Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 11


Su Siyu's face was blue, red and white, even though he was ready to persevere, he still couldn't stand being rejected and ignored, he hesitated a little, turned around and chased him out.

"Yan Sui!" Su Siyu called to Yan Sui who took the car keys and was about to walk to his car.

Yan Sui frowned again, he really didn't want to have anything to do with Su Siyu at all, his marriage partner became Meng Ting, they had no relationship anymore, and there was no need for any contact in the future.

What's more, as far as he knew, Su Siyu himself was the one who opposed He Wan's marriage proposal with the Su family the most. Because of this, the marriage was repeatedly delayed, and Meng Ting's appearance gave He Wan a better choice.

The marriage between the Yan family and the Su family was totally out of the question, and he thought that Su Siyu should be satisfied.

But in the afternoon, he asked Mrs. Su to be his lobbyist, and in the evening, he tricked Gu Lang into inviting him to the club.

Yan Sui stopped in his tracks, turned around, his sharp phoenix eyes sank slightly, his aura was fully opened, "What's the matter with you?"

It has to be said that Su Siyu was also a little afraid of Yan Sui like this, but the strong obsession in his heart made him ignore these fears, and chose to say, "I regret it, I am willing to marry you."

But Yan Sui doesn't regret that his marriage partner has become Meng Ting, or rather, he should be satisfied, and there are signs of it, he has to admit that he likes it.

Seeing Yan Sui's unmoved expression, Su Siyu continued, "I know it's too late for me to regret it, but I won't give up, Yan Sui, I want to chase you."

He wanted to see Yan Sui being fascinated by him and becoming lustful, he wanted to start over, he wanted them to have a happy ending. In the past, when he didn't know, he missed so many good things about Yan Sui, this time, he didn't want to miss it again.

"I was really bad before, but I can change, and I want to change for you."

Su Siyu's eyes were slightly red, and he was about to cry. Another person would have pulled such a beauty into his arms long ago, but Yan Sui didn't feel it. No matter what Su Siyu's reason was, he regretted it, as he himself said, it was already too late.

"You and I will not have a relationship other than the son of a family friend. You don't need to change anything for me."

Even for Meng Ting, Yan Sui felt that he didn't need to make any changes for him, and even in the future, if Meng Ting wanted to leave him, he would let him go if he found a suitable opportunity. Of course, this is just his thought at this moment, and it won't take long for him to realize how stupid and self-righteous this kind of thinking is.

"My fiancée is Meng Ting, and my wife will be him in the future."

Yan Sui's tone was resolute and affirmative, which was extremely ruthless to Su Siyu, but from Meng Ting's point of view, he could say that he had deep-rooted love and had been in love for a long time.

But Su Siyu knew that it was the promise he made to his future wife, no matter who the person in that position was, and the person who was treated like Yan Sui was him, but he made a mistake, self-defeating, and pushed it to other people .

After Yan Sui finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, he turned around and got into the car, and quickly left the street where the meeting was located, leaving Su Siyu regretful and even faintly resentful.

The moon was hidden and the stars were sinking, the sky turned from dark to pale, Meng Ting still woke up at five o'clock in the morning, he was dazed for a while, then his eyes widened, and he froze there.

Last night... he didn't seem to have any nightmares? Could it be because Yan Sui hugged him? It must be so!

To be honest, it's not like he didn't have nightmares at all, but at least he didn't wake up from a nightmare, but woke up naturally, which is really rare for Meng Ting.

Meng Ting was so sure that he was so happy that he rolled on the bed twice. You must know that this was the only good sleep he had had since he was reborn more than a month ago.

"Tonight, I want Yan Sui to hug me for a while longer."

Meng Ting made up his mind, changed his clothes, and ran around Meng's house in the morning. He was in good spirits, and he ran an extra lap.

From five o'clock to six o'clock, generally speaking, except for the servants who get up early, not many people from the head of Meng's house get up. When he came back from running, he saw Meng Qi who couldn't stop his yawning He also changed into sports clothes, and it seemed that he was going to run too.

Meng Ting looked at him head-on, then looked away, and continued to walk back, but instead of going to the room, he went to the kitchen. He still had to get sandwiches and milk, but not two, but one.

Yan Sui's people delivered it at least eight or nine o'clock, but he is hungry now, and the lady in the kitchen is also very kind, willing to take it for him. As a reward, Meng Ting will help her carry the kitchen garbage to the iron gate go out.

"How do you do such a thing?"

Meng Qi did not exercise less on weekdays, but usually at night. He got up so early, and he purposely came to meet Meng Ting by chance, but Meng Ting got up much earlier than he thought, and he hadn't been able to meet Meng Ting yet. He has already run back, so naturally he will not run again.

He yawned and followed behind Meng Ting with his arms swung. He was indeed curious about such a beautiful younger brother, but he never thought that he would come to do such a thing.

Meng Ting held a huge garbage bag in one hand, turned his head to look at Meng Qi, saw that he obediently kept a three-step distance from him, and then he continued to walk towards the door, and about half a minute passed before he answered Meng Qi's words.

"I asked for breakfast, so naturally I have to work."

