Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 68


The media people who were listening were suddenly given a mouthful of candy, and they were so dazed by the sweetness that Yan Sui got up to leave from the backstage of the small auditorium. They couldn't react, and when they swarmed forward, they were caught by the well-trained security guards. Blocked out of the small door.

"I'm Wang Feng, secretary to the president. If you have any questions, I can answer them."

Wang Feng picked up the microphone and yelled, finally drawing the attention of the reporters and media present.

They really wanted to go to the front or back door of Yan's Building to block people, but that still couldn't guarantee that Yan Sui could say anything more, and Wang Feng's answer would probably be enough. After thinking about it like this, most of the reporters sat down again.

But what Wang Feng answered was not about Yan Sui's personal relationship and marriage, what he could answer was about several cases.

It's barely decent here, but it's completely crooked on the webcast.

Yan's family and Yan Sui are quite well-known in Haicheng and even in Xia Kingdom. The youngest head of the top wealthy family has background, qualifications and wealth beyond imagination, but Yan Sui has never been exposed in the media. The only photo Still a blurry profile.

But there are still some people who think he is handsome and good-looking, but that is also a kind of beautification based on his wealth and status.

Right now, Yan Sui's frontal exposure, from his aura to his looks, completely overwhelmed everyone, and a group of crazy "ahhhh" screen licking parties appeared on the Internet, and what made people laugh and cry was that Meng Ting's few hateful comments from netizens Weibo, all pushed up.

"Our Yan Sui is beautiful!"

"Our Yan Sui is the prettiest!"

"Our Yan Sui is very beautiful!"

It even became a hot topic because of this, #凤维好看#, and #凯尊报问会会# are on a par with the topic, which shows that the screen licking party is crazy now.

At first, most people suspected that "I am Meng Ting 1111" was pretended by others, but now they think it is real. When Meng Ting didn't know about it, his number of fans continued to skyrocket, and most of the low comments on Weibo were photos of begging Yan Sui.

Of course, very few of them came to apologize, after all, they scolded the wrong person before.

Meng Ting is not the child of Meng Yide and Yu Meixuan, so it doesn't matter whether he is an illegitimate child or not. His score in the college entrance examination is indeed not good, but from the materials Yan Sui produced, it can be seen that Meng Ting had a rough life since he was a child.

He was abducted in childhood, abused by Wu Fengjiao in childhood, and the content exposed in the closed high school was also quite horrifying. In such an environment, who can guarantee that he can become a talent, and it would be nice not to be turned into a psychopath or a murderer.

The Internet was extremely lively, Yan's family was not affected too much, Meng Ting pushed He Yue to the lawn and garden for a walk, and then pushed him back, Yan Yu was sitting in the living room watching TV, his posture was quite casual , being younger is the feeling of fooling around, but now it is barely uninhibited.

"Ah Yue and Ting Ting are back, let's watch the news." Yan Yu retracted his legs while speaking.

"Hi, Dad," Meng Ting said hello, and pushed He Yue back to Yan Yu's side, and he found a seat to sit down. Before he was watching TV seriously, he heard Yan Sui's voice, and then his eyes were He stared wide, turned his head away, and his expression became completely focused.

Seeing Yan Sui on TV, this feeling is very special. He focused on Yan Sui speaking, nodding his head from time to time, as if Yan Sui was speaking right in front of his eyes, and when Yan Sui finished speaking, he turned his head away, He Yue said, "Our family Yan Sui is very pretty, isn't it?"

When He Yue heard the words, he looked at Yan Yu first, and then nodded, "He looks really good."

Yan Yu looks like his mother Xu Shuyin, who was a famous beauty in Haicheng back then. Yan Sui and Yan Yu have similar facial features, and naturally inherited Xu Shuyin's beauty, so they are indeed good-looking, but apart from Meng Ting, almost no one would say such a thing .

Meng Ting got the affirmation and turned his head back, but only saw Wang Feng's face, "I really want to see it again..."

"Look it up on the Internet," Yan Yu muttered, and then grabbed He Yue's hand. His family's A Yue praised Yan Sui for being good-looking, what's the matter

Meng Ting nodded when he heard the words, "Father, you are right, you are really smart."

