Bestial Blade

Chapter 14: Jiaohua


After such a harsh winter, Chang An finally cut off the first branch in his life when the Qiongjiang tree was growing new shoots.

He could finally taste the sweet liquid inside that thing, Chang An thought, it must be much sweeter than the bud sugar that Bei Shi casually threw to him.

Bei Shi saw the child squatting on the ground like a small animal, holding the branches in his hands, ignoring his own disheveled face, he first sniffed it carefully, and then took a big mouthful like a greedy cat, His face suddenly turned from white to red, and then from red to blue, and finally spit it out with a "poof", choking and coughing.

Seeing the long-awaited scene, Bei Shi couldn't help laughing.

Chang An turned his head back with tears in his eyes, and looked at him with grief and indignation—he finally understood that he had been tricked by that bastard Bei Shi, and the sugar water that flowed from this ghost tree was clearly spicy and choking!

"Little brat, you are reckless, you don't know what is good and what is bad." Bei Shi said this, and as he walked under a nectar tree, his slender hands suddenly turned into animal claws, and the sharp claws easily pierced through the grain of the tree. The branch, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, the man let out a long breath, "Natural fine wine is infinitely better than those fools brewing it with rice. If you drink three cups and five cups, you will be drunk for a thousand years, that is the legendary true god who has fallen for a long time, has there ever been such a happy time?"

As Bei Shi said this, he lowered his head and gave Chang An a sideways glance. Something different seemed to flash across Chang An's moody face, which Chang An was used to. , I didn't understand what he meant at all.

He seemed to be saying that the sap was a good thing, but his tone was completely unreasonable.

Chang An frowned, thought for a while, and finally decided to let the facts speak for themselves. He wanted to taste what this thing was.

This time he was a little more careful, only took a small sip, and held it in his mouth for a while, trying to taste other flavors from the choking and spicy taste, but after tasting it for a long time with a sad face, he finally tasted it. The little face wrinkled, and he swallowed with difficulty, all the way from his throat to his stomach, he felt his whole body was burned.

The straight trees dangled in front of his eyes without stopping for a moment. Before Chang An could understand what was going on, he took a few crooked steps and fell headlong, drunk and unconscious.

Since then, Chang'an has understood—Bei Shi is a big freak.

Gradually, Chang An got used to life on the mountain, used to living on the roof of the house, and got used to his body that would make him impenetrable or even near death—he found the pattern, as long as his back arm It started to feel strangely numb, so I immediately put down the knife, went to drink a bowl of herbs by myself, and then went back to the roof to lie down for a while, and continued practicing when the numbness was gone.

Taking advantage of this time, he can seize the time to sleep, so that he can get up and continue practicing swords at night without delay.

At the beginning, Bei Shi would study his body every now and then, and find new herbs for him to drink, but the new herbs didn't always work. Ever since Chang'an once drank his new formula and had a stomachache for three days, he couldn't drink it. Never trust this guy again.

Chang'an finally understood why Bei Shi lived alone on the mountain—he must have been working as a half-dozen doctor at the foot of the mountain and cured someone, so he had no choice but to go up the mountain to hide from his enemies.

He told his master this disrespectful guess without hesitation, and Bei Shi chased and beat him all afternoon in the nectar forest with a stick.

In the autumn of this year, when the malts were harvested, Chang An finally had his own cabin, and the fourth knife he changed was also messed up—Chang An took it for granted that it was because of Bei Shi's poor knife-casting skills.

He also drank all the herbal medicine that Bei Shi had hidden in spring. Bei Shi didn't expect to pick up such a prodigal brat, and regretted it so much that his intestines turned green.

But no matter what, Chang'an could already hold a two-foot-long sword.

In the third year, the knife in Chang'an's hand grew by a foot again, much faster than his men, and had been released from the small forest by Bei, and could cause harm everywhere on Yufeng Mountain.

At first, Bei Shi would follow him. After Chang An killed a bone-winged roc alone, Bei Shi stopped showing up when he was hunting, and daily hunting became Chang An's business. Able to forge knives, Chang An later recalled the days of learning knives when he was a child, and found that during the whole process of practicing knives, he was often accompanied by the word "eating and drinking".

It is said that when the eagle was learning how to fly, the eagle was so cruel that he pushed him down the cliff, but Changan never waited for the eagle to speak. Heartless and self-consciously very happy.

Beishi's herbal medicine still can't save lives or cure diseases. Chang'an has grown to fourteen or fifteen years old, and he has begun to look like a teenager. His facial features have gradually grown. When I think of it, I think of the handsome face with the words "finely crafted".

Bei Shi thought that when he sat there without speaking or moving, he was like a delicate flower facing the water.

I saw this delicate flower quietly lurking for a long time, suddenly its eyes flashed, and the whole person jumped up, and pulled out a big saber that was nearly twice as long as his own, and the bulky big thing was in his hand. It didn't look heavy at all.

At the same time, a huge shadow rose in the water, it was a blue two-headed snake, it opened its mouth wide like covering the sky, and bit down on this little thing that dared to challenge it beyond its limits.

Chang An unhurriedly took a wrong step back, and in a blink of an eye, the knife in his hand passed through the gap under the big snake's fangs with great precision, and the blade passed straight through the snake's mouth. With just a touch of the snake's body, it turned up with the long handle of the saber, and with such force, the saber mercilessly passed through one of the poisonous snake's brains.

