Bestial Blade

Chapter 35: ground fire


A Ye meticulously washed Chang An's wound and gave him medicine to stop the bleeding.

Although girls are generally willing to marry Kong Wu's powerful warriors, they always prefer to be close to beautiful young men. At first, the bloody sword in Chang'an's hand made Aye feel a little apprehensive, but when she saw Chang'an's frown, she was not afraid at once, and she took extra care of him.

At this time, she saw Chang An lowered his head, pulled out a herb leaf from his bosom, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Aye has been learning herbal medicine since she was a child, and she knew what it was at a glance. She grabbed it with her hands, frowned and said, "This is a shuttle melon leaf. I'm still stopping your bleeding. How can you eat this?"

Chang An blinked: "I eat this all the time."

A Ye put the grass leaves aside, continued to carefully sprinkle medicine on his wound, and said casually: "You can't eat it now, the leaves of the shuttle gourd will make your blood flow faster, and the blood will not stop. You want to let the blood flow Is it clean?"

However, after saying this, her hand suddenly paused, and with the help of the oil lamp, Aye bent down, looked at Chang An's face carefully, and asked rather hesitantly: "Why do you want to eat shuttle melon leaves? Isn't there... um, something like a heartache?"

Chang An was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at her with admiration. It was the first time he saw a "normal" doctor, and he was indeed hundreds of miles better than that idiot Bei Shi.

"You can tell by looking at your face." Aye tied a bandage on him, wiped off the blood and dust on his face with a soft towel, and said, "A person of your age should be full of blood, teach me The master who recognized herbal medicine said that the lack of blood may be because the blood vessels in the heart are too thin, and the blood cannot flow out, and there will always be chest tightness and heartache."

Hua Yi heard it from the side, was taken aback, and asked, "Do you still have this problem?"

Without waiting for Chang'an to answer, he turned to Aye: "Girl Aye, the blood in my heart can't flow out, isn't it like Luo Tong's son? Can he still hold a big knife?"

He was so questioned that Aye suddenly became unsure. He was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and hesitated: "Maybe... It's not that it's not completely impossible to flow out? Probably because it's always less than others, right? Wait until I tie it up." Give him a good look at the wound."

Chang'an was most afraid of this kind of hesitant face. As soon as Aye was not sure, he was stunned to see from her that Bei Shi was holding a lot of herbs and hesitating about which one to use to harm him. Immediately some creeps rose.

He was really afraid of these bastard quacks.

Hua Yi knelt down halfway, looked at Chang An's face seriously, and asked with a very inquiring spirit: "How does it feel that the blood in my heart can't flow out? Is it different from others?"

Chang An thought about it, and it seemed that there was no difference.

Hua Yi smiled, and thought to himself, how could something wrong with such a lively little brother? scare yourself.

At this time, Kazuo strode in, dragging a huge leaf in his hand, and there was a big translucent worm on the leaf. He walked a little anxiously, and said to Hua Yi: "Leader, look, Lian Wan The Nian Chong also ran out of the forest! It's also heading south."

The ten-thousand-year worm is a kind of animal that hides deep in the ground. It is born to move slowly. It is said that if it does not encounter a catastrophe, this thing will turn over in ten thousand years, hence the name.

Myriad worms have all come out of the forest, what does that mean

Hua Yi stood up, stretched out a finger and poked the fleshy body of the fat insect.

"Yo, even you are out of the nest, so it's probably not wrong." He said to himself, and then asked Kazuo, "Do you smell this?"

Cazzo asked, "Smell?"

"Solaimu said it smells like fire from the ground." Hua Yi said in a low voice, "How I wish he was just talking nonsense."

Aye was stunned, and Lian Kazuo was stunned. He is a brave and unparalleled man, but in his heart, the word "earth fire" only exists in legends - it is the fire spewed out of the devil's land in the underground abyss, which can make people smell the fire on the devil's wings. The smell of decay, the dead true god can't stop its eruption, the blue sky will lose its color, the grass will lose its life, the beasts in the forest will run away, and no one will survive where the fire has passed.

