Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 95: scapegoat


A lot of question marks flashed across the screen of the live broadcast room.

"Blood from the air conditioner???"

"To be honest, did this air conditioner come from the nightmare when the furniture was refined?"

"I'm a little bit confused, why does blood flow from there?"

"I have a guess, but I'm afraid I can't confirm it. My thought is that this may be a method used by'garbage workers' to clean up rubbish... The ventilation ducts are like their rubbish passages."

"!!! The reasoning boss said it makes sense!"

"But... can there really be so much blood..."

"Maybe the ventilation ducts in the entire building have been remodeled... Well, the garbage is automatically cleaned up."

"I still feel that this scene may be just a little bit of a nightmare...'special effects'? It may just be that the owner of the nightmare created this weird picture in the subconscious."

"I agree! I don't want this kind of thing to happen in the real world at all..."

"This is just a game [laughing and crying]"

The audience had a lively discussion for a while, and finally turned to some relaxed topics. But for Jiang Shuangmei and Wu Jian, the scene in front of them makes them uneasy anyway.

After they were silent for a while, Jiang Shuangmei finally took a deep breath and said: "Let's go, go to other floors to see, there should be nothing useful here."

They continued to walk upwards.

Wu Jian couldn't help asking: "What do you think this sea of blood was created for?"

"Ask me?" Jiang Shuangmei said, "I think the owner of the nightmare may be crazy."

It was stunned for a moment.

Shuangmei Jiang continued: "After all, this is her nightmare, right? What scenes appear in the nightmare are always based on her memory. So, maybe it's just because she is a lunatic."

The corners of his mouth twitched, but he was unable to refute this statement.

Indeed, the nightmare they were in after all belonged to the resident of the narrow building. Sometimes, the contact between the taskers and the nightmare owner in the nightmare can even directly lead to changes in the nightmare scene.


Wu Jian couldn't help but looked back at the blood-red window glass on the 22nd floor.

He thought, what kind of memory is it that allows the owner of the nightmare to reproduce such terrible scenes in his own dreams

Blood poured out from every part of this floor, and finally flooded the entire floor.

If the owner of the nightmare is the little girl’s mother, is this her personal experience, or... her memory of her daughter? And if the owner of the nightmare is a little girl, what kind of a bad memory would make this young girl so impressed

What if the owner of the nightmare is someone else

Wu Jian couldn't help but shudder, and didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

There are crazy and desperate memories in this building. Perhaps it is not just the owner of the nightmare, but all the people who have experienced this doomsday, who have survived or died.

Finally, he took a deep look at the 22nd floor, and came to the 23rd floor with Jiang Shuangmei.

There is nothing worth paying attention to on the 23rd floor, it is very ordinary, there is no elevator and there is no danger, and it is empty.

The emotions of the two slowly calmed down.

The 24th floor was the floor they had visited in the first round of nightmares, so their next goal was the 25th floor. But at this time, Jiang Shuangmei stopped, and she said to Wu Jian: "It's almost an hour."

Unscrupulously understood: "Then let's stop for a while?" He couldn't help but said, "This time, no one will die because of it, right?"

Jiang Shuangmei shrugged: "Who knows? I hope their luck will not be so bad."

They waited for a while, and finally, the upper floors of the building made a roar, and a slight shaking came from the top floor. They heard the sound of something collapsing.

After about thirty seconds, the movement finally calmed down.

When Jiang Shuangmei and Wu met, the nightmare did not restart. Jiang Shuangmei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go, keep going up."

Wu Jian nodded and followed her pace.

Along the way, Wu Jian couldn't bear such a quiet atmosphere, and took the initiative to say: "Where do you think the remaining three elevators will be?"

"I think?" Jiang Shuangmei said, "Let's not talk about elevator No. 2, and elevators No. 2 and No. 3 are found on the 20th floor, so I think the other elevators should be below."

"Ten floors?" Wu Jian said, "maybe there are elevators below the 9th floor."

Shuangmei Jiang replied dryly: "Who knows."

She didn't really want to continue such dry topics with Wu Jian, but Wu Jian didn't seem to want to endure such a dull atmosphere. Fortunately, they quickly reached the 26th floor.

Jiang Shuangmei thought in her heart, it seems that the risk between the 20th and 30th floors is not very big...

But the moment they pushed open the security door on the 26th floor, they saw that countless pairs of eyes suddenly opened, and countless people covered in blood suddenly screamed loudly.

No one knows what they are talking about, but these lunatics flooded towards Jiang Shuangmei and Wujian at the door like a tide.

"Damn it!" Jiang Shuangmei cursed, "These lunatics are actually on the 26th floor!"

They hurried to quit, but it seemed that it was too late.

