Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 10: Biased in one subject


Dou Sheng jogged up the short flight of stairs from the elevator to the rooftop terrace.

Xie Lan was too lazy to run, so he followed behind and slowly pushed open the small door. The view from the rooftop was open and wide, and the deep blue sky above his head seemed infinitely close, but when he found a star as a reference, it suddenly seemed so far away.

Xie Lan didn't expect it to be so beautiful, and stood by the small door in a daze for a while.

Dou Sheng stood near the rooftop to take pictures of the night scene. His white shirt was blown up by the wind, and the hem was lifted up to reveal a section of his lean and tight waist. He held the camera steadily with his right hand, and used the strength of his wrist to turn the camera to take the wide-angle picture to the extreme.

Turning to the direction of Xie Lan, Dou Sheng stopped and shouted, "What are you doing, kid?"

"…" Xie Lan was speechless, "Speak human language."

"What I'm saying is that you should come over here and look." Dou Sheng waved his hand at him, "You can't see anything if you stand there."

Walking to the edge of the rooftop, you can have a clearer view of the Yingzhong buildings and the thousands of lights around them.

Dou Sheng checked the material and said with satisfaction, "Today's night sky is good."

Xie Lan suddenly remembered that he had carried a GoPro with him at school before, and asked casually: "Why do you carry a camera with you when you record ASMR eating broadcasts?"

Dou Sheng paused.

"Well... my fans are really perverted. They always urge me to find exciting scenes, such as eating in a quiet study room, or... eating in the teacher's office."

Upon hearing this, Xie Lan slowly revealed a confused expression.

Such a unique hobby

He thought about it and couldn't help but say, "But I don't think you can always listen to them."

"Why?" Dou Sheng asked casually.

Xie Lan considered and said, "I think that content creation should be based on what you want. The audience may just ask for it casually. If they want it, you give it to them. If they don't want it, you are the only one who knows that you give it to them. They may not necessarily want what you give them. They don't really..."

This long logical statement challenge failed.

Xie Lan was somewhat speechless, and turned his head away in self-abandonment, "Forget it."

Dou Sheng couldn't help but laugh out loud. It was a low, yet light-hearted laugh.

"I see what you mean." He looked at him, "Thanks, I'll think about it."

The security guard only gave us 20 minutes, and we had to go home after recording this short clip. Dou Sheng pushed open the door of the small staircase and walked down while casually saying, "I have indeed been thinking about how to find a balance. With more and more fans, I don't seem to be as free as before when I create things. The current content output channel is too narrow. If I expand it, I am afraid that the fans will not adapt. Do you understand? Anyway, I feel that I have strength but nowhere to go."

Xie Lan followed behind him, thinking, isn't it? All of your 200+ submissions are just for eating, without showing your face or speaking. If you're not narrow-minded, who else is narrow-minded

He looked up a word quickly and said, "You can add more content types based on your... talent."

"For example?" Dou Sheng seemed to come to life all of a sudden.

Xie Lan followed him into the elevator, "Your talent is eating. In addition to ASMR, you can also consider the things I read that day, such as the abyss swallowing chicken legs, dark cuisine, and stewing yourself in an iron pot."

"… "

The light in Dou Sheng's eyes suddenly disappeared.

Xie Lan raised his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Dou Sheng retracted his gaze and stared straight ahead at the elevator door. "I feel a little dizzy in elevators. Stop talking and be quiet."


It was exactly midnight when I came out of the school gate. Looking back, I saw that the lights in the three dormitories had been turned off. Only one room on the west side of each floor was still lit. Dou Sheng said that it was a 24-hour study room for senior high school students.

Xie Lan likes looking at lights, especially in the dark and quiet night when everything is silent and dark, and that little bit of light looks even better.

He looked at it for a while before reluctantly looking away. "By the way, do you know the anchor of the content? What is it called in Chinese?"

Dou Sheng looked up from the taxi app interface and was stunned for a moment. "Anchor? Anchor point?"

"Well, you can consider making an anchor point in the scene. With this, no matter how varied your things are, they will not make the audience feel unfamiliar." Xie Lan thought for a while, "The sense of familiarity is indeed very important. You have to always be yourself."

Dou Sheng looked at him, his eyes suddenly showing a sense of inquiry, "You seem to understand a lot."

Xie Lan paused, "I have friends in the UK who do this."

