Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 54


"It used to be the college entrance examination in June this year. I did well in the exam. I couldn't get into universities in other places, but I just got into Haicheng University."

Meng Ting's household registration was moved back to Haicheng, which gave him some advantages over candidates from other places. His Chinese and English were still not very good, but his comprehensive science was top-notch, and he was successfully admitted to the best university in Haicheng.

"At that time, I was very happy. I thought I would be different in the future." He was able to support himself, and his hard work was enough to change his fate, but the reality was unexpectedly cruel. However, it was enough for Yan Sui to feel distressed.

However, Meng Ting still didn't dare to look into Yan Sui's eyes, his gaze fell on his own hands, and his pupils were a little dazed.

"The teacher said that I was very talented. He wanted to take me abroad together. The air tickets were all booked. I didn't know how to let the Meng family know, and then my grandma came."

The dream and future within his reach shattered like a phantom in an instant, and all kinds of rumors and discussions filled his ears. He felt the horror of the rumors again. , He was sent to Meng's fragrance experiment base before he received his graduation certificate.

Then there was the experiment day and night until he died.

"I thought I was dead, but I didn't want to wake up again, but in the dormitory of high school, my roommate said that I fell off the bed and fainted. After waking up, I kept having nightmares and couldn't sleep well. I dropped my head, and I didn't take it seriously in the exam room, and I didn't want to do well in the exam."

"Then, I was taken back to Meng's house, and then I will marry you."

Meng Ting slowly breathed a sigh of relief as he spoke. After all, he had finished talking, after all he was truly honest with Yan Sui.

Yan Sui didn't stay silent for too long. Regarding Su Siyu's words, he had already had various speculations in his mind, but this kind of speculation was not included, but Meng Ting's words were much more convincing than all his speculations.

If Su Siyu's deeds alone were not enough to change the original trajectory, it was also because of Meng Ting's voluntary abandonment of the path of his previous life, and the two factors contributed to their current marriage.

He slowly withdrew his hand, and Meng Ting immediately raised his eyes to look over, there was apprehension in his eyes, but also determination, he would never get entangled in his determination, he was waiting for his trial, but the more Meng Ting was like this, he would The more distressed and panicked.

Yan Sui's hand touched Meng Ting's forehead, his hair, his eyelashes, and finally his lips.

His tone was also a little harsh, "What are you thinking? How could I not want you?"

But in the end he was reluctant to be harsh to Meng Ting, and his words became low after the end. He hugged Meng Ting and wanted to use his strength, but he was afraid of hurting him. Not only Meng Ting felt helpless, but he also felt the same.

Hearing this, Meng Ting stretched out his hand, and slowly wrapped his arms around Yan Sui's neck.

"I know, but I just can't help worrying. It must be... It must be that I love you too much."

Yan Sui wanted to laugh when he heard the words, but he couldn't laugh out loud. Their meeting was so accidental, if they missed any point by accident, they would completely miss it.

"Yan Sui, I'm sorry, but I actually couldn't help you by speaking out. I don't know about your affairs."

What Su Siyu knew, he didn't know at all. He lived in his own world, and his life was a mess. Even now, he still has apprehension, fear of repeating the same mistakes, and fear of losing.

"Meng Ting, thank you," Yan Sui gently kissed Meng Ting's side face, then whispered against his cheek, "Thank you for your choice."

He even wanted to be thankful for Su Siyu's choice. Meng Ting was uneasy, and he was also uneasy. This uneasiness reached its peak when the cause and effect were understood, and gradually settled down.

Whether it was a chance given by God or a coincidence, in short, Meng Ting is in his arms now, a partner who will accompany him through life, and he will never let him go.

"What happened in the university, tell me carefully, and what happened in the research base."

Yan Sui's thoughts were sorted out very quickly, Meng Ting finally let him go, he couldn't miss this opportunity, he had to figure out everything that needs to be clarified, even the scars, hidden rot, it's better to cut them open and start over again.

"Grandma asked me for money, but if I didn't give it, she made a noise in the public, saying that I was ungrateful, that I was cruel, and that I had the tendency to kill at a young age..." Meng Ting let go of Yan Sui a little, then sat up, and he His tone was flat, but he didn't seem to care much, but the him at that time was still different from the him now, he cared at that time.

"Someone asked from the sidelines, so she told them carefully..." Yan Sui knew about the fact that he was almost molested at the age of fourteen, and Meng Ting didn't think much about it. He sighed softly, his expression a bit annoyed, "I... I really wanted to kill him, but I had never killed anyone before, I was not strong enough, and the angle of stabbing was not right, she was actually right."

