Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 109: Extra 11 trouble



You follow ‌Xie Lan_em and contributed a new video - "About subcutaneous substitution of the big cat at home&tThe end of the period is very common‌一‌"

The moment I clicked on the video, the barrage filled the screen.



-Ah Lanzai actually posted a video

-The sun is coming out

-‌Under what circumstances

-The big cat is changing people under the skin, isn't it? Why do you have a bad feeling

-Breaked up... broke up

Those excited, surprised, and frightened barrages were quickly replaced by a screen full of messages.

The snoring noise seemed to be turning on the imperial engine, accompanied by a figure that was so low that it was almost crawling on the ground, shaking slightly, staggering from the living room to the bedroom—

The bedroom door was ajar, and the camera took hundreds of millions of viewers to squeeze in through the crack in the door. Then, they subtly tilted their heads towards the door at a thin angle and saw Bed ‌‌ people.

The snoring sound became louder.

Xie Lan was wrapped in quilt and sleeping.

‌ One hand rests on the side of the pillow ‌’s face, the slender ‌ fingers are stretched, and ‌ moves gently with the breathing.

The camera suddenly accelerated, and there was an afterimage in the picture. There was only a muffled thud, a huge snoring sound accompanied by the sound of rubbing sheets, and the picture was shocked in Xie Lan's face.

"Well..." Xie Lan turned over and fell asleep on his back, and the camera chased and harassed him again, until J‌ finally opened his eyes and reached out to touch the camera -

The moment before the hand touched the camera, it passed by again, again and again, as if stroking something.

"Morning... um... Douzi." Xie Lan rubbed his eyes, his voice lazily magnetic in the morning.

-‌I understand.

-The camera is on the cat’s neck

-‌‌Is it Wutong

-No... ‌Shout‌‌Douzi...

-Can't help but look up at the title

-Did the beans penetrate Wutong’s body

-‌Is it so exciting

-The big cat takes over the house? Cat

Xie Lan sat up and yawned, got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. The camera immediately jumped off the bed, twisting and turning to follow.

Only Xie Lan's ankles and a length of pajamas were visible, and there was the sound of an electric toothbrush sizzling.

Xie Lan finished brushing his teeth before explaining: "Good morning, audience friends, this is Xie Lan, the devil. During the recent final exam week, Douzi finished the exam yesterday, and there is only one subject left. But... ‌Okay, all the super-difficult subjects like college Chinese are done, and now only advanced algebra is left.”


-Redefine difficulty

-Take a random test related to mathematics

-Laughing to death, can Lan Zai pass the big talk

-Indeed, indeed...

-Can Lan Zai pick up the ‌‌? The perspective is uncomfortable

-But I think this perspective is quite good... ahem

-In front? ?

After Xie Lan finished washing, he bent down, picked up the cat, and placed it on the sink.

‌ yawned towards the camera, "‌ went to make breakfast."

The person left, but the camera stayed in place.

- Damn it, Wutong, are you following ‌

-No, it's not Wutong anymore

-Indeed...beans! Follow ‌!

-Laughing like crazy, what on earth are you doing

In the barrage of shouting, the camera jumps from the sink to the toilet seat, then to the ground, and follows him staggering through the bedroom.

Xie Lan was busy working in the kitchen, while Wu Tong led the audience towards the living room leading to the balcony. There were two futons for the cat to lie on next to the window. It walked straight to one of them and pointed the camera towards the opposite side -

Opposite him, Dou Sheng was sitting on another futon, with his hands on his hands and his head on the balcony sliding door, looking out the window.

The sun shines on J‌‌ face‌, and the fair skin seems to be glowing. His expression is as calm as before, but with a hint of etherealness.



- Fuck ‌ Got it

-It's interpenetration!

-Laughing to death, look over at "Wutong" from the opposite side!

-How about naming it "Dumou Cat"

-Farmers are quite standard

- Why don’t Douzi just lie there

-It’s awesome. You’re a college student. You can do this and that.

-Do you only care that Wutong is already an eunuch? In front of you...



