Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 65


"Are you angry?" Yan Sui asked as he carried Meng Ting back to the room and wiped Meng Ting's body.

"It was a little bit in the bathroom just now, but it's gone now..." He couldn't bear to be angry with Yan Sui for so long.

Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui with a bit of grievance in his expression, "What about you, are you still angry?"

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's hair, then kissed the corner of his mouth, "I'm not angry."

He wasn't angry with Meng Ting in the first place, but if he was really angry, he was probably sulking at himself. To be neglected by the person he likes means that Meng Ting didn't do it on purpose, or he expected it, and he really experienced it, but he still doesn't adapt and feels uncomfortable.

Meng Ting looked at Yan Sui, obviously didn't believe his words, but he didn't open his mouth to pursue any more, or to make any sense, he wrapped his arms around Yan Sui's waist and leaned against him, his expression gradually calmed down, his thoughts Drifting, seems to be thinking about something.

Yan Sui threw the bath towel aside, pulled the quilt over and took Meng Ting to lie down, he patted Meng Ting's back, now it was his turn to worry about Meng Ting's mood, it was true that he had gone too far, but he couldn't do anything Did it, no excuses.

"Sleep, no matter what, think about it tomorrow."

Meng Ting didn't answer, but he leaned against Yan Sui and didn't move away, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, his body was obviously exhausted, but he was still struggling with some problems and didn't want to sleep.

Yan Sui continued to pat Meng Ting for a while, looked down, but found that his eyelashes were blinking from time to time, Yan Sui had no choice but to pull Meng Ting away, then looked into his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Can't sleep?"

Meng Ting paused for a moment when he heard the words, then shook his head as if in a daze, "No, I'm thinking about a very important question."

"What?" Yan Sui continued to ask.

Hearing this, Meng Ting moved his body, as if he wanted to get up, but right now his limbs were limp and he struggled for a while, unable to get up at all. He raised his eyes and looked at Yan Sui, "I suddenly had a special idea, I want to write it down I'm afraid I'll forget it when I sleep."

Thinking that Meng Ting was thinking about his Yan Sui, he was completely self-indulgent, but he still could only hug him up, and then went to hug Meng Ting's computer, Meng Ting said, he wrote it, and recorded it for nearly 20 minutes Only then is it done.

Yan Sui put the computer back, returned to the bed, and continued to hug Meng Ting, "Can I sleep now?"

"En." Meng Ting nodded, looked at Yan Sui, and kissed him on the neck and cheek again, "Yan Sui, you're so kind." It's just that Ai was a little angry. Meng Ting didn't say the latter sentence, but he also remembered the lesson after tonight.

Yan Sui was extremely helpless in his heart, but his movements of hugging him became more gentle. He kissed Meng Ting's eyes, and then patted him on the back. Meng Ting, who had no worries, whimpered within two minutes. Fell asleep.

When Yan Sui woke up the next day, Meng Ting had already washed and dressed. Before he left the room, he was still typing on the computer on the sofa in the room.

He put down the computer, didn't care about wearing slippers, and reached the bed in three or five steps, then leaned over and hugged Yan Sui, and kissed him on the forehead, "Yan Sui, good morning."

Yan Sui rubbed Meng Ting's hair, feeling sorry for Meng Ting, but also showed a little smile on his face, "Morning, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"I just woke up not long ago," Meng Ting rubbed Yan Sui's cheek, then he seemed to remember something, sat up straight, and pulled Yan Sui up. He stretched out his hand, but it was a bunch of white rose flowers. on the side of the bed.

"I went downstairs and cut it before, and gave it to you."

Yan Sui hugged the flower, looked at Meng Ting, raised his eyebrows slightly, it was obvious that Meng Ting was trying to make him happy.

Yan Sui hugged the flowers for a while, pulled Meng Ting over, and kissed him on the forehead, and then he got up to wash, Meng Ting took the flowers and put them in the vase in the room.

Yan Sui came out of the bathroom and Meng Ting had just plugged it in. They came downstairs holding hands, their expressions as intimate as usual, Yan Manjia who was yawning and Zhen Han who was reading a newspaper were not surprised at all.