Hua Yi lowered his eyes, and from his expression, Kazuo still couldn't see any clues, it seemed that whether it was earth fire or sky fire, it was no big deal.

Hua Yi said: "Let everyone pack up their things immediately. Food, drinking water, herbs and weapons are the priority. Beta can bring them. Don't be reluctant to leave other unnecessary things. There will be more. Gather as quickly as possible and listen to Suo Lai." No, he knew where we should hide. The Asian beast came to carry the load, and the woman showed me the children and the old people. I asked Lu Quan and Suo Laimu to bring ten people to open the way, and asked the doctor to follow the one who opened the way first. , you and I, pick another 20 brothers to stay behind, and the others will escort them along the way, and if any wild beast dares to break in, it will be killed and eaten on the spot."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "Tell them, if you meet people from other tribes, let them be admitted, and say that I agree with you—you have to distinguish between the important and the important. This is not the time for people to fight each other."

Kazuo looked up at him. At this time, the calmness of the leader can bring courage to everyone. Looking at this man, he suddenly felt that Earth Fire was not invincible.

Hua Yi suddenly grinned, then put the wriggling ten thousand-year-old worm on Aye's table, and said with a smirk: "Come on, Miss Aye, I'll give you a worm to relieve your boredom."

Aye was well known to be afraid of bugs, so she immediately jumped up in fright, shrank her head and hid behind Kazuo with a scream.

Only Chang'an, who was sitting there, stared at Wannian Chong for a moment. The young man poked his finger curiously, and with a "poof", Wannian Chong was poked by him until a bubble popped out from the top of his head.

Hua Yi laughed and said, "This stuff is rare, I heard it can be used as medicine when dried."

No one has ever bullied a doctor like this before, Aye couldn't bear it and shouted loudly: "You can keep it for yourself and eat it!"

Kazuo shook his head and took his woman away—Aye still had a lot of herbs to clean up.

With no one around, Hua Yi bent down, turned a little serious, and asked Chang'an, "I also see that your complexion is not good, tell me the truth, does the wound hurt, can you still fight?"

Chang An stood up holding his knife. The wound on his shoulder was bandaged and the blood on his face was wiped clean. It looked like nothing happened. He didn't answer "yes" or "no". He just said bluntly: "Let's go, I'll break up with you."

Suddenly, Hua Yi's heart felt hot for no reason, as if someone had poked him. The feeling was too indescribable. It seemed to be reassuring, and it seemed to be returning to the night of the scuffle at the mountain pass. Turning around with swords, guns, swords and halberds, he found another The kind of touch when people are always following behind.

The beasts in the forest ran out in the same direction—all towards the high mountains in the south. After counting the number of people for the last time, Huayi Kazuo and Chang'an took twenty strong young beasts and started to set off. Adorned with a little slave Luda.

The little slave is a little orc. In less than a few months after he got rid of the shackles, he seemed to have eaten fat, and he had grown to a height of seven or eight inches. He had never drank dry orchid water. After a bite to eat, so although he still looks like a child who hasn't grown up, he is in good health, at least he can keep up with this group of fast-paced people silently.

Along the way, he encountered many corpses of animals, some of which were killed by the people in front, and some of which were trampled to death. Chang An turned his head and found that the ten thousand year old insects that could not even hide were still struggling to crawl. , they climbed up very slowly, and were quickly left behind. Looking from a distance on a slightly higher ground, there were layers of transparent big bugs, as if countless bubbles had popped out of the ground. Same, flowing softly to the south.

"The ten-thousand-year worm lives several feet deep underground." Chang'an heard Kazuo whisper on the side, "My father said that seeing the ten-year-old worm drilled into the ground meant that there was going to be a big earthquake. It is regarded as a bad omen, but even if it is a major earthquake, only one or two crawl out, I... I have never seen so many ten thousand year worms in my life, what is going on?"

Kazuo had broad shoulders and a thick back. At first glance, he was almost taller than Hua Yi. Once he stood there, people could feel the pressure and toughness of his body. He couldn't help but want to give way, but Chang An saw He glanced at the ten-thousand-year worms all over the mountain at the foot of the mountain, and suddenly felt that even Kazuo became small.

