Bestial Blade

Chapter 21: contradiction


The clover mat at the entrance of the welcoming house in the forest has fallen off, where are the corpses of two men, one is in the shape of a beast, the other has not had time to transform, it seems that someone killed him from behind while fleeing, the corpses A part is missing, and judging from the traces, it may have been taken away by a passing beast.

Hua Yi looked at the corpse and thought about it for a moment. When he turned his head, he saw a few pairs of green eyes in the woods not far away, staring at the place. Without hesitation, he turned into his giant beast appearance, turned around Standing up, he growled lowly at the wolves.

Chang An saw that the beasts coveting the dead meat and lingering from far and near all flinched and then retreated slowly. He couldn't help but looked up at the big guy enviously, and felt that this trick was really useful.

Immediately Chang An bent down, he didn't think it was dirty, turned over the corpse with his hands, carefully looked at the wounds on the dead man, and judged: "There are bows and arrows, two long swords, and a scimitar. Killed with a machete."

Long swords and scimitars are actually the first choice of most orc hunters.

Scimitars are very common in tribal wars, they can be used on horseback, and their attack range is very wide.

The long sword is usually three to five feet long, and the width of the palm of an adult man. The lightest long sword for half-grown children weighs about thirty catties, and there are also legends that weigh as much as one hundred catties. Beastmen are naturally strong and tall. , weapons that are too short are mostly not convenient for them to use, and the short knives they carry on their bodies are usually tools and are not used for fighting or hunting... Of course, there are exceptions, such as Huayi's nine-inch short knife, which is not for piercing barbecue. , it is generally used for assassination.

It is also very rare for someone like Chang'an to carry a saber on the road every day, because in actual combat, a double-edged sword is always easier to operate than a single-edged sword.

Chang An reached into the corpse's clothes again, touched it, and took out a black iron sign from the dead man's arms. He picked up the small sign bloody and looked at it over and over for a while, but couldn't figure out what it was made of. What is it for? Ask Hua Yi, "Do you know this?"

"It's a distress sign." Hua Yi turned into a human form, glanced at it, and said, "He is a messenger, and he was sent to ask for help from a nearby tribe. It may be a tribal war."

Chang'an glanced at him and knew that Hua Yi was not telling the truth. He had an intuition that Hua Yi must know something he didn't know, but Chang'an didn't say anything. Whether it was a tribal war or not had nothing to do with them.

This is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Whether it is grown by people or wild, it is time for a good harvest. Many fruits and vegetables can also be picked. The weather is neither cold nor hot, and the animals in the forest are not running away. Far away, hunting is not a problem, it is the best season of the year, and it is impossible to survive. Generally, at this time, everyone prepares food in their own tribes for the winter, which one will travel thousands of miles away? How about going to fight in other tribes

Unless you encounter the legendary ghost tribe.

There are some so-called "ghost tribes". There are almost no sub-beasts in these tribes, and most of the women are robbed by them. They don't do production, live in no fixed place, wander around, bypass powerful tribes, and specialize in keeping an eye on them. Those fragile little tribes live by robbery all year round.

Hua Yi thought about it—here...but it's not far from his employer's tribe. Looking at the direction the messenger ran, maybe these small tribes happened to be under the protection of that employer.

Hua Yi gave Chang An a slight push on the shoulder, stood up, and said, "It's none of our business, let's go."

Chang An glanced at the empty reception room, and asked, "Aren't you going to rest?"

Hua Yi said casually: "Come on, it's so noisy outside, can you sleep? Aren't you afraid that someone's head will fly in from the window and wake you up?"

Chang'an let out an "oh", apparently untouched. Hua Yi immediately remembered his unique skill of falling asleep with his hands down anytime and anywhere, and had a toothache—well, he almost forgot, this one can fall asleep no matter what.

Neither of them walked slowly, and they walked forward as if they were hurrying in the dark. In the depths of the unfamiliar dense forest, even an old hunter can only judge a general direction. Unless you are a local resident, it is impossible to be exact. So although Hua Yi had the intention of avoiding the opponent, he still accidentally passed by the battlefield.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a battlefield—the war seems to be over.

Hua Yi's ears twitched, and there were shrill cries and shouts in the wind, and some children's immature voices were even hoarse.

However, apart from the fact that this happened in the wrong season, wars like this are nothing new in the North.

Each tribe occupies a certain territory and enjoys the surrounding birds, animals, and plant food. The barren places suffer from hunger and cold, while the rich places are full of food and drink. Therefore, there is no reason why this tribe is weak and still occupies a good place.

Either wash your neck and wait for someone to wipe it, or get out of the way as soon as possible.

As for the fate of the defeated party, it depends on the victor's mood. If they are kind, they will leave the aborigines and bring them into their own tribe. Even if they are not kind, there is nothing wrong with killing all the prisoners of war. However, no matter benevolent or not, the leaders and elders of the defeated party cannot be left behind. Their young sons must be put on fire and roasted to dryness.

What's more, this is obviously a sneak attack by a ghost tribe, which is here to rob maliciously. It is better to count on their kindness than to count on the blessings of the gods who have fallen into a river pit and drowned in a long time ago.

Hua Yi listened to the child's sharp and hysterical screams, and knew that it was the sound of being roasted alive, but his footsteps did not stop at all, and his face was so calm that it was almost cold—he didn't know when it started , I became such a person.

