Bestial Blade

Chapter 13: The first knife (middle)


After Chang'an and Bei Shi had a quarrel, he felt much better, and even his chest tightness seemed to have disappeared a little.

This was the first time in his life that he had quarreled with others. Chang'an had always been very disdainful of the little bastards in the vulture tribe.

And his previous guardians were all Zheyan and Ayan's generation, Zheyan couldn't get angry, he would be so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep all night, and the next day he coughed as if he was about to die, and the wind would blow Shake it a few times.

Ah Yan couldn't contradict him anymore—Changan had never seen what his grandmother looked like, and the only thing he knew about women was Ah Yan, who embraced her very warmly, and even spoke in a quiet, thin voice. People can fall asleep in a daze after listening to it. She is so soft, she is not enough to be sentimental when she has nothing to do, she keeps crying when she thinks about it sadly, Changan is always afraid that the water in her body will be leaked by her like this, how dare she provoke her

Hmm... There is also a carpenter, let's not mention that.

What about Bei Shi... He looks very strong and strong at first glance, and Chang'an is not worried about driving him to death at all.

Chang'an knew that Bei Shi was powerful, to what extent he couldn't imagine. The child has already discovered that all the unheard-of monsters on the entire mountain will hide from Bei Shi. However, out of instinct, Changan is not afraid of him, but has an inexplicable sense of trust.

He just knew that this man would not harm him.

Changan suffered the first setback, but did not give up.

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he picked up the knife again, and once again devoted himself to the invisible practice. This time, the frequency of his small knife shots was reduced. He was trying to figure out and adjust every knife, and there was no perfunctory knife. The portrait seemed to grow on the knife, and nothing around him could disturb him, it was almost to the point where he forgot to sleep and eat.

Until it was very late, Bei Shi came over and took him away, intending to instruct him to start a fire. Chang An suddenly let out a muffled snort. He woke up like a dream, and found that the tender skin between his two palms had been worn away by the knife handle.

Chang An didn't care about this, he gritted his teeth for a while, then smeared the blood on his body casually, like wiping his nose, and went to light the fire vigorously.

Bei Shi's words that he planned to ask him "does it hurt?" got stuck in his mouth under the background of his blood-stained trotting all the way.

The man was stunned for a while, and finally laughed and said: "Little animal."

The little animal studied hard every day, without stopping for a moment, and climbed to the roof to sleep by itself every night-Bei Shi said it casually, and he took it seriously.

Bei Shi’s daily life basically consists of hunting, gathering herbs, taking care of the barley in his garden or casting knives—depending on his mood, sometimes he doesn’t move for ten and a half months, sometimes three or three days. No rest for five days.

Besides, he was actually very bored, and when he had free time, he would give advice to Chang An, or squat beside him and tease him with idle talk.

At the beginning, Chang An would be teased by him as if he was going to bite someone angrily, but as time passed, he got used to it, and gradually practiced the unique skill of not displaying emotions or anger. He already knew a little bit about saber techniques, but with Bei Shi's guidance, he even drew inferences from one instance to another. One day... unfortunately, he couldn't make a thousand miles away.

The knife can only be practiced, no matter how well he understands it, he still can't catch the lines on the nectar tree, and he can't swing the knife so fast.

But he wasn't discouraged either.

Chang'an knew that what the Northern Buddhists taught him was a very remarkable skill, the more remarkable it was, the less everyone could practice it, and in this case, it must be extremely difficult.

Although he is young, he understands this truth in his heart: the unique things in the world must be exchanged for unique suffering in the world.

Three months have passed, and Chang'an lived a life of living and sleeping in the open, and never mentioned to Bei Shi that he wanted to enter the house.

It's a pity that Qiongjiangshu was still standing there hale and hearty, accepting the challenge of this overwhelmed brat day after day, but Chang'an had already practiced his first knife.

He became even thinner, almost lovesick--no food, no bones. But his eyes were extremely clear, without any wavering or confusion.

Bei Shi looked on coldly, thinking that this little wolf cub was not like a child, but like an ascetic who would never hesitate.

The man slowly began to move, remembering a sentence his teacher once said to him: If a person can truly concentrate on nothing else, he can only think about one thing in his heart from morning till night, and only do this one thing. , within three years, he can achieve small success, ten years can achieve great success, thirty years... he can be unparalleled in the world.

Bei Shi once wondered, is there really someone who can only think about one thing other than eating and drinking all day long

Now, he met Chang'an.

Half a year later, winter arrived, and white snow roared down from the top of Yufeng Mountain, covering the entire northern continent in a devastating manner. That day, the sky was overcast all the time, and after noon, there was heavy snow like goose feathers.