Not to mention people, even the unscrupulous double-headed snakes on Yufeng Mountain have become too small here.

Chang An didn't speak, and once again had the feeling he had when he went up to Yufeng Mountain with a broken blade at the age of seven, and met the bone-winged roc and the double-headed snake fighting for their lives—he was weak.

However, these "weak" people represent the strongest combat power of the Jushan tribe after all. They hurried on their way, and even the most ferocious beasts would bypass them. It is usually the result of a knife.

They barely stopped, and caught up with the rest of the tribe less than half the way.

Suo Laimu led the people higher and higher, and met several people who were fleeing from various tribes, and accepted them all according to Hua Yi's order. This time, no one raised any objections. Yi alone has the final say.

The people walked for a whole night without stopping to rest once. Hua Yi let the old, weak, sick and disabled who couldn't walk sit on the back of the orc who turned into a beast.

It was supposed to be dawn, but the sun was covered by thick clouds, and the surroundings were like night. The lightning and thunder rang all night, so loud that people's ears were almost numb, but not a single drop of rain fell.

They walked all the way to the top of the mountain, and finally, Suolaimu at the front stopped. The exhausted people let out a low cry at the same time, and collapsed on the ground listlessly, leaning on each other to rest.

Chang An subconsciously wanted to touch the herbal medicine to eat, but then remembered the doctor's order, so the hand that reached into his arms stopped again. He really wanted to lie down on his back and sleep in the dark, but after hesitating, he didn't He didn't even sit down, but leaned against a big rock with the knife in his arms.

He was afraid that once he relaxed, he would never get up again.

Someone set up a big pot and stewed it with wild game meat caught on the roadside and refreshing herbs. Hua Yi brought a bowl to Chang'an, but he held it in his hand for a long time before he finally put it in his hands. Frowning, like swallowing medicine, he drank slowly one mouthful at a time.

Young people consume quickly and have a large appetite. Nothing can disturb Chang An's appetite. In Hua Yi's impression, he seems to have never eaten so politely.

The broth was delicious, but Chang An couldn't taste it. As soon as the warm soup entered his stomach, his stomach seemed to turn upside down, and he almost vomited several times. The taste of blood filled his throat, and he was forcibly swallowed—he had no idea what he had eaten.

But no matter what he had to endure, Chang An felt that he had not fulfilled his duties.

Hua Yi suddenly grabbed his wrist, stretched out his hand and wiped his forehead, and wiped off the cold sweat, he hurriedly asked: "What?"

Chang An didn't have the extra energy to waste talking, so he just shook his head, swallowed the last mouthful of broth as if being tortured, closed his eyes, and waited for the tumbling stomach to calm down in a blank mind.

You can’t spit it out, you don’t need to spit it out, just spit it out two or three times, and you will collapse, and then you will have no strength at all. He has experience with this.

At this moment, a new round of tremors came from the depths of the earth again.

Someone suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the north with dumbfounded eyes.

People couldn't help standing up, but after a while, they couldn't help kneeling down again.

From a high place, the view is clear, and the several mountains in the distance suddenly erupted raging fire at the same time, rolling down, as if the earth was torn apart, and hot blood was gurgling, and the movement combined thunder and lightning. When it was covered up, the hustle and bustle suddenly rose up, and the roar spread for thousands of miles. The sky was so dark that it seemed that the day when it never lit up again, the whole world became the territory of demons.

A bolt of lightning strikes an old tree, and the forest with less water vapor in autumn is quickly ignited, followed by a fire, and the beasts that did not have time to escape were caught in the flames, probably because they were too far away, or because their voices were weak , even the final wail is hard to distinguish.

At that moment, all the beasts wailed in unison, and all the people present held their breaths to silence.

All ambitions and hegemony can be extinguished here, and become a line of fly ash in front of the monstrous ground fire. The world is so vast that no one can see the end of them, just standing on this small mountain, thinking like this , It filled people's hearts with a heavy and hopeless sense of oppression.