Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 74


"He's looking at you." Yan Sui put Meng Ting on the sofa and emphasized again.

Even if it is rare, it will not be a cake, but Meng Ting himself.

Yan Sui squatted halfway in front of Meng Ting, meeting his slightly confused eyes, he couldn't help but soften his tone.

"From the information I found, he should be your second brother." Not only the similarity in appearance, but also the time and method of Meng Ting being sent to the orphanage, as well as his condition at the time, are all in line. .

Even once he couldn't figure out Li Yifei's abnormality, now he can roughly guess one or two points.

She may not have participated in the kidnapping incident back then, but she definitely knew about Meng Ting's life experience. Otherwise, in two lifetimes, she would not want to use such extreme means to control Meng Ting, restricting all his communication almost imprisoned.

Meng Ting's eyes widened slightly when he heard the words, Yan Sui didn't speak anymore, and waited for Meng Ting to digest a little before speaking.

But Meng Ting didn't know what he thought of, his face turned pale in vain, and his shoulders that were resting on Yan Sui tightened again, he rushed forward and hugged Yan Sui, his tone was quite anxious.

"You said today that you won't let me leave, is it because he came? He wants to take me away?" Meng Ting felt that he vaguely grasped the key to Yan Sui's loss of control in the laboratory, but at the same time, he also got up. panic.

What he is most afraid of now is not hunger and nightmares anymore, but that Yan Sui will not want him, or that he will leave Yan Sui.

"I'm not leaving, Yan Sui, I'm not leaving."

Meng Ting leaned tightly against Yan Sui's neck, he couldn't imagine such a thing happening, "I don't want anyone else, I want you, only you." If the so-called family members who appear want to separate him from Yan Sui, then he Would rather not.

Yan Sui didn't expect that the reason why Meng Ting became frightened for a moment was because of his previous gaffe, he hugged Meng Ting and sat up slightly beside him, raising his hand along Meng Ting's back.

"It was just my worry before. I said I would not let you leave, so you have to believe me."

Hearing this, Meng Ting only calmed down a little. He moved closer to Yan Sui, not only put his arms around Yan Sui, but also crossed his legs, as if Yan Sui couldn't run away, "Are they scary?"

Meng Ting has always been very sensitive when it comes to matters related to Yan Sui, which made Yan Sui worry that he would be taken away. Doesn't it mean that the people over there are actually so scary that Yan Sui might not be able to handle it

"It doesn't count either."

Yan Sui continued to rub Meng Ting's neck and back helplessly, and continued talking to him after a little thought.

"The person you met just now was named Xiao Zimo, the second son of Xiao's family in Beicheng. Your parents are the current head of the Xiao family and his wife. You are their youngest son, but you are even younger in the clan. Okay. Seventeen."

This kind of ranking refers to the children of Xiao's direct lineage and collateral lineages. Meng Ting is not the youngest. It can be seen that Xiao's roots in Xia Kingdom are complicated, but there will be contacts between the top wealthy families, but unless they are like The Yan family and the Zhong family in Haicheng, otherwise the different affiliated circles in different cities, it is almost impossible for the people who communicate with each other to overlap.

Just like the Xiao family in Haicheng only has Meng Ting's tablemate Xiao Mu's branch, and it's just an ordinary wealthy businessman, far from being able to enter the aristocratic circle of Haicheng. If Xiao Mu and his family hadn't come to Haicheng to find Xiao Zi, they would not have known about the situation in the family, let alone Xiao Zimo, who would think of the mistress of the Xiao family because of seeing Meng Ting's photo like Xiao Zimo.

"You also have a big brother named Xiao Zi'ang, he is ten years older than you, the same age as me, he also came to Haicheng, he also came before, but you fell asleep, he left first when he had something to do." Yan Sui said to The Xiao brothers' visit to Yan's house was not hidden. Xiao Zi'ang was unable to speak to Meng Ting today, and he will come in two days, perhaps with the Patriarch of the Xiao family.

