Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 54: Probing claws


Less than an hour after they had been in the administrative building, Xie Lan could clearly sense that Dou Sheng's mood had improved.

On the way back, Dou Sheng picked up a few sycamore leaves and rubbed them in his hands. When he returned to the dormitory corridor, he handed the pea-sized ball of leaves to Xie Lan.

Xie Lan pinched the soft ball and asked, "What is this?"

"Wutongdou." Dou Sheng stood outside the dormitory door, turned around and blinked at him gently, his eyelashes hiding the smile in his eyes.

The voice-controlled lights in the corridor were off, leaving only the soft moonlight coming in from the side windows.

Xie Lan asked quietly, "What are Wutong beans used for?"

"Just a token of my appreciation."

Xie Lan suspected that he had heard a new idiom, but before he could ask, Dou Sheng had already pushed open the door.

The room was completely dark, and Dai You and Wang Gou were breathing evenly and slowly. He had no choice but to give up and carefully crawled back into the quilt.

Dou Sheng also lay down, seemingly with no intention of explaining further.

After a long time, Xie Lan opened the chat box between him and Xi, and after a long conversation, he sent out a seemingly casual question.

-Youbing: By the way, what is the name of that star

Soon, there was a light above his head and Dou Sheng looked at his phone.

Xie Lan pulled the quilt up slightly and put the phone under the quilt to prevent the light from shining out and Dou Sheng from seeing her expression.

After about five minutes, the quilt finally shook.

Xie Lan felt a little nervous for some reason. He kept his fingertips on the screen for a long time before clicking on the message.

-Doctor Douzi: called mboyjf

-Sick: Is this a human word

-Doctor Bean: Yes. You can check it out.

Xie Lan copied the string of English words onto the web page with a confused look on his face and clicked search.

—How strange that in the vast Internet, there is not a single piece of information related to this.

The phone vibrated again.

-Doctor Bean: Can’t find it

-Doctor Douzi: I have already said that it is a very small group of people.

-Doctor Bean: /wink

“… … ”

Xie Lan simply raised his head on the pillow and whispered, "I only have one question, how do you pronounce this name?"

Dou Sheng also raised his head, looked into his eyes, opened his lips elegantly, and uttered a string of strange syllables.

It was as if a witch from Russia was casting a spell of stupidity on him.

Xie Lan was numb.

He lay down with an expressionless face and turned over angrily.

Dou Sheng is a big liar. The girl he likes is definitely not a star, but he is unwilling to reveal her identity and has been using false information from the beginning.

That suffocating feeling came up again, and Xie Lan quit WeChat in an upset mood and casually opened Twitter.

qzfxr's dialog box is usually at the top of the private messages. In the past, this person always came to ask about Xie Lan's situation every now and then, but during this period, he posted more about his own gossip, treating Xie Lan as a tree hole.

-the weather is nice today

-My driver is too tough.

- I took an exam recently and slept several times in the exam room

-It always rains and the temperature drops, ah

-I have two cats, and I expect one to keep watch for the other at night, but it seems that this is not going to work.

Xie Lan glanced through it quickly and was about to close it when a new message suddenly popped up.

- I have a crush on someone recently, and I feel a little conflicted

Even netizens have someone they like

What season

Xie Lan was shocked for two seconds, and asked subconsciously: Are you confused

The other party replied after a few minutes: I have a slight feeling that he likes me too, but I also feel that the probability is extremely low and very vague.


Xie Lan was confused again, and subconsciously clicked on the homepage of qzfxr to confirm that the gender information was "male".

Somehow, an indescribable sense of intimacy suddenly arose in my heart. To use a beautiful Chinese metaphor, it was like two small animals in the same situation resonating with each other, or in other words, orangutans sympathizing with each other.

The other party sent another nonchalant message: How do you think I should test the other party's thoughts

Xie Lan replied without hesitation: physical contact.

The bed frame suddenly shook, and Dou Sheng turned over violently.

qzfxr: How do you say that

Xie Lan felt inexplicably guilty and didn't want Dou Sheng to see his phone, so he shrank deeper into the quilt.

-Physical contact may make someone who might have liked you fall in love with you faster

- Be polite, don't break the line

-It's too late. I'll go down first.

He sent three messages in a row before turning off his phone. He subconsciously looked up and saw a faint light coming from Dou Sheng's quilt.

Xie Lan hesitated for a moment before whispering, "I'm asleep."

