Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 66: A blue bean


In the dark room, the display screen cast a bright white light on the empty computer chair.

Hundreds of thousands of people stared at the empty chairs on the screen, their eyes gradually becoming distracted.

After a while, the door was pushed open and Dou Sheng came back in slippers, carrying cocoa milk and a box of chocolates.

"I've had gastritis recently, and my mom told me to take care of my stomach, and I can't drink alcohol during live broadcasts." He muttered as he opened the box, "I'll just have a box of chocolates with wine fillings."

-? ?

-《Stomach Care》

-Stomach: Are you playing me?

-Chocolate with Liquor: Who do you look down on

- Dou Ma cursed and quit the live broadcast

- Be careful, this thing is quite potent

Xie Lan, who was watching the live broadcast, was also speechless. He wanted to persuade them, but looking at the crowded crowd on the live broadcast, he silently held back.

Dou Sheng drank a box of cocoa milk in a few gulps, threw a few chocolates into his mouth, chewed them perfunctorily, and made a slurping sound when he swallowed them.

"Tsk, it's really intense."

He turned the box over and looked at the ingredient list, then paused.

-how many degree

- I've bought this brand before, it's a foreign liquor with a concentration of 30 to 40 degrees

-Stomach: I'm exploded, you can do whatever you want

-Stomach: Damn it, can’t you afford to have fun

After a long time, Dou Sheng's Adam's apple moved, and then he calmly put the box down.

The ingredient list is on the side that cannot be seen by the camera.

"I'm just kidding. This is just ordinary chocolate. If there are any super administrators, please leave it alone."

The barrage was swiped crazily - Chocolate: You mua, who are you calling ordinary?

Dou Sheng ignored the comments and ate a few more pieces in a row. The sweet, bitter and spicy flavors filled his taste buds.

He slumped down in his chair and sighed softly.

A little bit high.

Okay, whole life.

Open YouTube, scroll down to the bottom, and click on the first video of silentwaves.

Dou Sheng said in his usual low voice: "This is Xie Lan's first video on YouTube. He wasn't famous at the time. He should be considered the fifth one that made "h.blood" popular. This one can only be considered a good start. When I mistakenly joined, it only had a few hundred views. You know, I'm a first-generation fan."

As he spoke, he turned up the volume of the speaker.

This is a very pure lyrical slow movement, adapted from the ED of a well-known depressing animation. The melody has been changed to be softer and more melodious, wandering on the boundary between sadness and healing. Although the technique is not good, the emotional grasp is very subtle.

The projection on the wall was a mountain night. The trees all over the mountain gently swayed their branches in one direction. A green and tender shadow was projected on the top of the mountain. The sound was clear, and there was a faint breeze in the sound of the violin. The player was playing against the wind.

When "Xie Lan" appeared, the barrage of comments suddenly changed.

- So beautiful, Lanzi

-A natural born artist

- Cry well

-I will always praise Xie Lan

- I've watched S videos and I know that some people even have a sense of atmosphere in their shadows.

Dou Sheng didn't say anything, and just played the video. The video was dark, and the light from the screen dimmed. He sat in the darkness and stared at the silhouette of the young Xie Lan on the screen with the audience. His eyes were bright and gentle, and seemed to have a hint of affection, but they were immediately covered by indifference, and he ate another chocolate.

The video is called "dissipate the wind" - dissipate in the wind.

For a long time after his father died, he seemed like a walking corpse.

Later, he started playing private ball outside. Two dealers gambled, there was no law on the court, and the consequences were at your own risk.

He is not short of money, he does not win when he is on the court, and he does not take any shots. He just dribbles the ball and weaves through other people's dirty moves. He is elbowed and hit hard in the back. Looking at the large scratches and bleeding wounds, he gains a momentary sense of being alive.

But one day, he played the most violent game of his life.

The opponent had gathered a group of desperate slickers from somewhere, all of them were in their twenties, tall and strong centers.

He didn't remember how he got home, he only remembered the feeling that his whole body was about to break apart with pain.

One day, Zhao Wenying suddenly interrupted his business trip and went home. He was a little panicked and locked himself in his room to treat his injuries urgently. Maybe he was too anxious, so he suddenly wanted to find a soothing song to listen to. He searched it on YouTube and happened to find the first submission of silentwaves' career.

dissipate the wind, dissipate the wind.

When the video started, he glanced at the screen casually, and then he never looked away. He stood there with the iodine and bandage in his hand until the end.