He and Meng Qi are different from the main family's children. Meng Ting didn't know exactly why they were different, but it didn't affect him to understand what he should understand, such as eating.

"What about lunch and dinner?" Meng Qi thought about the fact that he didn't wait for Meng Ting to go downstairs at noon yesterday, and immediately asked.

This time Meng Ting didn't answer any more, but he simply didn't want to expose Yan Sui, if Meng Qi reported him, he would have nothing to eat in the future.

Meng Ting threw the rubbish into the trash can, and then walked back, Meng Qi still had a thoughtful look on his face.

After walking for a while, Meng Ting suddenly stopped, and looked at Meng Qi with great vigilance as if belatedly aware, "I... I won't go to collect it anymore, you don't have to stare at me."

As for the ones that have already been taken and eaten, it is impossible for him to return them to Meng Qi.

Meng Qi couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "Did no one tell you the rules of eating in the old house?"

From 7:00 am to 8:00 am, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, and from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm are all meal times, and there is no waiting for outdated times.

Meng Qi wanted to continue, but Meng Ting shook his head, but it didn't mean what Meng Qi thought.

"No, you have no obligation to give me food."

Meng Qi could see it, Meng Ting was stupid, but in some places his tendons were twisted, so he was not so easy to coax. And these are fallacies instilled in him by someone.

Maybe he should think about what kind of life Meng Ting lived in the past.

"Don't follow me anymore!" Meng Ting said with narrowed eyes, as if Meng Qi followed again, he would fight again.

Meng Qi stopped in her tracks, with an aggrieved and helpless look on her face, but she didn't follow Meng Ting any more.

He thought about it for a while, then turned to find Uncle Wen, and after further investigation, they found that Meng Ting had no food on the first day in the old house, and the kitchen received two sandwiches on the second day, which was still no food. Eat, as for yesterday... The Gu family brought him food.

It's rare for Uncle Wen to make a mistake, and his old face is also hot. Of course, he and Meng Qi care so much, mainly because Meng Ting is different now. He is going to marry into the Yan family next month, how can he be neglected.

But in the end the result remained the same, Uncle Wen contacted the Gu family, and in the end they still delivered three meals to Meng Ting, but vaguely revealed that it was Yan Sui's intention.

After Mr. Meng informed him, he didn't respond much. In just half a month, it was impossible for Meng Ting and the Meng family to establish such a deep relationship. However, in his calculation, Meng Ting was just a bridge between the Meng family and the Yan family.

At night when the servants were delivering meals to Meng Ting, Meng Qi appeared at the door again, before Meng Ting could chase him away, he spoke first.

"I have news about Yan Sui, do you want to hear it?"

Meng Ting's hand stopped, and sure enough, he didn't continue to close the door.

"Everyone in Haicheng already knows about Su Siyu's confession to him in the clubhouse last night. I'm afraid you're the only one who doesn't know about it." Su Siyu and Yan Sui.

Obviously, Su Siyu dumped him because he fell in love with Yan Sui and wanted to rob his brother-in-law.

Meng Ting looked at him, his eyes were still very clear, of course, it was more likely that his reflex arc was too long, and he hadn't realized what Meng Qi's words meant.

"Don't stay in the room all day stupidly, you won't know when your husband is robbed."

"Are you finished?"

Meng Qi was still hesitating, but Meng Ting closed the door with a "bang".

The blown wind hit Meng Qi's face. He felt his face hurt a little and he was a little scared. After a long time of silence, he knocked on the door of Meng Ting's room again and said, "There is a banquet at Zhong's house tonight. Sui should come, if you want to go, come downstairs at seven o'clock."

After standing for a while, Meng Qi didn't hear any response from Meng Ting, so he left from the third floor with a dark face, but soon, the door next to Meng Ting opened, and it was Meng Xiao, who leaned against the door and thought for a while, He sneered again and closed the door.

As for Meng Ting, after he was sure that Meng Qi at the door had left, he grabbed his phone, thought for a while, and then made a call.

Although he is stupid, he is not so stupid that he cannot understand human speech, unless it is too strange and unfamiliar.

"Yan Sui," Meng Ting immediately called Yan Sui's name after the connection, his voice was full of worries that couldn't go away.

Yan Sui paused, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"Yan Sui, do you already have someone you like?" He was too anxious to get married, and he didn't even have time to think about whether Yan Sui had something to belong to. Although he was anxious, he still felt that lovers should be married, he didn't want to Be the bad guy who breaks people down.

Yan Sui is fine with everything, but if he has someone he likes, he thinks it's better for them not to get married.

Yan Sui was silent for a moment before answering Meng Ting's words, "No."

It is undeniable that he has some good feelings for Meng Ting, and some liking, but it is not the kind of liking that Meng Ting asked him.

Meng Ting let out a breath, and his whole body relaxed. He was too nervous just now, which caused his arm holding the phone to become slightly stiff after relaxing.

"That's good."

Meng Ting called again, "Yan Sui."

But he was a little hesitant about what he was about to say.


"Then you like me, okay?" Since he thinks it's better to marry people who like each other, it's better that he likes Yan Sui, and Yan Sui also likes him, "Yan Sui, I want to like you."