Being Played by a Top Student with 1-Mil Subs Every Day

Chapter 85: actor


Dou Sheng stared at the phone in shock until the second hand went halfway around the dial.

"Make a wish quickly!" Che Ming was so anxious that he stared blankly, "It's exactly midnight, and it will be one minute soon, hurry up!"

Dou Sheng uttered "oh" twice, quickly locked the screen, put down the phone, and closed his eyes in the candlelight.

Everything was happening in a hurry, but he looked calm, calmer than at any other moment just now.

Xie Lan watched him from the side, watching his eyelashes droop as he closed his eyes to make a wish, casting a shadow under his eyelids. The candle became the only light source in the house, and the light and shadow intertwined on that familiar face, fluctuating with the jumping candlelight.

Dou Sheng looked very pious when he made the wish.

It makes people involuntarily follow and pray in their hearts, praying that everything they want in their hearts can come true.

After a while, Dou Sheng opened his eyes and blew out all the candles.

"Great!" Che Ming clapped his hands twice, "Go turn on the lights!"

The room was completely dark, and the air was filled with the faint smell of carbonized candle wick. Xie Lan's hand, which was placed on the sofa, was suddenly covered by another hand.

With all his good friends around him, Dou Sheng quietly but blatantly intertwined his fingers in the dark, gently rubbing and poking his fingers with his knuckles.

In the very quiet and peaceful atmosphere, Xie Lan could hear his heart beating strongly in his chest, with a wild and uncontrollable throbbing.

Click, the light came on.

Dou Sheng's hands obediently returned to his legs the moment the light came on.

Che Ziming walked back to the sofa and asked casually, "What did you wish for?"

"Can I tell you this?" Dou Sheng glanced at him speechlessly, "Hurry up, share the cake, you haven't eaten yet."

He stood up and took the stack of paper plates that came with the cake, and used a plastic knife to gesture in the air, trying to figure out how to cut it best.

Behind him, Xie Lan glanced at Wang Gou, and Wang Gou glanced at Dai You.

Dai You cleared his throat and said, "Take down the fondant."

Dou Sheng hummed, and carefully removed the bean and sycamore leaves that were obviously designed by his boyfriend. There were a lot of sycamore leaves, so he picked them up carefully one by one.

Everyone looked at each other, and then sat back at the same time.

Xie Lan even raised his cell phone unscrupulously behind him.

Dou Sheng stood alone in front of the coffee table, bending over to pick up the sycamore leaves. "These leaves are made with great detail. The veins of the sycamore leaves are like this. Where did you order the fondant?"

"I just found it online." Che Ziming stood next to him, "I'll help you."

Xie Lan shrank back further, pressing his back against the sofa, allowing the camera to capture the backs of Dou Sheng and Che Ziming.

Dou Sheng said casually: "No need to help, there is only one piece left."

As he spoke, he picked up the last sycamore leaf from the cake and was about to stand up. Suddenly, Che Ming, who was extremely bold, pressed down on the back of his head.

Bang! Throw it into the cake!

"… "

Time stood still for three seconds, and then Dou Sheng waved him away, struggled to get up from the cake, and made several "Puh" sounds.

His mouth and face were all covered in cream, and there was a large patch of cream on his hair. He yelled angrily, "Did you have the hiccups?"

"… "

There was too much cream and it choked my mouth.

"Happy Birthday!!!" everyone shouted together.

Xie Lan's voice was also mixed in, covered by the sound of everyone laughing, but the joy in his eyes was real.

Dou Sheng's face was covered with cream. He turned his head to look at him in disbelief, wanting to confirm that his kind and lovely boyfriend did not join in this prank plan.

When I turned around, I looked into the camera held by my boyfriend.

"… "

Xie Lan said very obediently: "I'll record a small dynamic for you and post it on B station. You should also work hard on your birthday."

"… "

Dou Sheng stared at him from behind the cream for a long time, then blew hard at the cream that fell on the side of his lips and laughed.

"Ah, I admire you guys, you've grown up so much." Dou Sheng looked at the unrecognizable cake and said with some regret: "Is there any cake left tonight?"

