Bestial Blade

Chapter 25: Life and death intersect


Elder Jushan was taken aback. He didn't expect Hua Yi to be so difficult to deal with, and he didn't expect that the sub-beast boy who could only eat and sleep, and couldn't even talk to others was even more difficult to deal with.

The attack range of Zhan Saber is extremely wide. If Chang'an hadn't cared about the back of Hua Yi, who was already red-eyed, the destructive power in the crowd might be even more astonishing—could it be that all the sub-beast monsters in the world have been touched by Yin Fang? what

The Great Elder's nerves had already collapsed to the extreme, and when he heard the sound of footsteps and hooves approaching, his whole body trembled, and there was a "boom" in his head. He knew that this was something extra.

However, immediately afterward, the people who were fighting in a mess here could see clearly where the men and horses galloping over from a distance came from. Those people were carrying human bone flags, and all of them were burly men. Surprised, but then suddenly delighted - it is the ghost tribe!

People in the Ghost Tribe don’t do production, and they don’t do business all day long. They just run around, burn, kill, and loot. Of course it’s not a good thing, but the Great Elder Jushan lowered his posture to collude with them. as an ally.

The orc warriors who were killing people all day long and hunting all day long couldn't be compared with others. In the eyes of the Great Elder, they came at the right time. These dozens of bandits, even in a wheel battle, could block those two people to death.

But before the Great Elder had time to finish his joy, a spear somehow shot from behind those people, hitting the thigh of one of the giant beasts among the bandits of the ghost tribe, which was running down the hillside Unable to stop, he rolled down the hillside unexpectedly, knocking over several of his companions like a deadly ball.

Only then did the Great Elder notice that the length of the human bone flag was not quite right, it had been folded in half.

He pushed aside the guards around him, turned into a human form, jumped on the body of a beast-shaped subordinate, and looked at the past in a hurry, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head—only then did the Great Elder realize that such a The momentum was not produced by these dozens of people. The gangsters of the ghost tribe who used to be majestic in the past were obviously driven away. high and low.

Poor Great Elder is getting old, but in the blink of an eye, his heart has been ups and downs several times, and he is almost lost.

The Great Elder's desperation to climb high and look into the distance made him a living target. Of course, Hua Yi would not let this opportunity go. He suddenly grabbed a Yashou who was fleeing in a crowd by the neck. As soon as his legs softened and he knelt down, Hua Yi stepped on his back, jumped up in the air with his strength, and threw the Nine-inch Knife out of his hand at an extremely tricky angle.

It passed through the Great Elder's throat almost without any suspense, and made him lose his weapon when he landed.

Swords and orc claws came one after another, pressing down from the top of his head. From Hua Yi's point of view, it was almost impossible to see the sun. was crushed to the ground.

However, the saber that has been with him like a shadow, grasped the gap between the weapons for a moment with incomparable precision, and passed through the cartilage on an orc's claw. Chang An pressed the handle of the knife to the extreme, added his own weight, and tilted the edge of the knife high, which actually made him hold back the blow.

However, there was only a fleeting moment. Chang'an had always used the "heaviness" of the saber to oppress his opponents. This time he had no choice but to bear the weight of the saber himself. His hands were already trembling when he pressed the handle of the saber. The overwhelming force transmitted from the blade caused him to lose the force almost immediately, and the joints of his right wrist were immediately staggered.

Chang An was forced to let go, and the side of the saber blade was pressed down again.

But he was not at a loss. The end of the handle that had touched the ground bounced upwards. He kept his eyes on Hua Yi, leaned back sideways, and bumped the handle with his shoulder in one direction. The blade almost rubbed against Hua Yi's. The hair swept across and stabbed an orc's body, but the handle of the knife just fell on Hua Yi's hand.

Hua Yi immediately reached out to grab it, bent down, passed the saber over his back, wiped the necks of several people at once, and at the same time knocked the machete flying on his back with a clang.

He didn't love to fight, he opened the way with a saber, turned around and picked up Chang'an, transformed into a beast in an instant, threw both the man and the saber onto his back, within a few steps, he was out of the encirclement.

At the same time, the ghost tribe running down the hillside finally arrived at the valley in a f*cking gesture, and rushed into the rebel crowd of these giant mountain tribes without disappointing everyone. group.

The old man was blind and couldn't see. Although he was an orc, his combat power was basically useless. He was lying on the back of an orc, but he was thrown off at some point, and fell to the ground in disgrace. The familiar sound of a horn came from one direction.

That was the horn horn used by the Jushan Tribe to summon warriors to charge during the war.

