Bent This Way

Chapter 67: The Merry Prince is a Dude (18)


Hua Shuisheng's brows were wrinkled because of the pain, and Bai Nen's chin was also pinched with red marks.

Ning Cheng looked at the extremely beautiful face in front of him, and a trace of obsession flashed in his eyes.

In order to ascend to the throne of the king and remove those stumbling blocks, he picked Hua Shuisheng and trained him into a sharp knife. In order to control the knife, he brought Hua Shuisheng's twin sister Hua Xinyou into the harem.

Everyone thought that Hua Xinyou was his favorite.

He used to think so too.

Although Hua Xinyou was just a pawn he used to restrain Hua Shuisheng, he still gave her all his love. Countless gold, silver and jewels were given to Hua Xinyou like flowing water, and despite the objections of the ministers, the humble Hua Xinyou was made a concubine.

Although Hua Xinyou was very afraid of him, she always lowered her head and dared not look at him. But he didn't care at all, and still held her in his palm.

She was given almost everything but freedom and her brother.

Until Hua Xinyou was suddenly poisoned and "died".

At that moment, looking at that lifeless face, there was not much sadness in his heart.

What came to mind was another face that was almost identical, but with a completely different temperament, as cold as ice and snow.

He sent the top secret guards to chase him back, and planned to pardon his capital crimes and let him stay by his side forever.

However, this person was thinking of another man.

A haze flashed in Ning Cheng's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Come here, bring me the criminal Ning Ze—"

The moment Ning Ze came in, the expression on Hua Shuisheng's face finally fluctuated.

Those cold eyes lifted up, and their eyes fell on Ning Ze, who was wearing prison clothes and was in a state of embarrassment.

Ning Ze also saw Hua Shuisheng.

After being stunned, the handsome face suddenly changed color, and he shouted: "How could it be!"

The palace is heavily guarded, and it is difficult to get people out. What's more, this person is still a favorite concubine.

Therefore, he deliberately entered the palace to assassinate and create chaos. At the same time, let the informant in the palace cooperate with Feng Zhili and take out Hua Xinyou's "corpse".

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According to his plan, Hua Shuisheng should have left with Hua Xinyou by now, why did he appear here

Ning Ze's face turned gray.

After standing still for a while, he suddenly turned and knelt down.

His forehead hit the ground heavily, and there was a "bang".

"Brother Huang, my younger brother is willing to subdue the law, I just ask you to let him go!"

"My lord, why are you doing this..." Hua Shuisheng's eyelashes trembled, and his voice choked up.

Looking at everything in front of him, Ning Cheng's expression became even more gloomy.

From childhood to adulthood, Ning Ze was better than him in every way. Obviously he is the eldest son, but everyone likes Ning Ze more than him.

Later, at some point, Ning Ze put all his energy on eating, drinking and having fun, and put his homework aside, so he gradually became the outstanding one.

But even after succeeding in ascending the throne as emperor, he still couldn't forget those aggrieved memories.

The longer the time, the deeper those doubts and suspicions will be.

He was afraid that Ning Ze was hiding his strength and biding his time, and he was afraid that one day he would suddenly jump out and take away everything he had so hard to get.

Now, the person he wants has his heart on Ning Ze's body...

Looking at the two people who only had each other in their eyes, the irritability in Ning Cheng's heart became more and more intense.

A look of hostility flashed in his eyes, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and with a "stab" sound, he tore Hua Shuisheng's clothes open!