Bestial Blade

Chapter 41: life and death


There was a big gap in the ground, an old guy accidentally fell down, nearly fell to his death, he was eager to climb up, but just stretched out his old hand to the crack, an orc carrying a man accidentally If he stepped on it, the giant beast with hundreds of kilograms stepped on it, and even his bones were about to be broken.

The old man let out a scream.

In the chaos, someone finally heard his voice. A young man bent down eagerly and said, "Quick! I'll pull you up!"

But before the old man had time to hand him the other uninjured hand, another wave of shocks came, the ground twisted, the cracks collided and closed again, and the people caught inside seemed to be twisted The bug on the fingertips struggled desperately, and was easily crushed into a bloody corpse.

The young man had never seen such a battle before, he was so frightened on the spot that he couldn't even cry.

A cauldron on the back of a sub-beast accidentally slipped off its shoulders and was about to hit the boy on the head. The boy's eyes darkened and he was so flustered that he didn't know what to do. The child grabbed the back of his neck with his hand and pulled him down hard, dragging him back and forth, and the cauldron hit the ground with a bang.

Lu Da was covered in dust, and he let out a loud "Bah", still not able to understand his hatred, he jumped and shouted: "Trash!"

The young man was Luo Tong's magical baby son. Somehow, he got separated from his father again. At this moment, he looked at Lu Da with tears in his eyes and said, "I'm not called waste, I'm called Qingliang."

Lu Da stretched out his hand and pushed him, and said in a deaf ear: "Trash, don't run, wait until you become a dead trash!"

After the little slave finished speaking, he wanted to go back to Chang'an, but the crowd was so chaotic that he couldn't even see a single strand of Chang'an's hair.

The two children could only run along the crowd, during which time they heard Luo Tong shouting the name "Qing Liang" loudly in the distance, the boy agreed twice with a whimper, but he suspected that even the people around him couldn't hear it, Not to mention his father.

Chang'an was not very far away. He heard a loud explosion above his head, and immediately dodged aside reflexively. They were about to leave the valley. Unexpectedly, the narrow exit was the place most affected by the disaster.

One side of the mountain wall almost collapsed, almost blocking the road, people can only step on the potholed ground, risking being crushed to death at any time to pass through the middle, unfortunately, not everyone is as fast as Chang'an reaction.

He heard a woman's scream, and when he turned his head, a gray shadow rushed out from beside him.

The giant beast roared, grabbed the woman's clothes in one bite, and threw her out into the air, but the falling boulder hit him impartially on the back. Chang'an's hand tightened, as if he heard the sound of a broken bone. With that sound, the giant beast wailed and was crushed to the ground in an abnormal posture.

His spine is broken.

The woman knelt down with a "plop", holding a newborn baby in her arms.

The giant's big head hung down on the ground, and its eyes seemed to close weakly for a moment, but at the next moment, it managed to open them again, and then he turned into a human form on the spot, which was Jira.

Gila looked at his wife and children with fire in his eyes, as if to see them through a hole, with a desperate attachment. Then he hissed, "Take them away! Someone take them away! Who... ah! ah!"

He shouted until the veins on his neck bulged, and he was screaming with the last of his life. Jira raised his head desperately, his ending hoarse to the extreme, and then he couldn't make other sounds, so two lines of muddy tears flowed down his dusty cheeks.

Another batch of stones fell one after another. Chang An strode forward, pushed Ah Fen's head down, arched his shoulders, and placed the hand holding the knife in front of the child in her arms. Maybe it was too confusing , maybe the evil spirit and chill on the saber made the little baby uncomfortable, and he suddenly cried loudly.

Ah Fen didn't know if she didn't want to, but she still couldn't stand up when she walked. Her knees were soft. Chang'an dragged her all the way almost rudely. Both of them fell a lot of sand and fine stones, although they were small things. Even if it falls on people, it will hurt people.

A Fen was pulled by Chang An, and she didn't know anything except hugging her baby tightly. Her knees bumped here and there, and she couldn't even walk steadily. Chang An had to carry her up.