Then, strangely, the body seemed to suddenly secrete a little dopamine after a long time. Only a little bit, which could only produce a faint happiness, but this little happiness made the long-barren body suddenly relieved from the brink of dryness, and even the pain in the whole body became mild under the slight excitement and stimulation.

Just like the name of the video, it disappeared in the wind.

It was Xie Lan who brought him this, a turning point in his life.

It is a glimmer of hope.

Among the millions of people I meet, some of them are truly gifts.

The video has finished.

- Bean Eyes has a story

- So gentle, Deep Bean

-There is a word called eyes as small as beans

-Eyes as small as beans: describes eyes that suddenly become gentle

-The question is, what else has he said

- I'm hungry, I want to eat, can you tell me?

The screen flickered and Dou Sheng suddenly turned around, lowered his head and put a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

When he looked up again, he had regained his usual careless and lazy attitude.

The mouse drew several circles on the close-up of the sycamore leaves at the end of the video.

"See?" he muttered, "Look at this sycamore tree. Doesn't it look like a bean? Does it look like me?"

-I slowly typed out a—

-Are you telling the truth

-To be honest, it's just like an ordinary leaf

-I turned my phone 360 degrees and there was no second where it looked like you

Xie Lan also silently rotated the tablet.

Dou Sheng curled his lips, "I don't know shit. When I saw this leaf, I felt that this handsome guy who didn't show his face was waving at me. Dissipate the wind, do you know what it means?"

The barrage paused subtly.

Dou Sheng chuckled and tapped his fingers on the table. "Dissipated in the wind! He placed his feelings on the wind, letting the wind cross the Pacific Ocean and bring it to me."

-? ?

- I'm gonna fucking wake you up by following the internet cable

-Showing a flirtatiousness that is not appropriate for one's age

-Xie Lan never knows what his audience is thinking

-Poor Xie Lan

-Poor Xie Lan

-Poor Xie Lan

"Don't believe it?" Dou Sheng sneered, "Just wait."

He got up, went to the bedside table, took out a large box, opened it, and shook it in front of the camera.


-Fuck, a box of sycamore leaves

-Numb and shocked!

-fong, the ghost story suddenly seems a little believable

-Does he seriously think Xie Lan is talking to him from a distance

"I have collected these leaves over the past two years. Every time he releases a video, I go outside and pick out a good-looking leaf, process it and preserve it permanently, or make it into a specimen or a signature." Dou Sheng said casually, throwing the box aside. "This year, Xie Lan just came to my house. He had nightmares for a while, and I even gave him a dream-exorcist."

-Wow, so good

-Does he know that this feeling comes from himself

- Return a favor

-This wave, this wave is called Xie Lan sowing beans and reaping beans

-Did you take any action back then

Dou Sheng took out a few more pieces of chocolate.

The alcohol had released and he was a little tipsy at the moment. He chewed the slightly bitter chocolate shell, letting the spicy alcohol burst out. The drunkenness spread through his mouth and covered his forehead, with a mixture of clarity and numbness.

He clicked on a Twitter private message and took a screenshot.

"I just went to say hello. There's nothing much to say. It's just a straight shot."

At first, Xie Lan didn't reply to him, so he treated Xie Lan as a tree hole and stayed alone for a long time.

qzfxr: The violin sounds so good. Your music seems to be specially played for me.

-Damn it!

-Xie Lan: Hey, old man, look at your phone.

-Xie Lan: I’m sorry, this is really not

-Bean, I love you very much, but you seem to be sick

- So funny, Xie Lan was too lazy to pay attention to him during the transparent period

"I don't want to bother with that." Dou Sheng looked at the comments and said lazily, "Xie Lan has replied to me, please read on."

Switch back to the oil pipe.

Xie Lan’s second video, titled “You Know”

Dou Sheng snorted, his eyes brighter, "Did you hear him? He said, so you knew it."

-? ?

-Enterprise-level understanding!

-Enterprise-level understanding!

-My role model!!

Dou Sheng let out a contented sigh.

Separated by a wall, Xie Lan gradually lost his expression as he stared at the tablet.

He sent out a comment automatically.

-How do you know the video title is for you

On the screen, Dou Sheng straightened his back and read the comment aloud.

"Of course I know. Let's take a look at his profile." He moved the cursor to the information bar above and read aloud in a clear voice: "This account is for recording what I say to you - wow, how straightforward."

Xie Lan: “…”

The "you" refers to Xiao Langjing.

The first video just played was created when his mother was suffering from illness and had difficulty falling asleep. He told her that the pain would dissipate in the wind.

