Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 86: recurrent



Jiang Shuangmei couldn't help screaming, she felt cold behind her back, and backed several steps.

Fei and Shen Yunju stopped subconsciously and looked at her strangely.

Shuangmei Jiang swallowed, her voice trembling and said: "Blood... there is blood on the ground."

So the other two taskers also looked down subconsciously, Shen Yunju couldn't help frowning, and Fei instinctively raised his foot. They are at a loss.

It was a thin layer of blood, almost fused with the dark color of the floor. If it weren't that sticky feeling stuck to the soles of the feet, then I'm afraid they won't notice the strangeness on the ground until they leave this floor.

They might think that this floor is so quiet, and this silence itself is the weirdness of this floor.

But now they found this layer of blood. The three taskers looked at each other, observing the blood on the ground, trying to find the source and range. However, they found that these blood stains seemed to have spread all over the floor.

But there are no corpses.

The silence and darkness on the 21st floor are like thick mist, burying them layer by layer, causing an ominous premonition in Jiang Shuangmei's heart. For a moment, she could hardly notice the sound of her breathing.

She coughed subconsciously to prevent herself from being so alarmed.

She turned around pretending to be calm, and said to Fei and Shen Yunju behind her: "Except for the blood on the ground, this layer doesn't seem to have any clues."

At this moment, Shen Yunju suddenly looked at the glass on the floor near the window.

Afterwards, he muttered to himself: "Shadow..."

The three taskers almost froze, no one dared to look up at the ceiling. They suddenly realized that the original dark color on the wall was not what it was originally.

It was also smeared out by almost coagulated blood. Maybe it just flows down at first, but it also sticks to the wall.

They saw that on those glass fragments, there were fingers, soles of feet, pieces of minced meat, and pairs of dead, bloodshot eyes, hiding in the dark, where the light had never been. The top of their heads.

In the live broadcast room, the lens gave the piece of broken glass. The audience let out a cry of ghosts and wolves, begging Xu Bei not to adjust the camera.

Above the heads of those taskers, there was a piece of broken corpses. Those corpses were cut into many pieces, then glued to the ceiling, and now they are almost air-dried.

Perhaps because the cut was detailed enough, the taskers didn't even realize that the ceiling above their heads was the corpse at the first glance.

It's like these flesh and blood are the paint and wallpaper smeared on the ceiling of this floor.

… Actually Xu Beijin can't stand it.

He had a nausea and silently fixed the lens, but don't take that terrible scene.

As for the three poor taskers who were in the same room with such a scene, they were stunned at this moment, struggling to move their necks, for fear of seeing something that would make them unable to sleep at night.

Fei murmured, "What happened here?"

Why are there so many dead bodies that almost cover the ceiling of this floor? Who made it? Why do you want to do this? This person, or this group of people... Are they still in this building

Scarlet thought, but she couldn't get the answer.

Subsequently, the three taskers left the 21st floor. When they returned to the elevator, they almost unanimously breathed a sigh of relief, although Shen Yun could not see too many psychological fluctuations on that zombie-like face.

Jiang Shuangmei didn't want to speak, she quietly looked at the two buttons on the first floor and the 13th floor, and then asked: "Which one do we choose?"

Fei said weakly, "Then... Thirteen?"

Jiang Shuangmei nodded, and Shen Yunju had no objection. Their experience on the 21st floor seemed to make them aware of the danger in this building, but it also made them feel a very unreal feeling.

After pressing the thirteenth floor, the elevator slowly moved upwards.

Fei took a deep breath, looked at the gap between the elevator doors in front of him, and said to himself: "This is the most nightmare I have ever seen..."

In the usual nightmares, although they are called "nightmares", they are completely different from real dreams. That was almost another ordinary world, not a bizarre dream.

Many taskers believe that the so-called "nightmare" is just a copy of the game, and of course it also obeys the rules of the real world. Otherwise, how do they solve puzzles and explore in irregular dreams

They believe that the various scenes and stories in the nightmare are actually recreating the real-life experiences of the residents of the narrow buildings.

But... this nightmare

Cut up the human body and paste it on the ceiling

Does this make any sense

Fei couldn't help wondering if the owner of this nightmare was a madman, or had encountered a madman, so such a terrifying scene reappeared in the nightmare.

Even the residents of the narrow buildings are crazy and weird, but like the scene in this nightmare, this chaotic elevator, this death is a scene of a corpse on a floor...

Fei couldn't help feeling a bit of chill.

What has happened to the owner of this nightmare

And... Does this scene have anything to do with the burning scene outside this building

Fei doubts there will be, but she hopes not.

