Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 77: Again


A few minutes later, Dai Wu left Xu Beijin's bookstore and stood on the outside of the building. According to the development of the nightmare, he should be waiting here at this time, waiting for the executed survivor to fall.

But his mind was still immersed in what Xu Beijin had just said.

Dai Wu's ear seemed to still be echoing his words.

He heard the voice of the bookstore owner, his tone was indeed calm and calm, but it seemed to contain the sea, deep, and vague.

"How many nightmares about the doomsday have you gotten? I think it shouldn't be too much, otherwise, you won't be entangled with the truth, but just immersed in this second life.

"... Or maybe I have imposed my own ideas on other people too much. I think there are indeed many people who want to know the truth.

"Anyway... I know a nightmare, and I intend to let some taskers who want to know the truth go to that nightmare. You should have a way to make some taskers think they learned of this nightmare'unintentionally', right

"You are already a supporting role, so you should be very familiar with this kind of behind-the-scenes means of promoting the development of nightmares.

"... Maybe many people want to know what I know. But... that's not a good thing."

Dai Wu heard the man's complex expressions that were difficult to describe with exact words, and then said in a particularly solemn or hopeless tone: "Sometimes memory can also become a curse."

Dai Wuxiang, what memory? What does he know

Is it the memory of how they entered the narrow building

Dai Wu could only think of this. Because when you talk about memory, you think of that memory. Neither the tasker nor the actor knows, they don't remember, or they are "forced" to forget the memory. They never knew how they got into the narrow building.

But Xu Beijin remembers

Although Dai Wu didn't know whether he was right or not, he suddenly felt afflicted. After all, if everyone else had forgotten, but Xu Beijin would remember, and kept this secret alone for so many years...

Then he can really understand the gloomy and deep aura of Xu Beijin's body.

It's even a kind of pain that has been brewed over time.

As a result, Dai Wu quickly took a deep breath, no longer imagining Xu Bei's dark years of so many years. That sounds terrible.

Moreover, forcing him to tell this secret sounds cruel enough.

… But it does involve the freedom of other taskers and actors.

This is a dilemma, Dai Wuyi hesitated for a while, and felt that he seemed to have a showdown with Xu Bei too recklessly.

But now the chaotic atmosphere in the narrow building does make him feel that the time has come. He hopes to take advantage of the situation, go down the river, learn the truth, and escape from the narrow building.

So he just sighed, and then thought of Xu Beijin's request.

If you want to know the truth, then let some missionaries enter the nightmare Xu Beijin said.

What is the nightmare

Dai Wu was a little curious, but Xu Beijin didn't say it clearly. He only said that after the nightmare was over, let Dai Wu go to his bookstore and talk about it in detail.

In this way, Dai Wu could only suppress his curiosity.

However, in addition to the nightmare itself, Xu Bei's purpose in doing this also made him a little confused. He could see the depressed mood on Xu Beijin's body, but he didn't understand where it came from.

If Xu Beijin really kept the truth alone and spent so many years, then Dai Wu seemed to be able to understand his mentality a little bit. But that is not enough to explain the matter completely.

To put it bluntly, why does Xu Beijin so persistently bear the truth alone

Seeing what he looked like just now, it seemed that he didn't want to escape from the narrow building, nor did he want to prevent others from learning the truth. It was more like a deep fear and exhaustion.

After all, it comes down to... What is Xu Beijin’s nightmare

He said that his nightmare is not the ultimate nightmare, and what does this mean is that the ultimate nightmare has another destination, or is there no ultimate nightmare at all

Thinking about it, Dai Wu grinned and rubbed his hair. He thought, it would be great if he just mentioned a goal of "defeat NE" just because he wanted to live a good second life, just like what he said to Xu Beijin before.

It was true at the beginning, but then the situation slowly changed.

After all, who wants to be immersed in the false reality

They are like prisoners imprisoned in this huge prison. However, they don't even know what crime they committed before they were imprisoned here.

What if they are innocent? What if they shouldn't be locked here

So why can't they know the truth behind the scenes? Why can't you try to escape this damn cage

For Dai Wu, Xu Bei's concealment and tolerance may be a kind of self-righteous compassion and compassion. He carries this secret alone, and what's the point of that? Torture yourself and others.

But maybe... maybe he really can't say it

In those conspiracy theories, NE is always the image of a superior watcher. Perhaps Xu Beijin is the top priority of its surveillance targets.