As for Meng Ting of the Xiao family, Meng Qi had only heard it mentioned once, and his impression was basically vague. Now all he could think of was the hateful face of Xiao Shi and Xiao Zi. Meng Ting was not at all happy that he was Xiao Shi's child.

"Then why am I in the orphanage? The director's mother said that we are all unwanted children." Most of the orphanages are abandoned children. This perception is deeply rooted in Meng Ting. .

Leaning in Yan Sui's arms, Meng Ting continued to ask his doubts, "Is it because I'm too stupid, they don't want me?"

When Meng Ting asked, there was not much doubt in his tone, but more affirmation.

That's right, except for Yan Sui, he basically didn't meet anyone who thought he was good.

For others, his childhood is just a record that can be carried away in one sentence, but for Meng Ting, it was a truly dark and helpless time. At that time, he didn't know much, he didn't know what "don't" was, and he didn't know what "useless" was, but he remembered these words and tasted their hardships in the later years.

Yan Sui paused for a while when he heard the words, but felt a little sad for Meng Ting. There are always some fights among wealthy families, and Meng Ting undoubtedly became the most innocent victim in that fight.

"Probably not," Yan Sui tilted his head and kissed Meng Ting's hair, he felt that his caress was not enough to comfort Meng Ting.

"Seventeen years ago, at the end of March, Xiao's eldest family went to a town in Beicheng to play. Xiao Huimin took his eldest son and second son to go shopping. The wife and youngest son who stayed at home to recuperate, because the nanny had an affair with a kidnapper. The kidnappers were let in, the bodyguards were killed, and the wife and young son were kidnapped together."

Yan Sui didn't emphasize that the youngest son was Meng Ting, he said it like he was telling a long and dangerous story, without much sense of substitution, but even so, Meng Ting's attention was completely attracted by his words up.

But Yan Sui's ability to find out in such a short period of time is quite limited. He doesn't know how to save people. He only knows the final result. Xiao Shi only has a baby's bloody clothes."

It is said that after being killed, it was thrown into the sea. A three-month-old baby, let alone any dangerous fish in the sea, may die if it is blown in the sea breeze.

"The kidnappers who participated in the kidnapping back then were sentenced to death, and only a very few were sentenced to life, but they probably didn't know much about it." Even Yan Sui heard about the turmoil in Beicheng that year. There were too many people liquidated in the accident, and the traces that were or should have been left behind were also cleared away. In this way, it would be difficult to investigate.

"So they think I'm dead, rather than dislike me and don't want me?" Meng Ting looked up at Yan Sui, not feeling much about the complicated grievances of the wealthy family, his eyes suddenly turned, "Then now they Looking at me like this, I probably wouldn’t want to.”

Some ideas are really deeply ingrained in Meng Ting's mind, even if he changes with Yan Sui, but with other people, he still remains the same.

However, there was not much regret or sadness in his tone, the so-called family members, before meeting Yan Sui, only had the word "nightmare" for Meng Ting. They don't want him, Yan Sui wants him, it's good. Meng Ting really felt so.

"I don't know. Maybe next time they come, if you still want to know, you can ask them."

Talking with Meng Ting, Yan Sui hadn't had time to think about how Meng Ting would react to the Xiao family next, but he himself was comforted by Meng Ting's attachment, but at the same time he also strengthened his determination that Meng Ting should deal with Xiao's family. Have a clear understanding of your past.

Not for any extra wealth, status or love, just to get rid of those deep-rooted thoughts in his mind, it is worth it. Meng Ting has carried too much of the past, Yan Sui doesn't want him to continue to carry it.

"Yan Sui, are you really sure they can't take me away?" Meng Ting really wanted to believe in Yan Sui, but he still couldn't help being afraid. He couldn't imagine the situation where he and Yan Sui were separated, and he couldn't bear such a situation. as a result of.

"I'm sure," Yan Sui lowered his head slightly and kissed Meng Ting's forehead, "I'm sure, you won't leave me."

"En," Meng Ting replied, but then he tightened his grip on Yan Sui's hands and feet.

"You say that, I'm still a little worried."

