Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 89: Different possibilities (1)


At the beginning of the second round of nightmares, the atmosphere between the taskers seemed particularly weird.

The goddess looked more frightened, nervous, and neurotic now, and seemed even more weird than the two conspiracy theorists of Fei and Wujian; the rest of the taskers wanted to know who died in the last nightmare.

But it seemed that when they found that the youth's face was uncertain, they couldn't help looking at each other, showing very subtle expressions.

Even the boy's companion, the man in the suit, didn't give him much face. Instead, he said directly: "The last nightmare was that this guy died and was killed by the collapsed ceiling."

The boy's face was blue and white, and he could see that he wanted to refute, but death was not acceptable, so in the end, he could only turn his head and acquiesce in this.

Jiang Shuangmei laughed mercilessly, and in the next second she secretly reflected in her heart, for fear that she would be affected by the item card again.

But she thought to herself, this kind of gloating, seemed to come from the heart...

The young man glared at her fiercely, but at this moment, his bad attitude was completely ineffective at all.

The man in a suit said to himself: "At that time, we hadn't had time to see the floor number of that floor, but it should be between the 28th and 30th floors.

"Through this incident, we can see that one hour after the nightmare begins, this building will collapse once, and this time the collapse will probably affect... To be on the safe side, even a ten-story building.

"Perhaps with the passage of time and the collapse of the nightmare, the collapse will become more frequent and the scope of the impact will become larger and larger, until a certain moment... the building completely collapsed.

"It seems that what we need to do is to solve this nightmare before this building completely collapses.

"The other question is, in this round of nightmares, do we need to take away the little girl on the 31st floor?"

Hearing the man in the suit mentioned the little girl, the goddess showed an obvious expression of hesitation and hesitation, but she didn't seem to know how to express her feelings at all, and finally she could only mutter to herself: "... No, this is impossible. Yes… "

No one listened carefully to her words, because her words were babbled, half-truths and half-truths.

And the other five taskers didn't even know the existence of the little girl.

The man in the suit pondered for a moment, and finally decided to exchange information with the rest of the taskers at the very beginning of the nightmare.

So he told the story of the little girl, including their thoughts on the elevator floor, the photo they found on the 20th floor, and so on, and they all truthfully told the other taskers.

He was not in a hurry to listen to the experiences of the rest of the taskers, but first analyzed their experiences: "First of all, the elevator floor button, after pressing the floor, should be random.

"The meaning of random here is that every time you press it, you don't necessarily go to the same floor. But it can't be said to be completely random.

"According to our experience, the floors that each elevator can go to should be fixed, and the random floors are selected from this set.

"Why? I haven't got an answer to this question yet."

When he said this, he couldn't help but stop, and subconsciously looked at the boy, wondering if his companion could add anything, but then he thought that the boy at this time might still feel embarrassed and angry because of the last round of death.

So he didn't bother to ask at all, and went on to say: "As for the little girl on the 31st floor, and correspondingly, in the big group photo on the 20th floor, why does the face of the goddess appear...

"My guess is that this little girl is actually dead."

Without changing his face, he uttered shocking words.

Shuangmei Jiang couldn't help saying: "Have you guys hell?"

The boy looked like a fool, gave Jiang Shuangmei a vicious look, and then said angrily: "He means, in reality! This little girl should be dead, and this nightmare is the nightmare of the little girl's mother.

"The little girl's mother should be responsible for a large part of the little girl's death. She left her daughter alone in a building with unknown safety conditions. After the disaster, this was a very big failure.

"Therefore, in her mother’s nightmare, she is very likely to instinctively weaken her responsibility and negligence in this matter. At this time, the goddess took care of it by mistake and asked the little girl to hide under the desk, The image of a mother waiting for her return.

"So, this nightmare logically replaced the image of the little girl's mother with the image of a goddess. This may be the mother's atonement.

"There will be a bracelet given to the little girl by the goddess in the photo, which is also a proof. As for whether this is the case, just go to the 20th floor and take a look at the photo during this round of nightmares.

"Of course, it is also possible that since the first round, the image of the mother in the photos has been fixed as a goddess, and the little girl will also remember the goddess.

"But this is a normal phenomenon in nightmares..."

Having said that, the young man glared viciously at the goddess.

Of course, he was very dissatisfied with the act of the goddess who went crazy in the last round of nightmare inexplicably and took the No. 3 elevator alone. He felt that this simply lost the face of higher-level taskers!

