Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 72: work to earn a living


"All the harsh living conditions in this video are set up for program effects, please do not imitate them."

In the small, airtight space, Dou Sheng sat on the floor.

"Hello everyone, today is a special planning issue. The theme of the planning is poverty."

"The inspiration came from a money-saving king. His monthly living expenses only cost 300 yuan. Audiences, 300 yuan, how is this possible? So, I set my survival goal at-"

The screen went black, and there were three big words: One Hundred and Five.

The barrage instantly crushed a neat formation: destroying the enemy's strength.

Xie Lan curled his lips and gently pushed open the door of Dou Sheng's room. The room was dark, and Dou Sheng was sleeping deeply under the quilt. He turned on the computer, put on Dou Sheng's headphones and continued watching.

19,682 people are watching, boy.

Dou Sheng's lazily voice-over sounded, "Ah, I actually went through some rough calculations when I set this flag. The student's money, clothing, food, transportation, and education, these are just four yuan, I feel... I still Yes, it turns out that in the first week or so, I did fulfill my plan perfectly. ”

In the picture, Dou Sheng was walking on the bridge wearing an old T-shirt and pants that obviously didn't fit. The wind blew his hair in all directions. The countdown to class and dynamic distance were displayed on the screen. As he walked, he planned his meals for the next week.

"There are two food markets near the school. After a week of practical experience, I have mastered some small rules. The east one is suitable for going after ten o'clock in the evening. A large bag of toast is only one dollar when it is due. You can also take away two cups of expired yogurt. . It’s best to go to the west after 8 o’clock. The side meats are available in a big bag for 50 cents. If you are lucky, you can also get chicken wing tips. The main difficulty is that you can’t grab them.”

The camera flashed and the painting style changed.

The market was bustling with people, and the discount area was crowded with aunties and uncles. Dou Sheng danced with them, holding the camera high above his head for protection.

"Young man, what are you robbing us of?" A panting female voice came from under the camera.

His field of vision shook violently, and Dou Sheng said, "I'm poor, I'm hungry."

"You can't eat these if you are poor or hungry. You won't grow taller if you eat them!" The aunt said, turning back unintentionally, paused, and slowly moved her eyes upward.

GoPro shook his head from side to side playfully to say hello.

But her attention was obviously not on the camera, but on Dou Sheng behind the camera. It wasn't until another aunt squeezed past her that she suddenly came back to her senses, suddenly plunged into the crowd again, and shouted: "How many bags do you want?"

Dou Sheng immediately said: "Just one pack!"

"I'll pick out the package for you. You go and grab the rapeseed over there. There are only five minutes left!"

Before he finished speaking, the camera turned sharply and moved quickly and bumpily to the other side.

-Is this an alliance

- Fuck you, laugh to death

-What kind of meat can I buy with this little money

- There is a lot of fat that is not needed for cutting the meat. It can be a little lean, and there are also minced chicken pieces that cannot be sold at the last moment. In fact, the weight is not enough.

-Good guy, little rapeseed, I remember that Douzi doesn’t like dark green vegetables.

-Do you think he still chooses now

After a fight, Dou Sheng was panting. The camera switched to the front and someone scratched his neck, leaving two red marks.

The aunt soon came over to join him, and the two of them divided the spoils and bought a small package of trimmed meat and a package of wilted rapeseed for 1.9 yuan.

Dou Sheng said, "You paid a dollar and a half for the meat, and I paid a dollar and a half for the vegetables."

"Hey, you don't have to give it to the young man, I'll just grab it and play with it." The aunt smiled gently at the camera, straightening her temples and revealing the gold bracelet on her wrist, "If you add aunt on WeChat, I'll have news about discounts and free products around here. ”


-Turns out she is a rich woman, disrespectful

- Got it right

-Angel on earth

-Living Bodhisattva

Dou Sheng's voice-over was inserted into the video: "I felt very lucky at the time, because this Aunt Wu really saved me a lot of money by carrying her."

The screen switched to a WeChat group with the name: Yangchangxiang Getting Rich Group.