"Oh, no wonder." Dou Sheng smiled, "Is your friend very powerful?"

Xie Lan nodded gently, "He is two of you."

"… "

Dou Sheng was confused again, "What do you mean?"

"He has more than three million fans, more than two of you." Xie Lan said calmly: "Those were his precious thoughts just now, you should listen carefully."

Dou Sheng was silent for a while, "I suddenly feel a little unhappy. What's going on?"

Xie Lan glanced at him and said, "This is jealousy. You are jealous of the strong."

Dou Sheng: “…”

On the way back, Xie Lan suddenly felt very sleepy. Due to the jet lag, he woke up very early in the morning these two days, so he naturally felt sleepy early at night. When he got home, Dou Sheng stood at the door and said good night to him. He was drowsy and just said "hmm" and pushed the door closed.

The next morning, Xie Lan was shocked by the shouting and screaming from next door.

"Get up! Get up for me!!"

Xiao Ma was kicking the bed with one foot, trying to pull the dead person on the bed down.

Dou Sheng's hair was a little messy from sleeping. He half-opened his eyes, glanced at him, turned over, and wrapped himself in the quilt.

"Be a human being." He muttered, "I don't go to bed until five o'clock. Please ask for leave for me and tell Hu Xiujie that I'm dead."

Xiao Ma was furious, "You have to die a few days every month, right? Your mom said you were assigned to another class today!"

"I don't give a shit about class divisions." Dou Sheng said with his eyes closed, "Wherever I am, that's Class A."

Xie Lan at the door: "..."

Force God.

Xiao Ma was panting. He looked to weigh half as much as Dou Sheng, but he couldn't even drag the person on the bed.

Not only is it motionless, it is as solid as a rock.

Xie Lan also found it quite strange. She stood at the door and glanced at the surface where Dou Sheng was stuck to the bed. She seriously suspected that he had applied glue on himself.

"Ah." Xiao Ma was tired, and said with a vicissitude: "Get up and see if Lanlan has any changes today. Why don't you help him get to know his new class?"

"Him?" Dou Sheng paused for a few seconds, finally raised his head from the pillow, frowned and half-closed his eyes to look at Xie Lan at the door, "How did you do in the physics test?"

Xie Lan hesitated.

Xiao Ma begged him with a pleading look, so he had no choice but to cooperate and said, "It's hard to say."

The room was quiet for a long time. Dou Sheng seemed to be frozen, maintaining a posture that must have made his neck very sore, with his eyes closed, for a full half minute.

Then he buried his head in the quilt again, sighed, pulled open the quilt and said, "Let's go."

The pony felt relieved.

"Hurry up, wash up, hurry up, if you're late the teacher will call your mom and your mom will call me and I'll be done. Um, Lanlan, hurry down to eat, if you don't have time to eat the beans, just take some with you."

Xiao Ma spoke too fast for Xie Lan to follow. She just watched Dou Sheng reluctantly get out of bed and asked, "What did you do last night?"

"Ah?" Dou Sheng turned around and looked at him unfocused for a while before lowering his head and muttering, "Edit the material."

"He's always like this." Xiao Ma rolled his eyes and said to Dou Sheng, "Take it easy, or your mother will confiscate your computer."

"Whatever." Dou Sheng walked into the bathroom and opened the door skillfully.

On the way to school, Dou Sheng was demonstrating 101 sleeping positions.

Sleep while standing, sleep while sitting, sleep while eating, sleep while walking.

Sleeping with head on thighs, sleeping with back on seat, sleeping with stomach on car door.

Xie Lan went upstairs with him. She was very afraid that he would fall on her, so she deliberately kept a distance of several meters.

What suffocated him was that this few meters distance gave him the opportunity to hear the discussion of the passing girls carrying Dou Sheng on their backs.

"Dou Sheng from Class 4 is really handsome."

"The high-spirited handsome guy is really my love."

"Yawning is also... hehehe."

Xie Lan once suspected that he had memorized the idiom incorrectly again, confusing the meanings of "high-spirited and vigorous" and "a useless dog".

Passing by the comprehensive science office, Xie Lan turned straight in.

Except for the director Hu Xiujie who had a separate office, all other physics, chemistry and biology teachers in the grade group worked together. Xie Lan was a little confused when she entered, and suddenly realized that she didn't know the chemistry and biology teachers at all.