What is the mentality of the teenager, the taskers present didn't really care, and even the audience in the live broadcast room from the perspective of God did not notice.

They just realized it suddenly.

"I see!"

"I think it's reasonable!"

"Nightmare... Yeah, it's still a nightmare after all. The development of the story in the dreamland actually depends to a large extent on the mentality of the nightmare owner."

"I feel that the goddess' response was too great, and then we took away all our thoughts..."

"However, the goddess is a goddess after all. Does she really feel something?"

"... Shut up. Don't speak if you can't speak."

Xu Beijin listened to the boy's statement, and then looked at the audience's reaction, and found that it was not unexpected.

The ideas put forward by the men in suits and teenagers are actually very reasonable. It may also be because they have seen this type of nightmare at a higher level and have a lot of knowledge, so they reacted immediately.

However, Xu Beijin has other preconceived speculations.

… Why can’t the goddess be the little girl’s mother

His idea is based on some more wishful thinking.

According to the game, the nightmare of these narrow-floor residents comes from the actual experience of the narrow-floor residents themselves. But the actors know that they are not the residents of these narrow buildings, they are just "playing".

Therefore, the actual source of these nightmares is very suspicious.

Of course, this may also come from, and I don’t know if it exists, the idea and design of game planning. But how many nightmares are there in the narrow building? Can game planning really be designed

In fact, there are similar conspiracy theories in the narrow building, just like Shen Yunju once was in a nightmare, thinking that he had been to a certain scene, and that it should be a scene on earth.

Why, these nightmares cannot be based on reality—their earth

This of course will bring more problems.

For example, if it is taken from the earth, then why doesn't anyone remember those stories

But they didn't remember why they entered the narrow building, it was also the example of Shen Yunju. He thought that commercial district was familiar, but he couldn't recall it anyway, why did he find it familiar.

Any question about memory and brain is an unsolvable problem for humans in the narrow building.

For another example, if these stories are taken from the earth, then... Has it really happened on the earth, so many inexplicable killings

The father made his daughter into a doll, the husband killed his wife based on unfounded guesses, and the electrical appliances in a certain apartment building became fine... Are these things that actually happened

Also, the post-apocalyptic ruins in the last nightmare, the burning city in this nightmare and the office buildings full of lunatics... All of these things are real

This may bring another, desperate truth.

But this does explain why the face of the goddess appears in that photo.

Because this may be the experience of the former goddess on earth; perhaps she is the true master of this nightmare, this story.

And the main brain used her story and memory to generate this nightmare.

It's reasonable, isn't it

It's just that a bug was born in this, that is, the face of the goddess appeared on that photo, and the goddess was also able to see it.

For NE, this is a sad and frustrating bug. NE actually did not prevent the occurrence of this bug in advance, which is obviously a mistake of this artificial intelligence.

Of course, what is even more puzzling is that the goddess should never have an intersection with this nightmare. For the mastermind, human beings themselves are an uncontrollable creature.

The goddess had clearly gone to a higher floor, and this nightmare was a nightmare on the ground floor of a narrow building.

However, because of some rumors in the narrow building, the goddess left everything she had struggled for many years and returned to the bottom of the narrow building without hesitation.

And, from this, she is likely to see the truth behind the scenes.

Her life, her past story, became this nightmare; and it is very possible that she has forgotten that painful past under the influence of force majeure.

At this moment, is such forgetting a good thing or a bad thing

Xu Bei looked deeply at the screen of the live broadcast room, the woman with a pale face and a frightened expression in a trance.

He thought, does she think something is wrong? Will she remember? Her daughter, her escape, her fault.

Her past.

Xu Beijin did not mention this possibility to anyone. The audience in the live broadcast room was unnecessary. Once mentioned, his live broadcast might be cut off; and the tasker and the actor, he could not tell whether he was. Where did you hear about this

So in the end, he just sighed and felt an indescribable depression.

He has been in such a gloomy mood for many years. For the benefit, at least at this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room—and Ringo, Xu Bei thought reluctantly—gave him some warmth to accompany him.

And this is a feeling he hasn't experienced in years.

After a moment of distraction, Xu Beijin yawned and continued to sit there, listening to the conversations among the taskers.

The statement of the man in the suit and the boy may not have convinced the goddess, but at least they have convinced the rest of the task force. They gave a reasonable explanation about the photo and the actions needed next.

Besides... about the handling of that little girl.

At this moment, Fei suddenly asked a question: "You said that the little girl is on the 31st floor and you are downstairs. Then when the building collapses, isn't the little girl dying first?"