Boulders rolled down from the rock one after another, quickly blocking their way of retreat, but Ah Fen still turned her head reluctantly, always backwards, but finally she couldn't even see Gila's shadow.

Her eyes seemed to be covered with dust and lost their luster in an instant.

The rest of the people escaped from the valley, still running wildly all the way, the higher the terrain.

The escape inspired the potential of the living people, and they quickly ran up a hillside. Only then did the maddened people stop.

A faster-than-usual stream running down the mountain stood in the way of the people.

Only then did Chang An gently put A Fen and her son on the ground, A Fen was in a daze, Chang An tentatively stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her, she was unconscious.

So he squatted beside the woman sullenly, not knowing what to say.

Ji La died for his woman and son, if he didn't rush over, those stones would not be able to hit him, Chang An felt a little moved in his heart, but he didn't understand.

He always remembered that the leader who had been dealing with Zheyan had three wives when he was a child, and he always remembered the hateful and disgusting look in the carpenter's eyes when he mentioned his wife. He only knows that men and women are together to have children, but he has never seen what it means to be dependent on life and death.

Suolaimu and Shanxi led a group of men to open the way, lifting large flat stones and placing them in the water as they walked, for the people behind to pass through, and they met at the other end of the stream.

People hurriedly sent the young children over one by one, and then began to support each other to cross the water. Before half of the people passed, the current was so fast that it made people anxious.

Soon, all the big rocks placed by the people in front were buried under the water. On the other side, Suo Laimu roared and urging people on the other side like a broken gong, telling people to go faster and faster.

Chang An frowned and glanced at the increasingly turbulent stream, and gently pushed A Fen: "We are going to cross the water, you hold the child well, and I will carry you on your back."

Pushed by him, Ah Fen turned her gaze fixedly, as if a withered stone statue suddenly came to life, she didn't cry, and she couldn't shed any tears, but just screamed hysterically, wanting to tear all her chest away. It's like shouting out the anger.

However, the voice she roared with all her strength was no higher than the landslide, the parting of life and death, or even the sound of rushing water behind her.

Alan appeared out of nowhere, hugged Ah Fen's shoulders, and hugged her head to his chest. Tears flickered in her big beautiful eyes, but she quickly suppressed them back.

She said: "Sister Afen, get up, we have to cross the river! Your child hasn't been named yet! Get up quickly!"

Ah Fen was exhausted by her own shouting, and was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the crying baby who blushed and had a thick neck.

Immediately, she looked miserable, but slowly stretched out her hands to wrap up the baby's swaddle, then suddenly grabbed Alan's arm, and stumbled to her feet.

Suo Laimu was still yelling on the other side as if urging his life, Hua Yi was standing on the other side of the stream, the stream had already submerged his knees, Hua Yi's face was covered with water, revealing two arms full of strength. Arms, even adult Asian beast men can be easily lifted by him and thrown directly to the shore.

He searched Chang'an with his eyes, and said loudly: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Chang'an! Don't dawdle, come here quickly!"

The water seemed to be crazy, widening little by little, overflowing his knees little by little, and rising all the way up his thighs, and the few big rocks could no longer be seen at all.

Changan glanced at Alan hesitantly. He glanced around, but didn't find anyone around who could be of use to him. Looking at the increasingly turbulent water, he frowned and asked, "You... what should you do?"

Alan pushed his shoulders and said quickly: "You don't need to worry about me, send Sister Ah Fen and the others there first."

Chang An picked up A Fen's mother and son on his back, poked the handle of the saber into the water, walked forward as fast as possible, and said, "I'll be right back to pick you up."

But Alan followed him directly into the water. The current rushed her so hard that she could barely stand. She almost fell backwards, but fortunately she grabbed Chang An's clothes, but she still managed to smile and said, "When I was thirteen, I was I went into the woods to hunt with my father, just crossed a river, I am not afraid, I will follow you, I can walk over by myself!"

At this time, the water had already reached Chang An's waist, so he had no choice but to lift A Fen up. The tyrannical force faintly emanating from the supposedly gentle underwater made him groan inwardly.

