Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 53


Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's hair, raised his hand to look at his watch, and finally let go, "Go, I'll take you in."

"En," Meng Ting agreed, then looked at Yan Sui's profile, and kissed again before letting go.

The class Meng Ting is going to now is the class of the Chinese teacher who has made up for him for most of the summer vacation. She is relatively clear about Meng Ting's situation and knows the Yan family. She will never allow anyone to bully Meng Ting at school. Even if something happened, she would contact Yan Sui in time.

Moreover, the class she led was full of top students. By the time of the third year of high school, there were almost no students who were too bored to provoke anyone.

Yan Sui didn't keep sending Meng Ting to the door of the class, they met the Chinese teacher Wang Qiuyu who came downstairs to pick him up when they were teaching downstairs, handed him over to her, and Yan Sui came back.

Meng Ting saw that Yan Sui was gone, so he followed Wang Qiuyu upstairs.

He glanced at many people in the same school uniform as him around him, but most of his eyes fell on their clothes before they touched their faces, so he took them back. He came to school to study, and it doesn't matter what attitude or opinion they have towards him. unimportant.

From 7:00 am to 7:10 am, this time period is the time when the school has the most people. Most of the students come to school at this time. Yan Sui and Meng Ting walked all the way from the school gate, and many curious eyes fell on them. on them.

Yan Sui is tall and handsome, Meng Ting is exquisite and beautiful, the two of them are very eye-catching when they walk together, naturally many students gossip, Meng Ting is wearing their school uniform, so there are many people talking about which class Meng Ting is in, Yan Sui and What is his relationship and so on.

However, this is the best middle school in Haicheng, and there are quite a few children from wealthy families. The students have different visions. Curiosity is curiosity, but they almost forget it when they turn their heads. It will not cause any trouble to Meng Ting.

Meng Ting's schoolbag was very big and heavy, and he basically brought all the textbooks he needed. Wang Qiuyu took him to the office first, and told him to wait until the morning reading bell rang before she took her to the third year of high school. The second class is going.

"Students, be quiet," Wang Qiuyu, who is in her forties, has rich teaching experience and is also very friendly. She stood on the podium and said, the buzzing sound of reading quickly disappeared.

She smiled slightly, and then continued, "Let me introduce a new classmate to you, classmate Meng Ting. He came a few days late because of illness. Everyone applauds."

The sound of "啪帟啪" sounded, not very loud, but it didn't show any impatience or rejection, but the appearance of falling on Meng Ting was a bit amazing. They met each other basically every year since they were studying. There are one or two transfer students or transfer students, both men and women, good-looking and bad-looking, but it is rare for someone as good-looking as Meng Ting to stand out like Meng Ting.

Under Wang Qiuyu's expectant eyes, Meng Ting also stepped onto the podium, "Hi everyone, I'm Meng Ting."

After the words fell, he walked down. This self-introduction was outrageously simple.

Wang Qiuyu had met Meng Ting before and knew that he was a seldom talker, so she nodded lightly and let him pass. After the students who had reacted sparsely applauded, Wang Qiuyu raised his hand again, and the buzzing sound of reading started again.

Meng Ting has grown two centimeters recently, and his height is 1.78 meters, which is neither particularly tall nor short. He was assigned the second-to-last row next to the window. At the beginning of school, Wang Qiuyu made arrangements.

Meng Ting's deskmate came out, Meng Ting went in, and Wang Qiuyu continued to walk around the class. Although she paid attention to him, she didn't show it too obviously.

Meng Ting put out the books and papers in the schoolbag, and stuffed the schoolbag into a drawer. He casually pulled out a Chinese book, and then began to read it seriously. The deskmate beside him finally turned his eyes sideways, and he took a look at Meng Ting. , I was stunned for a moment, and then turned my gaze back.