According to Yan Manjia, couples who are in a good relationship quarrel, quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, nothing can't be resolved by rolling around.

Meng Ting doesn't need to go to the laboratory today, it stands to reason that he should rest at home, Yan Sui also meant the same thing, Meng Ting was already tired, and he was still... More than he wanted Meng Ting to be with him, he didn't want Meng Ting to stay with him. Ting was really exhausted.

"But if I go to the company with you, I can also rest. I can be with you today for a week. Don't you want to see me?"

Let Meng Ting go on talking, Yan Sui will feel like a scumbag, but the facts... the facts are not important, the important thing is that Meng Ting wants to cling to him again, the way he lowers his head and mutters his appeal, Yan Sui can't refuse at all.

"Understood," Yan Sui pulled him into his arms, touched Meng Ting's hair with his lips, nodded to Yan Manjia who stayed at home, and then took Meng Ting away.

Meng Ting followed Yan Sui for a few steps, then turned around and gave Yan Manjia a hand, but expressed his thanks. It was obvious that Meng Ting learned from Yan Manjia all the tricks of getting up early to please others. Practice it out.

But when he got into the car, he couldn't control his yawn, and was pulled into Yan Sui's arms, "I'll call you when we arrive."

Meng Ting thought for a while before saying "um", Yan Manjia didn't say how he should please people in the car, so let's follow his and Yan Sui's usual habits.

It's just that he got up a little too early, and was really tired yesterday, because Zhao Bing had Yan Sui's most important person in the back seat, his driving skills were always online, and the tip of his nose was a familiar aura, which Yan Sui had completely mastered The technique of coaxing him to sleep took only two or three minutes, and Meng Ting fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, he was not in the car, nor in the rest room of Yan Sui's office, but lying on the sofa with a blanket covering his body, but his head was resting on Yan Sui's lap.

He had another super-sound sleep, and he had no memory of how he got from the car to the sofa.

Before Meng Ting was fully awake, Yan Sui covered it with his hand, and gently rubbed Meng Ting's hair to help him wake up.

At the same time, he was still talking, "That's it, let's end the meeting first."

"Yes..." Several voices responded, and it didn't take long for the office to completely return to silence.

But Meng Ting still felt dazed, could it be that Yan Sui had a meeting and brought him with him who was asleep

The facts are exactly as Meng Ting thought, and Yan Sui did just that. He was not sure if some of Meng Ting's symptoms had healed, and he didn't want to try. He knew better than anyone that Meng Ting needed a good rest.

At the gate of Yan's Building, he didn't wake Meng Ting up. He took off his clothes, covered Meng Ting's head, and carried him to the office while trying not to disturb his sound sleep.

This way Yan Sui walked extremely calmly, but people around kept bumping into each other, or opened their mouths in horror, but Yan Sui just came to work with his sleeping wife in his arms.

Wang Feng was also a little surprised, but no matter how surprised he was, his work efficiency would not be affected. According to Yan Sui's request, he got a table of suitable height next to the sofa, and Yan Sui continued to work with Meng Ting in his arms.

During the meeting, he also let people in. Everyone noticed the situation on the sofa and consciously lowered the volume.

Yan Sui's one hand was always holding a pen or pressing the mouse, but with the other hand, he was always covering Meng Ting's ear, so he could immediately notice whether Meng Ting was sleeping well or not.

As he thought, even though there were some noises, Meng Ting was not disturbed, and since he got in the car, he had already slept for almost three hours.

Meng Ting's eyes blinked, it seemed that he was a little embarrassed, and it seemed that he was just touched, but one thing is certain, Yan Sui is really not angry with him anymore, but even so, he still wants to please him, wants to To make him happy.

"Yan Sui, do you like me accompanying you like this?"

Yan Manjia said that the harder he clings to Yan Sui, the happier Yan Sui will be. He understood what she said, but he also wanted to confirm it with Yan Sui again.

"I like it." Yan Sui continued to rub Meng Ting's hair, with a little smile on his face. He knew how shocking his behavior was, but he didn't think it was wrong. I don't even feel love.

