Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 94: mushroom


Why can't little girls be the master of nightmares

The task force and the audience in the live broadcast room had never considered this issue before. The reason was that the task force knew that the resident of the narrow building was an adult woman, not the age of the little girl in the nightmare.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were obviously also misled by the thoughts of the taskers.

But the actor's identity in the nightmare does not completely match their image in the narrow building. For example, Xu Beijin is the owner of the bookstore in the narrow building, but in the nightmare, he may not always play the role of the bookstore owner.

The nightmare master is no exception. Their identity in the narrow building may suggest some clues in their nightmare, but it may also bring some misleading.

It may be because the little girl outside the nightmare has grown up. This experience is a lingering nightmare in her childhood, even after adulthood, she often returns to this moment to have nightmares.

It may also be because, in this nightmare, the nightmare owner felt extreme helplessness and fear in the doomsday and this terrible building, so she turned her image into a weak little girl.

This is her nightmare, everything can happen in the nightmare.

Of course, based on the relationship of that photo, Xu Bei is personally more inclined to the first possibility.

In the live broadcast room, the audience discussed enthusiastically: "Yes! Little girls may also be the masters of nightmares!"

"There was an image of the nightmare owner in the nightmare before, isn't it just a little boy?"

"If the little girl is the master of nightmares, then the argument that the goddess replaces her mother's role seems to make more sense..."

"Then it should be that after the goddess gave her the bracelet, the little girl subconsciously regarded the goddess as her mother, and even affected the picture?"

"Damn, I was convinced."

"Come, come, buy away: The owner of the nightmare is the little girl or the little girl's mother??"

"I have seen the little girl, but her mother is still missing. I choose the little girl."

"Emm, but Beibei said so much about the background settings of this nightmare, I think if it is really just a little girl of this age, she should not understand so much, right? I voted for the mother of the little girl."

"The question is, if the little girl outside of the nightmare has grown up, and this nightmare is just her dream of returning to childhood... Can it be explained?"

"... I'm sorry I am dizzy. Before there is more evidence, I will be neutral."

"Why can't the owner of the nightmare be someone else, and the little girl and her mother are just distractions (the devil whispers)"

"!!! You might as well let me die!!!"

The audience argued back and forth, but did not come to a conclusive result.

The same is true for taskers.

They also thought about the possibility that the little girl is the master of the nightmare, but this is of no help to their current plight. They still need to move back and forth between different floors of this building, looking for their possible way out in madness and blood.

The teenager raised the speculation that Jiang Shuangmei might have replaced the little girl's role, and this caused suspicion about the identity of the nightmare owner, but this did not bring any change.

Jiang Shuangmei and Wu Jian left elevator three, and the three taskers in elevator three also began their "adventure."

There are a total of four floor buttons lit on the third elevator. The man in a suit didn't think much about it, so he pressed the sixth floor.

Before a few of them reached the 20th floor, they had actually tried countless times in the first elevator, with the goal of reaching the 20th floor. Compared with walking stairs, the efficiency is naturally very low, but they probably also found some rules.

First of all, the floors that an elevator can go to should be fixed in a certain set, but this set should have an intersection with the sets of other elevators.

Secondly, the actual floor corresponding to the lit floor button in an elevator is a certain floor in the collection, which is not fixed; but it may also go to a certain floor in the collection where only this button can go.

Based on this situation, if the taskers want to travel to all the floors corresponding to this elevator, then they cannot do it with just one button. They must press all the buttons before they can try it out.

Finally, among the floors that the elevator can go to, there are safety and danger, but whether a certain floor is safe, the answer is fixed. They don't need to worry, the situation on this floor will change at a certain moment.

… Maybe when the nightmare breaks down, the situation will change.

However, the man in the suit suddenly thought of what Jiang Shuangmei mentioned, on the little girl's wrist, the bracelet that should have belonged to the goddess.

In this way, is the nightmare collapsed? If it just restarts, then this shouldn't happen. However, if the little girl is the owner of the nightmare, and she subconsciously regards the goddess as her mother, then the situation is completely different...

The owner of the nightmare has complete control over his nightmare. This is his dream after all.

Now that the little girl and the god-wife are all missing, the man in the suit can't help but get even more headache. Maybe they can use the panel card to cheat, but now even the objects they use are gone.

Men in suits also don't like to use item cards.

For taskers at higher levels in narrow buildings, they are more accustomed to finding the truth on their own.