After talking, Meng Ting stood up and ran away with Rhubarb. As for the hair ball, he was still sleeping soundly in He Yue's arms.

It was the first time that Yan Yu was so speechless by someone's praise. He bared his teeth with a slight toothache, and then shook his head helplessly.

When he saw Meng Ting on the streets of country F, he realized that this child was a bit special, that Yan Sui would marry him, and would hold him in the palm of his hand and dote on him. Yan Yu was quite surprised at first.

"He's a good boy," He Yue said, stretching out his hand to Yan Yu, and asked Yan Yu to hug him to the sofa. He leaned on Yan Yu's shoulder, closed his eyes for a rest, and returned to Yan's house. Not only was Yan Yu's heart complicated, but he is also like this.

But it's not as hard to adapt as expected at the beginning, Yan Sui is mature and stable, Meng Ting is pure and lovely, they are trying hard to accept them, as elders, he and Yan Yu shouldn't be too far behind.

Meng Ting went back to his and Yan Sui's room, and made a phone call to Yan Sui without surfing the Internet first.

"Yan Sui, I saw you on TV."

As Meng Ting spoke, he held Da Huang who was going upstairs with him in his arms, "You look really good today."

Yan Sui who said those words in front of the camera seemed to be shining in Meng Ting's eyes. All Meng Ting's compliments came from the heart. He consciously couldn't say much nice words, so he could only repeat what he could use. Vocabulary is gone.

Hearing this, Yan Sui thought of the topics that had been posted on the Internet because of Meng Ting, and the expression on his face was amused and helpless, "Yes, I see."

He thought for a while and then said, "I won't be back at noon. If you want to go to the laboratory, you can ask Xiaobo to arrange a car to take you there."

Meng Ting shook his head hesitantly when he heard the words, "I gave everyone a holiday, and I will go the day after tomorrow."

Originally, their laboratory was only open for four days on the National Day, and they would come back after the Mid-Autumn Festival, but there were too many things these few days, and he wanted to stay home to see if he could help Yan Sui. Meng Ting directly asked the assistants in the laboratory to wait for seven days before returning.

"Alright," Yan Sui agreed.

He has too many things to do these few days, and he has not been able to spend time with Meng Ting well, so he will definitely find time tomorrow.

They talked for a while before Meng Ting reluctantly hung up the phone.

He turned on the phone and clicked on the software that Zhen Han told him last time. Before searching, he saw Yan Sui's name. He forgot his original intention when he looked at it. So many people praised Yan Sui for being beautiful. , While he was proud, he also felt a little nervous about his treasure being discovered by others.

"Our family, Yan Sui, is just beautiful, and, Yan Sui is mine."

Meng Ting really wanted to click send, but seeing the topic getting hotter and hotter, he belatedly realized that he might have caused trouble for Yan Sui.

Yan Sui received a call from Meng Ting again, and the voice was completely different from before.

"Yan Sui, did I cause you trouble?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yan Sui understood why Meng Ting said this, "No, it doesn't matter what you want to post."

According to the Yan Clan's public relations department, Meng Ting also helped him, taking away some of the interest in gossip about Yan Clan's secrets, and at the same time allowing him and Yan Clan to gain a sense of presence in front of the people.

Hearing what Yan Sui said, Meng Ting didn't have any special reaction yet. The veins on the foreheads of the managers of the public relations department in front of Yan Sui were bulging. Did Yan Sui dislike them for being too idle? However, Yan Sui glanced over and they said nothing I dare not speak.

"Really?" Meng Ting couldn't help being suspicious.

"Really." Yan Sui said in front of many media cameras that he and Meng Ting were in love, so he didn't mind how Meng Ting expressed it to him. In other words, he quite liked listening to Meng Ting say these things.

"Yes," Meng Ting nodded, his fighting spirit was instantly high.

He hung up the phone and clicked to send the message. He breathed a sigh of relief, the smell of vinegar was finally gone, so many people thought it was useless for Yan Sui to look good, Yan Sui belonged to him.

A group of netizens endured Meng Ting's dog food crit, and there were even more "ahhh" or "seeking photos" comments.

At this time, Yan's official account suddenly forwarded this news, and a boss came and said.