The man in the suit and the boy looked at each other, and after a moment of indulgence, the man in the suit said: "The collapse of the building did not spread to the entire floor, and... If the little girl hides under the desk according to the goddess, then she should be safe. of."

Fei nodded and asked, "Anyway, this round, I'm afraid we have to find that little girl again." She said, "Judging from the many floors we have searched so far, only that little girl can be considered acceptable. communicate… "

Before she finished speaking, Wu Jian suddenly interrupted her: "There are also people on the 16th floor!"

Fei's words came to an abrupt end, but she didn't care either. Instead, she asked urgently: "The 16th floor?"

So Wu Jian explained in great detail what he had seen and heard all the way up the stairs with Ringo. Of course, he didn't intend to tell Ringo's gossip. After all, he still cherished his life very much.

He only said that they had reached the 9th floor. The man in the suit frowned and interrupted him: "Let’s talk about the 16th floor first. What happened to the 16th floor?"

Unexpectedly, I rolled my eyes, thinking that when you talked about a lot, I haven't interrupted you. Why are you interrupting me now? And the situation down the 9th floor is so important, don’t you listen now

But Wu Jian looked at Fei and found that his companion was frowning, probably because he thought Wu Jian's words were too long... So Wu Jian honestly talked about the 16th floor.

After a moment, he finished.

The man in the suit was a little disappointed: "I didn't get any useful information."

They had already figured out the random pattern of the elevator.

Fei took a look at Wu Wu and said, "Maybe we can go to the 16th floor again in a while."

Unexpectedly: "..."

Okay, he was disgusted.

Forget it... He knows Fei's character is more stern, and he didn't say bluntly that the question he asked was not good, he was already saving face.

Unexpectedly, he touched his nose and closed his mouth very self-awarely.

After shutting up, he remembered below the 9th floor and their experiences on the 15th floor, so he hurriedly told them carefully.

Unsurprisingly, the former is totally bad news, while the latter...

Jiang Shuangmei asked in surprise: "You also met?" Before she could react, she snapped out the experience of the three of them in the last round. When they were finished, all the taskers were Somewhat surprised.

Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, three times, four times and five times, and every quest person has had such an experience, it is too illusory, and there must be a reason.

The man in the suit was thoughtful: "This sense of sight is based on the dream scene itself, not our own memory... That shows that these recurring scenes are still related to this nightmare."

Fei nodded and added: "Moreover, since the little girl you met on the 31st floor also provided a similar sense of sight, the subtle feelings these few times should be related to the nightmare master's experience. "

Looking around, suddenly couldn't help but ask: "You are so sure, is the owner of this nightmare the little girl's mother?"

All the taskers turned their heads to look at him.

Unexpectedly, my heart felt a little hairy: "What? What I said... Is there a problem?"

"No. What you said makes sense." The boy sneered. "You just didn't understand one thing: the logic of nightmares."

Fei explained more clearly: "According to the previously inferred elevator operation rules, elevator No. 1 must go to the 31st floor, which made us notice the existence of this little girl.

"In other words, this little girl must have a very important connection with nightmares, and her mother is the owner of a possible nightmare, and..."

She wanted to say something and looked at it, and finally said: "The most important thing is that everyone knows that the narrow-loud resident is a woman."

Gender is the most direct means of confirming identity, at least that's what many taskers think.

Precisely because they already knew that the resident of the narrow building was a woman, after they came to the nightmare, of course they would instinctively look for a woman in order to confirm the identity of the nightmare owner.

In this nightmare, the little girl's mother is an obvious alternative.

They are not convinced that the mother of the little girl is the owner of the nightmare, but they can analyze based on this premise, and they will find that if the mother of the little girl is the owner of the nightmare, then everything seems to be traceable.

The teenager didn’t bother to pay attention to the elusive doubts. He followed the previous topic and continued: “So the incidents we encountered, with a sense of sight, may be that we unintentionally reproduce certain scenes, or it may be this nightmare. Specific arrangements.

"So, this hints at the truth about the nightmare?"

Fei thought for a moment, and then said, "No, not only that. You said before that there is a large pool of blood on the ground on the 20th floor, and the source is an elevator?"

The man in a suit nodded.

So Fei said, "It is very likely that we did it. The 20th floor... Yes, it is very possible." She looked at the goddess again and asked, "You were in the elevator before, and when you arrived at a certain floor, did you meet? Man covered in blood?"

The goddess heard her question in a daze. She was stunned for several seconds before nodding lazily.

