Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 7: Eat alone


Amidst the laughter, Lao Qin asked Xie Lan to sit down first, then returned to the stage and patted the table, "That's enough. The math guy still needs to work hard to catch up in Chinese. He just returned to China, so please help him."

Everyone answered yes, and one boy said, "Poor teacher, the rejuvenation failed."

"It was a success." Lao Qin smiled, "Thank you, Xie Lan. A smile makes you look ten years younger. I smiled for half the night."

There was another low laugh, and then Lao Qin sat down to mark the papers, and the classroom soon became quiet.

Xie Lan was speechless.

It’s not that he has a sensitive heart, he is just speechless about the test grading.

I got 6 points for the composition, and I got 6 points for two correct answers on the six multiple-choice questions. I got 4 points for the text questions, a total of 16 points.

It wasn't really a failure, after all, he got one point higher than he expected. But the filling-in-the-blank question on ancient poetry was a bit unfair, as there was one question among the ten questions, "I was born to be useful", which he knew how to answer, but he only got a red cross.

Xie Lan used his mobile phone to find out the next sentence of the original text: Even if all my money is gone, it can come back again.

Dou Sheng whispered, "This question is free, what did you answer?"

Xie Lan subconsciously turned away the screen and asked, "Why are you looking at my phone?"

"I just glanced at it accidentally."

Xie Lan was a little annoyed: "Anyway, it's almost the same as the correct answer. The total score is almost 17."

“That’s such a pity.” Dou Sheng clicked his tongue in agreement and was about to lie down to continue sleeping when he suddenly glanced at his answer sheet and his expression froze instantly.

Previous sentence: I was born to be useful.

Xie Lan's next line: All the money is gone and can never be recovered.

Dou Sheng searched for a long time on the table and found the sycamore leaf. He turned it over and wrote four more words: Only a hundred million points away.

Xie Lan: “…”

The study class was very quiet. The only two people who were not studying in the classroom were Chen Ge, one on Xie Lan's left and the other lying at the other end of the row.

After two Chinese classes, Lao Qin walked out with the test paper in his arms, then stopped at the classroom door.

"I want to say a few words to you." He looked at everyone and said, "It's time to divide the classes. According to the science division this year, some students will get A in all subjects, and some will go to other classes according to their ranking. Everyone here was a well-known student in the city a year and a half ago. The teacher hopes that you will not forget the ideals you had when you first entered high school. No matter where you go in the future—"

He paused, looked towards the back door, and said word by word: "Don't give up."

Xie Lan turned his head subconsciously. When Chen Ge heard the words "don't give up", he seemed to be moved, but he quickly bent down to pick up the basketball on the ground and walked out directly through the back door.

Lao Qin also left, and the classroom suddenly became noisy.

Xie Lan's left arm was suddenly poked.

Dou Sheng retracted his index finger and said, "I have a friendly suggestion. Do you want to hear it?"

“No.” Xie Lan immediately looked grumpy and lowered his head to flip through the book.

Dou Sheng continued, "The school has voluntary extra classes every weekend, and I think they'll start counting the registrations soon."

Xie Lan paused.

Dou Sheng added, "There is a basic Chinese class, but it will conflict with the math competition tutoring. Would you consider it?"

Xie Lan continued to flip through the book, "Let's talk about it later."

In fact, he was quite moved.

It is a big project to improve Chinese. Reading and writing are one aspect, and accumulating literary knowledge is another. You cannot rely on yourself to learn a language. It will be much better with a teacher's guidance.

The last two classes in the morning are mathematics.

Lao Ma came in carrying the test papers of the whole class. His dedication to getting the scores overnight moved the owls so much that they couldn't stop crying. After the math class representative Che Ziming tremblingly wrote down "average score 108" on the blackboard, they cried even louder.

Old Ma blew the wolfberries in the thermos cup and smiled peacefully, "About one-third of the test paper this time was of competition-level difficulty, so the result was within expectations. The purpose of the existence of Mathematics and Physics Class A is to impact the independent enrollment of colleges and universities. This will become a normal situation in the future, so everyone should calm down. Today I will first talk about 16 multiple-choice questions. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me."