Dai Wu sighed, then raised his head and saw a dark figure falling from the sky. Because he was against the light, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

He wants to collect the body of this guy.

This is what Dai Wu needs to do in this nightmare. The owner of the nightmare, the corpse of the owner who was immersed in the illusory dream and the beautiful dream, he wanted to recover the corpse.

Subsequently, the owner of the nightmare will use this body again, or those bodies that have died before, to start the dream in this dream again.

He may be awake from the suffocation of falling, but soon he will be addicted to this dream again. And Dai Wu is the custodian of his dream body.

In fact, if the taskers carefully explore the playground and other places in the ruins, they will find that there are survivors with the same or similar features as this corpse everywhere.

But except for the man who walked into the mist, the taskers paid no attention to the other ordinary survivors.

Dai Wu couldn't help sighing because of their stupidity and slowness.

Are you going to find the identity of the deceased

However, he really eagerly hopes that this group of taskers can do a little bit more and let this nightmare come to an end soon.

Dai Wuxiang quickly learned the truth from Xu Beijin's mouth.

After so many years, humans like them have been in this narrow building for so many years. Some people have even become accustomed to the barren and boring life in narrow buildings.

But... Maybe because the atmosphere in the narrow building has been too active recently, Dai Wu also couldn't help but have some delusions.

Maybe they can take back the "first life" they have lost

The taskmen who had high hopes from Dai Wu, at this time, because of hunger, first went to the treasure house to find food. After filling their stomachs, they came to the front of the building and witnessed the scene of Dai Wu collecting the body.

This seems to explain why the body finally disappeared in the last nightmare.

Dai Wu cast a vigilant look at them, and then quickly left the area.

The taskers did not go to Dai Wu again. They came to the bookstore again, got the book, and learned some things related to the book from Xu Beijin's mouth, and then the mist around the ruins It dissipated again.

They decided to go to the house of the man who walked into the mist first.

After a few minutes, they came to the southwest corner of the ruins and continued to walk outside. Once again they came to the outside of the complete rolling door.

Surprisingly, the man was also there.

Calculating the time, he should be between the first time looking for food and the second time looking for food at this time. I am afraid that soon, he will leave here again and go to the treasure house to exchange food.

But the taskers blocked him upright.

At this moment he was lying in his tattered "home" piled up with several brick walls, showing a dazed and dazed expression. He seems to be going through the process of forgetting, and because of hunger, he often shows painful expressions.

The taskers tried to talk to him, but they didn't get any answer.

In the end, they could only focus on the rolling door. Mu Jiashi opened the rolling door in a simple and rude manner, but to his surprise, he received little resistance.

In the next second, his eyes widened immediately.

The bread piled up like a hill, like running water, rushed out of the warehouse behind the rolling door. That amount flooded Mu Jiashi's calf almost instantly, and it continued to climb higher.

…What's up? !

Is this whole piece of ruined bread concentrated here

This man... Mu Jiashi turned his head subconsciously to look at the man who was lying on the ground, pale like a ghost, as if he was about to starve to death in the next second.

He sits on Jinshan without knowing it, and this is only because he once robbed a man of food, and that man wrote him into a novel in order to avenge him.

Mu Jiashi felt a little bit shy, but he wasn't really because of what happened to this man. This is just a dream in a dream, after all, it is just a nightmare.

No matter which side you sympathize with, it sounds ridiculous.

So at this time, it’s better to say that Mu Jiashi was in love with the scene, sympathizing with themselves, sympathizing with them, trapped in a narrow building, nowhere to escape, repeating the same destiny day after day, going to a higher floor, and then being A deeper despair bondage...


What is even more miserable is that human beings cannot even forget their tragic fate.

This man who knows nothing about his own destiny, at this time, his amnesia has become a kind of luck; but for some people, memory has become a curse.

After Mu Jiashi was silent for a while, he tried to get his legs out of the sea of bread.

The man turned a blind eye to everything that was happening next to him, he stood up like a ghost, wandered out again, looking for his food.

At this time, I am afraid that only the collector can laugh. He smiled and said, "Oh... it's really funny."

Wu Jian was confused and picked up the bread on the ground. He said to himself: "Why are there so many breads..." He looked around blankly, "Is this the starting point of this nightmare?"

Mu Jiashi's face suddenly changed.

… Damn it! The tasker has completely forgotten the memory of this nightmare, and the nightmare is about to restart again!

Why is it so fast!

