Beloved Husband

Chapter 259: The extravagance is forever


The immortal world has been sealed for thousands of years. The immortals who used to be all-powerful in the immortal world will live no different from ordinary people after this world loses their immortal power.

Not only that, all the disputes in the past have now disappeared.

There is no immortal power in this world. If they want to fight, they can only consume their own immortal strength, and if their own immortal strength is exhausted, they will die if they cannot be replenished!

They all cultivated for countless years before they became immortals. Who wants to die

There is also... In the past, the immortals were in the fairyland, and they traveled thousands of miles a day. The trouble of looking for others could be quickly passed, but now it is different.

If their enemies are too far away from them, how will they get there? If you don't use immortal power, you won't be able to go for decades or hundreds of years. If you use it... how much immortal power will you consume

Anyway, the entire fairyland was quiet in an instant.

Over time, the animals and plants in the fairyland began to degenerate, becoming ordinary flowers and plants, ordinary animals.

Plants began to grow rapidly, and animals began to reproduce. Some parts of the fairy world looked thriving. Of course, for those immortals who only wanted immortal power, these places were no different from desolation.

But today, the fairy world suddenly changed.

The rules that kept them out of contact with the world made them unable to contact the lower realm, and the seal that isolated all immortal power suddenly disappeared!

After the seal disappeared, the immortal power accumulated for thousands of years also filled the entire immortal world in an instant.

The spiritual power of the immortal world became very strong in an instant, and even those immortals who had persisted for thousands of years were a little uncomfortable - many of them, because the speed of absorbing immortal power was too fast, they accidentally injured themselves .

But even if they were injured, they were happy.

Fairyland is back!

"Hahahahaha! That devil's seal has disappeared!"

"I knew I would make it through!"

"God has eyes!"

The immortals shouted without grace, and they were all excited. When they laughed, they also deliberately brought something immortal and spread their voices far away.

Some of the immortals lived together. At this time, they embarrassedly embraced each other and burst into tears. Of course, Su Moxiu must be mentioned.

When Su Moxiu sacrificed himself to seal the Immortal Realm, there was a lot of movement. Even if he was an immortal who was in ascetic cultivation and didn't know him, when he did that, he also sensed something and knew what he was doing.

Therefore, Su Moxiu is truly known to everyone in the Immortal Realm.

At this moment, they couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune: "That madman is so strong, but he sacrificed his soul to cultivate, and in the end, didn't he only seal the fairyland for thousands of years?"

"Now that the seal has been released, the devil must have lost his soul. It's really heartwarming!"

"In the future, the fairy world will definitely be peaceful!"

The immortals in the immortal world are very happy, and they feel heartfelt joy that Su Moxiu's soul should have completely dissipated with the seal.

But at this moment, an accident happened suddenly.

Just like when Su Moxiu sealed the world, they knew what had happened. At this moment, they also suddenly learned something.

In this fairyland, an immortal emperor will appear to rule the entire fairyland.

Before, there were Immortal Emperors in the Immortal Realm, but only those Immortal Cultivators recognized them. As for the Demon Cultivators... they had Demon Emperors.

In addition, the demon cultivators also have their own demon emperor.

But now, they could feel that the Immortal Emperor they suddenly knew would become the Immortal Emperor of the whole world.

Whether it is an immortal, a demon or a demon, he is in charge.

Who is this person

Almost everyone raised such doubts, and then, they knew who that person was.

It was Su Moxiu.

It turned out to be Su Moxiu

How could it be Su Moxiu? !

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe what they knew.

Su Moxiu sealed the immortal world and harmed all of them, and now he has become an immortal emperor

They were still scolding Su Moxiu before, and they were glad that Su Moxiu was about to die. Now Su Moxiu has become an Immortal Emperor

Whether it is a fairy, a demon or a demon, there is a feeling of going crazy at this moment.

Su Moxiu was also a little confused.

How could he... suddenly become an Immortal Emperor? What exactly is going on

Yan Jing felt Su Moxiu's doubts, and immediately said, "Axiu, I have something to tell you..."

He must now confess his identity!

When Yanjing was a little phoenix, he never told Su Moxiu his identity, and only thought about being with Su Moxiu.

Of course, this was also because he was a little careful at that time - he wanted to tell Su Moxiu who he was after repairing the fairyland.

At that time, Su Moxiu will definitely adore him!

And he can also help Su Moxiu become stronger!

