Bestial Blade

Chapter 38: heavy rain


Luda is like a belligerent boy eager to become stronger, every time he sees Chang'an's knife, his eyes will flash with abnormal desire. He knew that he was a slave, and he had no hope of touching these things in his life, so he didn't talk about the desire deep in his heart, but just looked at Chang'an hungrily, as if he could remember just by looking at it. One and a half moves are the same.

Changan held Suolaimu's scimitar, and could feel that his wrist was soft.

Hua Yi took his knife away and asked him to rest well. In fact, even if Hua Yi didn't take it, he might not have enough strength to carry his old work.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, for some reason, he remembered the scene of Hua Yi killing that person when he rescued A Ye in the suburbs, Chang An arched his waist slightly, the blade of the scimitar pointed at the ground, and recalled Hua Yi's memory with all his attention. action.

The key to the silent knife is breathing. With breathing, the center of gravity of the person and the knife in the hand are adjusted to an extremely harmonious state that is undetectable. All movements are soft and free of evil spirits, only the moment when the blade is sent out does it suddenly accelerate, and all the power is condensed at that moment to explode, and the enemy will die under the knife before feeling the wind of the knife .

The giant beast of the ghost tribe bit Lu Quan's shoulder, and the two rolled out together, almost knocking over the cauldron that people used to cook broth. At this moment, Lu Quan's animal body was clawed down, and the enemy felt the pain, so he flew up and kicked Lu Quan away, and the two separated briefly, panting.

When the giant retreated, he felt that he had bumped into something. It was so dark that he didn't realize that there was anything there, and he didn't hear a human voice. But before he could turn his head, he felt a person approaching from behind, as light as a feather. The giant beast was startled, and turned around quickly, but he didn't see who it was. Before the extremely shallow breath sprayed on his ears, a scimitar was sent into his neck from bottom to top.

Afterwards, Chang An grabbed the handle of the scimitar with both hands, and lifted it up expressionlessly with his arms. He knocked off the head of the giant beast and rolled on the ground, staining his trouser legs red.

No one paid attention to where he came out from, and no one noticed his movements.

Lu Quan was stunned—when he was a dead guest, he had been with Hua Yi all the time. They had done countless life-and-death missions together, so he recognized it with just one glance. This kind of almost assassination method, It is exactly the same as what Hua Yi is used to.

Of the three behemoths who took advantage of the chaos to attack, one of the most vicious was chopped down by Chang'an, one was kicked off the cliff during the fight, and the other was quickly caught by the guards. The battle on the top of the mountain was quickly settled.

Chang An borrowed someone else's knife, and as usual, he wiped every groove carefully, and then wandered back to Suo Laimu and returned it to him.

Suo Laimu turned to one side, angrily ordered and said: "Tie it up for me."

Chang An obediently squatted down, tied a knot tightly, and tied it to his belt.

At this time, Suo Laimu heard the young man say: "I actually understand what you mean, you are right, a knife can't cut wood endlessly like an axe, but other than that, it doesn't hide from the battle." If you don’t use a knife, you don’t understand the principle in the scabbard—it’s not a knife, it’s scrap metal.”

Suo Laimu didn't expect this stupid boy to say such reasonable and well-founded words, he was stunned when he heard it, only listening to Chang An, and as if afraid that he would not understand, he pointed to the scimitar on Suo Lai Mu's waist and explained : "It's like your tattered knife. It's not very good. The handle is crooked when you punch it out. In addition, you don't use it when you are old, and you don't sharpen it. I think it is not far from rusting. When it rusts, it will be rusty." It's even more trash, it doesn't hurt to beat someone with a stick."

The corners of Suo Laimu's eyes twitched, he lived to such an age, he finally understood what it means to be cheap and behave well-this kind of natural shamelessness is simply better than Hua Yi's acquired shamelessness.

After Chang An published his insights, he honestly went back to the place that Aye took care of for him. Luo Tong's son was still crying there, but he watched Chang An behead a man, When I saw him coming, my eyes widened in fright, and I even forgot how to cry.

