Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 69: The world is greedy for cold beans


Dou Sheng walked away, and after a while, he and Xie Lan initiated a real-time location sharing session.

Xie Lan stood by the window and looked at the open river. The vehicles on the cross-river overpass were constantly flowing. There were narrow pedestrian passages on both sides of the bridge, which could almost be ignored from a height.

He was silent for a moment, looking down at the map - the little green dot representing a certain point was on the bridge at the moment.

There was a burst of electricity in the real-time intercom line, and Dou Sheng said: "The scenery is nice."

Xie Lan: "...Based on your speed, you will be late."

The sound of whistling wind suddenly sounded on the phone, "I'm going to jog forward."

The little green dot on the map speeds things up a bit.

Going from home to school requires a lot of detours by car, but walking is a straight line. But still, there are nine kilometers.

Work hard and you won't be late.

I just don’t know how I will feel hungry at night, or whether I will cry when I find out that I have no money for late night snacks.

Xie Lan returned to the table calmly and clicked on the arranging software on his mobile phone.

The inspiration came suddenly, from a small green dot of hard work on the vast map. It couldn't support a song, but writing a short simple melody was enough.

Twenty minutes later, Xie Lan posted on Weibo.

Xie Lan_em: During the preparation for the exam, I wrote a relaxing melody every day. Today’s song is called “The Stray Big Cat”. Please help me forward it and help canvass for votes. Thank you.

Comments quickly flooded in after it was posted on Weibo.

-Stray big cat? Grass hahaha

-Has he been banished by you

-Douzi said he wanted to experience a life of extreme poverty for 25 days. Did he go scavenging

-It sounds great! Although it only lasts for ten seconds, the simple melody is also very nice!

-You finally figured it out. When canvassing for votes, you have to do it this way. This method is very suitable for moving away to canvass for votes!

Xie Lan liked a few posts.

‌ It was indeed the best way he could think of to canvass votes. It was neither a waste of money nor a waste of energy in preparing for the exam. The rest can only be left to luck.

Before Xie Lan went to school, he saw that the little green dot was already near the school, so he immediately killed him.

But when he sat down in the classroom, the seat next to him was still empty. As the preliminaries approached, Owl was asking questions everywhere. He asked Che Ziming and Wang Gou two questions. When the preliminary bell rang, Dou Sheng was still missing.

Hu Xiujie appeared at the door of the classroom, and everyone went back to their places.

Hu's eyes swept across the empty seat next to Xie Lan, "Dou..."

"Teacher." Dou Sheng's slightly panting voice sounded from the back door, "Sorry, it's a little late."

Hu Xiujie frowned, "Hurry in."

Dou Sheng strode across the podium and returned to his seat.

When Xie Lan stood up to give up his seat, he found that his old schoolbag seemed to be more bulging than when he left home.

Xie Lan asked in a low voice: "What did you do?"

Xie Lan whispered back, "I'm grabbing food with my aunt at the nearby market."


Dou Sheng sat down, quickly opened the zipper of his schoolbag, paused for two seconds, then zipped it up, "It's better, it only cost three yuan."

Xie Lan took a surprised look and saw that it turned out to be a large bag of unknown green leafy vegetables, a tomato, a cut of white radish, and two eggs.


Dou Sheng lowered his head and quickly wrote a note and pushed it over.

I learned a trick from Stingy Tieba. In the evening, there are leftovers sold at cheap prices in the market. You don’t know how cheap they are. Aseptic eggs that are about to expire are 40 cents each. It’s a bean paradise.

After Xie Lan finished reading those few lines, he heard a growl in his stomach.

——After marching nine kilometers and a blocking battle, it was natural for me to be hungry.

Xie Lanpi smiled but said, "Looking forward to your survival documentary."

After the class teacher's evening self-study, when the school bell rang, Hu Xiujie stood up and clapped his hands, "To tell you something, I will charge you for the printing of competition materials from this month until the final exam. The amount will be charged in advance according to the amount last month, and any shortfall will be refunded. Only Our class has a fee, it’s nineteen yuan each, cash transfer is fine, I’ll collect it tomorrow.”

Xie Lan was unfazed. He lowered his head to pack his schoolbag and suddenly paused when his hand was on the zipper.

He raised his head and glanced at Dou Sheng, "What should I do?"

Dou Shenghun didn't care, "We'll talk about it tomorrow. As I said in the bar, we must live in the present."