"After meeting her, I realized that a package of assorted leftovers costing one yuan was too luxurious. The correct way to solve the problem was to join the neighborhood group of vegetable dishes. Get up every morning and see what vegetables have been reduced in price today. Through simple and crude economics According to the principles, the price reduction of radishes means that the supply of radishes on the market exceeds the demand on that day, and radishes will account for a large proportion of the assorted leftovers on that day. So, why not just buy leftover radishes? "

-Blind student, you discovered Hua Dian

-I would call it a genius

-The invention of economics is just for you to buy groceries

A huge spreadsheet appeared on the screen unexpectedly. The row coordinates were the product names, with detailed classification labels, and the column coordinates were the dates. The dense numbers recorded the daily dynamic vegetable prices and their increases and decreases.

The second table is a dazzling mathematical modeling, with function buttons inserted next to it. Clicking it will generate a daily vegetable price prediction.

Xie Lan was shocked by this table. He was stunned for a while before he remembered that Dou Sheng did go to the information classroom every day for a few days.

-Technology and technology to cultivate immortality

-Laughing to death, what the hell is this

-The god of learning is late but has arrived

-he started he started

-Looking at the screenshots, the first one is a time series, and the second one should be trying to use xgboost to predict the prices of several types of vegetables that do not have time fluctuations. Unfortunately, the amount of data is small and the effect is poor. Professionals suggest that xgboost is not needed to make such a small model.

-What is xgboost

-Is this something you, a high school student, should know

"Ahem, let me make it clear first that I made this watch using my school computer. Although my notebook is lying in the cabinet, in order to restore the authenticity of poverty, I still paid about thirty kcal every time. Calorie consumption. Yes, for poor people, calories, or physical strength, are also money.”

The barrage did not listen to what he said at all. They were all worshiping the god of learning. At one point, an exam prayer wall appeared on the screen.

"Until now, the predictions for eggplants, beans, and free-range eggs are still unclear, but the prices of other vegetables are already very accurate, at least in terms of whether they will rise or fall." Dou Sheng cleared his throat, "Out of curiosity for Aunt Wu. I was so grateful that I shared this with her. At this time, I didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter.”

The screen suddenly went black.

Aunt Wu's loud voice suddenly sounded in the noisy background of the market: "Doudou, Auntie has been observing you for several days. You have a good mind, can run a household, and you are handsome. Seeing as you don't study much, why don't you consider coming to look after you in the store? ? My aunt’s house is half a street from the service trade market. My third daughter is about to return to her hometown from other places, and her business is still good. "

The voice suddenly came closer and whispered: "Behave yourself, my family can accept the door knocking on you from behind."

Dou Sheng: "Huh?"

- Damn it! ! !

-I died laughing in this video today

-Doudou, God damn Doudou!

-Insert Mendou upside down

-Auntie’s daughter-in-law

-You, good, good, show, show

Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same.

Xie Lan frowned in the sea of joy, and clicked on the web page to search for the meaning of knocking in the door upside down.

For a long time, he turned back expressionlessly and glared at someone sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Damn it, I didn't even tell him about this boyfriend.

Annoyed, want to fight.

The beep in the video passed, and Dou Sheng returned to a calm tone: "Anyway, that was the last time I went to the vegetable market."


-Prostitution market

-Forget it, you don't deserve it

-After all, I still miss the second cat

-Not abiding by masculine virtues

In the midst of laughter, the material is quickly interspersed with the actual records of these days' challenges, including the canteen lady stir-frying with hot oil in the pot, the cup of "Chang'an" that the milk tea clerk habitually adds as a gift, Zhao Wenying's roar on the phone, and the tearing of toothpaste. After the exposed tin skin, he lay down in the public printing room during the school year and copied materials by hand. During physical education class, he sat motionless under the shade of the tree to relax. When school was over, he put his arm on Xie Lan's shoulder and muttered: "I'm so hungry."

Xie Lan looked at half of his face in the mirror and said in a cold voice, "Do you want to give up?"

"don't want."

"Then don't moan when you're hungry in the middle of the night."

"Don't hum. From today on, if you are hungry in the middle of the night, you will find something to eat where you are."

"In place?"

"You're the only one with a bed in the middle of the night."

The evening breeze on the campus blew the sycamore trees, and the long lens zoomed over the dancing flowers and leaves.

-Is it my imagination? Lan Zai’s neck is red.

-And I was listening to him finish this sentence

-The night shift cannibalism is about to begin?

- Scratch your liver! I want to watch the night shift eat people!

Xie Lan subconsciously clenched his fingers, fearing that some strange scene would appear next.

Fortunately, someone clicked on it and skipped it like no one else.

Dou Sheng's voiceover sounded again.