"Yes." Wang Gou said immediately, "We have long protested against this wasteful trick, but they insisted on doing it. So we bought an extra-large one, so that we can eat the part that doesn't touch our face."

Che Ming jumped up while pressing down on Yu Fei's shoulder, "Look how skillfully he pressed it! He left such a big piece of good stuff!"

Dou Sheng almost kicked him away, and said coldly, "Next year's birthday, you will be blacklisted."

"Black your grandma's legs, oh, take a photo, take a photo! Quick!" Che Ming hugged him, "We can't lose our tradition!"

Dou Sheng's face was covered in cream, and he was at the mercy of others. Six people squeezed on a sofa, and Che Ziming was responsible for holding the phone.

He originally had his arm around Dou Sheng's shoulders, but before taking the photo, he suddenly remembered something and put his arm down.

"It's not comfortable to hold the camera in one hand and hug you with the other hand, that..." He turned his head and caught sight of Xie Lan who was standing on the other side of Dou Sheng, "Lan, hug him a little and squeeze him, otherwise I won't be able to take the photo."

Xie Lan subconsciously glanced at everyone's reactions.

Dai You and Wang Gou looked at the camera with a smile, as if they didn't hear what Che Ziming said. Yu Fei just kept urging him to hurry up impatiently.

So Xie Lan put her arm around Dou Sheng's shoulders contentedly and made a scissors sign next to his creamy cheek.

Click, freeze.

"You need to go wash your face." Dou Sheng cursed and stood up, "You are sick."

As he spoke, he picked up the phone that was placed beside him. Che Ming shouted from behind, "You bring your phone with you when you wash your face?"

"What do you care about me?" Dou Sheng looked at the cake with a cold attitude, "Just eat your lobster."

Leaving all the fun behind, he walked into the guest bathroom on the first floor and closed the door.

His whole body seemed to be soaked in cheese cream, with a sweet fragrance. He looked at the state of his face in the mirror and didn't know where to start for a moment.

I licked the corner of my lip gently, the cream tasted quite good.

There was constant laughter outside. Dou Sheng glanced at the closed door. Without even bothering to wash his face, he immediately opened YouTube and turned down the volume a little bit.

Xie Lan re-arranged the birthday song that is universally used all over the world. Every time the bow played the classic birthday melody, it would immediately transition to other songs. The interspersed music sounds a bit strange at first, but it is very familiar when you listen carefully. They are all the songs that Dou Sheng had praised before.

Xie Lan used to just mumble and haw to get by, as if he didn't want to talk about it any more, but it turns out he remembered every song, and never missed one, and the ones he recited were all Dou Sheng's favorite passages.

In order to connect harmoniously with the birthday song, he made drastic changes to those interludes. In just three and a half minutes, it involves a medley of more than a dozen songs of different styles, which is so exquisite that even laymen can feel the effort put into it.

After listening to it once, Dou Sheng felt that his heart was full of emotions to the point of being hypocritical. But his mind was empty, and he couldn't think of when Xie Lan wrote these songs, and when he ran out to secretly record them.

The number of comments increased rapidly, from both Chinese and foreigners. Many fans knew what Xie Lan looked like, and most of the comments were asking who qzfxr was and why S had to show his face for him.

What else can I rely on

Because I'm his boyfriend.

Dou Sheng sighed and put his phone into his trouser pocket.

Suddenly, a familiar voice of clearing throat was heard outside the door.

Xie Lan said softly, "‌."

Dou Sheng let him in immediately.

Xie Lan was stunned for a moment, "You haven't washed your face yet, it will solidify soon."

"I'll wash it right away." Dou Sheng turned on the faucet and bent down, "I figured you'd sneak over here."

Xie Lan hummed, "Tell them to go to the storage room to get the bottle opener."

The guest bathroom downstairs is usually not used and there is no facial cleanser, only a bottle of disinfectant hand soap that can disfigure a person.

Dou Sheng bent over and scooped up clean water to splash onto his face, with cream and cake all over his face. He closed his eyes and said in between splashing water: "I just watched the video."

"Oh." Xie Lan nodded subconsciously.

He paused for a moment, cleared his throat awkwardly, and couldn't help asking, "Do you like it?"