Moreover, they almost acquiesced to a hidden rule between each other, that is, the nightmare of using item cards to cheat. After the ending is played, the chance of rare item cards appearing in the card pool will be extremely reduced.

Therefore, this group of higher-level taskers is like a group of hamsters, desperately hoarding useful item cards, and at the same time they don't need them in the nightmare, and try their best to rely on their own abilities to pass the level.

… In fact, the man in the suit did not expect that the nightmare on the ground floor of this narrow building would be so difficult.

He couldn't help looking at the young man. This boy who originally thought that he was coming to the bottom of the narrow building to fry fish, is now lowering his head and thinking hard, seems to be trapped by some details of this nightmare, unable to come up with a reasonable answer.

For this logic controller, this nightmare may make him puzzled.

The man in a suit couldn't help but shook his head. Compared with his companions, the man in a suit is a more pragmatic person. He hopes that when he sees the little girl later, he can ask her the answer to the question of whether she is the owner of the nightmare.

In addition, he also hoped that Ringo and Fei would gain something. Otherwise, their second round of nightmares, which have already started for so long, have actually got nothing, but instead just got a lot of problems.

The elevator clinked and reached the corresponding floor.

The man in the suit subconsciously converted time and distance. The elevator went down from the 20th floor, and it took about three or four seconds.

So here is... 17th or 18th floor

The man in the suit thought, during the first round of nightmares, the three people Fei, Liang Shuang, and Shen Yunju took the second elevator to the 18th floor. They already knew that there was an inexplicable abnormality on the 18th floor. Therefore, he hoped this time. When the elevator doors open, it will be the 17th floor.

And the 17th floor happens to be above the 16th floor; if the 16th floor is a complete safe area, then what will the 17th floor be

With a little nervousness, the elevator doors opened.

In the next second, the pupils of the man in the suit shrank rapidly.

Fei and Ringo arrived on the 14th floor.

Before that, they also stopped by to take a look at the 15th floor. Those messy tables and chairs were still piled up in the corner.

And what worries Fei the most is that the desk and chair that Ringo and Wujian met before have disappeared.

Ringo walked over and shook around, and then said, "There." He pointed to the pile of tables and chairs by the wall and said, "It's where I threw the nightmare over."

Fei murmured, "Has the nightmare changed?"

Ringo also understood what this meant: "But this is only the second round."

Fei was silent for a moment, and she slowly said, "So, the pair of tables and chairs are placed in the center of the ground...what is the point?"

Ringo thought for a while, and tried to answer the question: "Because it is facing the burning city outside the window?"

"Facing... the burning city..." Fei repeated Ringo's words, suddenly turning his head to look out the window.

That silent city is still burning silently, as if in the whole city, only this building is still breathing some creatures.

… Why did only people escape from this building, but no one came to this building from outside

This question suddenly appeared in Fei's brain.

And this question seemed to point to a possibility that made her fearful.

Because there is no one outside.

Ringo looked at Fei inexplicably, the tasker showed a thoughtful expression because of his words, and then his face became paler and paler, and finally Jane approached her directly and heard Xu Beijin talk about the building. That kind of shaky look when the group of lunatics.

… Ringo felt some subtle emotions because of what he had in common with Xu Beijin.

He pondered for a moment, and finally dug out a little familiar feeling from his memory-is this the husband and wife

He thought about it again, um, it seemed to make sense.

So Ringo was happy again.

He was very different from Xu Bei when he was happy. No matter how Xu Bei laughed, everyone thought he was thinking of a bad idea, but Ringo was gentle and harmless, and he seemed to be particularly good when he laughed, the kind of good that pleases the elders.

If he really understands Ringo's character, he might already feel a little bit shy from his smile at the moment.

But he was thinking, so he and Xu Bei are a perfect match

From this perspective, Ringo finally came to the conclusion that he really likes Xu Beijin—if he didn't like Xu Beijin, how could they have a husband and wife relationship

… Something seems to be broken in the logic.

But Ringo did not have this self-knowledge.

As he thought, he casually followed Fei to the 14th floor.

Before entering the 14th floor, Feite took a close look at the window glass of the safety door on this floor of the stairwell. She didn't dare to break into the cannibal's territory, and it was really unnecessary.

... at least not now.

The situation on the 14th floor was somewhat unexpected to Fei, because everything on this floor remained the same except for the missing window glass.