But Lu Da refused to let him go, poked his head out from behind Chang An, tore open the corner of his mouth, made a big grimace, and scared Luo Tong's son sobbing and choked him in his throat, coughing immediately He blushed and had a thick neck.

Chang An closed his eyes and rested his mind, he was out of sight and out of mind for the panic on his face.

There was no suspense in the battle on the other side of the hillside. They won very well. Only three brothers were lost on this side, and a few others were slightly injured.

But no matter how small the loss is, it is a death after all.

This time is different from the past, everyone who can fight is very noble, Hua Yi ordered the three dead brothers to be carried in front of him, glanced at them gloomyly, and poked the saber on the ground , pointing his finger between his brows, lips and chest successively, and murmured something in his mouth—this is the tribe’s farewell to the dead, hoping that their souls will not wander, and they can rise to a place free of sorrow and pain.

After finishing these actions, he showed no mercy, and said to Shanxi: "You don't have to keep anyone you catch, just kill them on the spot. After a while, you take a few people to the hillside, and give each corpse a knife, so as not to have any trouble." A fish that slipped through the net."

Shanxi responded, and just as he was about to turn around and leave, a baby's cry suddenly sounded from behind them, and everyone turned their heads almost unanimously.

I saw Aye let out a long breath, her hands were covered with blood and dirt, but she didn't seem to mind at all, she was covered in sweat and showed a bright smile. With the help of several older women, she wiped off the dirt on the newborn baby, and then picked up the little guy, which was red all over and looked like a big crumpled mouse, and held it clumsily In hand.

The tense and murderous warriors seemed to be frightened by the cry. No one spoke for a long time, but the murderous intent miraculously receded.

Someone suddenly yelled out loudly, "Jira, that's your son!"

A blood-stained young man standing next to Hua Yi stared blankly at the caller, as if he couldn't understand what he said.

Hua Yi kicked him back and said with a smile, "You already have a son, what the hell are you doing here?"

The young man ran over like he was waking up from a dream, and ran to A Ye in one breath, but he didn't know what to do. Seeing the child's father coming, Aye stretched out his hand and wanted to hand the child to him, but the young man seemed to have been frightened by something, and he took a big step back in a panic. The edge of the stone fell firmly to the ground.

It was the first time I saw his son, and this old man who couldn't make a move gave his son a slap in the face without any promise.

Lu Da looked at the little baby surrounded by the crowd from a distance, and suddenly showed a little inexplicable expression on his face, which seemed to be a little disdainful, but also seemed to be envious.

However, he turned his head around, only to find that Chang An opened his eyes at some point and was looking at him.

Lu Da hurriedly lowered his head and poked the dirt on the ground with his fingers.

Chang An suddenly asked him, "Where's your father?"

Luda froze for a moment, then said, "Dead."

"Oh." Chang An responded, and after a while, as if he remembered something, he said, "I also have a father, but it's not my own."

It was rare for Luda to talk to him, so he couldn't help but raised his head again, looked at him and asked, "Where are you?"

"He died too." Chang An said, "He was murdered to death."

Luda was taken aback.

Chang An seemed to have forgotten the topic in the blink of an eye, and suddenly said: "What are you doing looking at my knife? Do you want to learn?"

Lu Da was taken aback. He didn't expect that he thought he was watching secretly, but he was discovered.

He faltered and couldn't speak for a moment, a little scared and a little ashamed, but Chang An stood up, looked down at the little slave, and said, "You can learn if you want to, I can teach you."

Lu Da's eyes widened, but before he could react, the people from Chang'an had already left - he had never seen a newborn cub, so it was rare for him to join in the fun and gain insight.

Luo Tong's son was listening to them eagerly. He wanted to speak several times, but his face was blushing and he didn't have the courage. The people in Chang'an had already gone far away, and his belated courage finally called him Buzzing like a mosquito: "I... I want to learn too..."

