to himself, what is this? Is this a nightmare deliberately tossing people

The bald head reminded them impatiently: "Those people have entered the building, hurry up and follow!"

They were following the survivors and the two missionaries Fei and Collector at this time, and they had already approached the location of the building.

So the four continued to move forward, but along the way, they began to check each other's memories.

Wu Jian struggled to find his own brain. He recounted all their experiences in his brain about this round of nightmare: "Starting from the starting point, then Fei and I went south, then east, and then to the building and You meet.

"After summarizing the information, I decided to go to the playground first. I found a pen and paper on the way. Then Fei and another person were arrested. We are now following them..."

As he said, the unseen voice gradually became lighter and weaker. He looked at the taskers present a little hesitantly: "Uh, is there any problem with my memory?"

What's the problem

Mujia thought to himself, the problem has gone.

Obviously, Wu Jian almost forgot most of their experience.

The man who walked into the fog, the search in the treasure trove, the man who fell down the building, the conversation with the bookstore owner, the food before departure... He almost forgot all of it.

What he still remembers is that they gathered information under the building and finally decided to go to the playground first and find paper and pen on the way.

What's more frightening is that Wu Jian doesn't think there is any problem with his memory at all. He felt that his previous experience was as calm, simple, and straight to the subject as he recounted.

Wu Jian believed that his past experience was like this, so after seeing the unpredictable faces of the other taskers, he was a little confused.

Without Fei here to remind him, he would never find that he had forgotten so many memories.

After Mu Jiashi was silent for a moment, he suddenly said: "One and a half hours..."

He has not forgotten anything.

According to Wujian, he can make up all their experiences in this nightmare... He feels so. He also couldn't say whether he had forgotten something.

But time is about to come one and a half hours after the nightmare begins. During this time, it is the ignorance and collector who are found to have forgotten memories.

Does this mean that at the very beginning of the nightmare, forgetting does not happen to everyone

But... As the nightmare develops and collapses, eventually, they will all forget... And at that time, how did they deal with this nightmare

Start all over again? But the nightmare must have developed to an extremely sinister point.

… From this perspective, the first round of nightmares is the safest period for them, and they also need to have enough information during this period.


Mu Jiashi felt deeply disturbed.

Just like the nightmare when he hit the true ending after returning to the bottom of the narrow building, as the nightmare progresses and collapses, if one or two important information is missed, the situation may be completely different.

Mu Jiashi took a deep breath.

Before entering the building, he chose to stop and look at his bald head and floral arms.

The four of them stood in front of the glass window of the bookstore as if confronting each other. They couldn't see why, Mu Jiashi looked solemn, his flowery arms stopped talking, and his bald head said nothing.

Mu Jiashi said calmly: "At this point, should we tell us, what else are you hiding?"

Hua Arm looked at her bald head, with a little teasing in her eyes, as if she was saying: Look, it's useless to conceal.

Either don't say it, or just say it all.

Saying half and leaving half will inevitably lead to mistrust of the rest of the task force.

Even if this group of taskers will eventually forget, but before forgetting, the situation is likely to lead in a direction that is not good for them.

The bald head was silent for a moment, and he was now in a...subtle state of doubting life. Even though he reminded others aloud just now, his attention was not focused on this nightmare at all.

Because he was considering the effect of that prop card on his psychology, and from this he thought of some other things.

He was saying, is the influence of this kind of prop card in the entire narrow building, is it rare or common

He hopes to be the former, but experience tells him that it should be the latter.

This gave him a very bad hunch.

No one cares about the impact of the item card on the tasker, because they all know that this is a game, and the item card is just a game item.

What impact can it have

But after personally experiencing this invisible change, the bald head felt quite frightened. Is it true that Hua Arm can see things that he can't see

But before he realized that he was affected by the prop card, he never felt that there was any problem with his behavior, whether it was the concealment of the rest of the taskers or the conflicts between him and the collector.

… However, he couldn't imagine what kind of method he would use to solve this matter if he hadn't been affected by the prop card.

It was an intangible influence that didn't make him feel the slightest wrong, and he had been identified as a part of his temperament that should have existed.

Just like ignorances and collectors who lost their memories in this nightmare, they didn't feel that there was any problem with their memories. They believed that this was the way things were, and they had this kind of experience.

-The human brain does not doubt the brain itself.

On the way, the bald head was a little too silent. Others didn't even know what he was thinking.

At this time, facing Mu Jiashi's question, after thinking for a while, the bald head finally chose to be honest.

He said: "In the first round of nightmares, one-third of the taskers will start to lose their memories; the second round is two-thirds; the third round is all.

"When any tasker loses all his memories of this nightmare, the nightmare will restart."

His words stunned Mu Jiashi.

Mu Jiashi frowned and asked, "Do all memories refer to the current round or all?"