"Well," Meng Ting nodded, he sat up slowly, then stretched his arms around Yan Sui's shoulders, and the others also moved over and leaned on Yan Sui's shoulders, "After I've been busy for a while, I'll have a spare time Spend more time with you."

"You are more important than perfume, more than anything else."

Meng Ting doesn't know much about things other than perfume, but he is very sure about his own heart. He has always been very clear about what is most important to him. Sometimes people can't help worrying about gains and losses, but Meng Ting doesn't seem to have such worries.

Yan Sui put his hand on Meng Ting's cheek, then touched his lips again, "I see."

When the two talked about it, it seemed that Yan Sui's depression these few days had become a little interest between them. Looking back at this moment, Yan Sui seemed to find it quite memorable.

After lunch, they went to the company's restaurant to show off. Not many people worked overtime on weekends, but those who came basically knew what happened in the morning. Meng Ting didn't care about the eyes of outsiders, he could only see Yan Sui in his bright eyes, adding food to the meal, he was quite proficient at robbing Wang Feng.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Sui took Meng Ting away from Yan's Building, but he didn't go back directly to Yan's. He followed Meng Ting's request, the two of them watched a movie, and then drove to Meng Ting's restaurant After a romantic candlelight dinner, he set off for Yan's residence.

Meng Ting and Yan Sui had never had such a simple date, and Yan Manjia's opinion was reasonable, but the more important thing was that Meng Ting and Yan Sui had a good relationship in the first place, even if they didn't do anything, they would feel happy.

After some tenderness at night, he fell asleep quickly, and the next day was Monday again, Yan Sui went to work, and Meng Ting continued to go to the laboratory.

The atmosphere in Yan’s house has been very good since Meng Ting’s arrival. Yan Manjia originally felt that she was not used to it, but she didn’t. Even though the three men in the family were all doing their own things, she didn’t feel lonely. She is accompanied by rhubarb and furball.

It was a bit difficult to pick up the paintbrush again, but painting is what she likes to do, so those difficulties are nothing. She looked at her newly released painting, and finally showed a proud smile of Yan Manjia's style on her face.

The person in the painting is none other than Meng Ting. He leaned over to caress the flowers, and then inadvertently raised his eyes to look at the scene. His face was too charming, but his own temperament was quite clean. It also makes the painting different.

She excitedly left Yan's house with the painting, she was going to pick a beautiful frame to frame it.

But when she went there, something unexpected happened. She met her painting teacher in the photo frame shop. He saw her paintings and strongly recommended her to send them to the competition, although it was not an international one. The competition, however, has a relatively high reputation in Xia country's industry.

Yan Manjia was very hesitant, she planned to keep this painting as a birthday present for Meng Ting.

"Isn't that better? It's more sincerity for you to give it to him after you win the prize."

Yan Manjia's teacher was very optimistic about her at the beginning, but looking at it now, the aura in those paintings has not disappeared, on the contrary, it has become more flavorful.

Yan Manjia is also a little moved. Apart from painting, she really has nothing to show for her. Now that she has given up on love, she also wants to get a job in her career, but painting is different from others. It needs inspiration and talent. She really I can't guarantee that I still have it.

She took out her mobile phone and called Meng Ting, "Baby Ting, I drew a picture of you, and I want to use it to participate in a competition, do you think it's okay?"

In fact, Yan Manjia can be regarded as a trick, if she calls Yan Sui, she doesn't need Yan Sui to tell her, she also knows his answer, absolutely not, but Meng Ting...

"Yes, Auntie, come on." Meng Ting agreed.

"Well," Yan Manjia's eyes were slightly red, "I will work hard, thank you."

Yan Manjia then chatted with his teacher, and then got to know the organizer of the competition. Yan Manjia made a request to only participate in the competition and not to participate in the subsequent exhibition. Obviously, she also has a little confidence in her paintings.

I dare not say the gold medal, but she definitely has the excellent qualifications to participate in the exhibition.

When Yan Manjia returned to the old house, her whole mental state was different, and she also became very busy in the next few days. Going to bed early and getting up early, and finding something she likes to do again, Yan Manjia's changes are not particularly big, but they are making changes in a good direction.