"Thank you all the netizens for their love and concern for Yan Shi. Also, the boss said: Madam is beautiful, Madam is right. @我是梦渟1111"

The manager of the public relations department who sent out this message, his teeth were going to be sore, but he was the one who proposed this news plan, and he was the one who asked Yan Sui to say this.

A scandalous farce finally turned into the ending of Yan's husband and wife's unscrupulous love, which is something no one expected no matter how wide their brains are.

And it is certain that Meng Ting has become popular on the Internet, the number of fans continues to skyrocket, and the ranking of topics keeps going up.

Too many people asked for photos, Meng Ting searched through the phone photo album, but finally he was not willing to show them Yan Sui's photo, so he sent a photo of rhubarb and fur ball.

"Yan Sui won't show it to you, these are our fur balls and rhubarb, they are also pretty."

But going out of the country with this photo, there are also Meng Ting's slender legs sitting on the grass, Mao Qiu standing up with his small paws to make trouble, and Da Huang obediently lying on his stomach, with a fascinated and pampered expression.

A group of people didn't see Meng Ting's face, but they were fascinated by his long legs, and they suddenly felt something about Yan Sui's words, "Madam looks good". It's not just that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but also because it is really good-looking.

After Meng Ting posted the photos, he checked the comments for a while, then went downstairs to check the time. No matter how fun the phone is, it is not as important to Meng Ting as eating.

"No need, I'll take my previous seat." Although Yan Yu came back, he didn't intend to compete with Yan Sui for the position of Patriarch. Yan Sui did a good job on the one hand, and on the other hand, he also knows what is proper. .

This used to be his home, but it was also Yan Sui's home, and he had become the head of the family eight years ago amidst various difficulties. He deserves it.

Meng Ting silently took his seat and didn't say a word, but he looked at the servant with a bit of displeasure, he didn't like others taking Yan Sui's seat, even if that person was Yan Sui's father.

The servant who put the dishes and chopsticks quickly put the chopsticks on the position designated by Yan Yu, and then left the living room. It was obvious that her flattery was on the horse's lap. After Wang Ma found out, she was not allowed to enter the living room to do things again.

Meng Ting's big appetite created a sense of presence in front of Yan Yu and He Yue again, but the others were used to him eating so much, and if he couldn't eat someday, they probably had to worry about whether he was sick.

"Brother, Brother He," Yan Manjia finally came out of her room. She tidied herself up a little, but her eyes were as red as rabbits, and it could be seen how much she was crying.

"My aunt is eating," Meng Ting also called her, seeing her nod, and then he continued to eat with his head buried.

Yan Manjia was a little absent-minded, but she didn't say anything at the dinner table. Even after the meal, she still didn't speak.

As long as Yan Yu comes back, nothing else matters.

"Come here, Manman, I have something to ask you," Yan Yu pushed He Yue to the side of the sofa, and then said to Yan Man who was walking towards the studio.

Yan Manjia immediately turned around and walked over obediently. She sat down with her hands and feet in a very regular manner. Yan Yu's tone was obviously trying to teach her something. Yan Manjia felt a little sad, as if there were more and more people in the family who could control her.

"What's going on with you and Xiao Zi?"

Yan Yu didn't have the heart to care too much about other people these years, he thought that with the two old people around, Yan Manjia would not suffer any mischief.

But now she not only gave birth to a child, Xiao Zi who Yan Manjia likes has also hooked up with He Wan, saying that they are a pure cooperative relationship, but Yan Yu doesn't believe it.

"I kicked him," Yan Manjia said with certainty, her eyes turned to He Yue, and without warning, she knelt down with a "plop".

"Brother, sister-in-law, it's because I have blind eyes and wrong people. I don't know how they hooked up. If I knew, I definitely wouldn't kick him now." Yan Manjia still talks about Xiao Zi now. With a disgusted expression, no matter how much she loved Xiao Zi, she never loved her to the point of hurting her brother-in-law in exchange for her love.

"I was wrong, I'm sorry for you." Yan Manjia said as if she was about to kowtow, but was picked up by Yan Yu.

"Why are you kneeling..." Yan Yu's eyes widened, and Yan Manjia was obviously bluffed again, her eyes suddenly watered again, she staggered, and then threw herself into Yan Yu's arms, crying again, "Brother, brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, it's great to have you back."

"I will be obedient in the future, and I will never cause trouble for you."

