Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 82: Weird elevator (1)


There were two exclamations in the elevator.

Jiang Shuangmei was close to the elevator button on the rear side, which was designed for wheelchair users. With quick eyesight and quick hands, she hurriedly pressed the close button, and she did not dare to relax.

Fei was stunned for a while, biting his lip, shaking his whole body with fear, but still, together with Shen Yun beside him, kicked away the madmen who rushed in and closed the elevator door smoothly.

She stared blankly at the slit in the elevator door. She could almost see the crowd outside the door through this gap-lunatics were still pouring in, desperately squeezing the metal door of the elevator.

She was so frightened that her fingertips were cold, and she couldn't help but murmured, "What happened..."

"The seventh floor is dangerous." The man in the suit frowned tightly. "But the only floors we can press are these. It seems we have to go to another floor to see."

The rest of the taskers were more or less unable to recover from the chaotic and terrifying scene just now.

But the boy suddenly said, "Is this really the seventh floor?"

The man in the suit frowned, he couldn't answer this question.

"I saw..." The goddess suddenly made a vain voice, "Just now I saw that outside the glass windows of the two floors... is not much different from the height of the thirty-sixth floor."

Jiang Shuangmei still pressed the close button and did not dare to relax. She also participated in the discussion and said more rationally: "This is a 36-story high-rise building, so the speed of the elevator is about two meters per second. Just now, the elevator was running in total. After ten seconds, it is estimated that it will span about ten floors."

The man in the suit glanced at Jiang Shuangmei in surprise. He didn't expect that she would know the speed of the elevator.

Jiang Shuangmei was silent, and did not explain where she got her information, and why she would understand it.

Is it necessary for her to say to other taskers that she eagerly wants to know this because her sister has become a ghost in the elevator

The information had been carved into her brain, but she had returned to the nightmare before, but she had not found her sister. From this point of view, it seems that she understands this information and is of no use...

Except now.

The man in the suit didn't ask much, and nodded appreciatively. He said, "This is very useful news. From this point of view, the buttons in the elevator may not correspond to the floor we are actually going to."

In the elevator, the tasker who was stalemate with the lunatics outside the elevator fell into silence for two moments. Their personalities are relatively introverted, so they can't express their emotions too exaggeratedly at this time.

But the barrage of the audience in the live broadcast room conveyed their irritability very well.

"How the hell is this going??"

"This elevator is like a maze."

"If you press two floors in the elevator, but you don't know which two floors are actually, and you don't know what dangers the two floors are after the elevator door is opened... Q: How do you go downstairs? ?"

"Supplement: Different elevators can only go to certain specific floors."

"Good question. I choose to take the stairs."

"The elevator road is risky. Isn't there any risk for the stairs? I doubt it."

"Uh, but I remember that the stairwells of every two floors have the correct floor signs? Just look at it and you will know which two floors the buttons in the elevator actually correspond to, right?"

"First of all you need to be able to reach the stairwell successfully, such as passing through the two groups of lunatics."

"And I don't know what dangers will be on the other floors."

"... I choose to die."

"How do I feel that the reasoning boss is back, everyone has become more serious... (whispering)"

"Ah, what the hell is that nonsense! Big reasoning guy, can you analyze it twice?"

Xu Beijin looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and laughed, waiting for the analysis of the reasoning guy-he also wanted to fish. With a big reasoning guy, he can relax a little bit.

The reasoning boss slowly played a few question marks in the live broadcast room.

But then, he typed two rows and two rows in the live broadcast room, and wrote his own views on this nightmare: "First of all, figure out the correspondence between the buttons in the elevator and the actual floor, and whether different elevators can go to. Which layers are necessary.

"The elevator and the corresponding floor in this nightmare are like dense spider webs, and the taskers can only walk through it.

"At present, there is no clue to directly infer the floor that the button in the elevator actually corresponds to, so it is the easiest way to record it in detail.

