Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 80: Breaking ground


After dinner, Xie Lan went back to the dormitory to get his piano, found a music classroom, recorded the violin part of the Jianqi fan song, and imported it into the software to merge the audio tracks.

The style of this fan song exudes a bright and open youthful spirit, and the melody is simple but catchy.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening when Xie Lan finished recording the song, and went downstairs alone carrying his guitar case and equipment bag.

The Art and Sports Building has only three floors and is old and deserted. But it is located next to the tree-lined road, and you can see the fluttering sycamore trees as soon as you go out.

When Xie Lan came out of the building, he saw a familiar, slender figure standing at the door.

There was a low, old street lamp next to him. Dou Sheng hated small flying insects, so he stood on the other side of the thick sycamore trunk, letting the tree block him. The light was dim under the tree canopy, and he was waiting for someone while browsing his phone.

Xie Lan walked lightly and approached from behind.

On the screen is the animation "Young Swordsman and Bright Moon".

"There's a cat approaching." Dou Sheng suddenly said, raising his hand to take off his headphones.

Xie Lan was caught off guard by his turning back, and his hands, which were about to play a prank, were frozen in the air.

Xie Lan looked embarrassed, "How did you know I was behind you?"

Dou Sheng couldn't help but say, "There is a shadow on the ground."

"… "

Xie Lan sighed in frustration and walked back silently. Dou Sheng followed him and smiled softly.

"Have you also started watching Young Swordsman Ming Yue?"


Dou Sheng grabbed a handful of sycamore leaves and casually folded them into a small boat. "The production level of this show is a bit low, but the story is good, the characters are good, but it's too unpopular."

Xie Lan turned his head when he heard this, "Do you think Jian Qi smells familiar?"

Dou Sheng was stunned for a moment, "What's that smell?"

"Bean flavor." Xie Lan said.

Someone rubbing against his sleeve paused, "Me?"


"Do you think he looks like me?"

Dou Sheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he sighed, "I see, that's why I was wondering why you suddenly fell in love with the male protagonist of anime."

Xie Lan curled his lips, "Don't overthink it, I just suddenly felt that they looked a bit similar."

Dou Sheng didn't say anything else, but his eyes were filled with joy as he walked along the dark and quiet path in the school.

The video was taken from the original animation PV, muted and re-laid with the soundtrack composed by Xie Lan. Xie Lan added subtitles at around 1:00 pm, and finally managed to post the video before he was too sleepy to open his eyes.

Xie Lan "Swordsman as Expected" | "Swordsman in Youth" Sword Seven Fan Song

After sending it, I fell asleep.

The next morning, Xie Lan was awakened by Wang Gou's sad crowing.

There was no alarm clock during the summer vacation, so everyone in the room relied on Dai You to set the alarm clock. However, Dai You pressed the alarm clock in a daze today, and everyone overslept.

They rushed out of the dormitory, and Dou Sheng ran to the room where Che Mingyufei was and kicked the door violently, "We're going to be late!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of people had already rushed to the stairs, leaving behind the sound of the two people in the room rushing out of bed with bangs.

I ran wildly under the scorching sun and rushed into the classroom with one minute left before class started.

Coach Kang stood in front of the podium and calmly pushed down his glasses. "You students from Yingzhong live in Dormitory 3, right? Dormitory 3 is the closest, but you guys are the ones who check out the place every time."

Several people kept saying sorry, and Xie Lan also said something among them, then hurriedly sat down and unscrewed the water cup.

There is no water.

There was an unusual silence in the classroom. Coach Kang looked down at the podium table without saying anything, and his emotions were hard to discern. The last time he did this was because half of the class got the questions wrong on the test and they shouldn't have gotten them wrong, so they criticized him.

The current situation was unclear, but Xie Lan still glanced at the water dispenser in front of the podium unwillingly.

Dou Sheng took the water cup from him and said in a low voice: "I'll find a chance."

"Everyone has seen the daily test results. This time, vector geometry and basic number theory were relatively biased, which also exposed the weaknesses of many people. This should be the most ruthless reshuffle of the rankings." Coach Kang said, his eyes swept to Dou Sheng, who had one leg stretched out of the table, and paused, "If you want to get some water, hurry up."

