Bestial Blade

Chapter 27: celebration


The Black Eagle tribe made a wise choice and joined the giant mountain. On the second day after they returned to the Jushan Tribe, Luo Tong's sick son took the medicine Hua Yi brought back and turned into a lively little orc. Luo Tong kept his promise, and immediately announced that he would give up the leader's tent to Hua Yi, and he would be the home of this big tribe from then on.

This news did not surprise anyone, the transaction between Chief Luo Tong and Yin Ya was not a day or two ago.

Those who were dissatisfied were incited to death by the great elder, and the others were dispensable, thinking that since the leader Luo Tong had said what he said, he shouldn't go back on his word, and the leader should be replaced. Besides, most people have heard of the dead guest, the merchant They talked about them miraculously, and they must be some capable people. If they become leaders, they may be able to make the tribe stronger and richer.

At this point, Hua Yi's ten-year exile career finally came to an end. Suddenly, he had a group of brothers, a family, and a tribe... although it was not the one he was born and raised in.

The celebration came as scheduled. On the one hand, it was to congratulate the new leader, and on the other hand, it was also for the joining of new members.

On that day, all men, women and children from the entire tribe came out. Like the autumn hunting festival, Chang'an had slept in the tent arranged by Huayi for him in the dark, but Suo Laimu, who hadn't seen outside, forced his way in. , woke up and dragged up.

Before he could rub his eyes, Suo Laimu hurriedly let go of him again, saying, "Oh, I haven't informed the Tree God about such a big matter!"

After Suo Laimu said this, he rushed out without thinking, holding his crooked big tall hat with one hand, and ran to the bottom of a big tree in a daze, as if juggling, pulled out the A roll of incense came out, and a row was inserted on the ground. Then, like a cramp, he twisted for a while, babbling words out of nowhere, and finally knelt down respectfully, put his hands together, and really began to mutter Worship the big tree.

Chang'an, who was exposed there, really didn't know how to comment on it.

Suo Laimu worshiped very deeply, his face that seemed to be uncleaned for ten thousand years even showed a little bit of dignified treasure, it didn't look like it was a joke, as if he really Some people believe that there are gods living in this tree.

After watching the whole process of his serious worship to God, Chang An was a little convinced, silently moved to the side, trying to use his modest body to block a pile of fallen leaves piled up in the corner.

It happened to be windy the night before, so he came here to practice his knife and chopped a lot of leaves. Isn't that just shaving the tree god's head

Changan rubbed his face with his sleeve guiltily, feeling that he was showing little respect.

When the incense burnt halfway, Suo Laimu finally finished worshiping. He was about to stand up to speak, but by coincidence, a small wind blew up, and just rolled up the broken leaves that Chang'an was blocking behind, and one of them was still mushy. On Suo Laim's face.

Chang An was dumbfounded and thought: "Oh, it's broken, and the tree god will come out and complain!"

But as the god of one party, if someone shaved his head, would he still have to sue him personally? Chang'an thought about this, so he was not guilty again, and gave himself an explanation in a reasonable way-so useless, it must be because the tree god has no ability, and he has nothing to respect.

Suo Laimu took down the leaf stuck to his face, and was taken aback for a moment, only to see that the leaf was split in two precisely from the veins in the middle. The split leaf veins did not reveal any other wounds.

Suo Laimu raised his eyes to look at Chang'an, but saw Chang'an's eyes turning around, looking at the sky and the earth, but he refused to meet his gaze.

Suo Laimu lifted up the leaf. The leaves of this big tree are different from willows, but much smaller, and the veins on the leaves are even less obvious. It is difficult for him to have such accurate eyesight, and his hands are so indiscriminate. Difference.

Suo Laimu looked at the leaf against the light, and suddenly smiled and said: "The lightest saber can weigh a hundred catties, and when it is struck down, it is powerful enough to easily decapitate a giant beast. , brave and invincible, all birds and beasts dodge, but it is heavy and inconvenient in close combat. Only you, heavy but not clumsy, big and clumsy, I have grown to such a size, I have never seen such a saber , you're amazing - but ah..."