Afterwards, she probably became a little sober, as if she had been in a lifetime, and stumblingly asked: "That is... that is, you guys?"

Fei nodded.

The man in the suit frowned and said, "In other words, our behavior towards each other may also cause this phenomenon."

The boy said impatiently: "Aren't they the two situations I mentioned?"

"I mean," Fei said, "the two situations are the same in the final analysis. It is not our unconscious behavior, but the inevitable result of the careful design of this nightmare."

The young man was startled.

He wondered inconceivably, could their actions be controlled and guided so easily

Wu Jian said with a little confidence, "However, what Ringo did on the 15th floor does not seem to be in line with what you said."

"But it is also possible that the situation is exactly the opposite?" Fei said, "The boss threw the table and chairs in the past, but if I were on the 15th floor, I might look for the tables and chairs that were thrown in the corner. To see if there are any clues.

"And I will habitually position the table and chairs. Once one of the tables and chairs is placed, doesn't it match the situation of placing the table and chairs in the middle of the open space inexplicably?"

As soon as Fei's words fell, Wu Jian couldn't help but shudder.

Yes, the situation Fei said is possible.

Like Ringo, for reasons of tantrum, the act of throwing tables and chairs into the corner of the wall may have "reproduced" that scene.

But more normal people must choose to arrange the tables and chairs by the wall to see if there are any clues hidden inside.

And if the table and chairs are arranged...

Look at the center of the open space, but there is more than just a set of office chairs standing abruptly.

Unexpectedly, regardless of the pros and cons, it seems that NE has regarded them as dead. In any case, the expected goal can be achieved.

He fell silent.

In staring at Fei, he knew that his companions were also thinking about similar problems with him. About... The main brain NE.

However, they did not dare to speak out their ideas frankly. It may be that they scared themselves, but like this group of people in their organization, Fei and Wujian are convinced that NE is the accomplice behind the scenes to monitor humans.

They don't want to lose their memories for no reason.

Jiang Shuangmei looked around, feeling a little confused by the silence of the taskers at this moment, she tentatively asked a question: "So... do you think, where will the owner of the nightmare be?"

Her question broke the silence.

After thinking about it for a while, the man in the suit answered this question: "I thought before that there are two situations:

"One is that the owner of the nightmare is inside the building, whether it is a locked bathroom, those floors we have not been to, or the interior of an elevator that has not been discovered.

"The other possibility is outside the building. Our goal is to escape this building. Perhaps the owner of the nightmare has succeeded in doing it, but there are more terrifying things in the outside world

"In addition, her daughter is still in the building. And if she has left and left her daughter in the building, it may also be a point of the nightmare and the object of her fear.

"However, Ringo... Mr. Ringo and the unintentional discovery made me overthrow the possibility behind it. I think that this building is very likely to be impossible to get out."

Can't get out

Some people showed puzzled expressions, while others were thoughtful.

Of course, there are also people who never change their faces—referring to Ringo and Shen Yunju. The former may occasionally show an expression of impatience, while the latter... is completely an expressionless human body.

The words of the man in the suit changed Fei's face slightly. She said, "You mean, we actually just need to be inside the building to solve this nightmare?"

The man in the suit nodded and explained: "From the current situation, it is impossible to leave this building through the stairs; and through the elevator, it is almost entirely by luck.

"However, the'sense of sight' we encountered suggests another possibility: the solution to this nightmare is not to leave the building, but to find this sense of sight and piece together the nightmare. The truth about..."

The man in the suit said, Fei nodded distractedly.

Of course she knew that this was the solution to the nightmare of the higher-level task force in the narrow building. They usually pursue the true ending, and the true ending usually requires the tasker to find the "truth" of the nightmare.

From this point of view, the tricks and tricks used by the task force at the bottom of the narrow building in the face of nightmares are completely crooked.

But that didn't matter. This matter had nothing to do with what she was actually struggling with.

What she was really thinking about was, if this nightmare can only be solved inside the building, then what is the point of the burning city outside

Is it really just decoration

So what this nightmare implies, the so-called "doomsday"...

She was upset, and the rest of the taskers had already turned the topic to other aspects.

The statement of the man in a suit has been recognized by the rest of the task force, but that is not a problem that needs to be solved urgently after all. As a result, they returned to a more important topic.

The man in the suit saw that the goddess should have been sober, and asked her: "What buttons are there in elevator No. 3?"

