Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 61


Wang Ma shook her head helplessly at Yan Sui, refilled the tea for them, and then told the servants who were still in the living room and corridor to leave.

"Auntie may have misunderstood one thing. Xiao Zi's appearance in Haicheng was not because of you."

Yan Sui was sitting on the sofa, and the first thing he said was this. After he finished speaking, Zhen Han and Yan Manjia immediately turned their heads to look over. Zhen Han was thoughtful, but Yan Manjia still had doubts.

Xiao Zi once told her that he didn't like Haicheng, and even Xia Guo didn't like to stay with him because of this. He would only stay in Beicheng for a few days at most when he returned home. As for Haicheng, he had no friends or even real estate, and he didn't come for her. Haicheng, what is he doing here

"It's just... I kicked He Wan out of Yan's house, and he came here for this reason." Wanting to save Yan Manjia was just a cover-up that he used when he remembered the need.

Meng Ting made Yan Sui learn one thing, that is, it is better to be honest with someone close than to hide it with kindness, because no matter how close you are, you can't really be sure whether he needs this kindness or not.

What he said was a bit cruel to Yan Manjia, but it was the fact that she had been overprotected all along, and it was time for her to learn to grow up now.

"What... what?" Yan Manjia straightened her sitting posture, her expression was a little confused, as if she couldn't understand Yan Sui's words, "Xiao Zi... how could he have any connection with He Wan."

The Xiao family is in Beicheng, and it is because of her that the Xiao family is connected with Haicheng. The He family is not in the eyes of the Xiao family, let alone He Wan. As she asked, her heart beat a little out of control.

"There is a connection, and the time is not short. To be precise, he knew He Wan earlier than he knew you."

What is the concept earlier? Yan Manjia fell in love with Xiao Zi when she first fell in love at the age of fifteen, and He Wan was two years older than her, so she met Xiao Zi when she was sixteen or seventeen.

There is nothing wrong with this, but these two people have always made Yan Manjia and even more people feel that they don't know each other these years, why is this, this is the key.

"When He Wan was sixteen years old, she went abroad with her aunt for a while, and Xiao Zi happened to be in high school there at that time." Yan Sui said as he opened the tablet he had been holding in his hand. It was a photo taken by a passer-by. In the photo, Xiao Zi was kissing He Wan in it.

The angle is a bit off, but it is impossible for Yan Manjia to misunderstand Xiao Zi, and it is impossible for Yan Sui to misunderstand He Wan, so strictly speaking, He Wan's first love should be Xiao Zi.

Emotionally, he didn't know whether the two had broken up over the years. But He Wan and Xiao Zi must still be in contact, otherwise Xiao Zi would not have come for her.

Yan Manjia looked at the photo, opened her mouth slightly, and looked completely bewildered.

She has always known that Xiao Zi is passionate, besides her, there are always some lovers who hook up with each other, but she doesn't know that among those people there was He Wan, one was the person she loved the most, and the other was the person she never loved. Those who hate, these two hook up together...

The more Yan Manjia thought about it, the uglier her face became, her stomach rolled, and she was so disgusted.

Now she really felt that she had to go back to the stove and rebuild. Xiao Zi is dirty, and so is she.

"So, Xiao Zi's true love is He Wan? Damn it!"

Yan Manjia also cursed, her expression changed drastically, and she had the urge to kill.

"Bullshit true love, how could that kind of person have true love, that's why you have a smart head like yours... Why haven't you learned any of your grandma's intelligence, you're so mad at me."

Zhen Han couldn't stop swearing, he looked at Yan Manjia's aggrieved appearance, the more he looked at it, the more angry he became, and finally concluded with a sentence of anger.

Yan Manjia felt better after being scolded by Zhen Han, she gritted her teeth and looked at Yan Sui, "Tell me, tell me what you find, I've been blind for most of my life, I can't stay blind anymore .”

Yan Sui nodded lightly, "I can only say my guesses, many things have no direct evidence yet."

But who is Yan Sui? His thoughtfulness makes many old foxes feel ashamed. Even if there are discrepancies in his guess, it is only in some details and general direction. Not only Yan Manjia and Zhen Han will choose to believe, but also get to know Yan a little Sui will believe it.

