Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 84: Wishful thinking


The first problem Jiang Shuangmei faced was choosing which button to press first in the second elevator.

On the control panel of the second elevator, there are a total of three floor buttons lit up, among which there are 13th and 25th floors, but the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the lit "floor".

… When Shuangmei Jiang saw the lit one-layer button, she seemed to hear the sharp laughter of the devil in her ears.

There is no doubt that she was moved.

Of course she knows that this button on the first floor does not necessarily represent the real first floor, and maybe even deliberately tempted the tasker. Maybe when the elevator door is opened on the first floor, something very dangerous will appear immediately...

However, none of this can stop Jiang Shuangmei's ambitions around the corner.

What if it is really the first floor? Maybe, isn't it

You see, if you press it down, you might be able to escape this terrible nightmare, this terrible maze of elevators...

If this were the case, the two taskers from higher levels would not look at her with that kind of disdain and contempt, but would admit her wisdom and courage...

When Shuangmei Jiang saw the lit one-layer button, all kinds of thoughts and fantasies flashed in her mind, bewildering her mind like a beautiful dream. She was about to press it down almost without thinking.

But the second after touching the cold button, she forced herself to retract her finger with a great willpower.

She took a deep breath, almost unable to believe that the thoughts that seemed to be possessed just now appeared in her brain...

It is a mixture of emotions such as arrogance, shallowness, selfishness, impulse, etc. Although Jiang Shuangmei has been living under the blessing of her sister—once—but the habit of being cautious has long been integrated into the sisters' flesh and blood.

Taskers who shuttle between the bottom of the narrow building and the slightly higher floors like this are always cautious.

Jiang Shuangmei knew that the impulsive and incredible decision just now to press the button to go to the first floor could not be said to be her original intention.

… "The Devil's Mask".

Just now, the man in the suit mentioned a concept, that is, the cost of using a prop card.

This price is usually effective immediately, and will invisibly affect the user's personality, and subtly change the user's mental state. The cost is usually mental, but there are also costs that have strange effects on the body.

For example, Ding Yi's prop card will make her hair turn blue.

The cost of the item card is often explained or implied in its interpretation, but whether it can be clearly realized or felt depends on the user's own acuity.

And Jiang Shuangmei has already learned from the memory of the former owner of this item card how powerful its cost is. That is a powerful side effect, not a mistake like a goddess.

Jiang Shuangmei thought silently in her heart, considering whether this item card would start to affect her secretly when she first entered the nightmare.

For example... Why should she care so much about the arrogance of the two taskers from higher levels

She already knew the virtues of this group of higher-level taskers!

It's not that she has never been to a higher level. Even if it is only the second level, the group of taskers have a lot of contempt for the taskers at the bottom, as if one more true ending can make them aloft.

And the group of taskers further up, when they leaned over to stare at the taskers at the bottom, they were like gods in the sky, condescending to communicate with the ants on the ground.

This has always been the case. It seems that the floor number in a narrow building also represents a certain degree of inferiority.

So Jiang Shuangmei was already numb.

Now that she is numb, and knows that this is normal, and apart from the juvenile saying that the map cannon is too much, the two taskers did not act too exaggerated, and they are just the appearance of the higher-level taskers in her memory. …

Why is her reaction so big? Even feel angry secretly

This nightmare is the point, she clearly understands this, at least she confirms it before she enters the nightmare.

So in the end... She had already been affected by the cost of that item card, without knowing it.

Almost instantly, Jiang Shuangmei figured these things out. She decided to conduct such introspection more often so that she wouldn't be scammed by that damn prop.

No matter how powerful it is, it is useless, and its side effects are equally powerful, and there is no trace.

… Sure enough, this item card is as disgusting as its previous owner.

Jiang Shuangmei sneered in her heart, burying all her thoughts, and then turned to look at the other two taskers: "Which layer do we choose?"

Shen Yunju remained silent as always, the dead-man face remained blankly in a trance, as if he was still thinking about something that trembled him just now, and didn't want to participate in the discussion at all.

Jiang Shuangmei also knew his temperament and didn't pay attention to him at all.

Fei hesitated for a moment, looked at the control panel, and finally said: "Twenty-fifth floor?" She said more realistically, "We are on the 24th floor, which is almost the same as the 25th floor. If you press the 25th floor, you can Infer the floor interval it actually corresponds to."

Jiang Shuangmei nodded in agreement, looked at Shen Yunju, who also nodded silently.

So Jiang Shuangmei pressed it down.

