Bent This Way

Chapter 99: Slag after the professor of abstinence (26)


Wu Wei stiffened his neck and did not hide.

Both Qin Xue and Wu Lili showed complacency on their faces, just waiting for Wu Wei to lose face.

However, Wu Haotian's slap failed to fall.

His hand was grasped by another powerful arm.

Looking at the strange man in front of him, Wu Haotian frowned: "Who are you? I taught my son a lesson, what does it have to do with you?"

Wu Lili was afraid that her future boyfriend would leave a bad impression on Wu Haotian, so she explained before Lin Qingyuan could speak.

"Dad, this is a professor at Kyoto University, surnamed Lin."

Hearing that Lin Qingyuan is a university professor, Wu Haotian's expression finally softened.

Lin Qingyuan kept Wu Wei behind him calmly, and said to Wu Haotian: "Uncle, in this situation, it is not suitable for Wu Wei to go back for the New Year. Otherwise, let him stay with me, and I will take good care of him of."

After all, there were still outsiders around, Wu Haotian was concerned about saving face, and after all, he didn't make any more trouble.

It's just that when he left, his face was very ugly.

Wu Lili was two steps slow on purpose, winking at Lin Qingyuan who came down to see her off, and said coquettishly, "Teacher Lin, can you add a WeChat account?"

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Lin Qingyuan refused with a flat face.

"No, my wife won't be happy."

Wu Lili's eyes widened: "What? Didn't you just say that you don't have a girlfriend? Why do you have one now?"

"It's true that I don't have a girlfriend, but I have a boyfriend."

Wu Lili was dumbfounded.

After reacting, his face flushed with anger: "Disgusting! Pervert! People who hang out with Wu Wei are really not good things!"

After leaving this sentence, he stamped his feet and ran away.

When Lin Qingyuan returned home, Wu Zhi was sitting on the balcony drinking without saying a word.

However, in the short time he went up and down the stairs, there were three empty bottles under his feet.

"Alcohol is bad for your health, don't drink it."

Lin Qingyuan reached out, wanting to take away the can of beer in his hand, but Wu Zhi dodged it: "Don't stop me."

His eyes were bloodshot, the knuckles of his hand holding the beer turned white, and his voice was hoarse.

Lin Qingyuan's heart trembled.

After being silent for a while, he turned around and sat down beside Wu Wei, and also picked up a bottle of beer and drank it.

Wu Zhi glanced at him and opened the fourth can in his hand.

I don't know how long it took, but there are countless empty cans piled up at their feet.

It was already dark, and the lights on the balcony were not turned on. The figures and expressions of the two people were shrouded in darkness, so they couldn't see clearly.

"My mother went there when I was six years old. She was forced to death by Qin Xue and Wu Haotian. Since then, I have no mother or father. To me, the Wu family is a cold The placeā€¦ "

"In these years, I have wanted to leave the Wu family more than once. But, I am not reconciled. Why can that bitch and her daughter live so well while my mother is lying on the cold ground?"

"And my dad, I hate him so much. My mom's death seems like an insignificant thing to him..."

Wu Wei's tone was calm, but it made Lin Qingyuan's heart tighten.

Until now, he didn't know why Wu Wei treated feelings like that. Because he doesn't believe in the so-called feelings at all.

The superficial foolishness and cynicism are nothing but thorns to protect oneself.

And the Wu Wei in front of him now is the real Wu Wei.

Vulnerable, lonely, and in need of protection and comfort, Wu Wei.