Yan Manjia's toughness has never confronted her family. Her eyes are red and swollen, and she looks quite pitiful. Don't say that Yan Yu and He Yue didn't blame her, but they are. Right now, they don't have the heart to say anything else.

"Why are you crying? That kid betrayed you, and I won't let him go." Not to mention, he also had a hand in what happened back then.

"Thank you brother, I don't understand the hatred!" Only after being appeased, Yan Manjia's true nature emerged again.

But she was too embarrassed to stay in Yan Yu's arms for too long, she came out after wiping her eyes, then sat back on her seat and continued to sniff.

Yan Yu muttered a little irritably, "Why do you still cry so much, you are so grown up."

However, Yan Manjia has probably had this kind of temperament in his life, and he can't change it. He is a good-natured person.

He Yue didn't open his mouth all the time, but before he raised his eyes, there was an extra cat in front of his eyes. He raised his eyes slightly, and saw that Meng Ting handed it to him.

Meng Ting continued to put the fur ball on He Yue's lap, "The fur ball likes you too."

He Yue took it, Meng Ting turned around and went back upstairs with Rhubarb.

He Yue stroked the fur ball's back and couldn't help smiling. Yan Yu and Yan Manjia both looked over. He thought for a while and said, "Ting Ting is very caring."

Even Yan Yu didn't notice his emotional fluctuation at that moment, but Meng Ting felt it, but he didn't say anything else, but let Mao Qiu accompany him.

Yan Manjia nodded in agreement, "Our Ting Ting baby is really obedient and caring, not to mention Yan Sui, even I love him to death."

Speaking of Meng Ting, Yan Manjia started to chatter, chattering, and it was all funny and warm things, even Meng Ting's oolong in women's clothing was mentioned, hahaha it was out of shape.

It can be seen that Yan Manjia and Yan Yu have a very good relationship. Even though they haven't seen each other for so many years, the intimacy of flesh and blood still hasn't changed. Born in the same mother's womb.

Yan Manjia said enough was enough, and ran to the studio. After all, she was still afraid that she would be an eyesore.

Yan Yu pushed He Yue out for a stroll, and then pushed him back to his room to take a nap.

Meng Ting didn't sleep when he went back upstairs. He took out the papers that Xiao Bo sent to his school to do a few days ago. When he started to go to the laboratory the day after tomorrow, he probably didn't have time or energy to do the papers. The school has a half-term exam at the end of this month. He has to pass the exam before he can continue to spend time in the laboratory and do what he likes to do.

He lit a fire on the Internet and forgot about it, but the turmoil on the Internet still didn't mean to fade away.

It is certain that He Wan scolded, and then an anonymous person broke the news about how Li Yifei came to power, revealing many of her past events that she deliberately concealed. However, Meng Ting didn't look at these things, even if he did, he probably didn't feel much.

Yan Sui and the law will give them the punishment they deserve, but he just needs to love Yan Sui well and do what he likes.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Ting finally finished the paper, he went downstairs to greet Yan Yu and went to the front to pick up Yan Sui.

As soon as Yan Sui got out of the car, Meng Ting hugged him, "You praised me for looking good, I saw it."

Yan Sui hugged him back, kissed Meng Ting lightly on the cheek, then held his hand, walked in, and then responded to Meng Ting's words, "I also saw the photo of Maoqiu and Dahuang... "

By the way, there are also a bunch of comments about Kua Mengting's beautiful legs, but they can only see one leg, but he can own the whole person from body to heart. Thinking about it this way, the slightest concern disappeared.

Meng Ting was led away, but he basically didn't look at the road, his eyes were fixed on Yan Sui. When he was not in the laboratory, he would always miss Yan Sui. He thought for a while and said, "I miss you very much today." Even doing the paper, he was distracted thinking about Yan Sui.

Hearing this, Yan Sui stopped in his tracks, glanced at Meng Ting, stretched out his hand to rub his hair, saw Meng Ting was still looking at him, he pulled the man over, kissed him on the lips, and then continued to lead him in .

Meng Ting's face turned red, he only looked at Yan Sui because he wanted to see him, but Yan Sui seemed to have misunderstood something.

Yan Sui led Meng Ting directly to the study, and after a while Yan Yu came up with He Yue in his arms.