Bald head dryly replied: "All." He smiled bitterly again, "However, those taskers who initially forgot the first round of memory, when they enter the second round, they will start to forget again... Until, forget everything."

Mu Jiashi showed an expression of uncontrollable astonishment in an instant.

When Xu Beijin heard this passage through the live broadcast room, he couldn't help frowning, and secretly squeezed sweat for the taskers.

The audience didn't quite understand why Xu Beijin and Mu Jiashi showed bad expressions at the same time.

Xu Beijin explained: “This means that when taskers lose their memory successively, their mastery of information will trigger conflicts with each other; and sooner or later, they will all forget the memory of this nightmare, that is to say...

"In the next round, they will think that it is the first round."

The audience threw out exclamation marks.

"Infinite loop??"

"My mother, isn't that the process of forgetting and searching again and again?"

"Good guy, this is the present-day Sisyphus??"

…Yes, such a futile cycle process is very much like the legendary Sisyphus who performs ineffective and hopeless labor. He pushed the stone to the top of the mountain, and the stone would roll down from the top of the mountain, so he went back down the mountain and pushed the stone to the top of the mountain again.

But that was the punishment of the gods on Sisyphus, and in this nightmare, what's the point of the process of constantly losing memories and recollecting them

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in Xu Beijin's brain. He vaguely sensed a trace of familiarity, but he didn't know where his familiarity came from.

Besides, he was still worried about another thing.

In this nightmare, taskers will one day forget their memories of this nightmare. In other words, they will think that they are still in the first round of nightmare and still have no idea about this nightmare.

If such encounters keep repeating, will it make the taskers lost in this nightmare forever

Compared with other nightmares, in this nightmare, the probability of the taskers sinking into the nightmare of eternal collapse seems to be much higher.

This makes Xu Beijin a little worried.

The tasker was sinking into a nightmare of eternal collapse, and it didn't sound like it had anything to do with him. After all, the probability of actors encountering this kind of thing is very small, as long as they can distinguish between the true self and the role they play.

However, this kind of cruel thing happened before his eyes, which always made him feel a little unpleasant and uneasy.

… Things hurt their kind.

He sighed secretly.

At this time he is no different from Dai. Dai Wu's role in this nightmare is probably not simple. Perhaps it is the right-hand man of the black-robed man, who is already busy with other things at this time-at least the busy schedule arranged by the master.

However, Xu Beijin is a little hard to imagine, whether someone like Dai Wu would say that "human beings are the impurity of the earth".

Maybe for him, impurities are not impurity, he doesn't care, as long as he is happy and happy.

And for Xu Beijin...

The meaning of this sentence will not cause him too much trouble.

He is well aware that human beings have countless ideas and concepts, and many times they even conflict with each other-if you believe that human beings are impurities on the earth, God will punish you for this, then you are also human, why have you not been punished

These noisy, messy, self-contradictory ideas often linger in Xu Beijin's ears, and finally diffuse into silence.

However, this sentence appeared in the nightmare of the narrow building, but it would make him think about it.

Xu Beijin lost his mind unconsciously again, thinking of something else.

When he recovered, on the screen of the live broadcast room, six taskers had already arrived on the roof of the building.

Several survivors have pushed Feihe collectors to the edge of the rooftop. When the taskers arrived, they happened to see Fei being pushed down abruptly!

"Fei...!" He watched in horror as Fei fell from the edge. He quickly rushed to the edge of the roof and said in shock, "What happened?! Why are you pushing her down!!"

Obviously, he had forgotten the trial that Mu Jiashi told him before that took place in the playground.

Mu Jiashi closed his eyes, and he felt a kind of exhaustion. He didn't know whether his memory was still intact, he couldn't imagine it at all.

How can a person doubt his own brain? How can you doubt your past and memories? This is actually doubting yourself.

But in this nightmare, they have to do such a thing.

The survivors stopped their movements because of the sudden departure of these taskers. They escorted the collectors and berated the taskers for their reckless behavior, but because the taskers came so aggressively, they were at a loss for a while.

Just at this time…

"Here..." In the silence, they suddenly heard the voice of the collector waking up like a dream, "Is this the starting point of the nightmare?"

Mu Jiashi suddenly turned to look at him.

He saw the unpretentious interest and a little confusion in the collector's eyes. He seemed to be really curious about why he could see the conflict between the tasker and the residents of the narrow building in the nightmare as soon as he opened his eyes.

He forgot all the memories of the first round of nightmares.

… The nightmare is about to restart!

Before Mu Jiashi looked towards Wu Jian, and wanted to confirm whether this tasker had completely forgotten the memory of the first round, his eyes went black.

Nightmare, restarted.

In the first second of opening his eyes, Jiashi Mu first confirmed one thing-the nightmare was restarted because the collector lost the memory of the first round, not because of Fei's death.

If it is because of the latter, then the nightmare restart time is a bit too long. Those two or three seconds must be due to collectors.