The goddess glanced at him a little nervously, the gaze made the man in the suit startled, but then the goddess answered his question peacefully: "There are four that can light up.

"I only tried one, and then I met them. I was scared... Then the nightmare restarted."

She answered this question in a slightly erratic tone.

However, some of the problems brought about by it made the young man's eyes suddenly bright: "In other words, the No. 3 elevator parked on the 20th floor can take us to the 18th floor where the No. 2 elevator goes.

"...No, no, no. The first elevator has also been to the 20th floor, which should have been reached by the second elevator. So... the floors that these elevators can go to are not completely independent?"

Jiang Shuangmei mocked: "To some extent, doesn't this overturn your conclusion that each elevator goes to a fixed set of floors?"

The boy frowned and glanced at her, but he didn't deny it either.

He just said: "Maybe this set is bigger than we thought."

"Such as big as 36 floors?"

The boy choked and his expression became more irritable.

The man in a suit said, "Rather than this, let's think about the next action."

He knows that if the teenager is allowed to fall into his own thoughts, then he may be entangled to the nightmare restart.

So the man in the suit decisively changed the subject: "At present, we still have to act separately."

The rest of the taskers nodded.

After thinking about it for a while, the man in a suit put forward his own thoughts: "The stairs are safe, and the elevator is very uncertain.

"We need four people to take the stairs.

"Two of them went to the 31st floor to take the little girl away, and went to the 20th floor to look at the picture. In addition, if there is no danger, every floor along the way, if there is no danger, try to enter, at least confirm whether there is an elevator.

"Of course, in order to save time, we don't need to go to the floors we have already visited.

"The other two went directly to the 16th floor, collected information again, and walked down from the 16th floor. Every floor before the 9th floor should be checked.

"The remaining four people take the elevator. The goal is to randomly go to the 20th floor and find elevator No. 3, and then take the elevator No. 3 to test whether there will be a'recurrence'.

"If the remaining elevators can be found, then the number of four people is enough to be dispersed again..."

Fei frowned and asked: "The three of us appeared in front of the goddess in the last round, can't we say it's a recurrence?"

The man in a suit shook his head: "It's hard to say that this is the'reproduction' of the second elevator, or the third elevator. And I think that the recurrence of the scene and the mutual influence between us do not seem to be the same thing...

"No matter what, there are still three buttons on the third elevator that have not been pressed. After all, I still have to try it."

Fei nodded.

The man in the suit looked around and found that there was no tasker to ask any more questions, so he nodded: "Then I will assign... Uh, Ringo, where do you want to go?"

Ringo listened casually, considering Xu Beijin's problem, he was patient. As for how much he understood, this is a question.

Judging from his enthusiasm for mystery novels, maybe he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger


Ringo said, "I'll go to the 16th floor."

… Ringo is still the Ringo after all.

The man in a suit nodded. This time, Wu Jian was not allowed to go with Ringo, and Fei volunteered herself, so she and Ringo went to the 16th floor together.

As for the other pair of stair-climbing teams, the goddess is naturally going to enter, and there are five people left, the man in the suit, the boy, Shen Yunju, Wu Jian, Jiang Shuangmei...

The man in the suit twitched his mouth and thought, as if he had no other choice.

Shuangmei Jiang glanced at these two taskers from higher levels, and after all she took the initiative to ask: "I'll go."

The relationship between the boy and the goddess and Jiang Shuangmei is not good, he can only bind with the familiar man in the suit. Both of these are practicalists through and through, and they are not quite right with the goddess.

Among the three of Shen Yunju, Wu Jian, and Jiang Shuangmei, Shen Yunju is a "zombie", and Wu Jian is also a nervous and frizzy person. No matter how these two people are not suitable for walking with the goddess.

The quest person of the goddess has a rather weird personality, so it might be easier for Jiang Shuangmei to deal with her.

Finally, the team was completed. They stopped dragging, and went to their respective target locations.

Before leaving, the man in suit still tried unwillingly to knock open the bathroom door, but he failed unexpectedly.

He shook his head and sighed, and went to Elevator No. 1 with the teenager, Shen Yunju, and Wu Jian.

Ringo had already walked away from Fei long ago.

The goddess and Jiang Shuangmei are the last to leave.

In the live broadcast room, the audience saw the taskers leaving again, and they couldn't help sighing: "The taskers in this nightmare are quite active."

"Although the relationship is not good, it is not pleasing to see each other, but it does not affect their cooperation."

"(You are suggesting something in the nightmare...)"

"It is express."