Yan Yu and He Yue sat down, and Yan Sui said, "My people have been watching He Wan. I will know who she contacts and contacts. She can't take anything that shouldn't belong to her. "

If He Wan violated the agreement, it means that she voluntarily gave up Yan's shares. No matter what she promised others with it, she has to vomit it back to him, otherwise she will face a prison sentence.

Yan Yu sat down and hadn't opened his mouth yet, but Yan Sui already knew what he was going to ask, Yan Sui was no less cruel than anyone else, but on top of his cruelty was his principle of doing things, his duty to be a human being.

"That promise..." Yan Sui didn't tell him about that promise in advance, and he also saw it on live TV.

"Grandma asked for it," Yan Sui said, and continued to rub Meng Ting's hands. Meng Ting had been holding a pen all afternoon, and there were obvious marks on his knuckles.

"She can marry in, but she can't pretend to be your wife to the outside world." Why didn't Xu Shuyin understand her son? Even though they thought he was dead at that time, they let her in because of Yan Sui, but they didn't allow her to use Yan Yu to the outside world. The identity of the wife is advertised.

Although she was also given Yan's shares, she and Yan Yu did not have a legally binding marriage certificate. With this agreement, when Old Master Yan and Xu Shuyin were alive, even though He Wan's living conditions were not bad, she still felt aggrieved and hated psychologically.

Grandpa Yan and Xu Shuyin had a car accident, and he and Zhen Han were very busy, but He Wan sneaked into the old house, found the certificate, and then tore it up, but she didn't know that Xu Shuyin had been on guard against her for a long time. The identity has been kept in Yan Sui's hands since he became an adult at the age of eighteen.

The two old people are gone, and the agreement that could restrain her is gone. He Wan only became more publicized in the later years, and even wanted to interfere in Yan Sui's marriage, but in fact the agreement has always been there, but she thought it was not there. .

"They know you don't like it. This agreement is a retreat for you and me." Yan Sui didn't know how chaotic the situation was. Xu Shuyin agreed, but both families suffered the pain of bereavement. One even took their grandson under their control.

Xu Shuyin agreed, but also set rules for He Wan. If she can live in peace, she can be allowed to live in Yan's family as Yan Sui's mother, but if she continues to be a demon, she will get nothing.

Yan Yu's chest felt a little tight when he heard this, but he couldn't tell whether it was sadness or something else.

He fled the country, and before he found He Yue, he knew that Xu Shuyin allowed He Wan to bring her son in. in this way.

But old master Yan and Xu Shuyin are dead, he is still sad, maybe from Xu Shuyin's standpoint, she has done the best she can, after all Yan Sui is indeed a child of the Yan family, he is innocent, he doesn't care about him, they But not.

In other words, Xu Shuyin planned to drive He Wan out of Yan's house when Yan Sui became an adult, but she had a car accident before she could carry it out, but the Yan Sui she taught could understand what she meant, and now she also It's done for her.

Yan Sui wasn't sure if Yan Yu could understand what he said, but he didn't say anything more. He put his and Meng Ting's interlocking hands on his lap, and then he looked at Yan Yu, "Next, we Just wait."

Waiting for the dog to jump over the wall in a hurry, and waiting for the explosion, He Wan will force everyone who can be forced out.

He Wan was really dumbfounded. Meng Ting found the video on the Internet and watched it several times, so she watched it dozens of times to see how the son who came out of her belly planned and killed her step by step.

"Okay, okay, I, He Wan, gave birth to a good son... Hahaha!"

He Wan laughed wildly suddenly, and scared the nanny who was cooking for her in the kitchen a few times. If it wasn't for the high salary He Wan gave, she would have given up doing it a long time ago. Sometimes she would go out to drink some water at night, and she saw that she was straight He Wan who was sitting in the living room had to be shocked.

He Wan looked crazy, but Li Yifei in Meng's house was so angry that she almost fainted.

But she was not dizzy yet, first she was thrown into a temper by Mr. Meng, then Meng Yigui and Meng Yide who were driven home, and then thinking of Yan Shi's swift action, she had to worry about whether someone would come Ask her to go to the police station.

