Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 57


The staff at the entrance of the resort saw it from a distance, and came to pick it up with an umbrella, but they only walked a dozen steps, and they only took an extra umbrella.

Yan Sui took the umbrella and wrapped Meng Ting in his arms. Li Lan dragged his arm and pulled him towards them. He walked all the way to the lobby in the pouring rain. Only then did he let go. .

Putting the umbrella aside, the service personnel brought two towels, Yan Sui threw one to Li Lan, and he immediately covered the other on Meng Ting's head, "Forgot, you can't get sick yourself."

Yan Sui's tone was a little anxious. The last time Meng Ting fell ill in the rain, he still had a deep memory of it. He didn't want to go through that kind of distress and worry again. Meng Ting's movement to give the towel to Yan Sui stopped. Living.

He stood obediently and asked Yan Sui to wipe him, but he also said to the person over there, "One more towel."

Although there were three people, but two were sent, could it be that Li Lan was being bullied because he was short, so he should not be able to see him. While Meng Ting was anxious, he was also a little angry.

Another towel was delivered, and Meng Ting immediately put it on for Yan Sui.

From the moment Li Lan was covered by Yan Sui's suit by Meng Ting, he was a little dazed in his mind. Later, he was dragged away, and now he was brought to the lobby again. He was still dazed, not because he was dazed by the rain. Instead, my heart was suddenly blocked.

He wanted to leave a bit, but it was still raining outside, and he still hadn't got the answer he wanted from Yan Sui and Meng Ting.

Yan Sui asked Meng Ting to sit on the sofa, and he went over there to book a room, because it was a temporary idea, so naturally he didn't make a reservation in advance, but he had been here before, and the lobby manager only took a moment to recognize Yan Sui. , and then follow up, any procedures will be easy to talk about.

On this side, Meng Ting pulled down the towel covering his head. Seeing that Li Lan was silent, he reached out and patted his shoulder lightly, "It's okay, although it's raining, it's okay."

Yan Sui would still be willing to tell him the answer he wanted, Meng Ting was very sure of this.

Li Lan lowered his head and rubbed his eyes well, then raised his eyes to look at people, his eyes were a bit fierce, but Meng Ting's eyes were too clear and too clean, there was no teasing or sympathy, even if he had a temper, he couldn't lose it, let alone He doesn't have a temper at all, and he can't be treated well by others, so he should be angry for no reason.

He couldn't say anything, and then Meng Ting pulled him over, and they sat and waited for Yan Sui.

"Wipe it yourself, don't get sick."

Li Lan nodded. He really didn't dare to get sick. If he was sick, his grandpa would have to worry about it, and the family would have to spend money. Meng Ting was right. But Meng Ting looked like he was completely different from him, so how could he understand his thoughts so well.

Li Lan was wiping his head carelessly while thinking about it, Meng Ting also obediently wiped his hair by himself, his coat was completely wet, so he didn't put it on again, when he looked around, he only saw Yan Sui's back.

Yan Sui grabbed the towel he was wearing, but in fact his hair and shirt were soaked, and the outline of his figure could still be vaguely seen from the water stains. Yan Sui's figure is undoubtedly very good, revealing a little color is very attractive.

Meng Ting's eyes suddenly looked around, and sure enough, he saw many service staff looking at Yan Sui blushing in amazement, and some tourists sitting in the lobby also looked at Yan Sui more, Meng Ting's eyes slightly rounded, I can't say whether I'm happy or not, but I'm sure I'm uncomfortable.

Li Lan also followed Meng Ting's gaze for a while, and then fell back on Meng Ting. He was much calmer than Meng Ting, "You are much prettier than them, and you are blind to look at others."

He could feel that Yan Sui and Meng Ting had a very good relationship, they were not the kind of lovers or husband and wife who seemed to be at odds with each other and split up at will.

The concerned look on Meng Ting's face did not dissipate when he heard this, he said with certainty, "Yan Sui is mine, I don't want to show it to others."

He glanced at Li Lan, "You don't like someone, you don't understand."

"It's often played on TV. I don't understand why," Li Lan muttered in a low voice. He turned his head to look outside. There were thunder and lightning, and the rain was still heavy. Sit down and wait for the rain to stop.

"Boy, didn't I tell you that we don't accept child labor here, why are you here again?" A man in a suit and overalls was just passing by them, but he suddenly turned around, widened his eyes, and bluffed .

Li Lan snorted and didn't respond, if it wasn't raining, if it wasn't for being dragged by Yan Sui before, he actually didn't want to come in.