All the way back to the dormitory, Dai Youwang often talked about homework. Dou Sheng was a few meters behind, with his schoolbag hanging on his shoulder and yawning lazily.

June was like a gradual symphony, and even the evening breeze was getting hotter. He didn't put his arm around him like usual, and just walked side by side with Xie Lan.

The two arms touched inadvertently, and when they turned the corner at the top of the building, he squeezed Xie Lan's hand in the dim space of half a meter.

Xie Lan jumped a little, and the sweltering heat of summer suddenly worsened.

The voice of Dai You Wang Gou in front suddenly became real, and there were other joking students behind him.

Just for a second or two.

After walking out of the darkness half a meter away, Dou Sheng naturally let go of his hand and let it hang by his side, with only the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Xie Lan looked calm as usual, tilted his head slightly to the other side, and gently licked his lower lip in the warm wind.

Passing by the entrance of the dormitory, Dou Sheng said, "I'm going to buy something."

Dai You responded, and Xie Lan followed Dou Sheng straight through the dormitory building and turned to the road to the cafeteria. There was a narrow and deep gap between the cafeteria and the building next to it. There was no surveillance or lights. Standing there at night The gap is the innermost, so even if someone passes by from the outside, it will not be noticed.

As if there was some kind of tacit understanding, he looked at Dou Sheng's back and saw that Dou Sheng had indeed gone there.

It was getting quieter and quieter all the way in the dark, and the cracks between the buildings were uneven. Dou Sheng was walking in front, stretching his arm back to hold Xie Lan's hand.

Entering the innermost part, Xie Lan whispered: "Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry." Dou Sheng replied, "I can't wait to eat tomorrow."

Xie Lan subconsciously glanced at the bag hanging on his shoulder. In the darkness, he could only make out its outline.

He wanted to ask Dou Sheng about his plan, but Dou Sheng suddenly stretched out his hand to hold his waist and moved it down, but was stopped on his hip.

It was hot and dark, and Xie Lan felt a little dizzy all of a sudden.

Almost subconsciously, he stretched out his hands to clasp Dou Sheng's shoulders. Dou Sheng took him into his arms, caressed his neck, and whispered in his ear: "If you are hungry, you can only eat. Looks like a boyfriend."

There were only two undulating breaths in the quiet narrow gap, and a series of slight sucking sounds.

It was a hot day and they were so irritable that they were hugging each other. Xie Lan's T-shirt was stuck to his chest, and their thumping was even more unconcealable. The fingertips and arms touched Dou Sheng's shirt. The fabric was a little hard. You didn't need to see clearly to imagine what a proud and down-and-out young man looked like.

Suddenly students passed by outside, almost close to the entrance of the building. Talking and laughing suddenly broke in, and gradually walked away.

Xie Lan skipped a beat, leaned his back against the wall behind him, and stretched his legs outward on the ground.

In the narrow space, the two legs were fighting. Dou Sheng moved a little to the side, with his left leg between Xie Lan's legs, lifted his chin, and leaned forward to continue kissing him.

In just a second or two, Xie Lan gasped and pushed ‌ away.

The posture of standing half-body between his legs was too extreme, even though only the knees and calves occasionally touched.

In summer, it's so easy to get into trouble.

Xie Lan walked out quickly with a red face and Dou Sheng chuckled behind him. He went out and reached the end of the dormitory building, then turned around and took a look.

Dou Sheng just came out of the crack in the building, squatted down and tied his shoelaces, stood up and winked at him lightly.


I went back and poured cold water in the dormitory's public shower room for half a minute. It took me sitting on the bed and writing half of the competition paper to calm down.

The public shower room of Yingzhong Men's Hostel was built just two years ago. There are only six places on each floor. When Xie Lan was sitting on the bed writing a question, Wang Gou came back from outside and muttered: "Douzi is greedy." It’s cool, even if you take a cold shower, you still take such a long shower, don’t you know that there is an unspoken rule that the shower should not last longer than three minutes?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the dormitory door was pushed open.

Dou Sheng put a towel around his neck and his hair was soaked in cool moisture. He came in and threw things on the table.

Dai You suddenly said: "What are you wearing?"

He changed into a change of clothes he had brought with him. There were two small holes in his T-shirt near the shoulder sockets, as if they had been poked by the tip of a pen, making him look even more miserable.

Dou Sheng wiped his hair with a towel nonchalantly, "Challenging the economy, recording the video."