Yan Sui smiled helplessly when he heard the words, he tilted his head and kissed Meng Ting from time to time, waiting patiently for him to digest the information, even if he couldn't digest it, it didn't matter, with him around, he wouldn't let Meng Ting suffer.

Downstairs, after Xiao Bo sent Xiao Zimo out, Yan Manjia stumbled and spoke under Zhen Han's angry glaring.

"It turned out to be my sister-in-law's family. I thought it was where you found the tender grass..."

Yan Manjia was silent for a while before realizing the meaning of Zhen Han's words, her face flushed even more, "You say I'm an old cow?"

An old cow eats tender grass, Zhen Han thinks Xiao Zimo is tender grass, doesn't he think she is an old cow...

Zhen Han continued to lean on the sofa quilt, not worried about Yan Manjia's anger at all. While thinking about it, he answered Yan Manjia casually, "Could it be that you still think you are a tender flower?"

With a son as big as him, Yan Manjia doesn't look old, and those little fresh meat and grassy ones probably won't be easy to eat.

Yan Manjia was so angry that she had a myocardial infarction. She stood up angrily and glared at Zhen Han, but she didn't dare to say anything in person, otherwise she would definitely be disgusted even worse. She turned and went back to the room to apply a mask.

On Xiao Zimo's side, he left Yan's house and went straight back to the hotel he booked in Haicheng. He stayed at Yan's house for most of the afternoon, which should be enough for Xiao Ziang to investigate Meng Ting's past more clearly.

It would take a lot of effort and time for Yan Sui to check, but they don't need to check again. The things that Yan Sui exposed at the press conference have given them a direction, and this time is enough.

Xiao Ziang read it three times back and forth, and sent a copy to his father. When Xiao Zimo came back, he was reading it for the fourth time...

Every time he read it, the anger in his heart became more intense, his face was dark and dark, and he looked quite scary. He hadn't been this angry for many years, but he still had to store up the anger and vent it out on the person who suffered it.

"Brother..." Xiao Zimo called him, but seeing that he didn't answer, he turned the computer over to him by himself.

Xiao Ziang reluctantly picked up his gaffe, and before he had time to ask Xiao Zimo what, the phone in his pocket vibrated, he glanced at Xiao Zimo who had already looked similar to him, turned around and went to the window to answer the phone.

"Okay, express my thanks to Yan Sui for me."

When Xiao Ziang received a call from Wang Feng, he told him that Yan Sui had sent him an encrypted email. He didn't mention what was in it, but it was easy to guess what it was about, and it would make two families like them have to Only Meng Ting came into contact with him.

I don't know what changed Yan Sui's mind, let him take the initiative to tell them about Meng Ting's past, maybe it was to help them better track down the truth of the year.

"Yan Sui sent me an email, let me see it together."

Xiao Zimo's eyes were slightly red, staring at a photo of Meng Ting when he was seven years old, his hands clenched into fists, his body trembling slightly uncontrollably, they ate the best, wore the best, and used the best, but Meng Ting's life is not even one tenth or one hundredth of them.

He was able to survive that accident, which was already a great fortune among misfortunes, but fate still did not favor him. Even in a regular orphanage, a child like Meng Ting might not be able to live a very good life, let alone a mercenary. The kind of illegal orphanage.

He touched the screen with his hand, as if he wanted to wipe away the uneasiness in the eyes of seven-year-old Meng Ting, but he couldn't, even if he could change the photos, he couldn't change Meng Ting's too tragic past.

Xiao Ziang glanced at Xiao Zimo, and sighed softly in his heart, Xiao Ziang couldn't stand it after seeing this, but this is not the scariest thing Meng Ting has ever encountered.

When Yan Sui sent the email, he probably expected that there would be some things that they would not be able to find out, or not notice, so they would do nothing.

Xiao Ziang couldn't push Xiao Zimo, so he could only find a stool and move the computer over.

He clicked on it quickly, then opened it according to the key Wang Feng told him, and then downloaded the file. He quickly scanned the part where they overlapped, and finally stopped suddenly on an old photo, which was a photo from the Donglin Town Police Photos from the bureau.

