Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 33


In fact, when he was walking on the beach, Yan Sui was restraining the strong urge to kiss Meng Ting. At that time, it wasn't that he couldn't kiss Meng Ting, and Meng Ting would not be unwilling, but he didn't want him and Meng Ting to be intimate. He was surrounded by people, so he held back.

He thought it wouldn't take long for him to gradually fade this urge, but no, he always remembered this feeling, and he became more and more eager, so when he returned to the space with only them, he couldn't help it.

In the room, there is only a little light from the edge of the curtains, but in the corner where they stayed, it was completely dark, none of them could see the other, but they could feel each other with kisses, breaths, and touches, and the kisses became more and more intense. Intense and deeper.

Meng Ting tasted the taste of red wine, and the feeling of being slightly drunk went straight to his forehead, he felt as if he was drunk.

He hugged Yan Sui's neck, but felt that his limbs were gradually losing strength. Even though he was just below, he was still able to fight. How could he lose his strength after being kissed by Yan Sui.

For Meng Ting, who was in a daze, this question was a bit esoteric.

Just when his hand was about to slip off Yan Sui's neck, Yan Sui's hand that had slipped into his clothes suddenly grabbed him with force.

This kiss lasted an unprecedentedly long time, and gradually changed from fierce to gentle. Yan Sui kissed every corner of Meng Ting's mouth, tasting the taste that belonged to Meng Ting. His lips left Meng Ting's lips, but the person was Not so let off.

Their limbs are close to each other, and the thinness of the summer clothes can completely make them feel the heat of each other's bodies getting hotter and hotter.

The buttons of Meng Ting's shirt have been undone a few times, and the suit jacket he was wearing fell to the ground long ago. His palm is Meng Ting's delicate and tender skin. He can clearly hear Meng Ting's rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat. And that kind of willingness to be close to him, how could he leave, how could he let it go

He approached again, kissed Meng Ting's forehead, wiped his lips, then the corner of his mouth, his chin, his Adam's apple, his neck...

"Yan Sui..."

Meng Ting called softly, it was Yan Sui's kiss that made him lose all strength and became more and more at a loss.

Sweat broke out on Yan Sui's forehead, he really endured hard work, but if he didn't do anything today, he would be wasting the wine that Gu Lang and the others gave him. He picked up Meng Ting and walked to the bed, "Don't be afraid .”

Meng Ting hugged Yan Sui back, "I'm not afraid of you."

"It's just a little dark..."

He couldn't see Yan Sui, he was not used to it.

Yan Sui didn't know what he thought of, he stopped on his feet, and then his movements of putting the person down became more and more gentle.

The bedside lamp was turned on, Meng Ting's clothes were half undone, and his cheeks were blushing a little shyly, but he still looked directly at Yan Sui, and emphasized it very seriously, "I'm not afraid of you, I like you."

Those eyes were extremely bright and clean, full of trust that he didn't realize, trust in Yan Sui.

Yan Sui slowly approached again, and Meng Ting greeted him by himself, and it was another overly lingering kiss, which aroused Yan Sui's urge to suppress again.

In the summer, I don’t wear much. I take off my coat, shirt, and trousers, and there is only one pair of underwear that is too sensual.

Meng Ting swallowed nervously, blinked his eyes again and again, he was hesitating whether he should close his eyes or not, but in the end he still didn't close his eyes, he was reluctant to close them, the emotional Yan Sui was very good looking, better than before It looks even better when it is.

And he wanted to see him, especially, overshadowing all shy thoughts.

But when Meng Ting thought that Yan Sui would still help him with his hands, Yan Sui's gradual kiss did not stop there.

"Yan... Sui..." Meng Ting's calling voice was a bit crying, he was really stimulated to cry, he suddenly realized that his voice was too strange, he bit his lip, but still let out some uncontrollable light intermittently Humph.

Everything after that was too frantic and dizzy. For a while, it was floating on the top of the clouds, and for a while, it was sinking in the deep sea. Time was fast and slow, but the feeling remained deeply in the mind and heart.

When Meng Ting confessed and completely collapsed into a ball, Yan Sui got up and walked directly to the bathroom.

He taught a bunch of young friends a lesson, but he almost couldn't control himself. However, when the cold water poured down, the sense of loss was still extremely strong. Between tolerance and intolerance, his bottom line became weaker and weaker.

But Yan Sui is a person with a strong mind, no matter how distracted he is, there will always be a string of reason stretched.

Yan Sui packed himself up and came out, Meng Ting was still stuck in the aftertaste of over-stimulation and couldn't break free, he wrapped himself in the quilt, with only one head exposed, seeing Yan Sui approaching, he quietly pulled up the quilt , only a pair of charming eyes are still exposed.

Yan Sui glanced at Meng Ting, but he didn't get on the bed. He first opened their suitcases, changed clothes for himself, and then found clothes for Meng Ting, "Can you get up?"