The three men in the family, including Zhen Han, are very happy with her change.

The atmosphere of the Yan family is getting better and better, but this is not the case for the Meng family. After all, Meng Jiang and Meng Bo have too little qualifications, they can still be called excellent on campus, but they are still immature in the business competition, and they make mistakes again and again , In the end, it was the people under him who were responsible.

For a while, many people didn't dare to do things for them, but they were unfortunately arranged by Mr. Meng, with a respectful face, but there were no people who really did things with their heart. In this way, Meng Jiang and Meng Bo could do things well. That's weird.

In such a cycle, the reputation of two wastes from the second room of the Meng family suddenly spread.

On the other hand, Meng Qi's position has not changed, and the people under him are basically familiar with him. These days, he is also very hardworking, and he works hard. After returning home, he still looks at various business proposals. Beicheng participated in a seminar and benefited a lot.

In a short period of time, it is really impossible for him to have significant achievements in performance, but he still looks mediocre, and he is much better than Meng Jiang Mengbo who keeps making troubles. The room is even better.

Li Yifei couldn't hold back any longer. She asked He Zhen from the He family to talk a few times, and asked Meng Yigui and Meng Yide to meet him. The conversation was good, but the He family didn't have the ability to not alarm Mr. Meng. Next, meddle in the affairs of their family.

However, relying on the He family, Meng Jiang and Meng Bo finally managed to get something done before Mr. Meng's face became darker. Mr. Meng liked Li Yifei more and preferred the second wife. He praised Meng Jiang and Meng Bo at the company's summary meeting , All of a sudden, the company's wind direction changed again.

"Why is your old man so biased!" Gu Lang couldn't help complaining when he heard that Meng Qi had talked about the recent events of the Meng family.

The fact is also the same. Meng Qi was very angry when he learned about it. Before he was angry, he would like to go to the bar to provoke beauties to resolve it, but now after being angry, he can calm down without being decadent or impulsive. There is help behind the second room, and he has it too.

Yan Sui was sitting on the chair, as if he didn't hear their conversation, the wine glass in his hand was spinning, but since he came in, he hadn't taken a sip, ever since he knew that Meng Ting was too sensitive to alcohol, could he stop drinking? When you don't drink.

"Wait for another two days, the fun is just beginning." Yan Sui said as he put the wine glass on the table, his brows slightly frowned, "If you need to find me in the future, don't make an appointment at the bar, you smell like alcohol all over your body Son, Meng Ting doesn't like it."

Meng Ting's nose was too sensitive and was smoky. Although he couldn't speak, he would frown uncomfortably.

Gu Lang and Meng Qi's bodies trembled when they heard the words, and they felt an unidentified feeling. Others are husbands of twenty-four filial piety, but Yan Sui is definitely a husband of forty-eight filial piety. He is so meticulous to Meng Ting that even outsiders find it outrageous.

"It's because I didn't think about it," Meng Qi admitted. He can't let people know about his attachment to Yan Sui yet, so he can only make an appointment with Yan Sui through Gu Lang, and then give him to Yue at the bar according to the habit of taking care of Lang. inside.

"But what is the good show?" Meng Qi also wanted to wait, but he really hated Mr. Meng's eccentricity, and couldn't help but want to know sooner.

However, Yan Sui still didn't plan to tell Meng Qi directly, he gave him some advice and asked him to check it himself, "If you want to know, check He Zhen's private life." He Zhen is definitely a cancer in the aristocratic circle of Haicheng one.

The He family and the Yan family are related to the present, and Yan Sui also has a reason. Apart from his grandfather, the He family is pretty clear, and Yan Sui doesn't really want to get in touch with them. Zhen cleans up the mess.

No matter how tightly covered some things were, they couldn't stand careful investigation. After Meng Qi figured it out, she was completely disgusted.

He Zhen is definitely an elegant nobleman from the outside, but when he takes off that layer of skin, there is a disgusting beast inside. It is said that his first wife was tortured to death by him. He belongs to that special habit and has become perverted. The kind that can hurt people's lives.