"What do you think?" Dou Sheng turned off the water and wiped his face with two tissues. "I love it to death. I'll go live tomorrow and brag to my fans about it for a year."

Xie Lan couldn't help laughing, and the tension in his heart relaxed. "You can brag about this for a whole year?"

"Yes, I can orally narrate a million words of my review of the film." Dou Sheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Believe it or not, I bet you that I can keep bragging until I get next year's gift. Continue."

"What are you betting on?" Xie Lan asked.

Dou Sheng crumpled up the tissue and threw it into the trash can, "If I win, Xie Lan will let me have whatever I want."

"Whatever you want?" Xie Lan was stunned. "What does 'whatever you want' mean?"

Dou Sheng snorted and laughed, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, "You will know if you agree."

"… "

There's nothing you can do about him.

Xie Lan was speechless, yet felt a strange sense of shame. She leaned her back against the tiles on the wall behind her and turned her head away without looking at him.

But when Dou Sheng approached, he had a feeling, or a premonition.

There is also a hint of hidden expectation.

Dou Sheng leaned close to his ear and whispered, "It's so hard to prepare for the competition, and you even bothered to prepare this for me."

Xie Lan was softened by him and whispered, "As long as you like it."

"I like it very much." Dou Sheng rubbed his nose against his cheek affectionately, and his hand slid along the hem of his T-shirt into his clothes.

"… "

Familiar fingers slid across his skin, and Xie Lan subconsciously looked in the direction of the door.

Dou Sheng buried his head and bit his neck and collarbone, and the sound of tsk tsk echoed in the empty bathroom. Xie Lan's cheeks gradually became hot, and he touched Dou Sheng's waist. Dou Sheng naturally raised his head from his neck and kissed him.

It was clearly an action of great tension and release, but that person also had the sweet scent of cheese cream on him, and when his lips and teeth touched, there seemed to be a hint of sweetness on the tip of his tongue.

Through the door, the sound of their conversation and laughter was so clear. However, Dou Sheng was very unrestrained, running his hands through Xie Lan's hair, biting his lips and kissing him non-stop.

The four people outside took turns choosing the group photos, and finally left two for Dou Sheng and Xie Lan to choose.

Yu Fei put down his phone, "Where are they?"

Che Ziming exclaimed, "Dou Sheng went to wash his face, and Xie Lan went to get a bottle opener."

Xie Lan just came out of the bathroom, passed by the storage room, picked up a bottle opener and threw it on the coffee table.

The messed up hair has returned to normal, and apart from the redness on the cheeks, there is nothing unusual.

"Let's have beer. The beer is cold." He said calmly, "Is there any cake?"

Dai You and his team had already cut up the remaining cake and put it on a plate. "Yes, take whichever piece you like."

Xie Lan thanked him casually and picked up a small plate.

The smell of cheese cream penetrates the nose, and instantly reminds me of my boyfriend.

Xie Lan felt guilty subconsciously. He glanced at everyone to make sure no one was paying attention, then lowered his head and scooped a spoonful of cream.

However, before he could even put it in his mouth, Yu Fei suddenly asked in confusion: "Is there cream on your hair?"

"Ah?" Xie Lan subconsciously raised his hand to touch his hair, "Where is the milk..."

Yes, he felt it, near the back of his head.

It's not that kind of soft cream, it's more like the sticky feeling left on the hair by the water that was not rinsed off.

Xie Lan immediately recalled Dou Sheng's claws that were wreaking havoc on his head just now, and he could even recall being there himself.

"Ahem—" He tried to suppress the chill on his back, "I guess it was stained by the cake I just made."

Yu Fei was even more confused, "Just now you were far away..."

"Oh, that's all!" Che Ziming pouted, "Isn't it just that I pressed Dou Sheng's head too hard and the cream splashed all over you? If I didn't press harder at once, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I didn't press it down?"

Yu Fei was stunned when he heard this, and then said with disdain: "Are you sick? Who is implying you? You keep putting yourself in other people's shoes all day long."

Dai You interrupted them at the right time and said, "Don't dawdle, eat quickly. This cake tastes better when it's cold. If it's not cold, the cheese will get greasy easily."