Dou Sheng immediately jumped out and squatted beside the water dispenser to get some water. There was a gurgling sound in the bucket, and when the green light for cold water went out, he immediately stopped and slid back in.

Xie Lan drank water from the water dispenser, but only drank the refrigerated part and did not drink the hot water at room temperature.

He took the cup and drank half of it in a few sips, leaving the rest for Dou Sheng.

Dai You asked his deskmate from behind, "Did you see that I am very happy?"

"78, you are fifth." said his desk mate.

Dai You was stunned for a moment, "Fifth? Li Yuening fourth? Who's third?"

"Li Yuening is third, Geng Rui is fourth."

Geng Rui dropped to fourth place

Xie Lan suddenly remembered the long-lost normal test paper from yesterday and subconsciously glanced at the desk.

Coach Kang noticed his movements and said, "Some people haven't seen the results, so let me briefly explain it."

"First place, Dou Sheng, 94. You missed one situation in the second question of vector geometry. Overall, your answer is pretty good."

"Second place is Xie Lan, 92. His number theory derivation is completely off. Your old Ma said that your basic situation is that in number theory, the way of thinking about questions in domestic and foreign competitions is indeed quite poor. There is nothing we can do. We have to work harder. We also need to continue to improve our reading skills."

In the quiet classroom, some people gasped and sighed. Obviously, before Xie Lan and the others came, everyone had already seen his ranking.

"Third place: Li Yuening, 90. Yuening is in very good form recently and has a chance of getting into the top two schools. Keep it up."

"Fourth place Geng Rui, 84. Nothing much to say. You are too weak in geometry, and vectors make things worse. Geometry is a big problem for you. If something went wrong in the exam, you would have missed out on the first two schools. At this point, you can only continue to practice a lot of questions."

Coach Kang kept calling out the top ten and singled out Ming Yufei, the car that missed the mark, to talk about it.

"The overall difficulty and proportion of difficult questions in this daily test are close to the level of the second league test. There are 15 people with scores above 70, and 68 people with scores above 60. You can get a feel for this distribution. The provincial training is more than halfway through, and there will be a major test next week. Then we will talk about the questions and then close the camp. The coaches and I still maintain our initial judgment. 15 or 6 people can compete for the qualification for the recommended exam, and three of them will compete for the top two recommended exams."

After Coach Kang finished giving the instructions, he picked up a piece of chalk and began to explain the questions.

Xie Lan's phone suddenly vibrated.

Guo Ruize invites you to join the group chat "Provincial Training Bitter Survival Camp Pure Version"

It’s a new group, and the number of members is still increasing.

- Guo Ruize from the Affiliated High School: Damn, Mr. Xie Lan, you have always been carrying a heavy burden.

-Experiment Geng Rui: Grass

- Wang Tianbang of the Ninth Middle School: Grass

-Yinghua Che Ziming: Damn, how did you know

-Yinghua Wang Gou: Cherry, what are you talking about

- Yinghua Che Ziming: Different paths, but being controlled by Xie Lan, the fear is the same

-Yinghua Wang Gou: That makes sense...

- Yinghua Xie Lan: …

After Xie Lan changed his nickname and sent an ellipsis, the group suddenly started to swipe at the watch bags, including the decadent frog, IKEA shark, screaming chicken, sad-faced cat... At first glance, it was as if they had strayed into a sad zoo.

Dou Sheng also joined the group and frowned as he looked through the group chat.

-Yinghua Dou Sheng: How was it exposed

-Experiment Geng Rui: We were all shocked by the results. Master Kang casually told us the truth and asked us if we had similar needs.

- Yinghua Dou Sheng:…

-Experiment Geng Rui: Hahahahaha woooooo… Who wants to have it

-Experiment Wu Qing: Who wants to have it

-Xu Jingjing, a provincial monk: I thought we were both practicing hard, but I didn't expect that the boss was not only an outsider monk, but also wore nine shackles.

