Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 96: The key contradiction


Fei rolled his eyes and thought, is this a strange scene that only appears in idol dramas

These taskers from higher levels seem to have been destroyed by this narrow building at a certain moment, and they always have various character defects. Sometimes, Fei couldn't help thinking that these taskers seemed to be getting closer and closer to the residents of the narrow buildings.

Thinking about it, Fei shook her head and stopped paying attention to the conflict between the man in the suit and the boy. She believed that even if the two taskers were torn apart, they would at least be able to solve this nightmare.

She turned to pay attention to her companion, only then did she notice that Wu Jian's complexion seemed a little dazed.

She frowned, walked over and asked: "What's the matter?" She looked at it carefully, "how do you look..."

After a moment of loss, Wu Jian slowly raised his head to look at Fei.

After a while, he cried and said, "Fei, this nightmare is too disgusting. Let's not come to this nightmare next time..."

Fei's complexion changed, and he asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

After seeing the second round of nightmares, he talked with Fei about his experience with Shuangmei Jiang on the 26th floor.

Fei's complexion changed immediately: "You were caught by garbage workers!"

Wu Jian blinked his eyes: "Do you know...? Do you know what's going on with those lunatics?"

The gazes of the rest of the taskers came, even the men in suits and teenagers who were arguing and insulting each other cast surprised gazes.

The man in the suit thought happily, okay, as expected, Ringo and Fei didn't get nothing for nothing.

Fei nodded, and continued to urge: "Tell me about your experience first." She frowned again, "Why are you with Liang Shuang... Forget it, I'll talk about it later."

Mentioning Liang Shuang, which is the pseudonym of Jiang Shuangmei, almost subconsciously glanced at Jiang Shuangmei.

He found that Jiang Shuangmei's complexion was also very pale, probably just like himself. Seeing that he had a relationship, he couldn't help but touched his forehead, as if he was confirming that his brain was still abnormal.

Fei looked at him bewildered.

Wu Jian said that he and Jiang Shuangmei were "picking up rubbish" together.

"But this is not the point." Wu Jian carried a kind of nervous anxiety and tension. "The point is that both of us are confused! We both feel that it is a normal thing, something we should do, but how Maybe... It's impossible at all!

"How could we have that kind of thought! It's not scientific at all! But we are just like being hypnotized, bewitched, brainwashed..."

He muttered.

Fei's expression changed, inevitably thinking of more.

She knew that ignorance must be because she thought of those things, so she was so upset and frightened. It was an invisible influence, and now it was just in the nightmare. When the nightmare restarted, they were completely free from that invisible influence.

But... what if it's not just in the nightmare? What if the same would happen in a narrow building

Just like Fei’s guess in the ruined nightmare, NE can delete their memories in the nightmare, so why can’t it do so in the narrow building

Now, since NE can exert an invisible influence on their brains in a nightmare, why can't it do so in a narrow building

This is more than just a game!

This is not just a rule in the game. They can't get out of this game, so this fucking is their life!

Fei bit her lip and cursed to herself.

Many taskers regard the narrow building as a game, whether it is based on despair or true self-indulgence. Fei knows that there are a lot of corrupt missionaries at the bottom of the narrow building. Even though the atmosphere in the narrow building has been extremely warm recently, the group of people still haven't made any changes.

… But, but Fei thought anxiously, do they really understand what is going on

They are in a game, and their brains are barely in the air. There is no protection at all. NE can play and modify freely and casually... and they don't even have the right to choose.

And they don't even have the right to know the truth!

For a moment, Fei pinched his hand, almost trembling all over.

Other taskers may not be able to understand why she behaved so indignantly, maybe it's just because Wujian is her companion, and now Wujian has encountered such a terrible thing

Therefore, Jiang Shuangmei even broke away from her emotions and couldn't help but comfort her: "It's okay, everything is over."

Shuangmei Jiang might think that Fei and Wujian have a more intimate relationship, such as lovers or family members, so Fei's performance is so exaggerated, as if he feels empathy.

However, among all the people present, only Fei and Wu Jian could understand what they thought of in unison and tacit understanding.

They fell into silence.

At this time, the man in a suit came over. He didn't mention a word about the conflict between him and the boy just now, as if nothing happened.

He just asked calmly, "So, Fei, what do you know about the lunatics in this building?"

Fei glanced at him, and then at the boy.

At this time, the boy still stared at the man in the suit with a vicious look, probably because he had the advantage of his appearance, so it seemed that the younger boy looked a little more pitiful and reasonable.