In this random thought, the elevator slowed down and seemed to stop.

Fei was stunned, and he glanced at Jiang Shuangmei hesitantly. The elevator didn't run for a few seconds, and if it insisted, it was only one or two stories away.

The elevator finally stopped, but at this moment, Fei suddenly realized that a strange red liquid had leaked in between the elevator doors.

… what

Fei suddenly yelled, "Don't open the door!"

However, it was too late.

The elevator doors open automatically.

The blood, as mighty as the sea, poured in from the world outside the door in an instant, splashing all the faces of the three taskers in the elevator. The strong smell of blood flooded their sense of smell at that moment, making them feel that the whole world seemed to be made up of blood, blood, and flesh.

At that moment, Fei thought, she might have a shadow on the elevator doors in her life.

It turns out that the elevator door can also be said to be the door to the new world.

The audience also exclaimed.

Almost a third of the layout of the live broadcast room has been covered by a sudden sea of blood.

"Damn, if I played this game... I might already want to die [bye]"

"Blooded all over. Presumably this group of taskers should have a common language with the ceiling just now."

"... You should be your own person, Qiuqiu."

Soon, blood flooded most of the second elevator position, and it was still rising. The three taskers struggled and thumped in the blood. After a while, they finally closed the elevator door, and the blood flow in the speed suddenly slowed down.

At this time, blood has flooded the position of their necks.

Jiang Shuangmei's face was stiff, feeling uncomfortable all over. The blood from an unknown source dampened their clothes, and the cold and sticky feeling made her imagine a series of poisonous snakes sliding on her skin.

Now, the three of them only have one head still exposed in the air.

The expressions of the three are very stiff.

Jiang Shuangmei's tone was blunt: "This second elevator, how come the floors to which you go are like this..."

Fei closed her mouth and didn't want to talk.

She felt the blood on her face flowed into her mouth when she spoke.

Shen Yunju suddenly said, "The blood on the 21st floor, will it also seep from this floor?"

Jiang Shuangmei opened her mouth, and heard the man's idea in a stiff voice, she couldn't help feeling a chill in her back. She could only say in a low voice: "Perhaps... it is possible."

But if this is the case, what use is there for the corpses on the 21st floor

…Just for decoration

Shuangmei Jiang felt a little funny, but she couldn't laugh.

After another moment, she said, "Where are we going now? These... blood in the elevator, you have to shed it."

After the three taskers looked at each other for a while, Fei said, "Go to the 21st floor."

The buttons on the first floor don’t know where they will be taken, so it’s better to go to the 21st floor where they are familiar. Although the place is disgusting, it doesn't seem to be dangerous.

Jiang Shuangmei nodded, then looked at the elevator control panel that had been submerged in blood, and frowned in disgust. She fumbled over with her hand, confirmed the button on the 21st floor, which is the 25th floor, according to memory, and then pressed it down.

The elevator ran for a few seconds, then stopped and the door opened automatically.

The blood inside the elevator rushed out almost instantly, and then spread to the entire floor.

Seeing this scene, Shuangmei Jiang suddenly couldn't help but tremble. She said, "Do you think..."

"Don't say it." Fei bit her lip, her face was pale, and she looked at this floor like a ghost. Her voice seemed to be frozen, and she was dying of despair, "Don't say..."

Shen Yun looked at these two taskers with his godless eyes.

He knows what they mean.

Look-the blood on the floor of the 21st floor, does it look like it was picked up by them using the elevator, and then spilled here

This is unreasonable and very unreasonable. They had already been to the 21st floor and had already seen blood on the floor of this floor. But now they came back from the upper floor and poured blood on this floor.

Such behavior itself is as if they created the blood on this layer of ground.

This was like the scene of the Mobius ring, which gave the three taskers a particularly subtle feeling in their hearts. It was not just fear.

The elevator doors closed automatically, which seemed to isolate their fear to some extent.

Jiang Shuangmei suddenly looked at Fei: "What did you just say?"

Fei Mang said: "What...?" She hesitated, "The most like a nightmare... a nightmare?... a nightmare?"

She seemed to suddenly understand what Jiang Shuangmei meant, and looked at her in surprise.

Shuangmei Jiang seemed to be talking to herself, and said softly: "Perhaps we also played a part of this nightmare to some extent."

"It's impossible!" Fei asked, "How can nightmares control our behavior..."

She stopped suddenly.

Jiang Shuangmei said: "You found it." She stopped. "Our actions rely on elevators and stairs. In other words, this is sufficiently controllable."