It's a pity that things backfired. Later, he met a group of wicked people who didn't talk about it, and those people even started their actions without saying a word, so fast that he didn't have time to react.

Yanjing slowly told Su Moxiu about himself: "Axiu, I have never spoken to anyone before. You are my first communication partner and my favorite person."

When confessing, of course, you have to spare no effort to confess. His family's A Xiu likes to listen to this, doesn't it

Yan Jing thought so, and kissed Su Moxiu.

Su Moxiu hugged Yan Jingze and felt distressed.

Yan Jing came here to repair the fairy world. He worked so hard and did so much, but when he was about to succeed, those people actually killed him...

Those immortals who started at that time, I am afraid that no matter what, because they did it, the immortal world that could have been restored long ago did not recover, and because they did it, he later sealed the immortal world for thousands of years...

Well, it must have been unexpected for them, they were killed by Yan Jingze on the spot.

"Axiu, I'm sorry." Yan Jing said.

"This has nothing to do with you." Su Mo Xiu said, Yan Jing has done a good job, and no one expected such an accident to happen.

He even regretted a little at this moment, regretting that he was too extreme and crazy. If he could calm down and wait a little longer, he would not let his soul be broken, and Yanjing would not need to share his soul with him...

Su Mo Xiu said, "Jing Ze, how can I return your soul source to you?"

That is Yan Jingze's soul, and he should return the origin of Yan Jingze's soul to Yan Jingze.

"You don't need to pay it back, it's already merged with you." Yan Jing said.

"No, this will hurt you, right?" Su Moxiu couldn't help frowning.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt me, and your soul and mine are fused together, isn't that bad?" Yan Jing said: "As long as I think that my soul and your soul are inseparable, I will think… "

Yanjing kissed Su Moxiu, and his breathing became short of breath.

Su Moxiu understood in seconds.

What else could Yan Jing think? Isn't it just a matter of men and men in bed...

When he was an Immortal Venerable Demon Breaker, he was not keen on this kind of thing because his mother had seen the world for the first time. At the beginning, Little Phoenix was very simple, so that the two of them had been together for hundreds of years and still nothing. Haven't done it.

but now…

Su Moxiu instantly remembered the life of the two in the small world.

In those worlds, Yan Jing always pestered him shamelessly... But he also liked it very much, ahem!

Su Moxiu blushed.

Yan Jing hugged him immediately: "Our previous double cultivation time was too short, let's do it again!"

He was very dissatisfied when he had to stop in order to conclude the Taoist couple contract when he was in a deep relationship.

Can now make up!

Su Moxiu also hugged Yan Jingze tightly.

All kinds of things in the past make him still have some lingering fears. At this moment... he also wants to have Yan Jingze.

The two went straight to double cultivation.

The area where they were located was sealed, and this pair of cultivation, they continued for a long, long time.

The immortal who took the initiative to go to the cultivation world before, and then followed Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu back to the immortal world: "..."

He didn't hear what Su Moxiu and Yanjing said, but when he saw Yanjing, he kissed Su Moxiu, and he couldn't see anything after that.

What are these two going for

Even if they were Taoist companions, in broad daylight, when they had just returned to the Immortal Realm and Su Moxiu had just become an Immortal Emperor, what did they do

And Su Moxiu like that... that affectionate, that shy...

He really didn't expect that Su Moxiu would look like this.

The big devil who once turned the world upside down, turned out to be a love brain

He originally sealed the Immortal Realm because the Taoist Companion died. Now that the Taoist Companion is alive, he doesn't care about anything

It's unbelievable...

This immortal was very depressed, and the other immortals felt that something was wrong after they were silent and dared not talk about Su Moxiu again.

After this Su Moxiu became the Immortal Emperor, why didn't he move at all

They thought that Su Moxiu would definitely do something, but in the end, they waited for two years and got nothing.

What the hell did Su Moxiu do

Most of the immortals didn't know what Su Moxiu was doing, and only the immortal who was brought back from the cultivation world by Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu knew what they probably did.

This one is a little confused now.

He didn't dare to leave at will, he just wanted to wait for Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu to come out, but he waited day after day, but Su Moxiu and Yanjing just didn't come out.

He waited month after month, and the two still didn't come out.

Does he have to wait another year

It is normal for their immortal cultivators to cultivate for a longer time, but the dual cultivation is different in the end. This dual cultivation is calculated on an annual basis... Really talented!