He exhaled deliberately to whet Chang'an's appetite, and sure enough, Chang'an foolishly fell for it and asked, "But what?"

Suo Laimu said: "But this is not the best knife in the world - the best knife is a sharp knife. Do you know what a sharp knife is?"

Chang An nodded without hesitation: "The sharp knife not only has a blade on one side, but also on the top. The back of the knife is very narrow. I learned it for a while, but it was not easy to use, so I changed it later."

"That sharp knife that is unparalleled in the world is very special." Suo Laimu said, "It is as thin as a cicada's wing. Your knife weighs a hundred catties, but that one only weighs a few taels. It is as light as a feather, and even a toddler Even a child can pick it up."

Chang An frowned and said, "That's impossible, such a knife will break soon."

The sharp knife has a narrow back and a slender blade, which is easier to fold than ordinary knives, so the back of the knife is much thicker than ordinary knives, which makes some sharp knives look more like a long thorn than a knife.

Suo Laimu ignored it, and continued: "It is made of divine iron that flew to the ground nine days away. It is indeed extraordinary, but it is also easy to break. The person who holds it has a little strength, and the blade cannot be sent out, but the strength If it is a little bigger, it will break his own knife. The force of the strike must be vertical, otherwise the knife will break in two. It is extremely fragile, but it is also extremely sharp. It can split a strand of hair lengthwise into three pieces , can cut off a person's head, but it takes ten steps for a person to feel that his body has been separated—whether you believe it or not, this is what the sword god told me."

Bei Shi never told him this, Chang An's eyes widened when he heard this, and he almost worshiped Suo Laimu. However, a hand suddenly stretched out behind him and pressed it on top of his head. Hua Yi crossed his arms, hooked his neck affectionately, and said loudly: "You can believe what Suo Laimu says, you silly boy."

Chang'an twisted his neck in his firm arms with difficulty: "I have never seen the sword god."

"What god is a knife?" Hua Yi sneered, "In his eyes, what is not a god? Trees have tree gods, flowers have flower gods, grasses have grass gods, and there is no god in mountains, rivers and rivers—the god stick, why don't you give it to me?" Let's talk, is there any god in the latrine? Does he care about composting?"

Suo Laimu said with a breeze on his face: "You fart!"

Hua Yi: "Oh, god of fart, spare me!"

Chang An finally couldn't help laughing.

When Hua Yi saw it, for some reason, he immediately became amused, raised the back of his hand and patted his face lightly, and said, "You should just smile more, keep a straight face all day long, like a little old man." - let's go, I'll take you to the front to play, and let the magic stick jump to the big god by itself."

He dragged Chang'an into the noisy crowd, where a group of young people were playing "jumping firewood". The people at the four ends held bamboo poles to come and go, and the dancers in the middle had to follow the rhythm so as not to get their feet caught. , Changan saw this when he was a child, and had a vague impression, but before he had time to take a closer look, he was pushed from behind by Hua Yi, and he was pushed into the middle of the bamboo pole all at once.

The girl holding the bamboo pole saw such a handsome young man barging in suddenly, cheerfully and intentionally winked with her companion, accelerated the speed of opening and closing the bamboo pole, and intentionally pinched him.

Chang An is like a big jumping sheep, without any dancing posture at all, jumping around among the dazzling piles of bamboo poles, as if he is facing a big enemy, as if he is stepping on a brazier.

Immediately, he tapped the bamboo pole in the girl's hand lightly with his toes, and before she could feel the weight and let go of the bamboo pole, he quickly jumped onto another bamboo pole, and jumped out of the firewood jumping array in two strokes.

The girl screamed: "Oh, run away!"

"Catch him back!"

Hua Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'll catch you right away."