When Lao Ma was explaining the topic, his speed was not fast, his logic was concise and clear, and his extension and guidance were just right. Xie Lan looked forward, and all the elites straightened their backs. Even Yu Fei, who had been slumped against the wall, sat up straight and put on a pair of glasses. Dou Sheng also pulled a piece of paper and made a few notes from time to time.

During the break, those who went to the bathroom quietly left, and the rest continued to concentrate on doing their homework. It was even quieter than the morning self-study class.

Just as Xie Lan was feeling shocked by this elite atmosphere, she saw Lao Ma approaching with a thermos cup in hand, smiling.

"I've reserved a spot for you in my math competition class this weekend. Don't forget to submit the form." Lao Ma said in a low voice.

Xie Lan hesitated for a moment, "Teacher, I want to take other classes."

Lao Ma was stunned. "Other classes? You don't want to attend the math competition?"

Xie Lan gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Why?" Lao Ma looked incredulous. "Do you know what it means to waste natural resources?"

Xie Lan paused subtly, "I don't really know."

Dou Sheng’s stool began to shake.

"Don't act dumb like Dou Sheng." Old Ma sighed, "Seriously, come on, you must come."

Xie Lan tried to make her eyes look more sincere, "Teacher, I only got 16 points in Chinese."

"16 is 16, even if you take the exam..." He paused, and asked in confusion: "How much did you take the exam???"

I don’t know which one had a greater impact on Lao Ma, refusing the competition tutoring or getting 16 points in Chinese. Anyway, Lao Ma’s back was full of weathered looks as he turned and left.

Che Ziming turned around and comforted him, "It's okay. We all have math classes. I'll lend you my notes later."

Xie Lan could only sigh.

On the way to the canteen at noon, Hu Xiujie stopped Dou Sheng halfway and said that he needed to find him to find out more about Wang Gou's matter.

Dou Sheng nodded nonchalantly and said hello to Che Ziming, "Bring him along for dinner."

The one he was referring to was Xie Lan.

Che Ziming nodded, "I know, I know. You really think of yourself as a guardian."

Hu Xiujie said to Xie Lan, "By the way, your half-dorm formalities have been completed. You will live in the same room with Dou Sheng and Dai You first. Here is the key."

Half-dormitory means only staying at noon and not at night. Yingzhong has sufficient accommodation resources. As long as you have enough money, you can apply for a dormitory specifically for taking a nap.

Xie Lan took the flat key with "3rd Dormitory 603" written on it and said thank you, teacher.

There were so many people in the cafeteria today that the lines were long and convoluted. Xie Lan was stunned when he entered.

Che Ziming took him to queue for the "top-notch" pork ribs pot. They waited in line for twenty minutes. As soon as he reached the window, Xie Lan looked at the peppers bubbling in the casserole and cooking with the pork ribs, and began to regret it.

He can't eat spicy food, not at all.

The waitress used a pair of iron tongs to pick up a casserole that had been drained of juice and yelled at the top of her voice, "How many more spoonfuls do you want?"

Xie Lan didn't understand, "Add what?"

The auntie snapped her wrist and poured a spoonful of pickled peppers onto the pot again: "Add peppers!"

Xie Lan: “…Thank you.”

Che Ziming looked around with the tray in his hand and said worriedly, "There's not even an empty seat. It's terrible."

As he was talking, someone next to him finished eating and stood up, leaving a vacant seat. He quickly pushed Xie Lan over and said, "Hurry up, sit here."

Xie Lan was forced to squeeze between two unfamiliar boys.

The surroundings were extremely noisy. The ribs in the casserole did smell delicious, but the rising heat was a bit choking. Xie Lan hesitated for a long time, picked up a piece of meat on the side and tried to take a bite.

Then he took a deep breath, turned his back and coughed for a long time.

On the way back, Xie Lan was looking for food, but unfortunately he didn't see any convenience stores until he entered the gate of Sansu.

Dai You introduced as he went upstairs, "We have four rooms but are short of two. I'm a full-time resident and Dou Sheng is a half-time resident. I heard that you're staying at his house at night?"

Xie Lan hummed, "How is the dormitory?"

"Not bad, with a bed and a desk, and all facilities are quite new." Dai You said, "603 and the bathroom are on either side, but it doesn't matter if you live in a half-bedroom."