Meng Ting nodded, and waited for the heat on his cheeks to dissipate a little before he pulled down the quilt a little bit. After a while, he sat up and reached out to take the clothes that Yan Sui handed him. His eyes lowered, and he looked up again. He got up and quickly pecked Yan Sui's face, then he grabbed his clothes and ran away.

Looking at the closed bathroom door, Yan Sui showed a light and gentle smile for a long time, and raised his hand to touch the lips pecked by Meng Ting. It was impossible to refuse such a sweet burden.

Meng Ting took a shower in the bathroom, and after a long period of mental preparation, he opened the door. There was still only one desk lamp on in the room. Yan Sui didn't play with his phone or turn on his computer. He leaned against the pillow and closed his eyes. It seems to be taking a nap, but also seems to be thinking.

Meng Ting looked at him carefully, and the feeling of rapid heartbeat reappeared. He walked over in slippers, sat on the edge of the bed, and naturally leaned on Yan Sui, leaning against his chest, listening He also closed his eyes at the powerful and reassuring heartbeat.

Yan Sui slowly opened his eyes, and Meng Tingcai was blowing dry his fluffy hair in sight. He stretched out his hand to smooth his hair, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Aren't you shy?"

Just now, Meng Ting looked like he was running away, he thought he would quickly lie down and sleep again while he closed his eyes.

"It's a little bit, but it has nothing to do with me wanting to hug you."

Even being shy can't affect him from hugging Yan Sui, that's what Meng Ting said.

Hearing this, Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting and sat up straight, then he stretched out his hand and hugged Meng Ting to the inside of the bed.

Yan Sui turned sideways again and turned the bedside lamp to the darkest, then lay down and hugged Meng Ting.

Not long ago, both of them were too excited, so now they are not very sleepy.

Outside of this room, Gu Lang, Zhenhan and the others had no intention of going to sleep. Yan Sui finally left. They planned to party all night. Some faint voices came from outside the window. This feeling was different from the absolutely quiet environment at home, but It's not annoying either.

"When did you start to be afraid of the dark?"

Yan Sui turned his body sideways so that it was easier for him to see people.

Meng Ting's hand landed on Yan Sui's chest, and the tip of his index finger poked the button of his pajamas again and again. After thinking for a while, he finally answered this question, "I don't seem to be afraid of the dark. I can be alone in the dark." place for a long time.”

"I wanted to see you just now. It was too dark, so I couldn't see you."

Yan Sui pursed his lips against Meng Ting's raised gaze, and asked again, "What is a very dark place?"

This was too simple for Meng Ting, and he answered without much thinking, "I make mistakes or fight, and the place where I am locked up is very dark."

He thought for a while and then said, "Grandma's house is also very dark, and the place where I lived a long, long time ago was also dark."

Perhaps this kind of blackness does not refer to the kind of blackness on the dark side, including the feeling.

The psychiatrist told Yan Sui that when a person is psychologically injured, a protective mechanism will automatically be produced. Meng Ting's depression and sluggishness are not only congenital, but also caused by the acquired environment.

But there is no doubt that he is a very good and rare child, in the dark, but always wants to go to the sun, this is the most likely reason for Meng Ting's temper now, but it is not easy, and it is more and more commendable .

Yan Sui leaned his body again, and put his lips on Meng Ting's brow, he didn't leave for a long time, it seemed that he could feel Meng Ting's mood more deeply by doing so.

"Yan Sui... what's wrong with you?"

Meng Ting asked suspiciously softly, he felt a little bit of Yan Sui's sudden sadness, but why should he be sad? They didn't seem to have any sad questions. He was forced to get used to the dark environment at a very young age. Occasionally, he still felt that such a place was safe.

"Do you hate them?" Yan Sui didn't respond to Meng Ting's words, but asked again. From the perspective of a bystander, he couldn't help but feel that the Meng family and Meng Ting's grandma were hateful and hateful. It was a good guess, but he still felt the need to ask.

"I have no idea."

Meng Ting's feelings have always been straightforward, if he likes it, he likes it, if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it, there are very few people who don't know such existence, but when Yan Sui asked him, he really didn't know, he was not sure.

"I'm stupid. I can only focus on one thing. If I hate them, I can't do other things well."

Meng Ting whispered, but didn't know how to make Yan Sui understand what he meant, "I think I have time, so I should learn to like people, like you."

Meng Ting really feels that liking someone and being nice to someone needs to be learned, especially since he doesn't want his kindness to become a problem for the person he likes, so he has to concentrate on learning.

"Do you think I'm right?"

The emotion in Yan Sui's eyes remained unchanged, but his lips slid from the center of Meng Ting's brows to Meng Ting's lips, and then met Meng Ting's slightly hesitant eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Yes, you are right .”