It was the first time for Chang'an, who had been quietly following behind him, to encounter such a scene. He stopped several times, but seeing Hua Yi's deafness, he had no choice but to continue to catch up.

At this moment, the young man suddenly asked: "Zhe Yan said that you were still very young at that time, and you were alone on the road. Why did you save him with your own food and even kill a deer for him?"

At first Hua Yi thought that Chang An was implying something or accusing him of something, but until he saw the boy's expression, he realized that he might really be simply expressing doubts. He pushed aside the piercing bushes in front of him, was silent for a while, then shook his head, sighed exaggeratedly, but spoke in an extremely soft voice.

Hua Yi said to Chang'an with a frowning expression: "Look, a person like me who can't speak well and has a bad brain can only fight a deer. A little effort will help."

"... Oh." He was talking nonsense, and Chang An didn't pursue it. He just nodded and responded briefly, so that people couldn't see clearly what the young man was thinking.

Hua Yi felt stabbed by his "oh", he stopped talking and concentrated on walking, but couldn't help asking himself, if he was fourteen or fifteen years old, he couldn't help but hug him when he saw a child with a dirty face Going to the river to wash your face, will you really get mad and rush over to snatch the child who was burned on the fire and escape

However, he couldn't remember... After many years, he couldn't remember what kind of person he was at that time.

At this moment, suddenly, a woman appeared in front of the two of them... Maybe she was too young, and she could only be called a girl. She was already naked, and there were various scars on her bare skin. The braids were scattered, and a lot of blood was stained on the ends of the hair, which was glued into a big piece in a mess. She tripped and fell directly under Hua Yi's feet.

Hua Yi instinctively took a step back, and immediately after, a giant beast transformed from an orc jumped out of the forest. It was about to pounce on the woman, but when he saw Hua Yi, his steps stopped. , I couldn't figure out whether the man who appeared out of nowhere was an enemy or a friend.

Hua Yi stopped calmly, confronting the giant beast.

The woman at his feet stretched out a blood-stained hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes beggingly.

Her hands are very beautiful, the skin is very tender, except for new wounds, no old calluses can be seen, she must be a non-worker at ordinary times, she looks good, she can even be said to be beautiful, the torn skirt has intricate and delicate It takes the most skillful women to weave such delicate and complicated laces for several months. Look at this, if she is not from the tribal leader's family, she is the daughter of an elder's family.

Hua Yi glanced at her sympathetically—their nobles in the tribe usually enjoy the best things and the pursuit of others. At this time, they will come out to take the blame for the whole tribe, but it is actually very fair.

The giant beast opened its mouth, bared its ugly bloody teeth, looked at Hua Yi with a ferocious facial expression, and put on a threatening look.

After a while, Hua Yi lowered his head slightly, avoiding the orc's sight, showing weakness, he looked very cautious, even smiled flatteringly, bowed his body, and said in a low voice: "My brother and I are just passing by. Yes, I don't want to cause trouble."

After he finished speaking, as if to express his sincerity, he bent down and gently pulled his clothes from the girl's hand. Facing her increasingly desperate eyes, he sighed and looked at her with complicated eyes. She glanced at her and said softly, "Woman, this is your life, you can't blame others."

The girl let out a short, desperate cry.

Chang An frowned suddenly, and pressed his palm on the handle of his saber hidden in the package.

But before he could make a move, Hua Yi had already bowed his head and walked to the side of the giant beast. As he walked, he said, "We are foreigners, and we are not familiar with this place. We broke in on purpose."

The giant beast glanced at him disdainfully, turned sideways arrogantly, and let the wimpy-looking man pass by, until he passed by, he heard the tall, burly man still talking endlessly in his mouth. He muttered: "War every day, northerners, it's really..."

The moment the words "really" came out, Hua Yi turned his lower body, looking as if he was afraid of bumping into the other party in fear. At that moment, his hand hidden by his side suddenly pulled out, not even a little omen. No, even Chang An couldn't see him move his shoulders, so he sent his nine-inch knife into the throat of the giant beast with incomparable precision.

"... barbaric." Holding the handle of the short knife, Hua Yi touched the hot blood spurting from the orc's neck, and finished speaking without changing his face.

The color of his small knife is extremely dark, and there is no trace of it under the night light. It is as comfortable as cutting melons when inserted into the flesh and blood. Hua Yi's hand gently moved down, and the giant beast's throat and large blood vessels were cut open. The giant beast fell down without a sound.

Hua Yi unhurriedly reached out to catch the huge body of the giant beast. He used human hands to catch such a big guy who was almost as tall as him when he landed on all fours. It seemed effortless, and then he bent He lowered his waist, wiped the blood on his hands and the knife on the fur of the giant beast, and gently put the corpse on the ground.

All these actions took only two blinks of an eye, Hua Yi killed this man like a goose feather falling off the sand, quietly reaching an astonishing level.

Then Hua Yi lifted the girl up from the ground, blood beads rolled down from his brows along the bridge of his straight nose, he wiped it casually, randomly grabbed a handful of dried meat from the food on his body, and gave it to her She said, "Run."

The girl took a deep look at him, took the dried meat, and went into the thick woods.