"As of now, that is, the first two weeks, I am still quite happy. I feel a sense of accomplishment after painstaking calculations, and my stomach is full. But the novelty has passed, and I suddenly started to feel that something was wrong."

"I started to feel depressed. I felt depressed without any warning and I didn't know how to resolve it."

In the camera, Dou Sheng was lying on the table studying, his expression so calm that he was almost indifferent. After a moment, he put down his pen and turned to look out the window.

The afternoon sun was strong, and the background sound was the noisy classroom, but he seemed to be surrounded by a silent mask, revealing a hint of loneliness.

Until Xie Lan's voice suddenly sounded outside the camera, "Are you hungry? Help me read an essay."

Dou Sheng turned around, and those empty eyes suddenly seemed to return to the human world and come to life again.

"Yes, all this loss comes from the lack of dopamine in the body. There is not enough energy, all entertainment is cancelled, and the brain quickly runs out of dopamine. And in this kind of confusion, I found that only talking to Xie Lan can make me secrete dopamine temporarily ”

Barrage: Oh.

-Start getting to the point

-So you're fucking waiting for me here

-Okay, that's cool.

-"I have always liked Xie Lan"

Dou Sheng: "Xie Lan is indeed a cat under the same roof as me. He not only talks to me, but also accepts me to work in exchange for food. For example, he hired me to sew buttons for him."

In the picture, Xie Lan came over expressionlessly carrying a shirt and threw it into his arms, "Two buckles and one dollar, and I'll give you my egg tarts for dinner."

In the physical education class, Xie Lan came out of the cafeteria toilet. While pulling up the hem of the T-shirt he had just changed into, he threw another shirt over, "One button, and I will buy you a meat bun tomorrow morning."

"Three buckles and chocolate?"

"Two collar buttons and one cuff button. Let's add some scrambled eggs for lunch."

Everyone was confused by the barrage.

-I don’t understand, where did all these bad buttons come from

-Xie Lan is deliberately giving you alms!

-Did it get deducted in physical education class? A temporary change of clothes

-Did you do any strenuous exercise? stay

The room outside the screen was dark and quiet, but Xie Lan was very panicked. He suddenly recalled the kisses where Dou Sheng pulled his collar.

‌The barrage started with someone getting closer to the truth. He ‌clicked on the timeline in a panic and fast forwarded a few minutes.

Dou Sheng: "In the last week, I started exercising and no longer cared about physical exertion. This was not because I had adapted, but because it was a sign of complete collapse. When people are not on the go, sugar and exercise will quickly produce dopamine. Other than that, I also hang out with people I like. Coincidentally, there was a period of time when I was doing up without sex. Looking back now, it was nothing more than the way I forced myself to secrete dopamine. The two of them, playing ball and listening to Silentwaves’ violin, were no different from now.”

"Oh, there is still a difference. Silentwaves himself is by my side now."

-I actually want to fucking cry

-A sudden burst of dog food

-I'm really going crazy, I really think they are together! !

-What the hell if this is a straight friendship!

- Ridiculous, you know? One moment I feel embarrassed, and the next moment I feel pure and shining.

- +1 from the ‌ side

-You haven’t changed, it’s Xie Lan who has changed.

-Indeed, mature idols should learn to run to their fans on their own

Dou Sheng: "I started working for Xie Lan. Don't ask me what kind of job I did. In short, I had a mouthful of grape ice under the scorching sun, and fried chicken legs to my mouth during dinner. For the first time in my life, I ate the egg tarts in small bites, and even the fascia was left in the ribs. One day, I sat on the steps and sunbathed in a daze. I didn't feel hungry at first. Xie Lan thought I was going to die, so he hurriedly stuffed a big mouthful of chocolate into my mouth. The water I drank after that felt sweet, and I thought it was hunger that stimulated my taste buds. Later I found out that Xie Lan secretly mixed glucose into my water, sent me away during breakfast, and stuffed more into the steamed buns I bit into. A piece of meat."

The scenes follow Dou Sheng's narration. Xie Lan's face appears in every frame, and most of the time his expression is very light, even if he shows concern, he doesn't show any signs of concern. Dou Sheng definitely worked hard to screen the shots. Every frame is as beautiful as an oil painting. His ‌-year-old eyebrows are gentle and vivid, and there are spots of light in those quiet black eyes. When he looks towards the camera, the barrage suddenly flashes across the screen. A film of "movement".