Dou Sheng showed no reaction to the camera. The sun was shining on his cheeks, but he seemed very comfortable. After a long time, he opened his mouth and yawned.

-What are you talking about

-You have to lick your hair

-You have to lift your belly

-exist? Take a look at it

-Perform a mouse-catching performance

-Eat a canned cat

During the discussion, the camera suddenly moved greatly, swinging regularly, and the sound of licking gradually became stronger in the radio, sucking and sucking, and it was extremely sweet.

Wutong really started licking her fur every day.

- I laughed so much that Douzi played the cat with all his heart, but the cat obviously didn’t have the consciousness to be a human being.

-beans! What indecent things are you doing

-Douzi...ah no, the corners of Douzi's mouth twitched slightly

-‌Let’s see how long ‌ can hold it in

-I’m already confused. Which sentence is talking about people and which sentence is talking about cats

-Earlier, you said that a human is a human or a cat? You said a cat is a cat or a human?

Xie Lan's footsteps approached, "It's time to eat."

As he spoke, he bent down, picked up the cat and the lens, and carried them directly to the dining table.

Dining table, coffee, toast, cute sun-dried eggs.

The camera sniffed around, showing no interest in these human foods. It followed Xie Lan's movements, and the audience could watch eagerly as Xie Lan took out a large piece of boiled chicken breast from the crisper box of the refrigerator, cut it into cubes, put it in the microwave oven for a few seconds, and then served it By the window sill.

-Fuck, feed the cat

-It’s so funny. Do you really want to give me only chicken breast

-Don’t be perfunctory, give cats real cat food!

-No negative reviews for cans!

-No negative reviews for cans!

Dou Sheng by the window finally moved and glanced at the box of things calmly.

A trace of human disgust flashed in his eyes.

-Warn this cat that you are ooc

-‌Cats obviously like boiled chicken breasts

-If you let ‌‌ believe this setting, you will eat it

-eat! It must be eaten by me

Xie Lan squatted beside Dou Sheng, raised his hand and put it on his head, pressing it gently.

Dou Sheng suddenly looked back and looked at J‌ quietly.

Under the bright sunshine, two big boys squatted and looked at each other calmly. Xie Lan placed his palm on Dou Sheng's hair and traced it backwards step by step. With a very skillful technique, he went down his cheeks and gently scratched his lower jaw.

Dou Sheng turned his head as if uncontrollably, his cheek pressed against his palm, one hand on his belly, enjoying the caress in the sun, and closed his eyes comfortably.

-‌… Damn…

-‌Chou turns out to be ‌himself

-Gan! !

-No, this can also trick dogs into killing them

-So this video is about watching Xie Lan play with his "cat"?

- Playing with big cats, Xie Lan is very good at it

-Front ‌…cough, pay attention to the wording

Xie Lan kneaded J‌ for a while, pushed the bowl in front of J‌, and returned to the table to continue eating breakfast.

Both humans and cats had nothing to say, so they drank coffee while reading a section of the morning news, and quickly ate toast and fried eggs.

As the camera shows Wutong standing on the table, Xie Lan quickly washes the dishes, then boils water, sucks the cat hair on the floor, and quickly cleans up the inner and outer rooms.

After a while, an angry and uncontrollable roar suddenly came from the corner of the living room.

"Wu Tong!!!"

The camera trembled subconsciously, rushed to the edge of the table, stood still, and observed the enemy's situation.

Two seconds later, Xie Lan came towards the camera angrily. The camera was about to run away, but his feet suddenly stopped suddenly.

J‌ held a suspicious shovel, turned 180 degrees, and walked towards Dou Sheng angrily towards the window.

Dou Sheng slowly turned around and looked at JJ with some despair.

"Why did you bring the toy into the cat litter box again?!" Xie Lan said, raising his fingers and banging his head on Dou Sheng's head.

Crisp sound.

Dou Sheng was obviously confused.

J‌ He almost said "Huh?" in human language, but he quickly pursed his lips and looked at the owner forbearingly.