Frowning, she finally said, "But it doesn't make sense. Even if our behavior changes the nightmare scene, what does it matter? We are just investigating the truth of this nightmare."

What else Jiang Shuangmei wanted to say.

But Shen Yunju interrupted her: "If the blood on the ground on the 21st floor is really caused by our actions..." He paused, because the faces of the other two taskers were suddenly pale, but he still Continuing, "Should not the factor of time be considered first?"

Both Jiang Shuangmei and Fei were startled.

Later, Jiang Shuangmei asked inexplicably: "However, we went to the 21st floor first, and at that time we had already seen the blood on the ground; only then did we bring the blood from the upper layer down to the 21st floor... mean we crossed to the past?"

Shen Yunju shook his head and motioned that he didn't know, but just thought of a possibility.

Fei sighed and said, "Don't think so much. Perhaps, the blood on the ground on the 21st floor has nothing to do with us at all?"

The other two couldn't help but nodded.

Afterwards, they all looked at the control panel of the second elevator. Jiang Shuangmei pressed that one after all, she was thinking of it, one layer.

The three taskers in the second elevator stopped discussing the blood on the ground on the 21st floor, but the lively discussion was still lively in the live broadcast room.

In any case, the scene where the blood in the elevator flows to the ground on the 21st floor subtly fits the previous encounters of the taskers on the 21st floor, giving people an illusion in the first place:

Could it be that they chose to pour blood on the 21st floor that gave the ground a thin layer of blood

The audience held different views and argued fiercely.

"No! Yes! Yes! They had seen that layer of blood on the 21st floor before, and that layer of blood was coagulated at the time! It was coagulated!!!"

"Yes! There is no sign that there are elements related to time and cause and effect in this nightmare?"

"Although, did you find out, the scene where the three people in elevator No. 1 left the little girl there on the 31st floor, and the little girl said that the scene where her mother left her there is actually a subtle similarity... "

"And it happened to be the female tasker of the goddess. She told the little girl that she would hide under the desk if she was afraid."

"!!! Don't scare me!!!"

"I think it's not so much time, causal contradiction, or some scenes of the nightmare caused by the taskers, it is better to say that the taskers are recreating some things that happened in this nightmare?"

"The reasoning boss is right! The goddess can't really be this little girl's mother."

"... Maybe it really is..."

"Damn, it's impossible."

"Don't guess. These two things are a bit subtle now. At other times, the taskers are normally exploring in this nightmare scene."

"... There are already two things... In other words, will every elevator correspond to this very subtle thing... a certain sense of sight, and so on. Just like the reasoning guy said, Reproduce what happened in the past."

"But does it make sense to this nightmare?"

"... It feels meaningless."

The audience argued a lot, and it seemed like a coincidence and not like a coincidence.

In the end, the reasoning boss made a final decision: "Let's take a look again, and wait for more elevators to go out of the floor. It is a pity that Beibei has something at this time, otherwise we can analyze it with us."

Yes, Xu Beijin at this moment is busy dealing with other scenes.

After Ringo and Wu Jian came to the 16th floor, they began to talk to the actors and collect information. However, those who do these things are basically ignorant.

Even though this person always worries Fei, he can still do this kind of basic information collection work, and he has done it very well, otherwise, he might not be able to get a foothold in the higher floors of the narrow building.

After about a few minutes, he ran back and reported to Ringo very consciously.

Ringo had come to Xu Beijin's side silently at this time, sitting there quietly without speaking or doing anything, occasionally taking a look at Xu Beijin.

Xu Beijin was uncomfortable when he saw Xu Beijin. He always felt that the days when he and Ringo were in the same room for ten or more days, reading their own books, eating their own snacks, and drinking their own drinks, are gone forever. Up.

Xu Bei thought to himself, once the original pure friendship was mixed with special affection, it seemed that there would be a qualitative change.

But what was even more annoying was that Ringo had no idea about it.

Moreover, because Ringo stayed here all the time, Xu Bei couldn't communicate with the audience in the live broadcast room at all. Seeing the special encounters of the three taskers on the 21st floor, he couldn't express any thoughts.

… How did it feel to be back in the first two nightmares, when Ringo was sitting on the small bench in front of his bookstore. Xu Bei slandered himself secretly.

The arrival of Wu Jian broke the silence between them, and also let Xu Beijin breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Ringo gave a slightly uncomfortable glance, but thought that he wanted Xu Beijin to leave the nightmare as soon as possible, so Ringo held back it again.