But Fei had no intention of interfering with the conflict between them, as did the rest of the taskers.

Therefore, she withdrew her gaze calmly and slowly told the news she had heard from Xu Beijin. Decorators, cannibals, mushrooms, cannibals... There are only a dozen normal people on the 16th floor.

The taskers corresponded to their encounters almost one-to-one.

Their faces gradually became worse.

After Fei's voice fell, all taskers couldn't help being silent for a few seconds.

Finally, the man in the suit spoke: "Don't care about it. I'm afraid this is just the danger we will encounter in the nightmare. It has nothing to do with the ending and the truth we need."

The rest of the taskers also acquiesced in this statement.

What happened in this building, although disgusting, was nothing more than a game setting—at least they could use this to comfort themselves. As for what is going on, I am afraid we can only wait for time to judge.

… Zombies like Shen Yunju, they would never take the initiative to think about nightmares, narrow buildings, and the truth behind all of them like Fei He Wujian. They will only choose to avoid.

In this nightmare, Shen Yunju's sense of existence was still very low.

Under his face that looked like a dead man or a zombie, there was still the fear that had remained from a previous nightmare hidden. In this post-apocalyptic building, he almost found it difficult to move.

… Both sense of sight.

In the silence, he thought of the word quietly.

Of course it’s not the first time he has encountered this kind of thing, right? It's not the "recurrence" in this nightmare, but in the true sense... I feel familiar with something, but I can't remember it.

That commercial area.

After that nightmare, he chose to actively forget that feeling. Fear, despair, or helplessness in a more sense made him lower his head and close his eyes, choosing to ignore those things.

But in the midnight dream, he always felt that something still haunted him, preventing him from falling asleep. His self-hypnotic forgetting did have an effect. Sometimes, he even wondered, what is he worrying about? What are bothering you

Has he encountered anything worthy of him

Isn't he just what he usually is? Has he experienced anything different and special

Then at a certain moment, he thought of that thing again like self-torture.

… Not long ago, when he was wandering in the narrow building like a wandering soul, he suddenly heard some people talking next to him. His sense of existence has always been very low, plus those people who are defiant, didn't notice his approach at all.

So he learned of this nightmare.

After thinking about it for a long time, Shen Yun gathered into this nightmare with a determination to break the boat and desperately desperately.

As for why... He can't say it himself. Perhaps after so long of silence, he himself couldn't bear such a cowardice. Or maybe it was because he just didn't want to be bothered anymore.

He just wanted to find an answer, so he could fall asleep at ease. That's it.

But after entering this nightmare, he encountered something that confuses him even more.

When other taskers perceive a subtle sense of seeing, when they feel that their actions seem to be reproducing the behavior of certain people in this nightmare, Shen Yunju feels... Every moment, he seems to be repeating Holding something.

Walking—it seems to have been walking.

Take the elevator-I seem to have taken it before.

No... Of course he did, it was part of daily life.

But... But what is special? What makes him feel that something is wrong? Where does it make him feel that a certain part of the memory is faintly hinting

Finally, he realized that it was this building.

At the beginning of the third round of nightmares, when the taskers were talking about their previous nightmare encounters, when Fei He Wujian thought of the huge authority of NE, Shen Yunju cast his eyes out of the window.

…Burning city.

He thought, the city was burning, and the scorching smell was always permeating his nose. There was broken glass under his feet, and a bloody ceiling above his head. People, people shuttled and escaped in this building, but eventually died.

He suddenly wondered, why didn't he realize the familiarity this scene brought to him for the first time

… Because this is not an event he experienced personally.

It's like at a certain moment, such as when you are talking with a friend, and then you inadvertently glance at the TV, and suddenly find that a tragedy is being broadcast on the TV screen.

So you casually sighed to your friend, "This kind of thing will happen again." You say so. Then, you forgot about it. Maybe at some point in the future, familiar keywords will trigger your memory and remind you of the tragedy again.

Now, Shen Yunju's memory, his brain, was instinctively touched. He seemed to think of something, but he didn't seem to think of anything.

Maybe at that moment he remembered it, and then he forgot.

I opened my mouth but didn't know what I was going to say, stood up but didn't know what I was going to do, opened the cabinet but didn't know what I was going to take.

His memory was broken. The breakpoint was so shocking that he closed his eyes subconsciously, as if this way, he could ignore and ignore that thing as always.

No tasker noticed the expression of Shen Yunju standing in the corner.

This is a zombie. For these taskers, zombies have never been useful in nightmares. They are just here for a mess, and all taskers think so.