Xie Lan felt funny again. He turned around and glared at the camera. He reached out and pointed at Dou Sheng's forehead, "Why are the bouncy balls broken one by one? It's okay to throw them into cat litter, but it's okay to bury the cat." Sha, if you dare to take it out and play with it in bed again, you won’t be able to eat canned food for a week.”

Dou Sheng looked at J‌ faintly. For a long time, his eyes deviated from J‌'s head and looked toward the camera.

His eyes gradually became filled with murderous intent.

-laughing to death.

- Douzi is cursing his mother a hundred thousand words in his heart at this moment

-Douzi: Are you doing something trivial

-Lan Zai is so into the show

-I’m curious about who the theme of this video is.

-It’s so outrageous, it must be Douzi

-But it looks like the person who got tricked was Douzi, so it must be Lan Zai’s wish, right

Xie Lan groaned and knelt down in front of Dou Sheng and lectured him for a while, and finally calmed down, "Today's exam, Douzi has to go to a friend's house to play. You are a cat at home and you are not allowed to cause trouble, ‌‌ Yet?"

As he spoke, he threw something into Dou Sheng's arms, "Here, these will relieve your boredom."

Those things include: a mouse doll with a long tail, a few girls' hair ropes, wool balls, and finally a dried fish.

Dou Sheng slowly stretched out his paw... stretched out his hand, pushed the toys away, picked up the dried fish, and looked at the sun for a while.

A look of confusion.

The barrage was hilarious, and Xie Lan stood up and slapped J‌ on the head randomly.

"Let's go."

Xie Lan directly picked up his schoolbag and held the cat in one hand. The camera changed to the perspective of going down the stairs. After going down two floors, he knocked on a door.

When he opened the door, he saw a handsome guy wearing a red t-shirt.

Ye Si smiled and said, "Douzi is here?"

Xie Lan hummed and handed the cat to JI, "Didn't you ask JJ to play games? Come back to JJ after the exam in the evening and go home together."

"Okay." Ye Si smiled and rubbed the cat's head, "Oh, why do you look like you're awake, Douzi? It's been a long time, why are you acting like this?"

The smiling voice was muffled inside as the door closed. Xie Lan continued to go downstairs calmly, but the barrage suddenly became less calm.

-woc! Who is this handsome guy

- Within three minutes, please ask for your contact information

-It seems to have appeared in Douzi‌vlog, not sure

-So you‌‌have such a handsome neighbor, suck it up

-Shenji‌ Mom Douzi came to a friend’s house to play games, so why did she put “Douzi” here

The camera went dark, then lit up again after a few seconds, showing the scene on the T University campus.

Under the bright sunshine, students were walking along the tree-lined road holding books. In the last few days of the final exam, the campus was in a wartime state.

"Douzi went to a friend's house, and Wutong stayed at home. You have been with me today." Xie Lan moved the camera to the front, but his cool and handsome face only stayed on the screen for a few seconds. Switched back to the rear, facing the lush main university road.

-‌It’s that cold and cold ‌ Lan Zai

-A bean can turn into a cat, and a cat can turn into a bean, but your Grandpa Lan will always be your Grandpa Lan.

-As expected of you, Xie Lan

Xie Lan hurriedly walked around the campus with his GoPro, as if he was taking the audience around T University until he entered the library.

The library is overcrowded. The self-study rooms, electronic reading rooms, and free reading rooms on every floor are full of people. The long table originally had only two long sides with stools, but as the end of the semester approaches, it is full every week. ‌The benches are crowded and the density is suffocating. The side seats are also not spared. You can sit on the sofa ‌, the coffee table ‌, the bookcase ‌‌ over the ‌, the stairs and steps ‌, and even the floor ‌ next to the trash can in the corridor. I am sitting there with my notes on my lap and wearing headphones to debug the code.

There were people everywhere, but it was silent.

This ancient and solemn library is indescribably awe-inspiring, a top university in the country, just before the final exam.

Xie Lan calmly took the camera and scanned layer by layer. He searched for more than 20 minutes. Finally, at about 9:10, before the regular afternoon exam, he saw several students getting up to pack their things.