Hearing this, Meng Ting's eyes bent, he stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked Yan Sui's lips, then pecked again, then he reached out and hugged Yan Sui's neck, whispering, "Oh, why do I like you so much? .”

Not only the corners of Yan Sui's mouth smiled lightly, but his eyes also crooked. He felt that it was right for him to say this, but Meng Ting could always speak before him.

"Hey, good night."

"I'm good."

As Meng Ting said, he let go of some restraints on Yan Sui, but his hands were still on Yan Sui's body, with a strong sense of possession. He leaned forward and kissed Yan Sui's cheek again, "Good night."

After Meng Ting fell asleep, Yan Sui looked down at the person for a while, and then he closed his eyes, but his face was no longer so serious, Meng Ting was stronger than he thought, much more active,

The process of healing those shadows may be more difficult, but the result will definitely be good.

A group of people outside the house did not go to sleep until three or four in the morning. Meng Ting and Yan Sui got up to go for a run at the beach around five o'clock. Get sleepy.


"Morning," Yan Sui replied, pointing to the steaming tea at the other end of the table, "Health hangover tea, drink a cup before leaving."

"Hey, thank you boss, thank you sister-in-law."

Xiao Ming smiled, drank a glass of booze, and then wrinkled his face badly.

This hangover tea is made from high-quality flavescens. Yan Sui and Meng Ting simmered it on a low fire when they went for a run. It has been at least two hours now. Even if it is not bitter, it must be endured. , all sleepy people will suffer.

Seeing Xiao Ming like that, Shi He and Feng Qing didn't want to drink, but not only Yan Sui watched, but also Meng Ting, who was as ferocious and astonishingly powerful, they could only see death as home, trembling, and hesitated to drink it .

"It's good for your health, but it's a bit bitter."

Seeing that they finished drinking, Meng Ting's expressions became weirder and weirder. He glanced at Yan Sui and said with a little pride, "Yan Sui drank it too, and I took a sip too."

They didn't look like that because they drank bitter ginseng tea.

Of course, when they drank it, the bitter ginseng tea might not be as bitter as it is now.

Meng Ting poked Yan Sui, his eyes were full of eagerness, "Can I take a picture?"

Yan Sui glanced at the faces of them who still couldn't get rid of the bitterness, and nodded, "Let's shoot."

Meng Ting didn't deliberately go closer to take pictures, but when they turned their faces away, he just tapped their black history in his mobile phone.

The voices of Meng Ting and Yan Sui's conversation were not low, so Shi He and the others naturally heard it, and when they came over to see it, they were about to be made ugly by themselves, and then laughed and cried by other people's expressions.

"Hey, besides mine, sister-in-law must send me the others."

When he was bored, he watched these photos to entertain himself for a long time, and he must not miss them.

Then Shi He took the lead, facing Yan Sui's gaze, took out his phone and added Meng Ting as a friend.

"Xiao Ming and I took a week off. We will leave after attending your wedding."

Meng Ting looked at the few extra people in the friend list, this feeling was very strange, when he heard Shi He's voice, he and Yan Sui watched people together, Yan Sui didn't speak, Meng Ting pondered for a while, and then said seriously, "Thank you for coming back, Yan Sui and I are very happy."

You don't need to confirm this with Yan Sui, he can be sure, although Yan Sui's expression doesn't change much, but he can feel that Yan Sui has a good relationship with them, you must know that beating people is also very tiring, and they If the relationship is not good, it will not take this effort.

"Oh, it should be."

After Meng Ting's words, the tall and burly Shi He's face suddenly turned red, and he became awkward. Yan Sui glanced over, and he immediately bared his teeth and smiled, then retreated weakly. The sister-in-law is very cute, but she must not touch her.

Before leaving, he told Meng Ting to send him photos.

As hosts, Yan Sui and Meng Ting naturally couldn't pack up and leave by themselves. After eating, they took a walk outside and returned to the living room. Yan Sui took care of things with the computer, and Meng Ting lay on his lap to play with his phone. Occasionally, Meng Ting was responsible for making them drink tea, and then taking an ugly commemorative photo for them.

As the price for wanting to get other people's ugly photos, their own photos can't be deleted, so there will be no one who strongly wants to delete photos. Of course, Meng Ting doesn't take pictures of everyone, and he didn't take pictures of Rong Nan. .

"Sorry, I didn't see you just now."

Such a big man, why didn't he see him. In addition, Meng Ting really can't tell lies, Rong Nan could tell at a glance that he didn't want to photograph him, but he couldn't say anything, although Yan Sui ignored him, but he was still sitting next to Meng Ting.

When Meng Ting sat up, he put his feet directly on Yan Sui's body, and he did the same when taking pictures of them, declaring his sovereignty without any disguise at all.