They were caught by this group of lunatics.

Jiang Shuangmei and Wu Jian's hands were severely twisted by the lunatics, and then they took the two panicked taskers to the bathroom on this floor.

The bathroom here has been transformed into a dressing room, and a lot of clothes and plastic buckets are placed inside.

The two taskers were forced to put on blood-stained clothing, each picked up a plastic bucket, and then followed the rest of the lunatics to different air-conditioning ventilation ducts.

They stood silently, as if waiting for something.

At this time, it is no longer possible to call these people lunatics. Their faces were peaceful and their expressions were pious, as if they were doing something that made them feel extremely happy.

Jiang Shuangmei winked at the illusion, she didn't know if he could understand it, but Jiang Shuangmei was a little flustered anyway. But she still believes that she can't act rashly at this time.

She wanted to know what these lunatics were doing.

She thought of the sea of blood she had seen on the 22nd floor before, and thought of her current position, and she couldn't help but think with a bitter cold, this group of lunatics are not waiting for the blood to flow down and then "bath"...

In this building, she won't be surprised what happens anyway...

After waiting for a while, Jiang Shuangmei suddenly heard an abnormal noise above her head.

At almost the same moment, the group of lunatics around her moved into action. They set up a human ladder, and the man at the top removed the outer panel of the air conditioner very seriously.

After that, Jiang Shuangmei heard the sound of friction coming from the pipeline.

The rubbing sound seemed to have some magical power, Jiang Shuangmei suddenly felt a trance, and felt that the world before her suddenly took on a new look. She seems to have acquired some knowledge, information, instinct...

She subconsciously picked up the plastic bucket she had placed on the ground.

She saw her opposite, Wu Jian also showed a dazed expression, and in silence, gently picked up the plastic bucket.

A broken body fell out of the pipe without knowing what it was.

Jiang Shuangmei and ignorance, just like other garbage workers, numbly and skillfully went forward to pick up, and scattered those human tissues in their respective plastic buckets.

Later, they handed the plastic bucket to others.

The others didn't know where they went with plastic buckets, but they continued to stand there, holding new plastic buckets, waiting for the next wave of garbage to arrive.

The man in a suit squatted there, staring at something on the ground in a daze.

The boy and Shen Yunju stood beside him.

As the man in the suit wanted, they came to the 17th floor. But the scene on the 17th floor is far beyond what they thought.

This is a place like a warehouse.

Countless corpses are stored here. I don't know if their destination is to go up to become tools for decorators, or to go down to become food for cannibals.

Regardless, for the three men in suits, they still don’t know the existence of decorators and cannibals, but they can guess that something happened in this nightmare and this building through the encounters of different taskers in the previous nightmare. Things in.

And what the man in a suit squatted there looking at was a small digit of a person.

The finger bones are of course not uncommon, but the pile of finger bones was placed in a plastic bucket and washed clean.

He watched for a moment, stood up, and asked the young man in a dry voice, "What do you think this is?"

The boy glanced at the plastic bucket, and then quickly withdrew his eyes like an electric shock. He said stiffly: "What else can it be? Normal equivalent?" He said, "It's disgusting."

The man in suit sighed a long sigh, and stood up, not looking at the corpses piled up in the mountains. He said, "It looks like we broke into a... warehouse?"

The boy impatiently urged: "Have you finished reading it? Hurry up after reading it." He frowned and said, "I have a bad premonition."

At this moment, Shen Yunju stared in the direction of the freight elevator suddenly and said: "I heard the sound of the elevator running."

They looked at each other, and walked over to the elevator. The elevator car has glass doors, but there are walls to block their figures. The three taskers looked around.

They chose to hide instead of face-to-face with unknown visitors because they have realized that there are unknown risks in this building and they have no ability to resist.

The man in the suit whispered, "Is it because one hour has passed, the situation in the nightmare will change? In this case... Will the future become more and more dangerous? In two hours, what will happen?"

The young man showed a hideous expression at him and told him to shut up without making any noise.

The man in a suit closed his mouth, but rolled his eyes silently.

The freight elevator has arrived.

It was the freight elevator coming up from the floor below. The heavy freight elevator moved slowly. It took at least twenty or thirty seconds since its sound appeared to when it actually arrived.

The taskers waited nervously.

Not only the taskers, but the audience in the live broadcast room are also paying attention to the situation here nervously.

I don’t know which floor the freight elevator came from, and I still went to a warehouse like the 17th floor. I think of what Xu Beijin said before, about the types of lunatics in this building...

"Oh, I'm so scared."

"Obviously I am not at the scene, but I feel like I am in a cold sweat behind my back."

"Seriously, this building really feels like... an island. Then the people who live in this building are lingering, weird."