… The second round of nightmare begins.

Mu Jiashi stopped in place and said nothing.

They returned to the northwest corner of the entire ruin again.

The collector asked in confusion: "Hey, that's not right, why did the scene suddenly change again?" This confusing scene made the collectors unable to laugh, "Uh, how are you...? Can you tell me what happened? ?"

No one answered him.

After a few seconds of cold silence, he asked tentatively: "Uh, shouldn't we, have we explored this scene? We didn't find any clues in the last nightmare..."

The rest of the taskers looked at him one after another, then sighed in unison, and then there was another silence.

Unexpectedly: "..."

He and the collector looked at each other, and at the same time saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

what happened

Fei's face was pale, and she folded her arms beside her in silence. Her body was trembling lightly, her teeth biting her lip.

She seemed to have not forgotten the shock of death just now, so she couldn't help frowning, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, Fei took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice: "Perhaps we can continue the first round of nightmares that have not ended..."

When collectors chattered "What? Is this already the second round of nightmare?", Fei and Maki Jiashi looked at each other and continued: "Go find the man who walked into the mist."

There are no comments from other taskers.

On the way, they told the two people who had lost their memories of all the things that happened before. It is natural to believe in Fei, but the collector is dubious.

In addition, Jiashi Mu also told Fei about the garbled characters written with pen and paper.

It will take some time to walk from the northwest corner of the ruins to the road to the south. During this period of time, after the nightmare restarted, Xu Beijin returned to the bookstore again, stood up from behind the counter, and looked around in his bookstore for a week.


After seeing the characters written on the white paper turned into ghost symbols through the live broadcast room, Xu Beijin immediately thought of the books in his bookstore.

If the written characters become garbled, what will the books already in his bookstore look like

In the live broadcast room, some viewers also noticed the movement on Xu Beijin's side. Xu Beijin changed the sound source to himself, and then explained his thoughts.

"I see! Maybe there is a garbled book or text in Beibei, that must be a clue!"

"It's not necessarily true, you still have to look for it first."

"If there is a bookstore, there must be relevant clues, right?"

"Yeah... Beibei can provide those clues because we are from God's perspective. But if other actors play the role of the bookstore owner, I definitely won't know so much."

"Summary: The bookstore itself must have clues!"

Xu Bei fully agrees.

In many cases, he thinks that the role of group performance is to remind taskers that there are clues here.

For example, the nightmare that Jiashi Mu once went to, there is Xu Beijin in the bookstore, which is used to make the taskers notice the newspaper; there are some actors in the gas station watching TV, and the role is to make the taskers notice the news on the TV. Information.

And now, Xu Beijin appears in this bookstore, and the scenery and books in the bookstore are still very sound, indicating that the main brain will of course put some special clues here.

In the past, Xu Beijin would not search for it by himself, and he was not curious about nightmares. But now it's different, he can even say that he started looking for it in the bookstore enthusiastically.

He pulled out a book casually, and as expected, after he focused his attention on the cover of the book and opened it for a while, all the text and illustrations in the book became garbled, or strange and strange. Messy color smear.

The second book, the third book... Four, five, six, seven, eight...

It's all true.

After pulling out ten books in a row, Xu Beijin stopped temporarily, frowning slightly. He thought that most of the books in this room were garbled, and it was impossible to read the content at all.

But there must be one, or several... not so.

But what is going on? Finding a needle in a haystack and a drop in the bucket is almost a matter of luck.

But the collection of clues in a nightmare should never be based on luck. There must be some hints that point to clues in the bookstore, and what is that...

Xu Beijin walked to the door of the bookstore and stood there to look inside the bookstore. He wants to see from the outside perspective whether there are any hints in the bookstore, perhaps some hidden information, which may point to the location of a certain book.

He stood there and watched for a while.

The audience in the studio asked him what he was doing.

He replied: "I was thinking, if someone enters this bookstore, where will the first reaction be to look for?"

"Emmm, I like to look at the bookcase that comes in first."

"My words... Habitually turn right."

"No, aren't you guys really visiting the bookstore, okay [笑笑] This is a decryption game! You must go wherever there is an NPC!"

Xu Bei was stunned, and then his inspiration flashed!

Yes, of course players will gather wherever there are NPCs.

And the NPC of the bookstore

Isn't that Xu Beijin sitting behind the counter

Xu Beijin immediately walked to the counter and made a circle around it. The structure of the bookstore counter is a circle of wooden cabinets leaning against the wall. There are cabinets on the wall and some recommended books are placed, although they are all gray and yellow now.

In the end, Xu Beijin's gaze fell on a book in the cabinet on the back wall.

All the books are standing, only the one lying there, even opened. Although it was only a glance from a distance, Xu Beijin also found that the text on it seemed very regular.

After a while, he got the book and opened it.

He found that the opened book—the words in it were indeed not garbled.