Wu Jian repeated what he had inquired: "There are more than a dozen people gathered here, all of whom stayed here to work when this office building had an accident. Then, in search of food and other reasons, they gathered on the 16th floor... "

Having said that, Ringo asked, "Some other reasons?"

Wu Jian said: "They said more vaguely. I guess it might be... I got lost? They said there was something wrong with the elevator. You can ask other taskers at that time."

Ringo nodded.

Wu Jian went on to say: "They don't know exactly what happened before. Probably there was a sudden bang outside, as if something exploded, and then the glass of this building exploded. .

"The shock wave caused several employees to have concussions, so they were not very clear about the retelling of the scene at that time."

Speaking of concussion, Ringo glanced at Xu Bei subconsciously.

Xu Beijin: "..."

Yes, he also had a concussion. Although it was just pretended.

Of course he also knows that if he doesn't pretend, then the master will not hesitate to arrange for him a real concussion...

The life of the actor in the nightmare is so boring and fun.

Unexpectedly, he didn't notice the small exchange between Ringo and Xu Beijin, and continued: "This group of people are trapped here. They also know that the stairs below the 9th floor have been blocked, and they dare not sit. elevator… "

Speaking of this, Wu Jian swallowed. He whispered: "Boss, let me tell you, I heard a breaking news about the elevator."

Ringo raised his eyebrows.

Wu Jian said: "It is said that the previous explosion did not know what it was. It impacted the elevator line and caused the elevator's operation to become a completely random thing. They said that."

Xu Bei said with all his heart that I knew it a long time ago.

But... wait.

Xu Beijin's face suddenly changed slightly.

Ringo seemed to be able to read his voice, and immediately asked, "Completely random?"

"Yes." Nodding invisibly, "They said that the floors that the elevator can go to are completely random and not fixed every time the button is pressed.

"No one knows which floor the elevator will go to. It's totally... a matter of luck."

Some of the details that I didn't say were that when the group of employees trapped on the 16th floor heard that he had a companion to take the elevator, they all showed sympathy and fear.

The survivors of this group of employees have used elevators instinctively. People living in modern society, of course, have become accustomed to relying on these products of industrialization.

However, what they depended on gave them a heavy blow.

This news of course also dealt a hard blow, but it was only because their group of taskers also needed to solve this nightmare.

He thought anxiously, if every time the elevator button is pressed, the actual floor corresponding to it is completely random, then how can they leave this building? All by luck

And this news surprised the audience in the live broadcast room even more.

"Wait, completely random?"

"But the three people in the second elevator just made a trip back to the 21st floor?!"

"Um... They didn't go to the stairwell to look at the floor sign, and they were actually not sure if it was the 21st floor..."

"... The blood on the ground..."

"No, no, I'm a little confused. Do you still remember when they arrived at that floor just now, were there stumps and pieces of meat on the ceiling?"

"Actually, I didn't pay attention. Because the blood shed attracted my attention."

"And they are standing inside the elevator, and the camera can't actually see the ceiling outside..."

"Then... Then don't they, don't know which layer they put the blood on?"

"According to this, that kind of visual perception can't be established, right? It's just a coincidence. The blood on the ground on the 21st floor can't be flowing out of the second elevator."

"I agree. It is impossible to press the button on the 25th floor for the first and second time, and you will arrive at the same floor, right?"

"... Why is it impossible?"

"It's up to you again, why can't the goddess be the little girl's mother?"

"I agree with that point of view. They accidentally reproduced what happened in this building. But why such a recurrence happened, I can't think of the reason for the time being."

"Perhaps this is a real nightmare that keeps repeating what happened in the past? And the tasker has also played a part of the nightmare invisibly?"

"Although, this is still a game after all. How can this be solved?"

"... Please, I just want to appreciate Beibei's handsome face, I don't want to think about it."

The audience was entangled, and the three taskers of the first elevator, after leaving the 31st floor where the little girl was, arrived at the elevator button of the twenty-ninth floor.

Among the four floor buttons that can be pressed in the first elevator, the floor corresponding to the seventh floor button is dangerous or even inaccessible; the 31st and 24th floors corresponding to the 18th and 32nd floors are safe.

Therefore, whether the corresponding floor of the twenty-ninth floor is safe or not is an unknown number.

The boy said impatiently: "The mastermind should be more merciful to the taskers on the ground floor of this narrow building, right?"

The man in the suit sneered: "Who knows?"

The elevator doors opened.

A group of bloody lunatics flew towards them.

"Damn it!" the boy yelled, "Why is this layer again!"