This happened more than ten years ago. I don’t know how he suppressed it at the time, but He Zhen was sent abroad for a period of time. After returning to China, he kept a low profile, but he didn’t completely correct it. It’s just that he knew how to cover up better.

It is absolutely impossible for Li Yifei to send herself to be ruined by He Zhen, and she cannot completely control outsiders from breaking out in the future, so it can only be Meng Qin at home! Meng Qi found Meng Qin with the documents, she was still dreaming of becoming the young wife of the He family.

"Brother! Brother, save me, save me!"

Those women in the photo are too miserable. Although Meng Qin is an illegitimate daughter, her living conditions have never been bad. She can hardly imagine that she will be treated like that by He Zhen. She holds Meng Qi's hand and her body is shaking .

She knew very well in her heart that even if she escaped from He Zhen, and returned to Meng's house, she would not be able to escape from Li Yifei.

Meng Qi looked at Meng Qin for a long time, then nodded, "Then follow my plan."

Meng Qin is ambitious, but she can see the reality more clearly than Meng Xiao. She is also jealous of Meng Ting, but she never thought of competing with Yan Sui. The first time she saw Yan Sui, she knew that he was not a man she could handle. She can only humiliate herself, she doesn't want to do these wasteful things.

But at the same time, she is not willing to be cannon fodder for Li Yifei's subordinates to sacrifice at will. She is busy in various social occasions, but she is actually looking for a way out. Unexpectedly, Li Yifei didn't give her this time. When she thought she could use it, she didn't give up at all.

Meng Qi came to see Meng Qin, no one in the Meng family knew about it, and Meng Qin didn't show any abnormality as required, even Li Yifei sent a car to take her to He Zhen's apartment, and she went there obediently.

But the next thing will not be controlled by Li Yifei.

The police broke into the door and rescued Li Yifei, who was almost choked, and brought He Zhen, who was obviously mentally disturbed, back to the police station. He was also photographed by passing reporters, and the major newspapers in Haicheng reported heavily the next day.

The He family, which was originally considered a low-key family, once again made a sense of existence. Mr. He did not make any moves to catch people. Even the rumors from Mrs. He only said that she was sick and recuperating, but was expelled from the He family. He Wan is working in He Zhen.

However, there are all kinds of witnesses and material evidence, and He Zhen took drugs as if to die. Women who have been hurt by him in the past have come forward to testify. It is obvious that He Zhen's imprisonment is inevitable.

As for Meng Qin, as agreed, Meng Qi sent her abroad for recuperation and gave her a sum of money, but Li Yifei couldn't vent her anger to her for the time being.

This incident seems to have little impact on the Meng family as a whole, but Meng Qin was indeed wronged and was sent by Li Yifei. Not to mention Mr. Meng, even Meng Yide was a little dissatisfied with Li Yifei. I would like to do this to my blood related children and grandchildren.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Jiang, Meng Bo and He Zhen's cooperation project also failed. Mr. Meng was so proud of others before, but now he is slapping him in the face. He made a decision and transferred Meng Qi back to the head office. Compared with his eldest son Meng Yihang, Meng Qi was older there, and his methods were naturally relatively immature, so the impact on Meng Jiang and Meng Bo would not be too great.

But he didn't know that it was easy to transfer Meng Qi back, and it was not so easy to transfer him back.

Feng Zejiao was still complaining about Mr. Meng's unfairness, but Meng Qi knew that his chance had come.

"Don't worry, since I'm back, Grandpa won't be able to regret it later."

Feng Zejiao closed her mouth, she nodded lightly, and a little smile appeared on her face for a moment, "Hmph, my grandson naturally strives for success, unlike the two over there... unlucky."

I can't do anything well, except for the projects that are done well, and the partners are also in prison. It's not bad luck or something.

Meng Qi didn't speak, they were not unlucky, but designed by Yan Sui, of course Yan Sui didn't intend to let He Zhen go, this was just killing two birds with one stone.

Now he is truly convinced of Yan Sui, no one of his generation can catch up with his mentality.