Dou Sheng immediately stuck his head out from under the quilt and whispered, "Good night."

"Good night."

Perhaps he had something on his mind, Xie Lan slept poorly that night, and when he woke up in the morning, his mind was still groggy. When he came back from washing up in the bathroom, he saw Dou Sheng getting out of bed with a face like he was owed a debt, and yawning loudly.

Wang Gou was curious: "You stayed up all night editing videos again?"

Dou Sheng shook his head sleepily, "I didn't edit the video, I just didn't fall asleep."

"You didn't fall asleep?" Xie Lan returned to his desk to pack his schoolbag and asked casually, "Why?"

Dou Sheng came over in slippers, raised his hand, and placed it on his shoulder in the old way.

Xie Lan froze, and after a pause, he threw his shoulders back, trying to shake him off, and said unhappily: "Are you sick? Your leg has healed a long time ago, why are you still putting it on others?"

"My foot is healed, but I can't sleep." Dou Sheng buried his head again, leaning against his shoulder and mumbling softly, "I'm not in a good mood yet. Can you extend your care package for two more days? Can you care for me for two more days?"

As Dou Sheng spoke, warm air sprayed on Xie Lan's shoulders, and through the thin layer of cloth, there was even a hint of moisture.

Xie Lan was so angry that she wanted to refuse, but she couldn't refuse because she was in a bad mood.

After a long while, he finally resigned himself to his fate and sighed, "Okay, don't go too far."

I don’t know what happened during that night of insomnia that made Dou Sheng completely lose his dignity as a wise man.

From the dormitory building to the cafeteria, and then from the cafeteria to the classroom, he seemed to be growing on Xie Lan's body, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding Xie Lan's shoulder. He could still walk upright, but as soon as his feet paused for a moment, he would immediately rest his forehead on Xie Lan's shoulder.

Xie Lan was extremely agitated. On one hand, he had to overcome the trembling feeling that made his hair stand on end, and on the other hand, he had to endure the incredulous looks from passing classmates.

At noon, Xie Lan received the brand's piano. Without saying anything, he took out the piano case and put it on his back. He thought Dou Sheng would be a little angry, but he didn't think his back was squeezed at all. His arm was still stubbornly hooked on his shoulder even though it was on the piano. Hu Xiujie frowned when he saw it.

Both of them were very busy this week. Xie Lan went to the rooftop of the administrative building to try out "Butterfly" for three consecutive nights. The brand required two versions of the song, so he recorded both the original exciting version and the lyrical version that suddenly came to him that night. Dou Sheng was in charge of the filming throughout the whole process, and during the day he had to make use of every spare time he had to draw video illustrations. He was very busy.

After submitting two rough drafts, Xie Lan waited for feedback before going to the rooftop again. As a result, Wu Cheng replied that afternoon with an OK - "It's much better than we thought, and the display of the product is also very comprehensive. After discussion, we hope to use the lyrical version for the album. There is no need to modify the instrumental part. The final hand-drawn information page needs some adjustments to the wording. I will organize it and send it to you. Thank you for your hard work."

Dou Sheng winked at Xie Lan, "Am I awesome?"

Xie Lan nodded seriously, "I was fully prepared to record the B-copy, but I didn't expect to actually pass it on the first try."

"It's not like you can get it done in one go. Sometimes the weather is bad, sometimes the radio is bad, and you've gone through this several times." Dou Sheng sighed, and checked B Station again: "By the way, that Aze posted a new video this morning, also playing anime music, and the data is very good."

Xie Lan clicked on the video on his phone and listened to it with one earphone.

Valling Aze's performance is very good. This song is an anime episode with a light fairy tale feel. He also changed a few chords to make the style more light and agile, which is very suitable for the current weather. The video was directly submitted to the #心动的音乐# event. With official traffic support and Aze's large number of fans, it received more than 800,000 views in less than a day.

Dou Sheng took off his headphones and said, "Looking at what was said in the comments and barrage, he didn't use his usual violin for this piece. He chose to recommend it to novice violinists, and it's not even a promotion. I guess he wants to intercept the popularity of your promotional video this week in advance."

Xie Lan sighed, "Is there any way I can stop it?"

"You didn't. This is actually a very common competitive tactic. I can only say that Xie Lan is too good. He is the most popular person in the music section. His number of fans is almost twice as many as yours. They are so afraid of you." Dou Sheng smiled and twisted the phone with two fingers. He raised his arm and pressed on Xie Lan's shoulder.