Meng Ting has never had the habit of striking up a conversation, and even now he doesn't have the awareness to do so. He doesn't greet anyone, but concentrates on reading, quite seriously. There were people at the front and back tables who wanted to get to know him. I'm not too embarrassed to bother you.

After class, Meng Ting turned his head to look out of the window, a small pool, an old tree, and stared blankly for ten minutes. When the class bell rang, he consciously turned his eyes back, or read a book, or looked at the blackboard, With the same concentration on his face, the morning is over.

Those around him who pay attention to him from time to time feel that this beautiful new classmate is very cold, so cold that they don't know how to talk to him. They have a little temper. If Meng Ting doesn't take the initiative to speak, they won't speak.

In fact, Meng Ting didn't do this on purpose, but he was like this when he was in school. He only had textbooks and blackboards in his eyes, and the classmates who talked to him only had the difference between fighting and not fighting.

When he is too focused on one thing, even if someone talks to him, he can't quite hear him, even Yan Sui has experienced this.

At noon, he took out a bento box from his schoolbag, then got up and went downstairs to the teaching building, found a remote corner, and started to eat. Wang Ma prepared a lot, including meat and vegetables. Bone soup with medicinal herbs. After eating, he took a walk and returned to the classroom. He took out the paper and pen, wrote and calculated, and a lunch break was over.

The third year of senior high school does not include morning reading and lunch break. There are four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon. You arrive at school at 7:00 in the morning and finish at 6:00 in the afternoon. A full day of classes requires persistence for a year, and it is really not easy. There is still a lot of homework at home, Meng Ting received four papers today alone, although he is not required to finish all of them, but it takes a lot of time to do half of each paper.

Meng Ting plans to repeat the study because he wants to go to university, to join his teacher's school again, to have his own laboratory, and to continue the unfinished experiments in his previous life, but right now he just spends his time on what he has already learned, or Regarding something that he would never learn, he suddenly hesitated whether such a decision was right.

"Hi, my name is Xiao Mu." Meng Ting's deskmate Xiao Mu endured for a whole day, and finally spoke to Meng Ting when it was time to leave school. Those are special.

At this stage of high school, whether it is precocious or late puberty, the vast majority of people are basically clear about their sexual orientation. This is the case for Xiao Mu. When he saw Meng Ting at the school gate, he felt his heart moved, and he felt Meng Ting is the same kind of person as him.

If they had been born decades earlier, he might have chosen to restrain himself. After all, he didn't want to be a different kind. But now that the same-sex marriage law has been passed, the people's concept has basically changed. If he wants to pursue Meng Ting, he wants to pursue a Girls are normal.

However, Meng Ting was unusually cold. Since he came to this classroom, he had never looked at anyone, including him at the same table. Now that Meng Ting was about to pack up and leave, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Hearing this, Meng Ting continued to pick up his schoolbag, carried it on his back, met Xiao Mu's gaze, and made sure that he was not looking for him to fight, he nodded slightly, "Hello."

After saying this, he immediately said, "Goodbye."

Then, with a light leap, he jumped onto the table, turned over and got out of his seat, without needing Xiao Mu to give way, his skills were quite beautiful.

Before many students could react, he strode out of the class and went down the stairs very fast, he knew that Yan Sui would definitely come to pick him up.

Walking out of the school gate, he saw Yan Sui who was leaning against the car door, looking over at him, Meng Ting raised his hand, and walked a little faster.

When Yan Sui saw Meng Ting, he stood up straight and waited for Meng Ting to approach quickly.

Meng Ting stopped half a step in front of Yan Sui, and if he got any closer, it would be the same as throwing himself into a hug. He looked at Yan Sui, his eyes gradually curved. He didn't think about Yan Sui during class, but when get out of class was over, he would Missing him. Seeing people now made him think even more.

"Yan Sui, I miss you."

Meng Ting's voice was not high, in front of the noisy school gate, it was even a bit erratic, but it didn't affect Yan Sui's hearing.