"Alas." Xie Lan sighed and turned off the live broadcast.

"Go to sleep, Wutong. Some people are starting to deceive fools."

The barrage of comments is still swiping the screen like crazy.

-Magic, I can actually knock it down?!

- Damn, I know he's talking bullshit, but I still listen

-Same! Are there any more

-Keep editing!!

"I know he didn't really say it to me, but I just have this subtle feeling, you know?" Dou Sheng clicked on the video list again, "Let's take a look at the next one."

"'It's happening', what does it mean? Our fate is just beginning."

"'I have faith you', see, from the fourth video, he has a deep faith in this friendship."

"H Blood | A Rebirth, we are reborn with soul mates. Tsk, I am already a soul mate."

"'ChocolateMind', um... you are my favorite chocolate in life."

The comments were hilarious:

-It's so funny, and it's my favorite

- Bean-style translation: translate first, then expand, no matter what you expand

-"learn by analogy"

-《Comprehensive Understanding》

- Look, the kid is smart.

- I won't take the CET-4 or CET-6 translation exam without you

Dou Sheng's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of transparent water film, and he looked at the screen in a daze.

Following his excellent English instincts, he translated a string of sentences and stopped at the last video on the current page.

"Mine..." He paused, chewed the word several times, and murmured for a long time: "You are my private collection."

-! ! ! Damn it!

-Expand the real beer, real, just need one word from me

-My heart is complicated and excited at this moment

- I suspect someone is confessing

-If it's a private collection, why are you telling us about it

-I understand. He doesn't want Xie Lan to be exposed.

-If it's exposed, it's not a secret collection anymore

-Yes, you can come out and live broadcast immediately, talking nonsense, but in fact you are just drawing a deal! Swear that you have the right!


Dou Sheng stared at the eye-catching comments that told the truth.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he slowly moved the mouse, dragged the barrage list upwards, and found an ID.


The live broadcast effect was amazing, and the comments were full of hilarious comments.

- I laughed so hard my mom pinched me

-He drank too much. He drank too much.

-Drunk on chocolate

-Chocolate: Again, who are you calling ordinary

Amidst the barrage of comments, suddenly a cool gift effect flashed by.

System: Val ordered Azejun to send out 10 navigator spaceships

Vallingaze: 55555 I understand this kind of mentality! ! ! !

Amid the screen full of nouveau riche effects, Dou Sheng suddenly frowned.

"You know nothing."

He moved his fingers and enabled Aze, who had just risen to the top of the leaderboard, to start the distinguished "mute" experience. He muttered, "You fake fan, you have been so weird to your ancestors, how dare you compete with me? Get lost."


- Damn, I laughed so hard

-Aze, that's miserable.

-Spend, money, find, scold

-No! The Navigator ship -an-

-Now I really think Douzi likes Xie Lan a little bit...

- I don't know if I like it, but it's really good.

-Perhaps someone remembers the phrase "I have always liked you"

-What does bean mean? What kind of like

"I just like Xie Lan. I have always liked Xie Lan since the Silent Waves period."

The person on the screen seems to be a little drunk.

He lowered his eyes and half closed them, murmuring "I've always liked Xie Lan" many times in a low voice, then he smoothed his hair that was blocking his eyes and yawned.

"I'm too sleepy. That's all for today. Let's wait for the next chapter. I'll give this series a name."

As he spoke, he casually modified the title of the live broadcast.

I have always liked Xie Lan's beans

Well, it's a bit long.

Dou Sheng pondered for a moment and deleted a few more words.

Always happy beans

"That's it." He yawned, "Go to sleep."

As soon as he finished speaking, the live broadcast suddenly went dark, cleanly and neatly.


The next day, Xie Lan overslept and when he opened his eyes it was already past eleven in the morning.

His mind was still a little dazed, and he curled up in bed as usual to browse Bilibili.

After a few seconds, he sat up suddenly.

Number one on today’s hot list, Eat, Sleep and Play Beans produced by Ms. Beans—“A (straight) western (happy) blue (lan) bean”.

The cover shows a huge broccoli in a colorful universe, with five flower balls, each with a bean on it, and Dou Sheng's face is reflected on the bean.

Below are large red characters with infinite repetition: A blue bean.

The painting style is very shocking.

Number of views: 2 million.

Two million?

Xie Lan felt as if he had eaten a ton of mint, and felt cold from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, with a chill wind blowing against his face.

His fingertips trembled, he took a few deep breaths, and clicked it.

As soon as the bgm started, Xie Lan began to tremble.