Therefore, they discussed it for themselves, and didn't care what Shen Yunju had thought of. Fei and Wujian fell into their own thoughts, and also didn't notice the appearance of Shen Yunju.

If Fei and Wujian knew what Shen Yun was thinking about together, then they might think of their last nightmare, in that ruined nightmare. The same memory fracture, the same sudden forgetting.

They may think of other things and realize that what they have been worried about has probably already happened. But they did not notice.

Several taskers talked about another matter, and that matter attracted the attention of Fei He Wu Jian.

That's the answer about why Jiang Shuangmei and Wu Jian walked with Wu Jian in the last round of nightmare.

The man in the suit looked at the goddess and tried his best to restrain his tone, but he still looked extremely harsh: "The goddess, the last nightmare, can you explain the reasons for what you did?"

The goddess was still nervous, nervous and dazed.

From time to time, she wandered into a daze, then suddenly looked around inexplicably and intently, and then went into a daze, repeatedly, like a complete lunatic.

The question of the man in the suit brought her back to her senses. She was at a loss for a moment, as if to reflect what the man in the suit meant. Her brain seems to be flooded with all kinds of useless information, making her unable to focus on the situation in front of her at all.

She was confused for a moment, and then said: "What...? What last round... What did I do?"

The goddess whispered in a low voice, speaking incoherently.

The man in a suit said, "Where did you go with the little girl?"

"Little girl..." It seemed that this word triggered some memories of the goddess. She stayed for a while, and then said, "The 9th floor. I took her... to the freight elevator on the 9th floor."

"The 9th floor?"

"There is a freight elevator on the 9th floor?"

After listening to her, the taskers couldn't help repeating the information in a rush.

"In this case, the whereabouts of the two freight elevators are already clear, and only one elevator No. 4 remains." The man in the suit slowly added information, and he frowned and looked at the goddess, "How would you know The 9th floor... Forget it."

He gave up communicating with the goddess, because he had realized that even if he asked, he probably didn't know why.

The man in the suit continued, "It seems that our next goal is to find the elevator... But before that, we still have to find the little girl..."

At this moment, the boy suddenly interrupted the man in the suit: "I know how to solve this nightmare."

He said confidently.

The boy interrupted the man in the suit, who frowned slightly. Now that he has torn his face with the boy, the man in the suit no longer has to force himself to endure the boy's temper.

But the boy's words still aroused some interest in him, so he endured it.

The rest of the taskers also think so.

The boy looked around with a very arrogant and self-satisfied expression, and then he said: "The ordinary ending is to take the little girl to find her mother; but the real ending is to make the little girl realize that her mother is dead. , She doesn’t have to wait any longer."

The man in the suit frowned, "Wait, since her mother is dead, how can I find..." He paused, and then suddenly realized, "You mean, goddess?"

The questers focused their eyes on the goddess.

The goddess looked back inexplicably and blankly.

The teenager continued to say: "In this nightmare, the goddess has been identified by the little girl's subconscious as her mother. The reason may be the actions of the goddess during the first round of nightmares.

"No matter what, the bracelet, the photo, and the goddess took the little girl to the 9th floor before, have all proved the goddess' hidden motherhood in this nightmare.

"You bring the little girl to the freight elevator on the 9th floor. The mentality of action should be based on the desire to take the little girl to a safe place. But if you are still thinking of a tasker, you can’t do it anyway. This kind of thing.

"In other words, the starting point of your action also proves that you have actually been affected by this nightmare.

"If anyone has a panel card, you can give it to the goddess and the little girl.

"My guess is that the little girl is the owner of the nightmare. She probably knew that her mother was dead, but she didn't want to admit it, so she had this nightmare.

"The beginning of the nightmare is that the mother has left her behind, but the time of death has not been confirmed.

"After this, the goddess appeared. Because the goddess reproduced the actions of the little girl's mother, the little girl subconsciously regarded the goddess as her own mother.

"Moreover, because the little girl is the master of nightmares, this recognition also affects the goddess, making her do all kinds of incomprehensible things.

"If you want to solve this nightmare quickly, you will die as the mother of the little girl. When you leave the nightmare, this cognitive problem will dissipate, just like the two affected'garbage workers'. Same.

"If you want the true ending, you should reveal the truth to the owner of the nightmare to let her understand that things have happened and everything is irretrievable."

The boy said his thoughts completely.

And, when he said the last sentence, he glanced at the man in the suit, and he still seemed to be very provocative.