Yan Sui stretched out his hand and gently hugged him, he whispered, "I miss you too, let's go home."

Meng Ting nodded, Yan Sui opened the car door, and he sat in first, Yan Sui sat in, before the car door was closed, he was hugged by Meng Tingxiong, his thoughts were really not mixed with water, and there was no attachment Hiding and hiding, if you want to hug, you can hug, if you want to be intimate, then you can be intimate.

Yan Sui continued to close the door, turned around and hugged him, the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger again, to tell the truth, besides being reluctant to let Meng Ting go to school, he was also worried, but now being hugged by Meng Bo so attached, Those worries disappeared for a while.

"Is there a lot of homework today?" Yan Sui asked, stroking Meng Ting's back.

"It's okay." Meng Ting was not afraid of having too much homework, but he suddenly felt that time was a little tight, and he didn't know whether he should spend his time on these things he already knew. He rubbed Yan Sui's cheek, and then whispered, "Tonight, I have something to discuss with you."

Yan Sui couldn't think of what happened to Meng Ting, but seeing that it was already night, he wasn't in a hurry.

He just hugged Meng Ting like this, all the way back to the front of the old house, he let him go when the car stopped, Meng Ting rarely fell asleep this time, blinking his eyes, he was quite energetic.

After having a sumptuous dinner and taking a walk for a while, the two went to the study together, Yan Sui dealt with his affairs, Meng Ting did his homework first, after all he is still a student right now, finishing homework is the most important thing.

It was almost eleven o'clock, Meng Ting yawned and finally finished his homework. Yan Sui was standing behind him at some point. He slowly lowered his body and whispered in Meng Ting's ear, "Tired gone?"

Meng Ting gave a soft "Mm", and then Yan Sui took a step sideways and hugged him, "Let's go back to sleep."

Meng Ting glanced at the papers he hadn't packed up, and seemed to hesitate.

"It's okay, I'll tidy up for you tomorrow morning." Yan Sui said, gently kissing Meng Ting's forehead.

Meng Ting nodded, hugged Yan Sui's neck tightly, and pressed against his cheek again, kissed him, his eyes were sleepy and smiling, and he narrowed his eyes slightly unconsciously, Yan Sui glanced at it, and his Adam's apple Rolled unconsciously.

Meng Ting still remembered what he wanted to discuss with Yan Sui at the beginning, but he fell asleep while taking a bath, woke up in the morning for a walk with the dog, and only remembered when he got in the car, but it was obvious that he didn't talk in the car where, when Yan Sui asked him again, he shook his head.

"We'll talk over the weekend."

Hearing this, Yan Sui pulled Meng Ting into his arms, then tilted his head and kissed his forehead, "Okay."

This time, the two said goodbye at the school gate, Yan Sui went to the company, Meng Ting went to school, the school days were not much different to Meng Ting, the subject teacher should have been explained by Wang Qiuyu, after five days, Meng Ting was gone was asked once.

The communication between him and Xiao Mu at the same table was still limited to "Hello, goodbye" on the first day, and the students around were all used to Meng Ting's taciturnity.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class on Friday afternoon, Meng Ting quickly packed up his things again, and Xiao Mu hurriedly stood up, "Meng Ting, there will be our team's basketball team in a while, and I will also participate. Come and see."

Hearing this, Meng Ting glanced at Xiao Mu, and after thinking for a while, he seemed to remember who was talking to him. He shook his head lightly, "I still have something to do."

Xiao Mu didn't give up when he heard the words, "It's your brother who comes to pick you up every day, you tell him, and I'll take you home when the time comes."

"No, no," Meng Ting rarely answered two questions at once. He put his schoolbag on his back and looked at Xiao Mu, obviously asking him to make way. At this time, the girl at the front desk of Meng Ting also turned around.

"Meng Ting, your brother is so handsome."