Yan Sui focused on the computer, and occasionally when Meng Ting's foot accidentally slipped, he was also responsible for holding his foot back. The intimacy between the two has obviously exceeded the limit of ordinary married couples, and they are about to enter the realm of old married couples. mode too.

Zhen Han pursed her lips and smiled, but Rong Nan stopped coming.

Those who still have something to do leave, those who haven’t slept enough continue to sleep, those who wake up and don’t want to leave, go to the beach again, until they finish their lunch, Zhen Han and Gu Lang take the lead, and go to drink those who are still lying in bed. Tea, and then woke up bitterly.

"I won't go with you, I'll take Gu Lang's car."

Zhen Han didn't intend to seek abuse anymore, he got into Gu Lang's car after he finished speaking.

Yan Sui led Meng Ting into the car, he was the last group to leave, Meng Ting couldn't help but look back, then turned his head, moved his position, and leaned on Yan Sui's shoulder.

"Interesting?" Yan Sui tilted his head and chin to stroke Meng Ting's hair, then asked.

Meng Ting nodded, not without surprise, "Barbecuing is interesting, fighting is interesting."

"Well... taking pictures is also interesting."

Meng Ting lifted his chin slightly as he spoke, pursed his lips slightly and kissed Yan Sui's chin, "It's the most fun to be with you."

Meng Ting's smile was too good-looking, Yan Sui felt that this gathering was brighter and more fun than before, not all because of Meng Ting, but the most interesting part was definitely It is because of him.

The window of the car was opened a little, the sea breeze was blowing, Meng Ting's eyelids became a little heavy when he looked at the scenery outside the window, and it didn't take long for him to be held by Yan Sui's lap, and he slept all the way back to Yan's house.

He couldn't sleep well before, but these few days by Yan Sui's side, he seemed to want to make up for the sleep he lacked before.

"Wow woof! woof woof!"

Meng Ting opened his eyes, and he woke up without Yan Sui calling, "It's Rhubarb, he knows we're home."

The car door opened, and a yellow soil dog jumped up, and Meng Ting stretched out his arms to hug him.

"Wow woof, woof woof."

"Yan Sui and I didn't want you, I missed you too."

One person, one pet is so intimate, those who don't know it think that Meng Ting raised it from a young age, but the fact is that rhubarb only arrived at Yan's house for four or five days.

But Yan Sui couldn't be surprised, he and Meng Ting had known each other not long ago, and the emotional bond was already stronger than those who had known each other for years or decades.

Back in the living room, the fur ball also ran from the corner, jumping around at Meng Ting's feet, Meng Ting sat down directly on the blanket in the living room, and the fur ball and rhubarb lay in his arms.

Meng Ting hugged them for a while, then raised his eyes to look for Yan Sui, but Yan Sui didn't leave, he just sat on the sofa and took out his computer, he can work anywhere now.

Meng Ting moved and moved with the fur ball rhubarb until he reached Yan Sui's feet, and then continued to sit in peace.

Mao Qiu and Da Huang felt safe with Meng Ting in their arms, but Meng Ting felt safe relying on Yan Sui. Yan Sui saw them in a good mood, and their office efficiency was also good.

They don't need to deliberately look for topics, just stay so quietly, doing their own things, it's actually very warm.

Wang Ma and Xiao Bo looked at each other, and quietly exited the living room, the expressions on their faces were very pleased. People who don't know don't understand how rare this kind of warmth is for Yan Zhai.

It didn't take long for Xiao Bo to come back.

"Miss is here."

The eldest lady Xiao Bo said was Yan Sui's aunt, that is, his father's younger sister, and Zhen Han's mother, Yan Manjia.

"Please come in."

As Yan Sui said, he folded the computer and put it aside, then stretched out his hand to pull up Meng Ting who was sitting on the carpet, straightened his clothes, and let him sit beside him.

Mao Qiu was still in Meng Ting's arms, while Da Huang was lying at their feet.

Five minutes later, a beautiful and sexy woman stepped on high heels and walked step by step. Her jaw was raised slightly, with inherent arrogance, and she did not show any psychological burden for stepping here again.

"Sui Sui, aunt misses you to death."

She said that she wanted to come up to kiss Yan Sui, but before Yan Sui could react, Meng Ting stretched out his hand to cover Yan Sui's face.

"He's mine, you can't kiss him."

After Meng Ting spoke, Yan Manjia seemed to notice him.

She was not annoyed either, with a joyful smile on her face, "Oh, this is my lovely niece and daughter-in-law."

"Come on, Auntie, give me a kiss."

It was the first time for Meng Ting to meet such a passionate woman, but he still refused straightforwardly.

"I can't kiss either, I only kiss Yan Sui."

Originally, she wanted a relative, but she was just used to meeting etiquette abroad, but after being told by Meng Ting, she really wanted to kiss him, alas, he was even cuter and more beautiful than expected.