"He Wan and Xiao Zi had a relationship in the early years, but it was almost over when He Wan returned to China, but the two still kept in touch. A large part of what she did later was to follow Xiao Zi's opinion."

The so-called He Wan's deeds in Yan Sui's words are probably how she destroyed Yan Yu and He Yue's affairs, even He Wan was able to successfully conceive Yan Yu's child, Xiao Zi's contribution can be said to be indispensable.

"You guys have been guessing where He Wan got father... Yan Yu's sperm," Yan Sui couldn't yell out the words "father" to Yan Manjia, but in order to make his words clearer, he called him by his name directly. .

"That year for the university physical examination, one of the people who came for the physical examination was a doctor Xiao Zi knew abroad." As for how he did it, it should be by using drugs or medical equipment, Yan Sui did not elaborate on these.

During the time he came back from country F, he checked a lot of things, reconnected one by one, and checked again.

Yan Sui's eyes suddenly fell on Zhen Han, and after a short pause, he continued, "You accidentally got pregnant with Zhen Han, and it has something to do with Xiao Zi and He Wan."

Or it could be that He Wan didn't want Yan Manjia to become the third wife of the Xiao family. She prevented Xiao Zi from going to Yan Manjia that night. It was several months after Yan Manjia found out that she was pregnant.

What happened that night was not only investigated by Yan Sui, but also by his grandfather, and it was wiped clean. Yan Manjia, the person involved, was also confused. They still have no way of knowing who Zhen Han's biological father is, but they can be sure. The most important thing is that He Wan or Xiao Zi are not the ones arranged by him.

Yan Sui didn't explain further, he pulled out some information to show to Yan Sui and Zhen Han, although they were not direct evidence, but those were enough to show that Yan Sui didn't exaggerate anything.

Yan Manjia's face turned completely pale, and her thoughts were in a mess. She didn't know what role she played in the tragic incident between Yan Yu and He Yue. If she was also an accomplice, then Yan Yu refused to admit it on the streets of Country F. She, totally makes sense.

Zhen Han looked over, Yan Manjia held back the tears in her eyes, she didn't want to use pity to forgive her mistakes, but looking at her like this made people feel even more uncomfortable, at least Zhen Han thought so.

"You're just stupid. You didn't listen to how many times I told you that that man was unreliable."

Eight years ago, the relationship between Zhen Han and Yan Manjia was not what it is now. He had said very bad things to Yan Manjia overtly and secretly, but she couldn't hear or see the woman who was blinded by love. .

He said that Yan Manjia only thought that he was fighting for favor, and sweetly called him baby twice, and the matter was over again.

" broke up with him, and you're sad because of him."

Zhen Han looked absolutely elegant, but when he scolded people, he said whatever he wanted. Yan Manjia's shoulders collapsed after being scolded by him, and he didn't dare to look at Zhen Han.

"I quarreled with Xiao Zi that day..." Yan Manjia opened her mouth. She never said these words to anyone. She chased Xiao Zi and wandered abroad for more than half a year. After identifying Xiao Zi, no matter how much he rejects her, she will never give up.

That night was the first time she knew what a sad feeling is, and she saw the scene similar to the photo just now, she saw Xiao Zi kissing another woman, she ran over to question, yelled, fought, and finally got angry ran away.

"I thought Xiao Zi would definitely send someone to follow me. I drank a lot of wine and seemed to be dragging someone to kiss me," Yan Manjia said, her old face was a little red when she said that when she was young, she was really reckless, lawless, and stupid at the same time up.

"Later...someone wanted to drag me away, but I didn't go. Taking advantage of the alcohol, I beat him up and ran away..."

Both Yan Sui and Zhen Han continued to listen with their ears pricked up, but Yan Manjia kept her mouth shut.

"And then?" Zhen Han frowned and said fiercely to Yan Manjia.

Yan Manjia shook her head lightly, "There is no more, I... I just remember that I ran a lot, and then my waist was sore and my legs hurt the next day." She didn't remember any lingering memories with anyone at all. When she was pregnant with her baby for more than three months, she was almost shocked.