Girls are more precocious than boys, and those social elites are more attractive to them. Yan Sui obviously belongs to this category, and it may be the living "overbearing president" style. These days, he is at the school gate every day Picking up Meng Ting, many people in the class noticed it.

However, Meng Ting doesn't like to talk. He just wanted to inquire about something and couldn't find a chance to speak. Now that Xiao Mu finally brought up the topic, Meng Ting's front desk Wang Yueyue couldn't help but interject. There is nothing to hide the nympho look on her face.

"He's not my brother," Meng Ting emphasized again, and he stepped forward, the sudden anger in his eyes made Xiao Mu startled, and then Meng Ting bumped his shoulder and turned sideways.

Although Yan Sui of his family is quite handsome, Meng Ting is quite uncomfortable after hearing it from other people, so he won't vent his anger, but he has always been rude to those who block his way.

When he walked to the school gate, Meng Ting's footsteps suddenly paused. He saw Yan Sui, and then looked around again. Only then did he realize that many different eyes fell on Yan Sui. So many days have been watched for nothing.

Meng Ting walked up to Yan Sui without saying a word, opened the car door and asked Yan Sui to sit in first.

Yan Sui raised his eyebrows, not knowing why, but he didn't mean to reject Meng Ting, he got into the car, and then pulled him up.

Meng Ting didn't get tired of people when he got in the car like usual, but looked at Yan Sui, looking around him.

"What's wrong?" Yan Sui was a little puzzled. Meng Ting didn't look like he was angry with him, but somehow he was a little awkward. When he sent him to school this morning, Meng Ting and him were fine, so it shouldn't be his. Question, "What did someone say in class? Or did something happen?"

Meng Ting didn't answer, he continued to look at Yan Sui, then moved to Yan Sui's side, "Don't wait for me outside the car, you wait in the car, I recognize our car."

Yan Sui paused slightly when he heard the words, before Meng Ting muttered again before he had time to think about anything.

"I'm not happy that you have been seen by so many people."

As he spoke, he put his arms around Yan Sui's neck, emphasizing it very seriously, "You are mine."

On the first day of school, Wang Qiuyu emphasized to Meng Ting that she should not tell others that he was married. Her original intention was also good, and she didn't want others to cast too many strange eyes on Meng Ting. No matter how unhappy he was, he didn't say anything.

Otherwise, he really wanted to tell them that Yan Sui was not his brother, but his lover, his married lover.

Yan Sui smiled a little when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that Meng Ting was... jealous.

Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting into his arms, lifted his chin, and kissed Meng Ting's lips, with a smile in his eyes, his tone was affirmative, "I'm yours."

Meng Ting and Yan Sui looked at each other, his cheeks blushed slightly, and then he gave a "hmm" as if he was healed.

He leaned up to rub Yan Sui's cheek, then continued to hug Yan Sui, and after a while, he suddenly poked his head forward, "Zhao Bing, you didn't see anything, did you?"

I didn't see him being jealous, I didn't see Yan Sui kissing him, I didn't see him rubbing against others...

Zhao Bing's face, which had been stiff for decades, couldn't help distorting it. After a long time, he let out an "um" against his will.

Meng Ting nodded in satisfaction, turned back to meet Yan Sui's gaze, and whispered, "Zhao Bing drove very seriously, he couldn't see us."

Zhao Bing heard that not only his facial muscles were stiff, but his body was also stiff. Although he was serious about driving, he didn't even have time to look in the rearview mirror, let alone hear anything.

Hearing this, Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's cheeks, looked up at the rearview mirror, and met Zhao Bing's unconscious gaze, Zhao Bing's back shivered, and now he really didn't dare to look into the rearview mirror , if possible, he would actually like to plug earphones into his ears.

Meng Ting felt at ease, so he really didn't care about Zhao Bing anymore, his jealousy hadn't subsided yet, he couldn't hold Yan Sui with both hands enough, they pressed against his cheeks, rubbing against each other's cheeks, until Yan Sui's heart sank.

