Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 31: Co-creation


The city-wide math level 1 exam is over, and spring has arrived all of a sudden.

Overnight, the sycamore trees on the Yingzhong campus sprouted new leaves, their bright green color gleaming in the sun. On the tree-lined road from the bishop's office to the cafeteria, Xie Lan and Dou Sheng walked side by side, listening to Che Ziming and Dai Youwanggou discussing the just-concluded grade-three exam in the back.

They are in custody and will decide who will win the game this year.

"It's either Douzi or Xie Lan. I'm going to bet with you guys on a barbecue. The loser will treat the top grilled skewers." Che Ziming vowed.

Dai You smiled as he held a bottle of coffee in his hand, "If you bet on two seeded players, who else would bet with you?"

Che Ziming gritted his teeth and said, "Then draw a line. Based on our childhood friendship, I bet on beans to win."

"Okay." Wang Gou said immediately, "I'll bet on Xie Lan."

Che Ziming nudged Yu Fei, who had his eyes half-open and half-closed, with his elbow, "What about you?"

Yu Fei said coldly: "I bet you to shut up. Let me daydream for a while. Don't bother me."

Dai You laughed, unscrewed the coffee in his hand and took a sip, "I'll bet on the beans too. After all, he has a mathematical ability that has never been reached."

The wind rustled the new leaves of the sycamore trees, and their voices mixed with the white noise of the afternoon, making people feel lazy.

Xie Lan was lost in thought when he suddenly heard a clanging sound. In his peripheral vision, a round piece of metal bounced up, refracting light in the air, and then fell down and was slapped into Dou Sheng's palm.

Dou Sheng dyed his hair back to black, and it looked as if it was coated with a layer of light in the sun. He stretched out his hand in front of Xie Lan, "Guess whether it's a word or a flower?"

Xie Lan was stunned for a moment, then he realized, "Flowers."

Dou Sheng opened his palm and revealed the answer: flowers.

He turned around and smiled at the guy behind him: "I bet on Xie Lan."

Che Ziming yelled instantly, "Did you fail the test? No bets from people with the information!"

"I did well in the exam." Dou Sheng tossed the coins nonchalantly. "It's just a random bet. Can't I just bet on whatever I like?"

Che Ziming muttered, "Stop talking nonsense, you definitely didn't do well in the test, I'm going to change Xie Lan!"

Dai You hissed, a little hesitant, "Then if everyone changes to Xie Lan, what's the point of betting?"

"No regrets after making a move." Dou Sheng fiddled with the shiny coin and raised the corner of his lips slightly. "Once the bet is placed, no changes are allowed."

The sound of a group of people laughing and joking passed through the path, and students passing by on both sides would occasionally look back and take a quick glance.

Dou Sheng had been playing with the two coins. His slender white fingertips moved back and forth on the round coins very lightly.

He finally put the coins in his pocket during the meal. Dai You asked curiously, "What year is this? Where did you get these two coins?"

"This is my debt collection." Dou Sheng said with a smile and glanced at Xie Lan.

Xie Lan remained silent, lowering his head and concentrating on eating.

Every time Dou Sheng played with the two coins, he became a little distracted. He would get dizzy if he stared at them for too long, but after a while he would stare at them again uncontrollably. It was addictive.

Spring is here, no poisoning.

Xie Lan picked out the sweet things on the plate and ate them, saying, "My qualification to upload content on B station has been approved."

Dou Sheng's brows relaxed. "Great. What's your ID?"

Xie Lan has used this ID for quite a long time.

There is no need to mention the past. He has completely severed his name from his YouTube account. Initially, his name was the same as his WeChat name, "Renaissance". Later, he felt that it lacked personal symbols, so he simply called himself "Xie Lan" as introduced in the live broadcast room. However, this name had been registered long ago. After changing it many times, the ID he finally submitted was "Xie Lan em".

em is the first letter of Ermao. At that time, Xielan0229 and Xielanxl were both registered, so he registered Xielanem on impulse. He didn't think too much about it, but he felt that the metaphor of big cat and two cats made people feel lazy and happy.

The profile picture is a high-definition frontal photo of the family's cat, Wutong, lying on the windowsill with his hands in his pockets, basking in the sun. His eyes are lazy and reserved, with a hint of the natural contempt of felines.

Dou Sheng asked in confusion: "What does em mean?"

Xie Lan didn't think that she was cute when being called a childish name. She drank two mouthfuls of yogurt before saying, "Devil."