Seeing that Li Lan's attitude was still tugging, the man was about to come over and drag him out, but Meng Ting, who was beside Li Lan, lifted his foot and kicked him back two steps. Sharp by two points.

"I brought him here, how?"

The man was actually not injured, but he was taken aback. Meng Ting moved his feet too suddenly, and he seemed to be very knowledgeable. He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Which room are you from?"

"Which room..." Meng Ting answered the question, Yan Sui was still working there, who knew which room it was.

Before Meng Ting could finish speaking, the smirk on the man's face changed, and he no longer concealed his true expression. He laughed angrily, "You are not our guest, and you brought in a little kid who stole things, and you are still here Dare to make a move against this young master!"

"I didn't steal anything from you!" Li Lan's face turned ugly when he heard that, if it wasn't for Meng Ting's hand still pressing on his shoulder, he probably wanted to rush forward and fight him, he gritted his teeth and looked extremely fierce.

"Dong Fei, I'll say it again, that thing was given to me by an old man, I didn't steal it!"

Lijia Village is so close to this resort, and Li Lan only wants to make money to see a doctor for his grandfather, so he will never forget this place. Originally, it was fine, but the staff in the resort refused to accept him. Occasionally he came with others, and they were willing to let him in. of.

But this person in front of him wanted to search his body one day before he left. Once or twice, he endured it in order to find a way to make money. He helped an old man for a while, and the old man sent someone else to him. A box of biscuits for Li Lan.

He was stopped at the door again, Li Lan opened his mouth to explain, but Dong Fei in front of him still insisted that he stole something, he didn't even go to the old man to ask for proof, he confiscated the box of biscuits, and told the doorman , He is not allowed to come again.

Li Lan's temperament is not small. If he hadn't been in a daze just now, he wouldn't have come in even if it was raining.

That Dong Fei had a malicious smile on his face, but he also knew to lower his voice, "I said you are, you are."

He stood up straight after saying that, "Please go out, both of you, this is a resort open for business, not a charity place."

"Dong Fei!" A stern shout came from behind him, and Dong Fei was taken aback again. He turned around and saw a tall man with a serious face he didn't know first, and then the lobby manager he was familiar with.

The lobby manager was almost pissed off by the director's son. He was so angry that his voice trembled slightly, "Still, still haven't apologized to the distinguished guests!"

The people who came with the head of the Yan family, how could it be simple, they were simple, Dong Fei's words angered the person next to him, not to mention a Dong Fei, even the sensible people in the entire resort would be implicated.

Yan Sui looked at Dong Fei, but he only glanced over before continuing to walk towards Meng Ting.

The lobby manager greeted people immediately, covered Dong Fei who was about to quibble or something, and was about to take him away.

"Wait," Meng Ting held Yan Sui's hand, but his eyes still fell on Dong Fei, and he spoke very simply, "Apologize."

However, this Dong Fei has been spoiled for a long time. Hearing this, the embarrassment on his face became more embarrassing, and his hands and feet struggled. The lobby manager hurriedly whispered in his ear, and finally yanked his hand hard. , that Dong Fei gradually realized, and then his face began to turn pale.

He bullied a little boy who didn't like it, but he didn't expect to kick an iron plate, which was the kind of iron plate that could kill people.

"Yes, sorry, I was wrong."

Hearing this, Meng Ting patted Li Lan on the shoulder, "And him, he didn't steal anything from you."

Li Lan stood up, his eyes were still fierce, but in fact his legs trembled slightly, he was still a little scared, the shadow that Dong Fei made him indisputable still lingered in his heart before this moment.

But at the moment Yan Sui and Meng Ting were behind him, clearly making decisions for him, he straightened his back a little, and he also emphasized, "Apologize."

"I'm sorry, I... made a mistake." Li Lan had some difficulty opening his mouth, but under Yan Sui's sight, he couldn't help but speak.

After he finished speaking, he slightly raised his eyes to look at Yan Sui, begging for forgiveness, but Yan Sui only had one word for him, "Get lost."

"Calm down, both of you, Dong Fei... I will report back to the chairman, and I will definitely not let him block your eyes."

Yan Sui didn't react to the lobby manager's words. He stood up, pulled Meng Ting up, grabbed Li Lan's arm, and walked towards the elevator in the lobby.

The lobby manager hurriedly followed them until they were sent to the door of the suite. He was always respectful, sweating, respectful and fearful, which really opened Li Lan's horizons.