While being surprised, Mu Jiashi also felt that his memories were quickly losing, and all the memories and scenes of this nightmare were quickly turning gray.

Just as the bald head said, when the nightmare comes to the third round, all taskers will begin to lose their memories-he did not expect that all taskers will forcibly forget them completely!

… Maybe the bald head doesn’t even know about this.

Those memories are like sand flowing from between his palms; and the harder he grips, the faster the sand flows.


At that moment, he realized in a daze that if he didn't do something, then when the nightmare really restarted, maybe he would not remember anything.

Perhaps, the rest of the taskers also go through the same process. Mu Jiashi could see the expressions on their faces gradually lost in horror. Perhaps, when the nightmare really restarts, when they are in the fourth round of nightmares, they will think that they are in the first round of nightmares.

During those two or three seconds, Mu Jiashi fell into a desperate predicament. After that, he struggled hard, just like a waste of his last self-esteem, and kept repeating in his heart: dream in dream, dream in dream, dream in dream …

Darkness fell, and then it was like a curtain torn off.

Mu Jiashi suddenly opened his eyes. In the perplexity, he thought, what is the dream in the dream

At the moment he was in a daze, there were already quarrels with taskers around him. He looked at this group of strange taskers, a little confused for a moment.

It's just the first round of nightmares, why did they quarrel like this

The discarded card collector once again enthusiastically talked about his intention to collect the discarded card, and the bald tasker also showed a dismissive expression, and the two of them instantly pointed to the wheat.

…Really, and again...

A daze flashed in Mu Jiashi's heart.

What again

The woman frowned and said helplessly: "We should gather information instead of listening to you arguing here."

The bald head said: "This is the second time my brother and I have entered this nightmare."

Mu Jiashi looked around and felt the pain in his brain like a needle stick. He frowned and rubbed his eyebrows, always feeling that he had overlooked something.

…What dream in dream

Is it that they are now in a dream

Mu Jiashi's gaze was slightly dazed, as if something was about to break out of his brain, but there was something hard blocking it.

He heard a lot of things being said, but he was absent-minded and did not hear anything clearly.

Then, someone's voice flowed into his eardrums: "...we are gathering under the building..."


Mu Jiashi froze suddenly.

No, that can't be said to be freezing. His eyes could not help showing extreme shock and anxiety, as if he was hit hard by a sledgehammer.

He suddenly raised his head, searching around, and finally saw the building at the end of the ruins.

He fixedly looked at it for a while.

Suddenly, while the other taskers were still discussing the route to search for the ruins, Mujiashi ran, fast, and the goal was directed at the building.

The other taskers looked at him in amazement, but did not follow. They looked at each other, not knowing why.

The bald head and flower arm who had been in this nightmare immediately noticed something was wrong. They have completely lost the memories of the previous rounds and decided that this was their first round of nightmare.

But when they discovered Mu Jiashi's strange performance, even though their brains told themselves that this was the first round of nightmares, their instincts were disturbed.

So after hesitating for a while, the bald head overturned his previous plan and said directly: "Let's follow!"

No one opposed his opinion for the time being, even collectors.

They probably think that Mu Jiashi is crazy, but they also vaguely feel that he knows something

Through the live broadcast room, Xu Bei watched Mu Jiashi rushing towards the building out of breath, and even admired the tasker in his heart.

When he and the audience saw that the taskers believed that this was the first round of nightmare, they had to say that they were all sweating for this group of taskers.

The nightmare has progressed to the fourth round... It can also be said that it is the third round, no matter what, the situation is always completely different from the first round. If the taskers still use the lax and cautious attitude of the first round, then they are likely to miss some information directly.

They are like the man who walked into the mist, doing some less useful things in vain.

But what does Mu Jiashi seem to remember

This surprised Xu Beijin.

Just like in the nightmare of that little boy before, he once again thought that Mujiashi is indeed the gold nugget who created a 100% true ending record on the bottom of the narrow building.

Although Mu Jiashi always ridiculed himself as a loser and a waste, the once unbeatable success experience seemed to be engraved in his soul and became the indelible background color in his soul.

He is still that powerful tasker.

Mu Jiashi ran fast, feeling that his lungs were about to explode. But an unknown fear and anxiety drove him to speed up.

Finally, he rushed into the building. Then he braked suddenly and stopped in front of the bookstore.

Mu Jiashi saw Xu Beijin, hesitated for a moment, and greeted him.