"Huh?" Wang Gou dropped his spoon. "My goodness, this is totally inconsistent with your temperament. Besides, how can a demon use abbreviations? Who can decipher this?"

Dou Sheng frowned, picked up the egg tart, tilted his head back and poured it into his mouth. After swallowing a few mouthfuls, he suddenly relaxed his brows.

"I think I can change my name. Now that abbreviation culture is so popular, I'll be old if I don't change it." He took out his cell phone.

When he submitted the information, Xie Lan refreshed his homepage - the most handsome Dou DM

Xie Lan stared at the screen in shock.

Yu Fei put down his phone and frowned, "Are you two sick? What's the meaning of DM?"

"Indifferent." Dou Sheng smiled, "The most handsome man in the world, Dou, indifferent."

The car rolled its eyes and said, "I don't think you can turn it upside down, you are the most handsome guy in the world, mother."

"Puff!!—" Wang Gou spat out the shredded potatoes in his mouth.

Xie Lan watched them laughing and making noises, and suddenly remembered something, and asked Che Ziming, "How is grandma?"

"I'm fine." Che Ziming grinned, showing off his white teeth. "My dad was discharged from the hospital last week. My grandma went crazy that time."

After lunch, everyone went back to the dormitory. Xie Lan was not sleepy and sat on the bed to write the up master's creative plan.

Dou Sheng was originally sitting in the middle of his bed. He glanced at him, moved over here, glanced again, and moved again.

"What kind of uploader are you?" he asked in a voice as mysterious as if discussing confidential information. "I think if you don't show your face and still play the violin, you can do a scene-based performance."

Xie Lan put down the pen, feeling a little strange. "How do you know I play the violin without showing my face? I have shown my face in your live broadcast."

Dou Sheng was stunned for a long time before he uttered an "oh" and said calmly, "I'm just making a random guess. Of course it's better to show your face, then there will be more choices."

Xie Lan would not perform in silhouette without showing his face any time soon. He didn't know if it was because it was spring, but watching the sycamore tree sprout new buds, he wanted to try something different for the first time in a long time, even if it was something crazy for him.

"My initial plan is to post videos mainly, and do live broadcasts based on my mood. The content is about life and music. For music videos, I'll focus on both performance and arrangement, so I'll do fewer but better videos." Xie Lan used the tip of his pen to scratch on the paper, scribbling simple strokes. "In addition, I'll also do some cultural and geographical stuff. I'm busy with school, so I'll find opportunities to go out during the holidays."

Dou Sheng hummed, his bright pupils filled with light, "By the way, what is the purpose of the debut video?"

Xie Lan smiled, "In addition, I have a lot of arrangements and familiar demos, which I recorded on and off over the past year or so. You can use them directly."

After Xiao Langjing left, he did a lot of things. Perhaps because of his experience and mood, many of them were better than those uploaded to YouTube before, but he just didn't post them.

Xie Lan picked out a few songs that could be used directly in his mind, "Do you need a background music or transition music video? It's better to have a stronger sense of plot, and daily music may not be able to support it."

Dou Sheng covered his chest and fell to the bed with a thud, laughing as he said, "It hurts."

Xie Lan put down the notebook and asked, "What does it mean to be heartbroken?"

"It's just a knife." Dou Sheng paused, then changed his words, "No, a knife is too fierce, it's a sword, a sword that pierces the heart, it hurts a lot, the kind that you can remember for a lifetime."

Xie Lan was stunned when he heard this, and stayed there for a long while before reluctantly looking away.

An arrow through the heart

He only knew Cupid who had this function. It pierced through the heart, causing pain and leaving a deep impression.

Xie Lan suddenly thought of the words that Che Ming had been talking about every day, and hesitated and said, "In love?"

Dou Sheng froze, "?"

Xie Lan sighed, stretched out his hand and pressed his head, "I'm just giving you some music, don't be so upset."

Dou Sheng's hair is fresh and fluffy, and it feels a little smooth to the touch, and feels very good.

Just as Xie Lan was about to retract his hand, Dou Sheng raised his hand and patted his wrist, scolding him with a smile: "You have no respect for your elders!"

Xie Lan was speechless. "He's only half a year older than me, and he claims to be older every day."

"I am big." Dou Shengle said, getting back to the point, "I haven't finished editing the character video yet. If you have the sense of plot, we can make a collaborative video and release it. I just happen to need two pieces of music, one that is lighthearted and cheerful, with a stronger sense of rhythm, like "lu, la, la". And one that can make your heart skip a beat with just one sound."