"However, the seventh floor is not the seventh floor, and there are dangers in it, which makes their investigation very complicated and difficult. Therefore, it is very likely that the specific floor can be known by other means, but there is no Find.

"...By the way, this seven is not a seven routine. It is easy for me to think of the one I saw in the live broadcast of Beibei the last two times, the number reported in the nightmare.

"Now the taskers have only taken two elevators, so they can only see these. The two things I'm still worried about are how different buttons in different elevators correspond to the same two floors

"For example, the seventh floor of the two elevators corresponds to the x floor. If the y floor of the other two elevators corresponds to the x floor... What should I do? Do I really need to try twice on every two floors

"But what I worry most is that the taskers are not patient enough and try different floors at will until they are dizzy. They don't know which two floors they are on, how they came here, and how to avoid them. Dangers encountered...

"In this case, they are really lost in such a spider web.

"By the way, Beibei, have you played this nightmare before? Is there any clue to this nightmare that can be revealed but not spoiled? [Cute]"

Xu Bei looked at the last barrage of the reasoning boss, quite dumbfounded.

He pondered for a moment, and finally replied: "Guess, what floor am I on now?"


"Yes, there must be a clue where Beibei is!"

"Is Beibei the bookstore owner again these two times? On the second floor?"

Xu Bei smiled twice and said: "It's not two floors. These two times are not the bookstore owner, but they are indeed similar in identity."

"A similar identity to the bookstore owner?"

"What else can there be in the two buildings with a similar identity as the bookstore owner? These seem to be two office buildings, right?"

"Can't guess Beibei's identity... However, where Beibei is, it is safer! Maybe this is the safe zone in this nightmare?"


"The reasoning boss makes sense!"

"... You two are serious!"

Xu Bei could not help smiling as he watched the audience teasing each other on the barrage. After staying in a dimly lit environment for a long time, this group of audiences gave him a lot of fun.

He paid attention to the situation of the taskers two more times.

At this moment, the screen of the live broadcast room is divided into three parts. The two big blocks in the middle are the group of taskers in the elevator, the two blocks on the left are Ringo and Wujian, and the two blocks on the right are Xu Beijin.

It was hard to see that they followed Ringo two more times, so the main shots basically fell on Ringo's body.

Therefore... Ringo and Xu Bei are both left and right, very symmetrical.

"Good guy, even the live broadcast room is saying that Beibei and Little Apple are born pairs."


"Little Apple is too patient, he just walked down thirty or so floors without saying a word... The robots have different wills."

"But Little Apple probably doesn't want to mix with the other taskers. Those two taskers from higher levels are too arrogant...yue."

"Opening and opening, these two nightmares, when will Little Apple find Beibei!"

"You can find it in the second round of betting."

"Stud can't find it."

"? You underestimated Little Apple!"

"Hahahaha I'm even more curious that after these two little apples find Beibei, will they still ask,'Can I fight you twice?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He thought, you are all wrong.

Now Ringo will probably ask him, "Can I like you".

… Xu Beijin felt that Ringo was outrageous.

Does he really like himself? not necessarily. But Ringo was entangled in this topic, and every day he looked at Xu Beijin with that strange, hesitant look, making Xu Beijin even more reluctant to talk to him.

Really, unknowingly, disgusting, with such a strong sense of existence... Somehow, he approached the little apple affectionately by his side.

Xu Beijin complained about the two links in his heart.

He regarded Ringo as pure friends, but he felt that in Ringo's eyes, their friendship seemed to have deteriorated.

… Obviously there is no deterioration! Why does Ringo say that their friendship has deteriorated? !

Xu Beijin sighed with a headache. He knew... He knew that to allow Ringo's simple world to be mixed with two unsimple things is itself two risky things.

And those taskers in the narrow building... how can they be so gossip! So brainy!

Xu Beijin thought that he had been misunderstood as a heinous villain by the task force several times, and he was even more bitter in his heart.

He took two deep breaths, then slowly calmed down.