If Meng Ting was brought back to an earlier time, the man might not have a chance of surviving, and he might really be sent to jail.

Meng Ting's three views are more or less crooked, but in fact, it is very good and rare. The Meng family intends to raise Meng Ting, but Meng Ting's nature is transparent, and the rise of adversity should make some people panic. That's why they are so unscrupulous.

The Meng family did not dare to let Meng Ting go abroad, did not dare to let him escape from their control, and even imprisoned him in the research base, not just because they wanted to control Meng Ting for their use, but also because they were afraid that Meng Ting's sudden fortune would be caught by the outside world. who noticed.

Otherwise, even Meng Ting, as a perfume researcher, shouldn't have hidden it so tightly. Even now, when he married into Yan's family, there are still people panicking over there.

Although Su Siyu didn't have any special skills, but he had good communication skills, and all kinds of news were circulated very well. Meng Ting, as the illegitimate son of the Meng family, couldn't be unaware of him.

What's more, he and Meng Qi had a relationship, and the Meng family was not a family that didn't get along well and didn't attract attention to him.

"The life in the research institute is actually okay, but it is very tiring. When a prescription comes out, another project starts again. We are in the laboratory every day, and we are very busy every day..."

That kind of pressure almost drained Meng Ting's love for fragrances, and he is a person who is used to being focused. When starting a project, he doesn't need to be urged, he will follow up the whole process, but at the same time his physical strength and energy are all in was squeezed dry.

"Originally, I didn't want to touch them anymore, but in the Rose Manor, I found that I was just venting my anger, and I still like it." Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui as he spoke, with a slight smile on his lips. Thinking of their days in Rose Manor.

"Let me tell you, I want to ask your opinion. Should I take the university entrance examination slowly according to the plan, or should I start to adjust the fragrance now?" Meng Ting added, "I can't adjust it after studying." It's so fragrant, I can't use it with one mind..."

Meng Ting's topic jumped too fast, he was still distressed, but Meng Ting became lively again.

Not being able to take care of two things at the same time would be a pity to others, but it was a good thing to Meng Ting.

He chose the one he valued when the two were in power, that's why he let go of his hatred and the haze in his heart, and that's why he appeared in front of him with his current appearance.

Yan Sui leaned over and didn't give any advice first, he first kissed Meng Ting's lips, he kissed very seriously and very emotionally.

Meng Ting also couldn't figure out what Yan Sui was thinking, but he still responded to his kiss, his eyes lowered slowly, and there was more heat on his cheeks, it was really Yan Sui's kiss that was so gentle, it moved his heart.

Yan Sui's eyes also lowered, and at the same time, his hands became tighter and tighter, wrapping the person in his arms, as if he could kiss like this all night long.

I don't know how long it took before Yan Sui let go of him. For a while, the two of them were immersed in the aftertaste of emotion and had nothing to say, but in fact there was no need to say anything. This kiss was enough to express Yan Sui's heart.

Meng Ting leaned against him, and it took him a long time to open his eyes. His eyes met Yan Sui's gaze, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Yan Sui, what should I do, I can't leave you anymore."

In the depths of love, leaving the other party is really no different from giving up a part of the body. The pain of giving up is with you throughout your life. If you have the courage to die or it’s okay, living is really worse than death.

Meng Ting's words unconsciously became more sad, but Yan Sui curled up his lips in satisfaction, he caressed Meng Ting's side face, without hiding his heart, "Don't be afraid, I am the same as you."

He also cannot live without Meng Ting, so no matter what means he uses, he will not let this happen.

As he spoke, he kissed Meng Ting's forehead again, and then adjusted his posture to make Meng Ting lean more comfortably, "I also said that you can do whatever you want, you can make fragrances if you like, I I will support you too."

"If you don't want to go to the school, we don't want to go. We take mid-term and final exams, and we can adjust at any time depending on the results. Next year's college entrance examination scores are enough to be admitted to Haicheng University. As for the laboratory..."

"I understand that," Meng Ting grabbed Yan Sui's hand and kissed it on his lips, then immediately turned around and said seriously, "I've already thought about all the equipment needed in the laboratory."

As Meng Ting spoke, he turned around again, took his tablet over, clicked on a document, and there was a list of equipment in it, which was quite complete.

But these are not enough, Yan Sui looked at Meng Ting's serious expression that he thought he could help, and brought him back and kissed him again.

"You make an idea, I'll do it."

The laboratory is not only equipped with equipment, Meng Ting also needs assistants, the location of the laboratory needs to be selected, various raw materials need to be imported, and even perfume brands and companies need to be set up. It is impossible without a professional manager.