A slightly plump female teacher called him, "Xie Lan?"

"It's me." Xie Lan nodded immediately.

I don’t know if it was an illusion or not, but the office suddenly became a little quieter with this nod.

"My last name is Dong, and I'm the chemistry teacher of Class 4." The female teacher said, "I heard from Teacher Hu about your general situation. Ah, you came back from the UK. Did you want to ask if there are no chemistry courses in the UK? I saw that you basically handed in a blank paper, and Teacher Hu said you chose chemistry."

Another female teacher who was about fifty years old and wore glasses asked, "Have you ever studied biology? Have you ever studied the basics of plants and animals, cells, genes, and human tissue?"

The chemistry teacher waved his hand and said, "Teacher Sun, wait a minute. I asked first."

Xie Lan couldn't keep up with the speed of his speech, but he understood the general meaning. He did answer the comprehensive science paper very badly, only writing a few words in chemistry and not touching biology at all.

He sighed and said to his chemistry teacher, "I studied chemistry in England."

"What did you learn?" the teacher asked immediately, "Structure and properties of matter, chemical equilibrium, inorganic and organic, electrolysis and hydrolysis?"

Xie Lan: “…” I haven’t memorized these nouns yet.

He hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "The situation is a little complicated. I've learned about matter and balance. What about electricity? Electricity is from physics."

"… "

Xie Lan looked at her confused expression and said in self-abandonment, "It is indeed a little different from the ones in China. Anyway, what I know now is hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, and calcium."


Xie Lan added, "But I just learned this last night, so I didn't know it well enough during the exam."

The chemistry teacher's eyes gradually became unfocused.

Several other chemistry teachers were also shocked. They put down their lesson plans and began to stare at him.

Xie Lan pondered for a moment, then turned back to the biology teacher and said, "Biology is easy. I haven't learned biology before."

biology teacher:"… "

Afraid that she might have a misunderstanding about British high schools, Xie Lan quickly added, "It was me who didn't choose it."

Biology teacher: “…Oh.”


Xie Lan came with the intention of communicating sincerely, but judging from the teachers' reactions, it seemed that it did not have any good effect.

In his heart, he succumbed to the sense of responsibility of the teachers of his motherland and leaned against the window sill somewhat tiredly, the same place where Dou Sheng leaned in Hu Xiujie's office last time.

You know what, it’s quite comfortable.

The chemistry teacher froze for a long time before he came to his senses. "I didn't quite understand what you meant. I wanted to ask you which chemical reactions you have learned, not which chemical elements you know."

As she spoke, she casually pulled out a blank science test paper, turned to a question, and quickly wrote ==heating==cuso4+5h2o in the blank space next to it with a ballpoint pen, and asked, "Take this basic question as an example, what changes will occur?"

Xie Lan checked the Chinese in his mind, "Copper sulfate decomposes when heated, and the blue crystals turn into white powder."

"What are you doing now?" The chemistry teacher put down his pen, "Why don't you write anything? Why is it still blank?"

Xie Lan looked at the question carefully.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bitan" recorded: "There is a bitter spring in the Lead Mountain of Xinzhou, which flows into a stream. If you scoop up the water and boil it, it becomes gall alum, and if you cook the gall alum, it becomes copper." Now if you heat the substance mentioned by Shen Kuo, what can you observe

Good job.

Xie Lan hesitated and said, "I want to ask you something first, teacher. The chemistry questions use classical Chinese. Is this a unique educational feature in China?"

The chemistry teacher frowned, "What do you mean?"

Xie Lan sighed, "What I mean is, it's not that I don't know how to solve the problem, it's that I don't understand it and don't know how to solve it."

The chemistry teacher's face was full of question marks, "Isn't this what you mean by 'I don't know'?"

"No." Xie Lan reorganized his words in his mind, "Let me put it this way, if I can understand this question, I can answer it."

The chemistry teacher was confused.

She sat stiffly in the chair and looked up at Xie Lan, not knowing how to ask anything else for a moment.

Until a male teacher said, "Xie Lan, don't you know that copper sulfate is copper sulfate pentahydrate?"

Xie Lan was stunned.

Are you a fan

"What do you mean by copper sulfate pentahydrate?" He hesitated for a moment, "I mean, if I understand the problem, I can do it."

Chicken. Same. Duck. Talk.

The office was eerily quiet.