The elevator started with a buzzing sound, and after running down for about five seconds, it stopped slowly.

Jiang Shuangmei and Fei looked at each other, secretly converted, and then Fei hesitated and said, "Probably... between the 19th and 21st floors?"

The elevator doors opened slowly, and what you saw was a quiet and dim floor.

"It seems there is no danger..." Jiang Shuangmei's voice trembled slightly, "Will you go in and take a look?"

Fei Shen took a breath: "Let's go."

Three taskers walked out of the elevator.

At almost the same moment, the other three taskers also walked out of the elevator.

They chose the eighteenth floor button in the first elevator. The difficulty they faced was to choose one of the two. Almost only luck, they chose the eighteenth floor at will.

They were silent all the way.

The elevator also starts from the 24th floor, but their elevator goes up. It took about ten seconds before the elevator finally stopped.

The boy said in surprise: "How do I feel that we are about to return to the top floor again?"

The man in the suit estimated: "Almost. It must be thirty or so layers."

The young man shook his head and snorted: "The floor I finally got down was wasted." He said with a headache, "Is this nightmare a test of memory?"

The man in a suit said: "Just write it down, at least it can help memorize."

They talked a few words casually, the boy wrote something on his paper, and then the elevator door opened.

They looked outside-it was quiet, but there was a slight soft voice. It seems to be... Sobbing

The man in the suit and the boy looked at each other, slightly surprised.

They walked out of the elevator and confirmed that there were no other elevators on this floor. The goddess followed them and came out of the elevator slowly and slowly, she muttered: "I feel it. It is fear and weak hope... The power to cry..."

"Don't be silly, god-wife." The boy called to her, "Let's go together. You have to go to see the freight elevator."

They checked the freight elevator together, and again, there was no stop.

During this period, the faint crying sound lingered in their ears. But it was just that the face of the goddess was a little nervous, and neither the man in the suit nor the boy changed their expressions.

The young man even sneered: "Pretend to be a fool. Is this NE's trick at the bottom?"

The man in a suit glanced at him, and said nothing.

He knows the character of a teenager. His companion has always looked like this cynicism, not to mention the taskers at the bottom of the narrow building, they are even higher-level taskers, and sometimes they were scolded bloody by him.

At first, everyone thought that this might be a rebellious child in adolescence.

Later, everyone thought that the appearance of this young man was just what he looked like when he entered the narrow building. How many years have passed since this, should he mature

So in the final analysis, it's just that he has a bad temper and hasn't known himself.

The man in the suit has been accustomed to getting along with him for so many years, but sometimes he can still get angry with him, and even himself is infected with this guy's bad temper.

When the man in the suit doesn't speak, the teenager doesn't speak anymore.

They went to the stairwell.

"Floor 31..." The man in suit stared at the floor sign in the stairwell, "So there is no pattern at all. This nightmare..."

The boy said: "From the perspective of the owner of the nightmare, this nightmare is the story of the owner of the nightmare desperately trying to escape this building, but being trapped by the elevator, and not knowing where to go, lost on a different floor?"

"It's possible, but we can't make a conclusion now." The man in the suit said thoughtfully, "So where is the owner of the nightmare? Is it in the elevator?"

The boy nodded and shook his head: "It may also be trapped on a certain floor. After all, the main scene is still this building."

If other taskers on the ground floor of the narrow building heard their conversation, they would be shocked by their sharpness immediately.

The analysis of nightmares by higher-level taskers is even higher. From the perspective of the owner of the nightmare, it is something they are accustomed to, but the task force at the bottom of the narrow building will not do it.

The latter is always exhausted because of the dangers and changes in the nightmare.

They cannot answer the questions raised by the man in the suit for the time being, but now they have done everything they need to do, and only...

The boy gave a slightly cold smile: "Let's go and see, where did the annoying cry come from."

Xu Beijin originally watched the live broadcast calmly.

Wei Lezhang has annoyed him for a long time, and now he is finally gone, Xu Beijin intends to pay close attention to the situation of this group of taskers.

After the six taskers who had originally formed the team separated, he had to separate different shots. Fortunately, there were only four shots in total now. The ones between him and Ringo were negligible, so he could barely see them.

However, what I didn't expect was that after a while, the actors on the 16th floor were as if they had fried a pot, as if something incredible had appeared.

Xu Beijin thought that the taskers had found the 16th floor, but after thinking about it carefully, he looked at the lower left corner of the live broadcast room...

Good fellow, it was Ringo who came here.