-Experiment Geng Rui: I actually thought about carrying you, sorry for the disrespect, it is indeed the world's fault

- Wang Yuxin from No. 9 Middle School: Am I the only one who follows Xie Lan’s website? I have been wondering from the beginning if there is any hidden…

-Experiment Geng Rui: What station

- Wang Yuxin from No. 9 Middle School: ... just pretend I didn’t say anything

People invited others to join, and the group soon reached eighty-two people. Later people also joined in and expressed their feelings, and within two or three minutes there were hundreds of messages.

Coach Kang finished writing a question on the blackboard and turned around, and the group finally quieted down.

Xie Lan rarely climbed the stairs seriously, but because Dai You had reminded him before, he felt a little uneasy, so he pretended to be in class and secretly climbed all the group chats.

Fortunately, there was no sarcastic remark. Perhaps because Coach Kang explained it very frankly, the students did not think in a wrong way.

Just as Xie Lan breathed a sigh of relief, his cell phone rang again.

—Geng Rui formed a small group of the top five and named it the “Sprint Group”.

Xie Lan was confused. He glanced at the teacher and asked a question quickly.

-Xie Lan: What does this group do

- Geng Rui: Let's sprint for admission and work together to solve the difficult extracurricular questions.

-Dai You: Ah, I am not at the same level as the top three bosses, right

-Li Yuening: Same

-Geng Rui: Come on, you are already in the top three, so I must be bluffing, right

- Geng Rui: But I can accept that the scope is indeed more than just the top 2. Just try your best and go anywhere. Besides, the difficulty of some schools is not lower than the top 2.

- Dou Sheng: It’s not necessarily the case

-Dai You: That’s right.

Geng Rui was very straightforward and directly sent the group to an experimental middle school question bank. Xie Lan opened it and took a quick look. There were indeed quite a few innovative question types, especially a lot of number theory questions, which would be good to practice.

It is impolite not to reciprocate, so Dai You also sent the information that Lao Ma had sorted out before to the group.

- Dai You: Experimental library, can I let my other three friends take a look? There are only these English and Chinese books, and their levels are actually pretty good.

- Geng Rui: Of course, I will also give your school's questions to a few more friends.

-Dou Sheng: Perfect

-Geng Rui: perfect!

-Dai You: Little Penguin Bowing.jpg

-Dou Sheng: Cat says thanks.jpg

Xie Lan also sent a cat to express his gratitude.

The whole morning was spent discussing the test paper. In the middle of the time, Xie Lan took out the exercises from the brown paper bag and was pleased to find that Lao Ma really had replaced the test paper for him with a normal one.

The sense of happiness is exploding.

At noon, the temperature in H City reached an unprecedented level. After lunch, the scorching sun melted people. For the first time in his life, Xie Lan understood what it felt like to lose his mind due to the heat. Dou Sheng chatted with him for a few words along the way, but he didn't understand a word.

Not to mention Chinese, even if a foreigner came, I guess we wouldn't be able to communicate.

When I returned to the classroom, the room was not cool as expected. The air-conditioning indicator light was off, the ceiling fan was not turning, and there was no wind outside the window.

Hell on earth.

Wang Gou lay on the table like a dead dog, panting heavily.

Xie Lan opened his mouth with difficulty, his lips felt sticky, "What's going on?"

Geng Rui slumped in his chair and thought, "Didn't you receive the text message? Red high temperature warning, the Meteorological Bureau reported that it was 42 degrees this afternoon, and the power was cut off to reduce consumption."

Xie Lan was confused, "Power outage to reduce energy consumption?"

Geng Rui said quietly, "All work in the city is suspended, and everyone is staying at home to escape the heat."

"… "

Xie Lan didn’t know what the “city” was thinking. He could only feel that his basic intelligence level, which he had barely maintained along the way, plummeted after hearing the bad news.

Lao Ma suddenly leaned half of his body in from the front door and said, "Everyone, we have a holiday this afternoon. We are communicating with the power company. The training suspension time will be postponed, so don't worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of ghosts in purgatory cheered, and the dead flesh lying on the table finally came back to life.

Dou Sheng pulled Xie Lan out without saying anything, "Let's go home to escape the summer heat."

Xie Lan hesitated, "Is there electricity at home?"

"..." Dou Sheng paused and looked back at him, also at a loss.