The Xiao family also knew that Yan Manjia had gone abroad after Xiao Zi, so they also thought that the child in her womb would belong to Xiao Zi, but it couldn't be his, and they had been giving birth to Zhen Han for several times. Years later we were really together.

Zhen Han's Zhen was chosen by Yan Manjia herself. The whole name Yan Manjia wants to express the true and beautiful meaning. Yan Manjia has always regarded Zhen Han as an accidental gift from heaven to her.

What happened to Yan Manjia is amazing, but now not only Zhen Han is lucky, but Yan Manjia himself is also lucky that Zhen Han is not Xiao Zi's child, otherwise he has ulterior motives and asked Yan Manjia to give birth to him, that would be a real loss .

After Yan Manjia finished speaking, she looked at Yan Sui again, and Zhen Han did the same. They may have guesses in their hearts, but they still need Yan Sui to confirm for them.

The expression on Yan Sui's face did not change much, he considered his words for a while, and then said, "It's probably because of jealousy."

Not only is it terrible for women to be jealous, but it is also true for men. The person Xiao Zi is jealous of is undoubtedly Yan Yu, and only the client knows how the two of them became enemies.

Therefore, even if he was moved by Yan Manjia, he still couldn't let go of all his grievances to love her. It wasn't that Yan Manjia didn't do enough, but that their relationship was mixed with too many plots and schemes. He didn't dare to love, and couldn't afford to love her.

"That's why he has played tricks on me for so many years, killing my brother and the elder brother of the He family..." Yan Manjia said, her eyes were slightly red, her hands were clenched into fists, her body still couldn't help trembling slightly, but whether it was Yan Sui or Zhen Han didn't say anything to comfort her.

Yan Manjia naturally wouldn't do anything that would endanger Yan Yu in her heart, but if she was still involved with Xiao Zi, then it would be uncertain, and even Yan Sui guessed that Su Siyu said that Yan Yu would die... probably had something to do with Xiao Zi.

Specifically, the information he has is still too little to be sure, but the better thing now is that Yan Manjia has completely got nothing to do with Xiao Zi, they are broken, and Xiao Zi will not have the weakness of the Yan family.

"Don't be impatient, aunt. If you are impulsive, let me tell you, something bad will happen," Yan Sui whispered again. His voice was not high, but Yan Manjia couldn't help but listen. Their Yan family is now only Yan. Sui and her son are sensible people.

"I don't know, I won't be impulsive."

"En," Yan Sui agreed, stood up, nodded to Yan Manjia and Zhen Han, and walked upstairs. As for the tablet, he still kept it in Zhen Han's hands. He originally planned to tell Zhen Han about these things today Han, let him pay more attention to Yan Manjia.

Now let Yan Manjia know that keeping people under her nose is better than letting her stay in a seaside villa by herself.

When Yan Sui returned to the room, Meng Ting was still asleep, but his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was not sleeping well, Yan Sui leaned over and kissed Meng Ting's forehead, then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before lying down on the bed , Meng Ting found it by himself.

"Yan Sui, are we home yet?"

"Yes, we're home, go to sleep," Yan Sui turned sideways, patted Meng Ting's back, and kissed again, "Good night."

"Good night..." Meng Ting returned, and stopped trying to open his eyes. He nuzzled the tip of his nose slightly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was not completely free of worries, but those things around Yan Sui were bothering I can't get up, I just feel so comfortable that I want to sleep.

This night may not be the same for other people. In the old house, Yan Manjia stayed up all night. The small table lamp was turned on all night, and she just sat on the pillow all night. She seemed to think a lot, but at the same time, she didn't seem to think about anything.

Zhen Han didn't know if he slept or not. He got up at seven, grabbed two buns, and went back to his pet hospital.

Meng Ting got up early today, so he pulled Yan Sui and brought Rhubarb, who got up early, the two of them ran together, after breakfast, Yan Sui watched TV with him in the living room for a while before he went to the company.

As for Yan Manjia, she didn't come down from upstairs until almost noon. Although she looked a little sleepy, her eyes were bright. She really connected this time. Although she wasted more than 20 years, she is not dead yet. There is still a lot of time, and you can live a good life.

"Baby, you can go shopping with aunt in a while."