Are they not afraid of physical problems

Yanjing is of course not afraid of problems with his body. How could the body of an immortal be so prone to problems

The most important thing is... He really didn't go too far, he and Su Moxiu didn't last for two years!

Most of the time, they are still talking, talking about what happened in the previous world.

Every world, they will have some problems at the beginning, but in the end they are sweet and really good, as for occasional trouble, it is not a big deal.

Beautiful love always has to go through some hardships!

Yan Jing and Su Moxiu talked for a long time, and then they remembered that they had a lot of things to do.

For example, make the fairyland a better place.

"Those immortals fight all day, but they have nothing to do... Haven't we been to the modern world? Why don't we combine immortal power with technology and come up with some products to kill their endless time." Yan Jing suggested.

If those immortals are idle and have nothing to do and fight all the time, sooner or later there will be an accident in this world, and things must consume their time and energy.

Ordinary novels, movies, TV dramas, etc., may not be so attractive to these immortals who are accustomed to seeing all kinds of life, but games or something can still be done, and you can also shoot some that conform to the aesthetics of those immortals. movies.

Or, just get some forums or something, and let's exchange experiences in various aspects, such as researching and researching the production of robots together.

You can also set up a Xiuxian University or something.

Yan Jing suddenly thought of a lot of things he could do.

"Yes." Su Moxiu agreed unconditionally.

"Then let's start!" Yan Jing said.

Then... the immortals of the immortal world received news from the immortal emperor for the first time.

The Immortal Emperor asked them to register immediately. In the future, everyone in the Immortal Realm will have an ID card!

ID card? What is this

These immortals went to apply for their own identity certificates, and when they got the identity cards, they also received a jade slip that could be connected to the Immortal Net, which the Immortal Emperor called "Xiannao".

All immortals can use immortal power to reach immortal brains, which means they can communicate with anyone they want to communicate with on immortal brains. In addition, immortal emperors have also disclosed some cultivation methods and qigong methods on immortal brains. What.

They even found something on it that was turned into a TV series and a novel.

Those mortals are quite able to think, and the things they come up with are quite interesting!

For a time, the immortals were actually addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves.

Yan Jingze: "..." These people who have lived for tens of thousands of years are actually so interested in novels, movies and TV dramas? It was beyond his expectations!

He thought that these people who regarded mortals as ants would not like to see these!

Fairies: We love watching!

When they were cultivators, they had the goal of becoming immortals all day long, and they could always get in touch with mortals around them. They really didn't like them, but now it's different!

There are no mortals in the immortal world. After they became immortals, they never saw the joys and sorrows of mortals!

Not only that, thousands of years ago, they couldn't do anything!

For thousands of years, nothing can be done!

They've all been suffocated!

In the past two years, they were busy absorbing immortal power and recovering their own strength, and they didn't have time to do anything. Now...

The strength has been restored, and the Immortal Emperor has released the "Xiangui" again. They are not allowed to fight. They have nothing to do. It's good to watch novels and TV series, isn't it

Almost everyone is addicted to it.

Even what Yan Jing was worried about at first, the fact that these immortals might use their spiritual sense to read a book in an instant did not happen.

The most important thing these immortals lack is time. The most fear is that they have nothing to do for a long time like the thousands of years before. Since this is the case, it is rare to have something to kill time.

For a time, the fairy world was actually much more harmonious.

Some people are addicted to novel games, some people start to follow Yan Jingze's ideas to make robots by refining tools, and some people start to study various cultivation methods.

So, a hundred years later, when Master Qingyang ascended to the Immortal Realm, he found that this Immortal Realm was a bit weird.

As soon as he arrived in Immortal Realm, he was stopped by someone. He got an ID card for him, gave him a fairy brain, followed closely, and recommended him to go to university.

He has become an immortal, and he still needs to study

"Of course you have to read, if you don't read you won't be able to keep up with the times." The immortal who led the way eloquently introduced Xiannao and the university.

Immortal Qingyang admired for a while - this fairyland is really different!

"By the way, this senior, I want to ask, is there an Immortal Emperor named Su Moxiu in the Immortal Realm?" Qingyang Zhenren asked.

"You actually called his name!" The immortal was startled, and became curious again: "Wait, how did you know him?"

"He used to be a cultivator in my cultivation world, and a hundred years ago, he was reincarnated in our world to rebuild..." Qingyang Zhenren said.

"Are you related to him?" The immortal looked at Qingyang Daoist solemnly.