"... Although it's just a nightmare, I still want to ask, are these people still saved? Are they mentally troubled?"

"I think decorators and garbage workers can be saved, but cannibals are avoided..."

"It depends on your views on the definition of criminal acts in the legal sense..."

"Stop, this is not a small class of law."

"To be reasonable, I just feel that this nightmare seems to be different from the previous nightmares... In other words, these tasks from higher levels also feel a bit unbearable. Is this really a nightmare at the bottom of a narrow building? ?"

"You ask Beibei."

Xu Beijin could only answer helplessly: "It is indeed a nightmare on the ground floor of a narrow building."

"Is the nightmare at the bottom of yours so difficult!"

"Bei Bei is also at the bottom! Beibei's nightmare must be super difficult, right?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that the reasoning boss has not yet inferred what Beibei's nightmare is."

"!!! Please don't remind me. I can't find a clue..."

"Why don't Beibei have a few spoilers? I really can't bear this anxious waiting atmosphere."

Xu Bei hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My nightmare..." He was silent for a long time before slowly saying, "It is related to the nightmare."

"Related to nightmares?"

"Nightmare nightmare?"

"A collection of nightmares?"

"Beibei's nightmare will not be a portal-like existence, it can be randomly teleported to other nightmares... like the elevator in this nightmare?"

"Damn! What you said so fucking makes sense!"

"So Beibei has always been reluctant to open up his nightmare, because, how can it be possible for the taskers at the bottom of the narrow building to randomly get the kind of very high and very high-level nightmare... This is to let them die."

"!!! This is too in line with Beibei's character, reasoning boss, you are too strong!"

Xu Bei glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and wondered how this fits his character.

Does he look like a good person

… Although he is indeed a good person, he does not look like it.

As for the speculation of the audience, Xu Bei was completely noncommittal and did not give a clear response. But for the reasoning boss, his words can bring him unlimited reverie.

After a while, the reasoning boss sighed: "Beibei's luck is really good. You can find this kind of nightmare randomly in the game, and if you have this kind of nightmare, the corresponding identity must be very strong... The Emperor of the World is you. To Beibei!"

The audience echoed the words of the reasoning boss, but Xu Beijin could only smile reluctantly, which was regarded as a face to the reasoning boss.


He thought that at the moment when he acquired this nightmare and this identity, it might be the most unfortunate thing in his life.

Although he learned the truth because of this, is it really a kind of luck

Xu Beijin couldn't come up with an answer.

When he was distracted, unexpected changes had appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room.

The freight elevator reached the 17th floor.

A few strong men came out of it. Two or three of them formed a team, and then each team lifted a corpse and carried it back into the freight elevator, and then went back and forth several times.

The man in the suit whispered to himself, "They are transporting the corpse? What's the use of the corpse...?"

His voice was very soft, but the group of people were very clever and heard. Almost immediately someone put down the corpse in their hands and yelled: "Who broke into the'warehouse' in violation of the rules?!"

The boy looked at the man in the suit with an extremely irritable expression, as if he was about to choose someone to eat him. He cursed softly: "Trash! I told you not to talk...!"

The face of the man in the suit changed. He frowned and looked at the boy, his eyes flickering.

Shen Yunju, who had been silent all the time, moved his eyes and looked at the two men.

Soon, those few people found the three people hiding in the elevator.

They are in groups and strong in stature, so the three taskers dare not directly conflict with them. The three of them were pushed and led to what seemed to be the leader of this group.

That man is the strongest and oldest man in this group.

His eyes were very calm, and his eyes looked at the three taskers as if they were looking at some dead object. After a while, he said: "It looks good, you can try it in the mouth."

The expressions of the man in the suit and the boy changed almost immediately, and they instantly understood the meaning from the man's words, and felt incredible.

What the hell, this is a nightmare on the ground floor of a narrow building...? !

Regardless of what the man in the suit and the young man thought, he pointed his finger at the pile of corpses next to him, and said to the others: "Kill them and pile them up."

The boy looked at the pile of corpses, and then thought of the scene the three of them had encountered. He suddenly noticed a subtle... special... visual sense.

That pile of corpses. them.

They will also be piled on the pile of corpses.

The boy was startled for a moment, and then yelled, "This is the visual event of elevator No. 3?!"

His voice frightened the other men who carried the corpses.

But the young man didn't have time for him. He murmured: "From the time he left the little girl, to the bloody water on the 20th floor, to this level, he was discovered and caught by this group of people... Is it dead? Will it? Won't it be dead?"

The man in the suit can obviously keep up with the young man's thinking, his expression moved slightly, revealing a thoughtful look.