However, even though he didn't say it himself, the interaction with Ringo—the "interaction" of interpersonal communication—was quite positive for Xu Beijin.

In a sense, Ringo, together with the audience in the live broadcast room, pulled him out of the originally limited and imprisoned world. He slowly escaped from the gloomy, pessimistic, and desperate emotions.

Although Xu Beijin is always annoyed and funny by Ringo, it is not a stagnant wave after all, is it

Therefore, Xu Bei was very grateful to Ringo in the dark.

… Of course, fighting is impossible, it’s impossible in this life. As for what you like or not... Xu Beijin thinks it's impossible, absolutely impossible.

After calming down, Xu Bei raised his eyes and looked at the environment he was in.

Just as the audience guessed, the floor where Xu Beijin is located at this time is safe and there are clues.

It should be said that with regard to the relevant information about these two buildings, and why it became the way it is now, taskers can easily get answers from these two floors.

Because on these two floors, there are tea break areas.

Many employees who originally worked in this office building chose to come here after the catastrophe, taking into account their food and supplies, but they were trapped.

The food here is fairly adequate, so these employees are still in a sane state. They are not like the group of people encountered by the previous taskers. They seem to be crazy or even aggressive.

The employees trapped on these two floors, despite the panic and anxiety, are different from the task force. They are also trying to leave the two crumbling buildings.

But it's just pretending. The actors didn't really want to leave, but the script required them to do so.

The script also requires Xu Bei to sit here, as if giving up two things, and watching from the sidelines.

His identity in this nightmare is the manager of this tea break area.

But when that huge incident arrived, he fell to the ground, which probably caused a concussion or the like, so the script required Xu Beijin to sit there, waiting for the arrival of the task force.

Xu Beijin in this nightmare is probably equivalent to two signposts, telling the taskers that there are clues here.

Fortunately, a concussion is not a real concussion. Xu Beijin will not feel painful, but will show two points of trance and loss. This is too much in line with his previous character.

So before this, he was very fishing and paddling in this nightmare.

But once, he also had contact with the owner of the nightmare in this nightmare. That was, a long, long time ago, almost before his bookstore was surrounded by taskers on the ground floor of the narrow building.

Xu Beijin showed a little trance and loss-it happened to meet the requirements of the mastermind-but this was only because he remembered the original contact with the owner of the nightmare.

Suddenly, he heard two carefree voices in his ears: "Hey, it's you... Xu Beijin! We've seen it before!"

Xu Bei regained his senses and looked up at the bald man in front of him with a little surprise.

… Wei Lezhang.

In the previous nightmare involving the business district, he once met this actor with a crude temperament. At that time, Wei Lezhang, under the arrangement of the mastermind, ate the hot pot for four hours without hesitation.

Xu Beijin greeted him and was kindly invited by him to join his hot pot bureau.

Unexpectedly, these two times, I met this actor in a nightmare.


Xu Bei's eyes were slightly weird. He first greeted Wei Lezhang, and then said, "Your role is related to food?"

Wei Lezhang's expression was distressed, and then he said, "Oh, yeah. The main reason is that I'm not pleasing to your eyes, right? I'm mad at me."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He laughed.

Every two actors have something in common in their identities in the narrow building, their roles in the nightmares of other residents of the narrow buildings, and their roles in their own nightmares.

For example, Xu Beijin’s identity in the narrow building is the bookstore owner, and his role in other nightmares is often the bookstore owner, or at least a similar role. For example, in this nightmare, he is the owner of the tea break area. .

And Wei Lezhang was arranged as a diner in the previous nightmare, and these two appearances in the tea break area were also related to food.

This made Xu Bei couldn't help wondering what the identity of this bald man in the narrow building would be

And Wei Lezhang seemed to sense his curiosity, and shook his head, hating his bad luck: "Unlucky for me, man. I got the identity of the hot pot restaurant owner."

"Hot pot restaurant... boss?" Xu Beijin repeated this identity in surprise.