"You go to the bathroom in the guest room to take a shower, and clothes will be delivered in a while, so don't rush to leave."

Yan Sui told Li Lan first, and then dragged Meng Ting to the master bedroom. He was still worried that Meng Ting would get gonorrhea.

When they reached the master bedroom, Yan Sui let go of Meng Ting's hand, then touched his forehead and cheeks, and there was nothing unusual, then he said, "Take off your clothes, I'll put some hot water on."

"Okay," Meng Ting replied, wearing wet clothes was quite uncomfortable, he took off his clothes by himself, leaving only his shorts, and then went to the bathroom.

Yan Sui put hot water on, and when he saw Meng Ting coming in, he waved to him, Meng Ting took a shower and then went to soak in the bathtub. He grabbed Yan Sui's clothes and unbuttoned him, "You're wet too, let's wash together."

Hearing that the coldness on Yan Sui's face finally dissipated a little, he pressed the back of Meng Ting's head, and directly touched his lips. Before he could react, he rushed in and grabbed the softest part, Kissed up.

This kiss has been thought about since the tea house in Lijia Village, and it is only now that I put it into action.

Meng Ting's eyes blinked lightly, but they still didn't close, Yan Sui's eyebrows were imprinted in his eyes, his head was empty, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't seem to think about anything at all.

Because he was obviously distracted by looking at people, his breathing became chaotic after a while, and he couldn't find it and continued to mess up. Yan Sui let go of him, and Meng Ting directly half-lyed back into the bathtub, his chest rose and fell slightly, his eyes were blurred, and his expression was also rather confused. .

Yan Sui curled his lips, walked behind Meng Ting, squeezed some shampoo, "Just lie there, don't move."

Meng Ting didn't respond, but he didn't move either. Yan Sui just helped him wash his hair. He washed very carefully, trying not to get Meng Ting's eyes and ears. clothes.

Meng Ting looked over, and Yan Sui continued to take off the last pair of underpants, "You're soaking, I'm getting wet."

Just washing Meng Ting's hair, he can respond, Yan Sui felt a little helpless to himself, the warm water washed down, he also started to wash his hair, he closed his eyes, let the foam wash away completely, before opening his eyes , A warm body stuck behind him.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to hug you."

Yan Sui felt that he had no ability to resist Meng Ting, and Meng Ting was probably the same, he thought Yan Sui was good-looking, and Yan Sui was his, so he came here to beg for a hug.

"Why do you shower in such cold water," Meng Ting muttered, but his hands were still wrapped around Yan Sui's waist and did not let go.

Hearing this, Yan Sui moved the switch to the hot side, then turned around and hugged Meng Ting.

"Did you get angry downstairs just now?"

"Well," Meng Ting didn't deny, that Dong Fei looked a little angry, but that wasn't what made him care more, "Also... your clothes are wet, and many people look at you, and I'm a little angry too."

Thinking about it, Meng Ting emphasized again, "I'm only angry with them, it has nothing to do with you, I like you."

Meng Ting would never have such a thing as venting his anger, and he couldn't help being a little worried when he was angry.

Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting's hand and brought him to the hot water. He lowered his head and held Meng Ting's lips firmly. The water on top of his head poured down. In the overwhelming thunderstorm outside, they couldn't kiss, so they came here to take a shower. But it feels a little bit different.

Meng Ting was so drenched that he couldn't open his eyes, and the soles of his feet slipped slightly on the foam, so he could only rely on Yan Sui to stabilize his center of gravity. When he was a little distracted, Yan Sui followed closely, retreating and advancing, and Meng Ting fell from his lips to the base of his tongue. The only thing left is to be devoured.

Yan Sui let go, Meng Ting panted lightly again, Yan Sui gasped a little too, but at the same time, his desire to be awakened was even stronger, his kiss moved down from the corner of Meng Ting's mouth slowly, and fell all over the side of his neck, And continue down.

Meng Ting opened his eyes, and lightly stroked Yan Sui's back with his hands, looking a little fond of letting go, and after a while he asked in a low voice, "I didn't misunderstand now, right?"

"No," Yan Sui gave Meng Ting an affirmative answer. He continued to kiss and turned the man on his back, "You have not misunderstood, I want you." Not only did he want the Master, he wanted Meng Ting. From body to heart, he wants it all.

"Yeah," Meng Ting agreed, and then took the initiative to cooperate with Yan Sui, the water in the shower was turned off at some point, neither of them cared, his feelings were all on the other party and himself, the surging emotions , flooded his thoughts, and couldn't think of anything for a while.