Alan's stature was not considered tall, and the water swelled almost to her chest, making her even more unsteady. Alan bit her lip, knowing that if she grabbed Changan's clothes again, she would slow them down. She glanced at the other side, and felt that there was not much distance left, only about ten feet long, Chang'an A hook with the knife was enough to bring her back.

She kicked a big rock under her feet, so she loosened Chang An's clothes and climbed up. The water level finally dropped below her waistline.

Chang An looked back at her hastily.

Alan smiled at him and said, "The water is too strong, so I won't be overwhelmed. Hurry up, I'll wait for you here!"

Chang'an waded through the water and walked to the opposite bank with difficulty. Hua Yi grabbed his knife handle and moved him up. Reached out and caught them.

Hua Yi pulled Chang'an, wiped the water on his face, and said quickly: "You go up, I'll pick her up."

Chang An knew that being in the water was a purely physical activity, so he didn't argue, and obediently gave way to him.

But just as Hua Yi turned around, the water suddenly seemed to break through a gate, and rolled down from top to bottom like a thunderbolt, so that Hua Yi, who was standing on the shore, almost lost his footing.

Alan, who was standing on the boulder in the middle of the water, was directly lifted off by the water, and immediately sank into the water. Changan was startled, and reacted very quickly, immediately turned the saber, and hooked her with the end of the saber handle. The water was so heavy that he could barely move.

Hua Yi hooked his waist with one hand, grabbed a rope of numb clothes hanging from the bank with the other, and said, "I'm holding you, don't worry—Alan! Grab the handle!"

But the steel handle was extremely slippery, and Alan failed to catch it after grabbing it a few times. Fortunately, Chang An flipped his wrist, and in the blink of an eye, the handle caught her clothes.

Alan splashed desperately in the water, but to no avail, Chang An had to struggle to retrieve the knife.

At this moment, there was a sound of tearing the silk, and the force of the knife handle and the water fought against each other, and even tore Alan's clothes to pieces. Chang'an took a sudden step forward, almost slipping out of Hua Yi's hand, and finally managed to reach it. Alan's fingers.

Hua Yi twisted the rope around his hand, the blood flow was not smooth, and his hand was purple.

The water was getting more and more urgent, and Changan felt that Alan's hand was about to lose its grip. He stretched out his other arm, trying to catch her, but it was always a little short, and he couldn't help turning his head and said to Hua Yi: "Let go of her." me."

What falls on Hua Yi's head is not a petite girl and a not-so-grown boy, but half of a fast-moving current. Even if he is gifted and powerful, it will be difficult for him to compete with such a force of nature. It was already impossible to move an inch. But after hearing Chang'an's words, he still managed to loosen the rope by half an inch, trying to make them get closer to Alan.

However, this half inch almost killed him, a big rock washed away by the water suddenly rushed to his feet somehow, and hit Hua Yi's ankle exactly when his fingers were slightly loose. Hua Yi's face turned pale immediately, the rope almost fell out of his hand, and he instinctively turned into a beast's claw, and managed to stabilize himself, but the rope "teared" and was half torn by his grasp.

Alan heard someone yelling, "The rope! The rope is going to break!"

Her nose and mouth were full of water, she had choked a few times, and her consciousness was already groggy. After hearing this sentence, she suddenly struggled violently and grabbed Chang An's hand tightly, leaving nails on the back of his hand. There was a deep bloodstain.

The young girl's eyes are so dark and bright, like precious stones, Chang An felt that he would never forget those eyes for the rest of his life. She seemed to have so many things to tell him, but he was born with a slow mind, and he couldn't even read a word. come out.

Just like that, Alan glanced at him with a thousand words, and then let go.

The huge waves engulfed a person, like rolling up an ant, and in an instant, Alan disappeared without a trace.

Chang An subconsciously wanted to chase after him, but Hua Yi hugged him tightly and dragged him back to the shore.

He was still holding his wet saber, looking at the direction where Alan disappeared, staring at the water with white mist almost in hatred, like a young wolf who didn't know how to contain his anger.

The flood washed away both banks, and Chang'an was half dragged and half hugged away by Huayi.