Everyone's intelligence has dropped.

"Fuck, I know!" Che Ming suddenly jumped up, "I know a cold drink parlor, it must have backup power, do you want to go and use the air conditioning?"

Before we even left, twenty or thirty people suddenly got excited and shouted, "Lead the way!"

"Are you going?" Xie Lan looked at Dou Sheng.

Dou Sheng nodded, "Let's go, even if there are many people."

Che Ziming was so happy to be the "savior" that he kept introducing himself to people from City D around him along the way.

Cold drink parlors may not be big in other cities, but they are a specialty industry in H City, with at least a hundred of them, mainly supplying a variety of alcoholic beverages, snacks and fancy ice points for people to chat and gather together.

When they arrived, more than 20 people were occupying several tables. Xie Lan and his group fell behind, and when they entered, all the tables in the lobby were gone, leaving only an eight-person private room.

There was no choice, there were exactly six of them, plus Geng Rui and Li Yuening.

The waiter brought the menu, and Wang Gou took it and flipped through it.

He was soon stunned, "Sister, is eight people considered a big package?"

"That's fine." The waiter said, "You have so many people coming at once, I'm overwhelmed. Please ring the bell to call me."

"hold head high."

Che Ziming asked: "What's the matter?"

Wang Gou whispered, "There is a minimum consumption for alcohol in the private room. A large room costs 800 yuan for four hours, and this 800 yuan can only be used to consume alcohol."

"Fuck, it's so dark?" Che Ming was dumbfounded, "Did they raise the price because of the power outage?"

Yu Fei stood up with difficulty after hearing this and reached out for the menu. "Let's go to the area I'm good at. I'll treat everyone. Just as a celebration..."

He was so hot that he was like a paste. He glanced at everyone and landed on Xie Lan's face, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's celebrate Xie Lan's return to the throne of God."

Dou Sheng said, "Then I'll treat you."

"Will you treat me?" Yu Fei was so sleepy that he could not open his eyes, and he was a little hesitant holding the menu.

Dou Sheng said, "After all, we are celebrating for Xie Lan. It is only natural for me to spend money on my boyfriend."

"Poof!" Geng Rui sprayed a mouthful of lemonade, which sprayed all over Li Yuening's sleeve. He quickly took paper to wipe it for Li Yuening.

Li Yuening was also confused for a moment, frowned and asked: "Boyfriend?"

It’s not easy to keep a low profile, Xie Lan sighed.

Che Ziming quickly said: "They are tv hosts, doing a spoof challenge, not the real thing."

"It's not true, it's not true." Wang Gou also waved his hands quickly, "The truth is a challenge!"

Dou Sheng squinted his eyes and held the straw in his mouth without saying a word, his eyes fixed on Xie Lan's hand on the table.

Xie Lan immediately gave him a warning look.

After a long time, he sighed with regret and looked away.

Che Ziming and Wang Gou explained with gestures, and Geng Rui understood and became interested. "Uploader? I don't watch B station very often, but I have it on my phone. What are your IDs? I'm following you two."

Xie Lan didn't really want to discuss his online identity with him. Seeing that he didn't move, Dou Sheng laughed and said, "Don't search. The exams are almost over. We haven't updated for a long time."

But Geng Rui had already turned on the small TV and suddenly exclaimed "What the hell!"

"The first video recommended on the homepage has your name written on it? Xie Lan? This Xie Lan is you, right? WTF? This video has 4 million views?!"

Xie Lan was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly remembered that he had uploaded the video at midnight yesterday, got up late this morning, and was in a panic the whole day, completely forgetting to check the progress of the review.

Wait, four million

Dou Sheng opened Bilibili, and Xie Lan came over and took a look at his hand.

The submission time was 12 hours ago, and it was approved shortly after it was sent out in the middle of the night.

But this amount of playback...

Xie Lan was confused, so he pressed the mute button and opened the video.

Open the bottle and the barrage is full of slaughter—

"Congratulations on discovering the treasure"

"Congratulations on discovering the treasure"

"Congratulations on discovering the treasure"

Fans of the niche anime are very enthusiastic. They post comments frame by frame in the video to recommend the unpopular treasure Paper Man Sword Seven. Of course, most of the comments are still praising Xie Lan as the best in the world.

