Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 5: Ruining the place


Xie Lan was still confused until he returned to his seat and got the comprehensive science paper.

Is the term "correct academic style" still what he understood it to mean

Also, how many cameras has Dou Sheng broken

The classroom was very quiet, with only the rustling sound of pens hitting papers. Last night, Xie Lan only cram-studied the Chinese terms in mathematics and physics, and was basically done with chemistry.

It was just an ordinary scroll, filled with hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, and calcium.

In Xie Lan’s eyes: *$#&*

He flipped to the last page and laughed angrily.

"Oh my god." Che Ziming muttered in the front, "The new guy is going crazy because of the exam."

Xie Lan simply chose to do only physics for now.

After finishing the multiple-choice question, he couldn't help but think, it's been almost an hour and Dou Sheng hasn't come back yet.

He won’t be beaten to death.

Just as I thought of this, the front door of the classroom rang, and someone flashed in from outside the door, and returned to his seat under the angry glare of the invigilator.

Xie Lan glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

There were no obvious injuries on his face, but his hair was a little more messy than it had been this morning.

He was in a hurry to answer the questions, not even using scratch paper. He just ticked the options with the tip of his pen following his sight twice, and moved on to the next question quickly, as if he didn't have much time left.

One minute before the papers were collected, Hu Xiujie appeared at the door.

Behind him stood three guys—the long-haired man with a bruised face and a crew cut, and the ruddy-faced "Tu Gou." The "Tu Gou" had a bit of embarrassment on his simple face.

The moment the bell rang, Hu Xiujie said in a cold voice: "Dou Sheng, come out!"


Dou Sheng quickly made the last few strokes on the paper, stood up, slapped the paper into the hand of Herring at the table in front of him, and walked out the front door quickly.

"Fuck." Che Ming stared blankly, "I agreed not to take the initiative!"

Yu Fei sighed, "That's really crazy. Dai You, why don't you go and take a look?"

Dai You twirled the coffee bottle and frowned, "No homework or papers were handed out, and I can't find an excuse to go to the office."

The three of them suddenly looked at Xie Lan at the same time.

Xie Lan: “Hmm?”

Dai You smiled innocently, just like his good brother Dou Sheng.

"Did Xie Lan not pick up his textbooks? He's been taking exams all day but he hasn't had a long talk with Hu Xiujie, right?"

Che Ziming slammed the table and said, "I knew you wanted to go to the office. I'll lead the way for you!"

Xie Lan: "I didn't..."

Dai You interrupted him: "As the study committee member, I am also obliged to accompany you."

Yu Fei's face fell: "How about... I go eat?"


"… "

In fact, Xie Lan came to the office in the morning. There were people coming and going outside, but now it was magical that half of the corridor was empty.

The door was not closed. Dou Sheng was standing by the window sill, with the hem of his white shirt hanging down near his hips, making his waist look very thin, but his figure was still tall and straight.

He put one hand in his trouser pocket, tilted his head to look out the window with a stern expression.

The long-haired man with a crew cut was complaining to Hu Xiujie, exaggerating his complaints and trying to get himself out of the situation. But Hu Xiujie's sharp eyes kept falling on Dou Sheng's face. After they finished talking, she asked coldly, "I want to hear you say it. Did you hit that person?"

Dou Sheng withdrew his gaze from the window and nodded, "I called."

There is a silent arrogance and unwillingness to bow.

Hu Xiujie asked: "Why?"

Dou Sheng smiled and turned his head to glance at the two people, "It's an eyesore."

The two looked very unhappy on the spot. Hu Xiujie, who didn't know the truth, looked even uglier. He slammed the table and shouted, "Talk to me like a human being! Put away your lawless attitude, I just spoiled you! It's okay for you to play with your phone and camera in school, but now you dare to skip a big exam like the class placement test, and you dare not take my comprehensive science exam seriously! You even went out to fight. Class 4 can't accommodate you anymore, right? If you want to switch classes, just say so!"

When she scolded people, her voice was as loud as a bell, like she was using a funnel to pour tons of words into people's ears. Even Xie Lan could hear every word clearly.

The whole corridor echoed, and students passing by in the distance turned around and left. No wonder there was no one around.

The atmosphere was a little tense. Xie Lan looked at Dou Sheng, who was frowning and silent, and suddenly felt a little nervous.

