Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 81: The soldiers are divided into two ways (2)


Servant, even... despise.

Faintly feeling that she was despised by IQ, Jiang Shuangmei took a deep breath and calmed down, but she was too lazy to talk.

So the man in the suit said, "That's it? Everyone has no opinion..."

"I have an opinion." The goddess suddenly said mysteriously, "I think we should act quickly. I have a very, very bad premonition... Don't waste any more time..."

Her words made the man in the suit frown, but said nothing.

The goddess came from a higher floor, so the man in the suit put on a completely different appearance, nodded thoughtfully, and slowly said, "Perhaps what you said makes sense."

Jiang Shuangmei glanced at this guy.

The boy ignored the surging situation and said to himself: "Then, who takes the stairs?"

"For safety, it's best to get an average score," said the man in a suit. "But with Ringo, maybe five or three, or even six or two..."

Before he finished his words, Ringo slowly raised his head and squinted his eyes slightly: "Who gives you the power to distribute my whereabouts?"

The voice of the man in a suit stopped abruptly.

Jiang Shuangmei lowered her head and smirked secretly. The goddess glanced at her, then looked at the man in the suit and the young man, and let out a soft laugh.

The man in the suit can only say, "You can go wherever you want."

The boy frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Fei and Wujian didn't participate in these conversations from beginning to end, and walked absently.

But after Ringo walked to the stairwell alone, Fei gave Wu Jian a wink, so Wu Jian took the initiative to say, "I'll follow Ringo."

After the rest of the taskers responded, he hurried to follow.

Ringo glanced at him for a while, and didn't say anything, just continued walking the stairs. There are no lights in the stairs, but the green light of the safe passage still flickers slightly, creating a rather strange atmosphere.

Unseen secretly glanced down from the railing of the stairwell, only to feel that the invisible stairway was like a huge mouth in the abyss. The sound of their footsteps reverberated continuously.

Unexpectedly, he only felt his scalp numb, and hurriedly followed Ringo's footsteps, and then felt a little more relaxed.

Suddenly he felt that it was not bad to have a big boss like Ringo.

On the 36th floor, the remaining six taskers walked to the elevator after Ringo and Wujian left. They boarded the only elevator that reached the 36th floor.

The man in a suit looked at the floor buttons, but suddenly frowned.

He found that among those buttons, only four were lit, namely the seventh, eighteen, twenty-ninth, and thirty-two layers. And above the elevator control panel, the LCD screen that displays the number of floors reached has also been damaged.

The man in the suit directly pressed the seventh floor, and did not discuss with the rest of the taskers.

Jiang Shuangmei glanced at him, a little displeased, but she was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Fei stepped into the elevator last, then turned around. The elevator doors closed slowly, and Fei looked at the gap.

She suddenly thought, what would it be like when this elevator door opened again

The elevator was running slowly. It stands to reason that it would take a long time to get from the 36th floor to the 7th floor, but after about ten seconds, the elevator suddenly made a ding sound, indicating that they had reached the floor they pressed. .

Subsequently, the elevator door opens automatically.

… A group of hideous and bloody people, with straight hands and bloodshot eyes, roaring loudly, rushing towards the open door of the elevator.

The person who rushed the fastest among them, his cold fingertips almost touched the dumb face, Fei's cheek!