Xie Lan almost collapsed from laughing.

"Got it," he smiled and nodded as he recorded, "a triple beat, a partita."

Dou Sheng snapped his fingers, "With two swords combined, we can dominate the world."

Xie Lan had never heard of either of these two idioms.

But it did not prevent him from understanding Dou Sheng's thoughts. He casually grabbed a coin lying on Dou Sheng's pillow, tossed it up, and held it in the palm of his hand.

Uncover—still flowers.

In the next few days, apart from studying, Xie Lan focused almost all his attention on adjusting the arrangement.

In the past, he had edited works mostly by finding publicly licensed comics, and then adjusting them himself, mainly to suit violin solos. Xie Lan was absolutely confident in the quality of his demos, and there was no problem using them directly, but perhaps because it was his first submission, and it was a video collaboration with Dou Sheng, he paid a lot of attention and mixed in drum beats and wind sounds to add a finishing touch to the music.

Dou Sheng was also working hard on the video. According to Xie Lan's observation, he was very focused on this video. He gave up all the homework for the six subjects, carefully designed the camera on paper during the evening self-study, and edited it bit by bit on the computer when he returned to the dormitory. Sometimes he would suddenly frown while eating, take out his phone and write down his inspiration in the memo, or decide to give up a design he had made before.

At night, Xie Lan put on headphones to listen to the simulated mixing software. In his peripheral vision, he could see Dou Sheng's slender hand holding the mouse. The mouse cord moved slightly, and his index finger clicked from time to time. The clicking movements were light and focused.

During the self-study break on Friday night, Xie Lan had just finished writing a 400-word composition while wearing a mask of pain when Dou Sheng poked him gently from below.

Xie Lan looked up, "Hmm?"

The iPad was stretched out from underneath, and Dou Sheng handed him one of the earphones, "See the effect."

it is done.

Xie Lan sat up straight at once, glanced silently at the back door where people were coming and going, confirmed that it was safe, and put on his headphones.

Dou Sheng recorded 500 minutes of material, but only half of it was produced in the final product. It is a very sleek short film without narration. The camera either shows a gloomy world and blurry, out-of-focus faces of passersby, or a rebellious teenager rushing through the streets. The camera pushes and pulls between the teenager's perspective and that of a passerby, creating a temperament of desire yet restlessness.

The misguided teenager became a character. In the hot sun during the day, he carried an angry temperament and quickly passed through the narrow Nanxiang Lane. The residents kept away from him. Then he began to change his clothes at a fast pace, capturing more exaggerated fingers and body language in each shot. He raised his chin defiantly towards the camera, with sharp features and cold eyes, a bit like a hippie on the streets of China, and had a strong sense of collision with Xie Lan's classical beat BGM. Going home at night, the boy pulled up the collar to take off his dirty sweater, revealing a wrinkled white shirt inside. He held the dirty clothes with one index finger and threw them over his shoulder. Rain splashed on the car window. The boy raised his head from the mirror, his black hair and black eyes were filled with mist, gradually spreading across the entire screen.

In the second violin demo, Dou Sheng only used a long ending note, then suddenly ended.

After the video was played, Xie Lan's slightly stunned look appeared on the dark screen.

Dou Sheng was spinning his pen on a math paper and glanced at Xie Lan's screen casually, "Have you finished reading it?"

His voice was a little urgent. Xie Lan paused and said, "It just finished playing. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Who's anxious?" Dou Sheng curled his lips, lowered his head and wrote a bunch of completely incoherent mathematical equations on the test paper, and then said: "I just want to ask your opinion. After all, this video has special significance."

Special significance

Xie Lan was stunned for a moment, "What's so special about it?"

Dou Sheng sighed and continued to write the questions randomly. After a long time, he whispered, "I guess it's because it's my first time working with someone on a video. I feel a little nervous."

"… "

Confusion slowly crept onto Xie Lan's face.

He quietly opened his phone, clicked on Dou Sheng's homepage and clicked on all the articles. He scrolled through several screens and pointed at one and asked, "This one is cooperating with Fatty Cyber in the game section, this one is cooperating with Lala Xiaodingdang in the life section, and this one is cooperating with Mr. Wang, the dry goods superman in the study section. Why, they are not human?"

Dou Sheng was stunned.