He is blind, he can't see the giant mountain flag waving in the wind on the opposite mountain, he can't see the leader Luo Tong and the warriors who should be entangled in the giant mountain looking at this side coldly, and he can't see Luo Tong With a sudden swing of the scimitar, the hundred sword-wielding half-beast warriors and roaring behemoths roared over, forming a two-sided attack with those chasing the ghost tribe.

But the old blind had only one thought in his mind—being tricked by someone.

The battle ended like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Chang'an had never seen such a formation before, he was holding his saber with one hand blankly, and before he remembered to put his wrist back in place, the battle was already settled.

The bandits from the Ghost Tribe and the rebels from Jushan were all executed.

The pursuers behind the ghost tribe carried several different flags, which seemed to be an alliance of several tribes. Luo Tong, the leader of Jushan, stepped forward, bowed down to salute those pursuers solemnly, and said in his mouth: "From me I don’t know what to say about the traitors from my tribe and the greedy jackals.”

The coalition forces of several tribes looked at each other, and a man with a sad face walked out of the middle. He was silent for a moment, then returned a salute, and said, "We are late."

Then he lowered his head, as if trying to suppress something, the corners of his mouth were tense, and after a long while, he said again: "The enemy is dead."

Everyone understood that the man meant "the wrong has its head, and the debt has its owner", and he did not blame others.

Then, the man walked up to Hua Yi.

Only then did Chang An jump off Hua Yi's back, backed away silently, raised his hand with a "crack", and neatly reset his wrist.

Hua Yi turned into a human form, only to see the man bowed deeply suddenly, and said: "You saved A Ye, and you will be my Kazuo's friend from now on, as well as our Black Eagle tribe's friend. If you have anything to do, let us know. Or find someone to send a letter, and we can all die for you."

Hua Yi looked up, and on the far hillside, a young girl was sitting on the back of a giant beast, the one he had rescued.

After Kazuo finished speaking, he patted Hua Yi's shoulder vigorously before turning around and leaving.

At this moment, a person behind Luo Tong suddenly spoke, it was a gentle and pleasant male voice, like a ray of breeze, incompatible with this cruel battlefield, he only heard the person say: "Brother Kazuo, don't hurry. "

Chang'an was idly watching the excitement, followed the prestige and was almost taken aback.

I don't know what's going on on that man's face, it's colorful and green, like a big colorful mixed-haired parrot, and I don't know what he's thinking. On his head is a hat that is two feet high, like There is a tower on top of his head, and the bottom is surrounded by animal skins, and the top is completely soft, shaking left and right with his movements, like a big lantern that can walk.

Hua Yi sighed lightly, as if feeling extremely ashamed, and almost said in a low voice, "Suolaimu."

"Big Lantern" took a step forward, walked directly to the position next to Luo Tong, and said: "The Black Eagle tribe has suffered a catastrophe this time, and up to now there are only less than twenty of you orcs who went out to hunt and one who didn't Adult girls, how do you go on?"

Kazuo paused and looked at him without saying a word.

"Big Lantern" Solaimu bent down and said sincerely in his breezy voice: "Join us to live together, you can move to the fertile land on the other side of the river, and take over the property of these traitors who killed your loved ones , Jushan will be as fair and warm to you as he is to his family."

Kazuo froze for a moment, then said that he wanted to discuss with his clansmen.

So that night, several tribes living not far away dispersed one after another, and Kazuo, Luo Tong and others wanted to stay in this valley for a rest.

Hua Yi stretched his waist a lot, and finally handed over the task to Luo Tong, feeling that his bones were a little lighter.

But he was not in a hurry to explain the tribal affairs, but looked up at Chang'an, the young man still didn't join the crowd, he was a bit out of place, he found a fruit out of nowhere, and he was eating it by himself.

Hua Yi suddenly smiled and walked towards him.

Chang'an was sitting next to a small fire, and Huayi stood tall and tall in front of him, almost blocking his light. He raised his head, and heard Huayi say: "The same words as Kazuo, I will also give it to you." you."

Chang An's eating was not elegant, he bit off half of the fruit in one bite, his cheek was bulging, and he looked at him inexplicably.

"I've kept what happened today in my heart. From now on, you will be my friend Hua Yi. If you have anything to do, tell me or send someone a message, and I can die for you."

Extra day the first knife in the world

The best knife in the world is a sharp knife. It is said that it is as thin as a cicada's wing and as light as a feather, even a toddler can hold it.

Because it is thin, the resistance is extremely small, and it can be held in the hand so quickly that people can't imagine it, so it is extremely sharp. It can split a strand of hair vertically into three sections, and it can also chop off a person's head. It took more than ten steps to find that his body was separated.

This knife was real, and its owner once took him across the continent.

Its owner lived in the forest-covered northern continent, traveled to the extreme north covered by ice sheets, and also traveled to the east bordering the sea. He carved his name on a rock, and he even went to the south where there are many city-states. , and the south of the south...