"Well, are you also curious, what will my nightmare be?" Wei Lezhang shrugged helplessly, "I'll just say it straight. In my nightmare, the taskers... Hey, they will be burned. The hot pot soup base is so hot, and two faces are poured on."

Xu Beijin: "..."

This is really a nightmare scene and encounter.

Wei Lezhang also sighed, seeming to think of the scene in his nightmare from afar, so he showed both empathetic and gloating expressions.

He winked at Xu Bei and said, "You seem to be interested in nightmares?"

Xu Bei was stunned, and then explained calmly: "It's just a little curious."

"It's a bit okay." Wei Lezhang looked at Xu Beijin, "Your identity is also related to food, is it? The last time I met you, you still carried milk tea... the owner of the milk tea shop?"

Xu Bei was helpless: "It's the bookstore owner."

"Oh... Bookstore owner." Wei Lezhang said suddenly excitedly, "Eh, do you know? There is a bookstore owner who is famous for being a thief at the bottom of the narrow building!"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Um... Brother, the bookstore owner you are talking about, it seems... it's me...

With Wei Lezhang's crude character, he didn't pay attention to Xu Beijin's expression at all. He just said in a particularly interesting tone: "That's a legend.

"It is said that the task force at the bottom of the narrow building, tens of thousands of people, surrounded his bookstore for three days and three nights just to get into his nightmare.

"The result... eh, guess what? He didn't let this group of taskers in! Oh, that's really cruel! Up to now I haven't heard of anyone entering his nightmare, regardless of whether it is the tasker or us... I am old Wei Yuan called him the number two ruthless person in the world!

"Don't talk about the task person, it's cruel to myself! I haven't been sleeping for so many years, and I don't know if there is kidney deficiency... Strong, really strong."

Xu Beijin: "..."

Faced with the two passages of Wei Lezhang's enthusiasm and ups and downs, Xu Beijin felt extremely ashamed.

Why didn't he know that there were tens of thousands of people around his bookstore for three days and three nights? How come it is spread like this outside?



Xu Bei emphasized it expressionlessly in his heart.

Although in this broken game, he emphasized that these two points seemed useless. After all, he has nothing to practise...


Xu Beijin was shocked twice, thinking, why did he think of Ringo

… I blame this little apple for telling him whether he likes it or not, and it leads him to the wrong side! Their pure friendship!

Xu Beijin complained about Ringo in his heart twice.

Because Wei Lezhang said that he was weak in kidneys, Xu Bei kept his grudges secretly, and firmly did not say that he was the bookstore owner in this guy's mouth.

This careless guy is so casual!

Wei Lezhang didn't notice Xu Beijin's face at all. Maybe it was because the room was too dim, so that he didn't notice the details of Xu Beijin's expression, or maybe it was because Xu Beijin was calm and expressionless.

He chatted with Xu Bei enthusiastically about the legendary bookstore owner on the ground floor of the narrow building. He talked about his pleasure and danced, making Xu Bei so embarrassed that he couldn't help covering his face.

Xu Beijin silently took out two cans of drinks from both sides, two for Wei Lezhang, and two for himself—this is what is in the inventory of this tea break area, and Xu Bei is the manager here, and he naturally knows where to put it. .

He thought that this would make Wei Lezhang stop for two stops, but in the end... nothing at all!

This big bald guy is even more energetic!

Xu Beijin glanced at the live broadcast room desperately, wanting to know what the taskers were doing at this time, a little distracted, so as not to be collapsed by the words of the old man in front of him.

Ringo and Wu Jian were naturally still climbing the stairs.

However, the other six taskers had already taken the elevator to other floors at this time.

That so-called "seventh floor" is full of lunatics, they dare not go head-to-head, if the task force is killed in the attack of the lunatic, the nightmare in the second round will be gone, that is too bad.

So they decided to go to other floors first.

Going down from the 36th floor, there are only two elevators, and there are only four options among them, so there must be at least two options that are safe and allow them to successfully explore.