When I returned to the dormitory, I found that Dou Sheng had already returned. He was sitting on the bed playing with his mobile phone, with a corner of a plastic bag sticking out from the edge of the bed.

As soon as Dai You met them, he asked, "What happened to Wang Gou?"

"Nothing, just let me tell you what I saw in the cafeteria yesterday. Anyway, Hu Xiujie is not stupid." Dou Sheng explained casually, looked up at Xie Lan, and patted the bed next to him, "The dormitory auntie brought new sheets."

He had a box of cookies next to him, and after he finished speaking he threw a bunch of them into his mouth and chewed them.

Xie Lan asked casually, "Do you record the sound of eating at any time?"

Dai You turned around and wondered, "What did he record?"

"Nothing." Dou Sheng said immediately, "Dai You, pass me a piece of paper."

Dai You said "oh" and picked up a pack of tissues and threw it to him.

Xie Lan didn't care. He walked up two steps and made the bed. The butter smelled delicious. He couldn't help but glance at the plastic bag on Dou Sheng's bed.

The bag was printed with the five red words "Little Leaf Pastry". In addition to butter cookies, there was also a box of strawberry daifuku, a total of six cute balls, with translucent glutinous rice skin holding cream filling, and packed in the same plastic box as the dirty buns last time.

Dou Sheng quickly finished chewing the biscuits and just opened the box of Strawberry Daifuku. When he looked up, he met Xie Lan's gaze and was stunned.

After a moment, he handed the box to Xie Lan and said, "Would you like one?"

Dai You was surprised and said, "It's strange that you, who is so protective of your food, actually took the initiative to share your food."

Protecting food

Xie Lan pondered over the word "pin", not quite understanding it, but suddenly remembered Dou Sheng's signature on his WeChat Moments - "I won't give it to you".

Dou Sheng shook the box of pink snacks and asked, "Do you want some?"

Xie Lan hesitated for a moment before giving in to hunger and reached out to pinch one, "Thanks."

The strawberry daifuku was excellent.

The glutinous rice skin is very thin and elastic, and the strawberry flesh inside is sweet and sour and cool, perfectly blending with the delicate and sweet cream.

It's a pity that it's a bit too small.

Dai You stood at the bottom and looked up and said, "Give me one too."

Dou Sheng scrolled through his phone and said, "I can't get enough."

"Tsk." Dai You laughed and kicked his bed ladder. "It's hard to change a person's nature!"

Xie Lan wiped his hands with a tissue and lowered his head to continue removing the sheets.

Dou Sheng asked Dai You nonchalantly, "What did you eat for lunch?"

Dai You said as he got on the bed, "Pork ribs hotpot, it's all because of Hu Xiujie's delay of two minutes. We couldn't even find a seat next to each other."

Dou Sheng said "oh".

Xie Lan made the bed, and the lunch break bell rang. Dai You put on earplugs and went to sleep, so he also lay down and closed his eyes.

Dou Sheng was still sitting on the bed quietly playing with his phone. After a while, Xie Lan's phone suddenly vibrated.

Received a new WeChat message.

-rjjsd: You don’t eat spicy food

Xie Lan was stunned.

He quickly went over the conversations of the past two days in his mind and was very sure that he had not mentioned to anyone that he did not like spicy food.

The only thing that might have exposed his habit was yesterday at noon, when there was a dish of chicken with chili peppers among the two meat dishes and one vegetable dish left in the cafeteria, but he didn't eat a single bite.

Xie Lan hesitated and replied with a "hmm".

-rjjsd: I give up, Che Ming looks like a zz.

-Renaissance: What is zz

-rjjsd: …wise man.

Xie Lan was a little confused and sent a question mark.

Dou Sheng didn't reply.

After a while, there was a slight sound from the iron railing above my head.

Then there was the restrained rustling sound of a plastic box, and a beautiful hand poked the box of strawberry daifuku over centimeter by centimeter from the other side of the railing.

The phone vibrated.

-rjjsd: Fill your stomach, you poor picky eater who just returned from overseas.

A few seconds later, there was another shock.

-rjjsd: Hush money, don’t tell my mom about the fight.

Xie Lan: “…”

Did this person forget that the hush money was paid last night

It was that tattered sycamore leaf blown by the strong wind.