Dai You said oh, but Wang Gou suddenly raised his head as if he had seen a ghost, "One hundred and fifty?"

"Yeah. One month." Dou Sheng said lightly: "Oh no, to be precise, there are still 25 days before the final exam."

The two men looked at him as if they were ghosts.

Only Xie Lan was calm, put away the papers, lifted the quilt and lay down.

When Dou Sheng turned off the headlights and climbed into bed, he muttered a reminder, "I don't want to drink powdered milk tea. If it doesn't work, just drink it."

Dou Sheng hummed, "I understand."

Breakfast the next day was pretty good.

The cafeteria sells corner pancakes for 80 cents each. The size is close to one-sixth of a large pizza and the portion is plenty. Xie Lan usually only had a piece of biscuit with eggs and soy milk, but Dou Sheng spent a huge sum of money to buy two biscuits for one dollar and six cents, along with dried radish for two cents, and two bowls of free porridge, and he ate more than usual.

"It's one yuan and eight, you're six yuan on average." Dai You looked at the GoPro that was placed on the dining table to record Dou Sheng's meal, paused and said, "Dou Zi, you can't deal with stomach problems."

Dou Sheng ate very well and said vaguely: "There are quite a few."

Wang Gou's eyes were as loving as an old father's, "What will you do at noon?"

"Lunch is already here, put it away."

Xie Lan subconsciously glanced at the schoolbag placed beside him and remained silent.

He secretly used his mobile phone for a while during the morning break. In the final voting results of "The Boy on the String", he surpassed Mr. Jiada. Although he only surpassed him by a fraction, it was the first time he had done so.

Posting a short demo is a good way to canvass votes. The last hot search incident did bring him a lot of opportunities on Weibo, and there is a lot of room for canvassing votes.

During the lunch break, Xie Lan wrote a short paragraph and posted it on Weibo.

The name is random, today's one is called "Jiangbingbamao".

When walking to the canteen at noon, he clicked on Weibo to read the comments.

-2333 A very down-to-earth name

-Hold your chin, it’s not a poor recipe for big cats, right

-Today’s forwarding to canvass for votes to get

- Gentle, the second cat should not make the older cat too hungry, he has a stomach problem

Xie Lan put down the phone and whispered at a volume that only Dou Sheng could hear: "Maybe I can treat my boyfriend to lunch today?"

"No need today." Dou Sheng smiled and carried his schoolbag, "I have everything."


Do you want to cosplay a rabbit in public in the cafeteria

The kind of rabbit that gnaws vegetables and carrots.

Xie Lan sighed miserably, "I seem to suddenly understand why you dragged the last wave to the cafeteria."

Dou Sheng shook his head, "No, you don't understand."

It was almost twelve o'clock, and the canteen was already empty. Most of the self-select windows were closed, and the remaining two were almost sold out. Dou Sheng and Wang Gou went straight to eat beef noodles.

Beef noodles cost seven yuan for a bowl, which was very affordable, but more than Dou Sheng's daily budget.

When Xie Lan was cooking beef noodles, Dou Sheng was at the self-service window next to him.

Auntie had just finished stir-frying the last dish, fried pork with chili peppers, and took the dishes out of the pot with a horse spoon.

Xie Lan silently glanced at Dou Sheng, then glanced at the price of fried pork with chili pepper.

Two dollars and nine.

Dou Sheng casually picked up a dinner plate and handed it over.

The aunt took it and said, "It's just one dish. How many portions do you want to eat?"

Dou Sheng smiled and said: "If you don't want to eat one portion, I want rice for one yuan."

"Why don't you just eat rice, young man?" The aunt was stunned and filled the rice with a small aluminum basin. One dollar is one and a half basins, and a small mountain appeared on the dinner plate.

She put the plate with rice on the countertop, and Dou Sheng calmly opened the zipper of his schoolbag and said, "Auntie, while the hot pot is on, can you help me pick up the cabbage?"

Xie Lan: "?"


Dou Sheng took out the bag of vegetables from his bag.

He even fucking washed it.

"I'm too poor recently and can't afford to eat in the cafeteria." Dou Sheng sighed, "Is it okay?"

Dai You and Wang Gou‌ pinched each other's thighs, screaming silently and bursting into tears.

Xie Lan felt numb all over and felt so sorry for her aunt.