Facing him, Lu Da immediately changed his face and snorted arrogantly: "Do you want to? Do you want to go to heaven or not?"

With tears in his eyes, Luo Tong's son put on a doormat appearance, looking at him aggrieved. Lu Da looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he jumped up, pushed Luo Tong's son who was a head taller than him, and walked away triumphantly.

On the second day, Hua Yi ordered everyone to pack their bags and go down the mountain from the other side and continue on their way.

On the tenth day after they set off on the road, at noon, Suo Laimu, who was leading the way, stopped suddenly and said without explanation: "Go back."

His words quickly spread from the beginning to the end of the team, and Hua Yi, who had been walking at the end, quickly ran from the tail to the head of the team, and yelled at Suo Laimu from a long distance: "What's wrong? What's going on? Moth?"

Suo Laimu looked solemn, and said briefly: "It's going to rain, there is a cave in the place we just passed, now you have to listen to me, take people back immediately, and hide in the cave, the sooner the better!"

"It's bad weather, it's okay to torment people. If I grow a few feet longer, I will poke a hole in it sooner or later." After Hua Yi finished speaking, he sighed, made a very obscene gesture in the direction of the sky, and said loudly, "Orcs! Those who are strong and strong will count as one. Turn them into beasts for me. Those who can't run fast will be on their backs. Don't hold back, retreat, hurry up!"

Everyone was extremely suspicious, but their trust in the new leader had almost reached its peak in the past few days. No one came out to question them, and immediately followed his orders. They almost ran into Suo Laimu at a speed of escape. cave.

The cave is very large, with heavy man-made traces. It was probably used by the tribes here for the winter. It is more than enough to accommodate the entire tribe, but the people who were originally here no longer know where they fled.

As the magic stick said, the people had only settled down for a moment before a downpour of rain fell.

Suo Laimu stood at the entrance of the cave, heaving a long sigh of relief.

"Why are we running?" Aye asked in a low voice as he got off Kazuo.

"This is the rain brought by the earth fire." Kazuo recovered his human form, he was big and three thick, but he spoke very softly to his woman, explaining, "I heard my father said when I was a child that the rain will carry the resentment of underground souls , People can't touch it."

Aye shuddered: "What will happen if it gets wet?"

Kazuo couldn't tell, but shook his head solemnly.

Everyone was trapped in the cave like this, and the way ahead was uncertain, so people were panicked.

Suo Laimu has described many terrible scenes, and this is just the beginning. If he didn't suddenly find something wrong halfway and told people to turn back, or if they didn't happen to pass such a cave with a hiding place, what would happen now

Where is the former owner of this cave now, dead or alive

Thinking of this, Ah Ye felt suddenly afraid.

What will happen next? The true god is really dead, so don't care about them anymore

Unseen enemies cannot be defeated, and fear is a human instinct. For a while, no one spoke, only Gila's newborn child woke up, who had provoked him, and suddenly began to cry softly.

Ten days later, the baby has grown a little, and his face is no longer wrinkled. He is a little orc boy, chubby and very cute. Hua Yi frowned secretly in his heart, knowing he couldn't go on like this, so he pretended not to notice the depression of the people around him, bent down, looked at the little baby and asked, "Hey, why are you crying?"

The little baby looked at him with wet eyes blinking in Grandma's arms.

Hua Yi was so mean for a while, he stretched out his finger and poked his face, winked and said: "Smile."

The little baby didn't know whether he was stabbed lightly or hurt by him, or was frightened by his grimace, a small round face quickly turned from white to red, then twisted, and opened his throat: "Wow—"

Hua Yi: "..."

"Oh, I don't like me." Hua Yi sneered, and then raised his voice and said, "It's alright, everyone, anyway, we all hid in, one was not injured and the other was not dead. I see, how long will this ghost rain continue?" My God, although we can't go out, we can eat and drink, so why not, let's take advantage of today's fun and liveliness, and give this little thing a birthday gift!"