Chang'an crawled around in the crowd like a loach, Hua Yi rolled up his sleeves, and together with several other boys, rushed to catch him, Chang'an stepped on the fence of a stone house door, directly from a boy's head He jumped over, grabbed a protruding branch with both hands, and flipped up like a monkey, but he didn't know who was in the distance, it was so bad, he threw a long chain to wrap his foot.

Chang An had no choice but to let go, and fell to the ground. Before he could stand up, Hua Yi suddenly appeared from behind the big tree, picked him up from the ground with one hand, grabbed his waist, and shook him up. , pretending to throw it into the crowd of girls, and shouted: "Catch it, I'll throw it over for you."

The girls laughed happily, they were really not afraid of his trapeze, and they hugged into a ball, pretending to catch him. Hua Yi smiled, put Chang'an on the ground, and escorted him over - such a big boy, how could the girls fly over to catch him, Hua Yi didn't want to throw him.

In this way, Chang'an fell into the hands of a group of women. The Jushan tribe's folk style is tough, which is specifically manifested in the fact that each young girl is very shameless, seeing a strange handsome boy suddenly, and not like Kazuo. , they swarmed up, insisting on teasing enough, and those who were more courageous even used their naked bodies to rub against Chang'an.

The young man ran away with his head in his arms, pitifully huddling himself into a ball among the women, like a little lamb surrounded by wolves.

However, he can't do anything, he can't do anything with a woman, he can only be trampled to death, and from time to time, a hand with a scent of flowers and herbs reaches out and pinches his face and rubs his hair, making his face almost speechless When he came out, he could only shake his head when others asked him anything.

Hua Yi stood far away, but his eyes fell on him unconsciously. Seeing that Chang An's rarely bloody face was pinched with a little blush, as the instigator, he was a little gloating. Some couldn't bear it, and felt so pitiful.

But Suo Laimu walked over at some point, and found that his eyes were lingering on the girls in the tribe, so he showed a little knowing smile, and said behind him: "Why, do you want to pick a leader's wife?"

This was originally a joke, and it was nothing, but Hua Yi suddenly realized who he was looking at. He felt guilty for some reason, froze for a moment, felt some blood on his face, and said to Suo Laimu in a low voice: "Thank you God of the latrine, what nonsense are you talking to me?"

But Suo Laimu nodded, followed behind him with a stern face and said: "We have finally settled down, and the seeds like velvet flowers have finally found a place to take root. It is reasonable for you to think this way."

Hua Yi: "Get lost!"

Suo Laimu said unrelentingly: "It's outrageous for a man to live to this age and there is no one in the tent. This is a major marriage event, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Come on, let me tell you about it..."

Hua Yi turned his head and stared at Suo Laimu fiercely.

Suo Laim shrunk his neck, covered his mouth with his hand, and looked at him meanly.

Hua Yi rolled his eyes, and was about to say something, at this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd, he raised his head, looked intently, and saw a group of ragged people being escorted over.

There are people of all ages, men, women, and children, some with blank expressions, and some with resentful expressions.

Suo Laimu suppressed his smile and said in a low voice, "It's the rebel's family and the old department."

Hua Yi gave a "hmm" and asked, "According to the rules, are you assigned as a slave?"

Some people spat at these people, and some ignorant children imitated adults and threw things at them. Instead, there were more than 20 warriors from the Black Eagle tribe, surrounded by Aye and standing on the other side, looking much calmer. He just watched them pass by with cold eyes.

Suo Laimu lowered his voice and said: "I think you should give the Black Hawk people the right to choose first, and those people are still holding grudges."

Hua Yi nodded his head almost invisible, he turned around, and walked to the high platform set up for the celebration, intending to announce the fate of these people, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and among the prisoners being escorted, an orc guard The young man who looked like this suddenly bumped away from the escort, roared, and turned into a half-animal shape on the spot, revealing terrifying minions, and was rushing towards the frolicking girls.