… The question is, why can Ringo find him? His instincts are so powerful, even the goddess are ashamed

Xu Bei was astonished for a moment, and he couldn't help standing up, even though the mastermind appeared in the next second, reminding him to sit down.

Xu Beijin: "..."

He could only sit back, put on a trance like a concussion, and thought to himself.

After another moment, the noisy voice in front gradually stopped, and no one spoke. On the inside of the dimly lit floor, Ringo walked over slowly, and fell short behind him, as the other actors slowly separated a path to let him pass.

Xu Beijin looked up at him.

Ringo walked to his side and couldn't help saying, "I found you."

Xu Beijin: "..."

Then... praise you

He reluctantly asked: "How did you find it?"

Ringo said frankly, "I heard a voice on this layer, so I guess there should be someone here."

Xu Bei was surprised at Ringo's ears and eyes, but thought of the inhuman strength of this guy... He immediately calmed down.

For Ringo, this was normal operation.

Unexpectedly, he probed his head behind him, a little tangled. He recognized Xu Beijin. When he had a nightmare, he was deeply impressed by the narrow building resident. Later, he returned to the bottom of the narrow building and heard his various "legends."

Of course, in these "legends", there must be this bookstore owner and Ringo boss... Fenghuaxueyue.

… But it never occurred to him that the relationship between Ringo and Xu Beijin had reached this point, so that Ringo couldn't hear a little voice, so he rushed over to find Xu Beijin excitedly.

This is love!

Invisibly, I was so touched by their "love".

Although he was also a bit annoyed, after all, they were in the process of exploring the stairs. I don't know if the boss will continue to go down, what if he is immersed in the gentle country

The main thing is, letting him go back to the dark corridor alone, he is always a little... scared.

Yes, afraid.

So Wu Jian just stood there arrogantly, waiting for Lin Pao's response.

But Ringo didn't bother to care about him.

He just looked at Xu Beijin with shining eyes, as if he had seen a dog with a Frisbee, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He said: "You are also in this nightmare... I thought you wouldn't be there."

Xu Beijin: "..."

Ringo is talking nonsense.

He glanced at this guy in a daze.

It wasn't all pretending based on his mood, but because the nightmare required him to look like this.

But Ringo's expression suddenly changed slightly when he looked at him.

In fact, Xu Bei has always looked like that, with expressionless face and blank eyes, as if he was in a daze and distracted all the time. But... But Ringo didn't say it well, he always felt that Xu Beijin's appearance at this time was not quite right.

Even if Xu Bei asked him a question quite normally just now.

So Ringo hesitated for a moment, and asked him, "Are you feeling well?"

Xu Bei was silent for a moment, and slowly shook his head.

"... As expected, it is physically uncomfortable." Ringo muttered to herself, "Would you like something to drink or eat?"

Xu Beijin twitched the corners of his mouth, and tried his best to hold back not speaking.

Ringo asked him, "Is it a nightmare setting? It's not that you are really sick."

Xu Bei was stunned and looked up at him.

Ringo stared at him for a while, his eyes opened wide, revealing a hint that Xu Beijin couldn't figure it out. Ringo's facial features are very good, but he always has no expressions, as if he is too lazy to show any emotions to the outside world.

But he always seemed to be different in Xu Beijin's affairs.

…What is this little apple thinking

Suddenly, Ringo rolled up his sleeves: "I understand. I will solve the master of the nightmare now, lest you continue to suffer here." He couldn't help but said, "Why do you have such a nightmare? uncomfortable."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He held his forehead dumbfounded.

Ringo said nervously, "Are you okay?"

"Lingo ah Ringo..." Xu Beijin said, "I said it a long time ago. If you really want to fight with me, your attitude can't be so good. You have to behave fiercely. You have to really make me angry. That's fine."

Ringo was startled, then let out a dull voice.

At this time, he looked pretty good, but he couldn't help saying: "But..."

However, he seemed unable to act fiercely towards Xu Bei.

At this time, there were no actors around them, only Wu Jian stood not far away, barely able to hear their conversation.

… Then, the blinding eyes began to grow wider and wider.

Hastily! What did he hear!


Although he is a member of a mysterious organization, Wu Jian is obviously still an ordinary person, and he obviously still has a gossip-loving side. And the dialogue between Ringo and Xu Beijin was utterly sigh.

Brother Ringo, loves too much.

Wu Jian touched his eyes slightly exaggeratedly, always feeling that he was about to be moved to tears.

But Xu Beijin's last words stunned him.

fight? Be more aggressive

The unseen mind is subtly filled with some, not very clean things...