"I don't know what the higher-level task person will be... I always feel a very subtle feeling... It seems to be a little more powerful."

Xu Beijin looked at the barrage of these audiences, and reluctantly explained to the taskers on the ground floor of the narrow building: "The main reason is that the nightmare on the ground floor of the narrow building. The taskers have a unified stand. The same goal.

"In the higher-level nightmares, the taskers themselves may be divided into different camps, and even confront each other; it is also possible that the previous nightmare is still confronting each other, and the next nightmare has to work together.

"So, different environments will also create different atmospheres."

"Hahahaha, Beibei seems to be saying that higher-level taskers are aware of current affairs, and taskers at the bottom of the narrow building are bewitched by the same hypocritical target."

"You are right [狗头]"

"The main reason is that the higher-level environment is more sinister, intrigue or something... Then the lower level is like a greenhouse, and it has been raised and abandoned."

"Seeing the disdainful attitude of the two higher-level taskers towards the lower level is a good way to get it."

The audience's comments made Xu Bei a little helpless.

Sometimes, the impact of different environments on humans is likely to exceed their own imagination.

But... forget it.

Xu Bei reluctantly gave up and continued to explain.

It is useless to explain, after all, he can't go to a higher floor now. After all, this kind of thing has to be proved by actual examples.

There are people like Mu Jiashi on the bottom of the narrow building, and the higher floors of the narrow building also have Ou Huang who is the true ending of paddling and rubbing against other taskers.

After all, there are exceptions.

He was about to adjust the camera in the live broadcast room, but a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xu Bei took a closer look, and it turned out to be Wei Lezhang.

This old man came to chat with him at the beginning of the last nightmare, and this nightmare came again. Xu Bei couldn't help feeling cold all over, for fear that this person would talk to him again for a long time.

... Huanquan has something to do with the bookstore owner on the ground floor of the narrow building!

Xu Beijin already regretted why he didn't take the initiative to inform his identity. Yes, before he chose not to speak out, but now he also wants to speak out.

But the actor Wei Lezhang is really annoying.

He is not the same annoying as Ringo, at least Ringo doesn't talk so much...

Fortunately, Wei Lezhang came over this time and didn't mention the legendary "bookstore owner". Instead, he talked about this nightmare.

He hated iron and steel and said: "What happened to the tasker this time, from the beginning to the end of the last round, two people actually came to this level."

Xu Bei moved in his heart and asked, "Do you know something about this nightmare?"

Wei Lezhang smiled happily, and said cryptically, "I knew you were interested in nightmares. Actually, this nightmare... is really interesting."

Xu Bei listened thoroughly.

Wei Lezhang first said: "My level is male N. Anyway, it can be considered so much higher than Qun Yan."

Xu Beijin: "..."

Then, as a group performer, he is really so much lower than the male N number...

He looked at Wei Lezhang helplessly, wanting this big bald man to quickly get into the topic and talk about what information he knows.

Wei Lezhang didn't mean anything. He pointed to the burning city outside the window and asked Xu Beijin, "Do you think it looks terrifying when you look at it outside?"

Xu Bei was stunned, then nodded.

Wei Lezhang said, "That's right. You said that the outside is so scary, and this building is at least a refuge, and there are some food... You said, why are these people running out?"

Xu Bei thought for a moment: "There are two reasons. One is that this building is about to collapse and is no longer safe, and the other is... Is there something more dangerous in this building than the outside?"

"You are right!" Wei Lezhang clapped his hands, "but there is another reason."

Xu Bei raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "What is it?"

"Brother, why are you so slow?" Wei Lezhang said, "I just said,'There is some food.' Do you really think that there is no cafeteria, but the office building in the tea break area here. Is there enough food? ?"

Xu Bei was completely surprised: "Of course not." He paused, "So..."

Wei Lezhang shrugged: "Who knows if the group of taskers can meet the group of cannibals? That's probably... It's down the 16th floor. I don't know where they have explored now..."

Xu Beijin said: "At least they will find this problem after they come to the 16th floor to search for information..." He suddenly felt a little strange, "Why didn't you take the food when the two people came to the 16th floor just now? tell them?"

Wei Lezhang shrugged: "They haven't triggered the corresponding... thing?" He said in an unsure tone, "Whatever, NE always has weird rules, ghosts know. Anyway, NE asked me to say, I'll just say; NE won't let me say it, I won't say it."

Xu Beijin deliberately made fun of the bald man: "Then NE asked you to eat hot pot last time, why did you complain?"