Li Lan, who was outside the room, walked around the guest room, and then the living room. He was amazed by the luxurious facilities here, and made him feel uncomfortable. He dried his hair, and the wet coat Wipe it off, because Yan Sui's clothes are covering him, and he is actually the one who gets wet the least.

When the doorbell rang, he hesitated for a while before opening it. It was still the lobby manager who personally delivered the things. In addition to the three clothes, there was also a dining car for food.

That person didn't dare to ask more questions, and he didn't dare to neglect Li Lan. He brought the clothes and food and left.

Li Lan sat in the living room, and when the rain stopped outside, he picked up his clothes and patted them, and then planned to leave.

Although he led Yan Sui and Meng Ting the way, it started to rain halfway. Meng Ting said it was okay, but later he helped him and asked Dong Fei to apologize to him. Now it is not Yan Sui who owes him the answer, but He owes Meng Ting a favor.

He frowned slightly in annoyance, but he didn't know how to repay this favor.

It took almost an hour and a half for the thunderstorm to stop completely. Li Lan didn't wait for Yan Sui and Meng Ting to come out. His grandfather would be worried if he came home too late. He got up and put the towel on his body away, and planned to leave , at this time Yan Sui came out wearing a bathrobe.

Li Lan leaned back again, but he didn't see Meng Ting. He was a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that Yan Sui was stronger, but when he entered the hall, he found that Meng Ting was even stronger, or it should be said that he had a better impression of Meng Ting.

"He fell asleep."

Yan Sui also knew what he wanted to see, so he walked over and took a closer look at Li Lan. His clothes were indeed not too wet, so he didn't force him to change again, "You want to leave? I'll send someone to see you off."

"No, no," Li Lan shook his head immediately. He already owed them favors, and he owed more and more. "I know this road well, so I don't need someone to send it to me."

"I really have to go. If I go back later, my grandpa should worry about me."

Li Lan sighed lightly, without further hesitation, he walked towards the door, Yan Sui followed after two steps behind.

"Is there a phone at home or nearby?"

Li Lan didn't know, so he still answered, "Yes, I have it at home." Usually it is rarely used, but occasionally his head teacher, Teacher Li, will call to talk to his grandfather.

"Yes," Yan Sui nodded, and he handed a business card to Li Lan, "Call me when you get home."

Li Lan looked at the unusual-looking business card with a somewhat restrained expression, but finally reached out to take it, "Okay, okay."

Yan Sui sent him to the door and still didn't close the door. When Li Lan walked into the elevator and the door was closed, he turned around and closed the door.

He had a slight smile on his face, like Meng Ting, his perception of Li Lan was not bad, at least much better than that Dong Fei who dared to fight Meng Ting.

Yan Sui walked to the sofa, pushed up the dining cart with food, and went back to the master bedroom of the suite. Before the door was fully opened, Meng Ting's head poked out first.

He was wrapped in a bathrobe, and there was still a little blush on his face that hadn't dissipated. He looked over with watery eyes, with some doubts, "Why did I wait inside just now?"

It's only after four o'clock in the afternoon, and he got a good night's sleep on the way here, even after strenuous exercise, he won't be tired from falling asleep.

But just now when they thought of Li Lan, Yan Sui asked him to wait in the room, before Meng Ting answered, Yan Sui got up, put on his bathrobe and went out. So he can only wait.

Pushing the dining cart with one hand, Yan Sui pulled the person closer with the other, kissed Meng Ting on the lips, and then answered his question.

"The kid wants to see you, but I don't want to fulfill his wish, I can't bear it."

Meng Ting didn't know how attractive his disheveled clothes and red face were, even a young boy who didn't understand anything, he couldn't bear to let others see Meng Ting like this.

Yan Sui's tone was very ambiguous, and the two of them were so close, even if Meng Ting was still puzzled, he couldn't ask.

"Oh," he replied, then his brows and eyes were raised, and he also kissed Yan Sui's lips.

"Then I can't bear to show you to others..."

Hearing Yan Sui's words, Meng Ting turned his face slightly, and Meng Ting consciously leaned over to kiss twice, and Yan Sui didn't need to greet him on the other side, he had a smile on his face and kissed non-stop.

Yan Sui pushed the dining car to the table by the window of the master bedroom. It took five minutes to walk this short distance.

Yan Sui let go of the dining car and embraced Meng Ting with both arms, he sat down, and Meng Ting sat directly on his lap.