"How many videos of me have you watched?" He looked at Xie Lan in shock.

Xie Lan snorted, "I've watched all your life videos."

Some people even put in coins, but some people just don't have many, after all, coins are a scarce resource.

Dou Sheng bent his long legs, put his toes on the ground, and leaned back on the stool.

Xie Lan felt that he seemed a little too busy today.

"Forget it, never mind." Dou Sheng shook his head. "How about this? Is it qualified enough to be your debut work?"

Xie Lan looked at the screen where the playback ended.

This is a very stylized video, and the most interesting thing is the perspective of passers-by, who squinted at the boy wearing a hat and lowering his head to go into the alley corner, or shot the dirty sneakers kicking away the gravel at a close-up, and looked up to take a close-up of the hair color dyed in the sun. Rather than the perspective of passers-by, it is not the peeking out of the corner of the street, the weeds stubbornly growing in the cracks of the wall, but the boy in the eyes of those "wild fellows".

"I don't think this is a video that everyone can understand. It takes some thought to express something." Xie Lan said carefully, "It may not be as relaxed and joyful as your daily life, nor as stable as the game review."

Dou Sheng glanced at him dimly: "You'd better have a but."

Xie Lan raised the corners of his lips, "But, it's very high-end. Speaking for myself, I like it very much."

With a bang.

Dou Sheng stretched out his long legs and sent Yu Fei, who was sitting in the front seat, away.

Yu Fei was lying half-dead on the table when a stool was suddenly kicked forward, and his lower body almost slid under the table. Under the pressure of the back of the chair, his upper body was pushed back and he collapsed directly on the stool.

Xie Lan was startled, "Are you okay?"

Why does it feel like Yu Fei is broken

However, Yu Fei seemed to have gotten used to it. He kept leaning back in the chair and rolled his eyes at Dou Sheng.

"You're f*cking sick," he cursed weakly, "What's going on? The number of fans has exceeded one million again?"

Dou Sheng's Adam's apple twitched. "Just stretch your legs."

"I'm addicted to kicking your grandfather." Yu Fei shouted in a sullen voice, "Che Ziming, move me back, I can't breathe."

Che Ziming was discussing a math problem with Dai You. Without even looking up, he hooked the leg of Dai You's stool with his toes and moved him back a few centimeters.

Skilled in making people feel distressed.

Xie Lan asked in a low voice, "Joint submission, what do you need me to do?"

Dou Sheng opened the web version of Station B and said, "I invite you to be a staff member. Once you click the same button, I can upload videos anytime."


When the invitation for co-creation came, Xie Lan immediately clicked "accept". Then he glanced at Dou Sheng, who didn't seem to plan to upload it immediately. He just glanced at the system notification, turned off the tablet, and lowered his head to start writing the math paper again.

Lao Ma had already finished explaining the math homework two days ago.

Xie Lan was drunk. He wanted to ask him a few questions, but he was not in a position to open his mouth.

Don't appear to be anxious.

Every Friday after school, Xie Lan would stay in the classroom with Dou Sheng and his friends for a while, listening to Che Ziming and Wang Gou's jokes before the week was over. But today, he and Dou Sheng seemed to have a silent tacit understanding, and as soon as school was over, he grabbed his schoolbag and left, leaving the little team far behind.

As soon as he got home, Dou Sheng locked himself in his room. Xie Lan had nothing to do, so he had to force himself to stay calm and go back to his room to do his homework.

A Chinese language test paper was spread out on the table, and all the Chinese characters on the paper seemed to be dancing hand in hand, laughing at him for being illiterate when he was anxious.

My mind is full of: video, video, when will the video be released.

He forced himself to hold on until ten o'clock. It had been an hour since he returned home. Xie Lan picked up the water cup and walked to Dou Sheng's door.

The door was open. Dou Sheng was sitting in front of the computer, staring at the screen. Xie Lan stood at the door for a moment. The screen seemed to flash, and he saw a huge Taobao website.

Why is this person still shopping online

Xie Lan choked up, "When will you upload the video?"

"Oh." Dou Sheng glanced back at him and said nonchalantly, "I've finished sending it."

Xie Lan paused, "Is it finished?"

Dou Sheng casually clicked on a product page and said, "It's in the review queue. What's the point of staring at it? Just calm down and go to bed early. You have a make-up class tomorrow."

"Not calm at all." Xie Lan said immediately, then paused and said calmly, "I was just asking casually, and suddenly I became nervous."