He immediately went over and thanked her in a low voice, taking the seat vacated by someone else.

The camera angle was adjusted to only face the paper and iPad in front of him, and Xie Lan began to study by himself.

- Damn it, I don’t even dare to breathe

-Want to study

-Is this how big T is

-‌This is also the case before the final exam in school, but it may be so scary

-Can anyone understand what Lan Zai writes as ‌

-Gao Dai Bar

-No wonder ‌can’t understand

-‌Really‌are there any reading questions? This is too unthinking.

The slender white fingers held a ballpoint pen and quickly wrote mathematical formulas on the practice paper. At the same time, a clock appeared in the right corner of the screen - 9:18, and a window suddenly appeared in the lower right corner.

The image quality in the window is very blurry, and there is a strong sense of stretching and deformation at the edges of the image. This is not the performance that a portrait device of this era should have at all.

Color saturation is also very low, somewhere between color and black and white.

The camera looks at the home from a bird's-eye view, looking at Dou Sheng paralyzed by the balcony window in a daze.

-‌Damn it, isn’t this a pet camera

-Keeping a pet‌The answer for you is this

-The picture quality is too bad

- Why is Douzi so still


In the picture, Dou Sheng stretched slowly, stood up from a futon, walked to the side to the water glass left by Xie Lan, drank two words of water absently, then walked to another futon and sat down again. Next, continue to be in a daze.

Two minutes later, ‌ looked back at the toys that were thrown on the ground. He stepped on the ‌mouse‌ tail and pulled it over. He plucked it half-heartedly, threw it away again, and continued to let go.

-‌Damn, Douzi is so busy

-What, my boyfriend is not at home, why should I continue to pretend to be a cat

-‌Don’t pretend to be a cat until late‌

-Incomparably real, this is a domestic cat, basking in the sun and sleeping in a daze

-This is the envy of cats!

‌The news about Dou’s cat in the window was too sparse and boring, and the barrage soon stopped discussing it and returned to Xie Lan.

Xie Lan quickly wrote the final review paper, and while writing, he looked at the notes on his iPad. Sometimes messages would pop up on his iPad, and he would not hesitate to click on the reply in front of the camera, but would only give it in post-processing. The profile picture and the person's name are coded.

"Lan Shen, please find the solution to question c‌18 in the review paper."

"‌Take a photo and send it to you."

"Xie Lan, Didi, are you at school during the summer vacation? Band No. 29 is going to perform at the Children's Palace for charity. Do you want to participate?"

"Participate. I will contact you after the exam today."

"Very good!"

"Lanna, your meal card was left behind when you returned to the dormitory yesterday. Can I bring it to you for the exam later?"

"Oh, thank you."

"Things, oh by the way, Lao Wu said that Sanshi's new pork ribs with nuts are delicious."

"That night after the exam, let's go to the cafeteria together?"

"Okay, can Douzi come too?"

"‌I went to a friend's house to play games."


"Hello up owner, this is xx brand ‌pr. I would like to see if you are willing to promote ‌‌‌ products?"

"/product link/"

The screen was a mosaic. Xie Lan clicked on the link and looked at it for two seconds before replying: "Sorry, I don't accept health care products."

"Lan Shen is back again. Is there one less situation to consider for question 18?"

Xie Lan clicked on the picture sent by the other party, looked at it for a while, and then typed: "No, this is your area..."

J‌ I typed it here and deleted it. Then I picked up the camera in one hand and the mobile phone in the other hand and hurried through the reading room. I found a corner of the empty corridor and made a call directly.

-‌I cried, Lan Zai‌College life is so fulfilling

-busy, happy

-So true‌Final‌One‌

-Discussing math problems‌Lan Zai is so sharp

- Calm and sharp, I can’t understand it, but I think it’s so handsome!

The camera is facing the wall, where Xie Lan is having a heated discussion with his classmates, and in the lower right corner of the video, through the window, Dou, a cat, sleeps in the sunshine and finally wakes up.