Of course, Yan Sui didn't have that much time to follow him from beginning to end, but it was still possible to find a reliable helper for Meng Ting.

Hearing this, Meng Ting smiled and narrowed his eyes. He suddenly grabbed Yan Sui's feet, threw him down on the bed, and kissed his face non-stop, "Yan Sui, you Great."

The "good" that Meng Ting said was not just about Yan Sui helping him set up the laboratory, but also that he was willing to believe in him, willing to tolerate his bad past and previous life, he looked at Yan Sui as if his whole body would glow, He couldn't kiss enough.

Yan Sui felt the warm and soft feeling on his face, and the astringency in his heart for Meng Ting suddenly became stronger and lighter, he gently embraced him, and slowly closed his eyes, he and Meng Ting, together, It seems that he can't be sad, but as long as there is sweetness, it is his greatest blessing.

Seeing that Yan Sui closed his eyes, Meng Ting pressed his lips against Yan Sui's again, and then leaned against Yan Sui's chest, the smile on his face turned faint, but he was actually happier.

"Yan Sui, I'm very happy," Meng Ting said as he curled his mouth again, and was completely honest with Yan Sui. He felt relaxed and happy at the same time. He climbed up again and leaned closer to Yan Sui's ear to emphasize, "That's right. If Su Siyu doesn't tell you, I will tell you later."

It's just not so early, he will pick a better and more suitable time.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me. I don't want you to feel sorry."

"En," Yan Sui replied lightly, he could be the same as Meng Ting not to care too much about those things, but he would never let the Meng family get into their hands.

Seeing that Yan Sui agreed, Meng Ting believed it too. He climbed off Yan Sui, "I'll go and write out the prescription I've researched by myself, and I'll sell it to you first."

It's good to say it, he can make money for Yan Sui.

However, before his feet landed on the ground, Yan Sui snatched him back, his waist was tightly bound, and Yan Sui's deep and powerful voice came from beside his ear, "I'll write tomorrow, don't worry now."

Meng Ting turned back suspiciously, after thinking for a while, he leaned back into Yan Sui's arms, "I'll tell you whatever you want to ask, and now I'm really telling you everything."

As Meng Ting spoke, he rubbed Yan Sui's cheeks, the corners of his eyes and brows completely stretched, that kind of happiness was very vivid.

Yan Sui stretched out his hand and pinched Meng Ting's nose. Seeing his frowning and confused look, he finally smiled, let go of his nose, and bit his lip, "No question, but you You have to feed me before you can do anything else."

Meng Ting reached out and touched Yan Sui's stomach, "Are you hungry again?"

Yan Sui continued to hug the person inside, and then whispered, "Touch down again."

Meng Ting's hand slowly slid halfway, then stopped, and then his cheeks turned red, "Then again?"

After confirming that he is going to set up a laboratory now, he actually still has a lot of things to do, and there is actually a way to choose some raw materials. He can't let Yan Sui suffer. Their perfumes are not the best, but they are always the best. It should be the most special.

Yan Sui grabbed Meng Ting's index finger, didn't respond, and gritted his teeth lightly, he could even imagine the days when he was left out in the cold.

The coat was taken off, the hot kiss was pressed down, Meng Ting soon couldn't think about anything more, he endured Yan Sui's enthusiasm, and offered his enthusiasm, although those things in the laboratory worried him a lot Yes, but still not as important as his Yan Sui.

After coming once on the bed, in the bathroom, Meng Ting suddenly figured it out, and hooked Yan Sui's neck, "Let's do it again."

The young man was greedy for sex, Yan Sui wanted to refuse, but he couldn't say anything, Meng Ting seduced him and kissed him, and he also acquiesced.

The sound of surging water is intertwined with panting, and there are passionate whispers, they are the best aphrodisiac for each other, love when you want to love, and do what you want to do.

Of course, there were also some sequelae. Not long after Meng Ting returned to bed, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, and forgot about writing the formula.

On the contrary, Yan Sui continued to rub the medicine on his legs and rubbed his legs for a long time before he had time to put on a bathrobe for himself.

He didn't go outside the bedroom either. He opened the curtain on the side of the sofa with his mobile phone and walked outside the small balcony connected to the bedroom.

"Mingya, it's me." Yan Sui said while sitting on the wicker chair on the balcony, and continued, "What are your plans for this semester?"

"Uncle Ninth," Yan Mingya's voice was a little surprised. He usually dared to contact Zhen Han at most, and didn't dare to disturb Yan Sui. He was pleasantly surprised and quickly answered Yan Sui's question.

"I've almost finished my studies, and I should practice more. I'm... looking for a project recently."