This week, Meng Ting studied hard. He is considerate of others, and when the time comes, he just hugs her to sleep. Now he has transitioned from lingering every night to the point where he can only hug and not eat. He is actually not used to it. Rubbing like this, the anger that had been suppressed could no longer be suppressed.

The car stopped, the door opened, Da Huang's head came up, Meng Ting finally let go of Yan Sui, turned around and hugged Da Huang.

"Da Huang, good boy, Yan Sui and I are going home."

"Wow..." Rhubarb responded, and then stretched out his tongue to lick Meng Ting in various ways, mainly on the particularly sensitive neck. Meng Ting smiled, and his body gradually tilted to one side, Yan Sui Embracing him, he pushed the rhubarb again, and pushed the rhubarb out.

"Get out of the car first."

Meng Ting nodded, got out of the car, and then Da Huang came up to tease his master again.

Yan Sui seemed to have the urge to pick up Meng Ting and walk away, but he didn't even kiss his loved ones properly, instead he let a pet take the lead.

Zhao Bing continued to drive the car into the garage. He felt that he should have lost weight recently, and he was fed a meal of dog food every morning and evening.

Back home, Yan Sui dragged Meng Ting to the stairs first, "We put our things away, wash our hands before going down."

Wang Ma nodded, and then continued to greet the servants to prepare meals.

Meng Ting took off his school uniform when he got to the room. He had a physical education class this afternoon, and he sweated a little. He had a fight with Rhubarb just now, and his own nose was very sharp, so he hated himself first.

"You go and eat first, and I'll come down after taking a shower."

After Meng Ting finished speaking to Yan Sui, he took the towel and ran to the bathroom. The door was closed so quickly that Yan Sui didn't even have time to move.

Twenty minutes later, Meng Ting's door opened, and was caught by Yan Sui who was guarding the door.

"Why are you still here? You want to..."

Before Meng Ting finished speaking, he was kissed by Yan Sui, and the two of them retreated towards the bed while kissing. Although Meng Ting was surprised for a while, he was already used to Yan Sui's hugs and kisses, and he was not frightened, let alone means to refuse.

His eyes were slightly bent, and he kissed back enthusiastically, but Yan Sui, who originally only planned to quench his thirst with a kiss, really couldn't just taste it lightly.

After the kiss was over, the two of them were already lying down on the bed, Yan Sui trapped Meng Ting under him, Meng Ting was panting lightly, his chest was also rising and falling, he asked in a low voice, "Are you hungry?"

Yan Sui's voice was subdued, nice and intoxicating, Meng Ting thought about it and shook his head, "Mother Wang even prepared some snacks for me."

He was eaten during the gap between physical education classes, but it was actually okay, he raised his head slightly, and kissed Yan Sui's lips, "What about you?"

A slight smile appeared on Yan Sui's face when he heard this, he pressed Meng Ting's lips back to the bed, "I'm hungry, so Ting Ting is responsible for feeding me."

The word "渟渟", it's not that Meng Ting has never heard someone call him that, but when Yan Sui said it, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little. He didn't respond to the words, but he lightly stuck out the tip of his tongue and kissed him. Having sex with Yan Sui, this is more to express his heart than any answer.

The bath towel tied around his waist twitched lightly and threw it aside, but Yan Sui undressed himself, looking a little anxious, Meng Ting pursed his lips and smiled, and rubbed people with his feet from time to time, but he didn't think about it at all. Reminds me of the time when I was begging for mercy.

After finally getting rid of himself, Yan Sui reached out and grabbed Meng Ting's foot, which was making trouble from time to time. He put it to his lips and kissed it. Then the instep began to kiss, and gradually went up. Meng Ting didn't show much shyness. , he didn't bend down to kiss Yan Sui's hair, but he seemed to be playing around.

Both of them were already familiar with each other's bodies, and they fell in love with each other, and they both entered the state soon.