J‌ stretched himself again and walked around the living room a few times. Then he returned to the window, picked up the breakfast bowl, shook it, randomly put a few chicken breasts into his mouth, chewed slowly, and after a while, he went to the sofa and lay down.

He raised his head to face the sky outside the window and sighed softly.

This series of actions finally caught the attention of the barrage.

-Hey, do cats sigh

-If you raise a cat, I will tell you that it will

-Why do you feel that Douzi is not very happy

-‌Yes,‌I'm just playing the role of a cat very competently

-Isn’t that what cats are like? sleep, eat, daze

-The theory is yes, but... I always feel unhappy.

It took Xie Lan more than ten minutes to finally explain the question to his classmates, and he went back and studied on his own for a while.

We had lunch at a public chair next to the campus cafe. We ate it in a hurry and then returned to the study room.

Xie Lan lay down on the table and slept for five minutes. In the afternoon, he finished writing a piece of music and packed up his things and left the library on time at 3:10.

"It's time to take the exam. The exam will be at half past six." He said to the camera, "I'll get off first. You can take care of the cat at home."

Then the camera went black, the main screen disappeared, and the ‌‌ window popped up in the lower right corner.

The clock passed quickly, but the cat Doumou in the picture seemed to be still. He got up three times in the afternoon, drank two mouthfuls of water once, and once circled the yarn ball with his left and right hands and pumped it back and forth a few times. Once, he sat up from the sofa and looked out the door warily.

Just like everyone's cat at home, whenever someone passes by the door, he will stare intently in the direction of the door for a few seconds, and when the person walks away, he will return to his original state like a cat.

Wake up, sleep, sleep, wake up... until Xie Lan finishes the exam.

The pet surveillance camera still occupies the main screen, and Xie Lan's camera is open in the lower right corner window. At half past six, the cafeteria was overcrowded. Amidst the huge noise and loud voices, Xie Lan and her friends discussed the exam questions while eating, and then chatted and laughed about summer vacation arrangements. .

Going abroad for exchanges, internships, traveling, studying for a double degree... Xie Lan is unique in that he seriously announced his plan to accept one or two advertisements during the summer vacation and expand his bank account.

-You don’t treat ‌‌ as an outsider.

-It’s so funny. Ad Dad, come find me soon.

-Lan Zai should be financially independent, Douzi seems to have mentioned it

-Hey, why is Douzi sleeping again

-‌Don’t your brains hurt?…

-The cafeteria is so busy, Douzi is so lonely

-Yes... I suddenly felt that Douzi was a little miserable.

-I’m crying. What time will Lan Zai come home?

After Xie Lan had dinner, he went to the orchestra with his schoolbag and practiced the piano for more than two hours while chatting and laughing with everyone. At the end of the semester, some people were going home for the holidays, so we prepared snacks for those who stayed in the group and were going to a charity performance, and then said goodbye one by one.

It was already past ten o'clock when I finally got home, and it was very dark. Xie Lan walked downstairs to the area with the camera in hand, and the silhouette was also faintly visible in the screen.

"The final period is over." ‌‌'s voice was very soft, a little tired, but also a little relaxed. "I will stay in City B for about 20 ‌ during the summer vacation. Douzi has several business activities at Station B, ‌ also want to go Let’s talk about a commercial performance. I may go on a trip or go home, it’s hard to say.”

While chatting to the camera, he entered the unit door and walked steadily up the steps.

In another shot, the living room was pitch dark, and the camera's night vision function could only see black and white outlines. In the picture, Dou Sheng suddenly woke up after sleeping for a long time. He sat on the sofa and felt blank. After a long time, he yawned again.

Then, the two screens switched to a left and right split screen. At the same time, Xie Lan walked to the door of his house.

Dou Sheng suddenly turned his head and looked outside.

In the left shot, an old flat key is inserted into the keyhole and turned gently. In the shot on the right, Dou Sheng instantly jumped up from the sofa and ran towards the door.

The moment the door opened, Xie Lan reached out and touched the wall.

Click, the light turns on, and the whole room is bright.

The pictures merged smoothly. Dou Sheng came over and hugged Xie Lan. Xie Lan raised his hand and rubbed his head again and again.