Yan Sui is aware of this so-called "project". This is one of the tests Yan Zhuangbo set for him and Yan Shuya. Before the age of twenty, he must give Yan Zhuangbo a grade. Achievements created.

"Have you found it?" Yan Sui asked again.

"A few are under assessment, but I'm not very satisfied," Yan Mingya said in a serious tone. Although he didn't think highly of Yan Shuya as an opponent, the lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, and his attitude was absolutely serious. This is the quality that the successor of the Yan family must have.

"Well, if that's the case, come to Haicheng. I have a project here. You can see if you can do it."

The meaning of Yan Sui's words is also very obvious, when he asked Yan Mingya to come to Haicheng, he didn't let Mingya choose, but he chose Yan Mingya.

"This..." Yan Mingya naturally didn't doubt Yan Sui's words, but Yan Zhuangbo asked to leave the Yan family, which naturally also included the help of Haicheng's family and other side branches.

"It belongs to your little aunt, and has nothing to do with Yan Shi."

Yan Mingya, who was far away in country F, raised his eyebrows slightly. He noticed that when Yan Sui said the word "little aunt", his tone was obviously softer, and it was obvious who it was for. Although he didn't see anyone, he could still guess. Yan Sui and Meng Ting have always had a good relationship.

Affected by this emotion, Yan Mingya didn't hesitate any longer, "Okay, I'll make arrangements here, and I'll be here soon."

"Don't worry, you make arrangements first, call me when the ticket is booked, and I'll send someone to pick you up." Yan Sui's voice became calm again as he spoke.

Yan Mingya responded, Yan Sui hung up the phone, and after that, he made another call.

"Give me a thorough investigation of Li Yifei from the Meng family."

Yan Sui made phone calls on the small balcony for nearly half an hour before returning to the room. He no longer went to the study, took off his bathrobe, lay down under the quilt, hugged Meng Ting, and slept with him.

The next day at around 5:30, Yan Sui woke up, and the person in his arms was still asleep. He reached out and touched Meng Ting's forehead, but he didn't have a fever. He looked at his sleeping face carefully, and there was no discomfort at all. .

After thinking about it carefully, Yan Sui smiled lightly, and then continued to sleep while hugging her.

Meng Ting's biological clock was disrupted a while ago, and last night he was too tired to wake up.

But this is also good, exercise is important, but rest is more important.

The two of them slept until almost seven o'clock before coming down the stairs. Wang Ma and Xiao Bo were amazed for a while, but finally realized it. It was Meng Ting who looked at the time on his phone for a long time before accepting that he had slept in. fact.

"Eat breakfast first, then run in the evening."

As Yan Sui said, he pulled people to the dining table, and Dahuang and Maoqiu all came to their feet.

"They've all been fed," Wang Ma said to Meng Ting while serving breakfast.

But Rhubarb and Mao Qiu are very close to Meng Ting, even if they don't beg for food, they love to come and get bored.

Meng Ting sat down with one leg on each side, which was enough for them to rub against each other.

After the two of them had breakfast, both Yan Sui and Meng Ting went to the study. Meng Ting quickly wrote out a few perfume formulas, and he looked at these formulas, as if he was still thinking.

"What's wrong? I can't remember the doses?" Yan Sui really doesn't understand these things, but just looking at the densely packed scientific names and doses on it, he knows it's not easy. and hard work are indispensable.

Meng Ting shook his head, "No, I remember, I just think... there is still room for improvement."

It's just that there is no laboratory right now, and many ideas are stuck in his head, and he is not sure what the effect of the improvement will be.

A slight smile slipped across Yan Sui's eyes when he heard this, Meng Ting's eyes when he looked at these prescriptions were quite different from when he treated the test papers, the former was because he really liked it, and the latter was because he had tried to change his destiny and forced himself to To be taken seriously, it is always different.

Yan Sui didn't stay in the study for long, he went to the company, Meng Ting didn't go, he still occupied Yan Sui's study, doing calculations, and then looking up information, but Yan Sui put rhubarb and hairball inside to accompany him.

He has water and snacks on hand, and whenever he is hungry, he can get food at his fingertips.

Meng Ting spent the two days of the weekend in the study. When he was tired, he took rhubarb for a stroll, and continued when he came back. On Sunday night, Meng Ting finally sorted out all the perfume combinations he had researched.

During the sorting process, he came up with a few more ideas, but he told him with Yan Sui, don't worry, the laboratory is not finished yet, right now he just needs to write down his ideas and test them later.

Meng Ting put these recipes in the wooden box Wang Ma found, and put them on the bedside table in their room.

When Yan Sui came out of the bathroom, Meng Ting immediately turned around and waved to him.