A photo of a murder scene, with bright red blood smeared all over the floor, a man bleeding from his lower abdomen, and a frail young man sitting in a corner with a fruit knife in his hands. Several consecutive photos were taken by the police after Wu Fengjiao reported the crime. to take pictures.

The next picture is a picture of Meng Ting being taken away with his hands handcuffed. His eyes are so empty that it is frightening. It seems that he has just recovered, and the fear and helplessness are slowly overflowing.

There are many more photos in Yan Sui's files than what they found, but every one of them is so chilling and flustered that I don't know what to do.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zimo stared at the two photos from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't concentrate on looking at the densely packed text anymore.

"Damn it! How dare they!"

Xiao Ziang was a little calmer than Xiao Zimo, but then the calmness he tried to maintain finally disappeared. He stood up abruptly and started circling around the sofa and coffee table, and then he made several calls.

Xiao Zimo didn't care about Xiao Ziang's gaffe, he took a deep breath, and continued to look down, but his face was getting worse and worse for sure, after he finished reading this, he continued to pull back and start from the beginning.

These materials are not long, but Xiao Zimo read them very slowly and difficultly. He thought of the scene when he saw Meng Ting today, and he wanted to burst into tears. It is hard to imagine that Meng Ting had suffered so many terrible things. Ting, still have such clean eyes and smile.

People who are more difficult than he sees are still in the old house of Xiao's family in Beicheng in the northern part of Xia Kingdom. Ning Zhou and Xiao Huimin have been husband and wife for decades. He couldn't sleep well yesterday. Ning Zhou naturally noticed it. I asked him what was the matter, and he didn't tell me anything.

She asked the housekeeper at home, only to learn that the eldest son and the second son were not in Beicheng, but went to Haicheng successively. Ning Zhou also knew about Xiao Zi's dismissal in Haicheng. She didn't like this little uncle very much. After receiving it for so long, she only asked someone to bring him some fruit, and she didn't go to see him in person.

But the patriarch of the Yan family abolished Xiao Zi, so she might not be able to appease her anger. She only had two sons left, and they passed away one after the other. Doesn't it mean that they may also be angered, or they have already been angered, so Xiao Ziang will come again. Hurrying to Haicheng to solve it will make Xiao Huimin sleepless all night

She went to the study to ask Xiao Huimin, she didn't want anything to happen to her son, and she was kept in the dark.

No one else can enter Xiao Huimin's study, so Ning Zhou has no problem. It's just that she seldom comes in on weekdays, let alone flipping things at random. But Xiao Huimin answered two calls and left in a hurry without even having time to use the computer. Guan, when Ning Zhou came in, he just heard the voice of an email.

She was worried about whether it might be about Xiao Ziang or Xiao Zimo, she hesitated, but she still came over.

The screen lit up, and she glanced at it. The sender was her eldest son Xiao Ziang. She sat at Xiao Huimin's office and clicked on it without hesitation. She wanted to see what their father and son were hiding from her. matter.

But Xiao Ziang's first sentence made Ning Zhou stunned for a long time.

"This is what I found about Nuonuo's past. The Meng family and Li Yifei are the focus of investigation."

Ning Zhou's gaze flicked over the three characters Li Yifei, and then returned to the two characters "Nuo Nuo".

For seventeen years, the word Xiao Zinuo has never been forgotten in her heart. She held her chest to restrain the throbbing pain coming from there. After a while, she opened the file and read down word by word. , but after reading two sentences, her tears rolled down one after another.

As soon as Xiao Huimin left, Ning Zhou came to the study. Xiao Huimin met someone, had dinner, and was about to turn down the next entertainment, but he received a call from the servant at home. It has been more than three hours since he locked himself in his study, and he didn't come out for dinner.

Xiao Huimin and Ning Zhou have a good relationship, and the servants at home naturally dare not neglect this frail lady. They have made many calls like this about Ning Zhou not eating well. This time it is the same, it is just Xiao Huimin's The reaction was bigger than before.