Xu Beijin looked up at him with a slight smile in his eyes. He pointedly said: "Come and get that book again?"

This is the behavior approved by the mastermind. When the nightmare comes to this round, actors like Xu Beijin can also "remember" the memories of the previous rounds.

However, the man who walked into the mist still has to repeat that fate.

Mu Jiashi was startled.

Compared to the so-called "that book", what does he care about-again

Mu Jiashi's voice was slightly hoarse, and he said to himself: "So, I, we... indeed forgot something."

At this time, the rest of the taskers also followed, out of breath.

When they heard what Mu Jiashi said, their bald heads and flowers arms immediately changed their faces, but the other three taskers were still unclear.

The bald head said anxiously: "We have forgotten all the previous things? This is the first round of nightmare... Damn it!"

Mu Jiashi didn't answer his questions. He actually didn't know the answers to these questions, but he faintly felt that something was wrong, and he got some confirmation from Xu Beijin's mouth.

He still believed Xu Beijin's statement.

Then he thought of the word he remembered inexplicably: dream in dream.

He suddenly looked up at this building-a tall building. Why is there such a tall building in a ruin that hasn't collapsed yet

Mu Jiashi asked abruptly, "Boss, can I go up to the roof of this building?"

Xu Beijin nodded and said, "Of course."

So Mu Jiashi showed a confident smile.

He said, "I understand."

After speaking, he turned and rushed towards the rooftop. He can't take the elevator, so he can only choose to climb the stairs.

Obviously, the running on that part of the road just now made his lungs tired, but at this time, he still tried to drive his tired legs and climbed the stairs quickly.

He always feels that time is not enough. Whether it was true or not, he chose to trust his instincts.

The other taskers found it inexplicable, but the bald head and the flower arm had already followed Mu Jiashi, so the strange herd mentality made them follow.

But when Mu Jiashi resolutely rushed to the edge of the rooftop, as if he wanted to jump off the building, even the bald head, who had been following brainlessly, changed his face: "Hey!"

But before he had time to say anything, Mu Jiashi had already jumped down resolutely.

It was a kind of... suffocating weightlessness, as if overwhelmed wailing came from every cell of the body.

However, at the same time, the weight that the heart and lung lobes could not bear at the same time rushed to his brain, and a kind of extreme fear and the feeling of falling into the abyss attacked him together.

… He took a long and sharp breath and woke up instantly.

He still remembered the sense of weightlessness, as if it would last to the end of his life, as if he would fall into a bottomless pit like this for the rest of his life and never leave.

Falling into the abyss forever. He thought of these four words again.

However, he woke up.

He has escaped from that dream, and has recovered all the memories from the previous rounds of nightmares. Around him, the rest of the taskers were still asleep.

I am afraid that they cannot wake up until they choose to jump off the building.

Mu Jiashi gasped violently, saying that it was not good because of the remaining fear, or because of the disgusting gameplay of this nightmare.

After a long time, he finally relieved his breath and stood up and looked at the surrounding scenes.

This is also a ruin.

According to his thoughts, this nightmare was because the author of that book was robbed of food in the real ruins, so it was due to the shadow of fear, anger and hunger.

So in this superficial nightmare, at least there will be the owner of the nightmare, and the man who robbed him of his food. If what Dai Wu said is correct, then there should be those survivors in the playground.

However, if the survivors in the amusement park are only the nightmare owner arranged for themselves, and the insurance means to wake up from the dream, maybe there are only two people in this superficial nightmare.

But when Mu Jiashi really saw this superficial nightmare, he realized that the situation might be a little more special than he thought.

It's still a large area of ruins—still a lot of survivors.

In other words, this is still a post-apocalyptic ruin.

Rather than saying that the owner of the nightmare fears the risk of food being robbed, it is better to say that the object of his fear is the post-apocalyptic ruins itself.

Doomsday—this is what he really fears.

Mu Jiashi couldn't help but smiled wryly.

He doesn't care what the owner of the nightmare is afraid of, he doesn't care. He was just thinking, in such a large ruin, how would he find the owner of the nightmare

Not to mention, other taskers are still trapped in dreams, and he can only rely on his own strength.

Besides... the sudden restart during the second round of nightmares still haunted Mu Jiashi.

If it was because of something changed in the outer nightmare, what would it be


Whose death

It can't be...

… etc.

Mu Jiashi was startled suddenly.

Why can't it be the death of the owner of the nightmare