When Yan Sui came, Meng Ting threw himself into his arms, then pointed to the wooden box, "I've done it all."

Hearing this, Yan Sui immediately kissed Meng Ting's cheek, "Our family's patriarchy is really amazing."

Yan Sui's tone was like praising a child, Meng Ting hesitated for a moment, and then he was kissed again.

"It's really amazing." Yan Sui sat on the bed with Meng Ting, but his expression gradually became serious, "But there is something I have to tell you."

"What?" Meng Ting asked, his expression became more serious, he didn't seem to feel that Yan Sui was unhappy these two days.

"You like to do these things, so I naturally support you, but you can't completely lose sight of me because of this."

Every day he went to the company with all kinds of reluctance, Meng Ting at most waved goodbye to him at the window of the study, the reluctance to go to school before was completely gone. Moreover, he had a premonition that if things went on like this, he would not only have to eat the vinegar of the two pets occasionally, but also the vinegar of the perfume in Meng Ting's hand.

"No, I can see you," Meng Ting said with his eyes wide open, he took a good look at Yan Sui, seeing that his expression was quite serious, he reflected on the past two days, and then changed Yan Sui Hugged tightly, "You misunderstood."

"I know what's most important to me, it's you, it's you."

Meng Ting emphasized, "I will want to touch it again, and it was because of you in the first place, Yan Sui, I can see you."

In fact, Yan Sui just wanted to be jealous, to find some sense of existence for himself, but he didn't want Meng Ting to take it seriously, but he couldn't deny that Meng Ting's serious confession, he liked it very much, felt distressed and liked it.

"If I'm too focused, you can hug me and kiss me, and I can see you again."

Meng Ting also knew that when he concentrated, he completely forgot about the surrounding situation, so he gave Yan Sui a suggestion after thinking about it.

"If it were you, I would definitely not be angry."

Meng Qin continued to whisper in Yan Sui's ear again, the soft and serious words made Yan Sui's whole heart warm.

"Well, I see," Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting back, he leaned on the pillow, Meng Ting leaned on his chest, they continued talking.

"Tomorrow Wang Feng will go to school to ask you for leave, and then ask the teachers of each subject for advice."

"Okay," Meng Ting nodded. He didn't know what happened to others, but for him, some knowledge was memorized, but it was always remembered, and some couldn't be memorized. .

However, those teachers' opinions still need to be listened to. After all, he and Yan Sui still want to continue taking college entrance exams. Perhaps they can try to fulfill their past shortcomings, but they don't need to force them too much. Their plans can be changed at any time, as long as they Just be sure what you want.

He had never been favored and loved so much before, but he got everything by Yan Sui's side.

Meng Ting thought for a while, but couldn't think of anything particularly pleasant to say. He hesitated and said, "I will give you all the money I earn from now on."

Yan Sui vaguely felt that Meng Ting's words came out a bit abruptly, just like the sentence he once said to him, "You have to eat well".

"En," Yan Sui agreed, and then asked again, "What's this?"

Meng Ting's cheeks turned red when he heard this, but he was still a little surprised, "It's a love story, can't you hear it?"

Hearing this, Yan Sui could no longer restrain his smile. He hugged Meng Ting, his chest trembled slightly, and his hearty laughter carried a deep flavor, "Hahahaha."

He kissed Meng Ting's forehead, and couldn't help but rub his hair more. After that, the smile on the corner of his mouth still couldn't be contained.

"Aren't love words intentionally meant to make people happy?" Meng Ting couldn't be serious when Yan Sui laughed at him. He also smiled and muttered his own doubts, thinking he was right.

"You're right," Yan Sui agreed, without any disobedience, he turned around and pressed Meng Ting under him, "As long as it's said by Ting Ting, whether it's the truth or love, I'd love to hear it."

The roots of Meng Ting's ears were slightly red, he nodded, and then he poked Yan Sui's cheek again, "Actually, we should be the same age, no, I may be older than you, my birthday is in January. "

It's impossible that Yan Sui is also in January, and it's also New Year's Day.

Yan Sui raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "I'm not satisfied, I call you that?"

Hearing this, Meng Ting shook his head, and he poked Yan Sui's other cheek again, "That's right, that's right... I'm called Sui Sui and I can't say it..."

Yan Sui also felt puzzled when he heard it, he lowered his head and kissed Meng Ting's lips, "Then call her name. I like to hear it." Especially when Meng Ting was emotional, those soft calls were extremely sweet, and he really liked them.

Meng Ting nodded lightly, and forgot to continue to investigate who he and Yan Sui were.

He left him in the cold for two days, so he had to make up for it this night.