The owner of the knife is an orc, but he only thinks of turning into a beast when he is moving things and doing heavy work. He likes to appear in a human form, and his natural minions are hidden by him. When it was time, it looked like a slightly taller sub-beast.

He is a swordsman, and he has always believed that the best knife only needs to have an edge on one side. What is the back of the knife, what is the handle, how heavy, and how wide are all irrelevant.

The murder weapon at his waist was so weak that it could be broken with a light touch, but this did not prevent it from being the best sword in the world.

This knife has gone through wind and frost, cut off the necks of countless people, and tore the throats of countless beasts. Every groove is infiltrated with blood-stained souls.

One day, however, it broke.

There is no knife in the world that can last forever without curling the blade. No matter how extraordinary the birth is and how much the owner loves it, it is always a murder weapon for reaping lives.

The old man said that these things were originally made of ordinary steel, but from the time they were made to when they were scrapped and unusable, they were full of evil spirits and hostility throughout their lives, so they had life. Because of this... one day, it will be unbearable when it becomes thin as a blade, so it can't last long.

The best knife will always break in the hands of its owner.

The Great Elder of the Qinglong Tribe always remembered the young man's appearance. When the young man was brought in front of the Great Elder, his body was covered in blood, and a psychic bird stood on his shoulder, chirping.

One leg of the young man was broken, his left arm was hanging limply in front of his chest, twisted unnaturally, they could only carry him in, but he didn't realize it, just looked down at his broken arm Knife, trance.

The great elder took a look at his broken knife and knew that he was not someone who could be neglected. He asked the people in the tribe to treat him as a distinguished guest, and he also asked a doctor to take care of him.

After taking care of him for a few days, the doctor told the elder that the man had a new injury on his leg, and the bone was broken, and he could grow back by himself, but his left hand did not know how long ago. Nothing fine.

The young man seemed to have traveled a long way. He lived in the Qinglong tribe for five or six days. Although he was a little cold, he was very polite. Every time the elder went to see him, he could talk to him a few words. Bottom line—other than that, he'd been fiddling with his broken knife.

The Great Elder only glanced at the handle of the knife, and then he understood, and asked: "You are using a left-handed knife?"

The man looked down at his left hand, which was tied into a ball but was so numb that he couldn't feel the pain, and nodded slightly.

The great elder sighed, not knowing what to say, but the man suddenly opened his mouth, and he said: "Elder, you are old and well-informed, why do you say that people always walk on ridiculous wrong paths involuntarily?" Why? Why do you sometimes think that the flowers are full and the moon is full, but there is no good result? Why do you always ignore the person who treats you well, and always take it for granted, day after day, so plain that you can’t even think about it , but those who let you down are the ones that people will never forget for the rest of their lives, and they hate them so deeply? Why do we remember all the bad things? "

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, habitually playing with the old dominoes in his hands, and said, "Maybe it's because of the curiosity?"

The man wondered: "Strange?"

The Great Elder said: "Everything you encounter in your life is good, so when you encounter one or two bad things, you will remember them unforgettable. Conversely, if you encounter all bad things in your life, it is the same if you encounter one or two good things. Brother, people and knives are different, those scimitars that are used immediately seem to circle out, but in fact the blades are also walking in a straight line, but people are different, if people are blindfolded and walk, You will walk in a circle. Walking and walking, you don’t know where you are going, and you can tell right from wrong, which means you are not bad.”

The man fell silent, rubbing the back of the broken knife with his uninjured fingertips.

The Great Elder went on to say: "I have never been out of this small tribe in my life. In terms of knowledge, I am not as good as you traveling all over the world. It's just that my old man is getting older and has traveled more circles. Gradually, he knows that he is an old man." If you think about something, you won’t have as many confusions as young people.”

After a while, the man said softly: "Forget it, I'm not leaving, I'm tired."

He stretched out his hand to the Great Elder and asked, "Can you show me your dominoes?"

The Great Elder threw the domino over to him, and the man held it in his palm, traced the ancient notch with his fingertips, and read the words engraved on the back: "Chang'an...Chang'an, what a good wish."

After he finished speaking, he carved these two words stroke by stroke on the handle of the broken knife with a small dagger, then he limped up, walked outside where the heavy snow was already falling, and said in his mouth: "I This knife is made of divine iron that fell to the ground nine days ago, it is born extraordinary, and it should never be broken without a sound, I will use your 'Chang'an' as a sword inscription, okay?"

The Great Elder watched him knelt on the ground, dug a hole, and buried the broken knife.

Born shockingly, died in an unnamed tomb.

For some unknown reason, an indescribable sadness suddenly surged in the Great Elder's heart, as if the man who was buried with handfuls of soil and mixed with heavy snow was not a useless knife, but a peerless hero who had come to an end .