The other snake head became even more furious under the severe pain, and ran towards him fiercely. Chang An jumped onto the saber hilt stuck in the snake head, and crawled along the black iron hilt more nimbly than a monkey. Going up, the big snake hit the air all of a sudden, turned its head and bit towards the hilt of his knife.

Chang An jumped down, grasping the handle of the knife with both hands, and pressing down on it like this, the blade of the saber stuck in the snake's head tore the snake's skin and bones, and scattered the smelly flesh and blood everywhere, staining The water in the creek was red, and the saber in his hand turned in a strange direction at that moment, and smashed into the head of another snake in the air.

There were two voices of falling into the water, one was Chang'an, and the other was the snake's head being beheaded.

After a while, "Jiao Hua" swam up from the water with his big saber on his back, leaving behind the body of a two-headed snake and two severed brains. He squeezed the water on his body casually, and with his bare feet like this, he walked through a forest with ease, and ran to the small courtyard of Beishi halfway up the mountain, and shouted: "Master, I chopped a snake!" .”

Bei Shi was sharpening his knife, and he didn't even lift his head when he heard the words, he just looked at the blade intently, and said casually, "What's so new about you chopping up a snake?"

Chang An thought for a while, but there was nothing new about it, so he said, "I can't move it, Master, you pick it up, let's stew it with snake soup, shall we?"

Hearing this, Bei Shi followed him out of the house, intending to get to know the snake that the wolf cub couldn't drag... Then he saw the two-headed snake coiled up by the river that was bigger than the wooden house where the cub lived.

Bei Shi raised his head numbly and stared at this huge monster for a while, then turned his head to look at this ferocious and delicate flower raised by himself, finally heaved a long sigh, pressed hard on Chang An's forehead, and cursed: "A beast."

Chang An blinked blankly, not knowing why.

"He looks like a dog, why doesn't he have any human taste?" Bei Shi sighed, dismembering the body of the two-headed snake, turning it into a giant beast, dragging the snake meat on his body, He took it home—he was not afraid that the bloody smell would attract other beasts, there are really not many things in this world that dare to covet a double-headed snake...except for that daring little wolf cub.

Bei Shi reflected on himself—a good child, who has only been in his hands for seven or eight years, why is it that the longer he grows, the more shameful he becomes

However, Bei Shi thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't think of any problem with him, and finally attributed it to his "natural birth"—this kid Chang An, besides being unable to transform into a beast, was born with a beast embryo.

Chang An followed, and asked with a puzzled face, "Master, what is human taste?"

This question stopped Bei Shi from asking, and he paused, not knowing how to answer—what is human taste? Humans know to be afraid, to bully the weak and fear the strong, to hide the knife in their smiles, but they are not much better than animals because of this. When they turn into beasts, they are no different from ordinary animals. What drives them is still nothing but food and lust. .

Thinking about it this way, human taste... But there is really nothing good about it, on the contrary, it is even more shameless.

In the evening, Chang'an took a large piece of snake meat that could not be eaten, wrapped it in embalmed yellow-leaf grass, and went down the mountain.

Ever since he was able to pick up the big black iron saber, Bei Shi no longer set restrictions on him, and he went crazy wherever he wanted. Since then, Chang'an will go down the mountain every ten days and a half months to deal with it. The hides and meat of the animals are sent to someone down the mountain, and sometimes they will bring a handful of the most brilliant flowers.

Chang An was only seven or eight years old when he went up the mountain, and seven or eight years later, he still remembered the person who took care of him for just a few months—only then, Bei Shi felt that Chang An was a good boy, at least he knew En Tubao is really much stronger than most people in the world.

When Chang'an was seventeen years old, one day when he came back from the mountain, he saw Bei Shi sitting alone at the gate of the yard, holding a bowl of wine from the nectar tree, but he didn't drink it. He held the bowl of wine in his hand. He didn't know how long it took, but he didn't even know that a leaf fell and floated.

Chang An vaguely felt that something had happened.

Sure enough, Bei Shi looked at the boy who was brought up with one hand and sighed, and said, "Little boy, you have been learning knives with me for ten years. Tomorrow, you pack up and go down the mountain."

Chang An didn't expect Bei Shi to say such words, he was caught off guard and was stunned for a while.

Bei Shi said softly: "On Yufeng Mountain, there are only beasts who don't understand anything. If you kill a double-headed snake, there is nothing to test you, but there are people in this world who are stronger than beasts." There are so many things, you can't spend your whole life without seeing..."

Chang An knelt down, interrupted him suddenly and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Bei Shi raised his hand and touched his head—Chang An is not stupid, even very smart, but he has lived with him on this barren hill all year round, and has never learned how to behave. He paused for a moment, and said calmly: "I'm leaving too, If there is fate in the future, you will see me again, if... "

His words came to an abrupt end, Bei Shi stood up, glanced at the tainted wine, poured it casually at the gate of the yard, and rubbed his apprentice's hair like a bird's nest again.

"There is no feast that never ends, you will get used to it." He looked at Chang'an and suddenly smiled, "I can't blame you for being reluctant to part with you little brat."

[Volume 2]