"And, maybe there are more than two." The man in the suit added very rigorously. "The second round of nightmares will generally be more relaxed, so I think at least two of the four options are safe.

"Perhaps after the nightmare collapses, the situation will be completely different. Maybe the danger after the elevator opens the door will become something else."

"But it's too difficult." Jiang Shuangmei, whose alias is Liang Shuang, couldn't help but said, "Can't even the danger after opening the door be completely determined?"

The man in the suit glanced at her, but did not speak.

The young man couldn't help but sneered twice. He probably finally couldn't bear it, so he said, "Is this the bottom of the narrow building? Your understanding of the difficulty of nightmares is really shallow."

Jiang Shuangmei flushed because of his poisonous tongue, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Because she has also been to higher floors. She knew the difficulty of a higher-level nightmare.

The collapse of the nightmare will happen earlier, the danger will be more unpredictable, and even the taskers will be divided into different camps.

And this can also explain why men and teenagers in suits have such an arrogant attitude. Because they are different from those on the ground floor of the narrow building, these taskers who enter the nightmare and unconsciously become a community of interests.

In the higher-level nightmare, the taskers have always been opposed to each other, fighting to the death and the life.

Compared to the boy's total arrogance and disdain, and even the attitude of being too lazy to talk to the taskers at the bottom of the narrow building, the attitude of the man in the suit is slightly better.

At least, he never directly satirized Jiang Shuangmei's low-level tasks in a narrow building.

However, he did not respond to the boy's words, neither apologized nor agreed. He skipped the topic nonchalantly, and continued: "So... choose two from three. Which two levels are we going to choose?"

No one spoke up.

Jiang Shuangmei was affected by the map artillery and was too lazy to pay attention to the arrogant task force; Shen Yunju never said much; Fei hadn't completely escaped from the fright of the two moments just now, somewhat distracted; the goddess whispered and whispered something, but ignored it. Man in suit.

The man in the suit didn't care too much, he looked at the boy.

The young man didn't bother to care about the taskers at the bottom of this narrow building—the goddess came from a higher level, but the identity of the taskers at a higher level could be recognized by him.

He has always been above the top.

He and the man in a suit came from a very, very high floor. Entering this nightmare is only to pursue the so-called "exit of the narrow building", as for the nightmare itself, they don't care so much.

After all, he still had a nightmare of despising the ground floor of the narrow building.

He hummed twice from his nose, glanced at the elevator control panel at random, and said, "Thirty-two floors."

The man in a suit also pressed it as he said.

There are two kinds of rigid and cold atmospheres in the elevator. When the man in the suit pressed the two buttons, the elevator started to move, but it was not going up, but down.

"Sure enough..." said the man in a suit, "the elevator buttons and the actual floors do not correspond to each other."

No one spoke up, and so did the teenagers. The man in the suit has long been accustomed to the indifference of his companions. As for the other taskers, he doesn't care so much.

The elevator ran for about three seconds, and stopped at the height of two or three floors. Subsequently, the elevator doors opened.

All taskers were involuntarily panicked.

However, the outside world is very quiet, there are no lunatics, and there does not seem to be any unknown danger. After the elevator doors were opened, what they saw before them was the same scene as the previous 36th floor.

The messy office, the blackened window frame, the silently burning city outside the window, the glass shards under the light of the fire. It almost carried two miserable beauty, and it was condensed into the eternal landscape in the city... Although it was heartbreaking.

"Here is..." Fei said softly, "safe?"

The man in the suit said concisely: "It looks like this."

So a few taskers left the elevator, but to be cautious, in the first two, only the man in suit, Fei and Jiang Shuangmei left the elevator together. Everyone in the province left the elevator. What will happen.

Afterwards, the man in the suit found out what he asked the rest of the task force to come out.

"There are two other elevators staying on these two floors." The man in a suit said, "We have to decide whether to use this elevator twice."

The boy said to himself: "This is the second round of nightmare. We'd better use the second elevator... Well, let's call it elevator number two.