-Kanlan drinks enough water

-He secretly added sugar to you!

-It’s popular these days to trick dogs into killing them.

-I thought I was here to see you starving to death

-The silly dog is actually me

Dou Sheng coughed, "It's not just Xie Lan. It's suddenly popular to eat a bag of potato chips during the recess in our class. My math teacher takes me to the office every day to write questions and eat snacks. The aunt in the cafeteria fires the two of mine alone every day." Broken cabbage leaves, one day I discovered that there were wolfberries in the free porridge, and the next day it turned into preserved egg and lean meat porridge... "

The narrative is bland, but the amount of material interspersed is astonishing. There aren't many scenes where Dou Sheng himself shows his face, but he put a lot of effort into moving the camera and pulling the story line. The early clips are all saucy, ridiculous and ridiculous, making people laugh and cry. But as his condition evolved, the picture showed more of the hot playground in the afternoon and the empty corridors with echoes, and the caring clips of Xie Lan and his friends were interspersed in the middle. Every time they appeared, it made people's hearts tremble slightly. .

The video is coming to an end, and the barrage neatly reads "theme sublimation".

The scene suddenly cut back to the bright living room at home.

Dou Sheng changed into his normal clothes and sat on the ground. It looked like he had just taken a shower and his hair was still a little wet.

The drunkenness was hidden in the camera, but Xie Lan knew full well that this was recorded just after returning home after drinking.

"When you talk about this, you may think that this is a main theme video that forces the platform to be on the hot list, but it is not."

"It's hard to live in poverty. Most of the care I receive comes from my status as a student. Without this layer, it would be impossible to survive."

"There is goodwill from all directions in society, but if this is not a challenge and there is no time limit, those goodwill will only be a drop in the bucket. I thought the conclusion of this video would point to material poverty and spiritual enrichment, but the reality is, ‌All My mind was focused on how to save money, and I had no intention of playing games, watching movies, reading books, or studying. Even the videos were missing some material because of my low mood.”

Dou Sheng sat in front of the camera with a rare serious expression: "After losing everything and getting it back again, I realized more deeply that people should be grateful for what they already have. Those things you take for granted will also It’s other people’s thoughts of contentment, gratitude, help, and freedom.”

"I will donate all the living expenses I have saved this month and the creative incentives for this issue. I am Douzi, the most handsome man in the world. I hope this video will be helpful to you. Don't forget to click three times. In the next issue, we will have summer vacation See!"

The screen went black. Amidst the barrage of "tribute", Xie Lan was about to click on the one-button triple combo when a cheerful BGM suddenly sounded.

There was a buzz of people, and what was on the screen was today’s hot pot game.

Steam was rising above the boiling hot pot. He and Dou Sheng were sitting together. Half of his body was exposed. Sometimes his face would be in the mirror, but most of the time it would only reach his shoulders.

In the cheerful BGM, Dou Sheng lowered his head and took the meat into his mouth.

He ate the fat beef tripe luncheon meat, spare ribs and shrimp paste soaked in hot pot soup without raising his eyelids. He held the chopsticks in his hands and flipped them up and down. The muscles in his cheeks were beating wildly, and every hair was trembling with joy.


-The child has not eaten for a hundred years.

-woc, the way you eat seriously is surprising to me.

-Xie Lan, you two also eat hot pot, isn't it hot

-Wait a minute, what’s on Lan Zai’s collarbone

-A cat head

-He also made an exclusive special effect for Xie Lan

Xie Lan was stunned and looked closely at the screen.

Immediately, his fingertips felt numb—it was the mark Dou Sheng chewed on his collarbone last night. It was only at the end of the meal today that he discovered that the collar had come apart. It turned out that it had clearly appeared in the camera not long after the recording started.

Fortunately, although Dou Shengren was drunk, he still had sense and made a mosaic of a cartoon cat's head to follow his movements to protect him.

-So cute, exclusive to Xie Lan, not available to other friends.

-Laughing to death, is this the confusing behavior of the big cat swearing ownership of the second cat

-Why do I feel like something's not right

-The barrage is so pure that I am shocked

-If it’s just for decoration, just leave it there. There’s no need to follow Xie Lan without falling even a millimeter.

-Laughing, isn't this obviously a fancy mosaic? Have you ever seen up code passersby

-What can be mosaic about the clavicle? Only one side is mosaic

After everyone discussed it for a few seconds, the style of painting suddenly changed.