The best in the world is purely an exaggeration, but Xie Lan himself is indeed quite satisfied with this fan song. Fan songs don't require what Pei Qing calls a mature musical structure and grand collaboration of multiple clubs. As long as the melody is simple and catchy, has a sense of story, and can grasp the emotions, it is a success. He thinks he has achieved it.

Moreover, he also poured a lot of effort into this piece of music, first completing the arrangement framework, then incorporating Dou Sheng's creative ideas, and adjusting countless versions.

This version is his best and the one that breaks most from his previous style.

The first hot comment was from the official account of Bilibili Anime, which posted a portal to follow the series "Girls' Swordsman: Moonlight", with thousands of likes and comments.

"I have a vague feeling." Dou Sheng whispered, took out his phone and opened the anime link.

The number of followers of this less popular anime just broke 50,000 last night, and now it’s almost 800,000.

Fellow Daoist Xie Lan was shocked.

Dou Sheng smiled and said, "You have attracted the attention of a certain big boss."

"That's not the case." Xie Lan shook his head. "This show was produced by a small studio with a team of seven people."

"Isn't Tianya Shenwang going to acquire it? I heard they are already negotiating." Dou Sheng casually opened the news and showed it to Xie Lan, "I feel... forget it, I won't say it, let's wait and see."

Xie Lan didn't quite understand the meaning of "not saying it, not revealing it", and just looked at the news on Dou Sheng's phone.

"Tianya Shenwang" is also a first-tier animation company in China. Lingxi is the No. 1 domestic animation company, so the company's reputation is not as good as Lingxi. But Tianya Shenwang is more mature in commercialization. Although it has not become the No. 1 in the industry, it can produce two or three A-level and S-level works every year. In the past two years, it has expanded wildly and bought several potential grass-roots teams.

Only Yu Fei was ordering food seriously, while everyone else was looking down at Bilibili.

After a long time, Geng Rui reluctantly raised his head from the screen.

"Fuck, you're a little too awesome, aren't you?" He was dumbfounded. "That's it. What kind of school did you go to?"

Xie Lan didn't understand the cause and effect, "Why don't you go to school?"

"No, that's not what I meant. Of course I have to go to school." Geng Rui was a little confused and waved his hand in front of his eyes. "I just wanted to sing praises to your arrogance."

Che Ziming immediately perked up when he heard this, "Of course Xie Lan has to be arrogant! You don't know his background, let me tell you in detail."

Xie Lan: "... Don't."

Geng Rui nodded frantically, "I'd like to hear the details."

Wang Gou also pulled a stool forward and said, "Dog, let me give you a joke."

Xie Lan: “…”

The rainbow fart has already started.

He dug his toes into the ground and tried to clear his mind, trying to block out the noise.

The waiter came to serve drinks. Young Master Yu Fei ordered two bottles of gin, all in English. Xie Lan had never seen that brand before even though she grew up abroad. In addition, he also ordered a large table of various ice creams and fruit plates.

After remaining silent for the entire time, Li Yuening asked, "Do you guys at the English middle school buy the whole bottle?"

"Everyone, just be casual. If you don't want to drink alcohol, just drink Coke." Yu Fei said casually, "I just bought two whole bottles to quickly meet the minimum consumption. If there's any left, it's easy for me to take it... Oh no, it's easy for Douzi to take it back."

Dou Sheng stood up and took the wine, "I have classes tomorrow, it's best to mix it with soda."

As he spoke, he made a drink for Xie Lan and himself, a very common gin and tonic, a thin layer of liquor mixed with soda water, ice cubes and lemon.

Xie Lan took a sip. It had a strong taste of alcohol, but it helped to relieve the summer fatigue.

He pierced the lemon with a straw and added some Sprite, which made it taste much better. He drank a glass in no time and pushed the empty glass to Dou Sheng.

"Is that ok?" Dou Sheng muttered to him, pouring more water for him. "Just two cups. Drinking too much in the summer may make you feel good for a while, but you'll get a headache when you wake up."

Xie Lan hummed, "Just two cups."