On the screen of the live broadcast room, the reasoning boss obviously realized it too, and a lot of barrage was sent out at this time.

"I see! The sense of sight corresponding to elevators No.1, No.2 and No.3 can indeed piece together the whereabouts of the little girl's mother! And the order is to go down according to the floor!

"The first thing is to leave the little girl on the 31st floor, and go downstairs with other colleagues, probably to find a way to leave the building, or to confirm the safety of the floors below, and to look for food.

"According to the recurring incident of the second elevator, the blood in the elevator gushed out and covered the entire floor, so the'persons who witnessed the incident' should be inside the elevator, not outside the elevator. So they took the elevator downstairs. .

"Then, they may have encountered a sea of blood on the 22nd floor, and caused blood on the ground on the 21st floor. Before that, there should be no twists and turns in their actions, and there were no special floors from the 31st to the 22nd floor. And the incident can also be seen.

"But after the sea of blood, they must be aware of the problems in the building, so it is very likely that in order to save time, they will explore the entire building as soon as possible, and under the condition of ensuring safety, they chose to act separately, just like this group of taskers.

"Seriously, I think the first sight-seeing event should be that these taskers disperse so naturally. Isn't it the same thing as what happened in this building

"Some of this group of people should go straight down, maybe they went to the 9th floor, and returned when they found the problem; some of them stopped on a certain middle floor and became cannibals, or eating food from humans and ghosts.

"In the process, their team will become more and more scattered. What happened on the 15th floor is a big doubt.

"The little girl's mother and other people, possibly the other two, came to the 17th floor, and were discovered by the people who carried the corpses, just like what happened to this group of taskers now.

"The next action... I can't figure it out for the time being. It may depend on what the visual perception will be the next time it appears, or it may... You have to find out what happened in the past on the 15th floor."

"Thank you reasoning guy! I got it!"

"Hahahaha I like analysis better, everyone doesn't hate my tirades. Do you have any opinion on Beibei?"

Xu Beijin also carefully looked at the analysis of the reasoning boss, and then he said: "My question is, since the whole perspective of this nightmare is actually from the little girl's mother, who is the owner of the nightmare? "

"Ah! Beibei raised this death question again!"

"I think what Beibei said makes sense... The development of this nightmare followed the little girl’s mother. In fact, the most important question is, if the little girl has been hiding under the desk on the 31st floor, how could she know her mother? Whereabouts, and build a nightmare based on it?"

"Why can't it be? The little girl never knew. She was left behind by her mother and never saw her mother again. After she became an adult, according to her own thoughts, she made up her mother's original experience in the nightmare?"

"Damn, what you said makes sense. And from this point of view, the little girl is even justifying her mother for abandoning her actions?"

"It seems to be... You see, my mother was taken away by bad guys, but she didn't want her..."

"Grass, it's too miserable."

"... I still don't know who the owner of the nightmare is..."

The audience didn't figure it out, in fact, the taskers didn't figure it out either.

But at this time, there is no time for them to think about it.

The group of people who carried the corpses probably thought that these people were crazy, and the headed person pouted even more boringly, and was not interested in their topic at all.

He said with excitement: "Kill it."

He turned around and went down first with the body of the freight elevator.

The rest of them walked towards the three taskers.

The boy was still thinking with his head down, and he didn't even notice that the situation had undergone a subtle change.

When those people were about to walk in front of them, the man in suit suddenly reached out his hand calmly and gave the boy a push.

The young man turned his head to look at him in surprise, feeling inexplicable, but his face suddenly changed in the next moment. He was caught by those who were carrying the corpse.

Those people don't bother to care about the small conflicts between this group of "pigs". Anyway, they are all going to die. It makes no difference whether they die first and die later.

As a result, the "self-rejection of the young man", for them, it would be logical to kill the young man first.

The boy looked at the man in the suit incredulously, until he died, he still looked straight at the calm face of the man in the suit. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have never really known his companion.

The man in the suit's lips moved slightly, as if with a slight smile, he said, "I don't want to die."

So, you just go to die again.

Shen Yunju looked at him, then at the young man, and finally, silently took a step back.

At the beginning of the third round of the nightmare, as soon as the boy opened his eyes, he rushed to the man in the suit violently and violently grabbed his collar: "You fucking!"

The man in the suit pushed him away.

The boy's eyes were bloodshot and he stared at him viciously.

In addition to Shen Yunju, there was also the audience and Xu Beijin who saw the conflict between the two of them through the live broadcast. No one knew what happened between the two of them.

The man in the suit adjusted his collar and suddenly sneered: "You know, do you really have a bad temper?"

The young man was startled.

The man in the suit looked at him with a cold voice: "So, I have really endured you for a long time."