"What are you doing?" Meng Ting was sitting on the sofa waiting for lunch, when he heard Yan Manjia's words, he turned around and asked.

"I want to buy Hanhan a birthday present. He didn't like the ones I bought in previous years, but I still have to choose carefully."

Yan Manjia was a little weak when talking about Zhen Han, and the roles of the two were somewhat opposite, but she undoubtedly regarded Zhen Han as her son and her baby, but she herself had never grown up, and it was the precocious Zhen Han who worried her more.

"When is your cousin's birthday?"

Meng Ting only seemed to remember something more important when he asked, "Auntie, do you know when Yan Sui's birthday is?"

"Yan Sui's birthday is easy to remember, it's November 11th." His birthday, his friends all treat it as a bachelor party. It was fine in previous years, but I'm afraid it won't be this year. It should become a bachelor party .

Meng Ting nodded, there were less than two months left, he pondered for a while, then nodded again, "I'll accompany you, but we have to make a phone call with Yan Sui."

"Okay," Yan Manjia couldn't help smiling seeing Meng Ting's obedient appearance.

At first glance, Meng Ting will make people feel dumb, but the more we get along with him, the more he will find that his temperament is so simple that people feel precious. Getting along with him feels very comfortable, people like her who don't get along much feel that way, Yan Sui can feel more, it's no wonder he dotes on Meng Ting so much.

Yan Sui didn't stop them from going out, but they had to bring the people assigned to them by Bo Xiao. Meng Ting and Yan Manjia didn't think it was wrong. After lunch, they rested for a while, and then they got into the car and went to the shopping mall went.

There are many people in shopping malls on weekends, but Yan Manjia took Meng Ting directly to a few luxury stores, and there were relatively few people in those places.

Although Yan Manjia is abroad, she will send back a lot of presents every once in a while. She will give it to Zhen Han if she can. Now she is really anxious. Generally, she doesn’t like it. She seems to have given it to Zhen Han. Similar too.

"Then why don't you make something for Zhen Han by yourself." Meng Ting suggested on the side, thinking about what he would give Yan Sui as a birthday present two months later, "It's always special when you make it yourself. Yes, my cousin will like it."

Even if he dislikes it, he will definitely like it. Meng Ting's feeling is very direct, he knows that Zhen Han cares about Yan Manjia, of course he really dislikes it, but it can only be disliked by himself, if someone says something bad, he will probably want to fight with that person.

"What should I do?" Yan Manjia looked at Meng Ting expectantly as she said, wishing she could pull Meng Ting over and kiss her, but after Meng Ting told her so many times, did she remember that he would not give to anyone other than Yan Sui? dear.

Meng Ting didn't live up to this expectation, he shook his head to her, "I don't know, it's up to you to think..."

"The only thing I can barely get my hands on is oil painting," but I don't know what to do with the brushes that used to be aura. Yan Manjia sighed slightly as she spoke, and then smiled again. She had already thought of what special gift she could give Zhen Han.

"Thank you, baby, thank you."

Meng Ting nodded slightly when he heard the words, he was still not used to the name Yan Manjia, but Yan Manjia didn't get used to it casually, he basically didn't say anything when he said it.

Yan Manjia and Meng Ting went out of the shopping mall to buy some paints and canvases. She took Meng Ting to eat at a dessert shop, and the people who came with them carried the things they bought to the car first.

Coincidentally, not long after they sat down, He Wan also came in from the door, but she didn't see Yan Manjia and Meng Ting, she went directly to a seat and sat down, not long after, another woman came in, her age looked Much older than He Wanshang, not like her best friend.

"Who is she?" Yan Manjia muttered before turning around and taking a sip of juice.

"Her name is Li Yifei, Meng... grandpa's little wife." Meng Ting told Yan Manjia that the two women definitely had no good intentions when they got together, even Meng Ting, who didn't know how to read people's hearts, could see it.

Yan Manjia naturally knew in Haicheng that Meng Xiao and Su Siyu wanted to kill Meng Ting more than ten days ago, and then Yan Sui took revenge.