Bei Shi had already prepared all the food for the winter, warmed himself a glass of wine from the nectar tree, sat silently by the bed, and looked at Chang'an in the backyard.

The gust of wind couldn't move him, and the rain couldn't move him either. Bei Shi saw it, and felt that let alone snow, even if it was a knife, the little animal could still stand in the yard without changing expression and cut trees.

I saw Chang'an holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and stared firmly at the trunk of the nectar tree. This time, he stood there without moving, holding the small knife that was as long as one arm. In his eyes, nothing but the tree Apart from that, it seems that there is no room for anything else.

The snow fell more and more heavily, and it hit Chang An in large groups, almost burying the little child.

Bei Shi was surprised to find that Chang An's breathing length was changing according to a certain pattern. With his eyesight, he could see that the little guy was about to merge with the tree. There was a strange connection between them.

Bei Shi couldn't help standing up.

At this moment, he saw the little guy move, and now Chang An still knows only one move—the move he used to kill the eagle wolf, he slashed sideways at the moment the blade was delivered, with the help of the rotation of the whole body and The power of the earth, and then the blade "buzzed", split the big snowflake in the air, and collided with the hard bark, Bei Shi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

He could see clearly that the child had actually caught the grain of the nectar tree, but before the blade reached, he was exhausted and could not send the knife in. For the first time, a shallow line was clearly left on the bark. white seal.

The blade immediately curled up, slipped out of Chang'an's hand, and flew a few feet away. Chang'an took two steps forward, wobbled, fell headfirst, and didn't get up again.

Bei Shi hurriedly dropped his wine glass, strode forward, and picked up Chang An, only to find that the child's face was livid, even his lips were purple, and he seemed to be suffocated. Less than his heartbeat!

Chang'an was held in his hand, unconsciously clutching his chest, desperately trying to curl up, but couldn't move.

He couldn't see anything, couldn't feel anything, except for the numbness at the point in his heart, and there was an indescribable pain in the numbness, which slowly spread from his heart to his entire chest and back.

He gasped for breath, but couldn't even take a breath.

Bei Shi pressed a few times on his chest. Seeing that the child didn't respond, he punched him on the chest in desperation. Chang An was like a dying fish, kicking up straight, his body Stiff as a fully drawn bow.

For a moment, Bei Shi almost thought he was dead.

However, it seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed like only a moment, Chang An trembled, and finally exhaled lightly, closed his eyes slowly, and fell softly into his arms, Bei Shi pressed on his chest Only then did he feel the chaotic heartbeat coming through the delicate and fragile bones.

Bei Shi was stunned for a moment, then carefully picked up Chang An, took off his outer robe and wrapped him up, wiped off the drops of cold sweat or snow on his head, and carried Chang An into the room.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, as if he had also experienced life and death himself.

That day when Chang An woke up in the middle of the night, Bei Shi knew about it. After hearing the child cough twice, he quickly got up, so he pretended to be asleep and didn't wake up, waiting to see what he was going to do.

Chang An sat on the edge of the bed clutching his chest for a while—Bei Shi's punch was so powerful that it almost broke his bones, and his chest was bruised and swollen for ten days and a half months. Afterwards, he recovered In one breath, he quietly picked up the pillow that was half his length, dragged the small thin quilt made of tattered animal skins out, and carried them up to the roof.

Just like that, I fell asleep in the heavy snow.

He quarreled and quarreled with Bei Shi on weekdays, and he didn't know how to respect his teacher, but he always remembered the promise of "don't enter the house until you cut down a tree for a shed", and carried it through to the end, meticulously.

But in such a cold night, how could the little bastard with no flesh stand the cold

Sure enough, after a while, there was the sound of felling trees in the woods in the backyard. Bei Shi stood by the window, watching Chang An practice his sword awkwardly under the clear and cold snow light.

It seems that the little boy has come up with a practical and wonderful way to keep out the cold.

Bei Shi suddenly felt faintly in his heart... this little apprentice, he couldn't do it anymore.

The most important talent of a person with a knife is not the intelligence that never forgets, nor the body with infinite strength, but the courage to believe that he is invincible, and the perseverance that ordinary people can't imagine.

Bei Shi hesitated for a while, he hesitated a few times in his life, but this time, he suddenly hesitated.

A person has seen many things, and his judgment will be relatively accurate. However, a person's life is limited, it is always impossible for him to see everything, and it is impossible to be right every time.

Bei Shi himself didn't know what would happen to such a child in the future.

He has no way of judging, and he can't even remember, when he was as old as Chang'an, what kind of heart he had when dealing with the knife in his hand.

The night wind blew past patches of nectar trees, rustling the leafless branches, and the snow fell in a rustling rustle.