After a long time, the aunt said stiffly: "It's not troublesome, but... maybe I haven't seen the world."

She took the bag of vegetables hesitantly, took it out and shook the water, "I'm just going to throw it into the pot and fry it for you?"

"Hmm, there's no need to clean the pot, eh, yes, and there's no need to scrape off the bits of minced meat and chili stuck on, yes, ‌together‌together..."

Dou Sheng commanded from a close distance and repeatedly said: "It smells so good. Being able to cook in the Yingzhong canteen is really extraordinary. Oh, by the way, your son is in junior high school at Yingzhong High School, right? If you have any questions, you can ask me Ah, I’ll leave you a WeChat message. I’m a sophomore in high school in science.”

Auntie's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Are you number one in grade?"

"Yeah." Dou Sheng quickly wrote down the WeChat ID on the paper.

Auntie sighed and said, "Come back in the evening and Auntie will cook it for you. If you come later, there will be unsold dishes."

"Thanks, I'll eat noodles tonight." Dou Sheng smiled modestly, "Can you do it at lunch tomorrow? I still have half a radish, cut it into pieces and bring it."

The aunt nodded, "That's still a while. Tomorrow the supplement will just be radish and beef brisket. It will fit right into the pot and won't change the smell."

The GoPro was strapped to Dou Sheng's arm, a small and inconspicuous one, recording all the absurdities of the time.

The last time Xie Lan felt so shocked...forget it, there was no last time.

Wang Gou said in amazement: "Damn it, you opened the door to my world. As expected of a boss, you have created a new way of saving. I want to learn from you!"

When Xie Lan heard this, she glanced back at him quietly and stopped talking.

Dou Sheng took the fried vegetables that had just come out of the pot. The strong aroma of soy sauce mixed with the faint aroma of meat. He sighed with satisfaction: "I'm just a little hungry."

Xie Lan: “…”

"Come with me to pick up a courier later. The noodles I bought have arrived." Dou Sheng said while eating: "Twenty-four yuan and nine free shipping, thirty packs of bread, one pack only costs eighty-three cents, dinner time Go back to the dormitory and cook a pot of tomato and egg noodles. Oh, Gouzi, lend me the small electric pot."

"Okay." Wang Gou quickly took out the calculator on his mobile phone, "Breakfast is RMB 80, rice is RMB 1 for lunch, grocery shopping is RMB 3, and bread is RMB 83. The total is RMB 66.3, which is more than RMB 63. But you I still have half a radish for lunch tomorrow, it’s pretty good.”

Dou Sheng nodded, "I also ate more than usual in the morning, mainly because I was a little hungry last night. If I eat less cake tomorrow and drink two bowls of porridge, I can save eight cents."

"You have already drank two bowls of porridge." Xie Lan doubted Mr. Xie, "Do you want to drink four bowls of porridge?"

"Ah, I can't finish the free porridge every day, it's a waste." Dou Sheng sighed, "I am really a good boy of the motherland."


While the two men lowered their heads, Xie Lan picked up the two pieces of beef in the bowl and quickly poked them into Dou Sheng's dish.

Dou Sheng suppressed a smile, leaned closer and whispered: "I received the reward."

What reward

Xie Lan suddenly thought of last night.

He immediately stamped Dou Sheng hard under the table.

Dou Sheng had a meager meal, but he ate more rice than usual.

He even burped slightly on the way back.

"That's a mistake. I'll eat less rice tomorrow so it won't break down." He sighed.

Xie Lan: “…”

Monday afternoon physical education class happens to be the hottest time of the day.

Today's highest temperature reached 32 degrees, and the heat was strong. The physical education teacher led everyone to do a set of "stretching". After ten minutes of stretching, Xie Lan's hair was about to be burned. Although there was no amount of exercise, it was a little bit... Panting and dismissing, he completely followed his instinct and turned towards the small shop.

Everyone was standing in line around the refrigerator in the small store, and they waited in line for a long time before they could get to the refrigerator.

He took the grape ice that Dou Sheng often bought out of habit, and when he was paying, he asked casually, "What did you get?"

"Didn't take it."

Xie Lan was dazed for half a second before remembering. When he turned his head, he saw Dou Sheng gently licking his lower lip.

It was really hot. Dou Sheng got hotter easily than him. When his arm was pressed against him, it was very hot.

Xie Lan went straight to the freezer next to him, "I'm treating you."

"No need." Dou Sheng grabbed him, "It's only the first day."