Neatly arranged desks, printers on the wall, piles of printing paper, locked file cabinets, as well as drinks, computers, documents, calculators, stationery on the desktop... everything seems to be paid in a second Some people are busy in this office area.

But in the next second, everyone disappeared.

This scene made Fei feel more chills in his back than those weird, crazy, and murderous floors.

Obviously, since the office areas on other floors are so chaotic, when the "incident" happened, the 14th floor was of course the same.

But why, now it seems so normal here

…Because the "decorators" have been here before

Fei looked left and right in confusion.

At this moment, Ringo's ears suddenly moved, and he subconsciously looked at the source of the sound he heard-it was a breathing sound mixed with faint sobbing.

After a while, the two arrived at the toilet on the left side of the floor.

Just like the normal appearance of the outside world, the bathroom on this floor was not locked like the other floors.

They all heard faint crying from the men's room.

Fei and Ringo looked at each other.

Ringo stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the men's room. After sweeping it, he saw a man curled up in the corner of the wall. Because a stranger appeared, he didn't even dare to cry anymore.


Ringo was too lazy to go in, and said directly, "Come out."

That mushroom... No, maybe the person was frightened by Lin Piao, so he stood up tremblingly for a moment, and walked towards the outside slowly, step by step.

The two taskers were finally able to see his true face.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, with sparse hair and a suit and leather shoes, but his face is full of tears.

He didn't know how long he had been crying in the toilet, and now he didn't even feel ashamed. He just stiffened his face, lowered his head, and his body was trembling slightly, as if he was still terrified.

Fei worked hard to make her voice calmer, so as not to frighten this rare living person: "Are you okay?"

The man did not answer.

Fei asked again, "Do you know what happened on this floor?"

Perhaps it was some of the words that made the man think of something, and he almost subconsciously convulsed, as if recalling something that made him extremely terrified.

He yelled: "No! No! Don't remind me of those things... Please..."

As he said, he sat limply on the ground and curled himself up again.

But before Fei could continue questioning, he began to speak to himself.

"The group of people, they were here before. They are going crazy here. They said this is their cafeteria, so they need to be repaired.

"They asked the decorators to change the place to what it was before, but then they didn't come again, saying that the situation has changed and they don't have to continue to live like this...

"Everything, I can't go back..."

The man continued to cry in sorrow, and Fei understood what had happened.

It's a cannibal.

They considered the 14th floor as their cafeteria, perhaps because they used to work here, so they decided to change it to the original state, so that they seemed to have returned to the state before the incident, and they can continue to eat and work here. , Rest and communicate.

But perhaps the situation was continuously breaking down, so at a certain moment, these cannibals realized that there was no need to maintain the original state, because the situation had already changed.

They may eventually leave this floor, go to a lower floor, and eventually stay there, even painting the glass windows of the stairwell with blood.

Those cannibals have completely separated from their original lives.

… And that is the end? Is it the effect of something unknown on their brains? They were supposed to be normal people, working and living normally, but one day, they somehow became cannibals.

The sin of their behavior does not affect their eccentric motives.

Fei silently listened to the words of the "mushroom" in front of him.

He said that he quietly hid here after the group of cannibals left. Everyone knows that this place used to be a cannibalistic place, so they dare not come over.

He took advantage of this psychology and hid here quietly, until today he was discovered by Ringo and Fei.

Except for some past about this level, he didn't know more.

Fei couldn't help asking: "You hide here alone, don't you need to eat? Don't you feel thirsty and hungry?"

The man looked at Fei with a weird look, and said, "I am a mushroom."

Fei froze for a while, and then finally understood why in Xu Beijin's mouth, this group of mushrooms was also included in the ranks of lunatics.

Because they don't feel thirsty or hungry, they shrink in the dark corner like real mushrooms. They seem to have lost all human feelings, and only the fear and resistance to the outside world are left.

Fei couldn't help thinking, is this also the "thing" that happened to the outside world, and everyone doesn't understand what happened and the consequences

Without knowing anything about human beings, the brain is affected, and their lives have since embarked on another path. And even they themselves are not surprised by this. They think this is their own choice.

… Fei thought of Zailou, of their lost memories.

If she had to say something, she also thought of the "price" of the item card.

She knew that many questers in the higher floors of the narrow building were reluctant to use item cards.

Except for the very high-sounding reason that they said-the use of prop cards will affect the card pool after the nightmare is over-the real reason should be that they are afraid of the cost of prop cards.