But the man in the suit completely ignored his hidden meaning.

He said as if nothing had happened: "I agree with you."

The rest of the taskers also nodded one after another.

The audience in the live broadcast room listened to what the young man said, and played a series of barrage on the public screen.

But their focus was still: "Why does the teenager confirm that the little girl's mother is dead?"

Xu Beijin saw their questions and waited for a while and found that the reasoning boss hadn't responded yet, so he could only take the initiative to explain: "Because of the scene they encountered at the end of the second round of nightmares.

"They believe that the'sensation of sight' discovered through elevator No. 3 was discovered by the person who was carrying the corpse, and was killed to become food for cannibals.

"If this'sense of sight' is indeed what happened to the little girl's mother, then it is very likely that she will also become cannibal food, be killed and piled on a pile of corpses.

"Of course, I actually don't think that the little girl's mother must be dead."

Having said that, Xu Beijin paused. He glanced at a woman among the group of sensible survivors, the man in formal clothes but anxious expression.

He went on to say: "Where the elevator's "sense of sight" comes from is an unknown number.

"If this comes from the little girl's mother, then the question is, as the little girl who is the owner of the nightmare, why can she know so clearly about her mother's experience

"And if it comes from survivors in other buildings, the problem is the same. After all, the little girl has been hiding under the desk on the 31st floor, so why can she provide such a sense of sight in a nightmare

"... The question I'm thinking about is, if this sense of sight also comes from the little girl? If the reality is that the little girl left her hiding place when her mother did not come back for a long time. Where is the location

"The little girl is not the same as the other'mushrooms' in the building.

"... Of course, having said so much, I actually agree with this tasker's speculation about the truth. The relationship between the little girl and her mother should be the key to solving this nightmare."

Xu Bei's voice fell, and the audience also sent out a bunch of barrage in a timely manner.

"What Beibei said!"

"In fact, I also want to talk about this issue. The previous taskers inferred that the'sense of sight' is a kind of'recurrence', based on the preconceived view that the little girl's mother is the owner of the nightmare.

"But now, it is obvious that little girls are more likely to be the masters of nightmares. In this case, where exactly the "sense of sight" comes from is a very strange question.

"Another point is that I also think that in the last round of nightmares, whether the encounters of the three people on the 17th floor can be regarded as a'sense of sight' or not is still unknown.

"After all, they still had three buttons that they didn't press, and they only went to one floor. Maybe something else is waiting for them on other floors?"

"The reasoning boss makes sense!"

"(Waving the flag to cheer for you!)"

"I'm pretty self-aware of my IQ anyway (dry laugh)"

"Uh, in fact, I am still a little concerned about the things Little Apple encountered on the 15th floor... What does that pair of tables and chairs mean?"

"I also want to ask... I feel that everything else can be straightened out, that is, the pair of tables and chairs are placed there inexplicably, which I can't understand."

The audience exchanged views with each other, and after the taskers had finished talking about each other's experiences in the previous round of nightmares, they also planned to race against time and go to the 31st floor to find the little girl.

But at this time, they actually already have an immediate solution to the nightmare, depending on whether they need it.

Fei thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Why don't we make a normal ending first?" She looked at Ringo, "Anyway, we have collected enough information. If we want to make a real ending, we can try again next time."

Wu Jian looked at her a little confused, but was pulled by Fei and did not speak.

The rest of the taskers looked at each other, wondering why Fei suddenly didn't pursue it.

Ringo rolled up his sleeves and said, "I hope to solve this nightmare as soon as possible."

So that Xu Beijin can leave here.

Whether they knew his thoughts or not, the taskers immediately changed their tone.

"Ahahaha, the boss thinks so, no problem, no problem."

"Yeah, yeah, just come back to the real ending next time."

Ringo glanced at them and continued: "In exchange, I can do you a favor as far as I can."

Now the taskers are completely convinced.

And Ringo thought to himself that Xu Bei had previously told him not to agree to other people's requests casually, and he agreed and did it. Now he took the initiative to make the request. Isn't that a violation of Xu Beijin's statement

Well, it must not be counted.

Ringo tilted her head and showed a small smile.

They intend to go to the 31st floor.

At this moment, there was a creak in the quiet stairwell on the 31st floor. The safety door was opened.

The little girl went out and looked at the deep and dark stairwell.

She clenched her small fist a little anxiously, clutching the string of bracelets the goddess gave her tightly. Afterwards, she said to herself: "Go, go. Mom is waiting..."

In the next second, she nodded vigorously and took a step forward.