"What? It's closed without eating... In the study?" Xiao Huimin faintly felt that something was wrong. He put the document that Xiao Ziang showed him in the drawer. Generally speaking, Ning Zhou would not look through it, but she was bored. Being in the study for so long has already explained the problem.

"I see, I'll be right back."

Xiao Huimin would not deliberately hide his love for Ning Zhou in front of outsiders, he told the secretary beside him, and he hurried home.

This banquet was planned to come a week ago, and his thoughts were all on Meng Ting's affairs these two days. The secretary called him to remind him, and then he remembered that there was such a thing, and rushed here, but he didn't Thinking that Ning Zhou would go to his study and find the information Xiao Ziang gave him.

But before he got into the car and arrived at Xiao's house, Xiao Ziang called.

"Dad, I sent you another email, it's from Yan Sui."

Xiao Ziang's tone was quite cold, and Xiao Huimin, who wanted to vent his anger at first, couldn't get angry anymore. He frowned, "What email? I haven't read it yet."

"The email about Nuonuo's past experience..." Xiao Ziang's tone became even more serious. He pondered for a while, and then told Xiao Huimin, "Delete it after you read it. Don't let mom see it. Can't take it."

"It's too late," Xiao Huimin said with a soft sigh, "She has already seen it."

It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't hide the information properly, but that Ning Zhou saw the email Xiao Ziang sent him, but this matter itself should not be kept from Ning Zhou for too long, otherwise he would not be able to bear it if she got angry.

"You don't have to worry, I'll watch over your mother's side, I'm almost home, I'll contact you later for other things."

After Xiao Huimin finished speaking, he hung up the phone, got out of the car, took off his coat, threw it to the housekeeper, and strode to the study on the second floor.

"Zhouzhou open the door, it's me."

Xiao Huimin knocked for a while, then waited a while, Ning Zhou came over and opened the door, but then she threw herself into Xiao Huimin's arms, and burst into tears, "Huaimin, how could this happen, how could... how can we, Nuonuo?" Will you encounter so many hardships?"

Xiao Huimin hugged Ning Zhou, walked in, closed the door of the study, and then he spoke again.

"Don't worry, those who have harmed you and Nuonuo, I will not be soft-hearted."

As he spoke, he rubbed Ning Zhou's hair lightly, and he could still feel her uncontrollable sobs.

"But now that Nuonuo is back, your body can't be broken anymore. We didn't treat him well before, and we have to make up for it twice in the days to come."

These words are more useful to Ning Zhou than any words of comfort. She and Xiao Huimin originally thought that they would carry such regrets until they died.

"You're right, I have to live, treat Nuonuo well."

She raised her head to look at Xiao Huimin, tears rolled down again, her voice was still trembling, but her eyes had become firm, she leaned into Xiao Huimin's arms again, and asked softly, "You asked someone to book a plane ticket for me, can I Go now."

How can Xiao Huimin rest assured that Ning Zhou will fly by himself, even if he is accompanied by a servant, he is not at ease, so he takes her to sit beside her.

"I've booked a plane ticket for tomorrow morning. We'll go together. There are Zi Ang and Zi Mo there. Besides... we have to give Nuonuo some time to accept us."

In his and Xiao Zi'ang's original plan, they would recognize Meng Ting and tell Ning Zhou after everything was settled. But it didn't take long for Ning Zhou to know everything by mistake.

Ning Zhou's original tone was quite resolute, but Xiao Huimin figured out what she cared most about, which was related to their youngest son and Meng Ting, so Ning Zhou couldn't be willful anymore.

She was coaxed by Xiao Huimin to eat something. It was not for nothing that she had been the mistress for so many years. She roughly calmed down from the almost collapsed emotions. To do things by herself, she went to the top floor of the Xiao residence and asked the servant to open a room that had been locked all along.

No one has lived there for more than ten years, but the servants did not leave here after cleaning the house. Ning Zhou asked them to open it, but also asked them to tidy it up again. Some small clothes and toys were all packed in boxes. Looking at the decoration of the room, some were removed and some were added, as if someone would move in here soon.