The snoring, snoring, snoring sound is the only sound in the video, full and happy.

Although everyone thought that it was just a post-production audio track that was merged in, at this moment it really sounded like the big boy who was waiting for the "master" to make a sound.

"Mimi." Xie Lan coaxed J‌ softly, "Are you happy being a cat at home?"

Dou Sheng said nothing and continued to rub his cheek gently on JJ's shoulder.

The video went black.

-‌Damn, suddenly burst into tears

-‌It seems that, suddenly, I understand a little bit

-Although cats can’t hug their owners, they really cried at that moment.

The video went black, but it didn't end.

After a few seconds, the screen lit up again, and it was obviously another person.

Dou Sheng and Xie Lan both changed their clothes. In the bright afternoon, Dou Sheng is sitting in front of the camera. The distant view behind him shows Xie Lan playing with the phoenix tree with a cat stick. The man and the cat were not looking at the camera. Xie Lan was waving the cat stick ‌‌‌ with concentration, and Wutong was jumping up and down to chase the butterfly. He was obviously running and panting, but he was focused. The ground raised its head and stared at the prey, its tail raised high, filled with joy.

"Hello everyone, this is Douziren, the handsome Dou Gang is indifferent." Dou Sheng smiled and clapped his hands in the camera, "We and Wutong are doing vlogs of each other to finalize the show."

‌ said and took a sip of Coke, "It's been a long time since I updated the video. The last three weeks of the final exam are quite crazy. Not to mention the big ones, the vast majority of college students at home and abroad must be suffering before the final exam. Leave early. Returning home late, studying, clubbing, and trivial matters in daily life overlap, and a lot of hair falls out.”

"Actually, the original intention of making this video was very simple. A certain person and Xie Lan rushed to the exam early and found that Wutong had put many bouncy balls into the cat litter box. The bouncy balls were very dirty, and one of them was the worst. The dirt is not in the basin, but in the bed. "

Dou Sheng said and took out a ‌‌‌ monitor, "That ‌Xie Lan ‌ is good, but ‌ is very angry ‌, so he gave the cat a hard lesson. The result is ‌ two ‌,  ‌This situation happened again. I bought this monitor to see when this smelly cat would commit a crime, but accidentally, I took a picture of it. ”

In the lower right corner, there is a clip of Dou Sheng playing the role of a cat, in a daze, sleeping, and wandering around the house with nothing to do.

"So at this point, maybe you already understand what this video is trying to express. In recent years, cats have become very popular on the Internet, and some students and young people have started to raise cats. But, everyone really Have you ever paid attention to the life of a cat? Although it is said that cats do not need human companionship, at least from the perspective of Wutong, it is obvious that it needs the attention of its owner, and it also desires a little bit of attention from its owner. Come and play with it from time to time.

Dou Sheng smiled and said, "No matter how busy you are at work, you can take out ten minutes from your mobile phone to play with the cat. No matter how anxious you are about the exam, you can also walk around the house for a few laps with the cat stick while memorizing. Since you have an apartment Cat, don’t forget to enrich its life as much as possible in this empty space.”

J‌As he said that, the sound of purring sounded again in the background noise of the video. It was loud but not noisy. It represented the cat's happy purring and made people feel at ease listening to it.

"A while ago, ‌ and Xie Lan were soliciting tender moments between pets and their owners on Weibo. ‌‌ found that the largest proportion of submissions was the picture of opening the door and being greeted by pets. Every ‌ life, They are all looking forward to companionship.”

Following J‌‌’s voice, the screen was split into two again, and one after another cute pet submissions began to play on the right. A strange ‌ door opened, but they all had the same ‌ tail wagging and flying around. Come here, Fluffy.

The main screen on the left begins to shrink and fades out as the video ends.

"Well, without further ado, please just enjoy these clips quietly. You all understand what I have to say."

"‌ is the big cat Douzi, ‌ is the second cat Xie Lan, and over there is the ‌‌‌‌cat Wutong."

"‌‌See you in the next video!"