"Unity" - a classic bgm in the ghost area.

The short prelude ended in great fear.

Last night, the live broadcast interface was stacked up crazily on the screen, flipped horizontally, flipped vertically, and zigzag-zoomed, spreading out from all angles. Dou Sheng slumped in a chair, lowering his eyes and chanting. The dubbing was taken from his past videos. Some were complete sentences, and some were spelled out word by word. The ghost-like effect was amazing.

I am a Xilan bean!

My mission is to protect the princess!

Anyone who has scolded Xie Lan is a loser.

What plagiarism—ah!

What imitation—ah!

My second cat is the coolest!

The external network loves hissing. Yes, it’s me, my wife!

(Really) What does it mean? Our fate is just beginning.

I am my soul mate

He deeply believes in this friendship!

I am his living chocolate!

(Really) It’s just a very subtle feeling, you know

I like, like, like, like, like Xie Lan

One, one, one, one, I always like it

YouTube - Like it!

Station B - Like it!

Cousin! Cousin (hissing and exhausted) likes it!

Two cats! Two cats like it!

(Really?) Shut up you fake fan!

(Really?) Are you worthy enough to compete with me

I have always, always, always liked you!

I have always, always, always been protecting!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Xie Lan!

Love, love, love, love, love, love!

(Real person) Eh? Is Xie Lan asleep? I'm a little tired.

The music stops.

Half a second later, a roar at a bursting volume suddenly sounded in the earphones: I have always liked Xie Lan!!!

… …


An audio-visual feast.

Xie Lan's head was buzzing. His fingertips were numb and trembling, and his toes dug a half-meter groove in the bed sheet.

During his lifetime, he heard his own roar.

"Dou Sheng!!!"

The door was pushed open, and a guy who was hungover from eating chocolate with liquor filling was leaning against his door, with his head lowered and his bangs covering his eyes and the corners of his mouth that were twitching as he tried to hold back a smile.

After a long time, he sighed deeply in a somewhat hoarse voice.

"Sorry, I think I wasted last night."

Xie Lan: “…”


The fight started as soon as he opened his eyes. When Xie Lan came out of the room, there was still a fierce look in his eyes, the corners of his lips were a little red and swollen, and he was breathing slightly.

Dou Sheng followed him, laughing all the way. The collar of the shirt he had just changed in the morning was full of wrinkles and a button was broken, so he had to change into another one.

Xie Lan walked to the stairs and turned back and said, "You'd better pray that the video will be removed from the hot list as soon as possible."

Dou Sheng said sincerely: "Senior, you should know better than me. Two million in one morning is going to become a new trend. No one can stop it."

Xie Lan was suffocating, and anger rushed to his hair.

Every time he heard the weird line "I've always liked it", he would choke, but he would still listen to it. If he forced himself not to listen, it would automatically play in his mind.

The huge shame was mixed with a subtle tremor and pleasure.

‌It is about to be scrapped.

In the afternoon, a video about a blue bean started to spread like wildfire in the class group.

Another series of ghost videos, hand-painted videos, and time-stamped mashups of Xi Landou appeared on Bilibili.

After a sharp decline in the number of fans of him and Dou Sheng a while ago, they started a new round of wild growth.

Xie Lan watched all this happen weakly for a long time, then said with difficulty: "Can I go back to London and hide for a while?"

The troublemaker sat next to him and happily clicked on every secondary creation video. "Senior, it was you who said to use more explosive things to wash away the rumors. I am just following your orders as always."

Xie Lan: “…”

Perhaps it's because the heat is too high, which makes some people a little afraid.

On the way back to school for evening self-study, Xie Lan saw the platform's penalty announcement for a black firewood.

The account was banned for ten years.

He didn't even get a chance to apologize or explain himself.

Dou Sheng sighed and said in a low voice, "This is what a permanent ban means. Heichai also came to talk to me privately. He admitted it and quit the site, hoping that I would not sue him. Now that the situation is serious, the operation sent a private message hoping that I would not discuss this matter publicly. Okay."

The driver turned around and asked, "What's the matter? Are you two in any trouble?"

Xie Lan remained silent, Dou Sheng smiled, "Nothing, my followers have been increasing rapidly recently, so I was reminded to be careful with my words and actions."

"Oh." Ma smiled, "You're promising."

Xie Lan looked out the car window at the city as night fell.

The phone suddenly vibrated again.

-Doctor Bean: Cheers, Cat.gif

Xie Lan was indifferent.

-Terminally ill: Cheers, cat.gif