"… "

Xie Lan glanced at his arm and forgot the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

He almost suspected that Dou Sheng possessed some kind of Chinese secret knowledge, which could seal his IQ as long as he got close to him.

Dou Sheng held him down with one arm, and continued to quickly scroll through Aze's homepage with the other hand, then suddenly stopped.

Then he slowly withdrew his hand from Xie Lan's shoulder.

"I go."

Xie Lan turned around and asked, "What's going on?"

“This person is…” Dou Sheng swallowed his words halfway through, frowned and said seriously: “This person also played a version of ‘hblood’ that is very similar to the one you adapted, and submitted it half a year ago.”

Xie Lan suddenly became interested, grabbed the phone and clicked to play the video.

The title of the video is very straightforward—"Violin adaptation of hblood|A tribute to idol silentwaves"

The arrangement is indeed the version that made Xie Lan famous on YouTube. The dialogue-style playing in the climax is very difficult. Most of the performers who imitate it on the Internet show their awkwardness in that section, but Aze is very good and it is smooth from beginning to end. He also used projection in this video, which can be said to be 70% to 80% of the restoration of Xie Lan.

It’s just that not many people in China know Xie Lan. All the comments and barrages are praising Aze, and few people even ask who silentwaves is.

Dou Sheng cleared his throat and asked tentatively, "Do you know this silent waves?"

Xie Lan paused, "I know. The version of Lira that I broadcast live before was based on his adapted version with some modifications."

"Oh." Dou Sheng laughed, "So Aze is a fan of that person."

"Fans?" Xie Lan's face fell, and he threw the phone back to Dou Sheng, saying coldly, "It doesn't count."

He has played it so many times on Bilibili, but he couldn't even hear this. He can't be considered a very serious fan.

Xie Lan lowered her head to organize the materials for the next class, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Dou Sheng with a smile on his face. He was humming a song while opening his iPad to continue revising his manuscript.

Xie Lan was confused: "Are you in a good mood again?"

Dou Sheng hummed, "My mood suddenly became very beautiful."

"A beautiful mood?" Xie Lan was stunned, and quickly took out his Chinese textbook and said, "This adjective is so cleverly matched, I have to remember it."

It took two days to fine-tune the video, and it was finally released early Saturday morning.

The last weekend before May Day has to be adjusted, and I have classes on Saturday and Monday, and there happens to be a physical education class in the afternoon.

The temperature rose sharply this week, and the sunlight was bright and dazzling. Dou Sheng was playing basketball in the small playground, while Xie Lan was sitting on the cement slope in front of the cafeteria, huddled in the shade of the only tree above his head.

Next to him was the grape smoothie that Dou Sheng had bought before going on stage. He put it in a water cup and waited for it to melt before drinking it as a smoothie.

Xie Lan watched the game for a while before he remembered that the video should have been approved and released. He glanced around to see that there were no teachers around, so he opened his phone.

He himself hasn't even watched the final version. Dou Sheng always adds some details to the video at the last minute, so he often can't make it to review the final version. Like his fans, he can only watch the video after it's released.

The cicadas above his head were chirping lazily on the sycamore tree. Xie Lan put on his headphones and clicked on the video.

The night sky that day was deep blue and clear. The two cameras were one close up and the other on the roof of another tall building nearby. The beginning of the video was a long shot of a young man in a white shirt standing on the rooftop under the night sky, holding the violin at his neck and gently playing. The moonlight cast a soft glow on half of his body. The camera slowly moved forward, and the boy's gentle eyebrows and eyes gradually became clear, vivid in the night.

As soon as the first note came out, the nostalgic fans of the barrage began to swipe the screen. As the melody spread, the Digimon hand-painted by Dou Sheng also jumped onto the screen. Each Digimon had only a minimalist white frame. They walked and jumped around Xie Lan as the notes danced. Wizardmon held Tailmon's hand, and Vampiremon, who killed it in the anime, was rubbing his hands behind his back. When Xie Lan pushed the melody to a climax, Vampiremon shot an arrow through Wizardmon's back, but Wizardmon only looked down, and Tailmon pulled out the arrow and continued to pull it.

In the second half of the song, Dou Sheng traced Xie Lan's outline with some moonlight contour lines, the lines bounced and danced, making Xie Lan seem like a paper boy in a cartoon. As the ending faded out, the camera zoomed out again, slowly returning to the other high-rise building at the beginning, watching the young man's small figure put away the bow and picked up the zither, and bowed gently under the moon.