Xie Lan insisted: "Isn't it normal to learn to treat guests to ice cream?"

"But that would be boring. If you want to produce videos, the basic program effects must be guaranteed." Dou Sheng's Adam's apple twitched, "I'll wait for you outside."

Xie Lan had no choice but to hand over the money in a hurry, but couldn't find him when he went out.

He searched around the canteen building and finally saw Dou Sheng on the road to the gymnasium.

The child might have been too hot, so everyone went to the shady area on the north side of the building, but he walked in the direction of the bright sunshine. In the huge campus, with the laughing people, there was only one figure walking in the open space. On the concrete floor.

too hot. Xie Lan took a bite of the grape ice and hurried over to catch up.

"You're going the wrong way, brother." Xie Lan sucked the cold grape flavor that melted on the tip of his tongue, and his voice also had a cool texture, "I'm basking in the sun, ‌ isn't ‌, didn't you notice?"

"I found it." Dou Sheng said.

But he didn't look back, and still walked to the place where he was exposed to the sun. He finally reached the wall and stood under the only tree around.

There is nothing to win, but it can only cover a little bit of the head.

Xie Lan was speechless and could only stand beside him and continue eating ice.

"Would you like to take a bite?" He handed the popsicle to Dou Sheng's mouth.

Dou Sheng didn't move. Xie Lan paused for a second and looked around uneasily, "Hurry up, we'll be done when someone comes over."

"There won't be anyone here, you idiot, looking for heat stroke." Dou Sheng said lightly: "You can eat, your face is red from the heat."

Xie Lan had no choice but to retract his hand. After all, he didn't dare to be too aggressive. He lowered his head and bit into the remaining ice cream in a few mouthfuls. A cold feeling hit the back of his head. The ice gave him a headache for a moment, and the ice cream slid down his throat. Go down, your whole body will be cold.

Xie Lan relieved the numbness in his head and let out a sigh of relief.

Before he could even breathe out, the person next to him suddenly leaned over to kiss him.

On a sunny and hot summer day, there is no playground.

Dou Sheng tasted the coolness left by the grape ice in his mouth, and a little sweetness on the tip of his tongue.

There was the sound of a basketball hitting the ground in the distance, heading towards the side of the gymnasium. Dou Sheng straightened up before those players walked past the building and appeared.

He took the ball across the concrete floor under the scorching heat and ran to the entrance of the gymnasium, "Would you like to play?"

"No beating." Dou Sheng shook his head, "Just stand here and cool off."

Wang Gouqi said: "If you want to cool down, go to the small playground. There is a cool place on the tree-lined avenue."

Dou Sheng didn't respond, and Xie Lan didn't say anything. After the group of people entered, Xie Lan raised his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"You did it on purpose." He glared at a certain person, "Did you plan it at the canteen?"

Dou Sheng smiled and sighed, "It's not easy to be greedy."

Returning to the classroom after class, Xie Lan took a glass of water and sat on a chair to warm up.

He casually opened WeChat and suddenly discovered that Dou Sheng had changed his name.

-‌Cannabis Liangdou

The young man's fingertips trembled, and he changed the nickname in a hurry without thinking much.

-Afternoon grape ice

Xie Lan was sitting in a noisy room, turning his head to look out the window expressionlessly, as if he was a little irritated by the heat, but the tips of his ears were slightly red.

The car door opened: "Hey, Douzi said he was going to buy milk tea. What do you want to drink? I'll send it to the class."

"Bring it to us?" Fei frowned and raised his head, "What stimulated him?"

"Maybe it's almost the end of the term. It seems that everyone is too anxious about studying. This is a concern from the number one in grade." Che Ziming muttered while typing.

Xie Lan was stunned for a moment and exited his personal information page, only to find that there were already nine people in the class group.

-Jiantanliangdou: I want to buy milk tea from a restaurant outside the school that doesn't deliver takeout. I have to get on the bus quickly. Time is tight and I can get the order in one minute.

Below is a list of compliments and milk tea.

‌The gates and carriages were served clearly, just enough to make up ten cups.

-Jian Tanliangdou: Okay, seal it, I can’t carry it anymore.

-Liu Yixuan: It’s already difficult to get.

- Che Ziming: I’ll give you money for running errands and a kiss.

-‌ Tan Liang Dou: Get lost.