Qingyang Zhenren didn't feel any malice from this person, so he said: "At that time, he worshipped me as his teacher, and his Taoist companion Yanjing was reincarnated in my son..."

The immortal: "Fuck!"

"What?" Qing Yang was puzzled.

"It's nothing, it's just a tone particle..." The immortal looked at Qingyang Zhenren in a trance: "Why are you so lucky..."

Who doesn't know that in this immortal world, although the Immortal Emperor is Su Moxiu, the one who can't be provoked the most is Yan Jingze

Immortal Emperor Su Moxiu has always regarded his Taoist companion as a treasure!

In front of this person who used to be Yan Jingze's father... Disrespectful!

Qingyang Master was about to ask about the current situation of Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu, when he saw the immortal showing a big smile at him: "Dear, add an immortal friend! Remember to give me a thigh in the future! I'd love to be your leg pendant!"

hug your thighs? what? The old antique Qingyang real person was stunned.

Many other immortals who had just ascended were also a little confused.

Immortal world is different from what they think...

Yan Jing still likes the current fairyland.

In the past, the immortals didn't eat, drink, or enjoy. It was so boring. Now, how good it is. The cooking competition in the fairyland has been held several times. He also participated anonymously and won the tenth place!

Then he hired the first one to be his cook!

Unfortunately, he finally had to say goodbye to such a depraved life and go to work.

For thousands of years before, he and Su Moxiu had been in reincarnation, naturally ignoring those small worlds, and then... there were more and more small worlds with problems, and reincarnation began to have problems.

Some souls will suddenly have some prophetic memories and feel that they have been reborn, some souls will travel from their own world to another world, and some people will suddenly gain superpowers or something.

That's fine, but if these people do it, it's likely to destroy the world they live in.

There are also some worlds whose rules are unreasonable, and they may self-destruct, or that world accidentally collides with other worlds, and the two worlds end together.

Oh, there is another world of self-cultivation and the world of the future after they collided, and they began to merge strangely.

There are too many messes, and he, the repairman, has to go online and fix these worlds.

Thankfully, now that he can control Chaos, he can change the time course of those worlds to a certain extent.

The world is moving forward, this cannot be changed, but he can make the world run a little slower, so that he stays in that world for a hundred years, and when he comes back, it may only be a hundred days here.

But even so, he and Su Moxiu will be separated for a long time...

Yan Jing suddenly thought of something and looked at Su Moxiu: "Axiu, go to work with me!"

"Okay!" Su Moxiu agreed impatiently. He originally wanted to go to work with Yan Jingze, but he was embarrassed to mention it for fear of disturbing Yan Jingze.

"We have a lot of worlds to go to, will you be annoyed?" Yan Jing asked.

"How come? I think it's good to go to a small world." Su Mo Xiu said, the memory of the previous reincarnation is very beautiful to him.

"Also... This time we are different, and we will never be wronged." Yan Jing used to reject work, but now he can't wait.

After bringing Su Moxiu... Is this work? This is no longer work! It's a honeymoon!

The author has something to say: This article is officially over~ If you use the APP to read the article and fully order it, please give a five-star praise on the catalog page~

This is really important to me, Star Eyes~

Then I have enough worlds in the future, I will open a quick wear where Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu go to various worlds for their honeymoon. There is a pre-received column, and you can bookmark it if you are interested. As for the next article, I plan to open a shorter version of the article to release myself, called "Your Majesty Wan'an", you can also see it by clicking on the column!

"Your Majesty Wan'an" by Decisive


On the Golden Palace, Jian Jin was ordered to look up, only to find that the man on the dragon chair was the daughter-in-law who "abandoned her husband and abandoned her son", whom she had been looking for for a long time.

His daughter-in-law, who was finally raised fat, lost weight again.

A certain emperor is envious of his own Tanhua every day, thinking like crazy, but this Tanhua has a lost wife who he loves deeply.

He especially wanted to kill that woman!

One day, the emperor met Tanhua with a child.

Jian Jin: This is your son! Come, give me a hug!

Emperor: This child is like me, and the child's mother must also be like me. Did he take me as a substitute for his wife? ! !

Read the guide:

1. A short essay about freeing yourself, Jian Jin attacking, the emperor accepting, both perspectives will be written.

2. Unorthodox ancient times, the attack is to wear ancient times in the future, the golden fingers are wide open, and there are abnormal childbirth plots.

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