Bent This Way

Chapter 69: The Merry Prince is a dude (20)


Seeing both Jiang Yan and Ning Ze looking at her, Hua Xinyou seemed to realize it now, and threw away the brick in her hand in fear.

Looking at Ning Cheng who fell on the ground, his face turned pale.

"Brother, what should I do? I beat His Majesty to death. Is the crime of regicide to punish the nine clans? Are we going to be beheaded? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Woo..."

Jiang Yan and Ning Ze: "..."

Jiang Yan sighed.

"With your little strength, you can knock people out at most, and you won't die. Speaking of which, Xinyou, how did you get in?"

Hua Xinyou wiped away her tears and looked at Jiang Yan pitifully.

"When the two jailers took you away, the door was not closed properly. I turned the lock twice and opened the lock. Two eunuchs guarded the door of the interrogation room. When they saw me, they also looked like you. I was stunned and didn't react. I gave it to them alone and knocked them out."

Jiang Yan and Ning Ze: "..."

Heaven prison so casual? Forgot to close the door

five minutes later.

The three of them squatted in a neat row, looking at Ning Cheng, who had passed out and was tied up on the ground, and fell into deep thought.

Jiang Yan touched his chin.

"Although the two eunuchs at the gate have been resolved, there are still many guards outside. Ning Cheng has not come out for a long time. They will find out that something is wrong sooner or later. We must go out as soon as possible."

Hua Xinyou nodded in agreement: "Brother, you are right."

Jiang Yan continued: "However, even if you get out of the sky prison, how to leave the palace is still a difficult problem."

Hua Xinyou continued to nod: "Brother, you are right."

Jiang Yan paused, and squinted at the past.

"Just nodding, can you make some useful suggestions?"

Hua Xinyou wrinkled her small face into a bitter gourd: "Brother, you also know that I'm not smart! What good suggestions can I make?"

Jiang Yan: "...that's true."

Why are the genes of dragon and phoenix twins so different

Hua Shuisheng, who is the queen's killer, unexpectedly has such a silly twin sister.

At this moment, Ning Ze, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Actually, I have an idea."

Jiang Yan and Hua Xinyou turned their heads to look at him, and said in unison: "What idea?"

Looking at the expectant eyes of the two, Ning Ze had a strange expression on his face. Clearing his throat, he began to speak.

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The gate of the prison.

"Has Your Majesty been in for a while?"

"Yeah, there seemed to be strange movements just now, should we go in and have a look?"

When the two jailers were wondering, "Ning Cheng" in black dragon robe came out from inside.

They quickly fell silent and knelt down.

"Ning Cheng" seemed a little uncomfortable, covering his face and coughing, and the two little eunuchs behind him also lowered their heads.

"Congratulations to His Majesty!"

When the three of them walked away, the two jailers looked at each other.

"By the way, do you feel... something's not right?"

"The eunuch on the left, has he become shorter? I don't remember being so short when I came here? Also, isn't the walking posture of the three of them a bit strange?"

The more they talked, the more uneasy they became.

"How about we go in and have a look?"

When the two guards came to the interrogation room, they were frightened out of their wits.

Ning Cheng, who was stripped naked, was tied up with two eunuchs, with stinky socks stuffed in his mouth. His face was ashen, and his eyes were staring angrily.

"A bunch of trash!"

After being unbound, Ning Cheng kicked the two guards in a vent of anger.

Thinking of the humiliation he suffered, the veins on his forehead popped out.

"Call all the guards in the palace immediately, and I must capture the three of them back!"