-Fuck, I suddenly understand.

-Gentlemen! I understand! !

-Go back, 39 minutes and 25 seconds, there is one frame where the horse is not clean

-Saw! The cat showed a trace of red edges. Could it be hallucination caused by digging for sugar

-It’s really hard to say whether it’s true or false…

-I don’t care, it’s just a hickey!

- Rounding off they both did it!

-Ahem, the barrage is more civilized.

In the video, Dou Sheng picked up a can of cold beer, paused for a moment, and stretched his other hand towards the camera.

"I don't want to drink. Let's just take pictures here and call it a night."

The screen went black.

Finally, two more lines emerged.

Postscript: When sorting out the material, I found that I recorded an interesting conversation. Post it for fun, but don’t make fun of it.

In the background of gurgling sounds that sounded like boiling water, Xie Lan's voice sounded, "What will happen in the next days?"

Dou Sheng said in a calm tone, "I can only rely on you to support me."

"Support?" Xie Lan's voice became gentler and clearer, sounding pure and flawless. "Let me find out what it means."

Xie Lan felt suffocated for a while.

This was what Dou Sheng said to Zhao Wenying after he answered the call. In my impression, Dou Sheng then replied: "I just want you to be my boyfriend."

If it is really released, it will really blow up Station B tonight, but the consequences will be disastrous.

Xie Lan subconsciously clenched her fingers, but after waiting for two seconds, the words did not sound.

There are only five seconds left in the video. The sound of water boiling in the background suddenly stopped, and the amount of background noise dropped significantly. This was due to the piece of material being replaced.

If I remember correctly, one night in the narrow gap between the buildings, Dou Sheng kissed him and kept asking if he could work for him, forcing him to agree many times.

Dou Sheng's whisper sounded in the video, "I'll work for you, so you just have to say whether you agree or not, right?"

Xie Lan said helplessly: "I agree, I'm so annoyed."

The video ends.



Xie Lan sat blankly on the screen, his scalp numbing along with the tens of thousands of netizens watching at the same time. The figure on the bed suddenly appeared on the black screen. Dou Sheng woke up and sat behind him.

Dou Sheng sighed with satisfaction: "If you want to talk, let's stop talking. It's not bad, right?"

Xie Lan turned her head and glared at him: "Not bad. Do you want to make it public? Or do you want to hide it?"

Dou Sheng stretched his arms and sighed, "How can I be willing to hide this boyfriend of yours? I really want to show off, but the attention between us is a bit high now, so I can only give up. But no evidence can be left behind.”

This person actually has some principles

Xie Lan was speechless and took a look at the terrible number of views - it had only been released for three hours, and it was already over 700,000. There is a high probability that Dou Sheng's historical record would be refreshed again, and he would be pushed hard to the next level. .

Xie Lan closed the webpage with a cold face, stood up and said, "I'm going back to sleep."

He passed by Dou Sheng, and as soon as he finished speaking, Dou Sheng grabbed his arm.

The computer screen went dark behind him, the last light source went out, and there was only a faint moonlight coming in through the window screen in the room.

Dou Sheng held his neck with both hands and kissed him gently, and whispered: "I agreed to work for you. This challenge really started after the video was uploaded. How long do you want me to owe you? ?”

The air conditioner was on at home, but the heat suddenly came back.

Xie Lan was held by him without saying a word.

They had been together for almost two months, and they had been restraining themselves. Every time they went crazy, they were looking forward to quenching their thirst, but every time they just tried to hide it.

Dou Sheng clasped his hands behind him. The two were of similar height, and their shoulders were touching, causing some pain.

"It's not good to endure it. I'm not breaking the law by using my hands." Dou Sheng said softly.

Xie Lan remained silent as he was hugged. Although he pulled back, it was still difficult to stop Dou Sheng's breath from entering his nostrils.

Since I called her boyfriend more often, there seemed to be a hidden psychological hint. Whenever Dou Sheng's breath invades his senses, the image of Dou Sheng gently calling his boyfriend will immediately appear in his mind.

Dou Sheng hugged him and took two steps back. His legs were against the edge of the bed. He lost his balance and fell down. He also dragged Xie Lan down with him.

Breathing was intertwined in the room. For a long time, Xie Lan lay on the bed sideways, with his head barely placed on a pillow, one arm pressing his eyes, and his body rose and fell with his breathing.