He coughed subconsciously, breaking his undecent reverie.

It also broke the stalemate between Xu Beijin and Ringo, and interrupted the sentence that Ringo could not finish.

The two looked at Wu Jian at the same time, Xu Bei's eyes were flat, but Ringo's eyes were slightly vicious.

… He finally had a few words with Xu Beijin, and wanted to explain his own thoughts, this guy actually came to bother him? !

He took a sigh of relief, feeling that he was going to be rounded and rounded by Ringo in the next second. He panicked and quickly found an excuse: "Um, do you still continue climbing the stairs?"

Climbing stairs

Ringo remembered his unfinished mission now.

Xu Beijin breathed a sigh of relief, feeling separated from the weird atmosphere between him and Ringo just now, and he said, "Then you want to go on?"

Ringo glanced at him as if to confirm something. He asked: "Are you feeling okay?"

Xu Bei opened his mouth blankly, not understanding what Ringo was saying: "Alright... okay?"

Ringo looked at him for a while, nodded, and then said to Wu Jian: "Let's go, let's go down. Solve this nightmare as soon as possible."

Xu Bei could not laugh or cry, thinking that Ringo thought he was not feeling well, so he wanted him to leave this nightmare as soon as possible

He was amused and moved, somewhat softened by Ringo's behavior.

Xu Bei always eats soft but not hard.

And Ringo seemed to have spotted his weakness inadvertently. As a result, it was originally not Xu Beijin's business, but it gradually made him take his heart, making him retreat and retreat toward Ringo.

When the group of taskers at the bottom of the narrow building surrounded his bookstore, Xu Beijin's attitude was not so gentle.

With mixed flavors in his heart, he silently watched Ringo and Wu Jian leave here, and continued to climb the stairs.

Before leaving, Ringo stopped abruptly, hesitated, still did not let this opportunity pass, and wanted to make it clear to Xu Beijin-let this guy stop ignoring people.

Ringo leaned sideways and stared at Xu Beijin. He said, "You know... It's like'I want to fight with you'. I don't want to interfere with your thoughts. Similarly,'I like you' is also mine… "

He hesitated for a long time.

Finally, he said: "It's also my wishful thinking."

Xu Beijin: "..."

… What are you doing so bitterly

Xu Beijin was totally unwell.

He saw the stunned expression on Wujian's face standing aside, and he became more tired for a while. Can he explain clearly to Wu Jian that what Ringo meant is not what this guy understands...

he can not.

He is just an "artificial intelligence".

So he could only sigh with a headache in his heart, and nod his head expressionlessly on his face.

Ringo said again, "So don't ignore me. Don't be angry with me."

Xu Beijin was silent for a moment, only feeling that the feeling of talking with ducks became stronger and stronger.

He suddenly wanted to know what kind of existence he was in Ringo's eyes? What does the so-called like or dislike mean

Could Ringo really like him

Xu Beijin found it unbelievable, and felt that some things were developing out of control.

He was silent for a moment, and glanced at the ignorance who was also present. He and Ringo’s personal affairs, it is not easy to talk too deeply in front of outsiders, it is better to wait to return to the narrow building...

So Xu Beijin just said: "I understand."

Ringo left with Wu Jian contentedly.

But seeing the tragic and miserable emotional experience of Ringo, and the sentence of "wishful thinking" and the sentence of "don't ignore me", tortured to the point of silent tears in my heart.

This inner drama is too rich, and it is easy to leak secrets. The members of the organization code-named "Umbrella" have always made Fei feel uneasy.

But she thought that this time just let Wu Jian climb the stairs together behind Ringo, there shouldn't be any major incidents.


The situation doesn't seem to develop according to Fei's script.

Moreover, it was not until I left the 16th floor and continued to go down several floors before I slapped my thigh and realized that they seemed to have missed a lot.

The 16th floor has gathered so many sane-looking narrow-floor residents, as well as the existence of the bookstore owner Xu Beijin. It looks like a very special floor! They should gather a little more information there!

But now it is too late to regret, because after they walked down a few more floors, they discovered that the situation seemed to be subtle.

They came to the 9th floor.

And he looked down in surprise: "What's the matter, the stairs are broken here?!"

In front of them, the stairs from the 9th floor to the 8th floor had been completely broken in two and completely collapsed downwards. And even if you can jump over this section of the broken wall with a cautious jump, the stairs below seem to have been completely blocked.

Facing this completely blocked path, Wu Jian couldn't help frowning.