After a week, Meng Ting's body, which was still a little uncomfortable, found the previous fit again. Not long after, both of them were sweating profusely. Yan Sui kissed the sweat off Meng Ting's forehead. His light kiss was extremely gentle, but Not so with his other actions.

Of course, it can't be said to be rude or barbaric. If Meng Ting had to use words to describe it, it should be sexy, which belongs to men's sexy.

Meng Ting is not someone who begs for mercy easily, he hugged Yan Sui's shoulders, his eyes were a little bit erratic due to the impact of lust, but soon Yan Sui's appearance was imprinted in his eyes again, "Yan Sui, you are mine... "

The longer they are together, the more obvious this possessive desire that cannot be coveted by others becomes more and more obvious. At this moment, Meng Ting is quite the thing that Yan Sui is seen by so many peers.

"I'm yours." Yan Sui liked Meng Ting's uncontrollable jealousy very much, he gently bit Meng Ting's earlobe, and after a while, he bent down and hugged her tightly, "Meng Ting ,I love you."

Meng Ting's sanity was shattered by the shock, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, "What did you say, say it again."

"I love you."

Meng Ting narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, "I guess so."

As he spoke, his cherry-colored lips moved closer together, "Yan Sui, I love you too, I love you very much."

Yan Sui didn't speak any more, he lowered his head and kissed his relatives again, his physical desire was relieved for a while, but in fact it was more satisfying psychologically.

The two hugged each other for a while, Yan Sui picked up the man and walked to the bathroom, it took too long for him to bring him back to the room, Wang Ma, Xiao Bo and others should have guessed that they would not come down for so long the reason.

Meng Ting just needs to clean it up and rinse it again. Yan Sui was still grinding in the bathroom for a while, but when he came out, Meng Ting was still there. After changing his clothes, he was lying on the bed playing with his phone.

"Let's go, let's eat something first, and then play when we come back."

"Okay," Meng Ting agreed, and climbed off the bed, he got used to his slightly sore legs before passing his hand to Yan Sui.

Yan Sui tilted his head and whispered, "I'll rub it for you when I get back."

Meng Ting nodded, "Okay."

In response, he quickly kissed Yan Sui's side face again, as a reward for him.

The two of them were delayed upstairs for an hour and a half, but it wasn't just Xiao Bo Wang Ma who was waiting, Yan Manjia and Zhen Han were also waiting.

"I have something to do when I go back to the city, so I'll come back for a meal..."

Yan Manjia didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she said that, but she didn't expect to have to wait for such a meal before she could eat it.

Zhen Han didn't care much, he had only come here not long ago, and it was purely a coincidence that he ran into Yan Manjia, but he happened to have something to ask Yan Manjia, so he also stayed.

But he also looked at Yan Sui with dissatisfaction, it's not good to drag someone who has worked hard for a week to be so eager, it's not good, no matter what, let people have a full meal first.

"Auntie, cousin," Meng Ting called someone, and sat down too, waiting eagerly for the meal to be served. The meal that was originally served was sent back to the kitchen to continue warming.

Yan Sui sat down without changing his face, and raised his hands, Wang Ma and the others immediately went to serve the food again.

"In the future, when Auntie and Zhen Han come, we can eat first, without waiting for us."

Zhen Han continued to be amazed at Yan Sui's bottom line, which meant that they would often encounter the current situation in the future. The former abstinent cousin has become an indulgent one.

The Yan family doesn't have the habit of not talking when eating or sleeping, but they don't deliberately put things on the dinner table. Even talking is about eating. Yan Manjia and Zhen Han, who were not hungry at first, had to wait until they were hungry. What's more, Yan Sui and Meng Ting, who also played sports for a while.

Wang Ma and Xiao Bo also ate together, a table of six people was more lively than usual.

After eating, they didn't sit down on the sofa, Mama Wang packed up things, and the other four went for a walk on the lawn together.