Xiao Huimin saw the information given by Yan Sui a little later than Ning Zhou. No one was in the study, and his anger was also rising slowly. Not to mention that Ning Zhou couldn't bear it until tomorrow, even he was the same, but he After being irritable for a while, I still came back to be patient and continue to arrange things properly.

He is the current Patriarch of the Xiao family, so he left Beicheng to go to Haicheng recklessly. If he didn't handle it well, it would cause too many unnecessary speculations, but he had to go, because Xiao Ziang and Xiao Zimo really couldn't deal with the Yan family's Yan Sui.

Coupled with the urgent Ning Zhou, how could he stay in Beicheng, indifferent.

Yan Sui can probably guess some of the turmoil caused by them, but they should know about it.

But right now he was a little troubled, sweet troubles, Meng Ting's worry didn't dissipate much because of Yan Sui's comforting, he became so clingy that he even followed Yan Sui to the toilet.

Of course, Meng Ting didn't think there was anything wrong with him following in, he had seen Yan Sui's body many times.

"Why are you shy, I just want to see you..." Meng Ting knocked on the door depressedly, but he was still locked out.

Yan Sui went in to take a bath, and Meng Ting's wounds were not healed yet, if he got splashed with water, or accidentally slipped and fell, Yan Sui would feel distressed.

Meng Ting was strolling outside the door, and from time to time he would go to the door to listen to the movement, but unfortunately the sound insulation in the house was pretty good, so he couldn't hear anything.

But this time he listened, before he could stand still, the door was opened, and he fell directly into Yan Sui's arms, and then Meng Ting's hand also locked onto Yan Sui's waist.

"Are you still going to the study now? I'll be with you."

Yan Sui hugged Meng Ting and walked back, "No, I'll wipe your body for you, let's go to bed early today."

"Oh, sleep well."

Meng Ting responded and looked at Yan Sui again, making sure that he would not run away, so he let him go.

He turned around and walked to the bed, opened the quilt and sat down, opened his hands naturally, Yan Sui also came over, helped Meng Ting take off his clothes, pulled the quilt to cover him, and then went to the bathroom to get Hot water and towels came out.

Meng Ting sneaked into the bathroom by himself yesterday. Except for the wound, he washed all the other places that could be washed. Right now, he didn't bother Yan Sui to take a bath. He obediently cooperated, and soon Yan Sui wiped him off.

Sitting on the bed, Meng Ting was still wrapped in a quilt, but his head had already moved towards the bathroom, and he didn't sit down again until Yan Sui walked out.

"I'm not leaving..." Yan Sui had said this to Meng Ting several times since dinner.

"Oh," Meng Ting agreed, but once Yan Sui was out of his sight, he should be worried and worried.

Yan Sui looked helplessly at Meng Ting, turned his back, and took off the bathrobe on his body, but before his hands touched his pajamas, a warm body was stuck behind him.

"Yan Sui, we haven't made out for a long time, I want it."

Meng Ting's words were quite straightforward, Yan Sui didn't know what he wanted.

"You think too, I felt it in the laboratory."

As Meng Ting said, his kiss landed on the back of Yan Sui's neck, licking, kissing and biting, all the skills he learned from Yan Sui were now used by Yan Sui.

Yan Sui worked hard patiently, but Meng Ting's strength in locking his waist was really strong, and what's more, he was afraid of accidentally bumping into Meng Ting's side injury.

While kissing someone, Meng Ting coaxed Yan Sui, "Let's be careful, it's okay, I asked cousin Zhen Han..."

"I wanted to ask Dr. Gu Li, but he wouldn't let me go..." Meng Ting certainly knew that Yan Sui loved him a lot. If it would hinder his recovery, no matter how much he tried to seduce Yan Sui, it would be useless for him. Be smart and ask Zhen Han, who is a doctor. It was only later that I realized that he was a veterinarian, so it was not considered appropriate. He wanted to find Gu Li again, but Zhen Han stopped him.

Yan Sui suddenly understood why Zhen Han was so red-faced before, he definitely wasn't shy, he was probably depressed, but Zhen Han really didn't dare to put on Meng Ting's face, so he answered Meng Ting seriously By the way, to prevent Meng Ting from making more people speechless.