He has already realized how crazy this brother is, and it is not impossible that he will quarrel with the head teacher.

Unexpectedly, Dou Sheng was silent for a while, then relaxed his brows, lowered his eyes and said, "I have finished answering the comprehensive science questions, teacher. I even used rough paper for physics."

Xie Lan: “?”

Hu Xiujie looked numb, "Then should I thank you?"

Dou Sheng pursed his lips and whispered after a while, "No, physics is my favorite subject. No matter how outrageous I am, I will not delay the physics exam. I want to live up to my teachers and parents, and even more so, live up to my ideals. Please rest assured."

Both Changmao's faces were shocked by the show.

Hu Xiujie sneered, "Is your ideal physics again? Didn't you tell Teacher Ma last week that it was mathematics?"

As she spoke, she pulled Dou Sheng two steps inside and pushed shut the window that was not closed tightly and let in cold wind.

The car shrank behind Xie Lan and shook, "I'm going to laugh."

Xie Lan subconsciously asked, "What does yue mean?"

"It means vomiting. It's an onomatopeia. When you vomit, it starts with "yue-". Che Ziming said earnestly, "Haigui, you still have a lot to learn."

He just said it casually, but Xie Lan nodded seriously.

Although this onomatopoeia is a bit disgusting, it has to be said to be concise and vivid.

Chinese is really beautiful.

"Teacher, that's not the case." Wang Gou suddenly spoke, trying to speak Mandarin in his hoarse voice, "The phrase 'eye-catching' was a sarcasm from classmate Dou Sheng. They were the two who originally said it to me."

Hu Xiujie raised his eyebrows, "What did you say?"

Wang Gou was calm before, but now he was a little nervous when facing the teacher, and his voice was trembling.

"They think my words are offensive and don't allow me to talk. This started last week when I took extra classes. I can't get rid of it. Today, I broke the rules by accidentally speaking in the toilet, so they wanted to punish me, but I was bumped into by this boss from Class 4."

When Dou Sheng heard this, he turned his head and looked out the window in a daze again.

"At first, I also advised you not to delay the exam, and you listened to me. But these two didn't listen! They just came up and started fighting. Am I lying? I dare not. They even attacked them from behind. If you weren't as light as a swallow in the clouds and as heroic as the sky, you really wouldn't have to take the comprehensive science exam today. You should go to the hospital and lie down. Tell me, can you blame them for fighting back? No way!"

The more he spoke, the more nervous he became, and the more nervous he became, the more talkative he became. He asked and answered his own questions, performing a stand-up comedy.

Xie Lan doesn’t know much about traditional culture, but he quite likes crosstalk. It has a lot of ups and downs and a lot of sarcasm, and even if he can’t follow it, he can still enjoy it.

Wang Gou paused and explained tremblingly, "I'm sorry, teacher. When I'm nervous, I tend to make fun of myself."

Hu Xiujie's brows twisted into a knot, "What's wrong with you? Fix it!"

“Okay, teacher.”

Changmao yelled in panic: "It was wrong for us to scold him, but we didn't hit him! They are both right in kidnapping, so it's more wrong for us to get hurt?"

Dou Sheng turned around when he heard that, and when he raised his eyes, he happened to meet the eyes of Xie Lan outside the door. The impatience in his eyes paused for a moment, as if he didn't expect Xie Lan to come over.

But he quickly looked away, walked up to Changmao, and grabbed his collar.

Hu Xiujie immediately shouted, "Let go of Dou Sheng! You are lawless!"

Xie Lan stared at the hand. It was slender and white, and every joint was very powerful when clenched and tensed.

It's really beautiful. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After playing the violin for so many years, when observing a person, he always subconsciously observes the hands first. Dou Sheng's hands are the most beautiful he has ever seen.

Dou Sheng snorted and laughed, "You are quite logical? You were the ones who bullied me, and you were the ones who started the fight. You insulted me for speaking the same Chinese with a little dialect. I thought you were so arrogant, but you still bring it up when I got hurt? Did I tell you that I was seriously injured?"

Hu Xiujie was stunned and looked at him subconsciously, "You are injured too?"

"It's hurt." Dou Sheng let go of his hand, thought for a moment, and held the lower part of his waist, "My tailbone hurts."