Xie Lan breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, eat quickly." Then he quickly lowered his head and scooped a spoonful of cake into his mouth.

Set an example with your own body.

Dai You glanced at Wang Gou, and Wang Gou gave him an approving look without saying a word.

Everyone finally relaxed. Wang Gou was about to eat the cake when he suddenly tasted the spicy crayfish. He looked up and said, "Che Ziming, hand me a bottle of mineral water. Let me rinse my mouth."

Che Ziming was holding a plate and eating a piece of cake. Upon hearing this, he picked up the bottle of mineral water on the table and threw it into his arms without even raising his head.

As a result, the water was thrown incorrectly, rolled on the sofa twice and then rolled to the ground. Wang Gou had to bend down to scoop up the water. When he raised his eyes, he was stunned.

There was an obvious deformation on the collar of Xie Lan's clothes caused by pulling.

That would be fine, but the problem is that the deformed part exposes the collarbone, and not only is there a faint and ambiguous red color near the collarbone, but there is also more cream.

His scalp suddenly felt numb and he turned his head to look towards the bathroom in disbelief.

Xie Lan caught his gaze from the corner of her eye and said casually, "Dou Sheng might still be washing his face. It's all over his head and face, so he has to wash it several times, and cream is not easy to wash off."

Wang Gou turned around and stared at him, saying coldly, "I see."

Xie Lan continued eating the cake. As she was eating, she felt her collar was getting stuck on her neck, so she reached out and pulled at it.

"Oh, right." Yu Fei suddenly looked up and said, "Xie Lan, did you read the spatial geometry question correctly?"

"Probably not." Xie Lan said, "The final answer is 96 times the square root of 2, right?"

Yu Fei hummed, "Yeah..." His eyes inadvertently fell on Xie Lan's neck.

When Xie Lan was halfway through his words, a figure suddenly rushed past from the right in his peripheral vision. Before he could react, he felt a chill on his collarbone, and a large mass of loose and dense stuff stuck to his body and then flowed down.


Xie Lan looked confused, and when he looked down, Wang Gou was holding a piece of cake and slapping it on his left shoulder. His neck, shoulders, and even a little bit of his chin were all covered in cream. The cream flowed down his clothes, and the sofa on his body was extremely beautiful.

Yu Fei fell into a daze on the spot, and forgot what he was about to ask.

Xie Lan was also in a daze, and slowly sent a "?" to Wang Gou with his eyes.

"Fuck it!" Wang Gou gritted his teeth, as if there was a ton of popping candy in his throat. He danced and jumped around for a long time, and suddenly let out a roar.

"I fucking hate you city people!!"

He finally came up with a story. His eyes were red and his voice was trembling with tears. As he spoke, he grabbed the cake from Xie Lan with his bare hands and slapped Dai You with his backhand, "Damn it! Damn it! I have never eaten such delicious cakes! Why! Why can you eat this stuff every day! I can't even bear to eat shit in my hometown! I hate you! I will use these delicious cakes to beat you stupid rich second-generations to death!!"

Dou Sheng came out of the bathroom and saw the grand scene.

Wang Gou grabbed a handful of cake and smeared the cold cheese cream all over Dai You, Che Ziming and Yu Fei's bodies and faces, crying like a hysteric as he did so.

No one fought back. Everyone was in a state of collective inaction, allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

Wang Gou became more and more excited, and after he slapped all the cakes on the table on every little friend without leaving any out, he finally burst into tears.

“Ah!!!! I’m going crazy!! I don’t want to live anymore, I don’t want to be a human being anymore, hahahahaha!!”

He cried and laughed at the same time. He turned around, and under the gaze of everyone watching the insane patient, he grabbed the beer on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

Xie Lan was completely dumbfounded.

He subconsciously reached for his cell phone, but under the intense stimulation he forgot what the emergency number in China was.

Or maybe instead of calling first aid, we should call a psychiatric control center or something like that…

What is the number for the Mental Illness Control Center? One hundred and zero, right

Amidst the chaos, the experienced Dai You finally managed to stabilize the situation.