"Yan Sui, Yan Sui, follow me..."

The latter sentence was learned by Meng Ting from TV dramas, and now he can use it without being instructed by others. Not to mention, it is really appropriate for the current scene.

Yan Sui let out a soft "Mmm", before Meng Ting let go of him and made him turn around.

Yan Sui might have planned to tell Meng Ting something, but when he met his lustful eyes, those words seemed irrelevant. He hugged Meng Ting back and whispered in his ear, "Think?"

"Well, I really want to, it's been many, many days..." Especially these days, he is purely recovering from his illness, and every day feels very long to him, and he also feels that he has been left out for a long time.

Before the lingering sound of Meng Ting's last words fell, he was kissed by Yan Sui, and the eyes of the two directly collided, and Yan Sui could no longer bear the emotion and desire that had been suppressed.

The kiss became intense in vain. Meng Ting's body went from being high-spirited to soft after being kissed, but he finally had no time to worry about what was going on. They can only see each other in their eyes, and only feel each other.

This kind of total devotion made Meng Ting like and obsessed. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Yan Sui. After a while, his brows and eyes were raised, and he said happily, "Go on, go on..."

Yan Sui lowered his head and kissed Meng Ting's bright red cheek, then carefully picked him up and walked towards the bed.

Meng Ting's arm was around Yan Sui's neck, and he was put on the bed, and his arms were still around Yan Sui, not letting him get up, his kiss fell on Yan Sui's forehead, and went down softly, his feet He lifted it up and directly hooked Yan Sui's waist.

Not to mention that Yan Sui didn't plan to get up, even if he had the plan, he didn't have the will to get up at this moment.

He supported Meng Ting's side, trying not to press himself on his wound.

They were familiar enough with each other's bodies, it was easy for him to make Meng Ting emotional or excited, but Yan Sui still showed patience, making sure that Meng Ting was really ready, he would go further.

Of course, this is only before the storm starts, he will have such patience and perseverance, once it starts, everything after that will be out of his control, kiss and touch, do all the intimate things, wait for them to love each other I exhausted all my strength, and then fell asleep together.

Probably too tired, Meng Ting didn't wake up until almost eight o'clock the next day. He touched his side, but he didn't touch Yan Sui, so his bewildered eyes opened completely. Cengceng ran downstairs.

He looked around for a while, then looked up and found that Yan Sui had just come up the stairs.

"I went to the study to answer the phone," Yan Sui explained, took a look at Meng Ting, and immediately picked him up, "It's cold, why don't you wear shoes."

"I forgot..." Meng Ting was hugged by Yan Sui, and all the uneasiness disappeared. He was hugged obediently, and his eyes were fixed on Yan Sui. Although he didn't speak anymore, Yan Sui understood.

Meng Ting forgot because he was anxious to see him.

He didn't say anything more, he tilted his head and rubbed Meng Ting's cheek, but still carried him upstairs, the weather is colder today than yesterday, Meng Ting's clothes are a bit less.

When Yan Sui wrapped himself up again and came downstairs, Wang Ma had already set out breakfast.

Seeing that Yan Sui and Meng Ting have such a good relationship, while she was happy, she couldn't help but feel strange. She never thought that Yan Sui would treat someone so meticulously before. It could only be called fate. While Meng Ting was lucky, Yan Sui was also lucky.

After they had breakfast, they all came to the basement of Yan's residence. About an hour later, He Yue was going to have the first operation.

Gu Li and Dr. Bart are still talking. In the operating room, Zhen Han and Li Yi have been preparing since yesterday, and are now doing the last checkup.

Yan Yu pushed He Yue down, both of them looked quite calm, at this moment, they could only do their best to obey the destiny, whether they succeed or not, they will not make any more fuss in the future.

Zhen Han and Li Yi came out of the operating room and opened the door by the way. They nodded to Gu Li and Dr. Bart. Everything inside was prepared and checked.