"Are you satisfied, little Xie Lan?" Dou Sheng's voice was slightly hoarse.

Xie Lan's Adam's apple moved for a while before he opened his mouth: "Shut up."

Dou Sheng obeyed and shut up, but after a while, he leaned into Xie Lan's ear and said, "Next time, it's me."

Xie Lan didn't say a word, as if he was asleep.

After a long time, he moved his fingers and made a low "hmm" sound.


After two days of final exams, high school sophomores finally had a short break.

The selection of outstanding societies has an indicator of the participation of the president. After communicating with the members, Xie Lan decided to participate in the finals. For safety, Lin Bei asked him to do the second defense and Dou Sheng to do the third defense. The second and third debates are mainly for the purpose of fighting, and the roles are similar and can complement each other. As long as Dou Sheng can hold on, Xie Lan can get through without saying a few words.

Final topic: Should a person's life aim be to leave home or return home? Xie Lan chose the opposing team and returned home.

During the next few days, he discussed debate materials with the club members during the day, and went home at night to prepare for next year's interview.

Competition ‌One afternoon, while he was sitting in Rushi Bookstore sorting out the debate points, Lao Ma suddenly announced in the competition group that the results of the preliminaries were out.

The preliminaries are organized by each province. There are no prizes in each province, only scores and rankings, in order to ensure that each school and competing students have a solid foundation.

It was a muggy afternoon, and Xie Lan was in a daze for a while when he saw the results.

The full score in the h provincial preliminaries was 100, and his roll was 92. Second in the city and third in the province.

The number one in the city is Dou Sheng, with 96, and a guy named Geng Rui from City D, who is tied for first in the province, with the same score, so when it comes to Xie Lan, he becomes third.

The ranking is not important, but the score is ridiculously low.

Xie Lan replied in the group incredulously: Can I read the wrong question

"Why am I only ninety-two?" He frowned and muttered to Dou Sheng beside him: "This paper shouldn't be taken."

The three of them are directly connected to the bottom. The fourth in the province is from D City, with 84, and the fifth is Dai You, with 83. According to the recommended indicators for two hundred people to participate in the province, the threshold score for entering the league is only 58 points.

Che Ziming did not perform well and was about to pass sixty. After hearing Xie Lan's words, his face turned green.

Dou Sheng lowered his head and hummed a few times, "Maybe... I misunderstood the question."

Xie Lan looked up blankly, "What question did you understand wrong?"

Lao Ma poked him privately and replied: Yes, the papers are approved in our school. If you want to see them, just come to the mathematics teaching and research office.

When Xie Lan rushed outside the teaching and research office, Teacher Liang from the High School Affiliated to the Middle School was also there, frowning and saying: "You said that Xie Lan is good at all the questions, but he is wrong about plane geometry. How can anyone in the province make this mistake?" First of all, I teach plane geometry. I am the one who asked the plane geometry question this time. I remembered that he also stumbled on my question last time in the citywide grading. Was he targeting me? "

"No, he really can't read the questions." Lao Ma sighed, took off his glasses and threw them away, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Xie Lan outside the door: "..."

Xie Lan turned back slightly stiffly, "Isn't that question proving equilateral?"

"It's about proving equilaterality." Dou Sheng seemed to be unable to bear it, "But it's not pdeg that's asking for proof, it's pcgf."

Xie Lan was shocked, "Isn't it?"

"Yes." Dou Sheng nodded, "The stem of the question is indeed a bit convoluted, and it is full of pronouns after it, such as, this, should, and this. I had a bad feeling when I saw it, and sure enough."

Xie Lan: “…”

But he clearly read the questions carefully many times and analyzed every pronoun carefully. Although the process was laborious, he was very confident in the end.

Dou Sheng gently touched Xie Lan's hair behind him, "It doesn't matter, the preliminaries are just a reference and have nothing to do with the league."

"That's also annoying." Xie Lan whispered, "I really read the questions carefully."

In the classroom, Lao Ma sighed: "He also told me, teacher, that I understood the questions. Now I simply can't bear to tell him the truth."

The middle-aged man sat on the sofa in despair, holding a thermos cup and murmuring: "It's my fault. As a math teacher, I only taught him math and didn't teach him Chinese. I was derelict in my duty."

"I'm going to find the provincial training coach and give him extra training! From today on, all the questions given to Xie Lan will pass me first, and I will give him 300 words!"

Xie Lan: "?"