The man stayed in the Qinglong Tribe since then, his legs gradually grew, he began to move freely, his body was no longer covered in thorns, he began to greet people with a smile, and as he got to know each other well, everyone just thought that this man had nothing to do with drinking. Not refined, but also a very temperamental man.

He usually goes out hunting with the samurai, or learns the use of herbs from the doctor.

His left hand was still not able to bear much strength, the Great Elder was worried at first, but later found that even if this man only had an unaccustomed right hand left, he was still the most capable warrior. A capable person is admired by everyone, and he quickly integrated into the life of this tribe... It's just that everyone is familiar with him, but they can't always figure out what he is thinking.

There are big celebrations in the tribe. He always just shows his face and leaves after drinking. He asked someone to find out what he said, and made the other boys jealous for a long time, but he pushed them lightly.

When he is free every day, sometimes he will sit with the elder for a while, listen to the elder sing some old songs handed down from ancient times, or stay alone with his bird—sitting on a small dirt bag outside the house Before drinking in a daze, or silently exercising his only right hand, at this time, this man who loves to talk and laugh will appear to be preoccupied, and there is an indescribable evil spirit in his gentle brows in the past, like A sleeping ferocious beast, occasionally opening its eyes a crack, can also make people feel terrified.

As for the man's name, he seems to have mentioned it, but after a long time, everyone called him "the one with the right hand".

Until the spring and summer passed, the northern continent ushered in a harsh winter.

On this day, a group of people found the Qinglong Tribe, and the guards on duty notified the leaders and elders, but they did not dare to let them in—the orc men from Yishui, wearing armored protective gear, all had murderous looks on their brows , although the words are still polite, claiming to come to find someone, but who knows what they are doing

There were only two guards, both of whom had just grown up and were extremely nervous, lest the other party suddenly attack. Unexpectedly, these people were so talkative, they wouldn't let them in if they didn't let them in, they just sat down on the spot, waiting for their leaders and elders.

The leader quickly came out with a group of elders. It just so happened that all the warriors in the tribe went hunting that day. The leader didn't want to start a conflict, so he asked politely, "Who are you looking for?"

A light snow had fallen on the head of the leader, who looked like he had white hair. He lowered his head and said in a polite and even humble tone: "I heard that Bei Shi came here. He is my brother. We have been working together for a long time. find him."

Hearing this, the leader was puzzled and asked the elder, "Bei Shi? Which one is Bei Shi?"

The elder said in a low voice, "It's the one with the right hand."

The words were nothing at first, and eight of the ten people used their right hands, but the face of the other party's team suddenly changed when they heard it, and the leader was even a little at a loss, and couldn't help raising his voice and asked: "What's wrong with his left hand?"

The Great Elder said: "It can't be cured. He went hunting today, and he should be back soon. If you don't mind, you can wait inside. It's too cold. I'll ask someone to boil a pot of hot wine for you to drink."

The face of the leader turned ugly, he was stunned for a long time, then shook his head, declined the great elder's kindness, and said: "Thank you, we...we will wait here for his return."

The leaders and elders saw that people said this, so they stopped trying to persuade them. No one wants to accompany this group of lunatics who came from afar to suffer the cold here, so they turned around and wanted to go back, but the leader called out. I met the Great Elder and asked, "Elder, is his left hand real..."

The Great Elder said: "It can't be cured."

The man's eyes dimmed for an instant, and he stopped talking.

But that day, Bei Shi did not come back with the hunting warriors. He seemed to have got the news first, and no one knew how he got the news. Only the people who went out with him brought back a big bird. The bird seemed to know these men who were about to turn into snowmen. Without waiting for anyone to speak, it flapped its wings and jumped to the shoulder of the leading man, rubbing its face affectionately on the man's chin, which was already blue with cold.

The person who went out with him pointed to the bird and said, "Oh, is this bird yours? The brother on the right hand told me to speak to the owner of the bird. He said he had no face to see you, so he left. Now, you don’t need to look for him. If you need him in the future, ask this bird to bring a message, and he will definitely die. If there is nothing wrong, don’t look for him, or you won’t know where he is next time. It's time for... well, what else?"

The young orc warrior scratched his hair and couldn't remember, so he spread his hands and said, "It's gone."

The people who had found them left before dark, and the guards watched the big bird being held in the arms of the leader, and the strong arms shielded it from the wind and snow, as if what he was holding was not a bird , but what a rare treasure.

The Great Elder has never seen the "right-handed person" in his whole life, but occasionally he went around the hut where he lived, looked at the nameless knife mound, and expressed his feelings—no one will listen to him in the future Singing those old ballads whose words don't make sense and whose source is unknown.