He shouted "Dog! Dog!" and stood up to snatch the wine from Wang Gou's hand, "Don't drink! Are you sick?"

"Yeah." Che Ziming stared blankly and stammered, "You... you... you have ever eaten shit in the countryside?"

"Fuck, you're focusing on your grandma's house." Yu Fei rolled his eyes on the spot, "Can you please shut up?"

"How could..." Che Ziming's eyes widened, and he suddenly realized, "Wait! I thought you were quite normal before, but after all this fuss, you are jealous of the rich?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yu Fei elbowed him irritably, "Well... Gouzi, there are actually so many delicious and fun things in this world that you can never consume them all. The most important thing is to be with buddies with similar personalities. The only thing that matters is that you are free and happy. And with your grades, you won't be able to go back to a hard life in the future, so it's easy to eat something delicious."

"I know." Wang Gou burst into tears. "Do you think I want to speak against the rich here? I can't think of any other way to go except this step! You don't understand! I have no other choice!"

Yu Fei and Che Ziming obviously didn't understand, and Xie Lan didn't dare to move.

What is choufu

Which two words are they

Dai You was still the well-informed Dai You. He put his arm around Wang Gou and patted his shoulder. "Alright, alright, be good, I know. I know your grievances."

Wang Gou's face turned pale, and after a long while he finally calmed down, he said with a hiccup, "I'll go alone and be quiet."

He pushed Dai You away, staggered forward two steps, passed by Dou Sheng, and smiled bitterly.

"You finally came out?"

Dou Sheng was also confused. This was the most confused he had ever been this year... no, maybe since he was born.

"Ah." He pursed his lips, wanting to say something but stopping himself, and turned sideways silently, "Well... the bathroom is inside, you can be as quiet as you want..."

Wang Gou nodded randomly, leaving the world's attention behind him, and walked to the bathroom with courage.

He stood at the bathroom door and looked back at Dou Sheng.

Dou Sheng cared for him with the eyes of a person who has an antisocial personality but is also a good friend.

He looked at Xie Lan again.

Xie Lan… was still confused. Perhaps it was because the previous conversation touched upon some unfamiliar words to him. He showed the expression he usually showed when translating classical Chinese texts in his head.

Wang Gou said: "Remember, you owe me."

Everyone froze.

Dou Sheng nodded hesitantly, "That's fine."

Yu Fei also nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, I owe you."

Che Ziming's eyes were filled with tears. "Oh my god, Gouzi, go and relax. You must be under too much pressure from the competition. Oh, yes! Yu Fei's dad seems to know a lot of psychologists. I'll make an appointment for you later!"

"Yes, yes, yes... yes!" Yu Fei quickly took out his phone and said, "I'll tell my dad right now, hold on!"

Xie Lan had a confused look on his face. After a long while, he spoke with difficulty, "Will listening to music make you feel better? Let me play a few songs for you... If that doesn't work, I can play two songs for you on the spot?"

Wang Gou: “…”

Only Dai You.

Only this good friend, the only one in the world who understands him, respects him and stands on the same front with him, looks at him with heartache.

"It's okay, let the dog wash his face and calm down, and then come back and pretend nothing happened." He said compassionately: "Don't forget, dogs are good friends of humans."

Wang Gou smiled wryly, walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.

The living room was silent.

Dou Sheng went to the kitchen and took out a pack of wet wipes, then returned to the sofa and distributed them to everyone.

Xie Lan couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "What happened to the dog?"

"He's crazy. He probably has a history of illness." Dou Sheng paused and whispered, "Don't be afraid. If he doesn't work, we'll go to the hospital with him overnight. We won't abandon him."


Xie Lan took the wet wipes and lifted up his collar to wipe the cream off his body.

After wiping his neck, Yu Fei reached out to pull two more sheets to wipe his face. He looked up casually and then was stunned.

Xie Lan noticed his movements and took the wet wipes box from Dou Sheng's hand and handed it to him, "Do you still want it?"

"Yeah." Yu Fei withdrew his gaze, pulled a wet wipe from his hand, lowered his head and continued to wipe.

You read that right.

I didn't realize it at first, but now I can see it more clearly.

It's a hickey.