Yan Yu walked up to He Yue, picked him up from the wheelchair, walked into the operating room step by step, and put him on the operating table.

"You go to sleep, I will always wait for you outside."

"Okay," He Yue agreed, he grabbed Yan Yu's hand, shook it lightly, and then let go.

Yan Sui and Meng Ting didn't come in, but He Yue could hear Meng Ting's voice.

"Father He, Yan Sui and I will also guard you, you will be fine."

He Yue didn't answer, but there was a little smile on his face.

Zhen Han drove Yan Yu out of the operating room, and then closed the door.

Yan Yu couldn't help wanting to smoke, but when he caught sight of Meng Ting, who was wrapped up extremely tightly by Yan Sui, he also endured it. He occasionally ran to the grass to secretly smoke a cigarette, not only He Yue detested him, but Meng Ting also despised him. As soon as he entered the living room, he hid far away.

Yan Sui didn't stay in the basement all the time, he would occasionally go upstairs to answer the phone or send a document, but every time he came down, he would give Meng Ting something to eat and drink.

The phone in his hand vibrated again, he picked it up to have a look, rubbed Meng Ting's hair with the other hand, and went back to the living room or study to pick it up as before.

At the door of the operating room, only Yan Yu and Meng Ting were left. Yan Manjia had been guarding all the time, but now it was almost meal time, so she went back up to get something to deliver. The people in the room may also need some energy.

She wasn't sure whether they would be able to eat or not, she could only find what she thought would help her.

Meng Ting took another sip of water. There was only him and Yan Yu at the door of the operation, and he could only look at Yan Yu besides drinking water.

Yan Yu glanced over and met Meng Ting, Meng Ting seemed to be frightened, and opened his eyes wide in vain.

Yan Yu raised his eyebrows lightly, "Are you afraid of me?"

He didn't seem to have done anything to scare Meng Ting, and the whole family, the one who didn't know what to be afraid of the most was Meng Ting himself. Yan Sui hadn't called him dad until now, only Meng Ting was the first time. When I saw him and He Yue, I called him Dad, and I called him very smoothly from then on.

Meng Ting thought about it for a while, then shook his head, "I'm not afraid... I just feel that Dad, you don't seem to like me and Yan Sui very much."

Meng Ting said so, but he didn't intend to force it.

"But it's okay, I like Yan Sui, you just need to focus on liking Papa He."

Meng Ting was also not sure how much he could love Yan Sui, but he would give Yan Sui as much as he had. Maybe he still couldn't make up for Yan Sui's past shortcomings, but in the days to come, Yan Sui would love Yan Sui. He loves it.

Yan Yu didn't know how long he was silent before he said softly, "No dislike..."

With Meng Ting's temperament, not to mention He Yue's love for him, he thinks it's pretty good. As for Yan Sui...he didn't dislike him. When the incident happened, he was angry, but he knew it in his heart. Yan Sui is innocent.

He never came back, not only because He Yue's leg needed to be healed, he had misunderstood his parents, but also because he didn't know how to face this child, Yan Sui.

He is Yan Sui's physical father, and He Wan is also Yan Sui's physical mother, but he and He Wan are incompatible.

When he and He Yue return, how will Yan Sui choose a side? Is it his biological father who is completely strange, or his biological mother who has been with him for decades

Yan Yu didn't expect that Yan Sui would grow up to be so stable and mature, but this is the best situation.

Yan Sui can distinguish right from wrong, and can choose his side, so they won't become enemies again.

He didn't like Yan Sui very much, but he didn't dislike him either. To put it in more detail, he was a little grateful to him. Yan Sui was indeed a great help in finding Gu Li, and in tracing the truth back then. ,is also like this.

But for Meng Ting, not liking it is tantamount to liking it. He took a careful look at Yan Yu, and then translated it for him.

"Then you like me and Yan Sui, you have to tell us directly, otherwise it's really hard to tell."

He felt that not only he didn't see it, but Yan Sui didn't see it either, he was born not good at judging people, but if Yan Sui was like this, then it's Yan Yu's own problem, it's not good if he hides too deeply.