Yan Manjia rolled her eyes, she raised her hand to Meng Ting, Meng Ting hesitated for a while before nodding, he followed Yan Manjia to the back kitchen of the dessert shop, Yan Manjia made a phone call, and then delivered the things to the car The bodyguard Xiao Chen brought some things and came to look for Yan Manjia.

She actually changed Meng Ting into women's clothing, and the beige skirt didn't feel out of place on Meng Ting's body at all.

"Baby, your face is a masterpiece of God." Yan Manjia has not cultivated anything else in these years, and his aesthetic vision is extremely high. Meng Ting's face is very plastic. If it is not for his own specialties, in fact The fashion circle is very good at mixing things up.

But Meng Ting's character is not suitable for such a place, not to mention Yan Sui, even she is reluctant, Meng Ting can find something he likes to do, it will be very good.

Meng Ting didn't wear high heels, but wore his own white sneakers, which didn't feel out of place.

He walked out of the back kitchen with a stiff face, passed by He Wan, sat in the seat in front of her, took a magazine casually, and listened to what He Wan and Li Yifei were talking about as Yan Manjia said.

The two of them dressed casually, and chose to be in this busy dessert shop, in order not to attract attention, so the voice was naturally slightly lower, Meng Ting's hearing is not bad, but listen, listen, his expression It's also ugly two points.

"About Meng Ting, I want all the information you have. As a reward, I can let my brother chat with you."

He Wan took a sip of coffee, and said this seemingly casually.

"He's just an illegitimate child of your second wife. You don't have anything to be reluctant about. I can't decide the Yan family now, but my brother and I have a good relationship."

Even if her father doesn't like He Zhen any more, the He family still has only one son, He Zhen. Who made his favorite He Yue die

Naturally, Meng Ting had nothing to hate about Li Yifei, but He Wan didn't know it, she seemed to struggle for a while before agreeing to He Wan, "Yes, but I have one more request."

She said with a slight smile, "For you, it's nothing more than a little effort."

He Wan thought for a while, "Say it."

"The Meng family and the Yan family have an in-law relationship. It's not good for the Yan family if they can't do anything. My family's Qin'er is just the right age. It's good to give birth to a son and a half daughter for the Yan family. "

"Effortless, you have flattered me..."

He Wan's voice became a bit colder, but her tone gradually slowed down, which showed that her heart was moved. Meng Ting could be liked by Yan Sui again, but he would not have children. Yan Sui always had children in the end for the inheritance of the Yan family. Yes, rather than Yan Sui finding a surrogate for herself, it's really better to use the person she finds.

"Don't worry about it. If there is a suitable opportunity, just don't forget my Qin'er."

Li Yifei took another sip of coffee as she spoke. She is very good at observing people's hearts, so she can see He Wan's intentions. Most of the others think that He Wan has no influence on Yan Sui and the Yan family, but she doesn't think so, a woman Knowing women, she felt that He Wan must have a hole card in her hand.

He Wan didn't respond, she glanced at her phone, "I still have an appointment, so I'm leaving first."

Li Yifei stood up, "Go slowly."

He Wan left, Li Yifei sat for another ten minutes, and then she got up. When the road came to an end, she suddenly turned around and saw Meng Ting looking out of the window. His expression was shocked.

"Zhou Zhou... No, no, how could Zhou Zhou be so young..."

Subconsciously, she walked two steps over, and Yan Manjia, who looked at something wrong over there, immediately got up and rushed towards Meng Ting, "Baby, I miss you so much, aunt."

"You..." Meng Ting subconsciously pushed away Yan Manjia's hug, but Yan Manjia immediately whispered into Meng Ting's ear again. He glanced over and saw Li Yifei who was a little dazed, but then she closed her gaze, turned around and walked away from the dessert. The store has left.

Yan Manjia let go of Meng Ting after she left. She sat across from Meng Ting and waited for him to tell her, but Meng Ting shook his head.

"Let's go home and talk."

Meng Ting's complexion was not very good, and his thoughts were a little wandering. He almost forgot that he was wearing a skirt. He stood up and was stunned for a moment before he seemed to remember, but then the door of the dessert shop opened, and it was Yan Sui who appeared at the door .

Meng Ting, who had no sense of shame for such a long time, suddenly blushed and looked a little at a loss.