After walking for a while, Zhen Han finally broke the silence, "I heard that Su Siyu was released on bail."

Of course, it was his unprincipled father who doted on him. It is said that Mr. Su was so angry that he went to the hospital, but in his opinion, it may not be as serious as the rumors outside.

"It's okay," Yan Sui obviously knew the news earlier than Zhen Han, he had a plan in his mind, Zhen Han glanced at him, and didn't say anything more.

"Sui Sui's actions are more and more reassuring," Yan Man said with a little sigh in her eyes. She and Yan Yu have not fulfilled her parents' expectations, but Yan Sui is more and more in line with what his father said was the standard of the Patriarch of the Yan family. , he looks more and more like the head of the family.

And what she said was not only about the recent business activities against the Meng family and the Su family, but also about his break with He Wan.

"I'm not leaving, I still have a sister party, I'm leaving first, I'll come back next Saturday."

Yan Manjia said and looked at Meng Ting, "Ting Ting, don't be too tired from studying."

"Well, aunt also pay attention to your body," Meng Ting agreed, and stopped together with Yan Sui, Zhen Han did the same, they sent Yan Manjia a while, and then returned to the living room.

Zhen Han sat down, and no longer concealed her expression, "It seems...she really doesn't know."

If he wanted to ask, he didn't ask any more.

Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting and sat down together, then replied Zhen Han's words, "Even if you know, don't be impulsive."

As Yan Sui said, he emphasized again, "Impulsivity is a mistake."

Zhen Han nodded, and when Meng Ting looked over, the seriousness on his face faded a little, "I see."

Although he is not as obedient as Meng Ting, he also doesn't know how to do things that hinder him, but he still hates Yan Manjia very much. He is obviously not bad in all aspects, but he wants to hang himself on a tree with a crooked neck.

"I won't hide any progress from you, still have to watch your aunt."

Yan Sui's words stopped short, but Zhen Han understood. Just because he doesn't hold Yan Sui back, doesn't mean Yan Manjia won't.

Although she always thought she was quite shrewd, a truly shrewd woman at her age should have her own career, not to mention a happy family. She chased men for half her life, but in the end she didn't catch anything.

There was some darkness in Zhen Han's eyes, he nodded, he was no longer here to be a light bulb, he got up and said goodbye to leave.

Meng Ting only listened to the progress of the matter once or twice in the study this week, and now listening to the conversation between him and Zhen Han, he is also confused, so he doesn't know what to say to comfort them. Furthermore, neither Yan Sui nor Zhen Han are people who need comfort from others.

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's hair, "Let's go back to the room."

"Okay," Meng Ting nodded. Although he still had homework to do, he didn't plan to do it tonight.

Yan Sui's mood was not affected by the topic just now. After returning to the room, he followed the agreement with Meng Ting before, and Meng Ting played with his mobile phone, and he rubbed his legs.

After playing for a while, Meng Ting put his phone aside, looked at Yan Sui, and after a little thought, he finally opened his mouth.

"Yan Sui, I have something to tell you."

Yan Sui nodded lightly, and continued to rub his legs. When he picked him up on Monday, Meng Ting said that he had something to discuss with him. Later, he changed it to the weekend, and now he should also talk about this matter.

But after Meng Ting finished speaking, he was silent for a while. He actually wondered why Su Siyu opened his mouth so easily. He was still hesitating from the moment he made the decision. He was afraid that Yan Sui would see him as a monster.

His eyes lowered slowly, and fell on Yan Sui's hand. He took his hand, then sat up and changed his position, and lay down directly in Yan Sui's arms, so he opened his mouth again.

"I'm the same as Su Siyu."

After Meng Ting opened his mouth, he didn't dare to look at Yan Sui anymore, but he still hugged him tightly, making sure that Yan Sui didn't try to push him away, so he continued, "It's just... I didn't want to be a 'trash' before. "