"Where elevator No. 2 will take us is two unknowns. We have not yet figured out which floors the four buttons of elevator No. 2 symbolize respectively. It is best not to change it casually.

"It's a big deal, wait until those four floors have been visited, and then come back to use the second elevator."

He said "best", but his tone was tough.

Shuangmei Jiang finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Why don't we leave alone."

The man in suit and the boy looked at each other and at the same time looked at her.

Shuangmei Jiang used a sincere and mocking tone: "Look, we are disgusted with each other, so let's go away. Then you are comfortable, and we are also comfortable.

"The second round of nightmare may not be able to solve this nightmare, so we wait until the second round of nightmare starts, and then exchange information. How about this? I believe we will not hide anything."

Jiang Shuangmei said this because she really doesn't know how to lie. Secondly, although she doesn't like the two higher-level taskers in front of her, with their arrogance, I am afraid that she is too lazy to lie.

Besides, she really didn't want to stay with these two guys anymore. She was afraid that she could not control her fist.

The man in the suit hesitated twice and wanted to say something, but the boy nodded first: "Yes. So, let's go separately, three people on both sides." He said to the goddess, "You follow us."

Shuangmei Jiang: "..."

How discriminatory this guy is against the bottom of the narrow building!

The goddess looked at him twice, seeming to hesitate twice, and then murmured a few words: "It is necessary... It is necessary..."

So, she walked lightly to the side of the man in the suit and the boy.

Fei and Shen Yunju have no objection to this either.

Finally, the teams were divided, and they began to explore the two floors.

This is indeed a safe floor. After about two laps, the taskers came to this conclusion. However, safety also means that there is no clue.

"Remember those seven-layer madmen?" The man in the suit said thoughtfully, "Why are they crazy? Why do they fight each other?"

Shuangmei Jiang just wanted to ask, fight each other? Then she woke up.

There were blood stains on the bodies, hands, and even faces and mouths of those lunatics. It can't always come from the blood of the tasker, right? In the eyes of the taskers, it must be the product of their fighting and fighting with each other.

Shuangmei Jiang was a little unconvinced. She felt that she had been to a higher level with her sister anyway, but now it seemed that her IQ had been crushed.

So she said, "Perhaps because of hunger?"

This guess was based on the fact that the lunatics had blood on their mouths, so she wondered if these people were feeding on each other.

The man in the suit was silent for two times. Then, perhaps he realized that these are two conjectures after all, so he still replied, "No, the question is, why? What caused the current struggle in this building

"If they eat each other because they are hungry, why don't they leave here? Why are they... why are they crazy?"

Jiang Shuangmei was speechless and could only mutter: "This should be the truth about this nightmare."

The man in the suit glanced at her twice and didn't say anything.

… Jiang Shuangmei knew that she was despised for IQ again, but she was unable to refute the two times. She suddenly thought, could it be that her sister really spoiled her

But she really can't think of it!

Sure enough, these two taskers from higher levels are not different from her way of thinking. She paid attention to the phenomenon of this nightmare, hoping to solve this nightmare; however, the higher-level task force came for the truth of the nightmare from the beginning.

Different driving forces make them often feel like talking with ducks.

Jiang Shuangmei sighed tiredly.

They came to the stairwell, but they didn't meet Ringo and Wu Jian who were also walking the stairs. I am afraid that these two people have already reached the lower floor.

They looked at the floor sign on the wall.

"... This is the 24th floor." The man in a suit said, "36 and 24, two elevators each stop."

Fei said, "Does this symbolize any laws?"

The man in a suit shook his head.

I can't see anything yet. There are four elevators in the elevator room in the center of the building, but they don't know the whereabouts of the other two elevators.

Moreover, a skyscraper like this cannot have only four elevators, there must be other elevators, or freight elevators.

They explored twice more carefully on the 24th floor. In the dim light, they finally found that they had walked around from one side of the office, opened two security doors, and there were two elevator entrances for the freight elevators, but the freight elevators did not stay on these two floors.