" could it be?" She obviously cleaned it up, so why did Yan Sui dig it out. But what frightened her was not limited to this, she was also afraid that if Yan Sui continued to dig out Meng Ting's life experience, that side would also make her die badly.

"No, no!"

"Mom, what did you say you can't?" Han Xuejun felt a headache when she saw that Li Yifei was scared and began to talk in her sleep. From her point of view, she couldn't figure out what Li Yifei did. How could a mother rush to give her son an illegitimate child? Not hesitate to fake.

Li Yifei sat up abruptly and looked at Han Xuejun with an extremely gloomy expression, "Just say that you did all of this and it has nothing to do with me."

Han Xuejun paused, almost burst out laughing, she stood up angrily, "I respect you so I call you mom, I don't respect you, who do you think you are?"

It sounds good that she is the old lady of the second room of the Meng family, but it sounds bad that she is just a mistress, and she actually wants her to blame her.

Li Yifei's expression became more and more ugly, but she still looked at Han Xuejun.

Han Xuejun raised her eyebrows slightly, and she took two steps back without concealing her inner disgust, "I raised men outside, but your son has few women? If it wasn't for Meng Jiang and Meng Bo, I would have Kicked him, trying to threaten me with this? Heh... "

In recent years, Li Yifei has become the second wife of the Meng family more and more. She is not an illegitimate child and illegitimate daughter who is playing around in her hands. She is backed by the Han family. the point.

"You can go to jail with peace of mind, Yide may be able to understand two points without you."

Han Xuejun didn't want to play a filial daughter-in-law in front of Li Yifei's bed anymore, so she snorted twice and left Li Yifei's room directly. After greeting Uncle Wen, she left the old house.

But Han Xuejun was somewhat afraid, fortunately she didn't get involved with Meng Ting's affairs, otherwise, with Yan Sui's doting on him now, she and the Han family behind her might be implicated.

Li Yifei was just pretending to be sick, but Han Xuejun's words really made her sick.

As miserable as Erfang's side is, Dafang's side is as happy as it is. If possible, Feng Zejiao would like to set off firecrackers to celebrate.

"My good grandson, thanks to you telling me that He Wan can't be in contact with me, eldest wife may be the unlucky one today."

Feng Zejiao was gloating and at the same time rejoicing. You must know that she and He Wan had settled on Meng Ting and Yan Sui's marriage at the beginning, but later Li Yifei fawned on He Wan, and if she tried to talk to her again, He Wan would not care about her anymore. Meng Qi told her not to make any more effort.

He Wan was kicked out of He's house first, and now she was kicked out of Yan's house, and even found out what Li Yifei did to Meng Ting. Feng Zejiao felt that Li Yifei was completely implicated by He Wan.

Meng Qi glanced helplessly at Feng Zejiao, but she didn't intend to suppress her excitement. The second room could keep pressing down on the first room. Li Yifei was the key figure. If she fell, the second room's barrier would fall in half. For the first room, For Feng Zejiao, it was indeed a happy event.

However, Meng Qi didn't think that Li Yifei was just being involved by He Wan. He felt that Yan Sui had released He Wan's accusations against Meng Ting on TV at the beginning, letting go of the abuse on the Internet, and just waited for Li Yifei to jump in by himself, just waiting for such an opportunity Completely separate Meng Ting from the Meng family.

"I can't be called Xiaoqi from now on."

Meng Qi stroked his chin as he spoke, feeling a little regretful, he really liked having a younger brother like Meng Ting, who was eye-catching and interesting.

But he also finally understood why Li Yifei was so cruel to Meng Ting, she was not his own child, she had no limit to being cruel.

Few of the people who were involved this night could sleep soundly. The Yan family, which brought them such a great pressure, still had no change in their schedule.

After eight o'clock, everyone went to do their own things, Yan Sui and Meng Ting stayed in the study for a while, then went back to the room.

Yan Manjia stayed in the studio for a while, and when she came out and saw his brother kissing He Yue, she paused for a moment, then floated back upstairs.

Originally, there was Yan Sui and Meng Ting, a couple who were unrestrained and loving, but now there is another couple, who will save her lonely and cold heart.

Yan Manjia really wanted to go to Zhen Han to cry, but Zhen Han was not interested in these things at all. After a few glances, Yan Manjia didn't say anything, and drifted back to her room obediently.