The kiss between the two of them also changed from a cheek kiss to a play between the lips, which was full of fun and never tired of it.

Fortunately, after some intimacy, Meng Ting sat next to Yan Sui, the sofa was a bit small, half of Meng Ting's leg was still hanging on Yan Sui's lap, but even so, he didn't want to sit in the spacious and comfortable seat opposite.

Yan Sui took out the fruits and desserts from the dining car, and poured Meng Ting another glass of water, "Drink more water."

Meng Ting nodded, but still took a bite of the pastry first, leaving clear tooth marks on the complete pastry, making that piece of pastry look a bit special, Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui, and tentatively brought it to his lips , and then Yan Sui bit it.

"It's a bit too sweet, but it's okay," Meng Ting swallowed, and then made a comment.

Yan Sui has no feelings for desserts, but his mood at the moment is not the same as usual, but he doesn't feel how sweet the cakes are.

"Drink water." He picked up the cup and brought it to Meng Ting's mouth. Meng Ting looked up and looked at the person, and then started to drink.

Yan Sui saw that Meng Ting had had enough, so he put the quilt back on the table, then picked up a small tomato and fed it to him.

Meng Ting usually had a good appetite, so Yan Sui fed him, it was better naturally, one after another, one piece after another, Yan Sui suddenly realized that most of the fruit had gone. Yan Sui didn't feed people with fruit anymore, but with more feelings in his heart, he also knew that feeding people to eat would be such an interesting thing.

Meng Ting's cheeks twitched, his eyes were roving, he swallowed one piece, and Yan Sui brought the other. They didn't say a word for such a long time, but they didn't think there was anything wrong. Looking over at him, Yan Sui immediately smiled back at him.

"We'll have dinner later, eat these first."

"En," Meng Ting agreed, and then lay down in Yan Sui's arms, not feeling full, but a little lazy.

Yan Sui stretched out his hand and rubbed Meng Ting's abdomen, repeatedly, so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

Outside the window facing them was a sunset that broke through the clouds. After the thunderstorm, the world was surprisingly clean, and the already good scenery was three points better, but even with such a beautiful scenery in front of them, they couldn't distract themselves. Look.

Yan Sui didn't want Meng Ting to fall asleep and miss the meal, so he moved his hand away from Meng Ting's abdomen, lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead, "Can you swim? There are some amusement facilities in the resort, let's play , just in time for dinner."

Hearing the words, Meng Ting slowly opened his eyes, and then squinted for a while before he replied, "No, I haven't learned it before, is it difficult?"

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Yan Sui said as he hugged Meng Ting, he was really reluctant to let others teach Meng Ting how to swim.

Meng Ting nodded, and couldn't help but vaccinate Yan Sui, "I'm stupid, don't dislike me."

Yan Sui kissed Meng Ting's lips twice more, "It's okay, you made a mistake, we'll just remember a kiss, and we'll punish you later."

This punishment seemed extremely unscrupulous, but Meng Ting still nodded seriously, "I remember."

The clothes that the lobby manager of the resort sent were ordinary T-shirts and beach shorts. Yan Sui had told him about the size beforehand, and it would be suitable for two people to wear. However, the ordinary clothes they found for Li Lan with great difficulty were not used.

When they walked out of the room, Yan Sui's cell phone rang.

"Okay, it's good when you get home."

Li Lan didn't know what to say to Yan Sui over there, he listened for a while before hanging up.

"When he came home, his grandpa wanted to invite us to lunch tomorrow, and I agreed."

Yan Sui led Meng Ting to the elevator, and he continued to explain to Meng Ting, "This place is good, and Grandpa Li Lan knows a lot. If you are satisfied with Mingya, I will ask Zhao Bing to bring him back tomorrow." Here, let him chat with Grandpa Li Lan."

Meng Ting is satisfied that Yan Mingya has passed Meng Ting's test, and tomorrow he will pass his test.

Meng Ting nodded, he knew that Yan Sui had worked hard for his laboratory, and there was no one in the elevator, so he pulled his neck down and kissed Yan Sui's cheek again, "I will work hard."

Even for Yan Sui, he couldn't let everyone's hard work go to waste.

Yan Sui put his arms around Meng Ting's waist, raised his hand and stroked Meng Ting's hair, "Work hard..."

"I will see you," Meng Ting said again consciously, he rubbed Yan Sui's cheek, "Don't look, you are already in my eyes, no, not only in my eyes, but also in my heart and mind. "

Meng Ting's voice was nice, and these words were also nice, Yan Sui's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little.