Che Ziming couldn't drink much, but he insisted on learning how to drink like Yu Fei. He poured pure gin into a small cup, and each small cup counted as a shot. He drank two or three shots in a row, his face flushed red.

Geng Rui poked at the ice cream with a chuckle, "I can't help but ask, so is Mr. Xie Lan aiming for the first two schools, or the Central Conservatory of Music?"

Xie Lan shook her head. "I don't want to major in music. I prefer mathematics."

Dai Youyi continued, "Xie Lan grew up in Europe. If he wants to make music, there's no need for him to return to China."

None of them knew about Xiao Langjing's affair, so Xie Lan could only nod, "That's one of the reasons."

Geng Rui immediately retorted, "Okay, okay, you are the best. It's easy to get admission to the top two universities."

"Of course!" Che Ziming started to laugh again, and stood up and said, "I'm not bragging to you. We have everything we want in Lan, and we have a lot of opportunities! Of course, we are not bad either, so we can't underestimate ourselves."

Geng Rui was so happy that he croaked, "Yes, we are also outstanding people!"

"No Feng." Che Ziming waved his hand seriously and pointed at himself, "I am your Grandpa Long."

The atmosphere became heated, and everyone started to chatter. Xie Lan lost her desire to express herself in the noisy environment, so she shut up, bit her straw, drank Dou Sheng's "Boyfriend Special", and lowered her head to read the comments on the video.

After a while, in his peripheral vision, Li Yuening, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly put down his cup and knocked it lightly on the table.

The voice was not loud, but it was very obvious among the noisy voices, and it faintly revealed a desire to attract Xie Lan's attention.

Xie Lan naturally raised his head and gave Li Yuening a questioning look.

Li Yuening is very self-disciplined, which can be seen from his studies. He is the only one at the table who really opened a can of Coke. Geng Rui, who is in the same class with him, has started to play drinking games with Che Ziming and the others, but he just sits there quietly eating ice cream.

He took off his headphones and said, "I just listened to your song, it was really good."

Xie Lan tried hard to distinguish this sentence in the noise, and smiled at him politely. Just as he was about to turn his head back, Li Yuening asked again, "By the way, do you want to go to T University?"

It was too noisy, so Xie Lan moved forward and asked him to repeat it so that she could hear it clearly, then nodded and said "hmm".

After receiving the reply, Li Yuening sighed and said, "In the past five years, our province has given at most three people the qualification for admission to T University."

He paused and said with a hint of self-mockery, "I thought I might have a chance if I tried hard, but I didn't expect the master to be still a master."

Xie Lan's thoughts were stuck for two seconds, and he didn't know how to respond.

It was Wang Gou and Geng Rui's turn to play drinking games, with Dai You as their referee. Geng Rui played drinking games while listening to Che Ming's complaints about Xie Lan, about things like Bilibili and YouTube. No one at the table was discussing the competition or the quota, so this topic seemed even more out of place.

But Xie Lan could understand people's expressions. It was obvious from Li Yuening's expression that he didn't say it casually. He probably kept these two sentences to himself all the way, maybe even all day. He didn't say much after Geng Rui created that small group today, and he was also very silent all the way here.

Seeing Xie Lan remained silent, Li Yuening paused, "It's okay. I just saw you making a music video and fantasized about it. If you want to pursue an artistic specialty, you probably won't be interested in T University. We still have some hope in the future."

"Yeah." Xie Lan could only play dumb, "I can't really say, I'll try my best."

Li Yuening waved his hand, "You can definitely make it, you haven't shown your true ability before."

There was still a lot of noise at the other end of the table, but the atmosphere on this end was a bit awkward.

Xie Lan didn't know how to respond to this. He felt that Li Yuening's words were a bit sour, but he had no way to do it and no obligation to comfort him.

Just as he was frozen in silence, Dou Sheng let out a click of his tongue.

"You can't say that." Dou Sheng said indifferently, picking up a lychee from the fruit plate, peeling it, squeezing the crystal clear flesh out of the shell, and putting it on Xie Lan's plate. "If Xie Lan doesn't like T University, then they can just admit one less recommended student. T University is not a rag-and-bone shop that has to admit three students to make a living."