Dou Sheng nodded perfunctorily and moved closer to the screen, as if he was browsing the products very seriously.

Xie Lan glanced at the product details page and was stunned.

‌Human diapers.

Dou Sheng was not only reading, but also seemed to be reading very seriously. The page scrolled down slowly, his eyes fixed on the screen, and the back of his head revealed a hint of a studious temperament.

Xie Lan stood at the door in confusion for a long time before turning around and leaving.

The moon is very big tonight and the night sky is clear and clean.

But Xie Lan lay on the bed, feeling his heart burning. After a long while, he sighed, turned over and poked the cat.

Wutong lay beside his pillow and glanced at him with squinting eyes.

"Wutong." He whispered, "Why should I be nervous? At least I am a YouTuber with millions of followers. I have seen all kinds of situations."

To use a car to express one's true feelings is called following one's heart, or simply being cowardly.

But he was a little confused. He opened the B station account just to try something new. The main creator of this submission was Dou Sheng, and he was only responsible for adding two BGMs. Moreover, the level of those two BGMs was sufficient and the performance was first-rate. What was there to be afraid of

Xie Lan sighed, turned over and looked at the moon.

It might be because after the video ended in the classroom, the screen reflected Xi and Dou Sheng’s expectant eyes, which they had no time to hide.

It could also be because of the few nights in a row when I was gently clicking the mouse (my fingers) in my peripheral vision, and because of Dou Sheng's forced study of the back of his diaper just now.

"Indifference" and "Devil" collaborated on a video for the first time, and it was tacitly understood that no one knew how much they valued it.

But those who understand will understand.

Xie Lan imitated Dou Sheng's "tsk tsk" sound and poked the cat, "Do you think the note at the end of my song is a bit sharp? Alas, I recorded it more than a year ago, and I didn't have time to re-record it this time."

The cat said nothing, but just squinted at him, dignified.

Xie Lan took out his cell phone again and sent a message to Dou Sheng.

Renaissance: Has it been released

rjjsd: Still under review. The review process of this small website is sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Go to bed early.

rjjsd: Don’t worry. If you hadn’t asked me, I would have almost forgotten about it.

It’s okay to forget.

Xie Lan curled his lips and asked: Oh, then are you waiting for it to be reviewed

Dou Sheng immediately responded: Am I stupid? I don’t have my own life, so of course I won’t wait.


Xie Lan put down his phone and stayed there for a while before deciding to go to bed.

It took him a long time to fall asleep that night. In the second half of the night, he half-drowsily heard the sound of Dou Sheng going downstairs to pour water. Faintly, he could also hear Dou Sheng sighing, and his sigh was filled with anxiety.

The next morning, when Xie Lan opened his eyes, it was already bright, and he instinctively reached for his cell phone.

His own account has already co-posted "Personality | Completely Opposite - Awakening of the Original Intention" 4 hours ago

What is the awakening of the original intention

Xie Lan held his phone and pondered for a while, but he didn't understand. He looked at the cover of the manuscript and found that it was not the material in the video, but a photo of Dou Sheng taking a selfie on his shoulder when he walked out of South Lane that day.

—Dou Sheng looked at the camera with cold and rebellious eyes, and his posture was very wanton and lazy. Xie Lan's face was not in the same frame, only his shoulders and neck were in the frame with Dou Sheng's hands on them. Dou Sheng spent a lot of time on this picture, adding a light spot where his fingertips were touching Xie Lan's collarbone, which was a bit sacred and hazy. There was also a small hand-painted phoenix tree near Xie Lan's neck.

In the video introduction column, Dou Sheng simply wrote two lines -

Suddenly I remembered why I made videos in the first place.


What the hell is 555

Xie Lan was stunned for a while, and after a long time, he clicked on the backstage with confusion, and the data came into view.

The video that passed the review in the early morning has reached 150,000 views, 1.2k barrages, 27,000 likes, and 26,000 coins. The data has basically been going up since six in the morning, and the curve is getting steeper and steeper.

And he himself - the new up-host Xie Lanem, had over 20,000 fans within a few hours of posting the video.

As soon as Xie Lan refreshed the homepage, this video appeared in the recommended position in the upper left corner of the homepage, and the search box automatically recommended it.

The topic goes against the theme of entertainment, but it became a hit.

Hot review: Is this something I am qualified to watch? I have no connotation, I don't understand the flow of knowledge, I can only lick the screen, God face + good body, stick with me.