No one wants to be like a goddess; and the goddess is just the epitome of the tasker who has used countless item cards at a higher level.

The prop card also has a certain... special effect on their brains without their own awareness, and the taskers will feel it as they should, that's what they think.

But if you let outsiders look at it, the effect is so obvious that it can't be added.

However, it is difficult for the affected task person to realize it by himself. Because humans do not doubt their brains, how can humans use their own brains to doubt their own brains

Just like the man in front of Feiyan, he is convinced that he just doesn't feel thirsty and hungry, and doesn't need to sleep. The meaning of his life is just shrunk in a corner.

If it wasn't for fear that he had to stand up and answer Fei's question, then he might be in that corner and kill the rest of his life, right

Fei couldn't agree with this idea, but what can she say to someone who is convinced of her own situation

In the live broadcast room, the audience also felt a little helpless because of the appearance of this mushroom.

"Hey, although there is no clear image of the end in this nightmare, and the taskers have not encountered that incident, but just..."

"It's the lives of the post-apocalyptic beings."

"I didn't expect the end of this nightmare to be like this? There was also the end in the last nightmare, but... it's not the same."

"I think this effect on the brain is quite terrifying (softly)"

"However, although… "

"... Okay, let's not talk about it."

Xu Beijin watched the veiled conversation in the live broadcast room with a little surprise.

The number of viewers in this group of live broadcast rooms is small, and they are already familiar with each other, and sometimes they can even chat on the barrage. They have always been unabashed, and Xu Beijin and Ringo didn't know how many times they had ridiculed them.

As a result, he "not said anymore" now

Xu Beijin doubts whether this is related to... the real world situation. For example, when the reasoning boss did not appear for a long time, the audience in the live broadcast room once said that the "situation" in the real world is not very good now.

… But this group of viewers should be civilians, right? What happened

Xu Beijin's heart couldn't help being covered with a layer of haze.

What made him even more distressed was that even if he wanted to know, he didn't dare to ask so bluntly.

After a while, Xu Beijin could only pretend that he did not see the audience's dialogue, and instead set his sights on the screen of the live broadcast room.

He found that Jiang Shuangmei and Wu Jian had reached the 22nd floor stairwell.

That's probably the floor where there is a sea of blood. Xu Beijin switched his main perspective to their side.

Looking in from the glass window of the stairwell on this floor, there is nothing special inside, and there is absolutely no possibility of the bleeding sea. But in the last round of nightmares, Jiang Shuangmei, Fei, and Shen Yunju were literally splashed with blood from outside the elevator.

They pushed the door and walked into the 22nd floor.

Later, Jiang Shuangmei realized in confusion that there was really no blood on this floor.

Is it on the 23rd floor

It is not impossible. But is this 22nd floor so ordinary

Jiang Shuangmei and Wu Jian walked all over the 22nd floor.

Wu Jian said with some suspicion: "Is there nothing on this floor?"

Jiang Shuangmei replied: "I don't know." She paused, "But I always think it can't be that simple."

She couldn't say what it was like.

This floor is no different from other floors, but it seems that there is a special smell permeating the nose. The smell became more and more obvious, and the nose became more and more irritating, until Jiang Shuangmei touched her nose uncomfortably.

She said, "Did you smell..."

"... the smell of blood?"

Said hesitantly.

The two of them looked at each other and looked around at almost the same time.

In the next second, they saw that a very dark trickle came out of the air outlet of the central air conditioner. After that, all the air conditioners started to drain the liquid.

A strong smell of blood began to linger around them. It was blood, flowing from the air-conditioning vent above their heads. Perhaps, it actually flows out from the vent through the exhaust vent of the air conditioner

No matter what, almost quickly, a thin layer of blood accumulated on the ground.

Jiang Shuangmei's back was cold, and she quickly said to Wu Jian: "Go!"

They quickly retreated to the stairwell, squeezed into the glass window, and watched in amazement as the blood gurgled out like a stream, and then rushed through the outer panel of the central air conditioner like a waterfall, and finally washed the entire floor like a flood. .

However, the blood will somehow not overflow that floor, nor will it pass through the windows that have lost their glass.

The entire 22nd floor is like a container, containing a steady stream of blood.

Finally, the slowly rising blood passed through the glass windows of the stairwell. They could no longer see what happened on the 22nd floor.

… Shuangmei Jiang watched this scene and couldn't help rubbing the goose bumps on her arm. She said to herself: "It really is a nightmare..."