The final handwritten page of the violin advertisement was blocked by the barrage and nothing could be seen.

-Listen and watch

- Drama sense yyds

-I will always love Xie Lan

-Did Douzi run to the rooftop of another building to take the photo

-This school is so beautiful

- I want to know what it feels like to stand behind the camera

-I am crazy about Lanzi

- Douzi's camera movements are amazing

-Only Douzi can take such a good picture of Lanzai

- Beans & Lanzai are a perfect match

Xie Lan felt like he had missed a beat when he saw this comment. He quickly pressed the pause button, looked up at Dou Sheng running on the basketball court, took a screenshot calmly, and continued watching.

-This song is so beautiful.

-Thumbs up for this adaptation idea, it's absolutely amazing

- The arrangement omits battles and death, leaving only the emotion

-It matches the revised plot in the handbook

- Lanzai is also part of the manuscript

-Co-created by dmem, it must be a masterpiece!

Not only the comments, but the video review was only released a little while ago, and the search keywords have already shown contributions from other creators in the music section, covers, and two arrangers. Time is tight, and those videos are not edited, just talking to the phone for two minutes, specifically analyzing the texture and structure of Xie Lan's adaptation of the anime song.

Xie Lan clicked on one of the analysis, but the analyst spoke too fast and with an accent, and he couldn't quite understand the Chinese arrangement terms, so he simply turned it off.

Xie Lan scrolled through the comments and barrage for a while, and received a private message from someone he followed. It was from Mr. X, a foodie who hadn’t visited him for a long time.

-Brother, you are amazing. Your new video topped the trending list in four hours. We haven’t seen each other for a few days. How many fans do you have

-I have a friend next to me, he is a professional, he said your adaptation is very wonderful, your fans should not stop here

-The future is full of stars and sea, develop well in B station, I am honored to be the first up you follow

- Take care of me?

Xie Lan was a little speechless. He didn't want to pay attention to the person who had cheated him together with Dou Sheng. He flipped through the pages, but felt it was really rude, so he had to reply with a perfunctory "hmm".

-Hmm again

-My grandma's clothes

-Anyway, my friend told me you can try to vote on this link, Aze also voted

Xie Lan had no interest in competing with his peers. When he first posted videos on YouTube, he was targeted by several big bloggers. But in the end, everyone developed based on their own abilities.

He casually clicked on the link sent by Mr. X and took a quick look. It was a Chinese animation about a young violinist. The animation was recruiting composers and performers for the theme song. Not only would the remuneration be considerable, but the artist would also be able to work with master-level folk music teachers.

The recruitment notice specifically states that young creators are welcome to sign up, especially those who have posted on Bilibili. Popularity and real talent are both important considerations.

In the music section of B station, almost all the members of the violin performance signed up, with Aze at the head, followed by a large group of people. Xie Lan glanced at the public announcement of the number of fans of those people, then looked at his own number that had just exceeded 400,000, and silently clicked the cross.

The weather was a bit hot, and the grape smoothie was almost melted. Xie Lan picked up the cup and took a sip of the smoothie.

The cool, sweet liquid slid down his throat, making his whole body feel comfortable. He squinted his eyes under the scorching sun. The halftime break had just ended on the distant court. Dou Sheng was holding the ball. His eyes met his from afar through the crowd. He smiled and blinked.

From the first time they met at the airport, Xie Lan felt that Qingtian and Dou Sheng were a good match. The pair of black eyes were full of light and looked so frank and beautiful when they smiled.

Xie Lan lay on his back on the concrete slope, his Adam's apple moving. Although he had just had an ice drink, he suddenly felt even more agitated.

He picked up his phone and continued to read the comments, hoping to relieve his anxiety.

As soon as the page was refreshed, the top comment suddenly changed.

-xxy: You are the Qingshuang Valley.

The first reply of the building is from Renjianjueshuaidou_dm, 1 minute ago—

Better than countless things in the world.

The weather was hot and the cicadas were chirping. Xie Lan stared at the short six words for a long time.

Then he inadvertently clicked on Dou Sheng's name and entered his homepage.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion on a midsummer afternoon.

He vaguely felt that the light pink color of the bean-shaped background of Dou Sheng's portrait seemed to be slightly darker than before.