Che Ziming lay down behind Xie Lan and muttered, "That's called the coccyx."

Hu Xiujie was obviously getting nervous, "Bone pain?"

Changmao cursed: "Are you still a human being? I didn't hit you in the back!"

"Why didn't he fight?" Dou Sheng raised his hand and pointed outside the door nonchalantly, "He saw everything and even checked my injuries when he returned to class."

Everyone in the room turned their heads and stared over.

Xie Lan was stunned.

Hu Xiujie frowned, "We're taking an exam, what are you two talking about in the back row?"

Dou Sheng said lazily, "It's nothing. Just unzip your pants and show him. It only takes a second."

Xie Lan: “???”

"Is that so?" Dou Sheng looked back at him calmly.

Che Ziming poked Xie Lan from behind, "Oh my god, you even looked inside his waistband?"

Xie Lan was numb.

After a long while, he hummed expressionlessly.

Fucking bitch.

He greeted in beautiful Chinese in his heart.

There was an English test during evening self-study, so Hu Xiujie didn't detain the person for too long, saying that the matter was not over yet.

When Xie Lan and his companions came back first, the papers were already being distributed. Dou Sheng arrived a few minutes later than them. He returned to his seat under the gaze of a group of owls, lowered his head to look at the papers, and ignored Xie Lan's kind look.

Hu Xiujie appeared at the front door right after him, his face looking as if he had swallowed a razor blade. "You guys are so arrogant and pretentious. All I've heard today is teachers from all over the subject complaining about your poor test scores. Wait for me to talk to you one by one!"

The class was silent.

After a while, Hu Xiujie left and everyone breathed a sigh of relief and prepared for the listening test.

The English test was a bit idiotic.

I won’t talk about whether it’s easy or not, the key point is that some of the questions left Xie Lan, who is half British, completely confused.

The extremely boring test paper triggered the jet lag reaction caused by a day of depression. Xie Lan quickly finished the test paper and lay down on the table. He fell asleep in a few seconds.

He slept very soundly until a shrill bell rang and the team leader came and took away the test paper from under his arm.

It took Xie Lan a while to come out of his semi-trance state. He raised his head in confusion, but before his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw a male teacher striding onto the podium.

He was in his forties, with gentle features and a lively look. He greeted the English teacher, patted the desk and said, "Hey, don't leave school yet. Let me ask where the new student Xie Lan is."

Xie Lan raised his hand, half asleep and half awake.

The male teacher was folding the thermos cup in his hand with a happy face, "I have only finished grading part of the test paper, and I couldn't help but come to recognize you first. It's amazing that you can give me a full score on this set of papers! You are famous in the mathematics group, you have become famous in the first battle since you arrived."

What a long string of words.

Xie Lan was still half-closing his eyes, trying to digest the information, when all the owls in the room suddenly became angry.

Che Ziming's eyes widened, "Full, full marks??!"

Herring couldn't help but turn around and muttered "Damn" with a complicated expression.

"This paper is one hundred and fifty?"

"Fuck, isn't it said that foreigners are not good at math?"

"What the hell!"

"Come and mess things up!"

“I was devastated.”

In the midst of the chaos, only the left side of Xie Lan was quiet.

—A certain Mr. Dou who had also fallen asleep in the examination room at some point in time.

A few seconds later, someone woke up by himself, slowly sat up, and rubbed his red forehead.

There was a hint of clarity in his dark eyes. He glanced at Xie Lan first, then looked above the podium.

Dou Sheng's voice, which was still sleepy, was lower than usual and a little soft.

"What does it mean to get a perfect score?"

The emphasis is on the “a”.

Old Ma raised his eyebrows like a long-eared owl gloating over misfortune: "Don't even think about it. I'll pick out your paper first to grade. You didn't simplify the square root of 243 in the last question, so you'll be deducted two points."

Dou Sheng: “…Oh.”

An unhappy word "oh" was like a cooling talisman slapped on Xie Lan's forehead, making him feel more refreshed than a handful of mint.

Xie Lan glanced to the left and said calmly, "Next time you can copy the common square roots on your composition paper."

Dou Sheng: “Hmm?”

He stared at him for two seconds, then lowered his eyes and smiled, saying softly, "You have a strong desire for revenge."