"That means there are two elevators in total," Fei concluded. "However, if there are only a few buttons available in every two elevators, I don't know when I can go to the second floor and leave this building. Building."

As she said, she stopped involuntarily.

She thought of Zhailou twice again—this nightmare situation, to some extent, unexpectedly resembled the situation in Zhailou. It's just that you only need to take the elevator here, and you need to complete two nightmares in the narrow building.

However, don’t the unknown risks when the elevator doors open also seem like a nightmare

Thinking of this, Fei's brain suddenly flashed something.

She muttered to herself: "Where will the master of the nightmare... be?"

The man in the suit shook his head and said honestly: "There are still two unknowns, and we have only moved a dozen or so floors. The further down, the situation will inevitably become more and more dangerous."

As he spoke, he had two strange feelings. He always felt that this nightmare gave him two very subtle senses of sight.

He suppressed the slight disdain that had been left in his heart.

He realized that this nightmare might really have something to do with the truth of Zhailou. At least, this subtle sense of sight would allow him to take a good look at his nightmare career for so many years.

In the two silences, the teenager did not know where to find two papers and pens, and wrote and painted on the paper at his own discretion.

He wrote on both sides, and he said on both sides: "The first is elevator number two on the 36th floor, the buttons are seven, eighteen, twenty-nine, and thirty-two. Thirty-two of them is where we are now, which is actually the 24th floor. It's safe. The second elevator stops here.

"The actual corresponding floor of the seventh floor is temporarily unknown, but it should be a floor between the 36th and the 24th floor. It is likely to be the 27th or 26th floor, but there is no way to verify it. There is danger in these two floors.

"Now we still have eighteenth and twenty-nine of elevator two that need to be verified; elevator two must also be checked twice.

"At present, we have found four elevators and two freight elevators in this building. It seems that there is no way to get it over from other floors, but only the floor where it stops, so that it can be used.

"In this way, after arriving at two floors, first confirm the danger, secondly confirm whether there are elevators and freight elevators on the two floors, confirm the actual floor number again, and finally check the entire floor for other clues."

He put down the pen twice and said lightly: "That's it."

The young man lowered his head and thought for a while, and felt that there was no problem, so he copied two more copies of the content on this piece of paper, handed them to Jiang Shuangmei, and handed her two pens, and simply said: "The situation of elevator No. 2 is also recorded. Come down.

"If you can meet each other in the future, you can exchange each other's paper."

In addition, the way of recording can also assist memory. Personal memory alone is very unsafe. But the young man didn't bother to say these two points.

Jiang Shuangmei took this piece of paper, but did not reject it.

Afterwards, they carefully walked around the 24th floor two more times, and found nothing special, so they planned to leave.

Just before they stepped into the elevator, the goddess suddenly said: "You... don't you feel it?"


The goddess took two deep breaths, closed her eyes, her voice sounded like a gossamer: "I feel... the building is... weak and crumbling... We don't have much time!"

In the last sentence, she suddenly used a very loud voice, which shocked the other taskers twice.

The man in the suit stared at her for a while, and suddenly said, "Are you the'that' god-wife? I didn't dare to recognize it, but... I believe what you said."

Jiang Shuangmei couldn't help asking: "What?"

The goddess said nothing.

The man in a suit said: "The goddess... It is said that this quester used two item cards, and the cost was very peculiar. It made her nerves sensitive and could detect two things that other people could not detect."

The boy added: "However, because of her nervousness, sometimes, that strange idea is not known to be her hallucinations or it is real."

The man in the suit nodded and did not comment on the self-knowledge of others in person. He just said, "However, I think what the goddess said makes sense. There must be a time limit to leave this building.

"In the second round of nightmares, we can collect as much information as possible, but after that, we have to hurry up. Everyone should be mentally prepared to avoid bad conditions in the second round.

"By the way, is there a specific time for your hunch?"