After about ten seconds, Dou Sheng sent out a sentence: Their card collection is stamped, and ten cups are redeemed for one, so I redeemed it directly.

The person who got on the milk tea cart said ok.

Xie Lan was confused for a while looking at the words on the phone.

It was twenty-five minutes before the big class break. Dou Sheng probably ran and walked back. When he entered the classroom, there were still three minutes left until class started.

He carried eleven cups of milk tea in both hands. As soon as he entered, the room burst into cheers.

Before he could get into the car, Dou Sheng sighed and took off the milk tea bags one by one from his wrists and placed them on the podium.

"Claim it for yourself. I plan to do this good deed before the final exam. I will seal the car with ten cups a day. Opportunities are equal."

A group of people laughed and went up to claim the milk tea. He picked up the cup at the edge, strode back to his seat, and put it in front of Xie Lan.


He lowered his voice and said, "The milk tea has been waiting for the Lord's time."

Wang Gou didn't hear what he said. He only praised from the side: "I can only say that it is high, it is really high."

Xie Lan took a sip of milk tea.

Very refreshing milk and tea flavor, sweet but not greasy and cool.

Someone squeezed into the seat and gasped slightly. He opened the window and got a rare draft.

He pulled the collar of his T-shirt and fanned himself, then yawned lazily outside the window.

"Do you want to drink it?" Xie Lan handed over the milk tea, and the straw touched Dou Sheng's lips intentionally or unintentionally.

No one was looking around, so Dou Sheng took his hand and quickly lowered his head and took a few sips.

The Adam's apple slides up and down happily.

He raised his head, leaned against the wall with a sigh, and cursed.

"I'm alive."

The gopro was placed on the corner of the table with the light on.

Xie Lan glanced at the camera hastily, "Be careful when cutting the material."


Before rushing to class, Xie Lan finished the milk tea and threw it into the trash can outside.

When he was about to go back, he saw Hu Xiujie appearing at the door of the class.

The class suddenly fell silent.

"Dou Sheng!" Hu Xiujie held a small note in his hand, "Is this your information fee?"

There was silence in the class, and they all turned to look at the last row.

Che Ming, who was drinking water at the door, was brave enough to sneak up and take a look at the small note.

"Oh my god." He muttered in shock, "I know how to do it, no information needed...??"

In full view of everyone, Dou Sheng sat down and said dryly, "Ah," "There's no need to waste money."

There was a gasp in the class.

Dai You and Wang Gou, who knew the truth, looked at him affectionately.

"Come out." Hu Xiujie said simply.

Before class started, Xie Lan stood in the corridor without going in.

Hu Xiujie didn't pay attention to him. He only frowned and scolded Dou Sheng: "What are you doing? I didn't bother to talk to you this morning. You are wearing a mess and there are holes on your shoulders. Don't make trouble every day and spend money on materials." handed in."

Dou Sheng sighed, "I can't afford it, teacher."

"Nineteen yuan, stop making trouble." Hu Xiujie rolled up the lesson plan in his hand and knocked on his shoulder, "Can you please stop wasting my time? I'm in a hurry to go to General A class."

Dou Sheng thought for a moment, "Does the school have any green channels for student aid? Similar to the conditions given to Wang Gou?"


Hu Xiujie looked confused, "Are you sick?"

"Then I really don't want it." Dou Sheng sighed, "Oh, teacher, I really don't know how. If you don't know how, just look at Xie Lan and write on the calculation paper."

"Okay, okay, but the teacher wants to know why?" Hu Xiujie was a little desperate, "Do you have any questions about the price of school materials? It's only 10 cents for two pages per side. Our Class A charges based on the number of materials. I don’t think so. It’s twice as much if you go outside to print.”

Dou Sheng remained silent and just turned his head to look out the window.

The slightly depressed mood was hidden in those eyes, and they quickly returned to their normal calmness.

What are the best drama schools in the country

Xie Lan wanted to sign up for him.

After a stalemate for half a minute, Hu Xiujie finally felt something was wrong.

She looked up and down Dou Sheng's clothes, hesitated for a moment, "Did something happen at home...?"

Dou Sheng was stunned, "Huh?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had suddenly received some kind of inspiration.

"Ah." Dou Sheng put his hands into his trouser pockets with some melancholy, looked out the window and sighed softly.

"My mother hasn't been home for almost two weeks." He said with a hint of sadness: "I suspect that the family business has gone bankrupt, and she may have gone out to hide from debts."